×àñòü 1 MAPS Psychedelic Bibliography - 2011.11.08 [PDF]

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IceMind · 11-Äåê-11 13:50 (13 ëåò 1 ìåñÿö íàçàä, ðåä. 13-Äåê-11 22:11)

Áèáëèîòåêà: ×àñòü 1. MAPS Psychedelic Bibliography
Ñîñòîÿíèå: 2011.11.08
Òåìàòèêà: Èñòîðèÿ îôèöèàëüíûõ èññëåäîâàíèé ïñèõîäåëè÷åñêèõ âåùåñòâ 1914 - 2011
Ôîðìàò: PDF
Êà÷åñòâî: Îòñêàíèðîâàííûå ñòðàíèöû
Êîëè÷åñòâî êíèã: 4560/8756
Îïèñàíèå: ×àñòü ïåðâàÿ.
Ïåðâàÿ èç äâóõ ÷àñòåé áèáëèîãðàôèè ñîäåðæèò äîêóìåíòû ñ 1914 ãîäà, ïî 1976 ãîä âêëþ÷èòåëüíî.
Âòîðàÿ ÷àñòü, ñîäåðæèò äîêóìåíòû ñ 1977 ãîäà, ïî 2011, à òàê æå äîïîëíèòåëüíûå ìàòåðèàëû, íå ðàíæèðîâàííûå õðîíîëîãè÷åñêè.
Ññûëêà íà âòîðóþ ÷àñòü: https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3856622
Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ñîâîêóïíîñòü ñëåäóþùèõ äîêóìåíòîâ (íå ïîëíûé ïåðå÷åíü):
1. ÌÄÌÀ MAPS ëèòåðàòóðíûå îáçîðû ñ PDF-êîïèÿìè áîëüøèíñòâà äîêóìåíòîâ, îáíîâëÿåìûå åæåìåñÿ÷íî.
2. Îáøèðíàÿ áèáëèîãðàôèÿ ôîíäà èìåíè Àëüáåðòà Õîôìàííà ïî ËÑÄ è ïñèëîöèáèíó, 1943-1983 (áîëåå 4200 äîêóìåíòîâ), ïåðâîíà÷àëüíî ñîáðàííûõ äîêòîðîì Àëüáåðòîì Õîôìàííîì (Dr. Albert Hofmann) äëÿ ëè÷íîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ. Ôîíä Àëüáåðòà Õîôìàííà (The Albert Hofmann Foundation) ïðåäîñòàâèë ðàçðåøåíèå íà ïðîâåäåíèå ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ ýòèõ äîêóìåíòîâ â ôîðìàò PDF è ðàçìåùåíèå èõ â ñåòè Èíòåðíåò.
3. Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ ïî ïñèõîäåëè÷åñêîé è ïñèõîëèòè÷åñêîé òåðàïèè, Òîðñòåíà Ïàññè (Torsten Passie), ïîëíûé ñïèñîê âñåõ èññëåäîâàíèé ïî òåðàïåâòè÷åñêîìó èñïîëüçîâàíèþ ïñèõîäåëèêîâ ñ 1931 ãîäà ïî 1995 ãîä, ñ ïðåäèñëîâèåì äîêòîðà Ëåíåðà (Dr. Leuner) http://www.maps.org/w3pb/leuner.html è ââåäåíèåì îò äîêòîðà Ïàññè (Dr. Passie) http://www.maps.org/w3pb/passie.html .
4. Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ Àëåêñàíäðà Øóëüãèíà (Alexander Shulgin) àííîòèðîâàííàÿ è êàòåãîðèçèðîâàííàÿ, ïî ÌÄÌÀ (äî 1992).
5. Ïñèõîäåëèêè äëÿ óìèðàþùèõ, áèáëèîãðàôèè Äýâèäà Ãîëüäøòåéíà (David Goldstein).
6. Áèáëèîãðàôèÿ ïî èññëåäîâàíèÿì ìåäèöèíñêèõ ñâîéñòâ ìàðèõóàíû, Äýâèäà Ïýéòà (David Pate).
7. Ðàçëè÷íûå äîêóìåíòû Àëåêñàíäðà Ò. Øóëüãèíà, äîêòîðà ôèëîñîôèè (Alexander T. Shulgin, Ph.D.), Äýâèäà Ý. Íèêîëñà, äîêòîðà ôèëîñîôèè (David E. Nichols, Ph.D.) è äîêòîðà Ðè÷àðäà Ñòðàññìàíà (Dr. Richard Strassman).
Áîëåå ïîëíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ äîñòóïíà ïî àäðåñàì:
Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ
E .Merck - Merck MDA/MDMA Patent - 1914
Stoll A, Hofmann A - Partialsythese von Alkaloiden vom Typus des Ergobasins (6. Mittelung uber Mutterkorn-alkaloide) [Partial Synthesis of Alkaloids of the Ergonovine Type (6th Communication on Ergot Alkaloids)] - 1943
Stoll A, Hofmann A - Partialsynthese von Alkaloiden vom Typus des Ergobasins (6. Mitteilung uber Mutterkorn-alkaloide). [Partial Synthesis of Alkaloids of the Ergonovine Type. (6th Communication on Ergot Alkaloids)]. - 1943
Stoll, Arthur W. - Lysergsaure-diathylamid, ein Phantastikum aus der Mutterkorngruppe [Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, a Phantasticant of the Ergot Class] - 1947
Stoll WA - Lysergsaure-diathyl-amid, ein Phantastikum aus der Mutterkorngruppe [Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, a Phantasticant of the Ergot Class] - 1947
Becker AM - Zur Psychopathologie der Lysergsaureddiathylamid-Wirkung - 1949
Davis JP, Ramsey HH - Anti-epileptic Action of Marijuana-Active Substances - 1949
Becker AM - Zur Psychopathologie der Lysergsaureddiathylamid-Wirkung - 1949
Condrau G - Klinische Erfahrungen an Geisteskranken mit Lysergsäure-diäthylamid. - 1949
Stoll WA - Ein neues, in sehr kleinen Mengen wirksames Phantastikum - 1949
Stoll WA - Psychische Wirkung eines Mutterkornstoffes in ungewöhnlich schwacher Dosierung. - 1949
Busch, Anthony K.; Johnson, Warren C. - L.S.D. 25 as an Aid in Psychotherapy. - 1950
Fischer R, Georgi F, Weber R - Psychophysische Korrelationen. VIII. Modellversuche zum Schizophrenieoroblem. Lysergsaurediathylamid und Mescalin. - 1951
Witt PN - d-Lysergsaure-diathylamid (LSD 25) im Spinnentest [d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) and Spider Webs] - 1951
Delay J, Pichot P - Diethylamide de l'acide d-lysergique et troubles psychiques de l'ergotisme - 1951
Fischer R, Georgi F, Weber R - Psychophysische Korrelationen. VIII. Modellversuche zum Schizophrenieoroblem. Lysergsaurediathylamid und Mescalin. - 1951
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, Walker JW - Psychological and biochemical effects of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1951
Witt PN - d-Lysergsaure-diathylamid (LSD 25) im Spinnentest [d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) and Spider Webs] - 1951
Belsanti R - Modificazioni neuro-psico-biochimiche indotte dalla dietilamide dell'acido lisergico in schizofrenici e frenastenici. - 1952
DeShon HJ, Rinkel M, Solomon HC - Mental Changes Experimentally Produced by LSD (d-Lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate) - 1952
Delay J, Lhermitte F, Verdeaux G, Verdeaux J - Modifications de l'electrocorticogramme du lapin par la diethylamide de l'acid d-lysergique (LSD 25). - 1952
Matefi, Laszlo - Mezcalin- und Lysergsaurediathylamid-Raush. Selbetversuch mit besonderer Berucksichtigung eines Zeichentests. - 1952
Rothlin E, Cerletti A - Ueber einige pharmakologische Untersuchungen an Mausen mit congenitaler Drehsucht. - 1952
Savage C - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). A clinical-psychological study. - 1952
Belsanti R - Modificazioni neuro-psico-biochimiche indotte dalla dietilamide dell'acido lisergico in schizofrenici e frenastenici. - 1952
Delay J, Lhermitte F, Verdeaux G, Verdeaux J - Modifications de l'electrocorticogramme du lapin par la diethylamide de l'acid d-lysergique (LSD 25). - 1952
DeShon HJ, Rinkel M, Solomon HC - Mental Changes Experimentally Produced by LSD (d-Lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate) - 1952
Matefi, Laszlo - Mezcalin- und Lysergsaurediathylamid-Raush. Selbetversuch mit besonderer Berucksichtigung eines Zeichentests. - 1952
Rothlin E, Cerletti A - Ueber einige pharmakologische Untersuchungen an Mausen mit congenitaler Drehsucht. - 1952
Savage C - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). A clinical-psychological study. - 1952
Bradley PB - The Effect of Some Drugs on the Electrical Activity of the Brain in the Cat - 1953
Bradley PB, Elkes C, Elkes J - On Some Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (L.S.D. 25) in Normal Volunteers - 1953
Bradley PB, Elkes J - The Effect of Amphetamine and d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) on the Electrical Activity of the Brain of the Conscious Cat. - 1953
Buscaino GA, Frongia N - Modificazioni Biochimiche, Elettroencefalografiche, Istochimiche ed Istopatologiche, in Cani, Durante l'Intossicazione Sperimentale Acuta e Cronica da Dietilamide dell'Acido Lisergico - 1953
Frederking, Walter - Uber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (Meskalin und Lysergsaurediaethylamid) in der Psychotherapie. [About the Use of Inebriating Drugs (Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) in Psychotherapy.] - 1953/54
Gaddum JH - Antagonism Between Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1953
Bradley PB - The Effect of Some Drugs on the Electrical Activity of the Brain in the Cat - 1953
Bradley PB, Elkes J - The Effect of Amphetamine and d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) on the Electrical Activity of the Brain of the Conscious Cat. - 1953
Bradley PB, Elkes C, Elkes J - On Some Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (L.S.D. 25) in Normal Volunteers - 1953
Bradley PB - The Effect of Some Drugs on the Electrical Activity of the Brain of the Conscious Cat. - 1953
Buscaino GA, Frongia N - Modificazioni Biochimiche, Elettroencefalografiche, Istochimiche ed Istopatologiche, in Cani, Durante l'Intossicazione Sperimentale Acuta e Cronica da Dietilamide dell'Acido Lisergico - 1953
Delay J - Etude de l'action du L.S.D.25 sur le lapin. - 1953
Gaddum JH - Antagonism Between Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1953
Hoch PH, Pennes HH, Cattell JP - Psychoses Produced by Administration of Drugs - 1953
Rothlin E - Influence of ergot alkaloids and lysergic acid derivatives on an inherited behavior anomaly in mice. - 1953
Sandison, Ronald A. - Psychological Aspects of the LSD Treatment of the Neurosis - 1954
Sandison RA - Psychological Aspects of the LSD Treatment of the Neuroses - 1954
Stoll A, Rutschmann J, Hofmann A - Ueber die Synthese von C14-diathylamin und C14-lysergsaure-diathylamid - 1954
Woolley DW, Shaw E - Some Neurophysiological Aspects of Serotonin. - 1954
Abramson HA, Evans LT, Geronimus LH, Haggis A, Jarvik ME, Kornetsky C, Wallace B, Wickersham CW - Bioassays for LSD-25. - 1954
Clark LC, Fox RP, Benington F, Morin R - Effect of mescaline, lysergic acid diethyl amide, and related compounds on respiratory enzyme activity of brain homogenates - 1954
Fischer R, Agnew N - On drug-produced experimental psychoses. - 1954
Gaddum JH, Hameed KA - Drugs Which Antagonize 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1954
Rothlin E - Die Zentralnervosen Wirkungen von Heilmitteln - 1954
Sandison RA, Spencer AM, Whitelaw JDA - The therapeutic value of lysergic acid diethylamide in mental illness - 1954
Sandison RA - Psychological Aspects of the LSD Treatment of the Neuroses - 1954
Solms H - Psychoses provoquees artificiellement (leur importance dans les reserches redentes sur la schizophrenie) [Artificially Induced Psychoses (Their Importance in Modern Research on Schizophrenia] - 1954
Stoll A, Rutschmann J, Hofmann A - Ueber die Synthese von C14-diathylamin und C14-lysergsaure-diathylamid - 1954
Téllez A - Psicosis experimentales consácido lisérgico - 1954
Thomson RHS, Tickner A, Webster GR - Cholinesterase inhibition by lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1954
Woolley DW, Shaw E - Some Neurophysiological Aspects of Serotonin. - 1954
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamid (LSD-25): III. As an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Elimination of Fear of Homosexuality. - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): IX. Effect on snails. - 1955
Agnew N, Hoffer A - Nicotinic Acid Modified Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Psychosis - 1955
Frederking, Walter - Intoxicant Drugs (Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) in Psychotherapy. - 1955
Poloni A - Serotonina e schizofrenia. Osservazioni sulle interferenze fra l'azione della Serotonina (S.) e della Dietilamide dell'Acido Lisergico (LSD 25), Mescalina (M.) e Bulbocapnina (B.) nell'uomo e nell'animale. - 1955
Sandison, Ronald A. - L.S.D. Treatment for Psychoneuroses - 1955
Sauri JJ, de Onorato AC - Las esquizofrenias y la dietilamida del acido d-lisergico (LSD 25). I. Variaciones del estado de animo. - 1955
Savage, Charles - Variations in Ego Feeling induced by D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1955
Abramson HA, Kornetsky C, Jarvik ME, Kaufman MR, Ferguson MW - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XI. Content analysis of clinical reactions. - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): IX. Effect on snails. - 1955
Berlin L, Guthrie T, Weider A, Goodell H, Wolff HG - Studies in human cerebral function: the effects of mescaline and lysergic acid on cerebral processes pertinent to creative activity. - 1955
Blair EL, Wakefield M, Ingram GIC, Armitage P - Lowered "capillary resistance" after iontophoresis of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1955
Bowman RL, Caulfield PA, Udenfriend S - Spectrophotofluorometric assay in the visible and ultraviolet - 1955
Boyd ES, Rothlin E, Bonner JF, Slater IH, Hodge HC - Preliminary Studies on the Metabolism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1955
Cerletti A, Rothlin E - Role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in Mental Diseases and its Antagonism to Lysergic Acid derivatives - 1955
Cooper HA - Hallucinogenic drugs. - 1955
Davies MEB, Davies TS - Lysergic acid in mental deficiency. - 1955
Elkes C, Elkes J, Mayer-Gross W - Hallucinogenic drugs - 1955
Evarts EV, Hughes JR - Effects of Physiological Subnormality and LSD on Post-Tetanic Potentiation of Lateral Geniculate Potentials. - 1955
Ginzel KH - Some Central Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Vasomotor Responses. - 1955
Herxheimer H - The 5-hydroxytryptamine shock in the guinea-pig. - 1955
Hirsch JM, Quintero Maro E - Psiquatría experimental con LSD. Communicación preliminar y exposición de proyectes - 1955
Horita A, Dille JM - The pyretogenic effect of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1955
Poloni A - Serotonina e schizofrenia. Rilievi sperimentali in favore dell'ipotesi di una tossicosi da 5-idrossitriptamina della schizofrenia. - 1955
Poloni A - Serotonina e schizofrenia. Osservazioni sulle interferenze fra l'azione della Serotonina (S.) e della Dietilamide dell'Acido Lisergico (LSD 25), Mescalina (M.) e Bulbocapnina (B.) nell'uomo e nell'animale. - 1955
Sauri JJ, de Onorato AC - Las esquizofrenias y la dietilamida del acido d-lisergico (LSD 25). I. Variaciones del estado de animo. - 1955
Smorto G, Corrao F, Pagano M - Sulle modificazioni psicopatologiche indotte dall'acido lisergico (dietilamide). - 1955
Thompson RHS, Tickner A, Webster GR - The action of lysergic acid diethylamide on mammalian cholinesterases. - 1955
Tonini G, Montanari C - Effects of experimentally induced psychosis on artistic expression - 1955
Abramson, Harold A. - Some Observations on Normal Volunteers and Patients. - 1956
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XIX. As an Adjunct to Brief Psychotherapy, with Special Reference to Ego Enhancement. - 1956
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXII. Effect on Transference. - 1956
Axelrod J, Brady RO, Witkop B, Evarts EV - Metabolism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1956
Evans LT - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25); Its Effect Upon Lower Members of Urodele Hierarchies - 1956
Ginzel KH, Mayer-Gross W - Prevention of Psychological Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) by its 2-Brom Derivative (BOL 148). - 1956
Langner, F. W.; Kemp, M. D. - LSD 25 - 1956
Lennard, H.; Jarvik, Murray E.; Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XII. A Preliminary Statement of its Effects Upon Interpersonal Communication - 1956
Sandison, Ronald A. - The Clinical Uses of LSD. - 1956
Savage, Charles C. - The LSD Psychosis as a Transaction between the Psychiatrist and Patient. - 1956
Alema G, Donini G - Sugli effetti della intossicazione sperimentale con dietilamide dell'acido lisergico in due casi di anosognosia visiva - 1956
Axelrod J, Brady RO, Witkop B, Evarts EV - Metabolism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1956
Bergen JR, Beisaw NE - LSD and Urinary Inorganic Phosphate Excretion - 1956
Bradley PB, Key BJ - The Effect of Drugs on Arousal Responses Produced by the Electrical Stimulation of the Reticular Formation in the Cat - 1956
Bradley PB, Hance AJ - The Effects of Intraventricular Injections of Drugs on the Electrical Activity of the Brain of the Conscious Cat. - 1956
Brodie BA, Shore PA, Pletscher A - Serotonin-releasing activity limited to rauwolfia alkaloids with tranquilizing action - 1956
Brown BB - Effects of LSD on different aspects of drug-induced depression - 1956
Cahn J, Pierre R, Georges G - Essais d'anesthesie prolongee par la 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonine) et controlee par des drogues a action neurovegetative. II. Etude chez le lapin. - 1956
Clark LD, Clark LS - The effects of cortisone on LSD-25 intoxication in schizophrenic patients - 1956
Clark LC, Fox RP, Morin R, Benington F - Effects of Psychotomimetic Compounds on Certain Oxidative and Hydrolytic Enzymes in Mammalian Brain - 1956
Costa E - Effects of hallucinogenic and tranquilizing drugs on serotonin evoked uterine contractions - 1956
Dalmau-Ciria M - Fármacos y psiquiatría. (Diálogo con el Prof. R. Sarró) - 1956
de Giuseppe L, Castelli B - Azione della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LSD) sull'attà monoaminossidasica (MAO) del fegato, del rene e del cerv in presenza di 5-ossitriptamina (5-HT) - 1956
Delay J, Thuillier J - Dualite d'action du diethylamide de l'acide lysergique sur la contraction uterine provoquee par la 5-hydroxytrptamine (serotonine) - 1956
Elkes J - Pharmacology of chlorpromazine and reserpine. - 1956
Evans LT, Geronimus LH, Kornetsky C, Abramson HA - Effect of ergot drugs on Betta splendens - 1956
Feldstein A - Hypothesis concerning the biosynthesis of lysergic acid - 1956
Fried GH, Antopol W - The effects of psychotomimetic compounds on human cholinesterase. - 1956
Garello L, Dolce G - Intorno alla azione resolvente della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico e della metilanfetamina sulla catalessia sperimentale da 5-idrossitriptamina (5 HT). Ricerche sperimentali sul cane - 1956
Ginzel KH - Die Wirkung von d-Lysergsaurediathylamid (LSD) auf Kreislaufreflexe. - 1956
Ginzel KH, Mayer-Gross W - Prevention of Psychological Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) by its 2-Brom Derivative (BOL 148). - 1956
Ginzel KH - Central inhibition of the vasopressor reflex arising from chemoreceptors of the carotid body - 1956
Gogerty JH, Dille JM - Tolerance to the pyretogenic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1956
Killam, Keith F. - Studies of LSD and Chlorpromazine - 1956
Lienert GA - Pharmakopsychologische Untersuchungen über den Abbau der geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit. (Bericht über den 20. Kongress der Deutschen Geseschaft für Psychologie, Berlin, Sept. 26-29, 1955) - 1956
Loeb C, Giberti F - Azione della idrossizina cloridrato sulla sintomatologia psicotossica da dietilamide dell'acido lisergico in sogetti umani normali - 1956
Masciocchi A - Modificazioni elettroencefealographiche nel corso della terapia con reserpina - 1956
Milkovic S, Supek Z - Ueber die Wirkung von 5-Oxytryptamin (Serotonin) und Lysergsäurediäthylamid (LSD) auf das Hypophysen-Nebennie-renrinde-System. - 1956
Milone FF, Gomirato G - Osservazioni sugli effetti dell'enteramina (5-idrossitriptamina) nel sistema nervoso centrale. (Studio sperimentale elettrocorticografico). - 1956
Peters JJ, Vonderahe AR - Behavior of the salamander under the influence of LSD-25 and Frenquel, and accompanying electrical activity of brain and spinal cord. - 1956
Roubicek J - Experimentální dusevni poruchy. (Experimentelle psychische Störungen). - 1956
Ruiz-Ogara C, Martí-Tusquets JL, González-Monclús E - Psicosis lisérgica - 1956
Sacchi U, Brusa A, Gianniotti G - Lesioni del sistema nervoso centrale del carassius auratu (?) da 5 HT ed azione protettrice dell'LSD - 1956
Shaw E, Woolley DW - Some serotoninlike activities of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1956
Shemano I, Nickerson M - Effect of ambient temperature on thermal responses to drugs - 1956
Solms H - Chemische Struktur und Psychose bei Lysergsäurederivaten. - 1956
Tallaferro, Alberto - Mescalia y LSD-25, Experiencias, Valor Terapeutico en Psiquiatria - 1956
Tonini G, Barbolini G - Considerazioni sul meccanismo d'azione della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico - 1956
Turner WJ - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on betta spendens: I - 1956
Valdecasas FG, Calvet F, Cuenca E, Salvá JA - Die potenzierende Wirkung verschiedener psychoacktiver Substanzen auf Adrenalin und Serotonin - 1956
Witt PN - Die Wirkung von Substanzen auf den Netzbau der Spinne als biologischer Test. - 1956
Zambrano MG - Fenomenología de la intoxicación experimental con la LSD 25 en la psícosis maníacodepresiva. - 1956
Abramson, Harold A. - Verbatim Recording and Transference Studies with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1957
Abramson HA - Verbatim recording and transference studies with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1957
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B, Baron MO, Gettner HH - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. I. Blocking effect of brain extract in the Siamese fighting fish; preliminary report. - 1957
Bulle PH, Konchegul L - Action of Serotonin and Cerebrospinal Fliud of Schizophrenics on the Brain of the Dog. - 1957
Day, Juliana - The Role and Reaction of the Psychiatrist in LSD Therapy. - 1957
Hoch PH - Remarks on LSD and Mescaline - 1957
Kahr H, Fischer W - Die Wirkung des 5-Oxytryptamins auf das Pigmentsystem der Haut - 1957
King, Theodore O. - The Antagonism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Pneumoconstriction - 1957
Rinkel M - Pharmacodynamics of LSD and Mescaline - 1957
Sandison, Ronald A. - The Contribution of L.S.D. Therapy to Analytical Theory and Practice - 1957
Sandison, Ronald A.; Whitelaw, J.D. - Further Studies in the Therapeutic Value of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Mental Illness - 1957
Savage C - The Resolution and Subsequent Remobilization of Resistance by LSD in Psychotherapy. - 1957
Slater, Philip E.; Morimoto, Kiyo; Hyde, Robert W. - The Effect of Group Administration Upon Symptom Formation under LSD. - 1957
Abramson HA - Verbatim recording and transference studies with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1957
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B, Baron MO, Fremont-Smith N - Production of tolerance to psychosis-produclng doses of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1957
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B, Baron MO, Gettner HH - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. I. Blocking effect of brain extract in the Siamese fighting fish; preliminary report. - 1957
Arbit J - Effects of LSD-25 upon betta splendens: reliability of a bioassay technique. - 1957
Baldwin M, Lewis SA, Frost LL - Perceptual interference after cerebral ablation - 1957
Balestrieri A - Crossed Tolerance Between LSD-25 and Mescaline - 1957
Balestrieri A - "Amphetamine Shock" During LSD-25 and Mescaline Psychosis - 1957
Balestrieri A, Fontanari D - LSD 25 and psychomotor epilepsy - 1957
Bambaren Vigil C - La prueba de Bender en la intoxicación experimental con la LSD 25 - 1957
Barac G - Influence de la diethylamide de l'acide lysergique et de s derive brome sur la diurese du chien intact et celle du brule - 1957
Benda P, Miravet LF - Action de la chlorpromazine et de la reserpine sur la sensibilite du cobaye a la 5-hydroxtryptamine administree en aerosols. - 1957
Bente D, Itil T - Vergleichende klinisch-elektroencephalographische Untersuchungen mit Pervitin und LSD-25. - 1957
Bente I, Bente S - Elektrencephalographische Studien zur Wirkungsweise des LSD 25. - 1957
Bente D, Itil T, Schmid EE - Electroencephalographic Studies Concerning the Action of LSD 25. - 1957
Bercel NA, Travis LE - A theory on the mechanism of paranoid reaction in experimental psychosis - 1957
Blough DS - Effects of Drugs on Visually Controlled Behavior in Pigeons - 1957
Blough DS - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on absolute visual threshold of the pigeon - 1957
Bogdanski DF, Spector S - Comparison of central actions of cocaine and LSD. - 1957
Bonivento M, Donini G - Esperienza sull'antagonismo tra un nuovo tranquillizzante l'Azaciclonolo e l'LSD 25 - 1957
Booij J - Farmaco-psychiatrie - 1957
Bradley PB - Recent Observations on the Action of Some Drugs in Relation to the Reticular Formation of the Brain. - 1957
Bulle PH, Konchegul L - Action of Serotonin and Cerebrospinal Fliud of Schizophrenics on the Brain of the Dog. - 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. I. Effets du diethylamide de l'acide lysergique sur le bilan humoral et le metabolisme cerebral du lapin in vivo. - 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M - Action de Certains Barbituriques Neuroleptiques, Tranquillisants et Steroides dur le Metabolisme Normal et Pathologique du Cerveau. - 1957
Cahn J, Pierre R, Georges G, Herold M - Effets de la Serotonine sur le Systeme Nerveux Central - 1957
Callieri B, Mariani E - The Effects of Mono- and Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid on the Activity of Serum Phosphatase in Schizophrenics. - 1957
Eichenberger E, Friolet B - Pharmakologische Beeinflussung des Pyrogen- und LSD-Fiebers des Kaninchens - 1957
Elder JT, Gogerty JH, Dille JM - Survey of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) antagonists. - 1957
Flügel F, Bente D - The akinetic-avolitional syndrome. Its significance for psycho-pharmacological research - 1957
Fried GH, Antopol W - Potentiation of pseudocholinesterase by serotonin and LSD. - 1957
Fuster JM - Tachistoscopic perception in monkeys - 1957
Geiger RS - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and serotonin on adult cortical brain cells in tissue culture. - 1957
Ginzel KH - Die Wirkung von 5-Oxytryptaminen und Antagonisten auf den peristaltischen Reflex. - 1957
Ginzel KH - The action of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25), its 2-brom derivative (BOL 148) and of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on the peristaltic reflex of the guinea-pig ileum. - 1957
Gogerty JH, Elder JT, Horita A - Modifications of Actions of LSD-25 by Reserpine. - 1957
Haley TJ - Pharmacological Actions From Intracerebral Drug Injections - 1957
Hidalgo Torres W - Revisiones de conjunto. La dietilamida del ácido lisérgico - 1957
Hoch PH - Remarks on LSD and Mescaline - 1957
Horita A, Gogerty JH - Comparison of pyretogenic action of 5-hydroxytryptophan (HTP) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). - 1957
Irányi J, Fráter R - Adatok a kísérletes lysergsav-diathylamid psychosis tünettánahoz. (Angaben sur Symptomatologie er experimentallen Lysergsäurediäthylamid-Psychose) - 1957
Irányi J, Fráter R - Lysergsavas diaethylamiddal (LSD) kiváltott kísérletes psychosisok. (Experimentelle Auslösung einer Psychose durch LSD). - 1957
Jusic A - Dietilamid-lizergicna kiselina (LSD 25). - 1957
Kahr H, Fischer W - Die Wirkung des 5-Oxytryptamins auf das Pigmentsystem der Haut - 1957
Kammerer T, Singer L, Ebtinger R, Braun R, Herz R - Un cas de schizophasie Action des agents pharmacodynamiques (Maxiton, Nesdonal, L.S.D.) et observation post-électrochocs. - 1957
Little KD, DiStefano V, Leary DE - LSD and Serotonin Effects on Spinal Reflexes in the Cat - 1957
Mariátegui J, Zambrano M - Psicosíndromes experimentales con los derivados del ácido lisérgico. Estudios preliminares con la LSD y la LAE - 1957
McColl JD, Sacra P - Action of the histamine releaser 48/80 on certain ataractic agents. - 1957
Meier R, Tripod J, Wirz E - Classification d'une série d'antagonists de la sérotonine et analyse de ses points d'attaque vasculaires périphériques - 1957
Miura T, Tsujiyama Y, Makita K, Nakazawa T, Sato K, Nakahara M - The Effect of Psychotropic Substances on Nerve and Neuroglia Cells Developed in Tissue Culture - 1957
Monnier M - Topic Action of Psychotropic Drugs on the Electrical Activity of Cortex, Rhinencephalon and Mesodiencephalon (Excitement, Tranquilization, Sedation and Sleep). - 1957
Nadel E, Burstein S, Hoagland H - Comparative effects of ACTH and LSD on urinary corticosteroids in guinea pigs. - 1957
Norton S - Behavioral Patterns as a Technique for Studying Psychotropic Drugs. - 1957
Olds J, Killam KF, Eiduson S - Effects of Tranquilizers on Self-Stimulation of the Brain - 1957
Petersdorf RG, Bennett IL - Studies on the Pathogenesis of Fever. VIII. Fever-Producing Substances in the Serum of Dogs - 1957
Pierre R - Influence de la serotonine, de derives de la phenothiazine, de steroides, de tranquillisants sur l'EEG du lapin intoxique par le diethylamide de l'acide lysergique. II. Action sur la reaction d'eveil produite par la LSD. - 1957
Pierre R, Cahn J - Etude de l'Action de Differents Corps sur les Pertubations EEG du Lapin Induites par une Intoxication Chronique ou Aigue par la Diethylamide de l'Acide Lysergique. - 1957
Priori R - Experienza interiore e linguaggio nella "model psychosis" indotta da LSD-25 - 1957
Purpura DP, Pool JL, Ransohoff J, Frumin MJ, Houspian EM - Observations on evoked dendritic potentials of human cortex - 1957
Rinkel M - Pharmacodynamics of LSD and Mescaline - 1957
Roberts AS, Alexander F - Report on Clinical Evaluation of SKF #5 (Amphedoxamine) [MDA] - 1957
Rothlin E - Pharmacology of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Some of its Related Compounds. - 1957
Sacchi U, Brusa A, Soriani S - Alterazioni istologiche del sistema nervosa centrale provocate sperimentalmente nel topo da trattamento cronico con 5-idrossitriptamina. Azione protettrice dell'LSD somministrata preventivamente. - 1957
Savage C - The Resolution and Subsequent Remobilization of Resistance by LSD in Psychotherapy. - 1957
Szara S - The Comparison of the Psychotic Effect of Tryptamine Derivatives with the Effects of Mescaline and LSD-25 in Self-experiments. - 1957
Thuillier J, Nakajima H - Action Comparee des Drogues Psychotropes sur les "Souris Tournantes" Provoquees par l'Imino-B-B- dipropionitrile (Souris IDPN). - 1957
Not available - Prisoners aid mental study in drug tests. - 1957
Vogt M, Gunn GC, Sawyer CH - Electroencephalographic effects of intraventricular 5-HT and LSD in the cat - 1957
Weidmann H, Cerletti A - Die Wirkung von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid und 5-Hydroxytryptamin (Serotonin) auf spinale Reflexe der Katze - 1957
Weidmann H - Die Wirkung von D-Lysergsäurediäthylamid und 5-Hydroxy-tryptamin auf spinale Reflexe. - 1957
Wilhelmi G - Ueber die ulcerogene Wirkung von 5-hydroxytryptamin am Rattenmagen und deren Beeinflussung durch verschiedene Pharmaca. - 1957
Winkel K - Ueber die Wirkung von LSD 25 auf fokale Krampfpotentiale der Hirnrinde des Kaninchen - 1957
Yamada T, Tsunoda T, Takashina K - Accentuation of LSD 25 effect through antihistaminica. - 1957
Abramson, Harold A.; Hewitt, M.P.; Lennard, H.; Turner, W.J.; O'Neill, F.J.; Merlis - The Stablemate Concept of Therapy as Affected by LSD in Schizophrenia. - 1958
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky AB, Baron MO, Fremont-Smith N - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. II. Development of tolerance in man to LSD-25 by prior administration of MLD-41 (1-methyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide). - 1958
Alvarez de Toledo, Luisa G.; Fontana, Alberto; Perez Morales, Francisco - Psicoanalisis y Dietilamida del Acido Lisergico. Fundamentos para una Terapia Combinada [Psychoanalysis and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Foundations for a Combined Therapy] - 1958
Alvarez de Toledo, Luisa G.; Fontana, Alberto E.; Perez Morales, Francisco - Psicoterapia de Grupo y Dietilamida del Acido Lisergico [Group Psychotherapy and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide] - 1958
Baron MO, Sklarofsky B, Fremont-Smith N, Abramson HA - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXVIII. Assay of 2-Brom-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide by the Siamese Fighting Fish - 1958
Bente D, Itil T, Schmid EE - Elektroencephalographische Studien zur Wirkungsweise des LSD 25. - 1958
Berenstein I, Otero T - Algunos Efectos de la LSD 25 en el Perro. - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un Concept Biochimique des Psychoses Experimentales. Prevention des Modifications du Metabolisme Cerebral Induites par l'Intoxication Chronique au LSD-25 Chez le Lapin in Vivo: Action de l'ATP et de l'Acide Ascorbique - 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W - Comparative Study on the Serotonin Antagonism of Amide Derivatives of Lysergic Acid and of Ergot Alkaloids - 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W - Comparative Study of the Serotonin Antagonism of Amide Derivatives of Lysergic Acid and of Ergot Alkaloids - 1958
Delay, J.; Benda, P. - L`experience Lysergique. L.S.D.-25. A Propos de 75 Observations Cliniques [The Lysergic Acid Experience. About 75 Clinical Observations] - 1958
Eisner, Betty G.; Cohen, Sidney - Psychotherapy with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1958
Evarts EV - Neurophysiological correlates of pharmacologically-induced behavioral disturbances - 1958
Friedhoff AJ, Lynn FA, Rosenblatt G, Holden A - Preliminary Study of a New Anti-Depressant Drug - 1958 Aug
Feld, Myron; Goodman, Joseph R.; Guido, John A. - Clinical and Laboratory Observation on LSD-25. - 1958
Hoch PH - Psychoses-producing and psychoses-relieving drugs. - 1958
Hoffman RA - Effect of and Interaction Between Tranquilizers, Serotonin and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Body Temperature of Pigeons. - 1958
Lecomte J, Fischer P - 5-Hydroxytryptamine et Choc Anaphylactique du Lapin. - 1958
Mahler DJ, Humoller FL, Dunn AL - Comparison of Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Bufotenine on Performance of Trained Rats - 1958
Soderberg U - Short term reactions in the thyroid gland revealed by continuous measurement of blood flow, rate of uptake of radioactive iodine and rate of release of labeled hormones - 1958
Weiss B, Abramson HA, Baron MO - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). XXV. Effect of potassium cyanide and other oxidase and respiratory inhibitors on the Siamese fighting fish. - 1958
Woolley DW - Serotonin in Mental Disorders - 1958
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky AB, Baron MO, Fremont-Smith N - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. II. Development of tolerance in man to LSD-25 by prior administration of MLD-41 (1-methyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide). - 1958
Abramson HA, Weiss B, Baron MO - Comparison of Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide with Potassium Cyanide and other Respiratory Inhibitors on the Siamese Fighting Fish - 1958
Apter JT - Analeptic action of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) against pentobarbital. - 1958
Apter JT - LSD-25 versus pentobarbital sodium - 1958
Apter JT - Prolonged survival of the isolated retina induced by drugs: strychnine, mescaline, d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and atropine. - 1958
Arnold OH, Hofmann G, Leupold-Löwenthal H - Untersuchungen zum Schizophrenieproblem. IV.Mitteilung: Die Verteilung des C-14-radioaktiven Lysergsäurediäthylamid (C-14-LSD-25) im tierischen Organismus. - 1958
Baron MO, Sklarofsky B, Fremont-Smith N, Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXVIII. Assay of 2-bromo-lysergic acid diethylamide by the Siamese fighting fish. - 1958
Benassi F - Esperienze cliniche sulle attività farmacodinamiche di un antimetabolita della serotonina: il B.A.S. - 1958
Bente D, Itil T, Schmid EE - Elektroencephalographische Studien zur Wirkungsweise des LSD 25. - 1958
Bircher RP, Bartelstone HJ, Wang SC - Effects of Lateral, Third and Fourth Ventricle Injections of Cardiac Glycosides and LSD in Unanesthetized Dogs - 1958
Birkmayer W, Danielczk W - Die vegetative Regulationsfähigkeit im Alter - 1958
Birkmayer W, Neumayer E - Der klinische Aspekt des reticulären Systems. - 1958
Bishop PO, Field G, Hennessy BL, Smith JR - Action of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on lateral geniculate synapses. - 1958
Bockoven JS - Explorations in psychotherapy - 1958
Boyd ES - Metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1958
Boyd ES - The fluorometric determination of lysergic acid diethylamide and ergonovine. - 1958
Brack A - Rapport sur les expériences personnelles (auto-expérimentation) avec la Psilocybine - 1958
Bradley PB, Key BJ - The effect of drugs on arousal responses produced by electrical stimulation of the reticular formation of the brain - 1958
Bradley PB - Studies on the effects of drugs on the electrical activity of the brain and on behavior - 1958
Bradley PB - The central action of certain drugs in relation to the reticular formation of the brain - 1958
Brengelmann JC, Laverty SG, Lewis DJ - Differential effects of lysergic acid and sodium amytal on immediate memory and expressive movement - 1958
Brengelmann JC - Effects of LSD-25 on Tests of Personality. - 1958
Brengelmann JC, Pare CMB, Sandler M - Alleviation of the Psychological Effects of LSD in Man by 5-Hydroxytryptophan - 1958
Bulle PH - Neurohumors in Psychoses - 1958
Burgers ACJ, Leemreis W, Dominiczak T, van Oordt GJ - Inhibition of the secretion of intermedine by d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) in the toad, Xenopus laevis - 1958
Burian HM, Fleming WJ, Featherstone RM - Electroretinographic effects of LSD-25, Brom-LSD and LSM (lysergic acid morpholide) - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Georges G, Pierre R - Action de la sérotonine sur le système nerveux central. - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. III. Action de l'ATP du cytochrome c et de l'acide ascorbique sur les perturbations du metabolisme cerebral provoquees par l' administration chronique de LSD 25 chez le lapin in vivo. - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. IV. Prevention des modifications du metabolisme cerebral induites par l'intoxication chronique au LSD 25 chez le lapin in vivo. Action de l' ATP et de l'acide ascorbique. - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un Concept Biochimique des Psychoses Experimentales. Prevention des Modifications du Metabolisme Cerebral Induites par l'Intoxication Chronique au LSD-25 Chez le Lapin in Vivo: Action de l'ATP et de l'Acide Ascorbique - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. VII. Action du N thiodiphenyl-carbamyl piperazine (5501 MD) et de la chlorapromazine sur les perturbations du bilan humoral et du metabolisme cerebral provoquees par l'administration chronique de LSD 25 chez le Lapin in vivo - 1958
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Barre N, Alano J, Breton Y - Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. VIII. Action de l'iproniazide (marsilid), de la desoxyephedrine (pervitine) et de la diethylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD 25)sur le bilan humoral et le metabolisme cerebral du lapin vigile - 1958
Cailleux R - Trois essais d'ingestion avec les Psilocybes hallucinogènes - 1958
Cargnello D, Lukonovich N - Lo psicoma da LSD. Gli aspetti psicopatologici della intossicazione sperimentale da LSD nei normali. - 1958
Carlson VR - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on the absolute visual threshold - 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W - Comparative Study on the Serotonin Antagonism of Amide Derivatives of Lysergic Acid and of Ergot Alkaloids - 1958
Cerletti A - Biochemie, Physiologie und Pharmakologie des 5-Hydroxytryptamins (Serotonin, Enteramin). - 1958
Cerletti A, Doepfner W - Spezifische Steigerung der serotoninantagonistischen Wirkung von Lysergsaurederivaten durch Methylierung des Indolstickstoffes der Lysergsaure. - 1958
Cerletti A - The LSD psychosis. Pharmacological aspects of the LSD psychosis. - 1958
Cerletti A - Étude Pharmacologique de la Psilocybine - 1958
Chen G, Bohner B - A study of central nervous system stimulants - 1958
Cohen S, Fichman L, Eisner BG - Subjective Reports of Lysergic Acid Experiences in a Context of Psychological Test Performance - 1958
Costa E, Zetler G - Interactions between epinephrine and psychotomimetic drugs on cat nictitating membrane - 1958
Costa E, Zetler G - Effect of epinephrine on adrenal ascorbic acid following premedication with lysergic acid diethylamides or 5- hydroxyindolalkylamines. - 1958
de Salva S, Evans R, Jonson C, Schauer W - EST and drug effects in endocrine deficiencies. - 1958
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempérière T, Nicolas-Charles P, Heim R - Effets psycho-physiologiques de la Psilocybine - 1958
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempérière T, Nicolas-Charles PJ, Quétin AM - Étude psycho-physiologique et clinique de la Psilocybine - 1958
DiStefano V, Leary DE - The Effect of LSD on Inhibitory Systems in the Spinal Cord - 1958
Doepfner W, Cerletti A - Comparison of lysergic acid derivatives and antihistamines as inhibitors of the edema provoked in the rat's paw by serotonin - 1958
Eisner BG, Cohen S - Psychotherapy with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1958
Evarts EV - Chemical basis for psychosis. Neuropharmacological contributions to our present concept. - 1958
Evarts EV - Effects of a Series of Indoles on Synaptic Transmission in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the Cat. - 1958
Feld M, Goodman JR, Guido JA - Clinical and Laboratory Observations on LSD-25 - 1958
Frei G - Psychische Wirkungen bei Lysergsäurediäthylamidexperimenten - 1958
Geiger LE, Cervoni P - Effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on spinal reflexes. - 1958
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Studio comparativo degli effetti psicopatologici della monoetilamide dell'acido lisergico (LAE 32) e della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LSD 25) in soggetti neurotici. - 1958
Giberti F, Gregoretti L, Soriani S - Aspetti psicopatoloigica e rilievi clinici nello studio farmacopsichiatrico delle sindromi ossessive e fobiche - 1958
Ginzel KH - The Effect of Lysergic Acid dDethylamide on Some Autonomic Reflex Patterns. - 1958
Ginzel KH - The Effect of (+)-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Other Drugs on the Carotid Sinus Reflex - 1958
Gomirato G, Gamna G, Pascal E - Il disegno dell'albero applicato allo studio delle modificazioni psicopatologiche indotte dalla dietilamide dell'acido D lisergico in schizofrenici. Nota II. - 1958
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H, Hofmann A, Cailleux R - Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores et des sclèrotes dans la culture du "psilocybe mexicana" Heim, Agaric hallucinogène du Mexique, et mise en évidence de la psilocybine et de la psilocine - 1958
Heim R, Hofmann A - Isolement de la Psilocybine à partir du Stropharia cubensis Earle et d'autres espèces de champignons hallucinogènes mexicains appartenant au genre Psilocybe - 1958
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H, Hofmann A, Cailleux R - Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores et des sclèrotes dans la culture du Psilocybe mexicana Heim, Agaric hallucinogène du Mexique, et mise en évidence de la psilocybine et de la psilocine - 1958
Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H, Hofmann A, Cailleux R - Déterminisme de la formation des carpophores, et éventuellement des sclérotes, dans les cultures des agarics hallucinogènes du Mexique et mise en évidence de la psilocybine et de la psilocine - 1958
Heim R, Hofmann A - Isolement de la psilocybine à partir du Stropharia cubensis Earler et d'autres espèces de champignons hallucinogènes mexicains appartenant au genre Psilocybe - 1958
Herold M, Cahn J, Dubrasquet M, Alano J, Barre N, Buret JP - Contribution a un concept biochimique des psychoses experimentales. V. Prevention des modifications du metabolisme cerebral induites par l'intoxication chronique au LSD 25 chez le lapin in vivo. Action de l'adrenaline, de l'ephedrine, de la phentolamine, du bromure de pyridostigmine. - 1958
Hladovec J, Votava Z - The effect of ergot alkaloids, their partial synthetic derivatives and serotonin on blood clotting - 1958
Hoffer, Abram - La Hipotesis Adrenocromica de la Esquizofrenia [The Adrenochrome Hypothesis of Schizophrenia] - 1958
Hoffman RA - Effect of LSD-25 on Body Temperature of Pigeons. - 1958
Hofmann A - Lysergic acid diethylamide and related compounds. Relationship between spatial arrangement and mental effects. - 1958
Hofmann A, Frey A, Ott H, Petrzilka TH, Troxler F - Konstitutionsaufklärung und Synthese von Psilocybin - 1958
Hofmann A - Rapport sur une auto-expérience avec le Psilocybe mexicana Heim - 1958
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H - Psilocybin ein psychotroper Wirkstoff aus dem mexikanischen Rauschpilz - 1958
Hofmann A, Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H - La Psilocybine, Principe Actif Psychotrope Extrait Du Champignon Hallucinogène: Psilocybe mexicana Heim - 1958
Hofmann A, Frey A, Ott H, Petrzilka Th, Troxler F - Détermination de la Structure et Synthèse de la Psilocybine - 1958
Hornykiewicz O, Obenaus H - Beeinflussung der blutdrucksenkenden Wirkung von Dopamin und Adrenalin durch Lysergsäurediäthylamid. - 1958
Iahikawa K - Clinical and experimental studies upon the actions of dihydroergot-derivates and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25, Sandoz) with special reference to the electroencephaographic observation - 1958
Jarvik ME, Chorover S - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide upon certain aspects of memory (delayed alternation) in monkeys. - 1958
Jatzkewitz H - Psychotropie Substanzen und "endogene" Psychose. (Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen. Symposium im Rahmen des 2. Interantionalen Kongresses für Psychiatrie, Zürich, 1-7 Sept. 1957) - 1958
Keup W - LSD-25 und der Eiweiss-Stoffwechsel der Rattenhirnrinde während der Entwicklung. (Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen. Symposium im Rahmen des 2. Internationalen Kongresses für Psychiatrie, Zürich, Sep. 1-7, 1957) - 1958
Key BJ, Bradley PB - Effect of drugs on conditioning and habituation to arousal stimuli in animals. - 1958
Kment A, Leibetseder J - Verhaltensphysiologische Studien an Ratten nach Lysergsäure-Diäthylamide (LSD)-Vera-breichung. - 1958
Lajtha A - The biochemistry of hallucinogens. Chemistry of mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide - 1958
Lecomte J, Fischer P - 5-Hydroxytryptamine et Choc Anaphylactique du Lapin. - 1958
Lecomte J, Fischer P - Derives de l'Ergot et Choc Anaphylactique du Lapin [Ergot Derivatives and Anaphylactic Shock in the Rabbit] - 1958
Lesse S - Psychodynamic relationships between the degree of anxiety and other clinical symptoms. - 1958
Leuner, Hanscarl - Ueber Modellpsychosen. (8. Lindauer Psychotherapiewoche, Mai 1958) - 1958
Lienert GA - Ueber eigenartige Motivationsvorgänge unter Wirkung von Lysergsäure-Diathylamid. (Bericht über den 21. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bonn 1957. - 1958
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Baars CW, Wakim KG, Bollman JL, Petersen MC, Berkson J - Concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid associated with mental disease - 1958
Maynard DM - Action of drugs on lobster cardiac ganglion - 1958
Melander B, Martens S - The mode of action of taraxein and LSD. - 1958
Monnier M, Tissot R - Action sur le cerveau du lapin des systèmes resérpine - 5-hydroxytryptophan - sérotonine et réserpine - dopa - noradrénaline. Action des antagonistes de la réserpine (iproniazid et LSD). - 1958
Monnier M, Tissot R - L'action de la réserpine-sérotonine sur le cerveau; suppression par les antagonistes de la réserpine: iproniazid (Marsilid) et LSD - 1958
Ostfeld AM, Visotsky HM, Lebovits BZ - A Comparison of the Psychotomimetic Effects of Scopolamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and N-ethyl-3-Piperidyl Benzylate (JB 318). - 1958
Pierre R, Cahn J, Herold M, Georges G - Actions de la 21 hydroxypregnanedione et du méthyl-androstanolone sur le système nerveux central - 1958
Rinkel M - The psychological aspects of the LSD psychosis. - 1958
Rof Carballo J, González Morado A - Experiencia clínica con la dietilamida del ácido lisérgico (DAL). - 1958
Roubícek J - Similarities and differences between schizophrenia and experimental psychoses. - 1958
Ruiz C - Las psicosis experimentales. Estudio comparativo entre las del LSD-25, Mescalina y Cánnabis indica, considerando la problematica psiquiatrica que plantean. - 1958
Soderberg U - Short term reactions in the thyroid gland revealed by continuous measurement of blood flow, rate of uptake of radioactive iodine and rate of release of labeled hormones - 1958
Shibusawa K, Tokuzawa K, Kishi S, Kajiya Y, Kasuga H, Fujiwara S - Studies on anaphylactic shock. 2. Inhibition of anaphylactic shock with various drugs. - 1958
Silverstein AB, Klee GD - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) on Intellectual Functions - 1958
Silverstein AB, Klee GD - A Psychopharmacological Test of the "Body Image" Hypothesis. - 1958
Solms H - Die Bedeutung "vergleichend-pharmakopsychiatrischer Analyse" für das Studium der Beziehungen swischen chemischer Struktur und Psychose bei psychotoxischen Substanzen. (Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen. Symposium im Rahmen des 2. Internationalen Kongresses für Psychiatrie, Zürich, Sep. 1-7, 1957) - 1958
Stäger R - Intoxikationsversuche mit Ameisen und einigen andern Kleintieren. - 1958
Stenger EG - Zur Frage des Entstehungsmechanismus der experimentellen Dextran-Schwellung der Rattenpfote - 1958
Tabachnick A II, - Inhibition of cholinesterase hydrolysis of dihydromurexine by lysergic acid diethylamide and its 2-bromo derivative: a selective relationship - 1958
Taeschler M - Some Aspect of Central Actions of Serotonin in Mice and Rats - 1958
Tissot R, Monnier M - Suppression de l'action de la Réserpine sur le cerveau par ses antagonistes: Iproniazid et LSD - 1958
Tonini G, Babbini M - Registrazione della motilità globale del ratto nel corso delle intossicazioni con farmaci psicotropici - 1958
van den Brank HAS, Elliott K - Radioprotective action of 5-hydroxytryptamine - 1958
van Oordt GJ, Burgers ACJ - Studies on pigment migrations in the melanophores of Xenopus laevis - 1958
Vinar O - Analogien zwischen schizophrenen Erkrankungen und der LSD-Psychose. - 1958
Weidmann H, Cerletti A - Weiterer Beitrag zur Pharmakologie von D-Lysergsäure-diäthylamid: Die Wirkung von LSD auf Kreislaufreflexe. - 1958
Weidmann H, Taeschler M, Konzett H - Zur Pharmakologie von Psilocybin, einem Wirkstoff aus Psilocybe mexicana Heim - 1958
Weiss B, Abramson HA, Baron MO - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). XXV. Effect of potassium cyanide and other oxidase and respiratory inhibitors on the Siamese fighting fish. - 1958
Winkel K - Ueber die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf fokale Krampfpotentiale der Hirnrinde des Kaninchens. - 1958
Wood CD, Stone JE, Seager LD - Behavioral changes produced by localized injection of drugs into the brain of conscious cats. - 1958
Balestrieri A, Fontanari D - Acquired and Crossed Tolerance to Mescaline, LSD-25, and BOL-148 - 1959
Benda P, Orsini F - A Propos de l'etrangete Temporo-Spatiale sous LSD 25 - 1959
Bogdanski DF, Sheatz GC, Galambos R - An EEG Study of Psychotropic Drugs in Animals - 1959
Borgstedt HH - The Effect of Serotonin and LSD on the Isolated Dog Ureter. - 1959
Chwelos, N.; Blewett, D. B.; Smith, C. M.; Hoffer, A. - Use of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in the Treatment of Alcoholism. - 1959
Cohen, Sidney; Eisner, Betty G. - Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in a Psychotherapeutic Setting. - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T - La Psilocybin. Actions Psychologique et Therapeutique - Oct 24,1959
Divry P, Bobon J, Collard J - La "Lysergo-Analyse" Comme Technique Propedeutique en Psychiatrie [The "Lysergo-Analysis" as an Examination Technique in Psychiatry] - 1959
Eisner, Betty G. - Observations on Possible Order Within the Unconscious - 1959
Foldes V, Zsigmond EK, Erdos EG, Foldes FF - Histochemical demonstration of the inhibitory effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and its congeners on brain cholinesterases. - 1959
Freedman DX, Aghajanian GK - Time parameters in acute tolerance, cross tolerance, and antagonism to psychotogens. - 1959
Giberti, F.; Gregoretti, L. - Nouveaux aspects des experiences avec des drogues psychotropes (LSD 25 et LAE 32) dans les psychonevroses. [New Aspects of Experiences with Psychotropic Drugs (LSD 25 and LAE 32) in Psychoneuroses.] - 1959
Halpern N, Liacopoulos P, Liacopoulos-Briot M - Recherches sur les substanced exogenes et endogenes agissant sur la permeabilite capillaire et leurs antagonistes. - 1959
Harris M C - Serotonin: Its Possible Relation to Allergic Disease - 1959
Hoffer A - Mode of Action of Ergot Hallucinogens. - 1959
Hoffman A, Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H, Frey A, Ott H, Petrzilka T, Troxler F - Psilocybin und Psilocin, Zwei Psychotrope Wirkstoffe aus Mexikanischen Rauschpilzen - 1959
Isbell H - Effects of Various Drugs on the LSD Reaction - 1959
Koella WP, Wells CH - Influence of LSD-25 on Optically Evoked Potentials in the Nonanesthetized Rabbit - 1959
Martinec T, Felklova M - Einfluss Veraschiedener Dungung suf die Antibakterielle Aktivitat des Hanfes, (Cannabis sativa L.) - 1959
Martinec T, Felkiova M - Veranderungen der antibakteriellen aktivitat im verlaus der individuellen entwicklung des hanfes (Cannabis sativa L.). - 1959
Matthies H, Sziegoleit W - Die Beeinflussung der Acetylcholinreizung peripherer Nervenendigungen durch 5-Hydroxytryptamin und Lysergsäurediäthylamid - 1959
Sandison, Ronald A. - The Role of Psychotropic Drugs in Group Therapy - 1959
Sandison, Ronald A. - The Role of Psychotropic Drugs in Individual Therapy - 1959
Scherbel AL, Harrison JW - Response to serotonin and its Antagonists in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Related Diseases - 1959
Weintraub, Walter; Silverstein, Arthur B.; Klee, Gerald D. - The Effect of LSD on the Associative Processes. - 1959
Whitelaw, J. D. A. - A Case of Fetishism Treated with LSD. - 1959
Zsigmond EK, Foldes FF, Foldes V, Erdos EG - The in vitro inhibitory effect of d'lysergic acid (LSD) and its congeners on human cholinesterases. - 1959
Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXIV. The response index as a measure of threshold activity of psychotropic drugs in man. - 1959
Abramson HA - The effect of respiratory poisons and anoxia on Siamese fighting fish in relation to LSD-25 reaction - 1959
Abramson HA - Discussion Second Symposium: Methods and Analysis of Drug-Induced Abnormal Mental States in Man. - 1959
Abramson HA, Hewittt MP, Lennard H, Turner WJ, O'Neill FJ, Merlis S - The Stablemate Concept of Therapy as Affected by LSD in Schizophrenia - 1959
Ahmed A, Taylor NRW - The analysis of drug-induced tremor in mice. - 1959
Aronson H, Silverstein AB, Klee GD - Influence of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) on Subjective Time - 1959
Baldwin M, Lewis SA, Bach SA - The effects of lysergic acid after cerebral ablation. - 1959
Balestrieri A - Psychotrope Pharmaka und psychische Epilepsie. Erfahrungen mit Weckamin-Schock bei der psychomotorischen Epilepsie - 1959
Balestrieri A, Fontanari D - Acquired and crossed tolerance to mescaline, LSD-25, and BOL-148 - 1959
Benda P, Orsini F - A propos de l'étrangeté temporo-spatiale sous LSD-25. - 1959
Bertino JR, Klee GD, Weintraub W - Cholinesterase, d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and 2-Brom-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1959
Bishop PO, Burke W, Hayhow WR - Lysergic acid diethylamide block of lateral geniculate synapses and relief by repetitive stimulation - 1959
Bliss EL, Clark LD, West CD - Studies of sleep deprivation - relationship to schizophrenia. - 1959
Bogdanski DF, Sheatz GC, Galambos R - An EEG Study of Psychotropic Drugs in Animals - 1959
Boyd ES - The metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1959
Brosman SA, Bradford PF, Hughes F - Modification of renal lesions produced by 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) - 1959
Brown BB - Pharmacologic aspects of LSD-25 - 1959
Brunaud M, Siou G - Action de Substances Psychotropes, Chez le Rat, Sur un etat d'Agressivite Provoquee. - 1959
Cahn J, Herold M - Modifications du metabolisme cerebral chez le lapin in-vivo sous l'action du LSD-25 et du cardiazol. Effets de certains antagonistes du LSD-25 et du Cardiazol. [Modifications of cerebral metabolism in rabbits in vivo under the influence of LSD-25 and cardiazol. Effects of certain antagonists of LSD-25 and of cardiazol) - 1959
Cano PG - The effects of tranquilizing drugs on tropical fish - 1959
Cerletti A - Teonanacatl und Psilocybin - 1959
Chwelos N, Blewett DB, Smith CM, Hoffer A - Use of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1959
Cohen S, Eisner BG - Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in a Psychotherapeutic Setting. - 1959
Cohen S - Notes on the LSD-25 state - 1959
Cohen S - The therapeutic potential of LSD-25 - 1959
Costa E, Zetler G - Interactions between epinephrine and some psychotomimetic drugs - 1959
Cutner M - Analytic work with LSD-25 - 1959
Cutting W, Baslow M, Read D, Furst A - The use of fish in the evaluation of drugs affecting the central nervous system. - 1959
de Alvarez LG - Síntesis informativa sobre LSD 25 y psicoterapie - 1959
de Boyr W - Psilocybin, eine neue psychotrope Substanz - 1959
Delay J, Thuillier J, Nakajima H, Durandin MC - Action de la psilocybine sur le comportement des souris normales et des souris I.D.P.N. Comparaison avec les monoethylamide (LAE) et diethylamide (LSD-25) de l'acide lysergique - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T, Nicolas-Charles P, Quetin AM - Les effets psychiques de la Psilocybine et les perspectives therapeutiques - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T, Nicolas-Charles P, Quetin AM - Les Effets Psychiques de la Psilocybine et les Perspectives Therapeutiques - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Nicolas-Charles P - Premiers Essais de la Psilocybine en Psychiatrie - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T - La Psilocybine. I. Historique. Pharmacophysiologie. Clinique - 1959
Dhawan BN, Gupta GP - LSD-25 antagonism of morphine analgesia - 1959
Dhawan BN - Effect of drugs on LSD-25 induced pyrexia in rabbits. - 1959
Ditman KW, Whittlesey JRB - Comparison of the LSD-25 experience and delirium tremens - 1959
Divry P, Bobon J, Collard J - La "Lysergo-Analyse" Comme Technique Propedeutique en Psychiatrie - 1959
Egana E, Candiani S - Effects of the LSD-25 on the behavior of rats and on the metabolic indexes of the CNS. - 1959
Eiduson S - Chemical considerations of LSD-25 - 1959
Eisner BG - Observations on Possible Order Within the Unconscious - 1959
Elmadjian F - Excretion and metabolism of epinephrine and norepinephrine in man. - 1959
Fazio C, Sacchi U - La catalepsie expérimentale dans le cadre des études sur la schizophrénie. - 1959
Fink M - EEG and Behavioral Effects of Psychopharmacologic Agents. - 1959
Fisher S, Cleveland SE - Right-left Body Reactivity Patterns in Disorganized States - 1959
Floru R, Costin A, Sterescu-Volanschi M, Popescu I - On the central interrelation between the serotonin and some psychotropic drugs. - 1959
Floru R - Citeva observatii privitoare la psihofarmacologia clorpromazinei reserpinei si serotoninei. (Quelques observations au sujet de la psycho-pharmacologie de la chlorpromazine, la réserpine et la sérotonine) - 1959
Fuster JM - Lysergic acid and its effects on visual discrimination in monkeys. - 1959
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Contributo alla conoscenza dell'isterismo mediante l'impiego di farmaci psicomimetici. - 1959
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Nouveaux Aspects des Experiences Avec des Drogues Psychotropes (LSD-25 et LAE-32) dans les Psychonevroses. - 1959
Gilbert RP - Effect of antihistaminic and antiserotonin drugs on vascular responses to E. coli endotoxin in the cat. - 1959
Glow PH - Some aspects of the effects of acute reserpine treatment on behavior. - 1959
Gnirss F - Untersuchungen mit Psilocybin, einem Phantastikum aus dem mexikanischen Rauschpilz Psilocybe mexicana - 1959
Greig ME, Gibbons AJ - Effect of various psychotomimetic drugs on rate of appearance of carbon-14 in the brains of mice after administration of C14 glucose - 1959
Gujral ML, Dhawan BN, Gupta GP - LSD-25 antagonism of morphine analgesia. - 1959
Gujral ML, Dhawan BN - Effects of drugs on LSD-25 induced pyrexia in rabbits. - 1959
Himwich HE - Discussion Third Symposium: Comparison of abnormal behavioral states induced by psychotropic drugs in animals and man. - 1959
Himwich HE, van Meter WG, Owens HF - An EEG Analysis of Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1959
Hoff H, Arnold OH - Allgemeine Gesichtspunkte zur Pharmakopsychiatrie - 1959
Hoffer A, Smith C, Chwelos N, Callbeck MJ, Mahon M - Psychological Response to d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and its Relationship to Adrenochrome Levels. - 1959
Hoffer A - Mode of Action of Ergot Hallucinogens. - 1959
Hoffman A, Heim R, Brack A, Kobel H, Frey A, Ott H, Petrzilka T, Troxler F - Psilocybin und Psilocin, Zwei Psychotrope Wirkstoffe aus Mexikanischen Rauschpilzen - 1959
Hofmann A - Psychotomimetic drugs: Chemical and Pharmacological Aspects - 1959
Hofmann A, Troxler F - Identifizierung von Psilocin - 1959
Hofmann, Albert - Chemical Aspects of Psilocybin, the Psychotropic Principle from the Mexican Fungus, Psilocybe mexicana Heim - 1959
Isbell H, Logan CR, Miner EJ - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamie (LSD-25). III. Attempt to Attenuate the LSD-reaction in Man by Pretreatment with Neurohumoral Blocking Agents. - 1959
Isbell H, Miner EJ, Logan CR - Relationships of Psychotomimetic to Anti-serotonin Potencies of Congeners of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1959
Isbell H - Comparison of the Reactions Induced by Psilocybin and LSD-25 in Man - 1959
Isbell H, Miner EJ, Logan CR - Cross Tolerance Between D-2-Brom-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (BOL-148) and the D-Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid (LSD-25) - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T, Quetin A - Effet therapeutique de la Psilocybine sur une nevrose compulsive - 1959
Jacobsen JH, Gestring GF - Spontaneous retinal electrical potentials - 1959
Janiger O - The use of hallucinogenic agents in psychiatry. - 1959
Jatzkewitz H - Diskussion: Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen - 1959
Whitelaw JDA - A Case of Fetishism Treated with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1959
Kato K, Fujinawa A, Shinohara D - Mental changes induced by LSD-25, on deep psychological significance of LSD experience (Original Japanese). - 1959
Keup W - Diskussion: Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen. - 1959
Keup W - The Possible Role of a LSD-Protein Complex in LSD Model Psychosis. - 1959
Key BJ, Bradley PB - The Effects of Drugs on Conditioning and Habituation to Arousal Stimuli in Animals - 1959
Klee GD, Weintraub W - Paranoid Reactions Following Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1959
Krus DM, Wapner S - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on perception of part-whole relationships - 1959
La Barre J - A propos de la pathogénèse de l'ulcère gastrique postréserpinique - 1959
Langfitt TW, Finney LA - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on cortical sensory evoked potentials in the cat - 1959
Langfitt TW, Finney LA - Effects of LSD on cortex of cat correlated with changes in vital signs - 1959
Lennard HL, Abramson HA, Hewitt MP - Drugs and Social Interaction - 1959
Lesse S - Discussion on drug research - 1959
Lesse S - Studies on anxiety in schizophrenia - 1959
Leuner M - Experimenteller Beitrag zum Widerspruch der Auffassungen von der Schizophrenie-Benese - 1959
Lienert GA - Changes in the Factor Structure of Intelligence Tests Produced by d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). - 1959
Loeb C, Giberti F - Lysergic acid diethylamide effects modified by hydroxyzine hydrochloride. - 1959
Luduena FP, O'malley E, Oyen IH - Effect of adrenergic blockers and related compounds on the toxicity of epinephrine in rats. - 1959
Mörsdorf K, Bode HH - Zur Beeinflussung der permeabilitätssteigernden Wirkung des Serotonins durch verschiedenartige Pharmaka. - 1959
Maffii G - Influenza della mescalina e della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LSD-25) sull'apprendimento del riflesso condizionato di salvaguardia (primario e secondario) nel ratto. - 1959
Mahler DJ, Humoller FL - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Bufotenine on Performance of Trained Rats - 1959
Mansour TE - The Effect of Serotonin and Related Compounds on the Carbohydrate Metabolism Metabolism of the Liver Fluke, Fasciola hepatica - 1959
Martens S, Vallbo S, Andersén K, Melander B - A comparison between taraxein and some psychotomimetrics - 1959
Martin AJ - Schizophreniform reactions under day hospital LSD therapy - 1959
Mcneill JP, Hampton JK - Effects on Homeostasis of 5-Hydroxytryptamine, Lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-Brom-d-lysergic acid. - 1959
Melander B, Martens S - Experimental studies on taraxein and LSD. - 1959
Melander B, Martens S - A Pharmacological Test-System for Demonstration of Psychotomimetic Activity in Animals - 1959
Michaux H - La Psilocybine (Experiences et Autocritique) - 1959
Monnier M - Stimulants hallucinogènes, psychotoniques et analeptiques du système nerveux central. - 1959
Monnier M - Action de la Psilocybine sur le cerveau du lapin - 1959
Nakakuki M - A Clinical Study of Experimental Psychosis induces by LSD 25 in Schizophrenics - 1959
Naranjo P - Estudio comparativo de la harmina, la dietilamida del acido lisérgico (LSD 25) y la mescalina - 1959
Orsini F, Benda P - Etude expérimentale du ralentissement de la performance sous LSD-25. - 1959
Orsini F, Benda P - Etude Experimentale du Ralentissement de la Performance sous LSD-25 - 1959
Perris C - Elektromyographische Untersuchungen der Wirkung von LSD 25 auf die neuromuskuläre Reizübertragung beim Kaninchen - 1959
Photiades H, Anastasopoulos G - Veranderung schizophrener Zustandsbilder durch LSD-25 - 1959
Rümmele W - Die Stellung des Psilocybins unter anderen psychotropen Substanzen - 1959
Rinkel M - Experimental study of psychosis - 1959
Rojo M - Therapéutica lisérgica en ciertos síndromes obsesivos y neurosis sexuales. - 1959
Rome HP - Mushrooms, Folklore, and Experimental Psychoses - 1960
Rosenbaum G, Cohen BD, Luby ED, Gottlieb JS, Yelen D - Comparison of Sernyl with other drugs. Simulation of schizophrenic performance with Sernyl, LSD-25, and amobarbital (Amytal) sodium; I. Attention, motor function, and proprioception. - 1959
Roubícek J - Similarities and dissimilarities between schizophrenia and experimental psychosis produced by LSD-25. - 1959
Sandison RA - The role of psychotropic drugs in individual therapy. - 1959
Sandison RA - Discussion Fourth Symposium: Comparison of Drug-Induced and Endogenous Psychoses in Man - 1959
Sandison RA - The role of psychotropic drugs in group therapy - 1959
Scott KG, Stone RS - The anti-tumor action of lysergic acid derivatives and their serotonin-blocking effect as reflected by the I 13I distrubution in rats - 1959
Shay H, Sun DCH, Gruenstein M - Action of psychopharmacologic agents on interdigestive gastric secretion in the rat - 1959
Slaytor M, Pennefather JN, Wright SE - Metabolites of LSD and ergonovine. - 1959
Smith CM - Some Reflections on the Possible Therapeutic Effects of the Hallucinogens with Special Reference to Alcoholism - 1959
Smythies JR - Quantitative measurement of the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on mice and its interactions with other drugs - 1959
Solms H - Diskussion: Pathophysiologische Aspekte bei Psychosen - 1959
Songar A, Erutku B - Psikoaktif denen ilâclar. (Les drogues dites psychoactives) - 1959
Stähelin H, Taeschler M - Beitrag zur Differenzierung der Fieberwirkung von Lipopolysaccharid-Pyrogen und D- Lysergsäurediäthylamid (LSD). - 1959
Sutter JM, Pelichier Y - Les substances hallucinogenes. - 1959
Tallaferro A, Milano AJ, Alurralde GD, Paz C, Polito R - Acción de la mescalina y la LSD-25 según el test de Funkenstein - 1959
Tedeschi DH, Tedeschi RE, Fellows EJ - The effects of tryptamine on the central nervous system, including a pharmacological procedure for the evaluation of iproniazid-like drugs. - 1959
Tissot R - Essai d'interprétation neuro-physiologique et pharmacologique de quelques thérapeutiques psychiatriques modernes - 1959
Turner WJ, Almudevar M, Merlis S - Chemotherapeutic trials in psychosis: III Addendum 2-brom-d-lysergic acid diethylamide (BOL). - 1959
Wapner S, Krus DM - Behavioral effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Space localization in normal adults as measured by the apparent horizon. - 1959
Waser PG, Itzbicki M - Der Einfluss verschiedener Psychopharmaka auf den Bluthistamingehalt von Ratten. - 1959
Weckowicz TE - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on size constancy - 1959
Weintraub W, Silverstein AB, Klee GD - The Effect of LSD on the Associative Processes - 1959
Wilhelmi G, Schindler W - Ueber die gastrotrope Wirkung von 5-Hydroxytryptamine (HTA), seiner Vorstufen und der entsprechenden Isomeren bei der Ratte. - 1959
Yamada T - Experimental Study of LSD-Psychosis - 1959
Zanowiak P, Rodman MJ - A study of LSD-serotonin central interaction - 1959
Ziolko HU - Psychotrope Drogenwirkung und Psychische Ausgangslage (Neurose) - 1959
Abramson, Harold A. - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with LSD. - 1960
Abramson, Harold A. - Appendix: Resolution of Counter-Identification Conflict of Father during Oedipal Phase of Son. - 1960
Belden, Ernest; Hitchen, Richard - LSD-25, Its History and Significance - 1960
Bergen JR, Pincus GG - Steroid Suppression of LSD Induced Behavior Changes in Rats - 1960
Rojas Bermudez, Jaime G. - Tratmiento combinado de psicoanalisis y LSD 25 en ninos psicoticos [Combined Treatment with Psychoanalysis and LSD 25 in Psychotic Children] - 1960
Chandler, Arthur L.; Hartmann, Mortimer A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) as a Facilitating Agent in Psychotherapy. - 1960
Domino EF - Effects of LSD-25 on Photic Driving in Monkeys with Chronically Implanted Electrodes - 1960
Fanchamps A, Doepfner W, Weldmann H, Cerletti A - Pharmakologische Charakterisierung von Deseril, einem Serotonin-Antagonisten [Pharmacological Characteristics of Deseril, a Serotonin Antagonist] - 1960
Fontana, Alberto E.; Alvarez de Toledo, Luisa G. - Psicoterapia de grupo y dietilamida del acido lisergico. Nuevas aportaciones. [Group Psychotherapy and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. New Contributions.] - 1960
Fox SS - LSD Alteration of Optic Potentials (Cat Lateral Geniculate); Block by Schizophrenic Serum - 1960
Freedman DX - LSD-25 and Brain Serotonin in Reserpinized Rat - 1960
Fremont-Smith, Frank - Introductory Remarks - 1960
HA Abramson, A Rolo, B Sklarofsky, J Stache - Production of cross-tolerance to psychosis-producing doses of lysergic acid diethylamide and Psilocybin. - 1960
Kimball RW, Friedman AP, Vallejo E - Effect of Serotonin in Migraine Patients - 1960
Lennard, Henry L.; Hewitt, Mollie P. - The Study of Communication Processes Under LSD - 1960
Leuner, Hanscarl - Uber psychopathologische SchlusselFunktionen in der Modellpsychose. [About Psychopathological Key-Functions in Model Psychosis.] - 1960
Ling, T. M.; Buckman, J. - The Use of Lysergic Acid in Individual Psychotherapy. - 1960
List PH - Psychotrope Drogen - 1960
Malis JL, Brodie DA, Moreno OM - Drug Effects on the Behavior of Self-Stimulation Monkeys - 1960
Orsini F, Benda P - L'epreuve du Dessin en Miroir sous LSD - 1960
Ray OS, Marrazzi AS - Antagonism of Behavioral Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide by Pretreatment with Chlorpromazine - 1960
Ray OS, Marrazzi AS - Effects of Psychotogens on Complex Behavior - 1960
Rhijn, C. H. van - Symbolysis: Psychotherapy by Symbolic Presentation. - 1960
Rojas Bermudez JG - Tratamiento combinado de psicoanalisis y LSD 25 en ninos psicoticos. [Combined Treatment with Psychoanalysis and LSD 25 in Psychotic Children.] - 1960
Rolo, A.; Krinsky, L. W.; Goldfarb, L. - LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics. - 1960
Rome HP - Mushrooms, Folklore, and Experimental Psychoses - 1960
Sandison, Ronald A. - The Nature of Psychological Response to LSD - 1960
Siva Sankar DV - Biochemical Aspects of "LSD-Psychosis" - 1960
Smith CM, Walaszek EJ - Interaction of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) with Polypeptides Which Stimulate Smooth Muscle - 1960
Smith RP - The Effect of LSD-25 and Atropine Upon Figural After Effects - 1960
Stein L - Self-selected Brain Stimulation Reward Threshold Modified by Drugs - 1960
Taeschler M, Cerletti A - Techniques Used for Investigating Central Nervous Activity by Studying Vegetative Functions - 1960
Walaszek EJ, Huggins CG, Smith CM - Antagonists of the Pharmacologically Active Polypeptide Substance A - 1960
Wapner S, Krus DM - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and Differences Between Normals and Schizophrenics on the Stroop Color-Word Test. - 1960
Witt PN - Effects of Psilocybin on Web-Building Behavior of Spiders - 1960
Zsigmond EK, Foldes FF, Foldes V - The Lack of Correlation Between the Psychopharmacologic and Anticholinesterase Effect of LSD and its Congeners - 1960
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXX. The Questionnaire Technique with Notes on Its Use - 1960
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists. III. Modification of syndrome by prior administration of prednisone. - 1960
Abramson HA, Rolo A - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) antagonists: chlorpromazine - 1960
Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). XXXI. Comparison by questionnaire of psychotomimetic activity of congeners on normal subjects and drug addicts - 1960
Abramson HA, Rolo A, Sklarofsky B, Stache J - Production of Cross-Tolerance to Psychosis-Producing Doses of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Psilocybin - 1960
Abramson HA - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with LSD - 1960
Abramson HA - Appendix: Resolution of Counter-Identification Conflict of Father During Oedipal Phase of Son - 1960
Aronson H, Klee GD - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) on Impulse Control - 1960
Aston R, Cullumbine H - The effect of combinations of ataraxics with hypnotics, LSD and iproniazid in the mouse - 1960
Balestrieri A - Studies on Cross Tolerance with LSD-25, UML-491 and JB-336 - 1960
Barendregt JT - Performance on some objective tests under LSD-25 - 1960
Berde B, Doepfner W, Cerletti A - Ueber die Wirkungsdauer einiger Serotoninantagonisten. - 1960
Bergen JR, Krus D, Pincus G - Suppression of LSD-25 Effects in Rats by Steroids - 1960
Bertino JR, Klee GD, Collier D, Weintraub W - Clinical Studies with Dibenzyline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1960
Biered J, Browne IW - An experiment with a psychiatric night hospital - 1960
Buchel L, Lévy J - Action protectrice de quelques amino-éthers alcooliques et phenoliques, X-0-(CH2)n(R)(R') sur le bronchospasme provoqué chez le cobaye par des aérosols d'histamine et de sérotonine. - 1960
Bultosova H, Grof S, Horackova E, Kuhn E, Rysanek K, Vitek V, Vojtechovsky M - Psychopatologie a Biochemie Experimentalnich Psychoz Vyvolanych Anticholinergnimi Halucinogeny - 1960
Burton RM, Kaplan NO, Goldin A, Leitenberg M, Humphreys SR - Interaction of nicotinamide with resperpine and chorpromazine. III. Some effects on the diphosphopyridine nucleotide content in liver - 1960
C B - La Psilocybine - 1960
Cerletti A - Attivatori e antagonisti della serotonina - 1960
Chandler AL, Hartman MA - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) as a Facilitating Agent in Psychotherapy. - 1960
Cohen S - Lysergic acid diethylamide: side effects and complications - 1960
David JM - Acción de la dietilamida del ácido d-lisérgico (LSD-25) en las neurosis obsesivas - 1960
Delphaut J, Lanza M - Action comparative de la mescaline, du LSD-25 et de la yagéine sur la température centrale du rat - 1960
Demaar EWJ, Williams HL, Miller AI, Pfeiffer CC - Effects in man of single and combined oral doses of reserpine, iproniazid, and d-lysergic acid diethylamide - 1960
Deysson G - Les champignons hallucinogènes et la psilocybine - 1960
Dhawan BN - Blockade of LSD-25 pyrexia by morphine - 1960
Dhawan BN, Gupta GP - Some further observations on LSD-25 morphine antagonism - 1960
Dobkin AB, Harland JH - Drugs which stimulate affective behavior. I. Action of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) against thiopentone anesthesia in dogs. - 1960
Dobkin AB, Pearson JL, Barr JS - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (Delysid, LSD-25) on thiopental recovery - 1960
Draskoci M - Assay of lysergic acid diethylamide and its passage from blood into the perfused cerebral ventricles. - 1960
Evans FT - The Effect of Several Psychotomimetic Drugs on Human Serum Cholinesterase - 1960
Fink M, Jaffe J, Kahn RL - Drug-Induced Changes in Interview Patterns: Linguistic and Neurophysiologic Indices - 1960
Fischgold H, Mathis P - Modifications Pharmacologiques du Rythme "Alpha" - 1960
Fontana AE, de Álvarez de Toledo LG - Psicoterapia de grupo y dietilamida del ácido lisérgico. Neuvas aportaciones. - 1960
Fremont-Smith F - Introductory Remarks - 1960
Friedhoff AJ, Abrams B - Effect of glutamic acid and glutamine on the pyretogenic action of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1960
Geiger RS - Effects of LSD-25, serotonin and sera from schizophrenic patients on adult mammalian brain cultures - 1960
Gershon S, Olariu J - JB-329, a New Psychotomimetic. Its Antagonism by Tetrahydroaminacrin and its Comparison with LSD, Mescaline and Sernyl. - 1960
Gessner PK, Khairallah PA, McIsaac WM, Page IH - The Relationship Between the Metabolic Fate and Pharmacological Actions of Serotonin, Bufotenine and Psilocybin - 1960
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Contributo allo studio psicofarmacologico delle depressioni e dell'ansia: Nota II. Richerche con l'impiego della L.A.E. 32 e delle psilocibina - 1960
Gupta GP, Dhawan BN - Blockade of reserpine emesis in pigeons - 1960
Hamilton CL - Effects of LSD-25 and amphetamine on a running response in the rat. - 1960
Hidalgo WT - Estudio comparativo psicofisiologico de la Mescalina, Dietilamida del acido D-lisérgico y Psilocybina - 1960
Hoffer A, Callbeck MJ - Drug-Induced Schizophrenia - 1960
Hofmann A - Psychotomimetica. Chemische, pharmakologische und medizinische Aspekte: Eine Uebersicht - 1960
Hofmann A - Die psychotropen Wirkstoffe der mexikanischen Zauberpilze - 1960
Holgate JA, Warner BT - Evaluation of antagonists of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine in the guinea-pig - 1960
Hollister LE, Prusmack JJ, Paulsen JA, Rosenquist N - Comparison of Three Psychotropic Drugs (Psilocybin, JB-329 and IT-290) in Volunteer Subjects - 1960
Horácková E, Vojtechovský M - Odhad casu v experimentální psychóze po LSD-25 - 1960
Hradil F, Holda J - Vyuzití zmén v permeabilité kapilár k hodnocení antiserotoninového a antihistaminového úcinku - 1960
Hyde RW - Psychological and social determinants of drug action - 1960
Irányi K - Klinische Untersuchungen über die Antriebsfunktion - 1960
Ishido M - Psychopathologische Untersuchungen der psychischen LSD-Störung - Erforscung durch Beeinflussung mit Medikamenten - 1960
Jarvik ME, Chorover S - Impairment by lysergic acid diethylamide of accurracy in performance of a delayed alternation test in monkeys. - 1960
Jasmin G, Bois P - Effect of various agents on the development of kidney infarcts in rats treated with serotonin - 1960
Kaneko Z, Hishikawa Y, Shimizu A, Hidaka Y, Kageyama N, Fukui S - Effects of psychotropic drugs on the electrical activity of the brain and behavior of the cat - 1960
Klee GD, Bertino J, Callaway E, Weintraub W - Clinical Studies with LSD-25 and Two Substances Related to Serotonin - 1960
Krill AE, Wieland AM, Ostfeld AM - The effect of two hallucinogenic agents on human retinal function - 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM, Ostfeld AM - LSD and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. I. An exploratory study - 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM, Ostfeld AM - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. II. An exploratory study. - 1960
Lennard HL, Hewitt MP - The Study of Communication Processes Under LSD - 1960
Leonard SL, Day HT - Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on phosphorylase and glycogen levels in muscle tissue - 1960
Ling TM, Buckman J - The Use of Lysergic Acid in Individual Psychotherapy - 1960
Machover K, Liebert R - Human figure drawings of schizophrenic and normal adults - 1960
Malitz S, Esecover H, Wilkens B, Hoch PH - Some Observations on Psilocybin, a New Hallucinogen, in Volunteer Subjects - 1960
Malitz S, Wilkens B, Roehrig WC, Ho PH - A clinical comparison of three related hallucinogens - 1960
Manzini B, Saraval A - L'intossicazione sperimentale da LSD ed i suoi rapporti con la schizofrenia. Osservazioni su due casi di confine tra nevrosi e schizofrenia trattati con somministrazioni ripetute di LSD - 1960
Marrazzi AS - The action of psychotogens and a neurophysiological theory of hallucination. - 1960
Masuda M, Dorpat TL - Urinary aromatic metabolites in normal subjects after LSD - 1960
Monnier M, Krupp P - Classification électro-physiologique des stimulants du système nerveux central. II. Action des stimulants hallucinogènes, psychotoniques, analeptiques sur les mecanismes d'èveil et de détente - 1960
Oh JO, Evans CA - Suppressive effects of pyrilamine maleate and d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on early corneal lesions produced in vitro by Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and counpound 48/80 - 1960
Orsini F, Benda P - L'epreuve du dessin en miroir sous LSD-25 - 1960
Outschoorn AS, Jacob J - A study of antagonists of 5-hydroxytryptamine and catecholamines on the rat's blood pressure. - 1960
Pollard JC, Bakker C, Uhr L, Feuerfile DF - Controlled Sensory Input: A Note on the Technic of Drug Evaluation with a Preliminary Report on a Comparative Study of Sernyl, Psilocybin, and LSD-25. - 1960
Quétin AM - La Psilocybine en psychiatrie clinique et expérimentale - 1960
Ray OS, Marrazzi AS - Effects of Psychotogens on Complex Behavior - 1960
Reinhard JF, Plekss OJ, Scudi JV - Some pharmacological actions of amphenidone. A new psychotherapeutic drug - 1960
Rice WB, McColl JD - Antagonism of psychotomimetic agents in the conscious cat - 1960
Rinkel M, Atwell CR, Dimascio A, Brown J - Experimental Psychiatry. V. Psilocybine, A New Psychotogenic Drug - 1960
Robinson JT - Discussion (LSD and psychotherapy. Roy. Soc. Med., Sect. Psychiat., London, May 10, 1960.) - 1960
Rojo SM - EL LSD-25 y la psicoterapia en grupo - 1960
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldfarb L - LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy with Alcoholics - 1960
Salvatore S - Some Related Factors of the LSD 25 Reaction - 1960
Sandison RA - The Nature of the Psychological Response to LSD - 1960
Sankar S, Kopelman A, Schilder P, Gold E - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on larval growth - 1960
Savoldi F, Maggi GC, Noli S - Attività elettrica cerebrale spontanea e provocata sotto azione di alcuni principi allucinogeni di Psilocybe mexicana Heim (psilocina e psilocibina) - 1960
Schering C - Current studies on the nature of brain function - 1960
Shirahashi K - Electroencephalographic study of mental disturbances experimentally-induced by LSD-25 - 1960
Sicuteri F, Franchi G, Michelacci S - Inhibition by lysergic acid derivatives of bronchospasm induced in guinea pigs by serotonin aerosol - 1960
Silva F, Heath RG, Rafferty T, Johnson R, Robinson W - Comparative Effects of the Administration of Taraxein, d-LSD, Mescaline, and Psilocybin to Human Volunteers - 1960
Silverstein AB, Klee GD - The Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Digit Span - 1960
Silverstein AB, Klee GD - The Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Dual Pursuit Performance - 1960
Siva DV, Bender L - Biochemistry of lysergic acid diethylamide psychosis - 1960
Smith RP - The Effect of LSD-25 and Atropine Upon Figural After Effects - 1960
Stevenin L, Benoit JC - A Propos de l'Utilisation des Substances Dysleptiques en Psychotherapie. Resultats Favorables de Seances Repetees [On the use of dysleptic drugs in psychotherapy; favorable results on repeated administration] - 1960
Taeschler M, Weidmann H, Cerletti A - Die Wirkung von LSD auf die Reaktionszeiten bei einer bedingten Fluchtreaktion und im Analgesietest - 1960
Taeschler M, Cerletti A - Zur Pharmakologie psychoaktiver Wirkstoffe - 1960
Taeschler M, Weidmann H - Die Wirkung von LSD auf die Reaktionszeiten bei einer bedingten Fluchtreaktion und im Analgesietest. - 1960
Takagi H, Ban T - The effect of psychotropic drugs on the limbic system of the cat - 1960
Takashina K - Physiological studies of visual symptoms due to the effects of hallucinogenic agent LSD-25 on the critical fusion frequency of flicker, the electric flicker threshold, and the intensity threshold for light - 1960
Thuring JP - The influence of LSD on the handwriting pressure curve - 1960
van der Horst L - The way of working with "model" psychoses - 1960
van Lennep JE - Performance on some projective tests under LSD-25 - 1960
van Ree F - Prediction of syndromes under LSD-25 - 1960
Van Rhijn CH - Symbolysis: Psychotherapy by Symbolic Presentation - 1960
Vernet J - Actions psychologique et thérapeutique de la psilocybine - 1960
Vojtechovsky M, Grof S, Vítek V, Rysánek K, Bultasová H - Experimentalpsychose als Folge der Verabreichung von 200 mg. Benactyzin. - 1960
Vojtechovsky M, Grof S - Podobnosti a Rozdily Mezi Esperimentalni Psychozou po LSD-25 a po Mezkalinu - 1960
Volmat R, Rosolato G, Wiart C, Robert R - Recherches expérimentales actuelles en esthétique - 1960
Walaszek EJ, Huggins CG, Smith CM - Antagonists of the Pharmacologically Active Polypeptide Substance A - 1960
Weidmann H, Cerletti A - Studies on Psilocybin and related compounds. I. Communication. Structure activity relationship of oxyindole-derivatives with regard to their effect on the knee jerk of spinal cats. - 1960
Weintraub W, Silverstein AB, Klee GD - The "Correction" of Deviant Responses on a Word Association Test - 1960
Witt PN - Effects of Psilocybin on Web-Building Behavior of Spiders - 1960
Witt, Peter - A Biological Test Method for Psychotropic Drugs Based on the Web-Building Behavior of Spiders - 1960
Woolley DW - Serotonin in mental disorders - 1960
Yanagisawa Y - Effects of LSD-25 on the electrical activities of the rabbit's brain. - 1960
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XXXII. Resolution of Counter-Identification Conflict of Father during Oedipal Phase of Son. - 1961
Arendsen-Hein GW - Hallucinogenic drugs. Specific problems - Feb. 25, 1961
Barolin, G. S. - Erstes Europaisches SymPosion fur Psychotherapie unter LSD-25, Gottingen, November 1960. [First European Symposium for Psychotherapy under LSD-25, Gottingen, November 1960.] - 1961
Beach VL, Steinetz BG - Quantitative Measurement of Evans Blue Space in the Tissues of the Rat: Influence of 5-Hydroxyryptamine Antagonists and Phenelzine on Experimental Inflammation - 1961
Bierer, Joshua; Buckman, John - Marlborough Night Hospital. Treatment with LSD and Group Therapy - 2. - 1961
Bindler EH, Gyermek L - Influence of 5-HT Antagonists on the Ganglionic Stimulant Action of 5-HT and DMPP - 1961
Bradley P - Hallucinogenic drugs. Psychopharmacology. - 1961 Feb 25
Brown BB - CNS Stimulants and Electrical Brain Activity in Spontaneously Behaving Cats - 1961
Cameron K - Hallucinogenic drugs. Specific problems - 1961 Feb 25
David, Aurelia E.; David, Jorge M. - La Psilocybina, un Nuevo Alucinogeno, y sus Posibilidades Terapeuticas en Psicoterapia. [Psilocybin, a New Hallucinogen, and its Therapeutic Possibilities in Psychotherapy.] - 1961
David, M. David; David, Aurelia E. - Mecanismos Terapeuticos en la Accion de la LSD 25. [Therapeutic Mechanisms in the Action of LSD 25.] - 1961
Elder JT, Shellenberger MK - Antagonism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)-Induced Hyperthermia - 1961
Fontana, Alberto E. - El uso clinico de las drogas alucinogenas. [The Clinical Use of Hallucinogenic Drugs.] - 1961
Fremont-Smith, Frank - A Symposium - 1961
H Leuner - Psychotherapy with hallucinogens. A clinical report with special reference to the revival of emotional phases of childhood - 1961
Holfeld, Heinz - Psychophysische Korrelationen unter der Einwirkung von Psycholytika (LSD, Psilocybin und ahnl.). [Psychophysical Correlations under the Influence of Psycholytic Agents (LSD, Psilocybin and Relatives) .] - 1961
Maclean, J. Ross; Macdonald, D.C.; Byrne, Ultan P.; Hubbard, Alfred M. - The Use of LSD-25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism and other Psychiatric Problems - 1961
Pichot P - Hallucinogenic drugs. New Drugs - Feb. 25, 1961
Rinkel M, Dimascio A, Robey A, Atwell C - Personality Patterns and Reaction to Psilocybine - 1961
Robinson JT - Hallucinogenic Drugs. Therapeutic Applications - Feb. 25, 1961
Rosen I - Hallucinogenic Drugs. Specific Problems. - Feb. 25, 1961
Sandison RA - Hallucinogenic drugs. Therapeutic applications - Feb. 25, 1961
Sankar DB, Siva DV, Gold E, Phipps E - Effect of LSD, BOL, and Chlorpromazine in Serotonin Levels - 1961
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - The Psychotomimetic Properties of 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine - 1961
Siva Sankar DV, Gold E, Sankar B, McRorie N - Effect of Psychopharmacological Agents on DPN-dependent Enzymes - 1961
Smith CM, Walaszek EJ - Potentiation of Smooth Muscle Stimulants by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1961
Spencer AM - Hallucinogenic drugs. Specific problems - Feb. 25, 1961
Tenenbaum, Bertrand - Group Therapy with LSD-25. (A Preliminary Report). - 1961
Tenenbaum B - Group Therapy with LSD-25. (A preliminary report) - 1961
Van Dusen, Wilson - LSD and the Enlightenment of Zen. - 1961
Ward, Jack L. - The Psychodrama of the LSD Experience - Some Comments on the Biological Man - 1961
Zsigmond EK, Foldes FF, Foldes VM - The Inhibitory Effect of Psilocybin and Related Compounds on Human Cholinesterases - 1961
Abramson HA, Gettner HH, Hewitt MP, Dean G - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) XXXIII. Effect on surfacing behaviour of the carp and possible application to game conservation and survival kits - 1961
Anastasopoulos G, Photiades H - Research with LSD on relatives of schizophrenic patients - 1961
Andersen H, Kristensen KK, Knudsen KP - LSD-Behandling. Psykoterapi bed Hjealp af Lysergsyre-diaetyl-amid. - 1961
Böszörményi Z - Psilocybin and diethyltryptamine: two tryptamine hallucinogens - 1961
Balestrieri A - Some Aspects of the Sensitivity to Hallucinogenic Drugs. - 1961
Ball JR, Armstrong JJ - The use of LSD 25 (D-Lysergic acid diethylamide) the treatment of the sexual perversions - 1961
Barolin GS - Erstes Europaisches Symposium fur Psychotharapie unter LSD-25, Gottingen, November 1960. [First European Symposium for Psychotherapy under LSD-25, Gottingen, November 1960.] - 1961
Bastian JW - Classification of CNS drugs by a mouse screening battery - 1961
Bindler EH, Gyermek L - Influence of 5-HT Antagonists on the Ganglionic Stimulant Action of 5-HT and DMPP - 1961
Brücke F, Gogolak G, Stumpf C - Die Wirkung von LSD auf die Makro- und Mikrotätigkeit des Hippocampus - 1961
Bradley CA, Miya TS, Yim GKW - The Effect of Certain Psychopharmacologic Agents on Liver and Brain Sulfhydryl Levels - 1961
Brown BB - CNS Stimulants and Electrical Brain Activity in Spontaneously Behaving Cats - 1961
Buxton RSJ - Skin response to histamine of the protein-sensitized guinea pig - 1961
Cerletti A - Synopsis of certain developments within the field of hallucinogenic drugs - 1961
Chauchard P, Mazoué H - Action de la psilocybine sur l'excitabilité des centres nerveux - 1961
Curtis DR, Davis R - A central action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and noradrenaline - 1961
David JM, David AE - Mecanismos Terapeuticos an la Accion de la LSD 25 [Therapeutic Mechanisms in the Action of LSD 25] - 1961
David AE, David JM - La Psilocibina, un Nuevo Alucinogeno, y sus Posibilidades Terapeuticas en Psicoterapia [Psilocybin, a New Hallucinogen, and Its Therapeutic Possibilities in Psychotherapy] - 1961
Delay J, Pichot P, Lempérière T - La Psilocybine. Ses Implications Thérapeutiques - 1961
Dhalla NS, Malhotra CL, Sastry MS - Effect of acorusoil in vitro on the respiration of rat brain - 1961
Dhawan BN, Gupta GP - Antiemetic Activity of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1961
Dhawan BN, Saxena PN, Gupta GP - Antagonism of apomorphine-induced pecking in pigeons - 1961
Doull J, Tricou BJ - Studies on the radioprotective effect of serotonin in mice - 1961
Duarte A, Bayley F - Contribucion al estudio del acido lisergico en clinica psyquiatrica - 1961
Editorial - Hallucinogenic drugs. The future - 1961
Editorial - Lysergic acid and psychotic art - 1961
Edwards AE, Cohen S - Visual Illusion, Tactile Sensibility and Reaction Time Under LSD-25 - 1961
Elder JT, Shellenberger MK - Antagonism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)-Induced Hyperthermia - 1961
Erspamer V - Recent Research in the Field of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Related Indolealkylamines - 1961
Esecover H, Malitz S, Wilkens B - Clinical profiles of paid normal subjects volunteering for hallucinogen drug studies - 1961
Flückiger E, Salzmann R - Serotoninantagonismus an der Placenta - 1961
Fontana AE - El uso clínico de las drogas alusinógenas - 1961
Freedman DX - Studies of LSD-25 and serotonin in the brain - 1961
Freedman DX - Effects of LSD-25 on Brain Serotonin - 1961
Ganong WF, Goldfien A, Halevy A - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on adrenocortical and adrenal medullary function in the dog - 1961
Geert-Jorgensen E - Modelpsykoser og Lysergsyre-Diaetyl Amidbehandling [Model Psychoses Using LSD-Treatment] - 1961
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Contributo allo studio psicofarmacologico delle depressioni e dell'ansia. Nota I: Ricerche con l'impiego della LSD e del derivato iminodibensilico G.22.355 (Tofranil). - 1961
Goldberger M - The Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) upon the Histochemical Reactions for Cholinesterase in the Central Nervous System - 1961
Green A - Chimiothérapies et psychothérapies. (Problèmes posés par les comparaisons des techniques chimiothérapiques et psychothérapiques et leur association en thérapeutique psychiatrique) - 1961
Gubel I - Drogas alucinogenas e hipnosis en picoterapia - 1961
Gubel I - Hallucinogenic drugs and hypnosis in psychotherapy - 1961
Guedes PLV - Experiências com a dietilamina do ácido lisérgico (LSD 25) - 1961
Gyermek L - 5-hydroxytryptamine antagonists - 1961
Hamilton CL, Wilpizeski C - Effects of LSD-25 on food intake in the rat - 1961
Heath RG, de Balbian F - Effects of chemical stimulation to discrete brain areas - 1961
Heimann H - Ausdrucksphanomenologie der Modellpsychosen (Psilocybin): Vergleich mit Selbstschilderung und psychischem Leistungsausfall - 1961
Herrera JJ, Costanzo CJ - Comunicación previa sobre el ácido lisérgico en los alcóholicos (Vorläufige Mitteilung über Lysergsäure bei Alkoholikern.) - 1961
Hill HB, Usberwood PNR - The action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and related compounds on neuromuscular transmission in the locust sehistocerca gregaria - 1961
Hofmann A - Chemical, Pharmacological and Medical Aspects of Psychotomimetics - 1961
Hofmann A - Die Erforschung der mexikanischen Zauberpilze - 1961
Hofmann A - Psychotomimetics, chemical, pharmacological and clinical aspects - 1961
Holfeld H - Psychophysische Korrelationen unter der Einwirkung von Psycholytika (LSD, Psilocybin und ahnl) [Psychophysical Correlations under the Influence of Psycholytic Agents (LSD, Psilocybin and Relatives)] - 1961
Hollister, Leo E. - Clinical, Biochemical and Psychologic Effects of Psilocybin - 1961
Horita A, Weber LJ - Dephosphorylation of Psilocybin to Psilocin by Alkaline Phosphatase - 1961
Horita A, Weber LJ - Dephosphorylation and oxidation of Psilocybin and Psilocin by mammalian tissue preparations - 1961
Horita A, Weber LJ - The enzymic dephosphorylation and oxidation of psilocybin and psilocin by mammalian tissue homogenates - 1961
Isbell H, Wolbach AB, Wikler A, Miner EJ - Cross Tolerance Between LSD and Psilocybin - 1961
Jacob J, Blozovski M - Actions de divers analgésiques sur le comportement de souris exposées à un stimulus thermoalgésique. II. Apprentissage nociceptif d'urgence. Actions différentielles de substances analgésiques et psychoactives sur les réactions de lèchement et de bond - 1961
Jost F, Geertz VW - Modernos tratamientos en psiquiatría. Alucinógenos: psicosis por LSD - 1961
Key BJ - The effect of drugs on discriminstion and sensory generalisation of auditory stimuli in cats - 1961
Klee GD, Bertino J, Weintraub W - The Influence of Varying Dosage on the Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) in Humans - 1961
Koller T, Monnier M - Actions électro-physiologiques des stimulants du système nerveux central. III. Action sur la rétine et le centre visual cortical. [Electrophysiological effects of central stimulants. -III. Effect on the retina and the cortical visual center]. - 1961
Koller T - Wirkungen sentral stimulierender Pharmaka auf die elektrische Aktivität der Netzhaut und des corticalen Sehzentrums - 1961
Krawczynski J - The influence of serotonin, d-lysergic acid diethylamide and 2-brom-LSD on the incorporation of 35 S methionine into brain proteins and on the level of ATP in the brain - 1961
Krivoy WA - Potentiation of substance P by lysergic acid diethylamide in vivo - 1961
Krus DM, Wapner S, Bergen J, Freeman H - The Influence of Progesterone on Behavioral Changes Induced by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) in Normal Males - 1961
Leuner H - Psychotherapy with hallucinogens. A clinical report with special reference to the revival of emotional phases of childhood - 1961
Lienert GA - Ueber die Regression psychischer Funktionen als Folge harmakologischer Belastung durch LSD und Alkohol - 1961
Lienert GA - Die Farbwahl im Farbpyramidentest unter Lysergsäurediätylamid (LSD) - 1961
Maclean JR, Macdonald DC, Byrne UP, Hubbard AM - The Use of LSD-25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism and Other Psychiatric Problems - 1961
Melching HJ, Jaques R, Ladner HA - Untersuchungen über einen biologischen Strahlenschutz. XLIII. Mitteilung: Zur Frage der Serotoninabhängigkeit des Strahlenschutzeffektes von Resperpin - 1961
Missere G, Tonini G, Babbini M - Changes in the liver protein pattern due to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). - 1961
Mom AM, Ubalton SP, Degano I - Esclerosis sistemica progresiva (esclerodermia). Investigación clínica sobre las alteraciones del metabolismo intermedio de triptófano y tirosina y la actividad terapéutica de drogas quelantes, corticotrofina y corticoides, relaxina y ácido lisérgico en 24 pacientes - 1961
Monroe RR, Heath RG - Effects of lysergic-acid adn various derivatives on depth and cortical electrograms - 1961
Moore KE, Milton AS, Gosselin RE - Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the respiration of excised lamellibranch gill - 1961
Moore KE, Gosselin RE - Effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on glysolysis in lamellibranch gill - 1961
Nieto D - Experimentos de bloqueo do las psicosis experimentales - 1961
Noyan B, Köknel O, Oktem O - Lysergic acid diethylamide ile hayvanlarda tecrübi çalismalar. (Etudes éxpérimentales avec le diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique sur les animaux) - 1961
Oosterhuis HK - Influence des médicaments psychotropes sur le métabolism cérébral. Recherches du mécanisme d'action du Disipal - 1961
Ostfeld AM - Effects of LSD 25 and JB 318 on tests of visual and perceptual functions in man - 1961
Pascal E, Gamna G - Modificazioni di comportamento delle processionarie del pino per effetto della dietilamide dell'acido d-lisergico. Nota 1. (Modification du comportement des processionaires du pin par le diethylamide de l'acide lysergique. Note 1) - 1961
Pauk ZD, Shagass C - Some test findings associated with susceptibility to psychosis induced by lysergic acid diethylamide - 1961
Pichot P - Hallucinogenic drugs. New Drugs - Feb. 25, 1961
Pierce J - Zur Wirkung von Atarax auf die LSD-Modellpsychose - 1961
Ray OS, Marrazzi AS - A Quantifiable Behavioral Correlate of Psychotogen and Tranquilizer Actions - 1961
Robert R - Intérêt de la peinture pour étudier les manifestations neurologiques et psychiatriques induites par la psilocybine. A propos de 32 protocoles realisés chez des artistes - 1961
Roubicek J - Experimentalni Psychosy - 1961
Rummele W, Gnirss F - Untersuchungen mit Psilocybin, einer psychotropen Substanz aus Psilocybe Mexicana - 1961
Sakamoto K - LSD-25, mescaline induced psychosis and catechol amine metabolism - 1961
Sankar DB, Siva DV, Gold E, Phipps E - Effect of LSD, BOL, and Chlorpromazine in Serotonin Levels - 1961
Sankar VS, Sankar B, Phipps E, Gold E - Effect of administration of lysergic acid diethylamide on serotonin-levels in the body - 1961
Savage C - The uses and abuses of LSD in psychotherapy - 1961
Sercl M, Lovarik J, Jaros O - Klinische Erfahrungen mit Psilocybin (CY 39 Sandoz) - 1961
Smith CM, Walaszek EJ - Potentiation of Smooth Muscle Stimulants by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1961
Smith DL - The effect of experimentally modified sleeping periods on brain levels of barbital - 1961
Stacey RS - Uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine by platelets - 1961
Stone CA, Wenger HC, Ludden CT, Stavorski JM, Ross CA - Antiserotonin-antihistaminic properties of cyproheptadine - 1961
Sugaar S, Fried GH, Kalberer J, Antopol W - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide and its brom analogue on arterial hypertension in the rat - 1961
Szego CM, Sloan SH - The influence of histamine and serotonin in promoting early uterine growth in the rat - 1961
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, L'Huillier J, Baginski L - Étude du comportement et du changement de couleur du Phoxinus phoxinus Linné, soumis à l'action des drogues psychotropes. Influence du pH et de la composition du milieu. [Study of the behaviour and colour change of the Phoxinus phoxinus Linnaeus under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Influence of pH and of the composition of the medium]. - 1961
Thuillier J, Makajima H, L'Huillier J, Baginski L - Influence de la mélatoine, d'amines biogènes et de l'acétylcholine sur les réactions du Phoxinux phoxinus Linné provoquées par certaines drogues psychotropes - 1961
Tissot R - Monoamines et système nerveux central - 1961
Tokuda S, Welser RS - Studies on the role of serotonin and mast cells in anaphylaxis of the mouse produced with soluble antigen-anti-body complexes - 1961
van der Horst L - The shifting emphasis in contemporary psychiatry - 1961
Vogel G, Marek ML - Ueber die Hemmung verschiedener Rattenpfoten Oedeme durch Serotonin-Antagonisten - 1961
Votava Z, Lamplova I - Antiserotonin activity of some ergolenyl and isoergolenyl derivatives in comparison with LSD and the influence of monoamine oxidase inhibitors on this antiserotonin effect - 1961
Zsigmond EK, Foldes FF, Foldes VM - The In vitro Inhibitory Effect of LSD, Its Congeners and 5-Hydroxytryptamine on Human Cholinesterases - 1961
Zsigmond EK, Foldes FF, Foldes VM - The Inhibitory Effect of Psilocybin and Related Compounds on Human Cholinesterases - 1961
Aldhadeff, Benjamin Wilson - Les effets psychotomimetiques du Delyside (LSD 25) et de l`Indocybine (Psilocybine) dans l`exploration clinique de la personnalite. [The Psychotomimetic Effects of Delysid (LSD) and Indocybin (Psilocybin) in Clinical Personality Exploration] - 1962
Butterworth, A.T. - Some Aspects of an Office Practice Utilizing LSD 25. - 1962
Cates N, Broer HH, Siva DV - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and of Chlorpromazine (CPZ) on Histamine Levels - 1962
Dolezal, V.; Hausner, M. - Nase zkusenosti s indivdualni a kolektivni psychoterapii. [Our Experience with Individual and Group Psychotherapy with the Aid of LSD.] - 1962
Dunlap, Jane - Exploring Inner Space: Personal Experiences under LSD-25 - 1962
Fanchamps A - Des Drogues Magiques des Azteques a la Therapie Psycholytique - 1962
Freedman DX, Barchas JD, Schoenbrun RL - Response of Brain Amines to Exhaustion-Stress of LSD-25 - 1962
Hart ER, Redick TF, Marrazzi AS - The Cerebral Synaptic Inhibitory Action of Psilocybin and Harmine - 1962
Heimann, Hans - Zur Behandlung therapieresistenter Neurosen mit Modellpsychosen (Psilocybin) [About the Treatment of Therapy Resistant Neuroses with Model Psychoses (Psilocybin)] - 1962
Hertz, Mogens - Observationer og indtryk fra et ars arbejde med LSD. [Observations and Impressions of a Year's Work with LSD.] - 1962
Hollister, Leo E.; Degan, Roger O.; Schultz, S. Donald - An Experimental Approach to Facilitation of Psychotherapy by Psychotomimetic Drugs. - 1962
Holzinger, Rudolf - Analytic and Integrative Therapy with the Help of LSD-25. - 1962
Isbell H, Wolbach A, Rosenberg D - Observations on Direct and Cross Tolerance with LSD and Dextroamphetamine in Man - 1962
Jackson, Donald D. - LSD and the New Beginning. - 1962
Jensen, Sven E. - A Treatment Program for Alcoholics in a Mental Hospital - 1962
Knudsen, Knud Peter - En ny Methodik ved LSD-Behandlingen. [A New Method of LSD-Treatment.] - 1962
Knudsen, Knud Peter - Et ars Erfaringer med Indlagte og Ambulante Patienter under LSD-behandling. [A Year's Experience with Bedridden and Ambulant Patients under LSD-Therapy.] - 1962
Koella WP, Schaeppi U - The Reation of the Isolated Cat Iris to Serotonin - 1962
Kristensen, Ketty Kjaerbye - LSD-Behandling Kombineret med Parenteral RitalinbehandLing. [LSD-Treatment Combined with Parenteral Ritalin Treatment.] - 1962
Leuner, Hanscarl; Holfeld, Heinz - Ergebnisse und Probleme der Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von LSD-25 und verwandten Substanzen. [Results and Problems of Psychotherapy Aided by LSD-25 and Related Substances.] - 1962
Murphree HB, Jenney EH, Pfeiffer CC - Quantitative Electroencephalographic Analysis of the Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Pfeiffer CC, Jenney EH, Murphree HB, Goldstein L - EEG Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Normal Volunteers and Schizophrenic Patients - 1962
Robak, Ole Herman - LSD-25 som Psykoterapeutisk Hjelpemiddel. En Redegjorelse og Preliminoer Meddelelse [LSD-25 as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy. A Preliminary Report] - 1962
Savage, Charles C. - LSD, Alcoholism and Transcendence. - 1962
Terrill, James - The Nature of the LSD Experience. - 1962
Tuchinda U, Hedler L, Marquardt P - Vergleichende untersuchungen von Bradykinin und einer depressorisch aktiven Substanz am isolierten Organ [Comparative Studies on Bradykinin and a Substance with Depressor Activity in Isolated Organs] - 1962
Adey WR, Bell FR, Dennis BJ - Effects of LSD-25, psilocybin, and psilocin on temporal lobe EEG patterns and learned behavior in the cat - 1962
