[Pluralsight / Axel Sirota] Operations on Arrays with NumPy [2023, ENG]

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vjigg · 27-Май-24 11:00 (8 месяцев назад, ред. 27-Май-24 11:15)

Operations on Arrays with NumPy
Год выпуска: 2023
Производитель: Pluralsight
Сайт производителя://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/operations-arrays-numpy
Автор: Axel Sirota
Продолжительность: 1h 27m
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
    This course will teach you how to leverage NumPy to up your game in scientific programming, and show you how to use NumPy for numerical processing, including array indexing, math operations, and search.
    Ideal for data scientists in any field, this overview shows you how to use NumPy for numerical processing, including array indexing, math operations, and search. In this course, Operations on Arrays with NumPy, you’ll learn how to interact and manipulate NumPy Arrays at will. First, you’ll explore how to do indexing, slicing and mask with binary operators. Next, you’ll discover how to perform both linear algebra as well as statistical operations with NumPy arrays. Finally, you’ll learn how to sort and search in them any element. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of NumPy arrays needed to manipulate them in any application you may need.

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1. Course Overview
    1. Course Overview
2. Intoduction
    1. Introduction
    2. Getting the Best out of This Course
    3. Version Check
    4. What Will You Be Able to Do When Finishing This Course
    5. Outline of the Course
3. Slicing and Indexing NumPy Arrays
    01. Recap of NumPy
    02. Demo: Slicing NumPy Arrays, Part1
    03. Demo: Slicing NumPy Arrays, Part2
    04. Demo: Slicing NumPy Arrays, Part3
    05. Demo: Slicing with Strides
    06. Demo: Boolean Masks and Indexing, Part1
    07. Demo: Boolean Masks and Indexing, Part2
    08. Demo: Boolean Masks and Indexing, Part3
    09. Broadcasting
    10. Demo: Broadcasting
    11. Key Takeaways and Tips
4. Operating with NumPy Arrays
    1. Introduction
    2. Demo: Basic Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays, Part1
    3. Demo: Basic Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays, Part2
    4. Demo: Linear Algebra in NumPy Arrays
    5. Key Takeaways and Tips
5. Searching in NumPy Arrays
    1. Introduction
    2. Demo: Sort vs. Search in NumPy Arrays, Part1
    3. Demo: Sort vs. Search in NumPy Arrays, Part2
    4. Demo: Byte Operations and Changing Byte Ordering in NumPy
    5. Where to Go Next
Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Субтитры: присутствуют
Формат видео: MP4
Видео: H.264/AVC, 1280x720, 16:9, 30fps, 355 kb/s
Аудио: AAC, 48.0 kHz, 96.0 kbit/s, 2 channels
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