Alhadeff BW - Les effects psychotomimétiques du Délyside (LSD-25) et de l'Indocybine (Psilocybine) dans l'exploration clinique de la personnalité - 1962
Anastasopoulos G, Photiades H - Effects of LSD-25 on relatives of schizophrenic patients - 1962
Andersen H - Et års erfaring med LSD-behandling - 1962
Aronson H, Watermann CE, Klee GD - The Effect of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) on Learning and Retention - 1962
Böszörményi Z - Ueber die psychotherapiefördernde Wirkung einiger halluzinogener Substanzen - 1962
Bender L, Goldschmidt L, Siva DV - Treatment of Autistic Schizophrenic Children with LSD-25 and UML-491 - 1962
Bender L, Goldschmidt L, Siva DV - LSD-25 helps schizophrenic children - 1962
Bercel A, Ferguson JT - What have we learned from LSD? - 1962
Berryman R, Jarvik ME, Nevin JA - Effects of pentobarbital, lysergic acid diethylamide and chlorpromazine on matching behavior in the pigeon - 1962
Berta M, Duarte A, Silvera H, Severino JP, Gaspar E - "Rêve éveillé" lisérgico dirigido - 1962
Borel A - Champignons, noyau indolique et psychisme - 1962
Borgstedt HH, Benjamin JA, Emmel VM - The Role of Histamine in Ureteral Function - 1962
Buñag RD, Walaszek EJ - Differential Antagonism by Bas-Phenol of Responses to the Indolealkylamines - 1962
Bunag RD, Walaszek EJ - Blockade of depressor responses to serotonin and tryptamine by lysergic acid derivatives in the chicken - 1962
Butterworth AT - Some Aspects of an Office Practice Utilizing LSD-25 - 1962
Cates N, Broer HH, Siva DV - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and of Chlorpromazine (CPZ) on Histamine Levels - 1962
Cerletti A - Pharmakodynamische Grundlagen zur differenzierten Psychopharmakotherapie - 1962
Christiansen A, Baum R, Witt PN - Changes in spider webs brought about by mescaline, psilocybin and an increase in body weight - 1962
Cohen BD, Rosenbaum G, Luby ED, Gottlieb JS - Comparison of phencyclidine hydrochloride (Sernyl) with other drugs. Simulation of Schizophrenic Performance with Phencyclidine hydrochloride (Sernyl), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25), and amobartital (Amytal) sodium; II. Symbolic and sequential thinking - 1962
Cohen S, Ditman KS - Complications associated with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Colville KI, Lindsay LA - B.W. 57-301, a pyrimidine derivative with potent and specific antiserotonin effects - 1962
Curtis DR, Davis R - Pharmacological studies upon neurones of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat - 1962
David JM, David AEA - Interacción de mecanismos farmacológicos y psicodinamismos en los efectos de drogas alucinogenas. Hipotesis sobre la naturaleza y los mecanismos de su acción terapéutica especifica en psiquiátria - 1962
Day CA, Yen HCY - Antagonism of drug-induced tremors - 1962
Ditman KS, Hayman M, Whittlesey JRB - Nature and frequency of claims following LSD - 1962
Doepfner W - Biochemical observations on LSD-25 and Deseril - 1962
Downing DJ - The chemistry of the psychotomimetic substances - 1962
Editorial - 297-Mg. Shot of LSD kills bull elephant. Shaken with seizure, dies in short time - Sep 3,1962
Elder JT, Dille JM - An Experimental Study of the Participation of the Sympathetic Nervous System in the Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Reaction in Cats - 1962
Elder JT, Shellenberger MD - Antagonism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)-Induced Hyperthermia - 1962
Fanchamps A - La psychopharmacologie moderne et les drogues magiques mexicaines - 1962
Feinberg I - A Comparison of the Visual Hallucinations in Schizophrenia with Those Induced by Mescaline and LSD-25 - 1962
Fischer R, Griffin F, Liss L - Biological aspects of time in relation to (model) psychoses - 1962
Fogel S, Hoffer A - The Use of Hypnosis to Interrupt and to Reproduce an LSD-25 Experience - 1962
Freedman DX, Barchas JD, Schoenbrun RL - Response of Brain Amines to Exhaustion-Stress of LSD-25 - 1962
Freedman DX, Giarman NJ - LSD-25 and the Status and Level of Brain Serotonin - 1962
Freedman AM, Ebin EV, Wilson E - Autistic Schizophrenic Children. An Experiment in the Use of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Gamna G, Ferrio L, Gandiglio G, Gobbi L, Rivolta A, Vercellino F - Contributo Clinico, Elettroencefalografico E. Biologico Allo Studio Della Psilocibina - 1962
Gelpke R - Von Fahrten in den Weltraum der Seele.. Berichte über Selbstversuche mit Delysid (LSD) und Psilocybin (CY) - 1962
Gessner PK, Page IH - Behavioural Effects of 5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, Other Tryptamines and LSD - 1962
Goldstein L - B-adrenergic Blocking Property of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Gonzalez E, Booker WM - The effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on the synthesis and release of catecholamines - 1962
Gregoretti L, Sinisi C - Indagini farmacopsichiatriche con psilocybina - 1962
Gubel I - Hallucinogenic drugs and hypnosis in psychotherapy - 1962
Gyermek L, Bindler E - Blockade of the Ganglionic Stimulant Action of 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1962
Hart ER, Redick TF, Marrazzi AS - The Cerebral Synaptic Inhibitory Action of Psilocybin and Harmine - 1962
Hart ER, Rodriguez JM, Marrazzi AS - Reticular synaptic inhibition by serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Heath RG - Psychotomimetic compounds: their contribution to understanding mechanisms and possible treatment of psychosis - 1962
Heimann, Hans - Zur Behandlung therapieresistenter Neurosen mit Modellpsychosen (Psilocybin) [About the Treatment of Therapy Resistant Neuroses with Model Psychoses (Psilocybin)] - 1962
Hertle F, Zipf KE, Broghammer H - Beobachtungen über Stoffwechselverhalten, Muskeltonus und einige Kreislaufgrössen beim Menschen unter LSD-25-Einwirkung [Observations on metabolic behaviour, muscle, tone and some circulation values in humans under the influence of LSD-25) - 1962
Hertz, Mogens - Observationer og indtryk fra et ars arbejde med LSD [Observations and Impressions of a Year's Work with LSD.] - 1962
Hollister LE, Degan RO, Schultz SD - An Experimental Approach to Facilitation of Psychotherapy by Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1962
Hollister LE, Hartman AM - Mescaline, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Psilocybin: Comparison of Clinical Syndromes, Effects on Color Perception and Biochemical Measures - 1962
Hollister, Leo E. - Drug-Induced Psychoses and Schizophrenic Reactions: A Critical Comparison - 1962
Horita A, Weber LJ - Dephosphorylation of Psilocybin in the Intact Mouse - 1962
Irányi K - LSD-Untersuchungen an ES-behandelten Schizophrenen - 1962
Isbell H, Wolbach A, Rosenberg D - Observations on Direct and Cross Tolerance with LSD and Dextroamphetamine in Man - 1962
Jackson DD - LSD and the New Beginning - 1962
Jacob J, Lafille C, Loiseau G, Echinard-Garin P, Barthelemy C - Recherche d'équivalents expérimentaux au pouvoir hallucinogène. Action des hallucinogenes sur la température rectale du lapin et sure les effects de la morphine chez la souris - 1962
Kalberer F, Keris W, Rutschmann J - The fate of psilocin in the rat - 1962
Kirkegaard A, Linnemann E, Bom F, Munkvaad I, Tolstrup K, Stürup GK, Kjaerbye Kristensen K - LSD-behandling. Et ars erfaring. - 1962
Knudsen KP - Et ars Erfaringer med Indlagte og Ambulante Patienter under LSD-Behandling. [A Year's Experience with Bedridden and Ambulant Patients under LSD-Therapy.] - 1962
Knudsen, Knud Peter - En ny Methodik ved LSD-Behandlingen [A New Method of LSD-Treatment.] - 1962
Kristensen, Ketty Kjaerbye - LSD-Behandling Kombineret med Parenteral Ritalinbehandling. [LSD-Treatment Combined with Parenteral Ritalin Treatment.] - 1962
Kuromaru S, Ckada S, Hanada M, Kasahara Y, Sakamoto K - The effect of LSD-25 on the phantom limb (The problem of body-schemo and therapeutic use of LSD-25 on the phantom pain. - English summary.) - 1962
Lanter R, Weil J, Roth M - Note á propos de l'utilisation diagnostique et thérapeutique des drogues hallucinogènes (mescaline - LSD 25) - 1962
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM, Ostfeld AM - LSD and JB 318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. III. Qualitative analysis and summary of findings - 1962
Leuner H, Holfeld H - Ergebnisse und Probleme der Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von LSD-25 und Verwandten Substanzen [Results and Problems of Psychotherapy Aided by LSD-25 and Related Substances.] - 1962
Liberson WT, Ellen P, Schwartz E, Wilson A, Gagnon V - Further studies of the effects of psychotropic drugs on the behavior of guinea pigs and rats - 1962
Linton HB, Langs RJ - Subjective reactions to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) measured by a questionnaire - 1962
Linton HB, Langs RJ - Placebo reactions in a study of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Muller-Limmroth W, Hartmann H - Die Wirkung von Lysergsaurediathylamid (LSD) auf das ERG des Kalt-und Warabluters - 1962
Malitz S, Wilkens B, Esecover H - A Comparison of Drug-Induced Hallucinations with Those Seen in Spontaneously Occurring Psychoses - 1962
Marrazzi AS - Synaptic and behavioral correlates of psychotherapeutic and related drug actions - 1962
Martí-Granell A - Nuestra experiencia sobre el empleo del Delysid y la Psilocybina en el tratamiento de la neurosis obsesiva - 1962
Martin AJ - The Treatment of Twelve Male Homosexuals with "LSD." (Followed by a detailed account of one of them who was a psychopathic personality) - 1962
Maxwell GM, Kneebone GM, Elliott RB - The effect of Psilocybin upon the systemic, pulmonary, and coronary circulation of the intact dog - 1962
Mietkiewski E, Lichota E - Przyczynek do badán nad osrodkowyz dzialeniem dwuetylamidu kwasu lizergowego - 1962
Murphree HB - Quantitative Studies in Humans on the Antagonism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide by Chlorpromazine and Phenoxybenzamine - 1962
Murphree HB, Jenney EH, Pfeiffer CC - Quantitative Electroencephalographic Analysis of the Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1962
Nieto D - Psicosis experimentales con Psilocybina - 1962
O'Reilly PO, Reich G - Lysergic acid and the alcoholic - 1962
Pawlowski AA - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on the modification of a learned jumping response - 1962
Pfeiffer CC, Jenney EH, Murphree HB, Goldstein L - EEG Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Normal Volunteers and Schizophrenic Patients - 1962
Ray OS, Marrazzi AS - Pharmacological and behavioral analysis of conflict behavior in rat - 1962
Reinhard JF - Pharmacodynamics of amphenidone - 1962
Robak, Ole Herman - LSD-25 som Psykoterapeutisk Hjelpemiddel. En Redegjorelse og Preliminoer Meddelelse [LSD-25 as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy. A Preliminary Report] - 1962
Sackler AM, Weltman AS, Russakow M - Endocrine effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on female rats - 1962
Salanki J, Koschtojanz CS - Untersuchung der Wirkungen von Serotonin, Tryptamin, Adrenalin, Noradrenalin und LSD auf die Neuroregulation der periodischen Aktivität von Süsswassermuscheln (Anodonta cygnea) - 1962
Sandowski B, Longo VG - Electroencephalographic and behavioural correlates of an instrumental reward conditioned response in rabbits. A physiological and pharmacological study - 1962
Savage C - LSD, Alcoholism and Transcendence - 1962
Saxena A, Bhattacharya BK, Mukerji B - Behavioural studies in fish with mescaline, LSD, and thiopropasate and their interactions with serotonin and dopa - 1962
Sherwood JN, Stolaroff MJ, Harman WW - The psychedelic experience - A new concept in psychotherapy - 1962
Siva DV, Gold E, Senkar DB - Metabolic effects of psychoactive drugs - 1962
Siva Sankar DV, Phipps E, Gold E, Sankar DB - Effect of LSD, BOL, and chlorpromazine on "neurohormone" metabolism - 1962
Smith CM, Walaszek EJ - Interaction of substance P and other smooth muscle stimulants with LSD-25 on the guinea pig ileum - 1962
Somani P - Changes in permeability of the skin capillaries of rats by Echis carinatus (saw-skinned viper) venom, and its modification by promethazine, LSD 25 and reserpine pretreatment - 1962
Streifler M, Steiner JE - The influence of LSD 25 (lysergic acid diethyl-amide) on the O2 consumption of rat brain homogenats - 1962
Terrill J - The Nature of the LSD Experience - 1962
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Thuiller J, Nakajima H, Grandjean JL, Kurihara M - Dualite d'Action de l'Imipramine sur l'Hyperthermie Provoquee par le LSD 25 Chez le Lapin - 1962
Thuillier J, Makajima H, L'Huiller J, Baginski L - Influence de la Melatonine, d'Amines Biogenes et de l'Acetylcholine sur les Reactions du Phoxinus-Phoxinus-Linne Provoquees par Certaines Drogues Psychotropes - 1962
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, Grandjean JK, Kurihara M - Potentialisation par certains esters analogues de la centrophénoxie de l'hyperthermie induite chez le lapin par le lysergamide. - 1962
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, Grandjean JL, Kurihara M - Potentialisation par Certains Esters Analogues de la Centrophenoxie de l'Hyperthermie Induite Chez le Lapin par le Lysergamide - 1962
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, Grandjean JL, Kurihara M - Discrimination de Psychoanaleptiques par l'Hyperthermie Provoquee par le LSD 25 Chez le Lapin - 1962
Thuillier J, Nakajima H, Grandjean JL, Kurihara M - Dualité d'action de l'imipramine sur l'hyperthermie provoquée le LSD 25 chez le lapin - 1962
Ursin H - The lack of effect of LSD 25 on amygdaloid and cortical attention responses - 1962
Varagic V, Stepanovic S, Hajdukovic S - The effect of methysergide and X-irradiation on the barbiturate sleeping-time in rats - 1962
Villegas Martinez AM - Antiserotoninas (Especial Consideracion del Deseril Sandoz) - 1962
Vojtechovský M, Vítek V, Rysánek K - Beetnflussung Experimenteller Psychosen Nach Psilocybin Durch Necrohormonpraecursoren aus der Reihe der Aminosäuren - 1962
Vojtechovský M, Vitek V, Rysánek K - Ovlivnení experimentální psychózy po Psilocybinu prekursory neurohormonü z rad aminokyselin - 1962
Volterra V, Tiberi F - Sull'impiego della psilocibina nella diagnosi e terapia delle nevrosi - 1962
Wada JA - Behavioral and Electrographic Effects of Intra-ventricular Injection of Bulbocapnine and Other Substances in Freely Moving Monkeys - 1962
West GB - Drugs and rat pregnancy - 1962
West LJ, Pierce CM, Thomas WD - Lysergic acid diethylamide: its effects on a male asiatic elephant - 1962
Wilkens B, Malitz S, Esecover H - Clinical Observations of Simultaneous Hallucinogen Administration in Identical Twins - 1962
Winter CA - Psychotomimetic compounds: pharmacological and behavioral effects in animals - 1962
Wiseman-Distler MH, Sourkes TL - The Effect of 4-Hydroxyindoles on the Metabolism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin) - 1962
Wolbach AB, Isbell H, Miner EJ - Cross Tolerance Between Mescaline and LSD-25. With a Comparison of the Mescaline and LSD Reactions. - 1962
Wolbach AB, Miner EJ, Isbell H - Comparison of Psilocin with Psilocybin, Mescaline and LSD-25 - 1962
Woolley DW, Campbell NK - Serotonin-like and antiserotonin properties of psilocybin and psilocin - 1962
Wright AM, Moorhead M, Welsh JH - Actions of derivatives of lysergic acid on the heart of venus mercenaria - 1962
Wulfsohn NL, Politzer WM - 5-hydroxytryptamine in anaesthesia - 1962
Alnaes, Randolf; Skaug, Odvar E. - Changes in Serum 17-OH Corticosteriods during Lysergic-Acid-Diethylamide (LSD) Intoxication, and during Hypnosis. - 1963
Alnaes, Randolf; Skaug, Odvar E. - Kliniske og psykoptologiske Fenomener under Psykoterapi ved Hjelp av LSD korrelert med biokjemiske Funn. [Clinical and Psychopathologic Phenomena under Psychotherapy with the Help of LSD, Correlated with Biochemical Measures.] - 1963
Arendsen-Hein, G.W. - LSD in the Treatment of Criminal Psychopaths. - 1963
Arendsen-Hein GW - Treatment of the Neurotic Patient, Resistant to the Usual Technique of Psychotherapy, with Special Reference to LSD - 1963
Arendsen-Hein GW - LSD in the treatment of criminal psychopaths - 1963
Belden, Ernst; Hitchen, Richard - The Identification and Treatment of an Early Deprivation Syndrome in Alcoholics by Means of LSD-25 - 1963
Cameron, Kenneth - Some Experiences with LSD in the Treatment of Adolescent Boys. - 1963
Cerletti A, Berde B, Neuhold K, Taeschler M - Caratterizzazione Farmacologica di un Nuovo Antagonista della Serotonina con Proprieta Analgesico-Antiflogistiche [Pharmacological Characteristics of a New Serotonin Antagonist with Analgesic and Antiphlogistic Properties] - 1963
Davies, Brian M. - Phencyclidine: Its Use in Psychiatry - 1963
Delay, Jean; Pichot, Pierre; Lemperiere, Therese - The Therapeutic Implications of Psilocybine - 1963
Eisner, Betty G. - The Influence of LSD on Unconscious Activity. - 1963
Fisher, Gary - Some Comments Concerning Dosage Levels of Psychedelic Compounds for Psychotherapeutic Experiences. - 1963
Fordham, Michael - Analytic Observations on Patients Using Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1963
Gladstone, Elaine R. - The Use of the Rorschach Test in LSD Treatment. - 1963
Gucker, Donald K. - Combining External and Internal Symbolization in the LSD Episode. - 1963
Hausner, Milan; Dolezal, V. - Katamnesticke hodnoceni vysledku psychoterapie za pouziti LSD. [Catamnestic Evaluation of the Results of Psychotherapy Using LSD.] - 1963
Hausner, Milan; Dolezal, V. - Prakticke zkusenosti s halucinogeny v psychoterapii. [Practical Experiences with Hallucinogens in Psychotherapy.] - 1963
Hausner, Milan; Dolezal, V.; SaPosnikova, O. - Nektere psychodiagnosticke vysetrovaci metody pri psychoterapii za pomoci LSD. [Various Psychodiagnostic Testing Methods during Psychotherapy using LSD.] - 1963
Hausner M, Dolezal V - Group and Individual Psychotherapy under LSD - 1963
Hertz, Mogens - LSD-BehandLingen som tress og katKalysator for Laereprocesser. [LSD-Treatments as a Stress Factor and Catalyst in Learning Processes.] - 1963
Heyder, Dietrich W. - LSD-25 in Conversion Reaction. - 1963
Jensen, Sven E.; Ramsay, Ronald - Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1963
Kafkalidis, Athanassios - Application Therapeutique de la Diethylamide de l`Acide D-Lysergique (Delyside ou LSD-25) sur les Psychonevroses. [Therapeutic Application of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (Delysid or LSD-25) in the Psychoneuroses.] - 1963
Kaij, Lennart - LSD-Behandling av Neuroser. [LSD-Treatment of Neuroses.] - 1963
Kalbhen DA, Sargent TW - Preliminary Studies of the Distribution and Fate of Br82-Labelled 2-Brom-d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (BOL) in the Human Body - 1963
Keeler MH, Lipton MA - Relations Among Effects of Psilocybin on Hallucinatory Activity, Critical Frequency of Fusion, and Psychological Disturbance - 1963
Klee, Gerald D. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions. - 1963
Koella WP, Beaulieu RF, Bergen JR - Effect of LSD-25 on the Walking Activity and Pattern in the Goat - 1963
Lambert, Carl - Techniques in the Use of Phencyclidine - 1963
Leuner, Hanscarl - Die Psycholytische Therapie: Klinische Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von LSD-25 und verwandten Substanzen. [Psycholytic Therapy: Clinical Psychotherapy with the Aid of LSD-25 and Related Substances.] - 1963
Leuner, Hanscarl - Psychotherapy with Hallucinogens: A Clinical Report with Special Reference to the Revival of Emotional Phases of Childhood - 1963
Leuner H - Grundzuge einer konditional-genetischen Psychopathologie am Beispiel der experimentellen Psychose - 1963
Levine, Jerome; Ludwig, Arnold M.; Lyle, William H. - The Controlled Psychedelic State - 1963
Ling, Thomas M.; Buckman, John - The Treatment of Anxiety with Lysergic Acid and Methyl Phenidate. - 1963
Martin, Joyce - A Case of Psychopathic Personality with Homosexuality Treated by LSD. - 1963
Merritt H H, Kunkle E C, Dalessio D J, Ostfeld A M, et al. - Headache: Its mechanism, diagnosis and management. Summary and Discussion - 1963
Perez Morales, Francisco - El LSD 25 en psicoterapia. Su fundamentacion historica y metodologica. [LSD 25 in Psychotherapy. Historic and Methodologic Foundations.] - 1963
Perez Morales, Francisco - El LSD 25 en la psicoterapia. Psicoterapia individual. [LSD 25 in Psychotherapy. Individual Psychotherapy.] - 1963
Perez Morales, Francisco - Psicoterapia y LSD 25 (III). [Psychotherapy and LSD 25 (III) .] - 1963
Ramsay, Ronald; Jensen, Sven; Sommer, Robert - Values in Alcoholics After LSD-25. - 1963
Robinson JT, Davis LS, Sack NS, Morrissey JD - A Controlled Trial of Abreaction with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1963
Rosen, Ismond - Clinical Observations on Agression in the Treatment of Affective Disorders with Obsessions by the Use of Lysergic Acid and Intensive Psychotherapy - 1963
Rosenthal, Theodore - Symposium on Alcoholism -- II - 1963
Roszkowski AP, Kelly NM - A Rapid Method for Assessing Drug Inhibition of Feeding Behavior - 1963
Sandison, Ronald A. - Certainty and Uncertainty in the LSD Treatment of Psychoneurosis. - 1963
Savage, Charles C.; Stolaroff, Myron J.; Harman, Willis; Fadiman, James - Caveat! The Psychedelic Experience - 1963
Schwartz AS - Effects of LSD on Evoked Potentials and Behavior in the Conscious Cat - 1963
Shanthaveerappa T R, Nandy K, Bourne GH - Histochemical Studies on the Mechanism of Action of the Hallucinogens d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate (LSD-25) and d-2-Bromo Lysergic Acid Tartrate (BOL-148) in Rat Brain - 1963
Shorvon, HJ - Abreaction and Brainwashing - 1963
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - Psychotomimetic Agents Related to Mescaline - 1963
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - Composition of the Myristicin Fraction from Oil of Nutmeg - 1963
Spencer, A.M. - Permissive Group Therapy with LSD - 1963
Spencer, A.M. - Permissive Group Therapy with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1963
Unger, Sanford M. - Mescaline, LSD, Psilocybin, and Personality Change. A Review. - 1963
Van Rhijn, C. H. - Significant Hallucinations - 1963
Weltman AS, Sackler AM, Steinglass P, Bernstein M - Endocrine Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Male Rats - 1963
Adey WR - Computer analysis of hippocampal EEG activity and impendance in approach learning: manipulation with psychotomimetic and hallucinogenic drugs - 1963
Aguilar T - La Psilocybine: perspectives d'utilisation en psychiatrie clinique - 1963
Alhadeff BW - Les Effets Psychotomimetriques du LSD et de la Psilocybine dans l'Exploration Clinique de la Personnalite - 1963
Alhadeff BW - Aspects cliniques de l'emploi du delyside et de l'indocybine en psychiatrie - 1963
Alnaes R, Skaug OE - Kliniske og psykopatologiske fenomener under psykoterapi ved hjelp av LSD korrelert med biokjemiske funn. (Klinische und psychopathologische Phanomene wahrend der Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von LSD in Korrelation zu den biochemischen Befunden) - 1963
Arendsen-Hein GW - Treatment of the Neurotic Patient, Resistant to the Usual Technique of Psychotherapy, with Special Reference to LSD - 1963
Beccari E, Milinengo L - Carried extinction as a tool to discriminate the effects of some psychotropic drugs on the learning processes - 1963
Belden E, Hitchen R - The Identification and Treatment of an Early Deprivation syndrome in Alcoholics by Means of LSD-25 - 1963
Bender L, Faretra G, Cobrinik L - LSD and UML Treatment of Hospitalized Disturbed Children - 1963
Benoit JC - Les substances hallucinogènes. Leur rôle dans la recherche et dans la thérapeutique psychiatriques actuelles - 1963
Borsy J, Huszti Z, Fekete M - The antimescaline properties of some lysergic acid derivatives according to their antiserotonin effects - 1963
Bradley PB - L'action des Phenothiazines sur le Cerveau - 1963
Bradley PB, Key BJ - Conditioning experiments with LSD - 1963
Brodey JF, Steiner WG, Himwich HE - An electrographic study of psilocin and 4-methyl-x-methyl-tryptamine (MP-809) - 1963
Broer HH, Cates N, Siva DV - Effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on oxygen uptake and norepinephrine levels - 1963
Cahen R, Nadaud J, Sautai M, Bonnet D, Bouché F - Pharmacologie de la p-chloro-a-(2-diméthylaminoéthoxy)-benzylpyridine. II. Action antisérotonine périphérique - 1963
Calanca A - Auto-expérimentation au LSD-25 et à la psilocybine - 1963
Cameron, Kenneth - Some Experiences with LSD in the Treatment of Adolescent Boys - 1963
Cerletti A - The Hallucinogenic Drugs. Scientific Meeting Address - 1963
Cerletti A, Schlager E, Spitzer F, Taeschler M - Psychopharmake 4. Mitteilung. Psychodysleptica - 1963
Cerletti A, Hofmann A - Mushrooms and Toadstools - 1963
Cervoni P, Bertino JR, Geiger LE - Medullary Vagal Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in the Decerebrate Cat - 1963
Cheek FE - Exploratory Study of Drugs and Social Interaction - 1963
Chessick RD, Kronholm J, Maier G - Effect of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and other drugs on tropical fish - 1963
Clark WG - Psychotomimetic (hallucinogenic) drugs - 1963
Cluxton JF - Modifying effect of stress on LSD disruption of performance in rats - 1963
Cohen S, Ditman KS - Prolonged Adverse Reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1963
Corne SJ, Pickering RW, Warner BT - A method for assessing the effects of drugs on the central action of 5-hydroxytryptamine - 1963
Crocket R, Sandison RA, Lewis AW - Hallucinogenic Drugs and Their Psychotherapeutic Uses - 1963
David J, Capek R, Unna KR - Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine and related substances on related substances on electrical activity of hippocampal neurones - 1963
de Baran L - Discussant. Instrumental reward discrimination in rabbits. Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of a series of lysergic acid derivatives - 1963
de Salva S - Effect of drugs on EST in various endocrine deficient states - 1963
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T - The Therapeutic Implications of Psilocybine - 1963
Ditman KS - Psychotomimetics: Pharmacodynamic and Psychotherapeutic properties - 1963
Ditman KS, Hayman M, Whittlesey JRB - The Subjective After-Effects of Psychedelic Experiences: A Summary of Four Recent Questionnaire Studies - 1963
Drvota S - O variabilité úcinku farmak (zvlásté vzhledem k úcinku a nebezpecím pri podávání LSD). (Ueber die Variabilität der Pharmakawirkung/besonders in bezug zur Wirkung und Gefahr bei der LSD-Applikation) - 1963
Dubanský B, Kolarík J, Vyhnánkova M, Ruzicková R - The effect of Psilocybin upon the clinical and EEG picture of focal brain damage - 1963
Editorial - Psychiater totet mangels medizinischer Kenntnisse einen Zoo-Elefanten - 1963
Editorial - Lysergic Acid in treatment of neuroses - 1963
Editorial - LSD: The Promise and the Peril - 1963
Eisner BG - The influence of LSD on unconscious activity - 1963
Elkes J - The dysleptics: note on a no man's land - 1963
Faure J, Pierre R - Action de l'Intoxication Chronique par LSD 25 sur les Centres Nerveux du le Comportement du Lapin libre et eveille - 1963
Faure J, Pierre R - Action de l'intoxication chronique par L.S.D. 25 sur les centres nerveux et le comportement du lapin libre et éveillé - 1963
Fisher G - Some comments concerning dosage levels of psychedelic compounds for psychotherapeutic experiences - 1963
Floru R, Sterescou-Volanschi M - Recherches de psychopharmacologie expérimentale - 1963
Fordham M - Analytic Observations on Patients Using Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1963
Gnirss F - Therapie der Neurosen mit Phantastica - 1963
Grinker RR - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1963
Haertzen CA, Hill HE, Belleville RE - Development of the Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI): Selection of items that are sensitive to the effects of various drugs - 1963
Halpern BN, Neveu T, Spector S - On the Nature of the Chemical Mediators Involved in Anaphylactic Reactions in Mice - 1963
Hano J, Wilimowski M, Gieldanowski J, Kazierska L, Orzechowska K - Recherches Pharmacologiques sur de Nourveaux Tranquillisants - 1963
Hartman AM, Hollister LE - Effect of Mescaline, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Psilocybin on Color Perception - 1963
Hausner M, Dolezal V - Group and Individual Psychotherapy under LSD - 1963
Heard G - Can this drug enlarge man's mind? - 1963
Heimann H - Beobachtungen über gestörtes Zeiterleben in der Modellpsychose - 1963
Hertz M - LSD-Behandlingen som Stress og Katalysator for Laereprocesser [LSD-Treatments as a Stress Factor and Catalyst in Learning Processes.] - 1963
Heyder DW - LSD-25 in Conversion Reaction - 1963
Hill HE, Haertzen CA, Wolbach AB, Miner EJ - The Addiction Research Center Inventory: Appendix. I. Items comprising empirical scales for seven drugs. II. Items which do not differentiate placebo from any drug condition - 1963
Hill HE, Haertzen CA, Wolbach AB, Miner EJ - The addiction Research Center Inventory: Standardization of scales which evaluate subjective effects of morphine, amphetamine, pentobarbital, alcohol, LSD-25, pyrahexyl and chlorpromazine - 1963
Iriye T T, Simmonds F A - Phosphorylase enzyme of brain in mental illness - 1963
Jacob J, Lafille C - Caractérisation et détection pharmacologiques des substances hallucinogènes I. Activités hyperthermisantes chez le lapin - 1963
Jacob J, Lafille C - Antagonistes de l'action hyperthermisante du lysergamide chez le lapin. Effets du lysergamide et de la cyproheptadien sur la 5 HT du tronc cérébral - 1963
Jarrard LE - Effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide on operant behavior in the rat - 1963
Jensen SE, Ramsay R - Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1963
Kafkalidis A - Application Therapeutique de la Diethylamide de l'Acide d-Lysergique (Delyside ou LSD 25) sur les Psychonervoses [Therapeutic Application of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (Delysid or LSD-25) in the Psychoneuroses.] - 1963
Keeler MH - Inter-relations of the effects of psilocybin on subjected sensation, photopic critical frequency of fusion, and circulating non-esterified fatty acids - 1963
Keeler MH, Lipton MA - Relations Among Effects of Psilocybin on Hallucinatory Activity, Critical Frequency of Fusion, and Psychological Disturbance - 1963
Kelm H, Jensen SE, Ramsay RW - The Figural After-Effect and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1963
Klee GD - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Ego Functions - 1963
Knoll M, Kugler J, Höfer O, Lawder SD - Effects of chemical stimulation of electrically-induced phosphenes on their bandwith, shape, number and intensity - 1963
Koella WP, Beaulieu RF, Bergen JR - Effect of LSD-25 on the Walking Activity and Pattern in the Goat - 1963
Krill AE, Alpert HJ, Ostfeld AM - Effects of a Hallucinogenic Agent in Totally Blind Subjects - 1963
Kristensen KK - L.S.D. treatment in a Copenhagen department of admissions - 1963
Kristensen KK - Kiliske erfaringer med psilocybin - 1963
Krivoy W, Kroeger D - The neurogenic activity of high potency substance P - 1963
Krivoy W A, Lane M, Kroeger D C - The Actions of Certain Polypeptides on Synaptic Transmission - 1963
Krnjevic K, Phillis JW - Actions of certain amines on cerebral cortical neurones - 1963
Krus DM, Wapner S, Freeman H, Casey TM - Differential behavioral responsivity to LSD 25. Study in normal and schizophrenic adults - 1963
Leary T, Litwin GH, Metzner R - Reactions to Psilocybin Administered in a Supportive Environment - 1963
Leuner H - Grundzuge einer konditional-genetischen Psychopathologie am Beispiel der experimentellen Psychose - 1963
Leuner H - Die psycholytische Therapie: Klinische Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von LSD-25 und verwandten Substanzen. [Psycholytic Therapy: Clinical Psychotherapy with the Aid of LSD-25 and Related Substances.] - 1963
Ling TM, Buckman J - The Treatment of Anxiety with Lysergic Acid and Methyl Phenidate - 1963
Marinow A - Analyse de l'Expression Plastique d'une Schizophrene Chronique au Cours d'Experience Avec la Psilocybine - 1963
Martin J - A Case of Psychopathic Personality with Homosexuality Treated by LSD - 1963
McGaugh JL, de Baran L, Longo VG - Electroencephalographic and behavioral analysis of drug effects on an instrumental reward discrimination in rabbits - 1963
Metzner R - The Pharmacology of Psychedelic Drugs I: Chemical and Biochemical Aspects - 1963
Nakajima H, Grandjean J, L'Huillier J, Thuillier J - Interactions des neuro-stimulants anti-dépresseurs et des neuro-stimulants hallucinogènes dans le cadre de leurs effets sur la régulation thermique - 1963
Necina J, Krejci I - The role of biogenic amines in the development of some experimental gastric ulcers - 1963
Netz B, Jonsson CO, Bergquist S - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on normal subjects in a schizophrenia-discriminating test battery - 1963
Perez Morales F - Psicoterapia y LSD 25 III. Psicoterapia de grupo - 1963
Perez Morales F - El LSD 25 en la psicoterapia. Psicoterapia individual. [LSD 25 in Psychotherapy. Individual Psychotherapy.] - 1963
Pavlin R - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on the acetylcholinesterase activity of single nerve cells from the reticular formation - 1963
Pavliv R - The effects of LSD and other inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChase) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChase) on conditioned reflexes - 1963
Perez F - EL LSD 25 en psicoterapia. Su fundamentación histórica y metodológica - 1963
Perillo AE, García de la Villa A - Experiencia farmacológica en al discutido terreno de la demencia esquizofrénica - 1963
Ramos AO, Chapman LF, Ramos L, Zileli T - Neurokinin from cerebrospinal fluid. III. Reciprocal actions with some drugs - 1963
Ramsay R, Jensen S, Sommer R - Values in Alcoholics after LSD-25 - 1963
Robinson JT, Davies LS, Sack ELNS, Morrissey JD - A Controlled Trial of Abreaction with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1963
Rosen E, Iovino A - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on the nesting behaviour of male pigeons - 1963
Rosen I - Clinical Observations on Aggression in the tTeatment of Affective Disorders with Obsessions by the Use of Lysergic Acid and Intensive Psychotherapy - 1963
Rosenberg DE, Wolbach AB, Miner EJ, Isbell H - Observations on Direct and Cross Tolerance with LSD and D-Amphetamine in Man - 1963
Rysanek K, Vitek V - Comparison of antiserotonin effects of Lysenyl and Deseril in man - 1963
Sackler AM, Weltman AS, Owens H - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Urinary 17-Ketosteroid and 17-OH Corticosteroid Levels of Female Rats - 1963
Sandison RA - Certainty and Uncertainty in the LSD Treatment of Psychoneurosis - 1963
Schmidt J - Die Beeinflussung einer bedingten motorischen Fluchtreaktion der Ratte durch Noradrenalin, Serotonin und Lysergsäure-diäthylamid - 1963
Schmiege GR - LSD as a therapeutic tool - 1963
Schmitt H, Schmitt H - Action de la 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) et de ses antagonistes sur les centres vasomoteurs - 1963
Schwartz AS - Effects of LSD on Evoked Potentials and Behavior in the Conscious Cat - 1963
Sicuteri F - Mast Cells and their Active Substances: Their role in the Pathogenesis of Migraine - 1963
Sicuteri F, Franchi G, Anselmi B - Specificità terapeutica dei derivati lisergici allucinogeni e non allucinogeni nelle cefalee vascolari - 1963
Slater PE, Morimoto K, Hyde RW - The effects of LSD upon group interaction - 1963
Spencer AM - Permissive Group Therapy with LSD - 1963
Spencer AM - Permissive Group Therapy with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1963
Steiner JE, Sulman FG - Simultaneous studies of blood sugar, serotonin metabolism behavioural changes and EEG on the wake rabbit after administration of mescaline and psilocybin - 1963
Steiner JE, Sulman FG - Simultaneous studies of blood sugar, behavioural changes and EEG on the wake rabbit after administration of Psilocybin - 1963
Swank R L, Fellman J H, Hissen W W - Aggregation of blood cells by 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) - 1963
Toscano Aguilar, M. - La Psilocybine, Perspectives d'Utilisation en Psychiatrie Clinique - 1963
Turner WJ - Experiences with Primary Process Thinking - 1963
Unger SM - Mescaline, LSD, Psilocybin, and Personality Change. A Review - 1963
(the Editors) - The Treatment of Alcoholism with Psychedelics - 1963
Not available - Four Psilocybin Experiences - 1963
Vazquez AJ - Strychnine-sensitive mechanism in cat rage - 1963
Vogel G, Marek ML, Stoeckert I - Weitere Untersuchungen zum Wirkungsmechanismus des Rosskastanien-Saponine Aescin - 1963
Weltman AS, Sackler AM, Steinglass P, Bernstein M - Endocrine Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Male Rats - 1963
Wiegershausen B, Stopp G - Ueber den Wirkungsmechanismus von synthetischem Bradykinin am Meerschweinchen. Darm - 1963
Wies J - Investigation on some experimental inflammations in mouse paws - 1963
Wurmser L - Theoretische und praktische Aspekte der Schizophrenie-Psychotherapie - 1963
Baker, EFW - The Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Psychotherapy. - 1964
Cates N, Goldsmith ED, Siva D - Interrelations Between the Effects of Endocrine Organestomies and of LSD-25 - 1964
Costello CG - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) and Behaviour Therapy - 1964
Denber HCB, Charipper HA, Roizin L - Cytological Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) in Rat Brain and Liver - 1964
Editorial - LSD Used as Analgesic - 1964
Eisner, Betty G. - Notes on the Use of Drugs to Facilitate Group Psychotherapy. - 1964
Freedman DX, Aghajanian GK, Coquet CA - Effect of Reserpine on Plasma Binding and Brain Uptake of LSD-25 - 1964
GC Sheatz, DF Bogdanski - Differential Effect of LSD upon Habituating and Extinquishing Evoked Responses - 1964
Geert-Jorgensen, Einar; Hertz, Mogens; Knudsen, Knud; Kristensen, Ketty K. - LSD-Treatment. Experience Gained Within a Three-Year-Period. - 1964
Geert-Jorgensen E, Hertz M, Knudsen K, Kristensen K - LSD-treatment. Experience Gained Within a Three-Year Period - 1964
Holzinger, Rudolf - Analytic and Integrative Therapy with the Help of LSD-25. - 1964
Holzinger, Rudolf - LSD-25, a Tool in Psychotherapy. - 1964
Kast EC, Collins VJ - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide as an Analgesic Agent - 1964
Kast, Eric - Pain and LSD-25: A Theory of Attenuation of Anticipation. - 1964
Kast, Eric C.; Collins, V.J. - A Study of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide as an Analgesic Agent - 1964
Katz W, Silverstein M, Kobold EE, Thal AP - Trypsin Release, Kinin Production, and Shock - 1964
Koella WP, Beaulieu RF, Bergen JR - Stereotyped Behavior and Cyclic Changes in Response Produced by LSD in Goats - 1964
Leary, Timothy - How to Change Behavior - 1964
Leary, Timothy - A Straight Scene - Jul 27,1964
Ling, Thomas M.; Buckman, John - The Treatment of Frigidity with LSD and Ritalin - 1964
Martinez del Campo Enriquez, F - Accion Farmacologica de la Psilocibina [The Pharmacological Action of Psilocybin] - 1964
Martin, Joyce A. - A Case of Early Paranoid Psychosis Treated by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (L.S.D.) - 1964
Martin, Joyce A. - L.S.D. Analysis - 1964
Mogar, Robert E.; Savage, Charles - Personality Change Associated with Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy. A Preliminary Report. - 1964
Nandy K, Shanthaveerappa TR, Bourne GH - The effect of d-lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate (LSD-25) and d-2-bromo lysergic acid tartrate (BOL-148) on specific cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase of rat liver as possible factors in the mechanism of hallucination. A histochemical study. - 1964
O Resnick, DM Krus, M Raskin, H Hoagland - Reversal of LSD-25 Action by Chronic Pretreatment with Marplan in Humans - 1964
Parley, Kay - Supporting the Patient on LSD Day - 1964
Salmoiraghi GC, Bloom FE, Costa E - Adrenergic Mechanisms in Rabbit Olfactory Bulb - 1964
Sandison, Ronald A.; Hopkin, I. - Psychotherapy Using LSD. 2 - 1964
Savage, Charles C.; Savage, Ethel; Fadiman, James; Harman, Willis - LSD: Therapeutic Effects of the Psychedelic Experience. - 1964
Schoen, Stephen M. - LSD in Psychotherapy. - 1964
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - 3-Methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxy Amphetamine, a New Psychotomimetic Agent - 1964
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - Psychotomimetic Amphetamines: Methoxy 3,4-dialkoxyamphetamines - 1964
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T, Kerlinger HO - Isolation of Methoxyeugenol and trans-Isoelemicin from Oil of Nutmeg - 1964
Smith, Colin M. - Exploratory and Controlled Studies of Lysergide in the Treatment of Alcoholism. - 1964
Spencer, A. M. - Modifications in the Technique of LSD Therapy. - 1964
Terrill, James; Savage, Charles C; Jackson, Donald D - LSD, Transcendence, and the New Beginning. - 1964
Unger, Sanford M. - LSD and Psychotherapy: A Bibliography of the English-Language Literature. - 1964
Unger, Sanford M. - LSD and Psychotherapy: A Bibliography of the English-Language Literature - 1964
Unger, Sanford M. - Mescaline, LSD, Psilocybin and Personality Change. - 1964
Whitaker, L. Howard - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Psychotherapy. Part II: Results - 1964
Whitaker, L. Howard - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Psychotherapy. Part I: Clinical Aspects - 1964
Aghajanian GK, Bing OHL - Persistence of lysergic acid diethylamide in the plasma of human subjects - 1964
Alnaes, Randolf - Therapeutic Application of the Change in Consciousness Produced by Psycholytica (LSD, psilocybin, etc.) - 1964
Appel JB - Chemically-induced alterations in the behavioral effects of LSD-25 - 1964
Baker EFW - The Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Psychotherapy - 1964
Barán L, Longo V G - Instrumental reward discrimination in rabbits. Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of a series of lysergic acid derivatives - 1964
Barrigar RH - The Regulation of Psychedelic Drugs - 1964
Baxter BL - Lack of effect of LSD-25 on the Hissing Response Elicited by Electrical stimulation of the cat Hypothalamus - 1964
Benton AJ - The influence of LSD-25 research on an alcoholic psychosis - 1964
Berger FM, Kletzkin M, Mergolin S - Pharmacologic properties of a new tranquillizing agent, 2-methyl-2-propyltrimethylene butylcarbamate (Tybamate) - 1964
Berta M, Duarte A, Silvera H, Severino JP, Gaspar E - El rêve eveillé lisérgico dirigido como un activador en psicoterapia - 1964
Bhattacharya SS, Kishor K, Saxena PN, Bhargava KP - A Neuropharmacological Study of gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) - 1964
Bloom FE, Costa E, Salmoiraghi GC - Analysis of Individual Rabbit Olfactory Bulb Neuron Responses to the Microelectrophoresis of Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin Synergists and Antagonists - 1964
Cates N, Goldsmith ED, Siva D - Interrelations Between the Effects of Endocrine Organestomies and of LSD-25 - 1964
Chessick RD, Haertzen CA, Wikler A - Tolerance to LSD-25 in schizophrenic subjects. Attenuation of effects on pupillary diameter and kneejerk threshold after chronic intoxication - 1964
Chessick RD, Kronholm J, Beck M, Maier G - Effect of pretreatment with tryptamine, tryptophan and DOPA on LSD reaction in tropical fish - 1964
Cole JO, Katz MM - The Psychotomimetic drugs. An Overview - 1964
CP de Francisco - Auto-experiencia con psilocybina - 1964
Denber HCB, Charipper HA, Roizin L - Cytological Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) in Rat Brain and Liver - 1964
Dubanský B, Kolarík J, Vyhnánková M, Sevcík M - Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschadigungen. V. Bedeutung und Wert von Psilocybin fur die klinische Neurologie - 1964
Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M, Kolarík J, Sevcík M - Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirn-schadigungen. I. Psychotomimetische Wirkung von Psilocybin und von den ubrigen Phantastika - 1964
Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M, Kolarík J, Sevcík M, Ruzicková R - Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschidigungen II. Somatische und psychische Wirkungen in unserem Krankengut und bei gesunden Versuchspersonen - 1964
Dubansky B - Pouzití Psilocybinu Jako Diagnostického Testu v Neurologii - 1964
Editorial - LSD Used as Analgesic - 1964
Editorial - No Need to Control LSD - 1964
Eisner BG - Notes on the Use of Drugs to Facilitate Group Psychotherapy - 1964
Freedman DX, Aghajanian GK, Coquet CA - Effect of Reserpine on Plasma Binding and Brain Uptake of LSD-25 - 1964
Freedman DX, Appel JB, Hartman FR, Milliver ME - Tolerance to Behavioral Effects of LSD-25 in Rat - 1964
Geert-Jorgensen E - Behandling med L.S.D. [Treatment with L.S.D.] - 1964
Genest K, Farmilo GG - The identification and determination of lysergic acid diethylamide in narcotic seizures - 1964
Gorodetzky CW, Isbell H - A Comparison of 2,3-Dihydro-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide with LSD-25 - 1964
Haertzen CA - On the Addiction Research Center Inventory Scores of Former Addicts Receiving LSD and Untreated Schizophrenics - 1964
Hassler O - Circulatory effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide LSD-25 - 1964
Hobson JA - The effect of LSD on the sleep cycle of the cat - 1964
Hoffmeister F, Kreiskott H, Wirth W - Untersuchungen mit zentral wirksamen Anticholinergica - 1964
Hofmann A - Mexikanische Zauberdrogen und ihre Wirkstoffe - 1964
Hollister, Leo E. - Clinical Syndrome from LSD-25 Compared with Epinephrine - 1964
Hollister LE, Sjoberg BM - Clinical Syndromes and Biochemical Alterations Following Mescaline, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Psilocybin and a Combination of the Three Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1964
Holzinger R - Analytic and Integrative Therapy with the Help of LSD-25 - 1964
Horowitz MJ - The imagery of visual hallucinations - 1964
Iturriza FC, Koch OR - Effect of the Administration of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the colloid vesicles of the pars intermedia of the toad pituitary - 1964
Ivanova RA, Milshtein GI, Smirnova LB, Fanchenko ND - The effect of nicotinic acid on the experimental psychosis produced by lysergic acid diethylamide - 1964
Jacob J, Loiseau G, Echinard-Garin P, Barthelemy C, Lafille C - Caractérisation et détection pharmacologiques des substances hallucinogènes. II. Antagonismes vis-à-vis de morphine chez la souris - 1964
Johnsen G - Three Years' Experience with the Use of LSD as an Aid in Psychotherapy - 1964
Jonas S, de C J Downer J - Gross behavioural changes in monkeys following administration of LSD-25 and development of tolerance to LSD-25 - 1964
Kanokogi T - Zur Psychopathologie der experimentellen Psychose - 1964
Kast EC, Collins VJ - Lysergic acid diethylamide as an analgesic agent - 1964
Kenna JC, Sedman G - The Subjective Experience of time during Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) Intoxication - 1964
Key BJ - Alterations in the generalisation of visual stimuli induced by lysergic acid diethylamide in cats - 1964
Key BJ - The effect of LSD-25 on the interaction between conditioned and non-conditioned stimuli in a simple avoidance situation - 1964
Khazan N, Sawyer CH - Mechanisms of paradoxical sleep as revealed by neurophysiologic and pharmacologic approaches in the rabbit - 1964
Knudsen K - Homicide after treatment with lysergic acid diethylamide - 1964
Kolarík J, Sevcík M, Dubanský B, Vyhnánková M, Ruzicková R - Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirn-schadigungen. IV. Elektroenzephalographische veranderungen nach Psilocybin - 1964
Kuramochi H, Takahashi R - Psychopathology of LSD intoxication. Study of experimental psychosis induced by LSD-25: Description of LSD symptoms in normal oriental subjects - 1964
Lagutina NI, Laricheva KA, Mil'shtein GI, Norkina LM - Effect of D-lysergic acid diethylamide on higher nervous activity in Baboons - 1964
Leary, Timothy - The Religious Experience: Its Production and Interpretation - 1964
Lecoq R, Chauchard P, Mazoué H - Etude chromaximétrique expérimentale de quelques agents psychotropes et de leur action sur les effets nerveux de l'alcool éthylique. III. - Psychotoniques et psychodyslepticques - 1964
Levine J, Ludwig AM - The LSD Controversy - 1964
Ling T, Buckman J - The Treatment of Frigidity with LSD and Ritalin - 1964
Linton HB, Langs RJ - Empirical dimensions of LSD-25 reaction - 1964
Linton HB, Langs RJ, Paul IH - Retrospective Alterations of the LSD-25 Experience - 1964
Loew D - Untersuchungen über die aminpotenzierenden Wirkungen von antidepressiv wirkenden stoffen am Kaninchen - 1964
Maccagnani G, Bobon J, Goffioul F - Exploration sous psychodysleptiques du contenu latent de dessins schizophréniques stéreotypés - 1964
Marchbanks RM, Rosenblatt F - Serotonin Binding to Nerve-Ending Particles of the Rat Brain and Its Inhibition by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1964
Massoni RS - Tratamiento de jovenes ezquizofrenicos con LSD 25 y UML 491 - 1964
Massoni RS, Lebensohn F - Las drogas alucinogenas: su importancia en psicoterapia asistencial - 1964
Matsuoka M - Pharmacological Studies of Hallucinogens, Report II. Part II; Studies of Influence of LSD-25 on the Central Nervous System - 1964
Matussek N, Halbach A - Ueber den Einfluss von Ergotamin auf die LSD-"Psychose" beim Menschen - 1964
McGlothlin WH, Cohen S, McGlothlin MS - Short-term Effects of LSD on Anxiety, Attitudes and Performance - 1964
Mirsky AF, Kornetsky C - On the dissimilar effects of drugs on the Digit Symbol Substitution and Continuous Performance Tests. A review and preliminary intergation of behavioral and physiological evidence - 1964
Nakajima H, Grandjean JL, L'Huillier J, Thuillier J - Antagonisme experimental de la chlorpromazine et de la thioridazine vis-a-vis de certains effects du lysergide - 1964
Nakajima H - Dualité d'action des drogues psychotropes - 1964
Nandy K, Bourne GH - The Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate (LSD-25) on the Cholinesterases and Monoamine Oxidase in the Spinal Cord: A Possible Factor in the Mechanism of Hallucination - 1964
O'Reilly PO, Funk A - LSD in chronic alcoholism - 1964
Paul IH - The effects of a drug-induced alteration in state of consciousness on retention of drive-related verbal material - 1964
Perez de Francisco C - Psicosis experimentales con psilocybina y LSD 25 - 1964
Piovella C, de Silvestri A, Fratti L, Fontana S - Regolazione della circolazione terminale da serotoninici e da antiserotoninici - 1964
Rajotte P - Les psychodysleptiques. - II. Quelques problèmes relatifs à leur usage - 1964
Reda GC, Vella G, Cancrini L - Studio clinico e psicopatologico della psilocibina - 1964
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raskin M - LSD-25 Action in Normal Subjects Treated with a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor - 1964
Rosenberg DE, Isbell H, Miner EJ, Logan CR - The Effect of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine in Human Subjects Tolerant to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1964
Rosenthal SH - Persistent Hallucinosis Following Repeated Administration of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1964
Rysanek K, Vitek V - Comparative study of antiserotonin effects of Lysenyl and Deseril - 1964
Sandison RA - Hallucinogens - 1964
Siva Sankar DV, Broer HH, Cates N, Sankar BD - Studies on biogenic amines and psychoactive drug actions, with special reference to lysergic acid diethylamide - 1964
Savage C, Savage E, Fadiman J, Harman W - LSD: Therapeutic Effects of the Psychedelic Experience - 1964
Schmitt H - Actions pharmacologiques différentielles sur les centres vaso-moteurs - 1964
Schmitt H Schmitt H - Action de la 5-hydroxytryptamine et de ses antagonistes sur les centres vaso-moteurs - 1964
Schoen SM - LSD in Psychotherapy - 1964
Sedman G, Kenna JC - The occurrence of depersonalization phenomena under LSD - 1964
Smart RG, Storm T - The Efficacy of LSD in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1964
Spencer A M - Modifications in the Technique of LSD Therapy - 1964
Temkov I, Bojadjiewa M, Jablensky A - Ein LSD-25 test als diagnostisches Hilfsmittel bei Abgrenzung schizophrenieähnlicher psychogenen Psychosen von der Schizophrenie - 1964
Unger, Sanford M. - LSD and Psychotherapy: a Bibliography of the English-Language Literature - 1964
van Ree F - Een Experimenteel psychophathologisch onderzoek van de reacties op LSD 25 - 1964
Vanggaard, Thorkil - Indications and Counter-indications for LSD Treatment - 1965
Varagic V, Krstic M, Mihajlovic LJ - The effect of psychopharmacological agents on the hypertensive response to eserine in the rat - 1964
Vyhnánková M, Ruzicková R, Dubanský B, Kolarík J, Sevcík M - Versuchsapplikation von Psilocybin bei organischen Hirnschädigungen III. Ergebnisse experimenteller Unter-suchungsmethoden (Assoziationsexperiment, Methode kunstlicher Wortverbindungen) - 1964
Wilson RE, Shagass C - Comparison of Two Drugs with Psychotomimetic Effects (LSD and Ditran) - 1964
Zarattini F, Morselli P - Studio della reattività nuronale nella intossicazione acuta da LSD 25 - 1964
Alnaes, Randolf - Therapeutic Application of the Change in Consciousness Produced by Psycholytica (LSD, Psilocybin, etc.). - 1964
Belden, Ernest - The Investigation and Treatment of a Power Syndrome in Alcoholics by Means of LSD-25. - 1965
Cohen Sidney - LSD and the Anguish of Dying - 1965 Sept.
Cohen, Sidney - LSD and the Anguish of Dying. - 1965
Ditman KS - Alcoholism - 1965
Editorial - Two New Laws Relating to Psychedelics - 1965
Fadiman, James Racolin - Behavior Change Following Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy. - 1965
Faretra G, Bender L - Autonomic Nervous System Responses in Hospitalized Children Treated with LSD and UML - 1965
Fernandez-Cerdeno, Arturo; Leuner, Hanscarl - Das Erleben der oralen Regression unter Einflu? von Halluzinogenen (LSD-25 und Psilocybin). [The Experience of Oral Regression under the Influence of Hallucinogens (LSD-25 and Psilocybin) ] - 1965
Fischer R, Griffin F, Archer RC, Zinsmeister SC, Jastram PS - Weber Ratio in Gustatory Chemoreception; An Indicator of Systemic (Drug) Reactivity - 1965
Freedman DX, Coquet CA - Regional and Subcellular Distribution of LSD and Effects on 5-HT Levels - 1965
Hausner, Milan; Dolezal, V. - Psychodynamics of LSD Hallucinations and their Bearing on Individual Psychotherapy. - 1965
Hoffer, Abram - Ceruloplasmin Adrenaline Oxidase and Schizophrenia - 1965
Hoffer A, Osmond H - What is Schizophrenia? - 1965
Johnsen, Gordon - Three Years Experience with the Use of LSD as an Aid in Psychotherapy. - 1965
Koella WP, Beaulieu RF, Bergen JR - The Effect of LSD-25 on the Walking Activity and Pattern of the Goat - 1965
Leary, Timothy - The Experimental Typewriter - 1965
Leuner, Hanscarl; Baer, G. - Two New Short-Acting Hallucinogens of the Psilocybin Group - 1965
Leuner, Hanscarl - Discussion - 1965
Levine, Jerome; Ludwig, Arnold M. - Alterations in Consciousness Produced by Combinations of LSD, Hypnosis and Psychotherapy - 1965
Ling, Thomas M.; Buckman, John - The Treatment of Frigidity with LSD and Ritalin - 1965
Ludwig, Arnold M.; Levine, Jerome - A Controlled Comparison of Five Brief Treatment Techniques Employing LSD, Hypnosis, and Psychotherapy - 1965
Martinez, Jorge B. - Resumen Historico del Uso de Alucinogenos - 1965
Metzner R, Weil GM - Editorial - 1965
Metzner, Ralph - Editorial - 1965
Metzner R, Litwin G, Weil GM - The Relation of Expectation and Mood to Psilocybin Reactions: A Questionnaire Study - 1965
Muller HF, Muller AK - Effects of Some Psychotropic Drugs upon Brain Electrical Activity - 1965
Oster, Gerald - Moire Patterns and Visual Hallucinations - 1965
Reed CF, Witt PN - Factors Contributing to Unexpected Reactions in Two Human Drug-Placebo Experiments - 1965
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Abramson HA, Goldfarb L - Preliminary Method for Study of LSD with Children - 1965
Savage, Charles; Stolaroff, Myron - Clarifying the Confusion Regarding LSD-25. - 1965
Schwartz AS, Cheney C - Retinal Effects of High Doses of LSD in the Cat - 1965
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - Synthesis of the Trimethoxyphenylpropenes - 1965
Silver D, Anlyan WG, Postlethwait RW, Morgan CV, Mengel CE - Serotonin Metabolism and the Dumping Syndrome - 1965
Unger, Sanford M. - Bibliography of LSD and Psychotherapy. - 1965
Witt PN, Reed CF - Spider-Web Building; Measurement of Web Geometry Identifies Components in a Complex Invertebrate Behavior Pattern - 1965
Adey WR, Porter R, Walter DO, Brown TS - Prolonged Effects of LSD on EEG Records During Discriminative Performance in CAT; Evaluation by Computer Analysis - 1965
Balestrieri A - Response to Experimental Neurophysiology - 1965
Blum, Richard H. (ed) - Utopiates: The Use and Users of LSD-25 - 1965
Cerletti A - Response to "Experimental Neurophysiology" - 1965
Chong GC, Phillis JW - Pharmacological studies on the heart of Tapes watlingi: a mollusc of the family Veneridae - 1965
Cohen, Sidney - Drugs of Hallucination: The Uses and Misuses of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1965
Cohen, Sidney - The Beyond Within: The LSD Story - 1965
Cosi V, Martinelli C - Esperienze Cliniche con la Psilocibina nelle Sindromi Depressive - 1965
Domino EF, Caldwell DF, Henke R - Effects of Psychoactive Agents on Acquisition of Conditioned Pole Jumping in Rats. - 1965
editorial [HD Kleber] - Physicians Examine Some Problems on Campus - 1965
Editorial - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1965
Editorial - LSD - A dangerous drug - 1965
Editorial - Bizarre world of LSD may set alcoholics straight - 1965
Editorial - LSD - a dangerous drug - 1965
Fernandez-Cerdeno A, Leuner H - Das Erleben der oralen Regression unter Einfluss von Halluzinogenen (LSD-25 und Psylocybin) [The Experience of Oral Regression under the Influence of Hallucinogens (LSD-25 and Psilocybin) ] - 1965
Flores Agreda JR - Psicosindrome experimental con Psilocibina - 1965
Fonseca JS, Fialho ML, Gil MT - Evoked Potentials and Visual Information Processing Under the Action of Psilocybin in the Cat - 1965
Fontana, A.E. - Psicoterapia con Alucinogenos [Psychotherapy with Hallucinogens] - 1965
Fontana AE, Shavelzon A - The dynamics of a group in psychotherapy - 1965
Fontana AE, Reynoso R - Individual psychotherapy with hallucinogens - 1965
Fontana AE, Gasparino AM - The Use of hallucinogens In group psychotherapy - 1965
Freedman DX, Coquet CA - Regional and Subcellular Distribution of LSD and Effects on 5-HT Levels - 1965
Fregnan GB, Glässer AH - Synergistic action of an anti-5-hydroxytryptamine, antihistamines and cortisone in experimental anaphylaxis - 1965
Frosch WA, Robbins ES, Stern M - Untoward Reactions to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Resulting in Hospitalization - 1965
Giarman NJ, Freedman DX - Biochemical Aspects of the Actions of Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1965
Gnirss F - Neurosentherapie mit psycholytischen Stoffen - 1965
Green WJ - The Effect of LSD on the Sleep-Dream Cycle - 1965
Grof S, Dytrych Z - Blocking of LSD Reaction by Premedication with Niamid - 1965
Haas H - Psychotrope Drogen - 1965
Hadzovic S, Nikolin B, Stern P - The effect of tremorine and lysergic acid diethylamide on the iron content of the rat brain - 1965
Haertzen CA - Subjective Drugs Effects: A Factorial Representation of Subjective Drug Effects on the Addition Research Center Inventory - 1965
Hausner M, Dolezal V - Psychodynamics of LSD Hallucinations and Their Bearing on Individual Psychotherapy - 1965
Heimann H - Die wirkung von ololiuqui im unterschied zu psilocybin - 1965
Hoffer, Abram - D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD): A Review of Its Present Status - 1965
Horovitz ZP, Mulroy MI, Waldron T, Leaf R - Behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of LSD - 1965
Iriye TT, Kuna A, Simmonds FA - Glycogen phosphorylase levels in the brain of rats treated with psychotomimetic drugs and with tranquilizers - 1965
Kanokogi T - On experimental psychosis - 1965
Kanokogi T - Zur Psychopathologie der experimentellen Psychose - 1965
Keeler MH - The effects of psilocybin on a test of after-image perception - 1965
Key BJ - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on potentials evoked in the specific sensory pathways - 1965
Khazan N, McCash D - Effects of LSD-25, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and N,N-Diethyltryptamine (DET) on the Photic Evoked Responses in the unanesthetized Rabbit - 1965
Kline NS, Lehmann HE - Psychopharmacology - 1965
Kohn B, Bryden MP - The Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) on perception with stabilized images - 1965
Lempérière T, Roussel A - Discussion sur Cook L., "Modifications du comportement des animaux par les médicaments antipsychotiques", sur Hamilton M., "Effets psychiques des antipsychotiques chez l'homme", et sur Thuillier J., "Action des psychotomimétiques chez l'animal et chez l'homme" - 1965
Leuner, Hanscarl - Response to "Experimental Neurophysiology" - 1965
Leuner H, Baer G - Two New Short-Acting Hallucinogens of the Psilocybin Group - 1965
Levine J, Ludwig AM - Alterations in Consciousness Produced by Combinations of LSD, Hypnosis and Psychotherapy - 1965
Lewis JJ, Ritchie AP, Van Petten GR - The influence of hallucinogenic drugs upon in vivo brain levels of adenine nucleotides, phosphocreatine and inorganic phosphate in the rat - 1965
Longo VG - Experimental neurophysiology - 1965
Lucas ON, Jaques LB - Spontaneous Hemorrhage Precipitated by an Emotional Stress Drug in Anticoagulant-Treated Rats - 1965
Ludwig AM, Levine J - A Controlled Comparison of Five Brief Treatment Techniques Employing LSD, Hypnosis, and Psychotherapy - 1965
Ludwig AM, Levine J - Patterns of Hallucinogenic Drug Abuse - 1965
Martinez, Jorge B. - Resumen Historico del Uso de Alucinogenos - 1965
McGlothlin, William H. - Hallucinogenic Drugs: A Perspective with Special Reference to Peyote and Cannabis - 1965
McGlothlin WH, Cohen S - The Use of Hallucinogenic Drugs Among College Students - 1965
Molinengo L - Azione della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico sulla attivita operativa condizionate del ratto - 1965
Nakajima H, Grandjean JL, Thuillier J - Modification du Seuil Convalsivant du Bemegride par les Drogues Psychotropes - 1965
Paul IH, Langs RJ, Barr HL - Individual Differences in the Recall of a Drug Experience - 1965
Payne JW - LSD-25 and Accommodative Convergence Ratios - 1965
Pfeiffer CC, Goldstein L, Murphree HB, Sugerman A - Time-Series, Frequency Analysis, and Electrogenesis of the EEGs of Normals and Psychotics Before and After Drugs - 1965
Pollard JC, Uhr L, Stern E - Drugs and Phantasy. The Effects of LSD, Psilocybin, and Sernyl on College Students - 1965
Posteli T, Pannuti F - Quadri ECG di danno miocardico da acido lisergico. Studio con micro-elettrocardiografia (ellettrocardiografia preamplificata) nell'embrione di pollo e nel cuore isolato di anfibio - 1965
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raskin M - Accentuation of the Psychological Effects of LSD in Normal Subjects Treated with Reserpine - 1965
Roberts MHT, Darlington D, Bradley PB - The effect of chlorpromazine and a-lysergic acid dithylamide on one-trial passive avoidance - 1965
Rojo SM, Seva DM - El L.S.D. en psicoterapia de los estados obsesivos - 1965
Savage C, Stolaroff MJ - Clarifying the Confusion Regarding LSD-25 - 1965
Schwartz AS, Cheney C - Effect of LSD on the Tonic Activity of the Visual Pathways of the Cat - 1965
Sedman G, Kenna JC - The use of LSD-25 as a diagnostic aid in doubtful cases of schizophrenia - 1965
Serafetinides EA - The EEG Effects of LSD-25 in Epileptic Patients before and after Temporal Lobectomy - 1965
Sigg EB, Gyermek L, Hill RT - Antagonism to reserpine induced depression by imiprimine, related psychoactive drugs, and some autonomic agents - 1965
Sjoberg BM, Hollister LE - The Effects of Psychotomimetic Drugs on Primary Suggestibility - 1965
Tartara A, Savoldi F, Arrigo A - Azione del 5-HTP e di Alcune Sostanze Antiserotoniniche sulla Attivita Elettrica Cerebrale e sul Comportamento del Coniglio in Varie Condizioni Sperimentali - 1965
Touyaa HJ - Resultados de nuestro trabajo clinico - 1965
Trocmé M - Étude générale sur la sérotonine. Sérotoninémie post-prandiale. - 1965
Unknown - Unknown - 1965
Uyeno ET, Benson WM - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on attack behavior of male albino mice - 1965
Van Dusen, Wilson - Second Epistle to the Romans. The Psalm of What Is - 1965
Vanggaard, Thorkil - Om indikationer og kontraindikationer for LSD-behandling. Observationer pa Powick Hospital, England [Indications and Counterindications of LSD Treatment. Observations at Powick Hospital, England] - 1965
Vasconetto C - Indoli urinari dopo somministrazione di LSD 25 - 1965
Weil J - Essais d'utilisation des psychodysleptiques dans le traitement des alcooliques en hôpital psychiatrique - 1965
Weltman AS, Sackler AM - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on growth metabolism and the resistance of male rats to histamine stress - 1965
Wikler A, Rosenberg DE, Hawthorne JD, Cassidy TM - Age and effect of LSD-25 on pupil size and kneejerk threshold - 1965
Wikler A, Haerzten CA, Chessiak RD, Hill HE, Pescor ET - Reation Time ("Mental Set") in Control and Chronic Schizophrenic Subjects and in Postaddicts under Placebo, LSD-25, Morphine, Pentobarbital and Amphetamine - 1965
Abramson, Harold A. - LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism. - 1966
Brocker, F. J. - De LSD-Controverse. [The LSD Controversy.] - 1966
Rackley CE, Mengel CE, Pomerantz M, McIntosh HD - Vascular Complications with Use of Methysergide - 1966
Cameron, Dale C. - Drug Dependence: No Longer Can We "Let George Do It" - 1966
Cheek, Frances E.; Osmond, Humphry; Sarett, Mary; Albahary, Robert S. - Observations Regarding the Use of LSD-25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism. - 1966
Costello, Cyril - Carcinoid Syndrome Control with a New Antiserotonin Agent--Case Reports - 1966
Denson, R. - Lysergide in the Treatment of Neurosis. (A Report of Two Cases). - 1966
Derbolowsky, Udo - Psycholytische Intervalltherapie mit LSD 25 oder ambulante analytische Psychotherapie? [Psycholytic Interval Therapy with LSD 25 or Outpatient Analytic Therapy?] - 1966
Editorial - Washington News: Abuse Drugs Listed - 1966
Editorial - Pros and Con Regarding LSD (Letters to Editor from: Frank Fremont-Smith, FL Clark Jr Altschule MD, WA Frosch, ES Robbins, M Stern) - 1966
Editorial - Further Consideration of Dangers of LSD - 1966
Eggert, C. Delmer; Shagass, Charles - Clinical Prediction of Insightful Response to a Single Large Dose of LSD. - 1966
Goldberger L - Cognitive Test Performance Under LSD-25, Placebo and Isolation - 1966
Grof, Stansislov - Tentative Theoretical Framework for Understanding Dynamics of LSD Therapy - 1966
Harman WW, McKim RH, Mogar RE, Fadiman J, Stolaroff MJ - Psychedelic Agents in Creative Problem-solving: A Pilot Study. - 1966
Hausner, Milan; Dolezal, V. - Follow-Up Studies in Group and Individual LSD Psychotherapy. - 1966
Haverback BJ, Stubrin MI, Majcher SJ - Serotonin and Related Substances - 1966
Kafkalidis, Athanassios - [Abstract:] A Case of Homosexuality Treated with LSD 25 - 1968
Kast E C - LSD and the Dying Patient - Summer 1966
Kast, Eric C. - LSD and the Dying Patient. - 1966
Leary, Timothy - Five Psychedelic Prayers Adapted from the Tao Te Ching - 1966
Leuner, Hanscarl - Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von Halluzinogenen. [Psychotherapy with the Aid of Hallucinogens.] - 1966
MacLean JR - LSD Experiments (Letters to the Editor) - Mar 18, 1966
Masters, R. E. L.; Houston, Jean - The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience. - 1966
Mogar, Robert E. - Current Status and Future Trends in Psychedelic (LSD) Research. - 1966
Pahnke, Walter N.; Richards, William A. - Implications of LSD and Experimental Mysticism. - 1966
Pos R - LSD-25 as an Adjunct to Long-term Psychotherapy - 1966
Ruckebusch M, Brunet-Tallon C, Sauvage E - Monoamineoxydases et Cholinesterases du Cerveau: Influence des Psychotropes [Monoamine Oxidases and Cholinesterase in the Brain: Influence of Psychotropic Drugs] - 1966
Sarett, Mary; Cheek, Frances; Osmond, Humphry - Reports of Wives of Alcoholics of Effects of LSD-25 Treatment of Their Husbands. - 1966
Savage, Charles C.; Fadiman, James; Mogar, Robert E.; Hughes Allen, Mary - The Effects of Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy on Values, Personality, and Behaviour. - 1966
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - Possible Implication of Myristicin as a Psychotropic Substance - 1966
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - The Six Trimethoxyphenylisopropylamines (Trimethoxyamphetamines) - 1966
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T, Naranjo C - Role of 3,4-Dimethoxyphenethylamine in Schizophrenia - 1966
Sidel VW, Goldwyn RM - Chemical and Biologic Weapons--A Primer - 1966
Smart, Reginald; Storm, Thomas; Baker, Earle F.W.; Solursh, Lionel - A Controlled Study of Lysergide in the Treatment of Alcoholism. I. The Effects on Drinking Behavior. - 1966
Solursh, L. P. - The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy - An Evaluation. - 1966
Stern, Harold R. - Some Observations on the Resistance to the Use of LSD-25 in Psychotherapy - 1966
Weissman A, Koe BK - Studies on the Mechanism of Convulsant Action of DL-m-Fluorotyrosine - 1966
Akubue PJ - The site of action of drugs on the isolated taenia caeci from the guinea-pig - 1966
Angst J - Drogenabhängigkeit - 1966
Arendsen-Hein, G.W. - The psychedelic experience, a new value in psychotherapy - 1966
Bachini O, Villar JI, Prieto S, Garcia AE - Información sensorial. Influencia de los psicofármacos - 1966
Barer GR - Reactivity of the Vessels of Collapsed and Ventilated Lungs to Drugs and Hypoxia - 1966
Baxter BL - The lack of effect of LSD-25 upon the hissing response elicited by hypothalamid stimulation - 1966
Bender L - D-lysergic acid in the treatment of the biological features of childhood schizophrenia - 1966
Bender L, Cobrinik L, Faretra G, Siva Sankar DV - The Treatment of Childhood Schizophrenia with LSD and UML - 1966
Bensoussan PA, Joannidès AA, Soubrier JP - Note sur quelques accidents de l'usage incontrôlé des psychodysleptiques - 1966
Bensoussan PA, Joannidès AA - A propos de l'expérience psychédélique - 1966
Bermond F, Bert J, Ayats J - Action de la psilocybine sur les potentiels evoques visuels chez un Cercopithecinae Papio-papio - 1966
Bhattacharya B - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1966
Borgstedt HH, Emmel VM, Benjamin JA - The Influence of Serotonin and LSD-25 on the Isolated, Perfused Canine Ureter - 1966
Brocker J - De LSD-Controverse [The LSD Controversy] - 1966
Brown JH, Mackey HK, Riggilo DA - A novel in vitro assay for anti-inflammatory agents based on stabilization of erythrocytes - 1966
Brown BB - Some aspects of a specific relationship between visual imagery ability and both subjective and EEG effects of LSD - 1966
Buckman J - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1966
Butters N - The Effect of LSD-25 on spatial and stimulus perseverative tendencies in rats - 1966
Carmo RJ, da Silva DW - Effects of intracerebral injection of compound 48/80 in the rat - 1966
Cerletti A - LSD: arrêt de la production - 1966
Christen JP - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1966
Claridge GS, Hume WI - Comparison of effects of dexamphetamine and LSD-25 on perceptual and autonomic function - 1966
Cohen S - A classification of LSD complications - 1966
Collins RL, Ordy JM, Samorajski T - Psilocin: Effects on behaviour and brain serotonin in mice - 1966
Curzon G, Theaker P, Phillips B - Excretion of 5-hydroxyindolyl acetic acid (5HIAA) in migraine - 1966
dal Cortivo LA, Broich JR, Dihrberg A, Newman B - Identification and estimation of lysergic acid diethylamide by thin layer chromatography and fluorometry - 1966
De Albuquerque FJR, de Oliveira BF, Vaz de Arruda P - Estudio comparativo de la acción psicofarmacológica del LSD-25 de la Psilocibina en los alcohólicos crónicos - 1966
Denson R - Lysergide in the Treatment of Neurosis (A Report of Two Cases) - 1966
Derbolowsky U - Psycholytische Intervalltherapie mit LSD 25 oder amulante analytische Psychotherapie? [Psycholytic Interval Therapy with LSD 25 or Outpatient Analytic Therapy?] - 1966
Derbolowsky G, Derbolowsky U - Bemächtigungstherapie als psychotherapeutische Kategorie (Occupationsanalyse). Ihre Anwendung in Einzel- und Gruppen-behandlung sowie gegebenenfalls bei Halluzinogen-Applikation - 1966
editorial - Medical Officials Stress that Dangers of LSD are no Illusion - 1966
Editorial - LSD: the Search for Definite Conclusions - 1966
Editorial - Is the "trip" over for LSD? - 1966
Editorial - Effects of L.S.D. - 1966
Editorial - Lysergic Acid Limitations - 1966
Editorial - L.S.D. 25 to be Restricted to Doctors - 1966
Editorial - Report from the A.M.A. - Chicago Ill. - 1966
Editorial - Les Ravages du L.S.D. - 1966
Eggert DC, Shagass C - Clinical Prediction of Insightful Response to a Single Large Dose of LSD - 1966
Fink M, Simeon J, Haque W, Itil T - Prolonged Adverse Reactions to LSD in Psychotic Subjects - 1966
Fischer R, Mead EL - Time Contraction and Psychomotor Performance produced by Psilocybin - 1966
Fischer R, England SM, Archer RC, Dean RK - Psilocybin Reactivity and Time Contraction as Measured by Psychomotor Performance - 1966
Fishlock DJ, Parks AG - The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the human ileum and colon on vitro - 1966
Flügel KA, Stoerger R - Modifikationen pharmakogen hervorgerufener exogen psychotischer Zustandsbilder durch methansulfonsaures Dihydroergotamin - 1966
Flores JR - Psicosindrome experimental con psilocibina - 1966
Fremont-Smith F, Altschule MD, Clark FL, Frosch WA, Robbins ES, Stern M - Pros and on Regarding LSD. (Letters to the Editor) - 1966
Gnirss F - Traumaktivität in der Psycholyse - 1966
Gromova EA, Skuratova SA, Romanova GA - Electrophysiological analysis of the action of serotonin and of some of its antagonists upon the extensor monosynaptic reflex - 1966
Hadzovic S, Kosak R, Stern P - The effect of tremorigenic substances on the copper content of the rat brain. - 1966
Haertzen CA - Addiction Research Center Inventory (ARCI): Development of a General Drug Estimation Scale - 1966
Halasz MF, Marrazzi AS - Disinhibition of conditioned behavior by cerebral synaptic inhibitors - 1966
Hassan AH - Short term psychotherapy with L.S.D. for stammering - 1966
Hebbard FW, Fischer R - Effect of Psilocybin, LSD, and mescaline on small, involuntary eye movements. - 1966
Heimann H - Die quantitative Analyse mimischer Bewegungen und ihre Anwendung in der Pharmako-Psychologic - 1966
Isbell H, Gorodetzky CW - Effect of Alkaloids of Ololiuqui in Man - 1966
Itil T, Fink M - Klinische Untersuchungen und Quantitative EEG-Daten bei Experimentellen Psychosen [Clinical Investigations and Quantitative EEG Data in Experimental Psychoses] - 1966
James JS - Control of hallucinogenic drugs - 1966
Kafkalidis A - A Case of Homosexuality Treated with LSD 25 - 1966
Klyman CM - Dream patterns: A preliminary study of the effects of D-lysergic acid-25 - 1966
Kostowski W - A note on the effects of some psychotropic drugs on the aggressive behaviour in the ant, Formica rufa - 1966
Krus DM, Resnick O, Raskin M - Apparent Eye Level Test; Its Background and Use in Psychopharmacology - 1966
Leuner H - Psychotherapie mit Hilfe von Halluzinogene - 1966
Ludwig AM, Levine J - The Clinical Effects of Psychedelic Agents - 1966
Malitz S - The role of mescaline and d-lysergic acid in psychiatric treatment - 1966
Malleson AG, Rathod NH, Bruggen P, Salter CE - Withdrawal of L.S.D. - 11 Jun 1966
Marrazzi AS, Meisch RA, Sines LK - Effect of hallucinogens & other inhibitors on experimental perceptual aberration - 1966
Martin I - "Ritalin" and "Sodium Amytal": An Alternative to L.S.D. 25 as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy - 1966
Milshtein GI - Mexamine action on the central effects producted by diethylamide of lysergic acid - 1966
Muzio JN, Roffwarg HP, Kaufman E - Alterations In The Nocturnal Sleep Cycle Resulting From LSD - 1966
Netz B - Hallucinogener, psykotomimetika, psykedelika. En introducerande översikt. - 1966
Neuhoff V - RNS-Basen im Sommerschen Sektor des Hippocampus nach chronischer Behandlung mit LSD 25 - 1966
Pérez MF - Psicoterapía y LSD - 1966
Pos R - LSD-25 as an Adjunct to Long-term Psychotherapy - 1966
Prado JL, Tamura Z, Furano E, Pisano JJ, Udenfriend S - Characterization of kinins in wasp venom - 1966
Ray OS, Bivens LW - Performance as a function of drug, dose, and level of training - 1966
Resnick O, Krus DM, Raskin M - LSD-25. Drug interactions in man - 1966
Revzin AM, Armstrong A - The effects of LSD-25 on the amplitudes of evoked potentials - 1966
Rinkel M - Psychedelic Drugs [Editor's Notebook] - 1966
Rodin E, Luby E - Effects of LSD-25 on the EEG and Photic Evoked Responses - 1966
Roth WT - The effect of LSD, mescaline, and d-amphetamine on the evoked "secondary discharge" - 1966
Ruckebusch M, Brunet-Tallon C, Sauvage E - Monoamineoxydases et Cholinesterases du Cerveau: Influence des Psychotropes [Monoamine Oxidases and Cholinesterase in the Brain: Influence of Psychotropic Drugs] - 1966
Sackler AM, Weltman S, Owens H - Endocrine and metabolic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on female rats - 1966
Sandison RA - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1966
Santa Ursula Puerta M - Los agentes incapacitantes (psicodrogas) como arma de guerra y su neutralización - 1966
Sarett M, Cheek F, Osmond H - Reports of Wives of Alcoholics of Effects of LSD-25 Treatment of Their Husbands - 1966
Savage C, Fadiman J, Mogar R, Hughes AM - The effect of psychedelic (LSD) therapy on values, personality, and behavior - 1966
Schweigerdt AK, Stewart AH, Himwich HE - An Electrographic study of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Nine Congeners - 1966
Silverman AP - Barbiturates, lysergic acid diethylamide, and the social behaviour of laboratory rats - 1966
Simmons JQ, Leiken S, Lovaas OI, Schaeffer B, Perloff B - Modification of Autistic Behavior with LSD-25 - 1966
Smart RG, Storm T, Baker EFW, Solursh L - A Controlled Study of Lysergide in the Treatment of Alcoholism. I. The Effects on Drinking Behavior - 1966
Snyder SH, Reivich M - Regional localization of lysergic acid diethylamide in monkey brain - 1966
Solursh LP - The Use of LSD-25 in Psychotherapy - An Evaluation - 1966
Spencer AM - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1966
Stern H - Some Observations on the Resistance to the Use of LSD 25 in Psychotherapy - 1966
Thuillier J, Nakajima H - Analogies et différences neuropharmacologiques entre les hallucinogènes et les antidépresseurs (4. Symposium Dtsch. Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Neuropsychopharmakologie, Nurnberg, 22.-24.10.1965) - 1966
Ungerleider JT, Fisher DD, Fuller M - The Dangers of LSD. Analysis of seven months' experience in a University Hospital's Psychiatric Service. - 1966
Uyeno ET - Inhibition of Isolation-Induced Attack Behavior of Mice by Drugs - 1966
van Asperen de Boer, SR, Barkema PR, Kappers J - Is it possible to induce ESP with psilocybine? an exploratory investigation - 1966
Venulet J, Desperak-Naciazek A - Liver function and pyrexia caused by a pyrogen from Escherichia coli, lysergic acid diethylamide and dinitrophenol - 1966
Vojtechovský M, Vítek V, Rysánek K - Experimentelle Psychose nach Verabreichung von Benactyzin - 1966
Votava Z, Padvalová I, Vojtechovský M - Unterschiede in der pharmakologischen Wirkung von halluzinogenen und nicht halluzinogenen Lysergsaure-Derivaten (LSD-25, Deseril, Lysenyl, Mesenyl) - 1966
Walsh J - Congress: A New Option for Addicts; a Look at LSD - 1966
Ward CO, Gautieri RF - Effect of certain drugs on perfused human placenta VI. Serotonin antagonists - 1966
Weissman A, Koe BK - Studies on the Mechanism of Convulsant Action of DL-m-Fluorotyrosine - 1966
Weltman AS, Sachler AM - Metabolic and endocrine effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on male rats - 1966
Ziolko HU - Persönlichkeitsabhängige Veränderungen in der experimentellen Psychose durch Lysergsäurediäthylamide - 1966
Not available - Le LSD peut altérer les chromosomes - 1967
Abramson HA, Rolo A - Comparison of LSD with Methysergide and Psilocybin on Test Subjects - 1967
Alnaes, Randolf - Therapeutic Application of the Change in Consciousness Produced by Psycholytica (LSD, Psilocybin, etc.) - 1967
Alnaes, Randolf - Therapeutic application of the change in consciousness produced by psycholytics (LSD, psilocybin, etc) - 1967
Arendsen-Hein, G.W. - Dimensions of Psychotherapy - 1967
Arendsen-Hein GW - Dimensions in Psychotherapy - 1967
Balestrieri, Antonio - On the Action Mechanisms of LSD 25 - 1967
Derbolowsky, Gretel - Dealing and Working with Materials in Group-Analysis and with "LSD 25". - 1967/68
Dolezal, Vladimir; Hausner, Milan - [Abstract:] Personality and Psychodysleptic Experience. An Experimental Study. - 1967
Fadiman, James - Treatment of Alcoholism with Lysergide. [Comment on the Article by Smart et al., 1966.] - 1967
Fox, Ruth - A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism. - 1967
Godfrey, Kenneth E. - The Metamorphosis of an LSD Psychotherapist - 1967
Godfrey KE - The Metamorphosis of an LSD Psychotherapist - 1967
Grof, Stanislav - The Use of LSD 25 in Personality Diagnostics and Therapy of Psychogenic Disorders - 1967
Grof, Stansislov - Use of LSD 25 in Personality Diagnostics and Therapy of Psychogenic Disorders - 1967
Hausner, Milan; Havlicek, Zbynek - [Abstract:] The Cathartic and Interpretative Approach to the Regressive Events during Psychodysleptic Therapy - 1967
Henkin R, Buchsbaum M, Welpton D, Zahn T, Scott W, Wynne L, Silverman J - Physiological and Psychological Effects of LSD in Chronic Users - 1967
Hertz, Mogens - The Mechanism of the LSD Treatment as Viewed from the Aspect of Learning Processes - 1967
Hoffer, Abram - A Program for the Treatment of Alcoholism: LSD, Malvaria and Nicotinic Acid - 1967
Hoffer A - A Program for the Treatment of Alcoholism: LSD, Malvaria and Nicotinic Acid - 1967
Irwin S, Egozcue J - Chromosomal Abnormalities in Leukocytes from LSD-25 User - 1967
Johnsen, Gordon - Indications for Psycholytic Treatment with Different Types of Patients - 1967
Johnsen GH - Indications for Psycholytic Treatment with Different Types of Patients - 1967
Kast E C - Attenuation of anticipation. A therapeutic use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1967
Kurland, Albert A. - The Therapeutic Potential of LSD in Medicine - 1967
Kurland, Albert A.; Unger, Sanford; Shaffer, J.W. - The Psychedelic Procedure in the Treatment of the Alcoholic Patient - 1967
Kurland, Albert A.; Unger, Sanford; Shaffer, J.W. - Psychedelic Psychotherapy (LSD) in the Treatment of Alcoholism. (An Approach to a Controlled Study) - 1967
Kurland, Albert A.; Unger, Sanford; Shaffer, John W.; Savage, Charles - Psychedelic Therapy Utilizing LSD in the Treatment of the Alcoholic Patient: A Prelimnary Report - 1967
Kurland AA, Unger S, Shaffer JW - The Psychedelic Procedure in the Treatment of the Alcoholic Patient - 1967
Langner, Fred W. - Six Years' Experience with LSD Therapy - 1967
Langner FW - Six Years' Experience with LSD Therapy - 1967
Leary, Timothy; Metzner, Ralph - On Programming Psychedelic Experiences - 1967
Lerner M - LSD Analysis in Seizures - 1967
Leuner, Hanscarl - Basic Functions Involved in the Psychotherapeutic Effect of Psychotomimetics - 1967
Leuner, Hanscarl - [Abstract:] Die psycholytische Therapie im Dienste der Rehabilitation. Ergebnisse und Kasuistik. [Psycholytic Therapy in the Service of Rehabilitation. Results and Casuistry.] - 1967
Leuner, Hanscarl - Present State of Psycholytic Therapy and its Possibilities - 1967
Leuner, Hancarl - Present State of Psycholytic Therapy and Its Possibilities - 1967
Levine, Jerome - Models for Evaluating Therapies Employing LSD-Like Drugs - 1967
Levine, Jerome; Ludwig, Arnold M. - The Hypnodelic Treatment Technique - 1967
Levine J, Ludwig AM - The Hypnodelic Treatment Technique - 1967
Lilly, John C. - Dolphin-Human Relation and LSD 25 - 1967
Ling, Thomas M. - The Use of LSD 25 and Ritalin in the Treatment of Neurosis - 1967
Ling TM - The Use of LSD 25 and Ritalin in the Treatment of Neurosis - 1967
Ludwig, Arnold M. - Outline of Hypnodelic Therapy - 1967
Ludwig, Arnold M. - Studies on Alcoholism and LSD: I. The Influence of Therapist Attitudes on Treatment Outcome - 1967
Ludwig, Arnold M.; Levine, Jerome - Hypnodelic Therapy - 1967
Maclean, Ross; Macdonald, Donald C.; Ogden, F.; Wilby, E. - LSD 25 and Mescaline as Therapeutic Adjuvants - 1967
Maclean, Ross; Wilby, W. E. - Treatment of Alcoholism with Lysergide. Comment on the Article by Smart et al., with Special Reference to Issues of Responsibility in Research Reporting. - 1967
Maclean JR, MacDonald DC, Ogden F, Wilby E - LSD 25 and Mescaline as Therapeutic Adjuvants - 1967
Martin, Joyce A. - LSD Analysis - 1967
Martin, A. Joyce - LSD Analysis - 1967
Materson BJ, Barrett-Connor E - LSD "Mainlining" - 1967
McGlothlin WH - Social and Paramedical Aspects of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1967
Mechaneck, Ruth S.; Feldstein, Stanley; Dahlberg, Charles C.; Jaffe, Joseph - Experimental Investigation of LSD as a Psychotherapeutic Adjunct - 1967
Murphy, Robert C. - A Psychotherapist's Debt to LSD - 1967
Murphy RC - A Psychotherapist's Debt to LSD - 1967
Naranjo C, Shulgin AT, Sargent T - Evaluation of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy - 1967
Naranjo, Claudio - Psychotropic Properties of the Harmala Alkaloids - 1967
Naranjo, Claudio; Shulgin, Alexander T.; Sargent, T. - Evaluation of 3,4-Methylendioxyamphetamine (MDA) as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy - 1967
O'Reilly, P. Oliver - Brief Psychotherapy, LSD and the Alcoholic - 1967
O'Reilly PO - Brief Psychotherapy, LSD and the Alcoholic - 1967
Osmond, Humphry; Cheek, Frances; Albahary, Robert; Sarett, Mary - Some Problems in the Use of LSD 25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1967
Osmond, Humphry - A Comment on Some Uses of Psychotomimetics in Psychiatry - 1967
Osmond H, Albahary R, Cheek F, Sarett M - Some Problems in the Use of LSD 25 in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1967
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldfarb L, Abramson HA - Preliminary Study of LSD with Children - 1967
Rolo A, Krinsky LW, Goldfarb L, Abramson HA, - Multitherapist Interview Utilizing LSD - 1967
Sargent TW, Israelstam DM, Shulgin AT, Landaw SA, Finley NN - A Note Concerning the Fate of the 4-Methoxyl Group in 3,4-Dimethoxyphenethylamine (DMPEA) - 1967
Savage, Charles C.; Fadiman, James R.; Mogar, Robert E.; Allen, M. H. - Process and Outcome Variables in Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy - 1967
Savage C, Fadiman J, Mogar R, Allen MH - Process and Outcome Variables in Psychedelic Therapy - 1967
Shagass, Charles; Bittle, Robert M. - Therapeutic Effects of LSD. A Follow-Up Study. - 1967
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T, Naranjo C - The Chemistry and Psychopharmacology of Nutmeg and of Several Related Phenylisopropylamines - 1967
Shulgin AT, Bunnell S, Sargent T - Psychotropic Phenylisopropylamines Derived from Apiole and Dillapiole - 1967
Smart RG, Storm T, Baker EFW, Solursh L - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Treatment of Alcoholism. An investigation of its effects on drinking behavior, personality structure, and social functioning - 1967
Smith, Colin M. - A New Adjunct to the Treatment of Alcoholism: The Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1967
Smith JP - LSD: the False Illusion. Part I - 1967
Stafford, Peter G.; Golightly, Bonny H. - LSD. The Problem-Solving Psychedelic - 1967
Taus, L. - Psychoterapie exhibicionistu pomoci Lysergamidu Spofa [Psychotherapy of Exhibitionism with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide] - 1967
Taus, L; Stehlik, J - LSD Psychoterapie Alkoholismu. [LSD Psychotherapy in Alcoholism.] - 1967
Tautermann, Pavel - Some Views on the Formation of Symptoms during Analytical Psychotherapy with the Use of LSD. [Abstract] - 1967
Van Rhijn, Cornelius H. - Variables in Psycholytic Treatment - 1967
Van Dusen, Wilson; Wilson, Wayne; Miners, William; Hook, Harry - Treatment of Alcoholism with Lysergide. - 1967
Van Rhijn CH - Variables in Psycholytic Treatment - 1967
Ward, Jack L. - A Case of Change and Partial Regression Following One LSD 25 Treatment - 1967
Ward JL - A Case of Change and Partial Regression Following One LSD 25 Treatment - 1967
Zachovalova, Lieko - Why Does Czechoslovakia Still Make LSD? - 1967
Abramson HA - The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference - 1967
Abramson HA - The use of LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) in the therapy of children (a brief review) - 1967
Alexander GJ, Miles BE, Gold GM, Alexander RB, - LSD: injection early in pregnancy produces abnormalities in offspring of rats - 1967
Altura BM - Use of pharmacologic antagonists to evaluate humoral regulation of the microcirculation - 1967
Andén NE - Changes in the impulse flow of central monoamine nerves by drugs affecting monoamine receptors - 1967
Appel JB, Freedman DX, Filby YM - The Effects of Three Psychoactive Drugs on Two Varieties of Escape Behaviour - 1967
Auerbach R, Rugowski JA - Lysergic acid diethylamide: effect on embyros - 1967
Becker DE - Some Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Visual Discrimination in Pigeons - 1967
Bensoussan PA - Les intoxications par les psycho-dysleptiques - 1967
Bensoussan P, Joannidès AA - A propos de l'expérience psychédélique [suite] - 1967
Bermond F, Bert J, Ayats H - Etude comparative de l'action de la psilocybine sur les potentiels evoques au niveau du cortex occipital et d'une aire corticale specifique chez un Cercopithecinae Papio-papio - 1967
Bewley TH - Adverse reactions from the illicit use of lysergide - 1967
Bloem SJP, Hons BA - LSD-25 die fantasiewekkende Verdowings-Middel - 1967
Blumenfield M, Glickman L - Ten months experience with LSD users admitted to country psychiatric receiving hospital - 1967
Bowers M, Chipan A, Schartz A, Dann OT - Dynamics of psychedelic drug abuse - 1967
Bozzetti L, Goldsmith S, Ungerleider JT - The Great Banana Hoax - 1967
Brown PS - The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine and two of its antagonists on ovulation in the mouse - 1967
Brown H, Bass WC - Effect of drugs on visually controlled avoidance behavior in rhesus monkeys: a psychophysical analysis - 1967
Brown WMC - Is Lysergide a teratogen? - 1967
Carranza-Acevedo J - Hallucinogens vs. Psychotherapy - 1967
Chase TM, Breese GR, Kopin IJ - Serotonin release from brain slices by electrical stimulation: regional differences and effect of LSD - 1967
Clarke EGC - The identification of some proscribed psychedelic drugs - 1967
Cohen S - Lysergic acid diethylamide: psychiatric complications - 1967
Cohen S - Suicide or Accident? - 1967
Cohen MM, Hirschhorn K, Frosch WA - In Vivo and in Vitro Chromosomal Damage Induced by LSD-25 - 1967
Cohen MM, Marinello MJ, Back N - Chromosomal Damage in Human Leukocytes Induced by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1967
Cole J, Glees P - Behavioural effects of lysergic acid diethylamide in monkeys - 1967
Corne SJ, Pickering RW - A possible correlation between drug-induced hallucinations in man and a behavioural response in mice - 1967
Del Pazo,G - Neurosis obsesivas. Estudios con el LSD 25 - 1967
Denson R - Dissociative delirium after treatment with lysergide - 1967
Diaz P, Ngai SH, Costa E - The effect of LSD on the metabolism of rat brain serotonin - 1967
DiPaolo J - LSD: effects on offspring - 1967
Dubansky B, Vyhnankova M - Unterschiede in der Reaktionsweise von Psilocybin bei Hirngeschadigten Versuchspersonen bezogen auf diLokalisation der Lasion - 1967
Dubansky B, Vyhnankova M, Selik L - Veranderungen der ausseroptischen Sinneswahrnehmung nach Psilocybin - 1967
Dubansky B, Vyhnankova M, Setlik L - Gleichzeitiges Vorkommen von propriozeptiven Sinnestauschungen und neurologischer Symptomatologie nach Psilocybin - 1967
Editorial - LSD - 1967
Editorial - Preventing Misuse of LSD - 1967
Fischer E, Heller B - Pharmacology of the mechanism of certain effects of reserpine in the rat - 1967
Fischer R, Rockey MA - A heuristic model of creativity - 1967
Fisher DD, Ungerleider JT - Grand Mal Seizures Following the Ingestion of LSD-25 - 1967
Fox RP - A physician's guide to LSD - 1967
Fox R - A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1967
Frosch WA, Robbins E, Robbins L, Stern M - Motivation for self-administration of LSD - 1967
Geber WF - Congenital malformations induced by mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, and bromolysergic acid in the hamster - 1967
Gilmour LP, O'Brien RD - Psilocybin: reaction with a fraction of rat brain - 1967
Glatt MM - Dangers of LSD - 1967
Glickman L, Blumenfield M - Psychological determinants of "LSD reactions" - 1967
Gnriss F - Angst in der provozierten Grenzsituation - 1967
Gonzales EA Balourdas TA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD25)'s effects on the microcirculation - 1967
Gordon DM - Visual defects and LSD - 1967
Hadzovic S, Nokolin B, Stern P - The iron content of the brain of rats with choreiform movements - 1967
Hansala JD, Epstein LJ, Blackor KH - LSD and psychiatric patients - 1967
Henkin R, Buchsbaum M, Welpton D, Zahn T, Scott W, Wynne L, Silverman J - Physiological and Psychological Effects of LSD in Chronic Users - 1967
Hertz M - The Mechanism of the LSD Treatment as Viewed from the Aspect of Learning Processes - 1967
Hill HE, Bell EC, Wikler A, - Reduction of conditioned suppression: actions of morphine compared with those of ampethamine, pentobarbital, nalophine, cocaine, LSD-25 and chlorpromazine - 1967
Hirschhorn K, Cohen MM - Nonpsychic Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1967
Hole G - LSD und verwandte Halluzinogene. Geschichte - Wirkung - Gebrauch und Gefahren - 1967
Hollister LE, Moore F - Urinary Catecholamine Excretion Following Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Man - 1967
Jaju BP, Srimal RC, Dhawan KN, Gupta GP - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD25) on morphine induced bradycardia - 1967
Kast E - Attenuation of Anticipation: a Therapeutic Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1967
Katz MA, Tadjer G, Aufricht WA - Direct microanalysis of LSD by gas chromotography - 1967
Keeler MH, Reifler CB - Suicide or Accident? - 1967
Keeler MH, Reifler CB - Suicide during an LSD reaction - 1967
Keeler MH - Chlorpromazine antagonism of psilocybin effect - 1967
Khazan N, Kandalaft I, Sulman FG - The EEG of the olfactory bulb of the rabbit and its reaction to psychopharmacological agents - 1967
Kihlbom M - Hallucinogener och marihuana i USA - 1967
Kihlbom M, Netz B - LSD-25 introducerande översikt (LSD-25 - Einführende Ubersicht) - 1967
Kleber HD - Prolonged adverse reactions from unsupervised use of hallucinogenic drugs - 1967
Kolarik J - Eeg-Veranderungen nach Psilocybin bei Epilepsien - 1967
Kolarik J - Versuch um eine Interpretation der Desynchronisation des EEG-Bildes nach Psilocybin - 1967
Korumaru S, Okada S, Hanada M, Kashara Y, Sakamoto K - The effect of LSD on the phantom limb phenomenon - 1967
Krus DM, Bergen JR, Resnick O - Inhibitory effects of steroides on LSD-25 action in man - 1967
Kurland AA, Unger S, Shaffer JW, Savage C - Psychedelic Therapy Utilizing LSD in the Treatment of the Alcoholic Patient: A Preliminary Report - 1967
Langs RJ, - Stability of earliest memories under LSD-25 and placebo - 1967
Lasher LP - LSD: The false Illusion. Part II. - 1967
Lerner M - Besserer LSD-Nachweis Erleichtert Kekampfung - 12 Jan 1967
Leune, Hanscarl - Diskussion: Einige bemerkungen zun Thema 'Kurzpsychotherapie' - 1968
Listwan IA - "Ritalin" and "Sodium Amytal": An Alternative to L.S.D. 25 as an adjunct to psychotherapy - 1967
Loek J - Field screening test for lysergic acid diethylamide - 1967
Loughman WD, Sargent TW, Israelstam DM - Leukocytes of Humans Exposed to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Lack of Chromosomal Damage - 1967
Mártens S, Netz B, Sundwall A - Analys av risker vid bruk av LSD-25 (Analyse des Risikes von derk Versuching des LSD-25) - 1967
Marchbanks RM - Inhibitory effects of lysergic acid derivatives and reserpine on 5-HT binding to nerve ending particles - 1967
Marecek P, Bakalar E - Pokus o Ovlivneni Prubehu Intoxikace LSD Eylalkoholem - 1967
Martin I - "Ritalin" and Sodium Amytal: An alternative to L.S.D. 25 as an adjunct to psychotherapy - 1967
Matin MA, Vijayvargiya R - Chlorpromazine-lysergic acid diethylamide antagonism - 1967
McGlothlin W, Cohen S, McClothlin MS - Long Lasting Effects of LSD on Normals - 1967
McKeon WB - In vivo antiserotonin activity in the unanesthetized guinea pig - 1967
Menon MK, Dandiya PC, Bapna JS - Modification of the effect of some central stimulants in mice pretreated with a-methyl-l-tyrosine - 1967
Middlefell R - The effects of LSD on body sway suggestibility in a group of hospital patients - 1967
Milman DH - An untoward reaction to accidental ingestion of LSD in a 5-year-old girl - 1967
Morvan G - A propos de 275 dosages urinaires de l'acide 5 H.I.A. Incidence en pathologie digestive. - 1967
Mouriz Garcia A, Creutzfeldt OD - Die Wirkung von LSD 25 auf die Aktivitat im visuellen System - 1967
Netz B - Psykokemiska substanser: effekter, implikatiener ach applikationer. En introducerande översikt över hallucinogener psyketomimetika - psykedelika. - 1967
Neuhoff V - Die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediätheylamid auf Gangliezellen. 1. Mitteilung: Arbeitshypothese und Ribonucleinsäure-Basen im Hippocampus - 1967
Neuriz Garcia A, Creutzfeldt OD - Ausgeburt der Peripherie - 1967
Olievensztein S - Contribution a l'etude du LSD 25 en clinique psychiatrique. Relations entre l'état clinique, les thérapeutiques psychotropes et l'effet du diethylamide de l'acide lysergique - 1967
Paulus I, Hugh R, Williams BS - LSD-25 and young adults - 1967
Phillis JW, Tebécis AK, York DH - The inhibitory action of monoamines on lateral geniculate neurones - 1967
Rauch HC, Frick OL - Supressive effect of anti-allergic mediators on experimental encephalomyelitis - 1967
Robbins E, Robbins L, Frosch WA, Stern M - Implications of untoward reactions to hallucinogens - 1967
Robbins E, Frosch WA, Stern M - Further observations on untoward reactions to LSD - 1967
Rosencrans, JA, Lovell RA, Freedman DX - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Metabolism of Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1967
Ross DB, Renyi AL - Accumulation of tritiated 5-hydroxytryptamine in brain slices - 1967
Savoldi F, MIlle T - Effetti del'LSD sulle punte striniche - 1967
Schwarz CJ - Paradoxical responses to Chlorpromazine after LSD - 1967
Servadio E - Al di là della coscienza? Esperienze con l'LSD - 1967
Shagass C, Bittle RM - Therapeutic Effects of LSD: A Follow-up Study - 1967
Smart RG, Bateman K - Unfavorable reactions of LSD: a review and analysis of the available case reports - 1967
Suchenwirth R - Psilocybin zur Behandlung von Bettnaessern? - 1967
Sutter JM, Scotto JC - Vérités médicales sur LSD 25 poison à la mode - 1967
Szara S, Morotn DM, Aikens A - Comparison of hallucinogenic and nonhallucinogenic congeners of regional serotonin metabolism in brain - 1967
Taborsky J - Blockade der Dextran-Anurie bei wasserbelasteten Ratten durch die Serotoninantagonistan Lysergsäurediaethylamid und l-Methyl-Lysergsäurebutanolamid - 1967
Taeschler M - Pharmacology of psychotomimetic agents - 1967
Taus L - Psychoterapie Exhibicionistu Pomoci Lysergamidu Spofa [Psychotherapy of Exhibitionism with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide] - 1967
Taylor GC - An analysis of the problems presented in the use of LSD - 1967
Tietz W - Complications following ingestion of LSD in a lower class population - 1967
Ungerleider JT, Tisher DD - LSD Today - 1967
Ungerleider JT, Fisher DD - The Problems of LSD-25 and Emotional Disorders - 1967
Not available - Dependence on LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs - 1967
Not available - LSD and chromosomes - 1967
Not available - Clinical value of LSD questioned; physical damage reported - 1967
Not available - Dangers of LSD - 1967
Not available - Side effects of LSD - 1967
Not available - Barbituriques, amphetamines, tranquillisants, et hallucingens - 1967
Not available - Halluzinogene den Betäubungsmitteln gleichgestellt - 1967
Not available - The road to controls: barbiturates, amphetamines, tranquilizers, and hallucinogens - 1967
Not available - Le LSD peut altérer les chromosomes - 1967
Not available - LSD och alkoholism - 1967
Not available - Le LSD 25 et les drogues hallucinogènes - 1967
Not available - Hallucinogen and teratogen? - 1967
Not available - A propos du LSD 25 et des drogues hallucinogènes - 1967
Uyeno ET - Lysergic acid diethylamide and dominance behaviour of the squirrel monkey - 1967
Uyeno ET - Lysergic acid diethylamide and sexual dominance behaviour of the male rat - 1967
Uyeno ET - Effects of mescaline and psilocybin on dominance behaviour of the rat - 1967
Van Dusen W, Wilson W, Miners W, Hook H - Treatment of Alcoholism with Lysergide - 1967
Vojtéchovský M, Krus D, Kunz K, Skála J - The influence of tryptophane and 5-HTP pretreatment on experimental psychosis induced by LSD - 1967
Votava Z, Glisson SN, Himwich HE - Behavioral reaction of rats pretreated with reserpine to LSD-25 - 1967
Weber K - Veraenderungen des musikalischen Ausdrucks unter Psilocybinwirkung - 1967
Zegans LS, Pollard JC, Brown D - The effects of LSD-25 on creativity and tolerance to regression - 1967
Zellweger H, McDonald J, Abbo G - Is Lysergic-Acid Diethylamide a Teratogen? - 1967
Booij, J. - Farmacotherapie en psychotherapie. LSD als adjuvans bij de psychotherapie? [Pharmacotherapy in Psychotherapy. LSD as an Adjuvant in Psychotherapy?] - 1968
Buckman, John - LSD in the Psychotherapy of Psychosomatic Disorders and the Nature of Unconscious Material Produced. - 1968
Caldwell, W.V. - LSD Psychotherapy. An Exploration of Psychedelic and Psycholytic Therapy - 1968
Coe, Michael D - America's First Civilization - 1968
Colby, Kenneth - Commentary: Report to Plenary Session on Psychopharmacology in Relation to Psychotherapy - 1968
Dahlberg, Charles C.; Mechaneck, Ruth; Feldstein, Stanley - LSD Research: The Impact of Lay Publicity. - 1968
Denson, R. - Lysergide Therapy and the Mauve Factor. - 1968
Ditman, Keith S. - The Value of LSD in Psychotherapy. - 1968
Freedman, Daniel X. - On the Use and Abuse of LSD. - 1968
Freedman, Daniel X. - Commentary: Psychopharmacology in Relation to Psychotherapy - 1968
Frosch, William A. - Physical and Mental Effects of LSD - 1968
Grof, Stanislav - Tentative Theoretical Framework for Understanding Dynamics of LSD Psychotherapy. - 1968
Hausner, Milan - Psycholyticka psychoterapie. [Psycholytic Psychotherapy.] - 1968
Hausner, Milan; Dolezal, V. - Follow-Up Evaluation of LSD Psychotherapy of Inpatients. - 1968
Havlicek, Zoltan - Autenticita a Vyznam Regresivnich Prozitku v Prubehu Analyticke LSD-Psychoterapie. [Authenticity and Role of Regressive Experiences during Analytical LSD-Psychotherapy.] - 1968
Hertz, Mogens - L.S.D. Stress and Learning. - 1968
Hungerford, David A.; Taylor, Kenneth M.; Shagass, Charles; Labadie, Gundula U.; Balaban, Gloria B.; Paton, Gillian - Cytogenetic Effects of LSD 25 Therapy in Man. - 1968
Kurland, Albert A.; Savage, Charles C.; Unger, Sanford - LSD in Psychiatric Treatment - 1968
Kurland, Albert A. - LSD - A Drug of Abuse - 1968
Leary, Timothy; Metzner, Ralph - Use of Psychedelic Drugs in Prisoner Rehabilitation - 1968
Leuner, Hanscarl - Basic Functions Involved in the Psychotherapeutic Effect of Psychotomimetics. - 1968
Leuner, Hanscarl - Ist die Verwendung von LSD-25 fur die experimentelle Psychiatrie und in der Psychotherapie heute noch vertretbar? [Is the Use of LSD-25 in Experimental Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Still Justifiable?.] - 1968
Louria D - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1968
Louria DB - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1968
Ludwig, Arnold M. - A Model for Evaluating Clinical and Therapeutic Effects of Psychedelic Agents - 1968
Ludwig, Arnold M. - Relationship of Attitude to Behavior: Preliminary Results and Implications for Treatment Evaluation Studies - 1968
Ludwig, Arnold M. - Studies on Alcoholism and LSD (I): Influence of Therapist Attitudes on the Treatment Outcome - 1968
Ludwig, Arnold M. - The Hypnodelic State - 1968
Mechaneck, Ruth; Feldstein, Stanley; Dahlberg, Charles C.; Jaffe, Joseph - Experimental Investigation of LSD as a Psychotherapeutic Adjunct. - 1968
Mogar, Robert E. - Research in Psychedelic Drug Therapy: A Critical Analysis - 1968
Newman B, Dihrberg A, Sullivan V - Thin layer chromatography of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD_, N,N dimethyl tryptamine (DMT), methylenedioxyphenyl isopropylamine (STP, DOM) and ibogaine. - 1968
Pahnke, Walter N. - The Psychedelic Mystical Experience in Terminal Cancer Patients and its Possible Implications for Psi Research - 1968
Rynearson RR, Wilson MR, Bickford RG - Psilocybin-Induced Changes in Psychologic Function, Electroencephalogram, and Light-Evoked Potentials in Human Subjects - 1968
Savage, Charles C. - Psychedelic Therapy - 1968
Savage, Charles C.; Hughes, Mary Alice - The Effectiveness of Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy: A Prelimnary Report - 1968
Shagass, Charles; Bittle, Robert M; Eggert, Delmer C. - Clinical Prediction of Therapeutic Effects of LSD: A Follow-Up Study - 1968
Shulgin AT - The Ethyl Homologs of 2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenylisopropylamine - 1968
Unger S, Kurland AA, Shaffer JW, Savage C, Wolf S, Leihy R, McCabe OL, Shock H - LSD-Type Drugs and Psychedelic Therapy - 1968
Unger, Sanford M. - LSD-Type Drugs and Psychedelic Therapy - 1968
Abramson HA - Empleo de LSD (dietilamida del acido d-lisergico) en terapeutica infantil - 1968
Abramson HA - Derivatives of d-lysergic acid and model psychoses - 1968
Aghajamian GK, Weiss BL - Block by LSD of the increase in brain serotonin turnover induced by elevated ambient temperature - 1968
Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, Sheard MH - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Sensitive Neuronal Units in the Midbrain Raphe - 1968
Aghajanian GK, Freedman DX - Biochemical and Morphological Aspects of LSD Pharmacology - 1968
Agurell S, Lars J, Nilsson G - A Biosynthetic Sequence from Tryptophan to Psilocybin - 1968
Alexander GJ, Machiz S, Alexander RB - Inherited abnormalities in three generations of offspring of LSD-treated rats - 1968
Anden NE, Corrodi H, Fuxe K, Hokfelt T - Evidence for a Central 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor Stimulation by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1968
Appel JB, Freedman DX - Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Among Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1968
Appel JB - The effects of "psychotomimetic" drugs on animal behavior - 1968
Banna NR, Anderson EG - The Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Antagonists on Spinal Neuronal Activity - 1968
Bender L - Theory and treatment of childhood schizophrenia - 1968
Bender L, Siva Sankar DV - Chromosome damage not found in leukocytes of children treated with LSD-25 - 1968
Bennet G - LSD: 1967 - 1968
Bermond F, Bert J, Ayats H - Effet de la psilocybine sur les mouvements oculaires et l'electroetinogramme chez un Cercopithecinae Papio-papio - 1968
Blacker KH, Jones RT, Stone GC, Pfefferbaum D - Chronic users of LSD: the "acidheads" - 1968
Bond HW, Guth PS - Interaction of 5-hydroxytryptamine and d-lysergic acid diethylamide in the transcallosal response - 1968
Booij D - Farmacotherapie en psychotherapie: LSD als adjuvans bij de psychotherapie? [Pharmacotherapy in Psychotherapy. LSD as an Adjuvant in Psychotherapy?] - 1968
Booij J - Vraagstukken rondom de psychotherapie - 1968
Browning LS - Lysergic acid diethylamide: mutagenic effects in drosophila - 1968
Chatelier G, Borenstein P - Etude électrographique et comportementale chez le singe sous le LSD 25 - 1968
Chatelier G, Borenstein P - Potentials évoqués sensitifs et sensoriels chez le singe sous LSD 25 - 1968
Clara F - Le LSD et les malades psychiatriques - 1968
Clark B - Some Early Observations on the use of Psilocybin in Psychiatric Patients - 1968
Clayton R - Problems in an unconscious patient who had taken lysergic acid diethylamide - 1968
Cohen M, Wakely H - A Comparative Behavioral Study of Ditran and LSD in Mice, Rats and Dogs - 1968
Cohen MM, Hirschhorn K, Frosch WA - LSD and Chromosomes - 1968
Cohen MM, Hirschhorn K, Verbo S, Frosch WA, Groeschel MM - The Effect of LSD-25 on the Chromosomes of Children Exposed in Utero - 1968
Dahlberg CC, Mechaneck R, Feldstein S - LSD Research: The Impact of Lay Publicity - 1968
Davidoff IG - Assessment of LSD - 1968
de la Torre JC - Effect of LSD-25 on the septal region of the rat brain - 1968
Denson R - Effects of LSD on Chromosomes [correspondence] - 1968
Denson R - Lysergide therapy and the mauve factor - 1968
Der Marderosian A - Psychotomimetics and their abuse - 1968
Derbolowsky G - Dealing and Working with Materials in Group-Analysis and with "LSD 25" - 1968
Dhawan BN, Mathur GB, Rajvanshi VS - Effects of some centrally acting drugs on blood coagulation - 1968
DiPaolo JA, Givelber HM, Erwin H - Evaluation of teratogenicity of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1968
Ditman KS, Tietz W, Prince BS, Forgy E, Moss T - Harmful Aspects of the LSD Experience - 1968
Dixon AK - Evidence of catecholamine mediation in the 'aberrant' behaviour induced by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the rat - 1968
Dohner VA - LSD and Marijuana: Where Are the Answers? - 1968
Dolezal V, Hausner M - Comparative Phenomenology of Experimental Mental Alterations After Application of LSD, Benactyzine and Phenmetrazine - 1968
Du Mesnil du Buisson E - Le LSD 25: contexte chimique et pharmacologique. Perspectives scientifiques - 1968
Editorial - Hazards of indiscriminate use of LSD getting across - 1968
Editorial - Hallucinogenic drugs - 1968
Editorial - Encephalocele linked with LSD - 1968
Editorial - A Genetic Trip - 1968
Editorial - Chromosome Injuries: Vital or Not? - 1968
Editorial - Awareness of Hazard Cuts Down Use of LSD - 1968
Editorial - La drogue du siecle: le LSD. Les psycho-dysleptiques. Qu'est-ce qu'un "hallucinogene"? Les problemes de la dependance - 1968
Editorial - Action of hallucinogenic drugs. From a correspondent - 1968
Editorial - LSD and Marihuana - 1968
Editorial - LSD obsolet - 1968
Editorial - LSD aus Verschiedener Sicht - 1968
Editorial - Verminderte Intelligenz Durch LSD - 1968
Egozcue J, Irwin S, Maruffo CA - Chromosomal Damage in LSD Users - 1968
Fabro S, Sieber SM - Is lysergide a teratogen? - 1968
Farnsworth NR - Hallucinogenic plants. Various chemical substances are known to be the active hallucinogenic principles in many plants - 1968
Fischer R, Warshay D - Psilocybin-induced Autonomic, Perceptual, and Behavioral Change - 1968
Fitzgerald PH, Dobson JRE - Lysergide and chromosomes - 1968
Freedman DX - On the Use and Abuse of LSD - 1968
Freestone DS - Problems associated with LSD - 1968
Frosch, William A. - Physical and Mental Effects of LSD - 1968
Fuxe K, Ungerstedt U - Histochemical studies on the effect of (+)-amphetamine, drugs of the imipramine group and tryptamine on central catecholamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons after intraventricular injection of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine - 1968
Gardner R - Psychotomimetic Effects of Central Stimulants - 1968
Geber WF - Le LSD et d'autres hallucinogènes sont tératogènes - 1968
Geiger RS, Rothman A, Suss L, Price R - LSD effects on mature and immature brain cells in culture - 1968
Gessner PK, Godse DD, Krull AH, McMullan JM - Structure-Activity Relationships Among 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, 4-Hydroxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (Psilocin) and Other Substituted Tryptamines - 1968
Gouezo F - Les Hallucinogènes - 1968
Grace D, Carlson EA, Goodman P - Drosophila melanogaster treated with LSD: absence of mutation and chromosome breakage - 1968
Groh G, Lemieux M - The effect of LSD-25 on Spider web formation - 1968
Grossbard L, Rosen D, McGilvray E, de Capoa A, Miller O, Bank A - Acute Leukemia with Ph- like chromosome in an LSD user - 1968
Gupta GP, Dhawan KN, Dhawan BN - Antagonism of central vasomotor effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) by morphine - 1968
Hanaway JK - Lysergic acid diethylamide: effects on the developing mouse lens - 1968
Hanus H, Preiningerosa O, Fryntova H - Nektere Mene obvykle psychopatologicke Priznaky intoxikace psilocybinem - 1968
Harris RT, Glaghorm JL, Schoolar JC - Self Administration of Minor Tranquilizers as a Function of Conditioning. - 1968
Hausner M, Dolezal V - Follow-up Evaluation of LSD Psychotherapy of Inpatients - 1968
Hecht F, Beals RK, Lees MH, Jolly H, Roberts P - Lysergic-acid-diethylamide and cannabis as possible teratogens in man - 1968
Heil K - LSD und Chromosomenschäden - 1968
Heninger GR, Bowers MB - Adverse effects of niacin in emergent psychosis - 1968
Hertz, Mogens - L.S.D: Stress and Learning - 1968
Hirschhorn K, Cohen MM - Drug-Induced Chromosomal Aberrations - 1968
Hoffer A - Effect of LSD on Chromosomes - 1968
Hofmann A - Recherches sur des alcaloides peptidiques d'ergot semisythétiques - 1968
Hollister, Leo E. - Human Pharmacology of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1968
Holmberg MB, Jansson B - Experiences from an out-patient department for drug addicts in Göteborg - 1968
Hungerford DA, Taylor KM, Shagass C, LaBadie GU, Balaban GB, Paton GR - Cytogenetic Effects of LSD 25 Therapy in Man - 1968
Imperi LL, Kleber HD, Davie JS - Use of hallucinogenic drugs on campus - 1968
Irwin S, Egozcue J - Chromosome Damage Not Found in Leukocytes of Children Treated with LSD-25 - 1968
Irwin, Samuel - A Rational Framework for the Development, Evaluation, and Use of Psyachoactive Drugs - 1968
Itil TM - Electroencephalography and Pharmacopsychiatry - 1968
Jørgensen F - Abuse of psychotomimetics - 1968
Jacobsen CB, Magyar VL - Reproductive dangers in LSD use - 1968
Jacobsen CB, Strubbs V, Berlin CM - The perinatal assessment of a possible mutagen LSD-25 - 1968
Jarvik LF - Contradictions in LSD research - 1968
Jarvik LF, Kato T, Saunders B, Moralishvili E - LSD and human chromosomes - 1968
Jergensen F - Psykiatriske komplikationer til lysergidmisbrug - 1968
Jorgensen F - Psykiatriske komplikationer til LSD-misbrug - 1968
Kato K - Pharmacopsychotherapy and experimental psychopathology. With special reference to the nature of audiotory hallucination in schizophrenics - 1968
Kawai N, Yamamoto C - Antagonism between serotonin and LSD studied in vitro in thin sections from the superior colliculus of guinea pig - 1968
Kieffer SN, Moritz TB - Psychedelic drugs - 1968
Kier LB - Preferred conformation of serotonin and a postulate on the nature of its receptor from molecular orbital calculations - 1968
Kobayashi S, Dushenski LA, Girard JP, Arbessman CE - Demonstration of human reagin using monkey tissues. - VI. Pharmacologic studies of in vitro passive sensitization of monkey ileum with sera from atopic patients - 1968
Koella WP - Invited Discussion of Dr. J. Appel's Paper: Neurophysiological Effects of Psychotomimetic Substance (A supplemental review) - 1968
Korein J, Musacchio JM - LSD and focal cerebral lesions - 1968
Kruskal WH, Haberman S - Chromosomal effect and LSD: samples of four - 1968
Kuiper PC - Psychedelica - 1968
Kurland AA, Savage C, Unger S - LSD in Psychiatric Treatment - 1968
Ladee GA - Gebruik en misbruik van LSD - 1968
Lane JM - Assessment of LSD - 1968
Langs RJ, Barr HL - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and schizophrenic reactions - 1968
Leuner H - Ist die Verwendung von LSD-25 fur die experimentelle Psychiatrie und in der Psychotherapie heute noch vertretbar? [Is the Use of LSD-25 in Experimental Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Still Justifiable?.] - 1968
Leuner H - Die "Wunderdroge" LSD und ihr Missbrauch - 1968
Leuner H - Ueber den Missbrauch von LSD-25 - 1968
Lindsley DF, Carpenter RS, Killam EK, Killam KF - EEG Correlates of Behavior in the Cat. I. Pattern Discrimination and Its Alteration by Atropine and LSD-25 - 1968
Loughman WD, Sargent TW, - Chromosome damage by LSD - 1968
Máthé V, Kassay G - Effect of LSD-25 (lysergic acid diethylamide) on the energetic metabolism of the brain of rats - 1968
M Gyorgy Miklos Ola'h, Heim RM - Etude Chimiotaxinomique sur les Panaeolus. Recherches sur la presence des corps indoliques psychotropes dans ces champignons - 1968
Matthew H - Lysergic acid diethylamid intoxication - 1968
Mechaneck R, Feldstein S, Dahlberg CC, Jaffe J - Experimental Investigation of LSD as a Psychotherapeutic Adjunct - 1968
Miller JR - Assessment of LSD - 1968
Munch JC - The toxicity of cannabis sativa (Marihuana) - 1968
Muraoka Y, Hayashi Y, Minesita T - Studies of capreomycin nephrotoxicity - 1968
Netz B - Lysergsyre dietylamid (LSD-25) och suggestibilitet. - Del I: analys av tidigare litteratur - 1968
Netz B, Engstam PO - Lysergsyre dietylamide (LSD-25) och suggestibilitet. Del II: effecter av en tröskeldos LSD-25 pa hypnotiserbarhet - 1968
Neuhoff V, Müller D, Meulen V - Die Wirkung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf Ganglienzellen-2. Mitteilung: Morphologische Befunde - 1968
Neuhoff V - Die Wirkung von LSD auf Nervenzellen - 1968
Nielsen J, Friederich U, Jacobsen E, Tsuboi T - Lysergise and chromosome abnormalities - 1968
Nielsen J, Friedrich U, Tsuboi T - Chromosome abnormalities and psychotropic drugs - 1968
Noirfalise A - Les hallucinogènes et leur détection toxicologique - 1968
Nunes F - LSD - an historical reevaluation - 1968
Onodera K, Unemoto T, Myaki K, Hayashi M - Pharmacological studies on polyamines. I. - Relaxing effect of spermine and spermidine on smooth muscle of guinea pig ileum contracted by 5-hydroxytryptamine and nicotine - 1968
Pasini G - Il problema dell'uso degli allucinogeni - 1968
Rannaport BS - LSD and chromosomes - 1968
Ravina A - LSD et Lesions Chromosomes - 1968
Rebentisch E - Der Einfluss von Serotonin und LSD auf die photisch ausgelöste Aktivatät des visuellen Cortex der Ratte - 1968
Rosenberg CM, Eldred B - LSD Psychosis - 1968
Rydzynski Z, Cwynar S, Grzelak L, Jagiello W - Preliminary report on the experience with psychosomimetic drugs in the treatment of alcoholism - 1968
Saavedra JM, Smolovich J - Estudio acerca da la influencia de drogas antiserotonínicas sobre la depresión locomotora producida por la serotonina y de la actividad correspondiente del 5 - hidroxitriptófano - 1968
Samochowiec L - The influence of some drugs upon the toxicity of carbon-bisulphide in white mice and rats - 1968
Sandison RA - The hallucinogenic drugs - 1968
Sandison RA - LSD - 1968
Schneider C - Behavioral effects of some morphine antagonists and hallucinogens in the rat - 1968
Schwarz CJ - The complications of LSD: a review of the literature - 1968
Shagass C - Invited discussion of Drs. M. Fink and T. Itil's paper: Evoked response and behavioral effects of LSD and Ditran - 1968
Silva MTA, Carlini EA - Lack of Cross-Tolerance in Rats Among (-)delta 9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-THC), Cannabis Extract, Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1968
Silverman J - A paradigm for the study of altered states of consciousness - 1968
Skakkebaek NE, Philip J, Rafaelsen OJ - LSD in mice: abnormalities in meiotic chromosomes - 1968
Slatis HM - Chomosome damage by LSD - 1968
Smart RS, Bateman K - The chromosomal and teratogenic effects of lysergic acid diethylamide: A review of the current literature - 1968
Smith DE, Rose AJ - The use and abuse of LSD in haight-ashbury (Observations by the Haight-Ashbury Medical Center) - 1968
Snyder SH, Richelson E - Psychedelic drugs: Steric factors that predict psychotropic activity - 1968
Sparkes RS, Melnyk J, Bozzotti LP - Chromosomal effect in vivo of exposure to lysergic acid diethylamide - 1968
Tauberger G, Klimmer OR - Die Wirkung hoher Dosen von d-Lysergsäurediäthylamid auf die Atmung, den Kreislauf und den zentralen Sympathicus-Tonus der Katze - 1968
Todorov - Le LSD est-il tératogène? - 1968
Torda C - Contribution to serotonin theory of dreaming (LSD infusion) - 1968
Torre M, Fagiani MB - Effects of LSD-25 and dimethysergide bimaleate on a conditioned reflex in the rat - 1968
Tosi O, Rockey MA, Fischer R - Quantitative Measurement of Time Contraction Induced by Psilocybin - 1968
Tylden E - Problems associated with LSD - 1968
Ucha Udabe R, Kertesz R, Savorgnan JA, Nannino D - LSD y amfetaminas en psicoterapia grupal - 1968
Ungerleider JT, Fischer DD, Fuller M, Caldwell A - The 'bad trip' - the etiology of the adverse LSD reaction - 1968
Ungerleider JT, Fisher DD, Goldsmith SR, Fuller M, Forgy E - A statistical survey of adverse reactions to LSD in Los Angeles county - 1968
Not available - LSD and chromosomes - 1968
Not available - Does the chronic LSD risk brain damage? - 1968
Not available - Effect of LSD on chromosomes - 1968
Uyeno ET - Hallucinogenic compounds and swimming response - 1968
Valzelli L, Giacalone E, Garattini S - Pharmacological control of aggressive behavior in mice - 1968
Van den Driessche J, Allain P, Eben-Moussi E - Antagonisme de la 1 [2-(5, 6 diméthyl-3 indolyl) éthyl-4 phényl-pipérazine (oxypertine) et de la 5 hydroxytryptamine - 1968
Van Praag HM - Halluzinogene, ein trojanisches Pferd? [Hallucinogens, a Trojan horse?] - 1968
Van Ree F - Gewoontevorming, verslaving en gewenning bij gebruik van alkohol, marihuana, LSD - 1968
Varma RR, Khuteta KP, Dandiya PC - The effects of some psychopharmcological agents on heat stress-induced changes in the glutathione levels of brain and blood in rats - 1968
Vojtechovsky M, Skála J, Safratová V - Klinický obraz LSD psychozy po premedikaci 1-tyrosinem a dl-DOPA u chronickych alkoholiku (Aenderung der LSD -Psychose durch Vorbehandlung mit l-Tyrosin und dl-DOPA bei chronischen Alkoholikern) - 1968
Vojtechovsky M, Hoit V, Safratova V - Ovlivneni experimentalnich psychoz po psilocybinu inhibitory MAO - 1968
Wagner JG, Aghajanian GK, Bing OHL - Correlation of performance test scores with "tissue concentration" of lysergic acid diethylamide in human subjects - 1968
Warkany J, Takacs E - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD): no teratogenicity in rats - 1968
Welpton DF - Psychodynamics of chronic lysergic acid diethylamide use. A clinical study of ten voluntary subjects - 1968
Whitaker LH - The Hallucinogenic drugs: their use and abuse - 1968
Wise CD, Ruelius PW - The binding of serotonin in brain: a study in vitro of the influence of physicochemical factors and drugs - 1968
Yielding KL, Sterglanz H - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) binding to deoxyribunocleic acid (DNA) - 1968
Zsigmond EK - Letters to the editor of clinical workshop. Anesthetic Considerations in Patients on LSD-25 - 1968
Boakes RJ, Bradley PB, Briggs I, Dray A - Actions and Interactions of LSD with 5-HT and Other Substances on Brain Stem Neurones - 1969
Buckman, John - Psychedelic Drugs as Adjuncts to Analytic Psychotherapy. - 1969
Costello CG - An Evaluation of Aversion and LSD Therapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1969
Dandiya PC, Gupta BD, Gupta ML - The effect of central nervous system activating agents on the open field performance of rats - 1969
Denson, R. - Complications of Therapy with Lysergide. - 1969
Downing, Joseph - Attitude and Behavior Change Through Psychedelic Drug Use - 1969
Editorial - LSD Therapy - No Help for Alcoholics - 1969
Godfrey, Kenneth E. - Psychedelic Drugs as Therapeutic Agents. - 1969
Hollister, Leo E.; Shelton, Jack; Krieger, George - A Controlled Comparison of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Dextroamphetamine in Alcoholics. - 1969
Houston, Jean - Phenomenology of the Psychedelic Experience. - 1969
Isbell, Harris - Discussion to Gardner R: Psychotomimetic Effecs of Central Stimulants - 1969
Johnson, F. Gordon - LSD in the Treatment of Alcoholism. - 1969
Kurland AA, Pahnke WN, Unger S, Savage C, Goodman E - Psychedelic Psychotherapy (LSD) in the Treatment of a Patient with a Malignancy - 1969
Kurland, Albert A.; Pahnke, Walter N.; Unger, Sanford; Savage, Charles; Goodman, Louis E. - Psychedelic Psychotherapy (LSD) in the Treatment of the Patient with a Malignancy - 1969
Leary, Timothy - The Effects of Consciousness-Expanding Drugs on Prisoner Rehabilitation - 1969
Ludwig, Arnold M.; Levine, Jerome; Stark, Louis; Lazar, Robert - A Clinical Study of LSD Treatment in Alcoholism - 1969
Mogar, Robert E. - Current Status and Future Trends in Psychedelic (LSD) Research. - 1969
Osmond, Humphry - Psychedelic Drugs in the Treatment of Alcoholism. - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N. - The psychedelic Mystical Experience in the Human Encounter with Death - 1969
Pahnke W, Kurland AA, Goodman LE, Richards W A - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy with Terminal Cancer Patients - 1969
Pahnke W N, Kurland A A, Goodman L E, Richards W A - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy with Terminal Cancer Patients - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N. - The Psychedelic Mystical Experience in the Human Encounter with Death. - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N. - Psychedelic Drugs and Mystical Experience. - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N.; Kurland, Albert A.; Goodman, Louis E.; Richards, William A. - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy with Terminal Cancer Patients - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N.; McCabe, Oliver L.; Olsson, James E.; Unger, Sanford; Kurland, Albert A. - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy with Terminal Cancer Patients - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N.; Richards, William A. - Implications of LSD and Experimental Mysticism - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N.; Richards, William A. - Implications of LSD and Experimental Mysticism. - 1969
Rappolt RT - Apparent Antagonism of Ergotamine on the Gravid Uterus by LSD-25 - 1969
Salzman, A. - Controlled Therapy Research with Psychedelic Drugs: A Critique. - 1969
Savage C, McCabe OL, Olsson JE, Unger S, Kurland AA - Research with Psychedelic Drugs - 1969
Savage, Charles C.; McCabe, Oliver Lee; Olsson, James E.; Unger, Sanford; Kurland, Albert A. - Research with Psychedelic Drugs - 1969
Shulgin AT, Sargent T, Naranjo C - Structure Activity Relationships of One-ring Psychotomimetics - 1969
Shulgin AT, Sargent T, Naranjo C - Recent Developments in Cannabis Chemistry - 1969
Shulgin AT - Psychotomimetic Agents Related to the Catecholamines - 1969
Tjio, Joe-Hin; Pahnke, Walter N.; Kurland, Albert A. - LSD and Chromosomes. A Controlled Experiment - 1969
Unger, Sanford M. - The Psychedelic Use of LSD: Reflections and Observations. - 1969
Vaccari A, Cugurra F, Vertua R - [3H](+)-Amphetamine and [14C]-5-Hydroxytryptamine: Relationship Between Tissue Uptake and Action on the Rat Fundal Strip Preparation - 1969
Votava Z, Dlabac A - Parachlorphenylalanine Pretreatment and the Effect of Amphetamine or LSD-25 in Rats - 1969
Adey WR - Neurophysiological Action of LSD - 1969
Alpert, Richard - LSD and Sexuality - 1969
Andersen DL - Identification of LSD and other indole alkaloids by ultraviolet degradation products. - 1969
Anderson EG, Clineschmidt BV - Blokade of bulbospinal inhibition by antagonists of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) - 1969
Barter JT, Reite M - Crime and LSD: The insanity plea - 1969
Bebbington A, Brimblecombe RW - Actions of some toxic substances (psychotomimetics) on the central nervous system - 1969
Berkenbaum C - L'Intoxication Psilocybinique - 1969
Bermond F, Bert J - Action de la psilocybine sur le comportement d'un cercopithecinae papio-papio - 1969
Bermond F, Bert J - Etude des Effets Electrophysiologiques de la Psilocybine Chez un cercopithecinae, Papio-Papio - 1969
Boakes RJ, Bradley PB, Briggs I, Dray A - Actions and Interactions of LSD with 5-HT and Other Substances on Brain Stem Neurones - 1969
Boer AP, Sipprelle CN - Induced anxiety in the treatment for LSD effects - 1969
Borenstein P, Cujo P - Électroencéphalographie clinique et substances psychotropes - 1969
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Kramarz P, Champion C - A propos de certains aspects électroencéphalographiques de l'action des psychotropes - 1969
Borenstein P, Chatelier G, Cujo P, Gekiére F - Étude comportementale et neurophysiologique de l'action du LSD 25 chez le singe - 1969
Bottrill JH - Personality change in LSD users - 1969
Brau JL - Vom Haschisch zum LSD. Geschichte der Drogue - 1969
Brown BB - Effect of LSD on visually evoked responses to color in visualizer and non-visualizer subjects - 1969
Carstairs GM - A land of lotus-eaters - 1969
Cheek FE, Newell S, Sarett M - The Down-head Behind an Up-head - The Heroin Addict Takes LSD - 1969
Cheymol J - Historique des hallucinogènes - 1969
Chothia C, Pauling P - On the Conformations of Hallucinogenic Molecules and Their Correlation - 1969
Cohen MM - The Interaction of Various Drugs with Human Chromosomes - 1969
Cohen MM - "Genetic" Disturbances Associated with LSD - 1969
Cohen, Sidney - The Personality of the User - Before and After - 1969
Costello CG - An Evaluation of Aversion and LSD Therapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1969
Craig JC - Synthesis of Compounds Related to Lysergic Acid - 1969
Curzon G, Green AR - Effects of immobilization on rat liver tryptophan pyrrolase and brain 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism - 1969
Dandiya PC, Gupta BD, Gupta ML, Patni SK - Effects of LSD on open field performance in rats - 1969
de la Cruz F - The high-risk infant. Implications in adoption - 1969
Denber HCB - Mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide: therapeutic implications of the drug-induced stat - 1969
Deniker P - Sur les abus des drogues psychodysloptiques: toxicomanies modernes et pharmaco-psychoses - 1969
Denson R - Complications of Therapy with Lysergide - 1969
Ditman KS, Moss T, Forgy EW, Zunin LM, Lynch RD, Funk WA - Dimensions of the LSD, methylphenidate and chlordiazepoxide experiences - 1969
Editorial - Intelligenzverluste Durch LSD - 1969
Editorial - Leukaemia and L.S.D. - 1969
Editorial - Genetische Schaden durch psychotrope Substanzen? Lsd alterierte Leberenzyme der nachfolgenden Generation. - 1969
Editorial - Marihuana and LSD - 1969
Editorial - Psychotropic Drugs and Chromosome Abnormalities - 1969
Editorial - Non-Medical Use of Drugs with Particular Reference to Youth - 1969
Ey H - L.S.D. et expériences psychédéliques - 1969
Fischer R - The perception-hallucination continuum (a re-examination) - 1969
Fischer R, Thatcher K, Kappeler T, Wisecup P - Unity and Covariance of Perception and Behaviour - 1969
Fischer R, Hill RM, Warshay D - Effects of the Psychodysleptic Drug Psilocybin on Visual Perception. Changes in Brightness Preference - 1969
Fischer R, Kappeler T, Wisecup P, Thatcher K - Measurement of Handwriting Area to Pressure Ratios During Psilocybin-Induced Hallucinations - 1969
Fischer R - Psychotomimetic Drug-Induced Changes in Space and Time - 1969
Fischer R, Marks PA, Rockey MA - Der Einfluss der Struktur der Personlichkeit auf den Ausgang der Modellpsychose - 1969
Floru L, Ishay J, Gitter S - The influence of psychotropic substances on hornet behaviour in colonies of vespa orientalis F. (Hymenoptera) - 1969
Fog R - Stereotyped and non-stereotyped behavior in rats induced by various stimulant drugs - 1969
Foote WE, Sheard MH, Aghajanian GK - Comparison of effects of LSD and amphetamine on midbrain raphe units - 1969
Fort J, Metzner R - LSD, Chromosomes and Sensationalism - 1969
Franchi G, Fanciullacci M - Un nuovo antiserotoninico di derivazione lisergica nella terapia dall'emicranio - 1969
Freedman DX - The Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogenic Agents - 1969
Frosch WA - Patterns of response to self administration of LSD - 1969
Garson OM, Robson MK - Studies in a patient with acute leukaemia after lysergide treatment - 1969
Genest P - Étude cytogénétique des hallucinogènes, Essai préliminaire de la lysergamide (LSD-25) sur la culture des leucocytes humains. - 1969
Gioscia V - LSD subcultures: acidoxy versus orthodoxy - 1969
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Godfrey KE - Psychedelic drugs as therapeutic agents - 1969
Gwynne PH, Fischer R, Hill RM - Hypnotic Induction of the Interference of Psilocybin with Optically Induced Spatial Distortion - 1969
Halasz MF, Formanek J, Marrazzi AS - Hallucinogen-tranquilizer interaction: its nature. - 1969
Hamburger E - Contrasting the hippie and junkie. - 1969
Hill RM, Fischer R, Warshay D - Effects of Ecitatory and Tranquilizing Drugs on Visual Perception. Spation Distortion Thresholds - 1969
Hischhorn K - LSD and chromosomal damage - 1969
Hollister, Leo E. - Steroids and Moods: Correlations in Schizophrenics and Subjects Treated with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), Mescaline, Tetrahydrocannabinol, and Synhexyl - 1969
Hollister LE, Shelton J, Krieger G - A Controlled Comparison of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Dextroamphetamine in Alcoholics - 1969
Horita A, Hamilton AE - Lysergic acid diethylamide: dissociation of its behavioral and hyperthermic actions by DL-a-methyl-p-tyrosine - 1969
Horowitz MJ - Flashbacks: reccurent intrusive images after the use of LSD - 1969
Houston BK - Review of the Evidence and Qualifications Regarding the Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on Chromosomes and Embryos - 1969
Hruza V, Kratochvíl S, Fanfulová E - LSD intoxikace a zmena postoju - 1969
Idänpään-Heikkilä JE, Schoolar JC - LSD: Autoradiographic study on the placental transfer and tissue distribution in mice. - 1969
Idänpään-Heikkilä JE, Schoolar JC - 14C-Lysergide in early pregnancy - 1969
Idänpään-Heikkilä JE - LSD: n vaikutus kromosomeihin ja sikiöön - 1969
Isbell, Harris - A Comparison of LSD-25 with (-)-delta9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Attempted Cross Tolerance Between LSD and THC - 1969
Isbell, Harris - Discussion to Gardner R: Psychotomimetic Effecs of Central Stimulants - 1969
Itil TM, Keskiner A, Holden JMC - The Use of LSD and Ditran in the Treatment of Therapy Resistant Schizophrenics - 1969
Itil TM - Quantitative EEG and Behavior Changes After LSD and Ditram - 1969
Johnson FG - LSD in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1969
Jorgensen F - Metodologiahe problemer I forbindelse med en social-psykiatrisk undersogelse au unge stomisbrugere - 1969
Judd LL, Brandkamp WW, Mcglothlin WH - Comparison of the chromosomal patterns obtained from groups of continued users, former users, and nonusers of LSD-25 - 1969
Julia M, Le Goffic F, Igolen J, Baillarge M - Une nouvelle synthèse de l'acide lysergique - 1969
Kabes J, Fink Z - Spontaneous Motor Activity and Acetylcholine Brain Metabolism in Rats after LSD Administration - 1969
Kaij L - Hallucinogener - 1969
Kales A, Heuser G, Kales JD, ricles WH, Rubin RT, Scharf MB, Ungerleider JT, Winters WD - Drug dependency. Investigations of stimulants and depressants. - 1969
Kalinowsky LB, Hippius H - Pharmacological, Convulsive and Other Somatic Treatments in Psychiatry - 1969
Kato T, Jarvik LF - LSD-25 and genetic damage - 1969
Katz RI, Kopin IJ - Effect of D-LSD and related compounds on release of norepinephrine-h3 and serotonin-h3 evoked from brain slices by electrical stimulation - 1969
Kawai N, Yamamoto C - Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine, LSD and related compounds on electrical activities evoked in vitro in thin sections from the superior colliculus - 1969
Kemper F - Hemmung der Entwicklung durch Psychotica - 1969
Ketchum JS - Detection of LSD - 1969
King FW - Marijuana and LSD Usage Among Male College Students: Prevalence Rate, Frequency, and Self Estimates of Future Use - 1969
Klee GD - Drugs and American Youth: A Psychiatrist Looks at the Psychedelic Generation - 1969
Koella WP, Bergen JR - Cyclic Response to Repeated LSD Administration - 1969
Krivoy WA - Use of bioelectric potentials for screening drugs - 1969
Kurland AA, Pahnke WN, Unger S, Savage C, Goodman E - Psychedelic Psychotherapy (LSD) in the Treatment of the Patient with a Malignancy - 1969
Létourneau G - Interaction hallucinogènes - culture - 1969
Labrie J - Aspects neuropsychiatriques des complications et dangers de l'usage des hallucinogènes - 1969
Leary, Timothy - The Effects of Consciousness-Expanding Drugs on Prisoner Rehabilitation - 1969
Leonard BE, Tonge SR - The effects of some hallucinogenic drugs upon the metabolism of noradrenaline - 1969
Lerner M, Katsiaficas MD - Analytical Separations of Mixtures of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1969
Leuner H - LSD zur psycholytischen Behandlung? - 1969
Levy G - Pharmacokinetics of LSD effect - 1969
Levy G, Gibaldi M, Jusko WJ - Multicompartment pharmacokinetic models and phharmacologic effects - 1969
Lin RC, Ngai SH, Costa E - Lysergic acid diethylamide: role in conversion of plasma tryptophan to brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) - 1969
Ludwig A, Levine J, Stark L, Lazar R - A Clinical Study of LSD Treatment in Alcoholism (124th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Boston Mass., May 13-17, 1968) - 1969
Magyar VL - LSD vor und in der Graviditat bewirkt Defekte beim Foten - 1969
Mathé V, Kassay G - Die Wirkung von Psychopharmaka auf den energetischen Stoffwechsel des Hirngewebes - 1969
McGlothlin WH, Cohen S, McGlothlin MS - Long-lasting Effects of LSD on Normals - 1969
McGlothlin WH, Arnold DO, Freedman DX - Organicity Measures Following Repeated LSD Ingestion - 1969
Mesley RJ, Evans WH - Infrared Identification of Lysergide (LSD) - 1969
Michal F - D-Receptor for serotonin on blood platelets - 1969
Minghetti A, Arcamone F - Studies concerning the biogenesis of natural derivatives of lysergic acid - 1969
Mouriz-Garcia A, Schmidt R, Arlazoroff A - Effects of LSD on the spontaneous and evoked activity of retinal and geniculate ganglion cells - 1969
Musser R, O'Neill JJ - Pharmacology and Therapeutics - 1969
Neuhoff V, Wörner I, Frölich W - Mikro-Disk-elektrophoretische Analyse der löslichen Proteine aus subzellulären Partikeln des Kaninchenhippocampus und deren Beeinflussung durch LSD 25 - 1969
Nielsen J, Friedrich U, Tsuboi T - Chromosome abnormalities in patients treated with chlorpromazine, perphenazine, and lysergide. - 1969
Nishizono M - La pharmaco-psychothérapie anaclitique - 1969
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T - Chromatographic separation of lysergic acid amide and isolysergic acid amide in morning glory seeds - 1969
Nosal G - Complications et dangers des hallucinogènes. Aspects cytopharmacologiques. - 1969
Paape W - Ueber Probleme der Rauschgiftsucht - 1969
Pahnke WH, Kurland AA, Goodman LE, Richards WA - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy with Terminal Cancer Patients - 1969
Philip J, Rafaelsen OJ, Skakkebaek N - Lysergid (LSD) og kromosomer - 1969
Phillips GF, Gardiner J - The chromatographic identification of psychotropic drugs - 1969
Popova EN - Effect of LSD on the central nervous system (review) - 1969
Radouco-Thomas C, Garcin F, Radouco-Thomas S - Pharmacologie générale des psychodysleptiques (Hallucinogènes) - 1969
Radouco-Thomas S, Villeneuve A, Hudon M, Tanguay C, Monnier D, Gendron C, Radouco-Thomas C - Enquête sur l'usage des psychodysleptiques (hallucinogenes) dans les colleges et universités de la province de Québec - Partie II: méthodologie et résultats préliminaires. - 1969
Radouco-Thomas S, Lajeunesse N, Tessier L, Radouco-Thomas C - The Effect of LSD-25 on Calcium, 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Catecholamines in Brain - 1969
Rappolt RT - Apparent Antagonism of Ergotamine on the Gravid Uterus by LSD-25 - 1969
Repta AJ, Higuchi T - Mass spectrometry of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1969
Riedel H - Realitätsgewinn durch LSD-Rausch - 1969
Rougeul A - Anomalies de l'état de veille sous l'effet des psychodysleptiques - 1969
Siva Sankar DV, Rozsa PW, Geisler A - Chromosome Breakage in Children Treated with LSD-25 and UML-491 - 1969
Schildkraut JJ, Schanberg SM, Breese GR, Kopin IJ - Effects of psychoactive drugs on the metabolism of intracisternally administered serotonin in rat brain - 1969
Sedwall G, Nyback H - Effect of LSD on the Disappearance from Brain of Serotonin Formed in Vivo from Labelled Tryptophane - 1969
Siegel RK - Effects of cannabis sativa and lysergic acid diethylamide on a visual discrimination task in pigeons - 1969
Siva Sankar DV, Cates NR, Domjan M - Comparative biochemical pharmacology of psychoactive drugs - 1969
Sivadjian J - L'action de la mescaline et du diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD-25) sur le comportement du cobaye - 1969
Skakkebaek WE, Philip J, Rafaelsen OJ - Lysergidforarsagede aendringer i meiosekromosomer hos mus . Dansk Psykiateisk selskab, 303. mode, 9.12.68, Kobehavn - 1969
Skakkebaek NE, Philiop J, Rafaelsen OJ - LSD - Forårsagede aendringer i meiose-kromosomer hos mus - 1969
Smith CG - Gilles de la Tourette syndrome treated with LSD - 1969
Smith DE - Use of LSD in the Haight-Ashbury. Observations at a neighborhood clinic. - 1969
Smythies JR, Antun F - Binding of tryptamine and allied compounds to nucleic acids - 1969
Stasik JH, Kidwell JF - Genotype, LSD and T-maze learning in mice - 1969
Statkov PR - Lack of evidence for M- and D-serotonin receptors in the cat's isolated tracheal smooth muscle - 1969
Stern M, Robbins ES - Clinical diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders subsequent to use of psychedelic drugs - 1969
Sturelid S, Kihlman BA - Lysergic acid diethylamide and chromosome breakage - 1969
Sugrue MF - A study of the role of noradrenaline in behavioural changes produced in the rat by psychotomimetic drugs - 1969
Taber WA - Microbial production of lysergic acid and psilocybin - 1969
Taylor J - The Quest - 1969
Tjio, Joe-Hin; Pahnke, Walter N.; Kurland, Albert A. - LSD and Chromosomes, A Controlled Experiment - 1969
Tobin JM, Tobin JM - Mutagenic effects of LSD-25 in drosophila melanogaster - 1969
Tonge SR, Leonard BE - The effects of some hallucinogenic drugs upon the metabolism of 5-hydroxy-tryptamine in the brain - 1969
Torda C - LSD Users: Character structure and psychodynamic processes - 1969
Ungerleider JT - Dr Ungerleider replies - 1969
Not available - LSD-25 and the chromosomes of children - 1969
Unwin JR - Utilisation des hallucinogènes chez les jeunes - Aspects psych-sociaux - 1969
Uyeno ET, Mitoma C - The relative effectiveness of several hallucinogens in disrupting maze performance by rats - 1969
Uyeno ET - Alteration of a Learned Response of the Squirrel Monkey by Hallucinogens - 1969
Valentin E - L.S.D.: mise au point - 1969
Van Ree F - Een Behandeling van een Suicidale Patient met LSD-25 [Treatment of a Suicidal Patient with LSD-25] - 1969
Vann E - Lethal mutation rate in drosophila exposed to LSD-25 by injection and ingestion - 1969
Vick JA - Cardiovascular effects of guanazole (NSC 1895) - 1969
Villeneuve A, Lehmann HE - Applications médicales des hallucinogènes - 1969
Wagner TE - In vitro interaction of LSD with purified calf thymus DNA - 1969
Williams LN - L.S.D. and manslaughter - 1969
Wilson WS - The effects of phenobarbitone, leptazol, dexamphetamine, iproniazid, imipramine, LSD, chlorpromazine, reserpine and hydroxyzine on the in vivo levels of adenine nucleotides and phosphocreatine in the rat brain. - 1969
Winters WD, Mori K, Wallach MB, Marcus RJ, Spooner CE - Reticular multiple unit activity during a progression of states induced by cns excitants. -III. - 1969
Zetterberg G - Lysergic acid diethylamide and mutation - 1969
Appel JB, Sheard, MH, Freedman DX - Alterations in the Behavioral Effects of LSD by Midbrain Raphe Lesions. - 1970
Barnes DT, Whitaker LH, Seal E - The Uses and Abuses of L.S.D. and Other Hallucinogenic Drugs. - 1970
Barron SP, Lowinger P, Ebner E - A Clinical Examination of Chronic LSD Use in the Community. - 1970
Carlini EA, Masur J - Development of Fighting Behavior in Starved Rats of Chronic Administration of (-)delta-9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabis Extracts: Lack of Action of Other Psychotropic Drugs - 1970
Clein MB, Marrazzi AS, Woodruff S, Kennedy D, Itil T - LSD Dissociation of Auditory Perception and CPZ Protection in Man - 1970
Collins BJ, Lovell RA, Boggan WO, Freedman DX - Effects of Hallucinogens on Rat Brain Monoamine Oxidase Activity - 1970
Denson, R.; Sydiaha, D. - A Controlled Study of LSD Treatment in Alcoholism and Neurosis. - 1970
DiCarlo FJ, Katomski P, Harris M, Thomas S, Tokazewski S - Effects of ethanol, phenobarbital and LSD administration on rat liver pheylalanine hydroxylase - 1970
Ditman, Keith S.; Moss, Thelma; Forgy, Edward; Zunin, Leonard; Funk, Wayne; Lynch, Robert - Characteristics of Alcoholics Volunteering for Lysergide Treatment - 1970
Eberle, P.; Leuner, H. - Chromosomendefekte bei Psilocybin-Patienten [Chromosomal Defects in Psilocybin-Patients] - 1970
Editorial - LSD fed to pregnant rats has caused biochemical defects in their offspring. - 1970
Fingerman M, Ranga Rao K - Analysis of the color changes induced by serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the fiddler crab, uca pugilator. - 1970
Fisher, G.; Martin, J. - The Psychotherapeutic Use of Psychodysleptic Drugs. - 1970
Fisher, Gary - The Psycholytic Treatment of a Childhood Schizophrenic Girl. - 1970
Fisher, Gary - Psychotherapy for the Dying: Principles and Illustrative Cases with Special Reference to the Use of LSD. - 1970
Fisher G - The psycholytic treatment of a childhood schizophrenic girl. - 1970
Gaston, E. Thayer; Eagle, Charles T. - The Function of Music in LSD Therapy for Alcoholic Patients. - 1970
Gayer J, Pribys R - In Vitro Induced Disappearance of Nucleoli in Cells Treated with LSD-25 - 1970
Grof, Stanislav - LSD Psychotherapy and Human Culture (Part 1) - 1970
Grof, Stansislov - The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy - 1970
Grof S - Beyond Psychoanalysis I. Implications of LSD Research for Understanding Dimension of Human Personality - 1970
Grof, Stanislav - The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy. - 1970
Grof, Stanislav - Beyond Psychoanalysis. 1. Implications of LSD Research for Understanding Dimensions of Human Personality. - 1970
Grof, Stanislav - LSD Psychotherapy and Human Culture (Part I). - 1970
Holden JMC, Itil T - The Influence of the Standard Pre-Frontal Lobotomy Operation on Hallucinatory Phenomena Assocaited with Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1970
Hosli L, Tebecis AK, Schonwetter HP - Monoamines, LSD and Brain Stem Reticular Neurones - 1970
Johnson, F. Gordon - A Comparison of Short-Term Treatment Effects of Intravenous Sodium Amytal-Methedrine and LSD in the Alcoholic. - 1970
Lovell RA, Boggan WO, Freedman DX - Comparison of the Effects of Indole and Phenylethylamine Hallucinogens on Rat Brain Serotonin and Norepinephrine Metabolism - 1970
Ludwig, Arnold M. - LSD Treatment in Alcoholism - 1970
Marecek P, Bakalar E, Janatks J - The Influence of Long-term Premeditation with Tanylcypromine on Experimental Psychoses Induced by LSD - 1970
Nair V, Bau D, Siegel S - Effect of LSD in Pregnancy on the Biochemical Development of Brain and Liver in the Offspring - 1970
Pahnke, Walter N. - The Psychedelic Mystical Experience in the Human Encounter with Death - Winter 1970/71
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA, Unger S, Savage C, Grof S - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - Jun 15,1970
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA, Unger S, Savage C, Grof S - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1970
Pahnke W, Kurland A A, Unger S, Savage C, Wolf S, Goodman L E - Psychedelic Therapy (Utilizing LSD) with Cancer Patients - 1970
Pahnke, Walter N.; Kurland, Albert A.; Unger, Sanford; Savage, Charles C.; Wolf, Sidney; Goodman, Louis E. - Psychedelic Therapy (Utilizing LSD) with Cancer Patients - 1970
Schlant RC, Nutter DO - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Upon Ventricular Function and Myocardial Contractility - 1970
Shulgin AT - The Mode of Action of Psychotomimetic Drugs; Some Qualitative Properties of the Psychotomimetics - 1970
Shulgin AT - 4-alkyl-dialkoxy-gamma-methyl-Phenethylamines and Their Pharmacologically-Acceptable Salts - 1970
Soskin, Robert A. - Personality and Attitude Change after Two Alcoholism Treatment Programs: Comparative Contributions of Lysergide and Human Relation Training. - 1970
Thomas, Klaus - Die Kunstlich Gesteuerte Seele. Brainwashing, Haschisch und LSD - Chemische und Hypnotische Einflusse auf Gehirn und Seelenleben - 1970
Thompson J, Eric S - Maya History and Religion - 1970
Tomsovic M, Edwards RV - Lysergide Treatment of Schizophrenic and Nonschizophrenic Alcoholics - 1970
Uyeno ET - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Maternal Behavior of the Rat. - 1970
Uyeno ET - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and a Novel Stimulus - 1970
Warren RJ, Rimoin DL, Sly WS - LSD Exposure in Utero - 1970
Aase JM, Laestadius N, Smith DW - Children of mothers who took L.S.D. in pregnancy - 1970
Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, Sheard MH - Action of Psychotogenic Drugs on Single Midbrain Raphe Neurons - 1970
Aghajanian GK, Sheard MH, Foote WE - LSD and Mescaline: Comparison of Effects on Single Units in the Midbrain Raphe - 1970
Aghajanian GK, Graham AW, Sheard MH - Serotonin-containing neurons in brain: depression of firing by monoamine oxidase inhibitors - 1970
Alexander GJ, Gold GM, Miles BE, Alexander RA - Lysergic acid diethylamide intake in pregnancy: fetal damage in rats - 1970
Appel JB, Sheard, MH, Freedman DX - Alterations in the Behavioral Effects of LSD by Midbrain Raphe Lesions. - 1970
Appel JB, Lovell RA, Freedman DX - Alterations in the Behavioral Effects of LSD by Pretreatment with p-Chlorophenylalanine and a-Methyl-p-Tyrosine - 1970
Assemany SR, New RL, Gardner LI - Deformaties in a child whose mother took L.S.D. - 1970
Avery TL - L.S.D. in psychiatry - 1970
Baker AA - Hospital admissions due to lysergic-acid diethylamide - 1970
Barnes DT, Whitaker LH, Seal E - The Uses and Abuses of L.S.D. and Other Hallucinogenic Drugs. - 1970
Barron SP, Lowinger P, Ebner E - A Clinical Examination of Chronic LSD Use in the Community. - 1970
Barter JT, Reite M - Drs. Barter and Reite reply - 1970
Bastos ML, Kananen GE, Youg RM, Monforte JR, Sunshine I - Detection of basic organic drugs and their metabolites in urine - 1970
Bender L - Children's reactions to psychotomimetic drugs - 1970
Berlin CM, Jacobson CB - Congenital anomalies associated with parental LSD ingestion - 1970
Bick YAE - Comparison of the effects of LSD, herliotrine and X-irradiation on chrmosome breakage, and the effects of LSD on the rate of cell division - 1970
Black S, Owens KL, Wolff RP - Patterns of drug use:A study of 5,482 subjects - 1970
Blaine JD - Inculpation of LSD challenged - 1970
Boakes RJ, Bradley PB, Briggs I, Dray A - Effects of Lysergic Acid Derivatives on 5-Hydroxytryptamine Excitation of Brain sSem Neurones. - 1970
Boakes RJ, Bradley PB, Briggs I, Dray A - Antagonism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine by LSD 25 in the Central Nervous System: a Possible Neuronal Nasis for the Actions of LSD 25 - 1970
Boissier JR - Pharmacologie, toxicologie et métabolisme des substances hallucinogènes - 1970
Bove, F.J. - The Story of Ergot. For physicians, pharmacists, nurses, biochemists, biologists and other interested in the life sciences - 1970
Bowen WT, Soskin RA, Chotlos JW - Lysergic acid diethylamide as a variable in the hospital treatment of alcoholism. A follow-up study. - 1970
Bradley PB, Candy JM - Iontophoretic Release of Acetylcholine, Noradrenaline, 5-Hydroxytryptamine and D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide from Micropipettes - 1970
Bromberg W - LSD-induced amnesia - 1970
Bryce JC - An Evaluation of LSD in the Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism - 1970
Buño W, Villar JI, Tejerina W, García-Austt E - Effect of LSD-25, chlorpromazine and metedrine upon visual evoked response in rats - 1970
Budini R, Marinangeli A - Interactions Between Some Psychodrugs and Flavins - 1970
Carlini EA, Masur J - Development of Fighting Behavior in Starved Rats of Chronic Administration of (-)delta-9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabis Extracts: Lack of Action of Other Psychotropic Drugs - 1970
Castagnou R, Larcebau S - Le L.S.D. 25: chimie et toxicologie - 1970
Cheek FE, Newell S, Joffe M - Deceptions in the illicit drug market - 1970
Clein MB, Marrazzi AS, Woodruff S, Kennedy D, Itil T - LSD Dissociation of Auditory Perception and CPZ Protection in Man - 1970
Clineschmidt BV, Anderson EG - The Blockade of Bulbospinal Inhibition by 5-Hydroxytryptamine Antagonists - 1970
Collins BJ, Lovell RA, Boggan WO, Freedman DX - Effects of Hallucinogens on Rat Brain Monoamine Oxidase Activity - 1970
Corey MJ, Andrews JC, McLeod MJ, MacLean JR, Wolby WE - Chromosome Studies on Patients (in Vivo) and Cells (in Vitro) Treated With Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1970
Cottrell GA - Direct postsynaptic responses to stimulation of serotonin-containing neurones - 1970
Dandiya PC, Gupta BD, Gupta ML - Influence of CNS stimulants and hallucinogens on rats in special circumstances - 1970
Dehwurst K, Hatrick J - Delayed psychosis due to L.S.D. - 1970
Denson R, Sydiaha D - A Controlled Study of LSD Treatment in Alcoholism and Neurosis - 1970
DiCarlo FJ, Katomski P, Harris M, Thomas S, Tokazewski S - Effects of ethanol, phenobarbital and LSD administration on rat liver pheylalanine hydroxylase - 1970
Ditman KS, Moss T, Forgy E, Zunin L, Funk W, Lynch R - Characteristics of Alcoholics Volunteering for Lysergide Treatment - 1970
Dorrance D, Janiger O, Teplitz RL - In vivo effects of illicit hallucinogens on human lymphocyte chromosomes - 1970
Editorial - LSD fed to pregnant rats has caused biochemical defects in their offspring. - 1970
Editorial - Schadigt LSD Chromosomen? - 1970
Editorial - LSD Schadigt Chromosomen Nicht - 1970
Editorial - Link Between LSD and Birth Defects Reported - 1970
Editorial - Hauptsymposium uber Halluzinogene. Generalversammlung beschliesst neue Satzung - 1970
Editorial - Diagnosis and Management of Reactions to Drug Abuse - 1970
Editorial - F.I.P. auf Neuem Weg in die Zukunft. Erfolgreiches Symposium uber Halluzinogene Stoffe - 1970
Editorial - Arzneimittelsucht. Ein Symposium in Genf. - 1970
Editorial - Symposium on Hallucinogens - 1970
Editorial - Halluzinogene Stoffe - 1970
Editorial - Hauptreferate des FIP-Kongresses 1970 in Kurzfassung - 1970
Editorial - LSD-Entdecker warnt - 1970
Editorial - L.S.D. in psychiatry - 1970,II
Editorial - LSD-Erfahrungen retrospektiv betrachtet - 1970
Eller JL, Morton JM - Bizarre deformities in offspring of user of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1970
Fingerman M, Ranga Rao K - Analysis of the color changes induced by serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the fiddler crab, uca pugilator. - 1970
Fischer R - Handschrift bei Drogen-Halluzinationen - 1970
Fischer R, Hill R, Thatcher K, Scheib J - Psilocybin-Induced Contraction of Nearby Visual Space - 1970
Fischer R, Kappeler T, Wisecup P, Thatcher K - Personality Trait Dependent Performance Under Psilocybin - Part I - 1970
Fisher G - The psycholytic treatment of a childhood schizophrenic girl. - 1970
Freedman DX, Gottlieb R, Lovell RA - Psychotomimetic Drugs and Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine Metabolism - 1970
Garcia Leme J, Hamamura L, Rocha e Silva M - Effect of anti-proteases and hexadimethrine bromide on the release of a bradykinin-like substance during heating (46ºC) of rat paws - 1970
Gayer J, Pribys R - In Vitro Induced Disappearance of Nucleoli in Cells Treated with LSD-25 - 1970
Gelehrter TD - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and exstrophy of the bladder - 1970
Genest K, Lowry LJ - Microcrystalloptic tests for lysergic acid diethylamide and other hallucinogens - 1970
Gessner PK - Pharmacological Studies of 5-Methoxy-n,n-dimethyltryptamine, LSD and Other Hallucinogens - 1970
Gilder SSB - Amphetamine and LSD - 1970
Glass GS, Bowers MB - Chronic psychosis associated with long-term psychotomimetic drug abuse - 1970
Glick SD, Jarvik ME - Differential impairment by drugs of delayed matching performance in frontal and normal monkeys - 1970
Glickman L - LSD, alcohol, and the courts - 1970
Hosli L, Tebecis AK, Schonwetter HP - Monoamines, LSD and Brain Stem Reticular Neurones - 1970
Haag TP - Zum Nachweis von Rauschgiften, insbesondere Haschisch - 1970
Hatrick JA, Dewhurst K - Delayed psychosis due to L.S.D. - 1970
Healy JM, Van Houten PL - Effect of psychotomimetic agents on sex ratio? - 1970
Held K, Dalló J - Comparative pharmacological study of unconditioned and conditioned alimentary reflexes in the rat - 1970
Henkin R - On the physiological mechanism of sensory changes produced with LSD-25 - 1970
Hill RM, Fischer R - Psilocybin-Induced Transformation of Visual Space - 1970
Hoffmann E - Drogenmissbrauch nur "Modeerscheinung"? - 1970
Hofmann A - Notes and documents concerning the dicovery of LSD - 1970
Hofmann A - Les hallucinogènes - 1970
Hofmann A - The discovery of LSD and subsequent investigations on naturally occurring hallucinogens - 1970
Hofmann A - Struktur und Synthese der Halluzinogene - 1970
Holden JMC, Itil T - The Influence of the Standard Pre-Frontal Lobotomy Operation on Hallucinatory Phenomena Assocaited with Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1970
Hsu LY, Strauss L, Hirschhorn K - Chromosome Abnormality in Offspring of LSD User. D Trisomy with d/d Translocation - 1970
Idänpään-Heikkilä JE, Schoolar JC, Allen A - 7. Total body kinetics and placental transfer of labeled LSD in mice - 1970
Isbell H, Chrusciel TL - Dependence Liability of "Non-Narcotic" Drugs - 1970
Jackson B, Reed A Jr - Another Abusable Amphetamine - 1970
Jalfre M, Monachon MA, Haefely W - Pharmacological modifications of benzoquinolizine-induced geniculate spikes - 1970
Johnson FG - A Comparison of Short-term Treatment Effects of Intravenous Sodium Amytal-Methedrine and LSD in the Alcoholic - 1970
König-Bersin P, Waser PG, Langemann H, Lichtensteiger W - Monoamines in the brain under the influence of muscimol and ibotenic acid, two psychoactive principles of amanita muscaria - 1970
Kantor S - Drugs and drinks - 1970
Kato T, Jarvik LF, Roizin L - Chromosome studies in pregnant rhesus macaque given LSD-25 - 1970
Kawai N - Release of 5-hydroxytryptamine from slices of superior colliculus by optic tract stimulation - 1970
Khristolyubova NA - Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on monoamine content in some nuclei of the mesencephalon and hypotalamus - 1970
Kmell J, Vizi ES, Knoll B - Pharmacological studies on para-bromo-methamphetamine (V-111) and LSD - 1970
Knoll J, Vizi ES - Cross-tolerance between para-bromo-methamphetamine (V-111) and LSD-5 - 1970
Knoll B, Vizi ES, Knoll J - Pharmacology of p-bromo-methylamphetamine (V-111) - 1970
Kofod B - Iron, copper, and zinc in rat brain - 1970
Komissarov IV, Talalaenko AN - Analysis of receptors for changes in behavioural responses of cats caused by catecholamines and serotonin - 1970
Kurland, Albert A - The Therapeutic Potential of LSD: Its Adjunctive Use in Psychotherapy - 1970
Lang E - Hallucinogenic substances. Legal aspects and control problems. - 1970
Ledermann EK - Existential psychotherapy - 1970
Lienert GA - Konfigurationsfrequenzanalyse einiger Lysergsäurediäthylamid-Wirkungen - 1970
Lochaya E - The Strange Trip of Dr. Hofmann - 1970
Loew DM, Depoortere H, Vigouret JM - Wirkungen von D-Lysergsaurediathylamid (LSD-25) und 2-Brom-D-Lysergsaurediathylamid (BOL-148) auf das Schlafverhalten der Ratte [Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and 2-Brom-D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (BOL-148) upon Behavioral Sleep in Rats] - 1970
Lovell RA, Boggan WO, Freedman DX - Comparison of the Effects of Indole and Phenylethylamine Hallucinogens on Rat Brain Serotonin and Norepinephrine Metabolism - 1970
Ludwig AM, Levine J, Stark LH - LSD and Alcoholism: A Clinical Study of Treatment Efficacy - 1970
Malleson N - Delayed Psychosis Due to L.S.D. - 17 Oct 1970
Mansour TE, Stone DB - Biochemical Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Liver Fluke Fasciola hepatica - 1970
Marecek P, Bakalar E, Janatks J - The Influence of Long-term Premeditation with Tanylcypromine on Experimental Psychoses Induced by LSD - 1970
Markowitz E, Klotz JH - LSD and chromosomes - 1970
Martin WR, Eades CG - The Action of Tryptamine on the Dog Spinal Cord and Its Relationship to the Agonistic Actions of LSD-like Psychotogens - 1970
McCarthy ME - LSD as a diagnostic aid. - 1970
McGlothlin W, Jamison K, Rosenblatt S - Marijuana and the Use of Other Drugs - 1970
McGlothlin WH, Sparkes RS, Arnold DO - Effect of LSD on Human Pregnancy - 1970
Meldrum BS, Naquet R - Effects of psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine and various lysergic acid derivatives on photically-induced epilepsy in the baboon (Papio papio) - 1970
Meltzer H, Pahnka W, Kurland A, Henkin R - Serum CPK and Aldolase Activity in Man Following Controlled Administration of Psychotomimetic Drugs - 1970
Meltzer HY, Moline R - Muscle abnormalities in acute psychoses - 1970
Mesley RJ, Evans WH - Infrared Identification of some Hallucinogenic Derivatives of Tryptamine and Amphetamine - 1970
Michal F - Platelet aggregation by very low intensity acoustical energy and its inhibition by drugs - 1970
Miller RC, Miller EK - Lack of a long-term effect of LSD on Y-maze learning in mice - 1970
Mizner GL, Barter JT, Werme PH - Patterns of drug use among college students: a preliminary report - 1970
Montserrat-Esteve S - Afecciones yatrogénicas de origen psíquico y psicofarmacológico - 1970
Morton DM - The identification and analysis of hallucinogenic substances - 1970
Nair V, Bau D, Siegel S - Effect of LSD in Pregnancy on the Biochemical Development of Brain and Liver in the Offspring - 1970
Neidlein R - Psychopharmaka und Verkehrstüchtigkeit - Ein Problem - 1970
Pérez De Francisco C - Psicofarmacología y medicina - 1970
Pérez de Francisco C, Díaz JL - Psiquiatría experimental - 1970
Padjen A, Randic M - Some factors influencing the release of 5-hydroxindol-3-ylacetic acid in the forebrain - 1970
Pahnke WN - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1970
Panhuysen LHHM - De ongewenste werkingen na het innemen van LSD - 1970
Papirmeister B, Wolpert JS - Lysergic acid diethylamide: photodynamic inactivation of repair deficient E. coli and T. bacteriophage - 1970
Parr D - Delayed psychosis due to LSD - 1970
Persson T - Drug induced changes in 3H-catecholamine accumulation after 3H-tyrosine - 1970
Rappolt RT - Clinical observation: apparent antagonism of ergotamine on the gravid uterus by LSD-25 - 1970
Retterstøl N - Hva vet vi i dag om LSD's virkning pa kromosomer og om stoffets teratogene virkning? - 1970
Robson JM - Testing drugs for teratogencity and their effects on fertility. The present position - 1970
Roche M - Etude comparée des effets centraux des psychodysleptiques chez de lapin et le chat - 1970
Roche M - Privation sensorielle et activité psychodysleptique - 1970
Rossi GV - Pharmacologic effects of drugs which are abused - 1970
Roux C, Dupuis R, Aubry M - LSD: No teratogenic action in rats, mice, and hamsters - 1970
Saavendra JM, Fischer E - Antagonism of ?-phenylethylamine derivatives and serotonin blocking drugs upon serotonin, tryptamine and reserpine behavioral depression in mice - 1970
Safer DJ - The effect of LSD on sleep-deprived men - 1970
Schlant RC, Nutter DO - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Upon Ventricular Function and Myocardial Contractility - 1970
Schmid A, Gutschow K - Wirkung von S-(2-aminoäthyl)-isothiouronium (AET) auf den Darm von Koninchen, Meerschweinchen und Ratten - 1970
Schneider CW, Chenoweth MB - Effects of hallucinogenic and other drugs on the nest-building behaviour of mice - 1970
Scholes NW, Gutnick MJ - Relative activity of psychotoxic drugs on the avian optic lobe - 1970
Schubert J, Nyback H, Sedwall G - Accumulation and Disappearance of H-5-Hydroxytryptamine Formed from H-Tryptophan in Mouse Brain; Effect of LSD-25 - 1970
Singh MP, Kalia CS, Jain HK - Chromosomal aberrations induced in barley by LSD - 1970
Sivadjian J - L'action du diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD-25) sur le conditionnement et la sudation - 1970
Sivadjian S - Etude psychopharmacologique de quelques dérivés analogues à l'acide lysergique - 1970
Sivadjian J - Les hallucinogènes et la psychopharmacologie du réflexe conditionné - 1970
Skakkebaek NE, Beatty RA - Studies on meiotic chromosomes and spermatozoan heads in mice treated with LSD - 1970
Smart RG - Drug use among high school students - 1970
Smythies JR, Beaton J, Benington F, Morin RD - Behavioural effects of some derivatives of amphetamine and LSD and their significance - 1970
Srimal RC, Dhawan BN - An analysis of methylphenidate induced gnawing in guinea pigs - 1970
Taylor RL, Maurer JI, Tinklenberg JR - Management of "bad trips" in an evolving drug scene - 1970
Thatcher K, Kappeler T, Wisecup P, Fischer R - Personality Trait Dependent Performance Under Psilocybin - Part 2 - 1970
Thayer GE, Eagle CT - The function of music in LSD therapy for alcoholic patients. - 1970
Thomas, Klaus - Die Kunstlich Gesteuerte Seele. Brainwashing, Haschisch und LSD - Chemische und Hypnotische Einflusse auf Gehirn und Seelenleben - 1970
Thomas D.L.C. - L.S.D. in psychiatry - 1970
Timmers S - Vraagtekens bij de film "Begrijpt u nu waarom ik huil" - 1970
Tomsovic M, Edwards RV - Lysergide Treatment of Schizophrenic and Nonschizophrenic Alcoholics - 1970
Tonge SR, Leonard BE - The effect of some hallucinogenic drugs on teh amino acid precursors of brain monoamines - 1970
Torda C - Observations on an effective method to shorten the psychotherapy of LSD-users - 1970
Ungerleider JT - LSD and the Courts - 1970
Uyeno ET - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Maternal Behavior of the Rat. - 1970
Uyeno ET - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and a Novel Stimulus - 1970
Uyeno ET - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Chlorpromazine and Maze Performance - 1970
Vaccari A, Vertua R - (14)C-5-Hydroxytryptamine and (3)H-D-Amphetamine: uptake and contraction by the rat stomach fundus in vitro - 1970
Vojtechovský M, Kunz K - Prolonged schizoform psychoses induced by LSD-25 after dl-tryptophane loading in alcoholics - 1970
Warren RJ, Rimoin DL, Sly WS - LSD Exposure in Utero - 1970
Weisbuch J - Psychosis due to L.S.D. - 1970
Winters WD, Wallach MB - Drug induced states of CNS excitation: a theory of hallucinosis. - 1970
Wise CD, Berger BD, Stein L - Serotonin: a possible mediator of behaviour suppression induced by anxiety - 1970
Woody GE - Visual disturbances experienced by hallucinogenic drug abusers while driving - 1970
Wyss, M.A. - Les Intoxications par le L.S.D. 25. Problemes Medico-Legaux - 1970
Aaronson, Bernard; Osmond, Humphry (eds.) - Psychedelics. The Uses and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1971
Abuzzahab, F. S.; Anderson, B. J. - A Review of LSD Treatment in Alcoholism. - 1971
Arnold OH, Burian K, Gestring GF, Presslich O, Saletu B - The Effect of DMT and LSD on Acoustic Evoked Potentials - 1971
Beecher, Henry K. - A Physician's Response to the Psychedelic Experience in the Death Encounter. Response to Pahnke Lecture by a Physician - 1971
Boggan WO, Lovell RA, Grant LT, Freedman DX - The Effect of LSD on 5-Hydroxytryptamine and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid in Rat Brain: Regional Differences - 1971
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Champion C - Action du lysergamide sur les rythmes lents d'origine organique ou dus aux psychotropes - 1971
Bos P - Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Child Psychiatry. - 1971
Grof, Stansislov - LSD Psychotherapy and Human Culture (conclusion) - 1971
Grof, Stanislav - LSD Psychotherapy and Human Culture (conclusion) - 1971
Jones IH - An examination of the incidence of chromosomal gaps, breaks and hypodiploidy among psychiatric patients and non-psychiatric controls - 1971
Kay JM, Smith P, Heath D - Aminorex and the Pulmonary Circulation - 1971
Kostowski, Wojciech - The Investigations on the Role of Serotonin in the Synchronization Processes in the Brain Cortex in Cats - 1971
Kostowski, Wojciech; Rewerski, Wojciech - The Influence of Psychotomimetic Drugs on the Aggressivity of Mice and Rats - 1971
Kurland, Albert A.; Pahnke, Walter N.; Unger, Sanford; Savage, Charles C.; Grof, Stanislav - Psychedelic LSD Research - 1971
Kurland, Albert A.; Savage, Charles; Pahnke, Walter N.; Grof, Stanislav; Olsson, J.E. - LSD in the Treatment of Alcoholics - 1971
Leuner, Hanscarl - Halluzinogene in der Psychotherapie [Hallucinogens in Psychotherapy] - 1971
Leuner, Hanscarl - Zum Nachweis fruher Pragungen bei Sexualstorungen [About the Proof of Early Imprinting in Sexual Disturbances] - 1971
Lovell RA, Ziegler MG, Boggan WO, Fredman DX - Effects of D-Lysergic cid dieDthylamide on the Uptake and Retention of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Vivo and in Vitro - 1971
Lynch WJ - The Performance of LSD Users on Certain Neuropsychological Tests - 1971
Malleson, N. - Acute Adverse Reactions to LSD in Clinical and Experimental Use in the United Kingdom - 1971
McGlothlin, William H.; Arnold, David O. - LSD Revisited. A Ten Year Follow-Up of Medical LSD Use - 1971
Pahnke, Walter N.; Kurland, Albert A.; Unger, Sanford; Savage, Charles C.; Grof, Stanislav - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1971
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA, Uner S, Savage C, Grof S - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1971
Retterstol N - Hospitalisering etter LSD-Misbruk [Hospitalization after LSD Abuse] - 1971
Savage, Charles C.; McCabe, O. Lee - Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy of Drug Addiction - 1971
Shulgin AT, Sargent T, Naranjo C - 4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine, a New Centrally Active Amphetamine Analog - 1971
Silverman, Julian - Research with Psychedelics. Some Biopsychological Concepts and Possible Clinical Applications - 1971
Skakkebaek NE - LSD's Virkning pa Kromosomer [LSD's Effect on Chromosomes] - 1971
Stern WC, Bronzino JD, Morgana PJ - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Sleep and Spiking Activity in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) of the Cat - 1971
Swonger AK, Rech RH - Influences of Brain Serotonin (5-HT) on Spontaneous Alternation Behavior (SA) in Rats - 1971
Uzunov P, Weiss B - Effect of Psychotomimetic Drugs on the Cyclic 3', 5'-AMP System of Rat Brain - 1971
Witt, Peter N. - Drugs Alter Web-Building of Spiders: A Review and Evaluation. - 1971
Abuzzahab FS, Anderson BJ - A Review of LSD Treatment in Alcoholism - 1971
Alivisatos SGA, Ungar F, Seth PK, Levitt LP, Geroulis AJ, Meyer TS - Receptors: localization and specificity of binding of serotonin in the central nervous system - 1971
Alliston GV, Bartlett AFF, de Faubert Maunder MJ, Phillips GF - An Improved Field Test for Hallucinogens - 1971
Alliston GV, de Faubert Maunder MJ, Phillips GF - A Novel Thin-Layer Chromatography System for Lysergide (LSD) - 1971
Altura BM - Chemical and humoral regulation of blood flow through the precapillary sphincter - 1971
Amarose AP, Schuster CR - Chromosomal analyses of bone marrow and peripheral blood in subjects with a history of illicit drug use - 1971
Ambache N, Dunk LP, Miall P, Zar MA - Unexplained inhibitory action of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on postganglionic motor transmission in the guinea-pig vas deferens - 1971
Anden NE, Corrodi H, Fuxe K - Hallucinogenic Drugs of the Indolealkylamine Trype and Central Monoamine Neurons - 1971
Appel JB - The effects of drugs on continuous avoidance behavior with a warning stimulus. - 1971
Appel JB - Effects of LSD on time-based schedules of reinforcement - 1971
Armendares S - Effectos deletereos de algunas drogas y medicamentos sobre el material genético. II. El problema de la dietilamida del acido lisérgico (LSD). - 1971
Arnold OH, Burian K, Gestring GF, Presslich O, Saletu B - The Effect of DMT and LSD on Acoustic Evoked Potentials - 1971
Asher H - "Trailing" phenomenon - a long-lasting LSD side effect - 1971
Bíková J, Radil-Weiss T, Bohdanecký Z, - The influence of low LSD dose administration during sleep in rats - 1971
Bílková J, Radil-Weiss T, Bohdanecký Z - The influence of LSD on sleep cycles in rats - 1971
Babaian EA - Drug addiction control in the USSR - 1971
Baker PC - LSD: Its effect upon 5-hydroxytryptamine in embryonic development of Xenopus laevis - 1971
Banerjee U - Acquisition of conditioned avoidance response in rats under the influence of addicting drugs - 1971
Barnes AC - Fetal Indications for Therapeutic Abortion - 1971
Barnett BEW - Diazepam treatment for L.S.D. intoxication - 1971
Barrett RT - LSD and Learning - 1971
Beard AW - The sociology of drug abuse - 1971
Benz B, Waser PG - Die Umkehr der Hypothermie mit Reserpin behandelter Mäuse durch Neuro- und Psychopharmaka - 1971
Benzi G, Manzo L, DeBernardi M, Ferrara A, Sanguinetti L, Arrigoni E, Berté F - Action of lysergide, ephedrine, and nimergoline on brain metabolizing activity - 1971
Berger R - LSD-25 et Anomalies Genetiques - 1971
Blanc WA, Mattison DR, Kane R, Chauhan P - L.S.D. intrauterine amputations, and amniotic-band syndrome - 1971
Boggan WO, Lovell RA, Grant LT, Freedman DX - The Effect of LSD on 5-Hydroxytryptamine and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid in Rat Brain: Regional Differences - 1971
Bondarenko TT - A study of the effect of diethylamide of lysergic acid on the activity of solitary neurons of some cerebral regions - 1971
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Champion C - Action électro-encéphalographique de deux substances désynchronisantes (Lysergamide et Diazepam) sur les rythmes lents d'origine organique ou dus aux psychotropes - 1971
Borenstein P, Cujo P, Champion C - Action du lysergamide sur les rythmes lents d'origine organique ou dus aux psychotropes - 1971
Bos P - Use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Child Psychiatry. - 1971
Bradshaw CM, Roberts MHT, Szabadi E - Effect of mescaline on single cortical neurones - 1971
Brady AH, Brady EM, Boucek FC - Optical activity of LSD-DNA mixtures - 1971
Brown JM, Taylor JL, Waters IW - Effect of pH on erythrocyte stabilization by anti-inflammatory drugs - 1971
Brown H - Some anticholinergic-like behavioural effects of trans (-)delta8 tetrahydrocannabinol - 1971
Carpenter WT, Tamarkin NR, Raskin DE - Emergency psychiatric treatment during a mass rally: the march on Washington - 1971
Cheek FE, Holstein CM - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate (LSD-75) Dosage lLevels, Group Differences, and Social Interaction. - 1971
Cohen S - The Psychotomimetic Agents - 1971
Curran FJ - Child psychiatrist looks at drug problem - 1971
Deikman AJ - Bimodel consciousness - 1971
Depoortere H, Loew Dm - Alterations in sleep/wakefulness cycle in rats following treatment with (+)-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1971
DeZan P, Canaff RF, Bianchi R - Fluorimetric characteristics of some narcotic and dangerous drugs - 1971
Diab IM, Freedman DX, Roth LJ - [3H]-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Cellular Autoradiographic Localization in Rat Frain - 1971
Diaz JL, Huttunen MO - Persistent increase in brain serotonin turnover after chronic administration of LSD in the rat - 1971
Dishotsky NI, Loughman WD, Mogar RE, Lipscomb WR - LSD and genetic damage. Is LSD chromosome damaging, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic? - 1971
Domino EF, Wilson AE - Psychotropic Drug Influences on Brain Acetylcholine Utilization - 1971
Dyer DC, Gant DW - Actions of hallucinogens on serotonin receptors on isolated umbilical blood vessels - 1971
Dyer DC, Gough ED - Comparative actions of selected vasoactive drugs on isolated human uterine arteries - 1971
Editorial - LSD et Chromosomes - 1971
Egozcue, Cuixart J - Anomalias celulares y cromosomicas "in vivo" e "in vitro" producidas por drogas alucinogenas (Resumen de tesis doctoral) - 1971
Eller JL - LSD: what index of suspicions? - 1971
Fischer R, Hill RM - Psychotropic Drug-Induced Transformations of Visual Space - 1971
Franchi GC, Faniciullacci M, Sicuteri F - Clinical pharmacology of the non-vasoconstrictor 1-methylated ergotamine. Symptomatic and prophylactic action in migraine - 1971
Friedman SA, Hirsch SE - Extreme Hyperthermia after LSD Ingestion - 1971
Froment JL, Eskazan E - Effets du LSD et du méthysergide sur les pointes pontogéniculo-occipitales - 1971
Fuxe K, Hokfelt T - Nachweis psychopharmakabedingter Veranderungen in zentralen Monoaminneuronen mit der histochemischen Fluorezenztechnik - 1971
Gant DW, Dyer DC - d-Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): a constrictor of human umbilical vein - 1971
Gerschenfeld HM - Serotonin: Two Different Inhibitory Actions on Snail Neurons - 1971
Gilmour DG, Bloom AD, Léle KP, Robbins ES - Chromosomal aberrations in users of psychoactive drugs - 1971
Gorski M - Toxic effect of LSD-25 on a culture of kidney cells from Cercopithecus aethiops monkeys.aethiops. - 1971
Gossett JT, Lewis JM, Phillips VA - Extent and prevalence of illicit drug use as reported by 56,745 students - 1971
Grünholz G - Selbsthypnose ersetzt LSD - 1971
Grünholz G - Von LSD zur Selbsthypnose in katathymer Erfahrung, Kunst und Therapie - 1971
Gulidova GP - The influence of psychotomimetical drugs on the energetical metabolism in the brain mitochondria - 1971
Gupta BD, Dandiya PC, Gupta ML, Gabba AK - An examination of the effect of central nervous system stimulant and anti-depressant drugs on open field performance in rats - 1971
Haefely W - Effects of serotonin (5-HT) and some related indole compounds in a mammalian sympathetic ganglion - 1971
Hart NH, Greene M - LSD: teratogenic action in chick blastoderms - 1971
Hasse HE, Schifgen W, Schönhöfer PS - Notfallsituationen bei jugenlichen Drogenkonsumenten - 1971
Hasse HE, Waldmann H - "Flashback": Spontane psychotische Episoden als Folgeerscheinung des Phantasticagebrauchs Jugendlicher - 1971
Hawks DV - The dimensions of drug dependence in the United Kingdom - 1971
Heilmann K, Linhard P, Weizel A - Morphologische Aspekte des Leberschadens bei Rauschmittelsucht und missbrauch - 1971
Heisse GH, Boff E - Stimulant action of d-amphetamine in relation to test compartment dimensions and behavioural measure - 1971
Hell D, Baumann U, Angst J - Drogenkonsum und Persönlichkeit - 1971
Hill RM, Fischer R - Interpretation of Visual Space under Drug-Induced Ergotropic and Trophotropic Arousal - 1971
Hirschhorn ID, Winter JC - Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) as Discriminative Stimuli - 1971
Hofmann A - Teonanacatl and Ololiuqui, two ancient magic drugs of Mexico - 1971
Holman RG, Shillito EE, Vogt M - Sleep produced by clonidine (2-(2,6-dichlorophenylamino)- 2-imidazoline hydrochloride) - 1971
Irgens-Jensen O, Brun-Gulbrandsen S - Drugs in Norway - Attitudes and Use - 1971
Irwin, Samuel - Drugs of Abuse: An Introduction to Their Actions and Potential Hazards - 1971
Jeanbart P, Bérard MJ - A propos d'un cas personnel de malformations congénitales possiblement dues au LSD-25. Revue de la littérature. - 1971
Jeanbart P, Bérard M - Malformations congénitales qui pourraieent être attribuées au LSD-25. Revue de la littérature à propos d'un cas personnel - 1971
Jensen B, Bro-Rasmussen F - LSD's Wirkning pa Musefostre [Effect of LSD on Embryo Mice] - 1971
Jones IH - An examination of the incidence of chromosomal gaps, breaks and hypodiploidy among psychiatric patients and non-psychiatric controls - 1971
Kabes J, Fink Z - Alteration of Some Patterns of Spontaneous Behavior in Rats after LSD - 1971
Kaistha KK, Jaffe JH - Extraction Techniques for Narcotics, Barbituates, and Central Nervous System Stimulants in a Drug Abuse Urine Screening Program - 1971
Kalbhen DA - Die Muskatnuss al Rauschdroge. Ein Beitrag zur Chemie und Pharmakologie der Muskatnuss - 1971
Kastritsis CD, Jacob-Stocker A - Testing of LSD-25 and Related Compounds for Possible Effects on Egg-Laying Capacity and Egg-to-Adult Viability in Drosophila - 1971
Kostowski, Wojciech - Evoked Sychnronization and Desynchronization in the EEG of the Cat. Effects of Some Drugs Affecting Brain 5-HT - 1971
Kostowski, Wojciech - The Investigations on the Role of Serotonin in the Synchronization Processes in the Brain Cortex in Cats - 1971
Kostowski, Wojciech; Rewerski, Wojciech - The Influence of Psychotomimetic Drugs on the Aggressivity of Mice and Rats - 1971
Kurland AA, Pahnke WN, Unger S, Savage C - Psychedelic LSD Research - 1971
Ladewig D - Amphetamine and hallucinogen dependence in Europe - 1971
Laffont F, Lelord G - Modifications du conditionnement des activites evoquees par couplage du son et de la lumiere chez l'Homee, sous l'action de la psilocybine - 1971
Langs RJ - Altered states of consciousness: an experimental case study - 1971
Lenicque P - Effets de substances à noyau indol ou capables de former un noyau indol sur la régéneration de Clava squamata et de Dugesia tigrina - 1971
Leonard BE, Liska KJ - Effects of morpholino-, pyrrolidino-, piperazine-, and cyclo-octyle-derivatives of beta-alanine on brain amines and amino acids - 1971
Leuner, Hanscarl - Ueber den Rauschmittelmissbrauch Jugendlicher - 1971
Leuner, Hanscarl - Halluzinogene in der Psychotherapie [Hallucinogens in Psychotherapy] - 1971
Levick LJ, Levick SN - Testicular choriocarcinoma in LSD users. Coincidence or cause? - 1971
Levy RM - Diazepam for L.S.D. intoxication - 1971
Lienert GA - Treatment changes in symptom pattern evaluated by configural frequency analysis - 1971
Lignelli GJ, Buchheit WA - Necrotizing angiitis associated with drug abuse - 1971
Linken A - Propranalol for LSD induced anxiety states - 1971
Liskow B - Extreme hyperthermia from LSD - 1971
Lovell RA, Ziegler MG, Boggan WO, Fredman DX - Effects of D-Lysergic cid dieDthylamide on the Uptake and Retention of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Vivo and in Vitro - 1971
Lukjan H, Hofman J, Kiersnowska G - Activity of plasma kininases in patients with bronchial asthma - 1971
Lynch WJ - The Performance of LSD Users on Certain Neuropsychological Tests - 1971
Madow L, Snow LH - The Psychodynamic Implications of the Physiological Studies on Psychomimetic Drugs - 1971
Malleson N - Acute Adverse Reactions to LSD in Clinical and Experimental Use in the United Kingdom - 1971
Martinez JB, Kornblit G, Naj L - Psicofarmacologia de los Alucinogenos - 1971
Matthies H, Schmidt J, Kruger H, Horenburg R - Die Beeinflussung der Wirkung von Serotonin und Noradrenalin, auf Eine Bedingte Fluchtreaktion der Ratte Durch ihre Antagonisten - 1971
Matveev VF - On the influence of haloperidol on lysergic acid intoxication. - 1971
Matveev VF - Pathomorphological changes in the brain with prolonged simultaneous administrion of lysergamide (LSD-25) and Haloperiodol (experimental morphological investigation). 2nd Communication. - 1971
McGlothlin WH, Arnold DO - LSD Revisted. A Ten-year Follow-up of Medical LSD Use - 1971
McKay JM, Horn G - Effects of LSD on Receptive Fields of Single Cells in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the Cat - 1971
McLennan H - Die Untersuchung synaptischer Uebertragungsmechanismen mit Hilfe pharmakologischer Wirkstoffe - 1971
Meldrum BS, Naquet R - Effects of psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine, mescaline and various lysergic acid derivatives on the EEG and on photically induced epilepsy in the baboon (Papio papio) - 1971
Moraczewski A - Psychedelic agents and mysticism - 1971
Morpurgo C - A new design for the screening of CNS-active drugs in mice. A multi-dimensional observation procedure and the study of pharmacological interaction - 1971
Moskowitz D - Use of Haloperidol to reduce LSD flashbacks - 1971
Muller DJ - ECT in LSD Psychosis: A Report of Three Cases - 1971
Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T - Studies on lysergic acid diethylamide and related compounds. I. Synthesis of d-N6-demethyl-lysergic acid diethylamide - 1971
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T - Studies on quantitative in situ fluorometry of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on thin-layer chromatograms - 1971
Oughourlian HM, Rougeul A, Vedeaux J - Actions des hallucinogènes sur l'electroencéphalogramme - 1971
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA, Uner S, Savage C, Grof S - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1971
Palmer GC, Burks TF - Central and peripheral adrenergic blocking actions of LSD and BOL - 1971
Quadri SK, Meites J - LSD-induced decrease in serum prolactin in rats - 1971
Randic M, Padjen A - Effect of N,N-dimethyltryptamine and D-lysergic acid diethylamide on the release of 5-hydroxyindoles in rat forebrain - 1971
Retterstol N - Hospitalisering etter LSD-Misbruk [Hospitalization after LSD Abuse] - 1971
Rewerski W, Kostowski W, Piechocki T, Rylski M - The Effects of Some Hallucinogens on Aggressiveness of Mice and Rats. Part I - 1971
Rossi GV - LSD-a pharmacologic profile - 1971
Sato H, Pergament E, Nair V - LSD in Pregnancy: Chromosomal Effects - 1971
Schechter MD, Winter JC - Effect of mescaline and lysergic acid diethylamide on flicker discrimination in the rat - 1971
Scholz H - Ueber die Wirkung von "Rauschmitteln" unter pharmakologischen Gesichtspunkten - 1971
Selye H - Protection against LSD by various steroids. - 1971
Shein HM, Wislon S, Larin F, Wurtman RJ - Stimulation of [14c] serotonin synthesis from [14c] tryptophan by mescaline in rat pineal organ cultures - 1971
Siegel RK - Studies of hallucinogens in fish, birds, mice and men: the behavior of "psychedelic" populations - 1971
Silverman J - Research with Psychedelics. Some Biopsychological Concepts and Possible Clinical Applications - 1971
Skakkebaek NE - LSD's Virkning pa Kromosomer [LSD's Effect on Chromosomes] - 1971
Smit EM, Borst P - LSD-25 does not intercalate in DNA - 1971
Sobel J, Espinas OS, Friedman SA - Carotid Artery Obstruction Following LSD Capsule Ingestion - 1971
Sokolik Z - Psychotherapy with psychodysleptics - 1971
Soleil J, Lalloz L - Les psychodysleptiques - 1971
Sparber SB, Tilson HA - Environmental influences upon drug-induced suppression of operant behavior - 1971
Steiningen M - Untersuchungen aus der Abteilung 'Rauschgift' des Deutschen Arzneiprüfungs-Instituts - 1971
Stern WC, Bronzino JD, Morgana PJ - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Sleep and Spiking Activity in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN) of the Cat - 1971
Runge M, Arnold W, Schreiber D - Aktuelle Formen der Drogenbhängigkeit under besonderer Berücksichtigung von Hashisch und LSD - 1971
Stille G - Das Drogenerlebnis als biologisches Problem - 1971
Swonger AK, Rech RH - Influences of Brain Serotonin (5-HT) on Spontaneous Alternation Behavior (SA) in Rats - 1971
Tec L - Phenothiazine and biperiden in LSD reactions - 1971
Thatcher K, Wiederholt WC, Fischer R - An Electroencephalographic Analysis of Personality-Dependent Performance under Psilocybin - 1971
Thurlow HJ, Girvin JP, - Use of anti-epileptic mediation in treating 'flashbacks' from hallucinogenic drugs - 1971
Trosko JE - Studies on deoxyribonucleic acid metabolism in human cells treated with lysergic acid diethylamide - 1971
editorial - LSD Link with Testicular Cancer? - 1971
Not available - The convention on psychotropic substances. A consideration of some variations it makes on the revised draft protocol - 1971
Not available - Diazepam for LSD intoxication - 1971
Not available - Hallucinogens and afterimages - 1971
Not available - Wanted: a fast trip back from LSD. Hallucinogen research may also aid schizophrenia - 1971
Uyeno ET - Relative Potency of Amphetamine Derivatives and N,N-Dimethyltryptamines - 1971
Uzunov P, Weiss B - Effect of Psychotomimetic Drugs on the Cyclic 3', 5'-AMP System of Rat Brain - 1971
Vaccari A, Vertua R, Furlani A - Decreased calcium uptake by rat fundal strips after pretreatment with neuraminidase or LSD in vitro. Effect of serotonin, D-amphetamine and eldoisin on this uptake. - 1971
Valzelli L - Further aspects of the exploratory behaviour in aggressive mice - 1971
Valzelli L, Bernasconi S - Differential activity of some psychotropic drugs as a function of emotional level in animals - 1971
Van Vunakis H, Farrow JT, Gjika HB, Levine L - Specificity of the Antibody Receptor Site to D-Lysergamide: Model of a Physiological Receptor for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1971
Votava Z - Lithium carbonate pretreatment in rats and its effect on amphetamine or LSD action alone or potentiated by reserpine - 1971
Walker RJ, Woodruff GN - Structure-activity studies on a 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor of Helix aspersa neurones - 1971
Walter S, Balzano E, vuillon-Cacciuttolo G, Naquet R - Effets somportementaux et electrographiques du diethylamide de l'acide D-lysergique (LSD 25) sur le Papio papio photosensible - 1971
Waser PG - Phamakologie der Halluzinogene - 1971
Waser PG - Pharmakologische Wirkungsspektren von Halluzinogenen - 1971
Watts, W. David - The Psychedelic Experience. A Sociological Study - 1971
Werb GD, Farquharson DA - Effects of LSD-25 and mescaline on the electroplax of the electrical eel - 1971
Winter JC - Tolerance to a behaviour effect of lysergic acid diethylamid and cross-tolerance to mescaline in the rat: absensce of a metabolic component - 1971
Witt, Peter N. - Drugs Alter Web-Building of Spiders: A Review and Evaluation. - 1971
Woodruff GN, Walker RJ, Kerkut GA - Antagonism by derivatives of lysergic acid of the effect of dopamine on Helix neurones - 1971
Zacune J, Hensman C - Non-medical use of LSD and hallucinogenic drugs - 1971
Axelrod P, Kessel P - Residual Effects of LSD on Ego Functioning: An Exploratory Study With the Rorschach Test - 1972
Bähr G, Boiselle I, Kiefer B - Kurzer Bericht über eine LSD-Vergiftung bei neun Kindern - 1972
Bonny, Helen; Pahnke, Walter N. - The Use of Music in Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy. - 1972
Bonny HL, Pahnke WN - The Use of Music in Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1972
Cerletti A - Drogenabhängigkeit vom Typ Halluzinogen - 1972
Clyman, Robert C. - LSD Psychotherapy: A Review of the Literature and Some ProPosals for Future Research. - 1972
Consroe PF - Specific Pharmacological Management of Acute Toxicity Due to Psychedelic Drugs - 1972
Depoortere H, Loew DM - Alterations in the Sleep/Wakefulness Cycle in Rats after Administration of (-)-LSD or BOL-148: A Comparison with (+)-LSD - 1972
Domino EF, Bartolini A - Effects of various psychotomimetic agents on the EEG and acetylcholine release from the cerebral cortex of brainstem transected cats - 1972
Egozcue J, Escuder D - LSD and Meiotic Chromosomes - 1972
Eliasson M, Michanek A, Meyerson BJ - A Differential Inhibitory Action of LSD and Amphetamine on Copulatory Behavior in the Female Rat - 1972
Farrow JT, van Vunakis H - Binding of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide to Subcellular Fractions from Rat Brain - 1972
Foote WE, Lieb JP, Martz RL - Effect of Hydrocortisone on Single Unit Activity: in Midbrain Raphe. - 1972
Grof, Stansislov - LSD and the Cosmic Game: Outline of Psychedelic Cosmology and Ontology - 1972/73
Grof, Stanislav - Varieties of Transpersonal Experiences: Observations from LSD Psychotherapy - 1972
Grof, Stanislav - LSD and the Cosmic Game: Outline of Psychedelic Cosmology and Ontology. - 1972/73
Grof, Stanislav - LSD and the Human Encounter with Death. - 1972/73
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK - Serotonin-Containing Neurons in Rat Brain: Effects of Microintophoretic Application of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Mescaline and Related Compounds - 1972
Hausner, Milan - LSD and the Dream - 1972
Jaffe J, Dahlberg CC, Luria J, Breskin S, Chorosh J, Lorick I - Speech Rhythms in Patient Monologues: The Influence of LSD-25 and Dextroamphetamine. - 1972
Jaffe J, Dahlberg CC, Luria J, Breskin S, Chorosh J, Lorick E - Speech Rhythms in Patient Monlogues; the Influence of LSD-25 and Dextroamphetamine - 1972
King AR, Martin IL, Seymour KA - Reversal Learning Facilitated by a Single Injection of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) in the Rat - 1972
Marczynski TJ - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) Mimicks the Effect of Diffuse Light Input on EEG Correlates of Conditioned Operant Behavior in Cats - 1972
McCabe OL, Savage C, Kurland AA, Unger S - Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy of Neurotic Disorders: Short-Term Effects - 1972
McCabe OL, Savage C, Kurland A - Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy of Neurotic Disorders: Short-Term Effects - 1972
McGennis A - Psychiatric Symptoms and Hallucinogenic Compounds - 1972
Muller DJ - Dr. Muller Replies - 1972
Pahnke WN, Kurland AA., Unger S, Savage C, Grof S - Experimental Use of Psychodelic [sic] (LSD) Therapy - 1972
Rockwell, Don A. - LSD and Socialization - 1972
Sarwer-Foner GJ - Some Clinical and Social Aspects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Part I & II - 1972
Savage C, McCabe OL - (LSD) Therapy of Drug Addiction - 1972
Shulgin AT - Hallucinogens, CNS Stimulants, and Cannabis - 1972
Sokolik, Zbigniew; Hausner, Milan - Difficulties in Psychotherapy with Psychodysleptics - 1972
Stern WC, Morgane PJ, Bronzino JD - LSD: Effects on Sleep Patterns and Spiking Activity in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus - 1972
Tilson HA, Sparber SB - The Effects of Single and Multiple Injections of LSD, Mescaline (M) and d-Amphetamine (A) on FI Responding in the Rat - 1972
Titus RJ - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Its Effects on Human Chromosomes and the Human Organism in Utero. A Review of Current Findings - 1972
Wallach MB, Friedman E, Gershon S - 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM), a Neuropharmacological Examination - 1972
Waltzer H - Depersonalization and the Use of LSD: A Psychodynamic Study - 1972
Watanabe S, Nishi H, Ueki S - Electroencephalographic Effects of delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, LSD-25, Mescaline and 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine in the Rabbits - 1972
Aghajanian GK, Haigler HJ, Bloom FE - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Serotonin: Direct Actions on Serotonin-containing Neurons in Rat Brain - 1972
Andersen EG - Bulbospinal serotonin-containing neurons and motor control - 1972
AssmusH, Reimer FÀ - Akzidentelle LSD-Intoxikation bei drei Geschwistern im Kindesalter mit "Nachhallpsychose" ("Flashback") - 1972
Bailey K, Grey A - A Conformational Study of Lysergic Acid and iso-Lysergic Acid Dialkylamides by Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - 1972
Baker WR, Chothia C, Pauling P, Weber HP - Molecular Structure of LSD - 1972
Balson PJ - Damage to chromosome by drugs - 1972
Balzano E, Meldrum BS, Naquet R, Vuillon-Cacciuttolo G - The effects of various ergot derivatives on the EEG and photosensitivity in Papio papio - 1972
Banerjee AK - The influence of drugs upon 42K+ fluxes in guinea-pig ileum in vitro - 1972
Barrass BC, Coult DB - Interaction of some centrally active drugs with caeruloplasmin - 1972
Barrass BC, Coult DB - Effects of some centrally acting drugs on caeruloplasmin - 1972
Beall JR - A teratogenic study of chlorpromazine, orphenadrine, perphenazine, and LSD-25 in rats - 1972
Benzi G, De Bernardi M, Manzo L, Ferrara A, Panceri P, Arrigoni E, Berte F - Effect of lysergide and nimergoline on glucose metabolism investigated on the dog brain isolated in situ. - 1972
Bergen JR - Suppression of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) effects in pregnant rats - 1972
Berlin CM, Jacobson CB - Psychedelic drugs - a threat to reproduction? - 1972
Bignami, Georgio - Facilitation of Avoidance Acquisition by LSD-25. Possible Effects on Drive Modulating Systems - 1972
Bloom AD - Induced chromosomal aberrations: biological and clinical significance - 1972
Bonny HL, Pahnke WN - The Use of Music in Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1972
Bowers MB - Acute psychosis induced by psychotomimetic drug abuse. I. Clinical findings. II. Neurochemical findings - 1972
Bradley PB - The Actions of Drugs on Single Neurones in the Brain - 1972
Brawley P, Duffiled JC - The pharmacology of hallucinogens - 1972
Brown JK, Shapazian L, Griffin GD - A Rapid Screening Procedure for Some "Street Drugs" by Thin-Layer Chromotography - 1972
Cameron OG, Appel JB - Conditioned Suppression of Bar-Pressing Behavior by Stimuli Associated with Drugs - 1972
Carlsson A, Bedard P, Lindqvist M, Magnussen T - The Influence of Nerve Impulse- Flow on the Synthesis and Metabolism of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in the Central Nervous System - 1972
Carlsson A, Lindqvist M - The effect of L-tryptophan and some psychotropic drugs on the formation of 5-hydroxytryptophan in the mouse brain in vivo - 1972
Carnegie PR, Smythies JR, Caspary EA, Field EJ - Interaction of hallucinogenic drugs with encephalitogenic protein of myelin - 1972
Cerletti A - Gli psicodislettici. Realtà farmacologica nei confronti dela fantasia - 1972
Cohen M, Klein DF - A Measure of Severity of Multi-Drug Use Among Psychiatric Patients - 1972
Connell PH - Hallucinogens - 1972
Consroe PF - Specific Pharmacological Management of Acute Toxicity Due to Psychedelic Drugs - 1972
Constant J - Le traitement des bouffées délirantes - 1972
del Bianco PL, Franchi G, Fanciullacci M, Sicuteri F - Clinical pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine and catecholamines venomotor receptors - 1972
Dewhurst K, Hatrick J - Differential diagnosis and treatment of lysergic acid diethylamide induced psychosis - 1972
Dhasmana KM, Dixit KS, Jaju BP, Gupta ML - Role of central dopaminergic receptors in manic response of cats to morphine - 1972
Domino EF, Bartolini A - Effects of various psychotomimetic agents on the EEG and acetylcholine release from the cerebral cortex of brainstem transected cats - 1972
Dykstra LA, Appel JB - Lysergic acid diethylamide and stimulus generalization: rate-dependent effects - 1972
Editorial - LSD and Gangrenous Hand Infection - 1972
Editorial - New Assay Detects LSD in Body Fluids - 1972
Egezcue J, Escude D - LSD and Chromosomes - 1972
Egozcue J, Escuder D - LSD and Meiotic Chromosomes - 1972
Eliasson M, Michanek A, Meyerson BJ - A Differential Inhibitory Action of LSD and Amphetamine on Copulatory Behavior in the Female Rat - 1972
Emerit I, Roux C, Feingold J - LSD: no chromosomal breakage in mother and embryos during rat pregnancy - 1972
Etevenon P, Boissier JR - LSD effects on signal-to-noise ratio and lateralization of visual cortex and lateral geniculate during photic stimulation - 1972
Fanai F - Die Flucht der Jugend in eine schizophrene Welt. Sozialpsychiatrischer Beitrag zur Diskussion über Entstehung ung Prognose des Haschisch- und LSD-Missbrauchs - 1972
Faragalla FF - The subcellular distribution of lysergic acid diethylamide in the rat brain - 1972
Fernandes M - Klinische Pharmakologie der Rauschmittel - 1972
Fooke BH - Psychosis after LSD - 1972
Foote WE, Lieb JP, Martz RL - Effect of Hydrocortisone on Single Unit Activity: in Midbrain Raphe. - 1972
Fowler R, Gomm PJ, Patterson DA - Thin-layer chromatography of lysergide and other ergot alkaloids - 1972
Gaston TR, Rasmussen GT - Identification of 3,4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1972
Gehring HR - Notfalltherapie bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten - 1972
Girdano DA, Girdano DD - LSD and other hallucinogens - 1972
Gross G, Huber G, Schlich D - Aktuelle Aspekte des Drogenmissbrauchs Jugendlicher [Topical Aspects of Psychotropic Drug Abuse in Juveniles] - 1972
Guelfi JD, Olivier-Martin R - Modalites d'Appreciation de l'Anxiete Consequences Therapeutiques - 1972
Guttman HA - The first trip: life crisis and the first experience with hallucinogenic drugs - 1972
Hackel R - Cannabis un LSD (Frage - Antwort) - 1972
Hackel R - Cannabis und LSD (Frage - Antwort) - 1972
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK - Serotonin-Containing Neurons in Rat Brain: Effects of Microintophoretic Application of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Mescaline and Related Compounds - 1972
Hiermann A, Still F - Qualitative Schnellbestimmung aktueller Suchstoffe nach dem Prinzip des TAS - Verfahrens. I. Mitteilung - 1972
Hoffer A - LSD-Induced Psychosis and Vitamin B3 - 1972
Hofmann A - Ergot - a rich source of pharmacologically active substances - 1972
Hollister, Leo E. - Prediction of Therapeutic Uses of Psychotherapeutic Drugs from Experiences with Normal Volunteers - 1972
Inoue T, Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T - Studies on lysergic acid diethylamide and related compounds. II: Mass spectra of lysergic acid derivatives - 1972
Jacobson CB, Berlin CB - Possible reproductive detriment in LSD users - 1972
Jaffe J, Dahlberg CC, Luria J, Breskin S, Chorosh J, Lorick E - Speech Rhythms in Patient Monlogues; the Influence of LSD-25 and Dextroamphetamine - 1972
Kabes J, Fink Z, Roth Z - A New Device for Measuring Spontaneous Motor Activity - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Rats - 1972
Kaistha KK, Jaffe JH - TLC Techniques for Identification of Narcotics, Barbituates, and CNS Stimulants in a Drug Abuse Urine Screening Program - 1972
King AR, Martin IL, Seymour KA - Reversal Learning Facilitated by a Single Injection of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) in the Rat - 1972
Kostowski W, Rewerski W, Piechocki T - The effecst of some hallucinogens on aggressiveness of mice and rats. part II - 1972
Lapin IP, Oxenkrug GF, Azbekyan SG - Involvement of Brain Serotonin in the Stimulant Action of Amphetamine and of Pholinolytics - 1972
Liskow B - LSD and prolonged psychotic reactions - 1972
Llanos Zuloaga R - Experiencias Psicologicas Con El Acido Lesergico y La Sugestion Terapeutica - 1972
Long SY - Does LSD Induce Chromosomal Damage and Malformations? A Review of the Literature - 1972
Lowe G, Williams DI - LSD-25 and Light Reinforced Behaviour in the Rat; Interaction with Infantile Stimulation - 1972
Lowe G, Williams DI - The Effect of LSD-25 on Light-Reinforced Behavior in the Rat - 1972
Marczynski TJ - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) Mimicks the Effect of Diffuse Light Input on EEG Correlates of Conditioned Operant Behavior in Cats - 1972
Marrazi AS, Woodruff S, Kennedy D - Perceptual challenge to measure illness and therapy - 1972
Martin WR, Eades CG - Cross Tolerance to tTyptamine in the LSD Tolerant Dog - 1972
Mattke DJ, Steinigen M - Die chemische Zusammensetzung illegaler Drogen - 1972
Mattke J, Steinigen M - The chemical composition of illegal drugs - 1972
Mayron LW, Alling S, Kaplan E - Eosinophilia and Drug Abuse - 1972
McCabe OL, Savage C, Kurland A - Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy of Neurotic Disorders: Short-Term Effects - 1972
Monachon MA, Burkard WP, Jalfre M, Haeffely W - Blockade of central 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors by methiothepin - 1972
Morgane PJ, Stern WC - Relationship of Sleep to Neuroanatomical Circuits, Biochemistry, and Behavior - 1972
Poddar MK, Ghosh JJ - Effect of cannabis extract, delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol and lysergic acid diethylamide on rat liver enzymes - 1972
Podvalová I, Dlabac A - Lysenyl, a new antiserotonin agent. Pharmacological and clinical survey - 1972
Reich P, Hepps RB - Homicide during a psychosis induced by LSD - 1972
Remschmidt H - Haschisch und LSD. Physische und psychische Wirkungen - 1972
Rockwell, Don A. - LSD and Socialization - 1972
Rogers KJ, Hutchins DA - Studies on the relation of chemical structure to glycogenolytic activity in the brain - 1972
Rosen DH, Hoffman AM - Focal Suicide: Self-Enucleation by Two Young Psychotic Individuals - 1972
Ruffié J, Colombiès P, Grozdea J - Nouvelle étude de l'action expérimentale de fortes doses de diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD-25)sur la réactivité lymphocytaire à la phythohémagglutinine et sur le caryotype du babouin (Papio papio) - 1972
Samanin R, Valzelli L, Gumulka W - Inhibitory Effect of Midbrain Raphe Stimulation on Cortical Evoked Potential in Rats - 1972
Siva Sankar DV - Interrelations of endocrine function and LSD-25: effect of psychoactive drugs and of removal of endocrine glands on oxygen uptake in the rat - 1972
Savage C, McCabe OL - (LSD) Therapy of Drug Addiction - 1972
Schafer EW - The acute oral toxicity of 369 pesticidal, pharmaceutical and other chemicals to wild birds - 1972
Schechter MD, Winter JC - Effect of BOL on the LSD-induced alteration of flicker discrimination in the rat - 1972
Schechter MD, Rosecrans JA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) as a discriminative cue: drugs with similar stimulus properties - 1972
Scholz H - Uber die Wirkung von "Rauschmitteln" unter pharmakologischen Gesichtspunkten - 1972
Seeman P - The membrane actions of anaesthetics and tranquilizers - 1972
Shearn CR, Fitzgibbons DJ - Patterns of drug use in a population of youthful psychiatric patients - 1972
Sheehan, David V. - A Review of the Use of LSD for the Patient Near Death - 1972
Sreenivasan VR - Problems in Identification of Methylenediony and Methoxy Amphetamines - 1972
Stanton MD, Bardoni A - Drug flashbacks: reported frequency in a military population - 1972
Stefan M - The influence of LSD-25 on transaminase activity in the rat brain and liver - 1972
Steinigen M - Nachweis und quantitative Bestimmung von Lysergsäurediäthylamid (LSD) - 1972
Stern WC, Morgane PJ, Bronzino JD - LSD: Effects on Sleep Patterns and Spiking Activity in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus - 1972
Szasz TS - Psychosis, psychiatry, and homicide - 1972
Tebécis AK, di Maria A - A re-evaluation of the mode of action of 5-hydroxytryptamine on lateral geniculate neurones: comparison with catecholamines and LSD - 1972
Tilson HA, Sparber SB - The Effects of Single and Multiple Injections of LSD, Mescaline (M) and d-Amphetamine (A) on FI Responding in the Rat - 1972
Tilson HA, Sparber SB - Studies on the concurrent behavioral and neurochemical effects of psychoactive drugs using the push-pull cannula - 1972
Titus RJ - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Its Effects on Human Chromosomes and the Human Organism in Utero. A Review of Current Findings - 1972
Tonge SR, Leonard BE - Some observations on the behavioral effects of hallucinogenic drugs on rats: potentiation by two drugs affecting monoamine metabolism - 1972
Torre M, Fagiani MB - Assuefazione all'LSD-25. Ricerche sulfa Risposta Condizionata di Fuga nel Ratto. - 1972
Torre M - Effetto inibente l'azione dell'LSD-25 sul riflesso condizionato di fuga nel ratto da parte del metisergide bimaleato - 1972
Torre M, Bogetto F, Torre E - Azione dell'LSD-25 sul tasso di serotonina nelle piastrine e nel cervello di ratto - 1972
Tschubina EH - Histoenzymologische Untersuchung der Gewebe des Hirns und der inneren Organe von Versuchstieren bei einmaliger Gabe von Lyserginsäurediethylamid - 1972
Tucker GL, Quinlan D, Harrow M - Chronic hallucinogenic drug abuse and thought disturbance - 1972
Upshall DG, Wailling DG - The Determination of LSD in Human Plasma Following Oral Administration - 1972
Uyeno E - Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on the Competitive Behavior of the Rat - 1972
van Euler US - Synthesis, uptake and storage of catecholamines in adrenergic nerves; the effect of drugs - 1972
Viamontes JA - Review of drug effectiveness in the treatment of alcoholism - 1972
Voss EW - Immunochemistry of Tryptophan Related Drugs - 1972
Voss EW, Berger BB - Neutralization of LSD by Active Immunization - 1972
Vuillon-Cacciuttolo G, Balzano E - Action de quatre dérivés de l'ergot sur la photosensibilitié et l'EEG du Papio papio - 1972
Walker RJ, WOodruff GN - The Effect of Bufotenine, Melatonin, Psilocybin, and Related Compounds on the 5-Hydroxytryptamine Excitatory Receptors of Helix Aspersa Neurons - 1972
Wallach MB, Friedman E, Gershon S - 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM), a Neuropharmacological Examination - 1972
Waltzer H - Depersonalization and the Use of LSD: A Psychodynamic Study - 1972
Watanabe S, Nishi H, Ueki S - Electroencephalographic Effects of delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, LSD-25, Mescaline and 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine in the Rabbits - 1972
Wray SR - A correlative evaluation of cyclazocine, LSD and naloxene on continuous discriminated avoidance in rats - 1972
Wright M, Mogan TP - Repeated LSD ingestion and performance on neuropsychological tests - 1972
Wright EM - Active transport of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1972
Yamaguchi I - Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on isolated strips of the guinea-pig stomach - 1972
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25): XXXXI. The Use of LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy: Fact and Fiction. - 1973
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25): XXXXI. The Use of LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy: Fact and Fiction - 1973
Anderson, Floyd E. - Marijuana Flashbacks - 1973
Bailey K, Verner D, Legault D - Distinction of Some Dialkyl Amides of Lysergic and Iso-Lysergic Acids from LSD - 1973
Carrer H, Meyerson BJ - Influence of LSD, Apomorphine and Monoamine Synthesis: Inhibitors on the Urge to Obtain Water and Seek Heterosexual Contact in the Female Rat. - 1973
Consroe PF - Treatment of Acute Hallucinogenic Drug Toxicity: Specific Pharmacological Intervention - 1973
Editorial - LSD Therapy and Subsequent Pregnancy - 1973
Fedynskyj NM - Cytotoxic Effects Induced by Various Agents in Rat Thymus Lymphocytes. - 1973
Fernandez J, Browne IW, Cullen J, Brennan T, Matheu H, Fischer I - LSD...an In Vivo Retrospective Chromosome Study. - 1973
Fiorese FF, Pirl JN, Manio PR, Carella A - Ethchlorvynol Reagent for Functional Groups Detection - 1973
Green DE, Hertel RH - Rapid, Automated Analysis of Drugs by Direct, Multiple-Ion Detection - 1973
Grof S, Goodman L, Richards W, Kurland A A - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy in Patients with Terminal Cancer - 1973
Grof, Stanislav - Theoretical and Empirical Basis of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy: Observations from LSD Research. - 1973
Grof, Stanislav; Soskin, Robert A.; Richards, William A.; Kurland, Albert A - DPT as an Adjunct in Psychotherapy of Alcoholics - 1973
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK - A comparison of effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and serotonin on pre- and postsynaptic cells in the serotonin system. - 1973
Halaris AE, Lovell RA - On the Nature of the Serotonin Binding after LSD. - 1973
Huang CC, Marrazzi AS - Analysis Of Drug Block Of LSD/5HT/GABA By Monitoring Neuronal Membrane Changes - 1973
Jaffe, J.; Dahlberg, Charles C.; Luria, J.; Chorosh, J. - Effects of LSD-25 and Dextroamphetamine on Speech Rhythms in Psychotherapy Dialogues - 1973
Jaffe J, Dahlberg CC, Luria J, Chorosh J - Effects of LSD-25 and Dextroamphetanune on Speech Rhythms in Psychotherapy Dialogues - 1973
Kay DC, Martin WR, Croughan JL, Bell JA - EEG and Cardiovascular Effects of Tryptamine and LSD in the Encephale Isole' Cat. - 1973
Khorramzadeh E, Lofty AO - The Use of Ketamine in Psychiatry - 1973
Kurland AA, Grof S, Pahnke WN, Goodman LE - Psychedelic Drug-Assisted Psychotherapy in Patients with Terminal Cancer - 1973
Laffont F, Jussfaume P, Lelord G - Influence de la Psilocybine sur les Activites Evoquees Conditionnes par Couplage du son et de la Lumiere Chez l'Homme - 1973
Marquis WJ, Tilson HA, Rech RH - Effects of Amphetamine(A), LSD, Psilocybin (P), and DOM on Schedule-Controlled Behavior in the Rat - 1973
Messiha FS, Grof S - D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - Effect on Biogenic Amines Excretion in Man. - 1973
Mueller RG, Lang GE - Fluorescent Spectra of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Observations on a Gastric Extract. - 1973
Naranjo, Claudio - The Healing Journey. New Approaches to Consciousness - 1973
Nichols DE - Potential Psychotomimetics Bromomethoxyamphetamines and Structural Congeners of Lysergic Acid - 1973
Osborne NN, Waehneldt TV, Neuhoff V - The Effect of LSD-25 on Amines, Amino-acids, and Proteins in the Snail (Helix pomatia) Brain - 1973
Savage, Charles C.; McCabe, O. Lee - Residential Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy for the Narcotic Addict. A Controlled Study - 1973
Savage, Charles C.; McCabe, O. Lee; Kurland, Albert A.; Hanlon, Thomas - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Severe Chronic Neurosis - 1973
Servadio E - The Use of LSD in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of a Case of Anxiety Hysteria - 1973
Shulgin AT - Mescaline: The Chemistry and Pharmacology of its Analogs - 1973
Shulgin AT - The Narcotic Pepper - The Chemistry and Pharmacology of 'Piper methysticum' and Related Species - 1973
Shulgin AT, Sargent T, Naranjo C - Animal Pharmacology and Human Psychopharmacology of 3-Methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine (MMDA) - 1973
Soskin, Robert A. - Short-Term Psychotherapy With LSD: A Case Study. - 1973
Soskin, Robert A. - The Use of LSD in Time-Limited Psychotherapy. - 1973
Soskin, Robert A.; Grof, Stanislav; Richards, William A. - Low Doses of Dipropyltryptamine in Psychotherapy. - 1973
Soskin RA - Short Term Psychotherapy with LSD: A Case-Study - 1973
Spaulding DC, Dewey WL - Interaction of the Behaviorally Active Drug, Phenitrone, a Purported Hashish and LSD Antagonist, with Several Central Neurochemical Systems - 1973
Stanton MD - Dr. Stanton Replies - 1973
Wallis DI, Woodward B - The Depolarizing Action of 5-Hydroxytryptamine on Sympathetic Ganglion Cells - 1973
Watts, Geoff - Changing Death's Perspective. - 1973
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Gomita Y, Fujiwara M, Ueki S - State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning) with Hallucinogens in Rats. - 1973
Zolovick A, Labhsetwar AP - Evidence for the Theory of Dual Hypothalamic Control of Ovulation. - 1973
Aaron JJ, Sanders LB, Winefordner JD - Analytical study of some important hallucinogens by a combined fluorimetric and phosphorimetric method - 1973
Abramson, Harold A. - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25): XXXXI. The Use of LSD as an Adjunct to Psychotherapy: Fact and Fiction - 1973
Acord LD, Barker DD - Hallucinogenic Drugs and Cerebral Deficit - 1973
Ambache N, Dunk LP, Verney J, Zar MB - An Inhibition of Post-Ganglionic Motor Transmission in the Mammalian Vas Deferens by D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1973
Ambache N, Killick SW, Srinivasan V, Zar MA - Presynaptic Inhibition of Adrenergic Motor Transmission in Rat Anococcygeus Muscle by D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1973
Ayd FJ - Patterns, range and effects of misused psychotropic substances in North America today - 1973
Bailey K, Verner D, Legault D - Distinction of Some Dialkyl Amides of Lysergic and Iso-Lysergic Acids from LSD - 1973
Baker RW, Chothia C, Pauling P, Weber HP - Molecular Structures Hallucinogenic Substances: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Psilocybin, and 2,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine - 1973
Bapna JS, Dandiya PC, Kulkarni SK - Dissociation of Excitatory and Hyperpyrexic Effects of LSD in Rats Treated with a-Methyltrosine - 1973
Barasi S, Roberts MHT - The action of 5-hydroxytryptamine antagonists and precursors on bulbo-spinal facilitation of spinal reflexes - 1973
Barfknecht CF, Nichols DE, Rusterholz DB, Long JP, Engelbrecht JA, Beaton JM, Bradley RJ, Dyer DC - Potential Psychotomimetics. 2-Amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Analogs - 1973
Barr HL, Langs RJ, Holt RR - LSD: personality and experience - 1973
Barrass BC, Coult DB - Phenol oxidase activity in brain tissue - 1973
Barzaghi F, Baumgartner HR, Carruba M, Mantegazza P, Pletscher A - The 5-hydroxytryptamine-like action of 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine - 1973
Beall JR - A teratogenic study of four psychoactive drugs in rats - 1973
Bell JA, Martin WR - The Effect in the Cat of Tryptamine (T) and LSD on Cutaneous C-fiber (CFR) and Polysynaptic (PSR) Spinal Reflexes - 1973
Bishun NP, Williams DC, Mills J, Lloyd N, Raven RW, Parke DW - Chromosome damage induced by chemicals - 1973
Boggan WO, Freedman D - LSD tolerance and brain serotonin metabolism - 1973
Boggan WO - Psychoactive Compounds and Audiogenic Seizure Susceptibility - 1973
Bowd A,Hudson JB, and Turnbull JH - Luminescence Characteristics of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Ergolines - 1973
Bramwell GJ, Gonye T - Responses of midbrain neurones to iontophoretically applied 5-hydroxytryptamine - 1973
Budini R, Letizia Vannini M, Tubertini O - RNA in planarians (dugesia lugubris) treated with LSD - 1973
Burstein S, Levin E, Varanelli C - Prostaglandins And Cannabis - II. Inhibition Of Biosynthesis By The Naturally Occuring Cannabinoids - 1973
Callan JP, Patterson CD - Patterns of drug abuse among military inductees - 1973
Cameron OG, Appel JB - A Behavioral and Pharmacological Analysis of Some Discriminable Properties of d-LSD in Rats - 1973
Carrer H, Meyerson BJ - Influence of LSD, Apomorphine and Monoamine Synthesis: Inhibitors on the Urge to Obtain Water and Seek Heterosexual Contact in the Female Rat. - 1973
Chapel JL - Emergency room treatment of the drug-abusing patient - 1973
Choulis NH - Separation and quantitation of mixtures of the most commonly abused drugs - 1973
Huang CC, Marrazzi AS - Analysis Of Drug Block Of LSD/5HT/GABA By Monitoring Neuronal Membrane Changes - 1973
Consroe PF - Treatment of Acute Hallucinogenic Drug Toxicity: Specific Pharmacological Intervention - 1973
Daunderer M - Akute Intoxikationen (25): Rausch- und Suchtmittel VII - 1973
Davies JA, Redfern PH - The effects of hallucinogenic drugs on maze exploration in the rat over a 24 hour period - 1973
De Oliveira LF, Sollero L - Interactions of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Narcotic Analgesics on Dog Intestine in vivo - 1973
de Oliveira LF, Bretas AD - Blockade by butfotenidine of the serotonin- and narcotic-analgesics-induced contraction of dog intestine in vivo - 1973
de Souza F - Histórica Evoluçao Farmacológica Dos Alcalóides Ergóticos Até O LSD - 1973
Deniker P, Loo H, Cazalis de Fondouce G - L'évolution des toxicomanies traitées en milieu psychiatrique - 1973
Drechsler F, Schrappe O - Elektrophysiologische Studie bei Drogenabhängigen. Analyse der Nervenaktionspotentiale, der somatosensorischen un visuellen evozierten Potentiale - 1973
Drew WG, Miller LL, Baugh EL - Effects of delta9-THC, LSD-25 and scopolamine on continuous, spontaneous alternation in the Y-maze - 1973
Dyer DC, Gant DW - Vasoconstriction produced by hallucinogens on isolated human and sheep umbilical vasculature - 1973
Eberle P - Verurachen Halluzinogene Chromosomedefekte und Missbildungen? - 1973
Editorial - Rauschgifttest Merck: Ein einfaches Hilfsmittel zur schnellen Identifizierung von Suchtmitteln - 1973
Editorial - LSD Therapy and Subsequent Pregnancy - 1973
Editorial - Défense contre les agressifs chimiques de guerre toxiques létaux-toxiques incapacitants - 1973
Editorial - Aerztliche Massnahmen zur Behandlung von Drogenabhängigkeit - 1973
Farrow JT, van Vunakis H - Characteristics of D-lysergic acid diethylamide binding to subcellular fractions derived from rat brain - 1973
Fedynskyj NM - Cytotoxic Effects Induced by Various Agents in Rat Thymus Lymphocytes. - 1973
Fernandez J, Browne IW, Cullen J, Brennan T, Matheu H, Fischer I - LSD...an In Vivo Retrospective Chromosome Study. - 1973
Fiorese FF, Pirl JN, Manio PR, Carella A - Ethchlorvynol Reagent for Functional Groups Detection - 1973
Forrest JAH, Tarala RA - Abuse of drugs "for kicks": a review of 252 admissions - 1973
Forrest JAH, Tarala RA - 60 hospital admissions due to reactions to lysergide (LSD) - 1973
Gettner HH, Carone PA, Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25): XXX. Effect of pH on transport of methysergide and LSD 25 across gill membrane - 1973
Gillis CN - Metabolism of Vasoactive Hormones by Lung. - 1973
Grabowska M, Michaluk J, Antikiewicz L - Possible involvement of brain serotonin in apomorphine-induced hypothermia - 1973
Green JP, Dressler KP, Khazan N - Mescaline-like activity of 2-amino-7-hydroxytetralin - 1973
Grof S, Goodman LE, Richards WA, Kurland AA - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy in Patients with Terminal Cancer - 1973
Guilbaud G, Besson JM, Oliveras JL, Libeskind JC - Suppression par le LSD l'effet inhibiteur exercé par le noyau dorsal du raphé sur les interneurones de la couche V de la corne dorsale de la moelle chez le chat - 1973
Gumulka W, Kostowski W, Czlonkowski A - Role of 5-HT in the action of some drugs affecting extrapyramidal system - 1973
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK - Mescaline and LSD: Direct and Indirect Effects on Serotonin-Containing Neurons in the Brain - 1973
Hardman HF, Haavik CO, Seevers MH - Relationship of the structure of mescaline and seven analogs to toxicity and behavior in five species of laboratory animals - 1973
Hartley R, Smith JA - The activation of pineal hydroxyndole-O-methyltransferase by psychotomimetic drugs - 1973
Hartnoll R, Mitcheson M - Attitudes of young people towards drug use - 1973
Harwood CT - Radioimmunoassay: its application to drugs of abuse - 1973
Hendin H - College students and LSD: WHO and WHY? - 1973
Hill RM, Fischer R - Induction and Extinction of Psilocybin Induced Transformation of Visual Space - 1973
Horita A, Hamilton AE - The effects of DL-a-methyltyrosine and L-Dopa on the hyperthermic and behavioral actions of LSD in rabbits - 1973
Horn G, McKay JM - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Spontaneous Activity and Visual Receptive Fields of Cells in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the Cat - 1973
Hughes J - Inhibition of noradrenaline release by lysergic acid diethylamide - 1973
Jaffe J, Dahlberg CC, Luria J, Chorosh J - Effects of LSD-25 and Dextroamphetanune on Speech Rhythms in Psychotherapy Dialogues - 1973
Jane I, Wheales BB - The characterization of LSD in illicit preparations by pressure-assisted liquid chromatography and gas chromatography - 1973
Julia M, Lallemand JY - Reactions electrophiles en serie indolique - 1973
Kang S, Johnson CL, Green J - Theoretical Studies on the Conformations of Psilocin and Mescaline - 1973
Kay DC, Martin WR, Croughan JL, Bell JA - EEG and Cardiovascular Effects of Tryptamine and LSD in the Encephale Isole' Cat. - 1973
Kaymakcalan S - Tolerance To and Dependence on Cannabis. - 1973
Keller J, Redfering DL - Comparison Between The Personalities Of LSD Users And Nonusers As Measured By The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - 1973
Kelley JM, Adamson RH - A Comparison of Common Interatomic Distances in Serotonin and Some Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1973
Klepfisz A, Racy J - Homicide and LSD - 1973
Klerman GL - Drugs And The Dying Patient - 1973
Korolkovas A - Interaçao da serotonina e antagonistas com os receptores - 1973
Kurland AA, Grof S, Pahnke WN, Goodman LE - Psychedelic Drug Assisted Psychotherapy. In Patients With Terminal Cancer - 1973
Labhard F, Wyss P - Drognes modernes et schizophrénie - 1973
Ladefoged O - The Effects of LSD, Psilocybin, Harmaline and Amphetamine on the Body-Temperature of para-Chlorophenylalanine Pretreated Rats - 1973
Liaison M, Meyerson BJ - Influence of LSD and Apomorphine on Hormone-Activated Copulatory behavior in the female rat - 1973
Lin CCL, Blair GE, Cassady JM, Groeger D, Maier W, Floss HG - Biosynthesis of Ergot Alkaloids, Synthesis of 6-Methyl-8-acetoxymethylene-9-ergolene and Its Incorporation into Ergotoxine by Claviceps. - 1973
Loeffler LJ, Pierce JV - Radioimmunoassay for Lysergide (LSD) in Illicit Drugs and Biological Fluids - 1973
Malmnas CO - Monoaminergic Influence on Testosterone-Activated Copulatory Behavior in the Castrated Male Rat. - 1973
Marquis WJ, Tilson HA, Rech RH - Effects of Amphetamine(A), LSD, Psilocybin (P), and DOM on Schedule-Controlled Behavior in the Rat - 1973
Matefy RF - Behavior Therapy To Extinguish Spontaneous Recurrences Of LSD Effects: A Case Study - 1973
Matthysse S - Antipsychotic drug actions: a clue to the neuropathology of schizophrenia? - 1973
Maugh TH - LSD and the drug culture: new evidence of hazard - 1973
Meares R, Horvath T - A Physiological Difference Between Hallucinosis and Schizophrenia - 1973
Meltzer HY - Plasma creatine phophokinase levels in rats following lysergic acid diethylamide - 1973
Messier PE - Effects of LSD on the Development, Histology and Fine Structure of the Chick Embryo - 1973
Messiha FS, Grof S - D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - Effect on Biogenic Amines Excretion in Man. - 1973
Miller LL, Drew WG, Wikler A - Comparison of delta 9- THC, LSD-25 and scopolamine on non-spatial single alternation performance in the runaway - 1973
Mueller RG, Lang GE - Fluorescent Spectra of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Observations on a Gastric Extract. - 1973
Nichols DE - Potential Psychotomimetics Bromomethoxyamphetamines and Structural Congeners of Lysergic Acid - 1973
Nomura J, Hisamatsu K, Maeda M, Kamiya S, Hattori H, Hatotani N - Stress and Cerebro-Hepatic Axis with Special Reference to Steroids Metabolism - 1973
Obe G, Herha J - Genetische Schäden durch LSD? In vivo-Untersuchung an ll LSD-Konsumenten - 1973
Osborne NN, Waehneldt TV, Neuhoff V - The Effect of LSD-25 on Amines, Amino-acids, and Proteins in the Snail (Helix pomatia) Brain - 1973
Pöldinger W - Zur Pharmakotherapie depressiver und ängstlicher Verstimmungszustände - 1973
Panton Y, Fischer R - Hallucinogenic Drug-Induced Behavior Under Sensory Attenuation - 1973
Pascal JP, Vaysse N, Ader F, Lacroix A, Ribet A - The Mechanisms of Functional Vasodilation in the Pancreas : - 1973
Quadri SK, Clark JL, Meites J - Effects of LSD, Pargyline and Haloperidol on Mammary Tumor Growth in Rats. - 1973
Remschmidt H - Psychotische Zustandebilder bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten - 1973
Sadoff RL - LSD, Alcohol, and Homicide. - 1973
Sam V, Joseph T - Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide On Oestrus Cycle And Offspring In Rats - 1973
Savage C, McCabe OL - Residential Psychedelic (LSD) Therapy for the Narcotic Addict. A Controlled Study - 1973
Schechter MD, Rosecrans JA - D-amphetamine as a discriminative cue: drugs with similar stimulus properties - 1973
Scholz H - Ueber die Wirkung von 'Rauschmittein' unter pharmakologischen Gesichtspunkten - 1973
Seitz G - Eine einfache Methode zur Identifizierung von Rauschgiften - 1973
Servadio E - The Use of LSD in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of a Case of Anxiety Hysteria - 1973
Shaffer JH, Hill RM, Fischer R - Psychophysics of Psilocybin and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol - 1973
Shields PJ, Eccleston D - Evidence for the Synthesis and Storage of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Two Separate Pools in the Brain - 1973
Shulgin AT - Sterospecific Requirements for Hallucinogenesis - 1973
Sicuteri F - 5-HydroxyTryptamine Supersensitivity as a New Theory of Essential Headache - 1973
Soskin RA - The Use of LSD in Time-Limited Psychotherapy - 1973
Soskin RA - Short Term Psychotherapy with LSD: A Case-Study - 1973
Spaulding DC, Dewey WL - Interaction of the Behaviorally Active Drug, Phenitrone, a Purported Hashish and LSD Antagonist, with Several Central Neurochemical Systems - 1973
Sram RJ, Goetz P, Zudova Z - Genetic effects of LSD - 1973
Stanton MD - Dr Stanton Replies - 1973
Stern P - The influence of synthetic "Substance P" on tremor caused by LSD in mice - 1973
Tarshis MS - The LSD Controversy: an Overview - 1973
Taunton-Rigby A, Sher ST, Kelley R - Lysergic Acid Dethylamide: RadioImmunoassay - 1973
Tilson HA, Sparber SB - Similarities and differences between mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide-25 (LSD) and d-amphetamine on various components of fixed interval responding in the rat - 1973
Ting KH, Lee RCT, Milne GWA, Shapiro M, Guarino AM - Applications of artificial intelligence: relationships between mass spectra and pharmacological activity of drugs - 1973
Toerien I - Clotiapine in the management of alcoholism and drug addiction. Report on a clinical trial - 1973
Voss EW, Babb JE, Metzel P, Winkelhake JL - In vitro Effect of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Immunoglobulin Synthesis. - 1973
Wallis DI, Woodward B - The Depolarizing Action of 5-Hydroxytryptamine on Sympathetic Ganglion Cells - 1973
Watts G - Changing Death?s Perspective - 1973
Welsum RA - A simplified procedure for the identification of drugs from the illicit street market by thin-layer chromatography - 1973
Wholes NW - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) Interaction on Spontaneous Potentials and the Evoked Response in the Avian Tectum. - 1973
Wilson J G - Present Status of Drugs as Teratogens in Man. - 1973
Wray SR., Cowan A - Correlation Between Animal and Clinical Findings with a Psychotomimetic Anticholinesterase. - 1973
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Gomita Y, Fujiwara M, Ueki S - State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning) with Hallucinogens in Rats. - 1973
Ziegler MG, Lovell RA, Freedman DX - Effects Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide On The Uptake And Retention Of Brain 5-hydroxytryptamine In Vito And In Vitro - 1973
Zolovick A, Labhsetwar AP - Evidence for the Theory of Dual Hypothalamic Control of Ovulation. - 1973
Zumbé FJ, Beck KJ, Schönhöfer PS - Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Probleme bei Drogenkonsumentinnen - 1973
Abrahams SL, Goldstein DB - Effect Of Serotonin, LSD, and Other Indoleamines on Adenyl Cyclase In the Liver Fluke. - 1974
Bennett, James L.; Aghajanian, George K. - D-LSD Binding to Brain Homogenates: Possible Relationship to Serotonin Receptors - 1974
Bogetto F, Torre E - Somministrazione di Etanolo a Varie Dosi: Livelli di Serotoni na Cerebrale nel Ratto. - 1974
Costello CE, Hertz HS, Sakai T, Biemann K - Routine Use of a Flexible Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer - Computer System to Identify Drugs and Their Metabolites in Body Fluids of Overdose Victims. - 1974
Gale K, Horita A - Dopamine Agonist Induced Disorientation in a Rat Swimming Task. - 1974
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Chlorimipramine and LSD: Differential Effects on the In Vivo Release of (3)H-5HT - 1974
Gehlen W, Metzinger H - EEG-Veranderungen unter LSD-Intoxikation bei einem 6jahrigen Kind [EEG in intoxication with LSD in a six year old child] - 1974
Gerschenfeld HM, Paupardin-Tritsch D - On the Transmitter Function of 5-Hydroxytryptamine at Excitatory and Inhibitory Monosynaptic Junctions. - 1974
Gerschenfeld HM, Paupardin Tritsch D - Ionic Mechanisms and Receptor Properties Underlying the Responses of Molluscan Neurones to 5-Hydroxytryptamine. - 1974
Goldman H, Fischer R - Cortical and or Subcortical Effects as a Function of Hallucinogenic Drug Structure - 1974
Goodrich CA, Hoff KM, Baker PC - The Maturational Effects of LSD upon Brain Weight and Behavior in the Mouse. - 1974
Hausner, Milan - The Dynamic Confrontation Model as an Integration of Psychotherapy - 1974
Hirschhorn ID, Hayes RL, Rosecrans JA - Discrimintaive Control of Behavior by Electrical Stimulation of the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus: Generalization to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). - 1974
Janzik HH, Kroenert K, Gupta D - Hormonal Evaluation in Young Drug Addicts - 1974
Ketz E - The Effect of Anticonvulsants and Some Psychotropic Drugs on the Conventional EEG - 1974
Killam KF - Drugs on EEG Correlates of Behavior - 1974
Koshino, Yoshifumi; Otsuka, Ryosaku. - Psychotropic Drugs and Electroencephalography: Third Report - 1974
Krsiak M - Isolation-Induced Timidity In Mice As A Measure Of Anxiolytic Activity Of Drugs. - 1974
Kubinski H, Andersen PR, Kasper CB - Effects of Neuropharmacological Agents on Microsomal Membrane Influence on Deoxyribonucleic acid-Membrane Interactions In Vitro. - 1974
Lopatin DE, Voss EW - Anti-Lysergic Antibody: Measurement of Binding Parameters in IgG Fractions - 1974
Luria J - An Investigation Of Interactions Among LSD Dextroamphetamine, And VerbalsBehavior In Monologues And Dialogues - 1974
Marks V, Morris BA, Teale JD - Pharmacology - 1974
Martin WR, Sloan JW - The Possible Role of Tryptamine in Brain Function and its Relationship to the Actions of LSD-like Hallucinogens - 1974
McCabe OL - Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy: A Case Report - 1974
McCloskey KL, Franz DN - Effects of LSD, Mescaline and Psilocybin on Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurons - 1974
Miliaressis TE, St Laurent J - Effets de l'Amide de l'Acide Lysergique-25 sur le Reaction de Sursaut Chez le Rat - 1974
Oliveras JL, Besson JM, Guilbaud G, Liebeskind JC - Analgesia Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus (DRN) in the Cat - 1974
Persson SA, Wahlstrom G - The Relationship Between Tube Running Activity in Mice and 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1974
Pieri L, Pieri M - Drug-induced Rotation in Rats after Unilateral Intracerebral Injection of 5,6-Dihydroxytryptamine (5,6-HT). - 1974
Pieri L, Pieri M - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)-induced Rotation In Rats With Two Types Of Unilateral Chemical Nerotoxic Lesions Of The Medial Forebrain Bundles (MFB). - 1974
Pullman B, Courriere P, Berthod H - Molecular Orbital Studies on the Conformation of Hallucinogenic Indolealkylamines and Related Compounds. The Isolated Molecules and the Solvent Effect. - 1974
Quadri SK - Effects of Central Acting Drugs and Ergot Derivatives on Prolactin and Growth Hormone Secretion, on Growth of Pituitary and Mammary Tumors and on Reproduction in Old Rats - 1974
Rappoport M, Cornish H - The Effect of Two Hallucinogens on in Vivo Concentrations of Cyclic AMP in Rat Brain - 1974
Richards NG - Lowered Seizure Threshold After LSD - 1974
Roizin L, Schneider J, Willson N, Liu JC, Mullen C - Effects of Prolonged LSD-25 Administration Upon Neurons of Spinal Cord Ganglia Tissue Cultures - 1974
Schaffner R, Jalfre M, Haefely W - Effects Of Different Pharmacological Agents On The Septo-hippocampal Evoked Potential (SHEP) In The Cat - 1974
Schnoll SH, Vogel WH, Odstrchel G - The Specificity of Anti-Mescaline Antibody Produced in Rabbits - 1974
Segal M, Bloom FE - The Projection Of Midline Raphe Nuclei To The Hippocampus Of The Rat - 1974
Siva Sankar DV, Kumbar M - Quantum Chemical Studies on Drug Actions: IV. Correlation of Substituent Structures and Anti-Serotonin Activity in Lysergamide Series - 1974
Sivadjian J - Similitudes et differences dans l'activite de deux hallucinogenes, la mescaline et le LSD - 1974
Sumpf C - Mechanisms of the Neuropharmacological Influences on the EEG - 1974
Svensson TH, Bunney ES, Aghajanian GK - Noradrenergic Regulation of Brain Serotonergic Neurons: Evidence from Single Unit Studies with Clonidine - 1974
Tomosky TK, Bennett JL, Bueding E - Tryptaminergic and Dopaminergic Responses of Schistosoma mansoni - 1974
Torre M, Fagiani MB, Torre C - Riflesso Condizionato di Fuga Nel Ratto: Assuefazione Crociata Tra LSD-25 e UML - 1974
Torre M, Torre E, Bogetto F - Somministrazione Contemporanea di LSD-25 e Uml: Livelli di se Rotonina Cerebrate e Comportamento Condizionato nel Ratto - 1974
Turek, Ibrahim S.; Soskin, Robert A.; Kurland, Albert A. - Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). Subjective Effects - 1974
Voss EW, Cobb NC - Enzyme Capable of Modifying d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Rabbit Lymphoid Cells and Murine MOPC 315 Myeloma Cells - 1974
Wingeleth DC, Makowski A, Teitelbaum DT - Practical Experience with a Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Radioimmunoassay Procedure - 1974
Winkelhake JL, Voss W Jr, Lopatin DE - Comparative Inhibitory Action of D- and L-Tryptophan on the Effect of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Vitro - 1974
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Ueki S - State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning). III. State-Dependent Learning with Hallucinogens in Rats. - 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Nakahara Y - Studies on Enzymatic Dealkylation of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1974
Abdel AA, Bakry N - Effect of Choroquine Phosphate on the Isolated Non-Pregnant and Pregnant Uterus of Different Species - 1974
AbouI-Enein HY - Psllocybin: a pharmacological profile - 1974
Abrahams SL, Goldstein DB - Effect Of Serotonin, LSD, and Other Indoleamines on Adenyl Cyclase In the Liver Fluke. - 1974
Agarwal MK - Analysis Of The Influence Of Selected Neurotropic Agents On Hepatic Metabolism In Relation To Endotoxicosis - 1974
Aghajanian GK, Haigler HJ - Mode of Action of LSD on Serotonergic Neurons - 1974
Andén NE - Effect of Acute Axotomy (Spinal Cord Transection) on the Turnover of 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1974
Apple DJ, Bennett TO - Multiple Systemic and Ocular Malformations Associated With Maternal LSD Usage - 1974
Barasi S, Roberts MHT - The Modification Of Lumbar Motoneurone Excitability By Stimulation Of A Putative 5- Hydroxytryptamine Pathway - 1974
Barnes RD - The Synthesis of 14c-diethylamine And Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1974
Bell JA, Martin WR - Studies of Tryptamine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Cutaneous C-fiber and Polysynaptic Reflexes in the Cat - 1974
Bennett, James L.; Aghajanian, George K. - D-LSD Binding to Brain Homogenates: Possible Relationship to Serotonin Receptors - 1974
Berridge MJ, Prince WT - The Nature Of The Binding Between LSD And A 5-HT Receptor: A Possible Explanation For Hallucinogenic Activity - 1974
Blumberg JB - The role of cerebral cyclic AMP in the action of psychotropic drugs: in vivo and in vitro studies - 1974
Boyd ES, Boyd EH, Brown LE - The Effects Of Some Drugs On An Evoked Response Sensitive To Tetrahydrocannabinols - 1974
Bradley PB, Briggs I - Further Studies On The Mode Of Action Of Psychotomimetic Drugs: Antagonisms of The Excitatory Actions Of 5-hydroxytryptamine By Methylated Derivatives of Tryptamine - 1974
Bradley PB, Griggs I - Actions of Serotonin and Related Substances on Single Neurons in the Brain - 1974
Caldwell J, Sever PS - The biochemical pharmacology of abused drugs 1. Amphetamines, cocaine, and LSD - 1974
Costello CE, Hertz HS, Sakai T, Biemann K - Routine Use of a Flexible Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer - Computer System to Identify Drugs and Their Metabolites in Body Fluids of Overdose Victims. - 1974
Cottrell GA, Macon JB - Synaptic connexions of two symmetrically placed giant serotonin-containing neurones - 1974
Cottrell GA, Berry MS, Macon JB - Synapses of a giant serotonin neurone and a giant dopamine neurone: Studies using antagonists - 1974
Couch JR - Blockade of Excitatory 5HT Synapse by LSD - 1974
Culver CM, King FW - Neuropsychological Assessment of Undergraduate Marihuana and LSD Users - 1974
Dahlberg CC - Effects of LSD 25 on Psychotherapeutic Communication - 1974
De Faubert Maunder MJ - A Field Test for Hallucinogens: Further Improvements - 1974
Dorrance DL, Beighlie DJ, Yoshii V, Janiger O, Brodetsky AM, Teplitz RL - Studies on the mechanism of interaction between lysergic acid and chromosomes - 1974
Dunn WJ, Bederka JP - The role of hydrophobicity in the antiserotonin activity of LSD analogs. - 1974
Dyer DC - Evidence for the action of d-lysergic acid diethylamide, mescaline and bufoteine on 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors in umbilical vasculature - 1974
Dykastra LA, Appel JB - Effects of LSD on Auditory Perception: A Signal Detection Analysis - 1974
Edson PH - Chemical Correlates of Tonic Immobility in Chickens. - 1974
Fanciollacci M, Franchi G, Sicuteri F - Hypersensitivity to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) and Psilocybin in Essential Headache - 1974
Fossati C - I Danni Provocati Dall'abuso di Bevande Alcooliche: Possibilita di Disassuefazione e Risultati Ottenuti in Etilisti Affetti da Broncopneumopatie Croniche. - 1974
Freedman DX, Boggan WO - Brain Serotonin Metabolism After Tolerance Dosage of LSD - 1974
Gale K, Horita A - Dopamine Agonist Induced Disorientation in a Rat Swimming Task. - 1974
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Chlorimipramine and LSD: Differential Effects on the In Vivo Release of (3)H-5HT - 1974
Garcia Leme J, Hamamura L - Formation Of A Factor Increasing Vascular Permeability During Electrical Stimulation Of The Saphenous Nerve In Rats - 1974
Gehlen W, Metzinger H - EEG-Veranderungen unter LSD-Intoxikation bei einem 6jahrigen Kind [EEG in intoxication with LSD in a six year old child] - 1974
Gerschenfeld HM, Paupardin Tritsch D - Ionic Mechanisms and Receptor Properties Underlying the Responses of Molluscan Neurones to 5-Hydroxytryptamine. - 1974
Gey KF, Georgi H - Effect Of Neurotropic Agents On Total Pyridoxal, Phosphate And On The Activity Of The Decarboxylase Of Aromatic Amino Acids As Well As Of Other Pyridoxal Phosphate-dependent Enzymes In Rat Brain - 1974
Ghosh JJ, et al - A comparative study of delta-9-tetrahydro cannabinol and lysergic and diethylamide on hypothalamo-neuropophyseal neurosecretory system of male albino rats - 1974
Gillespie JS, McGrath JC - The Response of The Cat inococaygeus Muscle to Nerve or Drug Stimulation and a Comparison with the Rat Anococcygeus. - 1974
Gillespie JS, McGrath JC - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the vas deferens anococcygeus muscle - 1974
Gintzler AR, Musacchio JM - Interaction Between Serotonin And Morphine In The Guinea-pig Ileum - 1974
Goetz P, Sram RJ, Zudová Z - The Mutagenic Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: I. Cytogenetic Analysis - 1974
Goldman H, Fischer R - Cortical and or Subcortical Effects as a Function of Hallucinogenic Drug Structure - 1974
Goodrich CA, Hoff KM, Baker PC - The Maturational Effects of LSD upon Brain Weight and Behavior in the Mouse. - 1974
Haefely W - The Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Some Related Compounds on the Cat Superior Cervical Ganglion in situ - 1974
Haefely W - The effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine and some related compounds on the cat superior cervical ganglion in situ - 1974
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Serotonin: A-Comparison of Effects on Serotonergic Neurons and Neurons Receiving a Serotonergic Input - 1974
Halki JJ - The effects of Dextroamphetamine, Dimethyltryptamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Tetrahydrocannabinol upon Pregnancy and the Offspring - 1974
Hamon M, Glowinski J - Regulatlon of Serotonin Synthesis. - 1974
Harding T - The Effect of Lysergic Acid Di-Ethylamide on Serum Creatine Kinase Levels. - 1974
Heacock RA, Mahon ME - Chromatography Of Some Indoles On Formamide-treated Paper - 1974
Henkin RI, Stillman IS, Gilbert DL, Lipicki RJ - Ineffectiveness of Lysergic Acid Diethyl Amide-25 (LSD) on Altering Na-K Currents in Squid Giant Axon - 1974
Hirschhorn ID, Rosecrans JA - A Comparison of the Stimulus Effects of Morphine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1974
Hirschhorn ID, Hayes RL, Rosecrans JA - Discrimintaive Control of Behavior by Electrical Stimulation of the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus: Generalization to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). - 1974
Hitner H, Di Gregorio GJ - Preliminary Investigation of the Peripheral Sympathomimetic Effects of Phencyclidine - 1974
Holsten F - Flashbacks - Senreaksjoner Etter Bruk Av LSD Of Cannabis Hos 78 Stoffbrukere - 1974
Itil TM, Saletu B, Akpinar S - Classification of Psychotropic Drugs Based on Digital Computer Sleep Prints - 1974
Jacob JJ, Girault JMT - The Influence Of Cyproheptadine And Of D-lysergamide On The Rise In Temperature Induced By Intracerebroventicular 5-hydroxytryptamine, Noradrenaline And Dopamine In Conscious Rabbits - 1974
Jalfre M, Ruch-Monachon MA, Haefely W - Methods for Assessing the Interaction of Agents with 5-Hydroxytryptamine Neurons and Receptors in the Brain - 1974
Janzik HH, Kroenert K, Gupta D - Hormonal Evaluation in Young Drug Addicts - 1974
Jarvik JF, Yen FS, Dahlberg CC, Fleiss JL, Jaffe J, Kato T, Moralishvili E - Chromosome Examinations After Medically Administered Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Dextroamphetamine - 1974
Ketz E - The Effect of Anticonvulsants and Some Psychotropic Drugs on the Conventional EEG - 1974
Killam KF - Drugs on EEG Correlates of Behavior - 1974
King AR, Martin IL, Melville KA - Reversal Learning Enhanced By Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD): Concomitant Rise In Brain 5-hydroxytryptamine Levels - 1974
Koshino, Yoshifumi; Otsuka, Ryosaku. - Psychotropic Drugs and Electroencephalography: Third Report - 1974
Krsiak M - Isolation-Induced Timidity In Mice As A Measure Of Anxiolytic Activity Of Drugs. - 1974
Kubinski H, Andersen PR, Kasper CB - Effects of Neuropharmacological Agents on Microsomal Membrane Influence on Deoxyribonucleic acid-Membrane Interactions In Vitro. - 1974
Kuhn DM, Appel JB, Greenberg I - An Analysis of Some Discriminative Properties of d-Amphetamine - 1974
Ladefoged O - The Effect of LSD, Psilocybin, Harmaline and Amphetamine on the body Temperature of Para-Chlorophenylalanine pretreated Rabbits - 1974
Lieberman AN, Bloom W, Kishor PS, Lin JP - Carotid Artery Occlusion Following Ingestion of LSD - 1974
Lopatin DE, Voss EW - Anti-Lysergic Antibody: Measurement of Binding Parameters in IgG Fractions - 1974
Lopatin DE, Winkelhake JL, Voss EW - Immunochemical Characterization of a Lysergyl Derivative Incorporated into Protein - 1974
Maj J, Pawlowski L, Sarnek J - The Role of Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine in the Central Action of L-DOPA - 1974
Marks V, Morris BA, Teale JD - Pharmacology - 1974
Martin WR, Sloan JW - The Possible Role of Tryptamine in Brain Function and its Relationship to the Actions of LSD-like Hallucinogens - 1974
McCabe OL - Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy: A Case Report - 1974
McCloskey KL, Franz DN - Effects of LSD, Mescaline and Psilocybin on Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurons - 1974
McMahon D - Chemical Messengers in Development: A Hypothesis. Differentiation of embryonic cells may be determined by their content of inorganic ions and cyclic nucleotides - 1974
Miliaressis TE, St Laurent J - Effets de l'Amide de l'Acide Lysergique-25 sur le Reaction de Sursaut Chez le Rat - 1974
Mil'shteyn GI, Gyunter M, Lagutina NI, Smirnova LB - The influence of chlorpromazine action on experimental psychosis caused by lysergic acid diethylamide - 1974
Moorthy AS - Mitotic and meiotic chromosome analyses in normal and hallucinogenic drug treated inbred Chinese hamsters - 1974
Nair X - General Pharmacology and Cocaine-Induced Supersensitivity of Noninnervated-Guinea Pig:Umbilical Vasculature - 1974
Nathanson IA, Greengard P - Serotonin-sensitive Adenylate Cyclase in Neural Tissue and Its Similarity to the Serotonin Receptor: A Possible Site of Action of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1974
Nwude N, Habersang S, Hempel R - Studies On The Action And Mechanism Of Action Of Oxyfedrine On Isolated Tracheal Chains - 1974
Oliveras JL, Besson JM, Guilbaud G, Liebeskind JC - Analgesia Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus (DRN) in the Cat - 1974
Papeschi R - An Investigation on the Behavioral and Hypothermic Effects of Yohimbine: Interaction With Drugs Affecting Central and Peripheral Monoamines - 1974
Park GB - The Application Of Electroanalytical Techniques To Biochemical Systems - 1974
Persson SA, Wahlstrom G - The Relationship Between Tube Running Activity in Mice and 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1974
Peters DAV - Comparison Of The Chronic And Acute Effects Of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Treatment On Rat Brain Serotonin And Norepinephrine - 1974
Peters DAV - Chronic Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Administration and Serotonin Turnover in Various Regions of Rat Brain. - 1974
Pieri L, Pieri M - Drug-induced Rotation in Rats after Unilateral Intracerebral Injection of 5,6-Dihydroxytryptamine (5,6-HT). - 1974
Pieri L, Pieri M - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)-induced Rotation In Rats With Two Types Of Unilateral Chemical Nerotoxic Lesions Of The Medial Forebrain Bundles (MFB). - 1974
Pieri L, Pieri M, Haefely W - LSD as an agonist dopamine receptors in the striatum - 1974
Pullman B, Courriere P, Berthod H - Molecular Orbital Studies on the Conformation of Hallucinogenic Indolealkylamines and Related Compounds. The Isolated Molecules and the Solvent Effect. - 1974
Quadri SK - Effects of Central Acting Drugs and Ergot Derivatives on Prolactin and Growth Hormone Secretion, on Growth of Pituitary and Mammary Tumors and on Reproduction in Old Rats - 1974
Rapp MS - Reactions To Lysergide - 1974
Rappoport M, Cornish H - The Effect of Two Hallucinogens on in Vivo Concentrations of Cyclic AMP in Rat Brain - 1974
Rendon OR - The effect of psychotomimetic drugs upon human chromosomes in tissue culture - 1974
Richards NG - Lowered Seizure Threshold After LSD - 1974
Robinson JT, Chitham RG, Greenwood RM, Taylor JW - Chromosome Aberrations and LSD. A Controlled Study in 50 Psychiatric Patients - 1974
Roizin L, Schneider J, Willson N, Liu JC, Mullen C - Effects of Prolonged LSD-25 Administration Upon Neurons of Spinal Cord Ganglia Tissue Cultures - 1974
Rouse LO, Frank DL - Facilitation of Learned Resistance to Audiogenic Seizures in balb/cCrgl Mice by d-LSD-25 - 1974
Samuelsson BO - LSD Intoxication in a two-year-old child - 1974
Siva Sankar DV, Kumbar M - Quantum Chemical Studies on Drug Actions: IV. Correlation of Substituent Structures and Anti-Serotonin Activity in Lysergamide Series - 1974
Sansone M, Castellano C, Messeri P - Facilitation Of Avoidance Behaviour By LSD-25 And Mescaline In Hamsters - 1974
Schaffner R, Jalfre M, Haefely W - Effects Of Different Pharmacological Agents On The Septo-hippocampal Evoked Potential (SHEP) In The Cat - 1974
Schnoll SH, Vogel WH, Odstrchel G - The Specificity of Anti-Mescaline Antibody Produced in Rabbits - 1974
Segal M, Bloom FE - The Projection Of Midline Raphe Nuclei To The Hippocampus Of The Rat - 1974
Siegal RK, Brewster JM, Jarvik ME - An Obsservational Study of Hallucinogen-Induced Behavior in Unrestrained Macaca Mulatta - 1974
Sivadjian J - Similitudes et differences dans l'activite de deux hallucinogenes, la mescaline et le LSD - 1974
Sohn KY, Boggs DR - Klinefelter's syndrome, LSD usage and acute lymphoblastic leukemia - 1974
Squires RF - Hyperthermia- and L-Tryptophan-Induced Increases in Serotonin Turnover in Rat Brain - 1974
Srám RJ, Zudova Z, Goetz P - The Mutagenic Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. II. Dominant Lethal Test In Mice - 1974
Srám RJ, Zudova Z, Goetz P - The Mutagenic Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. II. Evaluation Of The Genetic Risk Of LSD In Man - 1974
Stoff DM, Mandel IJ, Gorelick DA, Bridger WH - Acute and Chronic Effects of LSD and 3,4-Dimethoxyphenylethylamine on Shuttlebox Escape / Avoidance in Rats - 1974
Stolkl JM, Barchas JD, Goldstein M, Boggan W. Freedman DX - A Comparison of Psychotomimetic Drug Effects on Rat Brain Norepinephrine Metabolism. - 1974
Stone TW - Further evidence for a dopomine receptor stimulating action of an ergot alkaloid - 1974
Stone TW - The changes in basal corticosterone secretion in rats blinded at birth - 1974
Sumpf C - Mechanisms of the Neuropharmacological Influences on the EEG - 1974
Svensson TH, Bunney ES, Aghajanian GK - Noradrenergic Regulation of Brain Serotonergic Neurons: Evidence from Single Unit Studies with Clonidine - 1974
Tomosky TK, Bennett JL, Bueding E - Tryptaminergic and Dopaminergic Responses of Schistosoma mansoni - 1974
Torre M, Bogetto F, Torte E - Effect of LSD-25 and l-Methyl-d-Lysergic Acid Butanolamide on Rat Brain and Platelet Serotonin Levels - 1974
Torre M, Torre E, Bogetto F - Somministrazione Contemporanea di LSD-25 e Uml: Livelli di se Rotonina Cerebrate e Comportamento Condizionato nel Ratto - 1974
Torre M, Fagiani MB, Torre C - Riflesso Condizionato di Fuga Nel Ratto: Assuefazione Crociata Tra LSD-25 e UML - 1974
Turek IS, Soskin RA, Kurland AA - Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Subjective Effects - 1974
Van Putten T, Hollingsworth CE - CA Diphenylhydantoin in the Treatment of LSD Flashbacks: A Case Study - 1974
Vasko MR, Lutz MP, Domino EF - Structure Activity Relations of Some Indolealkylamines in Comparison to Phenethylamines on Motor Activity and Acquisition of Avoidance Behavior - 1974
Voight D, Johne S, Groeger D - Untersuchungen zur Massenspektrometrie von Mutterkornalkaloiden - 1974
von Hungen K, Roberts S, Hill DF - LSD as an agonist and antagonist at central dopamine receptors. - 1974
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Voss EW, Winkelhake JL - Mechanism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Interference with Rabbit Antibody Biosynthesis. - 1974
Voss EW, Cobb NC - Enzyme Capable of Modifying d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Rabbit Lymphoid Cells and Murine MOPC 315 Myeloma Cells - 1974
Vuillaume M, Berkaloff A - LSD treatment of Pieris brassicae and consequences on the progeny - 1974
Wallach MB, Hine B, Gershon S - Cross Tolerance Or Tachyphylaxis Among Various Psychotomimetic Agents On Cats - 1974
Hartmann, Richard P. - Malerei aus Bereichen : Des Unbewu?ten Kunstler Experimentieren Unter LSD Redaktion - 1974
Weber HP, Petcher TJ - Crystal Structures of the Teonanacatl Hallucinogens. Part I. Psilocybin - 1974
Wingeleth DC, Makowski A, Teitelbaum DT - Practical Experience with a Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Radioimmunoassay Procedure - 1974
Winkelhake JL, Voss W Jr, Lopatin DE - Comparative Inhibitory Action of D- and L-Tryptophan on the Effect of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Vitro - 1974
Yamada K, Ogawa N, Ueki S - State-Dependent Learning (Dissociation of Learning). III. State-Dependent Learning with Hallucinogens in Rats. - 1974
Young B - A Phenomenological Comparison of LSD and Schizophrenic States - 1974
Abramson, Harold A. - The Use of LSD as an Adjuvant to Psychotherapy. Fact and Fiction. - 1975
Ando, Kioshi - Profile Of Drug Effects On Temporally Spaced Responding In Rats - 1975
Baker PC, Hoff KM - The Effects of LSD upon Brain Indoleamine Maturation in the Brain of the Mouse - 1975
Biswas B, Ghos JJ - Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol And Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Comparative Changes In The Supraoptic And Paraventricular Neurosecretory Activities In Rat Hypothalamus - 1975
Borzecki, Zdzislaw - The Role of Amines in Sexual Activity of Rats Deprived of Pineal Gland - 1975
Brown, Ian R. - RNA Synthesis in Isolated Brain Nuclei After Administration of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in vivo - 1975
Carino MA, Chestnut RM, Weick BG, Horija A - Tolerance Development To Central Injections Of LSD - 1975
Clark, Walter Houston - Psychedelic Research: Obstacles and Values - 1975
Collu R, Letarte J, Leboeuf G, Ducharme JR - Endocrine Effects Of Chronic Administration Of LSD To Prepuberal Male Rats - 1975
Consroe PF, Wood GC, Buchsbaum H - Anticonvulsant Nature of Marihuana Smoking - 1975
Dette GA, Wesemann W - Studies On Serotonin Binding Proteins Of Nerve Ending Membranes - 1975
Everitt BJ, Fuxe K, Hokfelt T - Serotonin, Catecholamines and Sexual Receptivity of Female Rats, Pharmacological Findings - 1975
Federal Drug Administration - FDA Lists Approved LSD Research Projects. - 1975
Fischer, Roland; Goldmann, H. - Therapeutic Usefulness of Hallucinogenic Drugs as a Function of their Chemical Structure. - 1975
Freedman DX - LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors. - 1975
Goldman H, Fischer R, Nicolov N, Murphy S - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Affects Blood Flow to Specific Areas of the Conscious Rat Brain - 1975
Green JP - Psychopharmacologic Activity: Quantum Chemical Study. - 1975
Grof, Stanislav - Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research - 1975
Hariri M - Uptake of 5-Hydroxytryptamine by Mesocestoides Corti (Cestoda). - 1975
Hausner, Milan - The Psychotogenic "Double-Bind" Model in Psycholysis. Case Study Contribution to the Sociogenetic Theory of Schizophrenia - 1975
Henriksson, Bengt G.; Johansson, Jan O.; Jarbe, Torbjorn U.C. - Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Produced Discrimination In Pigeons - 1975
Hine B, Torrelio M, Gershon S - Attenuation of Precipitated Abstinence in Methadone-Dependent Rats by delta 9-THC - 1975
Hoffman. A - The Discovery of LSD and Subsequent Investigations of Related Magic Drugs of Mexico. - 1975
Holland J, Massie MJ, Grant C, Plumb MM - Drugs Ingested in Suicide Attempts and Fatal Outcome. - 1975
Izquierdo I - Relations Between Orienting, Pseudoconditioned and Conditioned Responses in the Shuttle-box - a Pharmacological Analysis by Means or LSD and Dibenamine - 1975
Izquierdo I - Effect of LSD on Orienting and Shuttle Responses of Rats - 1975
Karasek FW, Karasek DE, Kim SH - Detection of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, delta-9-Tetrahydro-Cannabinol and Related Compounds by Plasma Chromatography - 1975
Kelly PH - Action of LSD on Supersensitive Mesolimic Dopamine Receptors - 1975
Kleinrok Z, Jagiello-Wojtowicz E - The Central Action Of Intraventricular Hydroxytryptamine In The Rat - 1975
Kocur J, Jurkowski A, Kedziora J - The Influence of 5 Hydroxytryptamine and Some Beta-Andrenolytic Compounds on Adenylcyclase in Rabbit Brain in Vitro - 1975
Kostowski W - Interactions Between Serotonergic and Catecholaminergic Systems in the Brain - 1975
Krsiak M - Timid Singly-Housed Mice: Their Value in Prediction of Psychotropic Activity of Drugs - 1975
Loeffler L J, Hinds C J - Isolation of Lysergide (LSD) with Agrose-Bound Antibodies to Lysergic Acid - 1975
Loo H, Caroli F - La Conduite Toxicomaniaque dens ses Rapports a la Conduite Suicidaire - 1975
McKearney, James W. - Drug Effects and the Environmental Control of Behavior - 1975
Meggers, Betty J. - The Transpacific Origin of Mesoamerican Civilization: A Preliminary Review of the Evidence and Its Theoretical Implications - 1975
Milson JA, Pycock CJ - Effects of Drugs Acting on Cerebral 5-Hydroxytryptamine Mechanisms on Dopamine-Dependent Turning Behavior in Mice - 1975
Milstein SL, MacCannell K, Karr G, Clark S - Marijuana-Produced Changes in Pain Tolerance: Experienced and Non-Experienced Subjects - 1975
Mitra G, Poddar MK, Ghosh JJ - Interaction of Cannabis Extract with Reserpine, Phenobarbital, Amphetamine and LSD-25 on Activities of Hepatic Enzymes - 1975
Munson AE, Harris LS, Friedman MA, Dewey WL, Carchman RA - Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids - 1975
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T - Studies on the P-450 Difference Spectra Induced by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Rat Liver Micosomes - 1975
Palider W, Przewlocka B - The Influence of LSD on the Hind Limb Flexor Reflex in the Spinal Rat - 1975
Palmer GC, Jones DJ, Medina MA, Stavinoha WB - Action of Psychoactive Drugs on Cyclic AMP Levels in Mouse Cerebral Cortex and Lung Following Microwave Irradiation - 1975
Roszell DK, Horita A - The Effects of Haloperidol and Thioridazine on Apomorphine- and LSD- Induced Hyperthermia in the Rabbit - 1975
Sargent T, Kalbhen DA, Shulgin AT, Stauffer H, Kusubov N - A Potential New Brain-Scanning Agent: 4-77-Br-2,5-Dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine (4-Br-DPIA) - 1975
Sargent T, Kalbhen DA, Shulgin AT, Braun G, Stauffer H, Kusubov N - In Vivo Human Pharmacodynamics of the Psychodysleptic 4-Br-2,5-Dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine Labelled with 82-Br or 77-Br - 1975
Shulgin AT, Carter MF - Centrally Active Phenethylamines - 1975
Shulgin AT - The Chemical Catalysis of Altered States of Consciousness - 1975
Shulgin AT - Drug Use and Anti-Drug Legislation - 1975
Shulgin AT, Dyer DC - Psychotomimetic Phenylisopropylamines. 5.4-Alkyl-2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamines - 1975
Silverman, Julian - On the Effects and Uses of Psychedelic Drugs - 1975
Siva Sankar, D.V. - Medical and Other Possible Uses for LSD. - 1975
Smith SJ - Effects Of Psychotropic Drugs On Brain Nuclear RNA - 1975
Soskin, Robert A. - Dipropyltryptamine in Psychotherapy - 1975
Tenbrinck MS - Antimongoloidism or Monosomy 21:46,XY, -21, +Small Metacentric - 1975
Trube-Becker E - Drogenabusus mit Todesfoge [Drug Abuse and Resulting Death] - 1975
Trube-Becker E - Drogenabusus mit Todesfolge [Drug Abuse and Resulting Death] - 1975
Urich R W - Ultraviolet and Mass-Spectral Confirmation of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Forensic Samples - 1975
Urich RW - Mastral Spectral Studies of Ultraviolet Irradiated and Non-Irradiated Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Extracts from Illicit Preparations - 1975
Winkelhake JL - Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Rabbit Antibody Biosynthesis in Vitro - 1975
Winkelhake JL, Voss EW - Studies on the Mechanism of Covalent Incorporation of a Lysergyl Derivative to Immunolobulin Peptides in Vitro - 1975
Winter JC - The Behavioral Pharmacology of Psychoactive rugs - 1975
Zatz M, Roth RH - Electroconvulsive Shock Raises Prostaglandins F in Rat Cerebral Cortex - 1975
Zhabin YM, Urazaeva ZV - Influence of Intravenous Administration to Pregnant Rabbits of the Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid on the Content of Serotonin, Histamine and Acetyl Choline in Mothers and Young - 1975
Ambache N, Killick SW, Srinivasan V, Zar MA - Effects Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide On Autonomic Post-Ganglionic Transmission - 1975
Ananth J - Congenital malformations with psychopharmacologic agents - 1975
Ando, Kioshi - Profile Of Drug Effects On Temporally Spaced Responding In Rats - 1975
Apokhina IP, Bondarenko TT, Zabrodin GD - Some General Principles of the Mechanism of Central Action of Psychotomimetics - 1975
Arefolov VA, Pidevich IN, Panasyuk LV, Firsov VK - Pharmacological Analysis of Some Adrenomimetic Effects of Serotonin - 1975
Arnold OH - N,N-Dimethyltryptamin-: Einige erste Vergleichsergebnisse - 1975
Belanger M, Brugal G, Chibon P - Effets du LSD-25 sur le Cycle Cellulaire d'Embryons de Pleurodeles waltlii Michah Traites en fin de-Gastrulation - 1975
Baker PC, Hoff KM - The Effects of LSD upon Brain Indoleamine Maturation in the Brain of the Mouse - 1975
Bennett JP Jr, Snyder SH - Stereospecific binding of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) To Brain Membranes: Relationship To Serotonin Receptors - 1975
Biswas B, Ghos JJ - Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol And Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Comparative Changes In The Supraoptic And Paraventricular Neurosecretory Activities In Rat Hypothalamus - 1975
Borzecki, Zdzislaw - The Role of Amines in Sexual Activity of Rats Deprived of Pineal Gland - 1975
Brimblecombe RW - Lysergic acid derivatives - 1975
Brooks DC - The Effect of LSD Upon Spontaneous PGO Wave Activity and REM Sleep in the Cat - 1975
Brown K, Cooper SJ - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Auditory and Visual Discrimination in the Rat. - 1975
Brown IR, Liew CC - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Effect on Histone Acetylation in Rabbit Brain. - 1975
Brown, Ian R. - RNA Synthesis in Isolated Brain Nuclei After Administration of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in vivo - 1975
Carino MA, Chestnut RM, Weick BG, Horija A - Tolerance Development To Central Injections Of LSD - 1975
Christian ST, CmClain LD, Morin RD, Benington F - Blockage of LSD Binding at its High Affinity Site on Synaptosomal Membranes by l-Methyl-1,2,5,6-Tetrahydropyridine-N,N-Diethyl- carboxamide - 1975
Colasanti B, Khazan N - Electroencephalographic Studies on the Development of Tolerance and Cross Tolerance to Mescaline in the Rat - 1975
Collu R, Letarte J, Leboeuf G, Ducharme JR - Endocrine Effects Of Chronic Administration Of LSD To Prepuberal Male Rats - 1975
Collu R, Letarte J, Leboeuf G, Ducharme JR - Endocrine Effects of Chronic Administration of Psychoactive Drugs to Prepubertal Male Rats. II. LSD - 1975
Colpaert FC, Niemogeers CJE, Janssen PAJ - The Narcotic Cue: Evidence for the Specificity of the Stimulus Properties of Narcotic Drugs - 1975
Cottereau MJ, Lôo H, Poirier MF, Deniker P - Les pharmacopsychoses au cours des toxicomanies - 1975
Creese I, Burt DR, Snyder SH - The dopamine receptor: Differential binding of d-LSD and related agents to agonist and antagonist states - 1975
Da Prada M, Saner A, Burkard WP, Bartholini G, Pletscher A - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Evidence For Stimulation Of Dopamine Receptors - 1975
Davis, Michael; Shears, Michael H. - Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) On Temporal Recovery (Pre-Pulse Inhibition) of the Acoustic Startle Response In the Rat - 1975
Dette GA, Wesemann W - Studies On Serotonin Binding Proteins Of Nerve Ending Membranes - 1975
Drummond AH, Gordon JL - Inhibition of 5-Hydroxy-(3H)-tryptamine Binding to Rat Blood Platelets by 5-HT Antagonists and Uptake Inhibitors - 1975
Dyer DC, Benington F, Morin RD - Antagonism of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline by 1-Methyl-1,2,5,6-Tetrahydropyridine-N,N-Diethyl-Carboxamide (THPC) - 1975
Editorial - FDA Lists Approved LSD Research Projects - 1975
Editorial - Latest LSD Charge: Forcible Air Force Experiments - 1975
Eggers C - Die akute optische Halluzinose im Kindesalter. Klinische, differentialtypologischa, neurophysiologische und entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte - 1975
Elliott HW - Effects of street drugs on anesthesia - 1975
Everitt BJ, Fuxe K, Hokfelt T - Serotonin, Catecholamines and Sexual Receptivity of Female Rats, Pharmacological Findings - 1975
Fanchamps A - The Role of Humoral Mediators in Migraine Headache - 1975
Fanciullacci M, Franchi O, Sicuteri F - Facilitazione dell'azione venocostrittrice della 5-idrossitriptamina da ergotamina, metisergide e LSD-25 nell'uomo - 1975
Fischer R, Goldman H - Therapeutic Usefulness of Hallucinogenic Drugs as a Function of their Chemical Structure. - 1975
Freedman DX - LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors. - 1975
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Effects of Chlorimipramine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Efflux of Precursor-Formed (3)H-Serotonin: Correlations with Serotonergic Impulse Flow. - 1975
Gillespie JS, McGrath JC - The Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Response to Field Stimulation of the Rat Vas Deferens and the Rat and Cat Anococcygeus Muscles - 1975
Gillis V, Kubic TA - Spectrofluorometric Analysis Of Illicit Drug Samples, Employing A Corrected Excitation Spectrofluorometer - 1975
Gintzler AR - Interactions Among Narcotics, Neurotransmitters, and phosphodiesterase Inhibitors in the Guinea Pig Ileum: A Hypothesis on the Mechanism of Action of Narcotics. - 1975
Gordon PE - The Effects of LSD on the Expression of Affect in Psychotherapy - 1975
Green JP - Psychopharmacologic Activity: Quantum Chemical Study. - 1975
Griffith JD, Nutt JG, Jasinski DR - A Comparison of Fenfluramine and Amphetamine in Man - 1975
Gupta RC, Lu I, Dei GL, Lundberg GD - Determimation Of Phencyclidine (PCP) In Urine And Illicit Street Drug Samples - 1975
Halaris AE, Freedman DX, Fang VS - Plasma Corticoids And Brain Tryptophan After Acute And Tolerance Dosage Of LSD - 1975
Hariri M - Uptake of 5-Hydroxytryptamine by Mesocestoides Corti (Cestoda). - 1975
Hart NH - The Effect of LSD on Somite Number in Explanted Chick Embryos. - 1975
Heaton RK - Subject Expectancy And Environmental Factors As Determinants Of Psychedelic Flashback Experiences - 1975
Henriksson, Bengt G.; Johansson, Jan O.; Jarbe, Torbjorn U.C. - Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Produced Discrimination In Pigeons - 1975
Herman ZS - 5-Hydroxytptamine Metabolism in the Brain Under the Influence of Psychotropic Drugs. - 1975
Hitner HW - The Effects of Phencyclidine on the Peripheral Nervous System. - 1975
Hoffman. A - The Discovery of LSD and Subsequent Investigations of Related Magic Drugs of Mexico. - 1975
Hoffman, Albert - Die Entdeckung des LSD und nachfolgende Untersuchungen uber verwandie mexikanische Zauberdrogen - 1975
Hoffmeister F - Negative Reinforcing Properties of Some Psychotropic Drugs in Drug-Naive Rhesus Monkeys - 1975
Hoffmeister F, Wuttke W - Psychotropic Drugs as Negative Reinforcers. - 1975
Holland J, Massie MJ, Grant C, Plumb MM - Drugs Ingested in Suicide Attempts and Fatal Outcome. - 1975
Hollunger G, Persson SÅ - The Effect of LSD and 2-Bromo LSD on the Dopa Accumulation after Central and Peripheral Decarboxylase Inhibition - 1975
Holz WC, Gill CA - Drug Injections as Negative Reinforcers. - 1976
Horowitz HA - The use of lithium in the treatement of the the drug-induced psychotic reaction - 1975
Hughes J, Kosterlitz HW, Leslie FM - Effect of Morphine on Adrenergic Transmission in the Mouse Vas Deferens, Assessment of Agonist and Antagonist potencies of Narcotic Analgesics - 1975
Izquierdo I - Pharmacological Observations on the Role of Hippocampa and Autonomic Pharmacology in Performance and Learning - 1975
Izquierdo I - Relations Between Orienting, Pseudoconditioned and Conditioned Responses in the Shuttle-box - a Pharmacological Analysis by Means or LSD and Dibenamine - 1975
Izquierdo I - Effect of LSD on Orienting and Shuttle Responses of Rats - 1975
Johnson BD - Understanding British Addiction Statistics - 1975
Kandel D - Stages in Adolescent Involvement in Drug Use - 1975
Karasek FW, Karasek DE, Kim SH - Detection of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, delta-9-Tetrahydro-Cannabinol and Related Compounds by Plasma Chromatography - 1975
Kaymakcalan S - Detection Of Dependence Producing Drugs In Body Fluids - 1975
Kelly PH - Action of LSD on Supersensitive Mesolimic Dopamine Receptors - 1975
Kelly PH, Iversen LL - LSD as an Agonist at Mesolimbic Dopamine Receptors - 1975
Kleinrok Z, Jagiello-Wojtowicz E - The Central Action Of Intraventricular Hydroxytryptamine In The Rat - 1975
Klock JC, Boerner U, Becker CE - Coma, Hyperthermia, and Bleeding Associated with Massive LSD Overdose, A Report of Eight Cases - 1975
Kocur J, Jurkowski A, Kedziora J - The Influence of 5 Hydroxytryptamine and Some Beta-Andrenolytic Compounds on Adenylcyclase in Rabbit Brain in Vitro - 1975
Kostowski W - Interactions Between Serotonergic and Catecholaminergic Systems in the Brain - 1975
Kostowski W - Brain serotonergic and catecholaminergic system: facts and hypothesis - 1975
Krsiak M - Timid Singly-Housed Mice: Their Value in Prediction of Psychotropic Activity of Drugs - 1975
Kuhnert-Brandstatter M, Koffer A, Heindl W - Thermomikroskopische Identifizierung von Suchtgiften - 1975
Lee HY, Hart NH, Kalmus GW - Teratology Effects of LSD in Explanted Early Chick Embryos. - 1975
Loeffler L J, Hinds C J - Isolation of Lysergide (LSD) with Agrose-Bound Antibodies to Lysergic Acid - 1975
Loo H, Caroli F - La Conduite Toxicomaniaque dens ses Rapports a la Conduite Suicidaire - 1975
Marquis W J - A Behavioral Analysis of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1975
Masoud A N - Systematic Identification of Drugs of Abuse I: Spot Tests - 1975
Matsuyama SS, Jarvik LF - Cytogenetic Effects of Psychoactive Drugs - 1975
McKearney, James W. - Drug Effects and the Environmental Control of Behavior - 1975
Milson JA, Pycock CJ - Effects of Drugs Acting on Cerebral 5-Hydroxytryptamine Mechanisms on Dopamine-Dependent Turning Behavior in Mice - 1975
Mitra G, Poddar MK, Ghosh JJ - Interaction of Cannabis Extract with Reserpine, Phenobarbital, Amphetamine and LSD-25 on Activities of Hepatic Enzymes - 1975
Nichols DE, Ilhan M, Long JP - Comparison of Cardiovascular, Hyperthermic, and Toxic Effects of Para-Methoxyamphetamine (PMA) and 3, 4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) - 1975
Nishi K - The Action Of 5-hydroxytryptamine On Chemoreceptor Discharges Of The Cat's Carotid Body - 1975
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T - Studies on the P-450 Difference Spectra Induced by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Rat Liver Micosomes - 1975
North RA, Henderson G - Action of Morphine on Guinea-Pig Myerteric Plexus and Mouse Vas deferens Studied by Intracellular Recording - 1975
Osborne NN, Hiripi L, Neuhoff V - The In Vitro Uptake Of Biogenic Amines By Snail (helix Pomatia) Nervous Tissue - 1975
Palider W, Przewlocka B - The Influence of LSD on the Hind Limb Flexor Reflex in the Spinal Rat - 1975
Palmer GC, Jones DJ, Medina MA, Stavinoha WB - Action of Psychoactive Drugs on Cyclic AMP Levels in Mouse Cerebral Cortex and Lung Following Microwave Irradiation - 1975
Pieri M, Pieri L, Saner A, Da Prada M, Haefely W - A Comparison of Drug-induced rotation in rats lesioned in the Medial Forebrain Bundle with 5,6-Dihydroxytryptamine or 6-Hydroxydopamine - 1975
Pycock C, Anlezark G, Pieri L, Pieri M, Haefely W - LSD and Dopamine Receptors - 1975
Rao KR, Fingerman M - Color Changes Induced by Certain Indole Alkaloids in the Fiddler Crab, UCA - 1975
Roszell DK, Horita A - The Effects of Haloperidol and Thioridazine on Apomorphine- and LSD- Induced Hyperthermia in the Rabbit - 1975
Sato M, Sawada M - Selective Blocking Action of LSD on Inhibitory Dopamine Receptors - 1975
Schaefer A, Komlos M, Seregi A - Lipid Peroxidation As The Cause Of The Ascorbic Acid Induced Decrease Of Adenosine Triphosphatase Activities Of Rat Brain Microsomes And Its Inhibition By Biogentc Amines And Psychotropic Drugs - 1975
Sepúlveda FV, Robinson JWL - New Characteristics Of Harmaline Inhibition of Intestinal Transport Systems - 1975
Silva MTA, Calil HM - Screening Hallucinogenic Drugs: Systematic Study of Three Behavoral Tests - 1975
Smart RG, Fejer D - Six years of cross-sectional surveys of student drug use in Toronto - 1975
Smith RC, Boggan WO, Freedman DX - Effects of Single and Multiple Dose LSD on Endogenous Levels of Brain Tyrosine and Catecholamines - 1975
Smith SJ - Effects Of Psychotropic Drugs On Brain Nuclear RNA - 1975
Spano PF, Kumakura K, Tonon GC, Govoni S, Trabucchi M - LSD and dopamine-sensitive adenylate-cyclase in various rat brain areas - 1975
Sparber SB - Neurochemical changes associated with schedule-controlled behavior - 1975
Speranskaya TV, Aleksandrov PN - The Study of the Influence of Histamine and Serotonin Antagonists on Inflammation - 1975
Svensson TH, Bunney BS, Aghajanian GK - Inhibition of Both Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Neurons in Brain by the a-Adrenergic Agonist Clonidine - 1975
Täschner KL, Wanke K - Zur Frage der toxischen Psychose am Beispiel der sog. LSD-Psychose - 1975
Tenbrinck MS - Antimongoloidism or Monosomy 21:46,XY, -21, +Small Metacentric - 1975
Torre M, Torre E, Bogetto F - The Relation between Cerebral Serotonin Levels and Conditioned Behaviour in the Rat following the Administration of LSD-25 and UML - 1975
Twente RT,Theeuwen ABE,Verwey AMA - Enige ervaringen met een gaschromatografische methode voor kwalitatief geneesmiddelenonderzoek in klein hoeveelheden blood of urine - 1975
Urich RW - Mastral Spectral Studies of Ultraviolet Irradiated and Non-Irradiated Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Extracts from Illicit Preparations - 1975
Urich R W - Ultraviolet and Mass-Spectral Confirmation of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Forensic Samples - 1975
Urquilla PR, Marco EJ, Lluch S - Pharmacological Receptors of the Cerebral Arteries of the Goat - 1975
von Hungen K, Roberts S, HILL DF - Interactions Between Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Dopamine-sensitives Adenylate Cyclase Systems In Rat Brain - 1975
Wessely P, Mamoli B, Presslich O, Zwischenberger J - EEG-Untersuchungen im Längsschnitt bei der Entwöhnung von jugendlichen Polytoxikomanen - 1975
Winkelhake JL - Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Rabbit Antibody Biosynthesis in Vitro - 1975
Winkelhake JL, Voss EW - Studies on the Mechanism of Covalent Incorporation of a Lysergyl Derivative to Immunolobulin Peptides in Vitro - 1975
Winter JC - The Behavioral Pharmacology of Psychoactive rugs - 1975
Woodford WJ - Rapid Screening Procedures For Some Strfet Drugs By Thin Layer Chromatography. An Evaluation - 1975
Zatz M, Roth RH - Electroconvulsive Shock Raises Prostaglandins F in Rat Cerebral Cortex - 1975
Zhabin YM, Urazaeva ZV - Influence of Intravenous Administration to Pregnant Rabbits of the Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid on the Content of Serotonin, Histamine and Acetyl Choline in Mothers and Young - 1975
Abramson, Harold A. - Reassociation of Dreams. II. An LSD Study of Sexual Conflicts in Eczema and Asthma. - 1976
Adolph AR - Putative Synaptic Mechanisms Of Inhibition In Limulus Lateral Eye - 1976
Anlezark G, Pycock C, Meldrum B - Ergot Alkaloids as Dopamine Agonists: Comparison in Two Rodent Models - 1976
Appel JB - Neurohumoral Determinants of Sensitivity to LSD - 1976
Back DJ, Singh JKG - The Biliary Excretion of (3H) Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Wistar and Gunn Rats - 1976
Bennett JL, Aghajanian GK - Response of Single Raphe Neurons to (+)-LSD: Correlation with (+)-LSD Binding in Brain - 1976
Bhargava, Hemendra N. - Effect of Some Cannabinoids on Naloxone-Precipitated Abstinence in Morphine-Dependent Rats - 1976
Bignami, Georgio - Nonassociative Explanations Of Behavioral Changes Induced By Central Cholinergic Drugs - 1976
Cameron OG, Appel JB - Drug Induced Conditioned Suppression: Specificity Cue To Drug Employed As UCS - 1976
Closse, Annemarie; Hauser, Daniel - Dihydroergotamine Binding to Rat Brain Membranes - 1976
Consroe P, Jones B - LSD-Neuroleptic Drug Interactions in Rabbits - 1976
DiBenedetto M - Electrodiagnostic Evidence Of Subclinical Disease States In Drug Abusers - 1976
Eliasson M - Actions Of Repeated Injections Of LSD And Apomorphine On The Copulatory Response Of Female Rats - 1976
Friedman H, Carey RJ - Acute And Chronic Single Dose Effects Of LSD 25 On Visual Discrimination In Rats - 1976
Frontali M - A Pharmacological Analysis of Processes Underlying Differential Responding: A Review and Further Experiments with Scopolamine, Amphetamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25), Chlordiazepoxide, Physostigmine, and Chlorpromazine - 1976
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Effect of Antipsychotic Drugs on the Firing of Dorsal Raphe Cells I. Role of Adrenergic System. II. Reversal by Picrotoxin - 1976
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Inhibition of Firing of Raphe Neurones by Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan: Blockade by Inhibiting Serotonin Synthesis with Ro-4-4602 - 1976
Gentleman S, Abrahams SL, Mansour TE - Adenosine Cyclic 3',5' Monophosphate In The Liver Fluke, Fasciola Hepatics. II. Activation Of Protein Kinase By 5 Hydroxytryptamine - 1976
Gershon MD, Robinson RG, Ross LL - Serotonin Accumulation in the Guinea-Pig Myenteric Plexus: Ion Dependence, Structure-Activity Relationship and the Effect of Drugs - 1976
Greenblatt DJ, Allen MD, Koch Weser J, Shader RI - Accidental Poisoning with Psychotropic Drugs in Children. - 1976
Harris, Louis S. - Analgesic and Antitumor Potential of the Cannabinoids - 1976
Harris RA, Snell D, Loh HH, Leake CD - Effects Of Hallucinogens On Operant Behavior - 1976
Healy JM - Psychomimetic Substances During Pregnancy and Sex of Offspring Mice. - 1976
Helisten C, Shulgin AT - The Detection of 1-Piperidinodydlohexanecarbonitrile Contamination in Illicit Preparations of 1-(1-Phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine and 1-(1-(2-Thienyl)cyclohexyl)piperidine - 1976
Holz WC, Gill CA - Drug Injections as Negative Reinforcers. - 1976
Hsu L L, Halaris AE, Paul SM, Freedman DX - Rat Brain Aryl Acylamidase: Multiple Forms and Stereospecific Inhibition by d-LSD and Serotonin Related Compounds. - 1976
Johansson H, Persson SA - Striatal Dopa-Accumulation in Rats after Lesions of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei - 1976
Joseph JA, Appel JB - Alterations in the Behavioral Effects of LSD by Motivational and Neurohumoral Variables - 1976
Kang S, Stzelczyk M, Johnson CL, Green JP - LSD Binding To Subcellular Fractions Of Rat Brain And Inhibitory Effects Of Ring-substituted Tryptamines - 1976
Kohut A, Nicak A, Neuschl J - Effect Of D-lysergic Acid (LSD) Diethylamide On The Ulcerogenic Effect Of Phenylbutazone - 1976
Kovacic B, Domino EF - Tolerance And Limited Cross-tolerance To The Effects Of N, N-dimethyltryptamine (dmt) And Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25 (LSD) On Food-rewarded Bar Pressing In The Rat - 1976
Lapin IP - Depressor Effect of Kynurenine and Its Metabolites in Rats - 1976
Latt SA, Allen JW - Investigative Approaches for the Analysis of Drug Interactions at the Genetic Level - 1976
Levin RM, Weiss B - Mechanism by Which Psychotropic Drugs Inhibit Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase of Brain - 1976
MacDonald JF - Pharmacology of Dopamine Receptors in the Central Nervous System of Planorbis Corneas - 1976
Marsden CA, Curzon G - Effects of Altered Brain 5-Hydroxytryptaminergic Activity on Brain Tryptophan, 5-Hydroxytryptamine and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid - 1976
Martin P, Consroe P - Cannabinoid Induced Behavioral Convulsions in Rabbits - 1976
Martin WR, Thompson JA, Nozaki M - Physiologic Evidence for Descending Tryptaminergic Pathways in the Spinal Cord - 1976
Myslobodsky M, Weiner M - Pharmacologic Implications of Hemispheric Asymmetry - 1976
Nichols DE, Shulgin AT - Sulfur Analogs of Psychotomimetic Amines - 1976
Niwaguchi T, Nakahara Y, Ishii H - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. IV. Syntheses of Various Amide Derivatives of Norlysergic Acid and Related Compounds. - 1976
Nozaki M, Bell JA - Responses of flexor reflex to LSD, tryptamine (T), 5-HTP, methoxamine (M) and d-amphetamine (A) in acute and chronic spinal rats - 1976
Persson SA - The Effects of LSD and 2-Bromo LSD (BOL) on the Striatal Tyrosine Hydroxylation in Vivo - 1976
Pickworth WB, Sharpe LG - The Transcallosally Evoked Potential (TEP) Following Administration Of LSD, Mescaline, Dmt, Apomorphine And Methoxamine In The Dog - 1976
Pijnenburg AJJ, Honig WMM, Struyker Boudier HAJ, Cools AR, van der Heyden JAM, van Rossum JM - Further Investigations on the Effects of Ergometrine and Other Ergot Derivatives Following Injection into the Nucleus Accumbens of the Rat - 1976
Pryor GT, Husain S, Mitoma C, Braude MC - Acute and Subacute Interactions Between delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Other Drugs in the Rat - 1976
Przegalinski, Edmund - Convulsive Thresholds and the Activity of Anticonvulsants in Electroseizure Test. The Role of Serotoninergic System - 1976
Rorke CV, Harris HA, Catalano T, Dugar SM, Masoud AN, Nittskoff DJ - Spot Tests Used for Systematic Identificalion of Drugs of Abuse: A Response - 1976
Ruch-Monachon MA, Jalfre M, Haefely W - Drugs and PGO Waves in the Lateral Geniculate Body of the Curarized Cat. II. PGO Wave Activity and Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1976
Saito H, Kitagawa H - Mechanisms of the Reversal of Blood Pressure by Ephedrine - 1976
Sargent T, Shulgin AT, Kusubov N - Quantitative Measurement of Demethylation of 14-C-Methoxyl Labeled DMPEA and TMA-2 in Rats - 1976
Shagass, Charles; Bittle, Robert M - Therapeutic Effects of LSD. A Follow-Up Study. - 1976
Shulgin AT - Psychotomimetic Agents - 1976
Shulgin AT - Abuse of the Term "Amphetamines" - 1976
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 1. DMT - 1976
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 2. TMA-2 - 1976
Shulgin AT, MacLean DE - Illicit Synthesis of Phencyclidine (PCP) and Several of Its Analogs - 1976
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 3. MMDA - 1976
Simantov R, Oster-Granit ML, Herndon RM, Snyder SH - Gamma Aminobutyric Acid [gaba] Receptor Binding Selectively Depleted By Viral Induced Granule Cell Loss In Hamster Cerebellum - 1976
Smith JM, Misiak H - Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF) and Psychotropic Drugs in Normal Human Subiects - A Review - 1976
Standridge RT, Howell HG Gylys JA, Partyka RA, Shulgin AT - Phenylalkylamines with Potential Psychotherapeutic Utility. 1. 2-Amino-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)butane - 1976
Stanton MD, Mintz J, Franklin RM - Drug Flashbacks. II. Some Additional Findings - 1976
Tache Y, Tache J, Mecs I, Du Ruisseau P, Selye H - Regulation of Resistance to Various Toxicants by PCN (Pregnenolone-16a-Carbonitrile) and Thyroxine - 1976
Takada K, Ando K, Yanagita T - Operant Behavioral Observation on Visual and Auditory Effects of Drugs - 1976
Tarchalska-Krynska B, Kostowski W - Effects of Drugs Influencing Serotonergic Mechanisms on Behaviour of Insects - 1976
Trulson ME - Role Of Superior Colliculus Serotonin In The Grooming Behaviour Of Cats - 1976
Trulson ME - Biological Bases for the Integration of Appetitive and Consummatory Grooming Behaviors in the Cat: A Review - 1976
Trulson ME, Jacobs BL - LSD Acts Synergistically With Serotonin Depletion: Evidence From Behavioral Studies In Cats - 1976
Van Kingeren B, Ten Ham M - Antibacterial Activity of delta-9-THC and Cannabidiol - 1976
Vaupel DB, Nozaki M, Martin WR - Evaluation of Cross Tolerance to beta-Phenethylamine (PEA) and d-amphetamine (AMPH) in LSD Tolerant Dogs - 1976
Vigouret JM, Jaton AL, Loew DM - Possible Involvement Of Serotoninergic Mechanisms In The Induction Of Turning By LSD-25 In The Rat - 1976
Watt RM, Sissors DL, Voss EW - Molecular Weights Of Intracellular And Secreted Lysergyl Containing Peptides From Rabbit Lymphocytes And Murine Mopc-315 Myeloma Cells - 1976
Wesson DR, Smith DE - An Analysis of Psychedelic Drug Flashbacks - 1976
Wheals BB - Forensic Applications of Liquid Chromatography - 1976
Williams SJ, Hartley JPR, Graham JDP - Bronchodilator Effect of delta-9-THC Administered by Aerosol to Asthmatic Patients - 1976
Yensen, Richard; Di Leo, Francesco; Rhead, John C.; Richards, William A.; Soskin, Robert A.; Turek, Brahim; Kurland, Albert A. - MDA-Assisted Psychotherapy with Neurotic Outpatients: A Pilot Study - 1976
Abrahams SL, Nothup JK, Mansour TE, Gentleman S - Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Monophosphate in the Liver Fluke, Fasciola hepatica. I. Activation of Adenylate Cyclase by 5-Hydroxytryptamine. II. Activation of Protein Kinase by 5- Hydroxytryptamine - 1976
Adenbanjo AO, Ambache N, Verney J - The Inhibitory Transmission to the Internal Anal Sphincter - 1976
Adolph AR - Putative Synaptic Mechanisms Of Inhibition In Limulus Lateral Eye - 1976
Aghajanian GK - LSD And 2-bromo Lsd: Comparison Of Effects On Serotonergic Neurones And On Neurones In Two Serotonergic Projection Areas, The Ventral LateralsGeniulate And The Amygdala - 1976
Anlezark G, Pycock C, Meldrum B - Ergot Alkaloids as Dopamine Agonists: Comparison in Two Rodent Models - 1976
Appel JB - Neurohumoral Determinants of Sensitivity to LSD - 1976
Appel JB - Drugs and Perception: An Experimental Analysis - 1976
Armstrong VW, Coulton S, Ramage R - A New Synthetic Route To (+/-) Lysergic Acid - 1976
Back DJ, Singh JKG - The Biliary Excretion of (3H) Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Wistar and Gunn Rats - 1976
Belanger M, Chibon P, Coulomb M - Etude Radiologique des Effets du LSD-25 sur l'Amphibien Pleurodeles waltlii Michah. Comparaisons Entre Individus Temoins et Individus Issus de Males Traites au LSD-25 - 1976
Bennett JL, Aghajanian GK - Response of Single Raphe Neurons to (+)-LSD: Correlation with (+)-LSD Binding in Brain - 1976
Bennett JP, Snyder SH - Serotonin and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Binding in Rat Brain Membranes: Relationship to Postsynaptic Serotonin Receptors - 1976
Bignami, Georgio - Nonassociative Explanations Of Behavioral Changes Induced By Central Cholinergic Drugs - 1976
Bockaert J, Premont J, Glowinski J, Thierry AM, Tassin JP - Topographical distribution of dopaminergic innervation and of dopaminergic receptors in the rat striatum. II. Distribution and characteristics of dopamine adenylate cyclase - Interaction of D-LSD with dopaminergetic receptors - 1976
Bramwell GJ, Goenye T - Responses of Midbrain Neurones to Micro-Iontophoretically Applied 5-Hydroxy-Tryptamine: Comparison with the Response to Intravenously Administered Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1976
Bron B, Fröscher W, Gehlen W - Differentialdiagnostische und syndromgenetische Probleme und Aspekte drogeninduzierter Psychosen bei Jugendlichen - 1976
Bunt DR, Creese I, Snyder SH - Properties of [3H] Haloperidol and [3H]Dopamine Binding Associated with Dopamine Receptors in Calf Brain Membranes - 1976
Burkard WP, Pieri L, Haefely W - In vivo changes of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic phosphate in rat cerebellum by dopaminergic mechanisms - 1976
Burov YV, Borisenko SA - Peculiarities of the Influence of Neurotropic Agents on the Hypothalamic Self -Stimulation - 1976
Burt DR, Creese I, Snyder SH - Binding Interactions of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Agents with Dopamine Receptors in the Brain - 1976
Cameron OG, Appel JB - Drug Induced Conditioned Suppression: Specificity Cue To Drug Employed As UCS - 1976
Christie J, White MW, Wiles JM - A chromatographic method for the detection of LSD in biological 1iquids - 1976
Closse, Annemarie; Hauser, Daniel - Dihydroergotamine Binding to Rat Brain Membranes - 1976
Consroe P, Jones B - LSD-Neuroleptic Drug Interactions in Rabbits - 1976
Couch JR - Action of LSD on raphe neurons and effect on presumed serotonergic raphe synapses - 1976
Craig JC - Synthesis of compounds related to lysergic acid - 1976
Crowley WR, Feder HH, Morin LP - Role of monamines in sexual behavior of the female guinea pig - 1976
Curzon G, Marsden CA - Effect of LSD on Rat Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine Metabolism at Elevated Temperature - 1976
Davis M, D'Aquila R - Acute Intravenous Infusion In Freely Moving Rats Through The Sagittal And Transverse Sinuses - 1976
Despaux N, Duprey F, Bohuon C, Boudène C - Les radioimmunoessais. Leur application en toxicologie - 1976
Dewey WL, Hohnson KM - Interactions of Active Constituents of Marihuana with Other Drugs in the Neuron - 1976
Diamond B, Havdala HS, Sabelli HC - Isolated nerves as a test organ to study the receptor actions of anesthetics and other centrally active agents - 1976
DiBenedetto M - Electrodiagnostic Evidence Of Subclinical Disease States In Drug Abusers - 1976
Drew G M - Effects of a-Adrenoceptor Agonists and Antagonists on Pre- and Postsynaptically Located a-Adrenoceptors - 1976
Editorial - Sucht-Drogen: Impfung inaktiviert LSD - 1976
Eliasson M, Meyerson BJ - Comparison of the Action of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Apomorphine on the Copulatory Response in the Female Rat - 1976
Eliasson M - Actions Of Repeated Injections Of LSD And Apomorphine On The Copulatory Response Of Female Rats - 1976
Enna SJ, Bennett JP, Burt DR, Creese I, Snyder SH - Stereospecificity of interaction of neuroleptic drugs with neurotransmitters and correlation with clinical potency - 1976
Erni F, Frei RW, Lindner W - A Low-Cost Gradient System for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Quantitation of Complex Pharmaceutical Raw Materials - 1976
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Jacob J, Rousselle J C - 5-HT and LSD High Affinity Binding Sites to Brain Synaptosomal Membranes - 1976
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Spirakis C, Bahers JM, Jacob J - 5-Hydroxytryptamine Binding to Synaptic Membranes from Rat Brain - 1976
Fleisher LG - Stimulus properties of Hallucinogens in the Rat and the Squirrel Monkey - 1976
Friedman H, Carey RJ - Acute And Chronic Single Dose Effects Of LSD 25 On Visual Discrimination In Rats - 1976
Frontali M - A Pharmacological Analysis of Processes Underlying Differential Responding: A Review and Further Experiments with Scopolamine, Amphetamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25), Chlordiazepoxide, Physostigmine, and Chlorpromazine - 1976
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Effect of Antipsychotic Drugs on the Firing of Dorsal Raphe Cells I. Role of Adrenergic System. II. Reversal by Picrotoxin - 1976
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Inhibition of Firing of Raphe Neurones by Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan: Blockade by Inhibiting Serotonin Synthesis with Ro-4-4602 - 1976
Gentleman S, Abrahams SL, Mansour TE - Adenosine Cyclic 3',5' Monophosphate In The Liver Fluke, Fasciola Hepatics. II. Activation Of Protein Kinase By 5 Hydroxytryptamine - 1976
Gershon MD, Robinson RG, Ross LL - Serotonin Accumulation in the Guinea-Pig Myenteric Plexus: Ion Dependence, Structure-Activity Relationship and the Effect of Drugs - 1976
Grant I, Mohns L, Miller M, Reitan RM - A Neuropsychological Study of Polydrug Users - 1976
Greenblatt DJ, Allen MD, Koch Weser J, Shader RI - Accidental Poisoning with Psychotropic Drugs in Children. - 1976
Grillo SA - Studies on the effect of d-Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) and the dorsal hippocampus in the integration of sensory information by the brain - 1976
Hamon M, Bourgoin S, Enjalbert A, Bockaert J, Hery F, Ternaux JP, Glowinski J - The Effects of Quipazine on 5-HT Metabolism in the Rat Brain - 1976
Hamon M, Bourgoin S, Hery F, Ternaux JP, Glowinski J - In Vivo and in Vitro Activation of Soluble Tryptophan Hydroxylase from Rat Brain Stem - 1976
Harris RA, Snell D, Loh HH, Leake CD - Effects Of Hallucinogens On Operant Behavior - 1976
Headley PM, Lodge D - The Effects Of Beta Carbolines On Responses To Acetylcholine, Noradrenaline, 5 Hydroxytryptamine And Amino Acids In The Rat Spinal Cord - 1976
Healy JM - Psychomimetic Substances During Pregnancy and Sex of Offspring Mice. - 1976
Hirschhorn ID, Rosecrans JA - Generalization of Morphine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Stimulus Properties to Narcotic Analgesics - 1976
Hoff KM - Effects of Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to LSD on Brain Maturation. - 1976
Holbrook L, Brown IR - Disaggregation of brain polysomes after administration of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in vivo - 1976
Holbrook L, Brown IR - Disaggregation Of Brain Polysomes After Lysergic Acid Diethylamide In Vivo - 1976
Holsten F - Flashbacks: Clinical And Social Significance 1 1/2-4 Years After The First Admission - 1976
Hsu L L, Halaris AE, Paul SM, Freedman DX - Rat Brain Aryl Acylamidase: Multiple Forms and Stereospecific Inhibition by d-LSD and Serotonin Related Compounds. - 1976
Izquierdo I - A Pharmacological Separation of Buzzer-Shock Pairing and of the Shuttle-Shock Contingency as Factors in the Elicitation of Shuttle Responses to a Buzzer in Rats - 1976
Jantz L - Probleme und Möglochkeiten ambulanter und stationäer Behandlune von Suchtkranken. - 1976
Jarvik ME - Behavioral Effects of Drugs in Monkeys - 1976
Johansson H, Persson SA - Striatal Dopa-Accumulation in Rats after Lesions of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei - 1976
Kang S, Stzelczyk M, Johnson CL, Green JP - LSD Binding To Subcellular Fractions Of Rat Brain And Inhibitory Effects Of Ring-substituted Tryptamines - 1976
Kocur J, Matyjewska H, Szmigielski A - Effect Of LSD On Brain Noradrenaline And Dopamine Levels In Mice With Magnesium Deficiency - 1976
Kohut A, Nicak A, Neuschl J - Effect Of D-lysergic Acid (LSD) Diethylamide On The Ulcerogenic Effect Of Phenylbutazone - 1976
Koskinen EH, Mleimola T - Radioimmunoassay For Ergot Alkaloids In Biological Fluids - 1976
Kovacic B, Domino EF - Tolerance And Limited Cross-tolerance To The Effects Of N, N-dimethyltryptamine (dmt) And Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25 (LSD) On Food-rewarded Bar Pressing In The Rat - 1976
Lapin IP - Depressor Effect of Kynurenine and Its Metabolites in Rats - 1976
Latt SA, Allen JW - Investigative Approaches for the Analysis of Drug Interactions at the Genetic Level - 1976
Levin RM, Weiss B - Mechanism by Which Psychotropic Drugs Inhibit Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase of Brain - 1976
Lopatka JE, Brewerton CN, Brooks DS, Cook DA, Paton DM - The protective effects of methysergide, 6-hydroxydopamine and other agents on the toxicity of amphetamine, phentermine, MDA, PMA, and STP in mice. - 1976
Lovell RA, Freedman DX - Stereospecific Receptor Sites for d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Rat Brain: Effects of Neurotransmitters, Amine Antagonists, and Other Psychotropic Drugs - 1976
MacDonald JF - Pharmacology of Dopamine Receptors in the Central Nervous System of Planorbis Corneas - 1976
Marczynski TJ, Burns LL - Reward Contingent Positive Variation (RCPV) and Post-Reinforcement EEG Synchronization (PRS) in the Cat: Physiological Aspects, the Effect of Morphine and LSD-25, and a New Interpretation of Cholinergic Mechanisms - 1976
Marquardt GM, DiStefano V, Ling LL - Pharmacological Effects of (+/-)-, (S)-, and (R)-MDA - 1978
Marsden CA, Curzon G - Effects of Altered Brain 5-Hydroxytryptaminergic Activity on Brain Tryptophan, 5-Hydroxytryptamine and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid - 1976
Martin WR, Thompson JA, Nozaki M - Physiologic Evidence for Descending Tryptaminergic Pathways in the Spinal Cord - 1976
Martin P, Consroe P - Cannabinoid Induced Behavioral Convulsions in Rabbits - 1976
Martin WR, Sloan JW, Vaupel DB - Tryptamine in the Brain and Spinal Cord: Its Role in the LSD Response - 1976
Martin WR, Vaupel DB, Sloan JW, Bell DA, Nozaki M, Bright LD - The Mode Of Action Of LSD-like Hallucinogens And Their Identification - 1976
Masoud AN - Systematic Identification of Drugs of Abuse II: TLC - 1976
Messier PE, Mathieu O, Bellemare M - The Effect of LSD on the Histology and Ultrastructure of the Neuroepithelium of Young Chick Embryos: a Stereological Study - 1976
Myslobodsky M, Weiner M - Pharmacologic Implications of Hemispheric Asymmetry - 1976
Nichols DE - Structural Correlation between Apomorphine and LSD: Involvement of Dopamine as Well as Serotonin in the Actions of Hallucinogens - 1976
Niwaguchi T, Nakahara Y, Ishii H - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. IV. Syntheses of Various Amide Derivatives of Norlysergic Acid and Related Compounds. - 1976
Nozaki M, Bell JA - Responses of flexor reflex to LSD, tryptamine (T), 5-HTP, methoxamine (M) and d-amphetamine (A) in acute and chronic spinal rats - 1976
Olgart L, Gazelius B - The effect of serotonin antagonists on intradental sensory nerve activity - 1976
Ovcharov R, Bantoutova I, Kobourova K - Pharmacological Analysis of Certain Mecharisms of Morphine Addiction - 1976
Paul SM, Halaris AE - Rat Brain De-Acetylating Activity: Stereospecific Inhibition by LSD and Serotonin-Related Compounds - 1976
Paul SM, Halaris AE, Freedman DX, Hau LL - Rat brain aryl acylamidase: stereospecific inhibition by LSD and serotonin-related compounds - 1976
Persson SA - The Effects of LSD and 2-Bromo LSD (BOL) on the Striatal Tyrosine Hydroxylation in Vivo - 1976
Pickworth WB, Sharpe LG - The Transcallosally Evoked Potential (TEP) Following Administration Of LSD, Mescaline, Dmt, Apomorphine And Methoxamine In The Dog - 1976
Pijnenburg AJJ, Honig WMM, Struyker Boudier HAJ, Cools AR, van der Heyden JAM, van Rossum JM - Further Investigations on the Effects of Ergometrine and Other Ergot Derivatives Following Injection into the Nucleus Accumbens of the Rat - 1976
Premont J, Thierry AM, Tassin JP, Glowinski J, Blanc G, Bockaert J - Is the Dopamine Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase In The Rat Substantia Nigra Coupled With "Autoreceptors"? - 1976
Prosek M, Kucan E, Katic M, Bano M - Quantitative Fluorodensitometric Determination Of Ergot Alkaloids - 1976
Pryor GT, Husain S, Mitoma C, Braude MC - Acute and Subacute Interactions Between delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Other Drugs in the Rat - 1976
Przegalinski, Edmund - Convulsive Thresholds and the Activity of Anticonvulsants in Electroseizure Test. The Role of Serotoninergic System - 1976
Quock RM, Beal GA, Chant ELF - Quipazine: a serotoninergic hyperthermic agent in the rabbit - 1976
Reichelt J - Analytical Studies Of Ergot Alkaloids And Their Derivatives. IV. Quick And Practical Method Of Analysis Of Pharmaceutical Preparations By Means Of Thin Layer Chromatography On Silufol - 1976
Richards JG - Autoradiographic evidence for the effects of specific uptake-inhibitors on the selective accumulation of (3H)-5-HT by supra-ependymal nerve terminals and for the localization of binding sites for (3H)-d LSD - 1976
Rorke CV, Harris HA, Catalano T, Dugar SM, Masoud AN, Nittskoff DJ - Spot Tests Used for Systematic Identificalion of Drugs of Abuse: A Response - 1976
Ruch-Monachon MA, Jalfre M, Haefely W - Drugs and PGO Waves in the Lateral Geniculate Body of the Curarized Cat. II. PGO Wave Activity and Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1976
Rucman R - Lysergsäure. II. Isolation und Trennung der Lysergsäuren - 1976
Saidel DR, Babineau R - Prolonged LSD Flashbacks as Conversion Reactions - 1976
Saito H, Kitagawa H - Mechanisms of the Reversal of Blood Pressure by Ephedrine - 1976
Sapper H, Lohmann W - Self-association and Binding Sites of Some Psychotomimetic Tryptamine Derivatives and Related Compounds: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations - 1976
Schoenfeld RI - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline-Induced Attenuation of the Effect of Punishment in the Rat - 1976
Schreier E - Radiolabelled Peptide Ergot Alkaloids - 1976
Segal M - 5-HT antagonists in rat hippocampus - 1976
Shoichet R - Emergency Treatment Of Acute Adverse Reactions To Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1976
Sicuteri F - Hypothesis: Migraine, a central biochemical dysnociception - 1976
Siegel RK, Brewster JM, Johnson CA, Jarvik ME - The Effects of Hallucinogens On Blind Monkeys - 1976
Simantov R, Oster-Granit ML, Herndon RM, Snyder SH - Gamma Aminobutyric Acid [gaba] Receptor Binding Selectively Depleted By Viral Induced Granule Cell Loss In Hamster Cerebellum - 1976
Smith JM, Misiak H - Critical Flicker Frequency (CFF) and Psychotropic Drugs in Normal Human Subiects - A Review - 1976
Smithells RW - Environmental Teratogens Of Man - 1976
Snyder SH, Bennet JP - Neurotransmitter Receptors In The Brain: A Biochemical Identification - 1976
Stanton MD, Mintz J, Franklin RM - Drug Flashbacks. II. Some Additional Findings - 1976
Stewart RM, Growdon JH, Cancian D, Baldessarini RJ - Myoclonus After 5 Hydroxytryptophan In Rats With Lesions Of Indoleamine Neurons In The Central Nervous System - 1976
Szkelyhidi L, Szekelyhidi K, Benko G - Psychotomimetic agents Part II. Analytical aspects of psychotomimetics - 1976
Takada K, Ando K, Yanagita T - Operant Behavioral Observation on Visual and Auditory Effects of Drugs - 1976
Tarchalska-Krynska B, Kostowski W - Effects of Drugs Influencing Serotonergic Mechanisms on Behaviour of Insects - 1976
Tilson HA, Maisel AS, Jourdan MG, Rech RH - Comparison of the Effects of d-Amphetamine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Two Strains of Rats Having Different Behavioral Baselines - 1976
Toda N, Hayashi S, Fu WLH - Serotonin Antagonism In Isolated Canine Cerebral Arteries - 1976
Torre M, Bogetto F, Torre E - LSD-25 e l'UML abbassano i livelli di acido 5-idrossindolacetico del cervello di ratto - 1976
Torre M, Bogetto F, Torre E - LSD-25, Tranilcipromina E Sistema Serotoninergico Nel Cervello Di Ratto - 1976
Trulson ME - Role Of Superior Colliculus Serotonin In The Grooming Behaviour Of Cats - 1976
Trulson ME, Jacobs BL - LSD Acts Synergistically With Serotonin Depletion: Evidence From Behavioral Studies In Cats - 1976
Trulson ME, Ross CA, Jacobs BL - Behavioral Evidence For The Stimulation Of Cns Serotonin Receptors By High Doses Of LSD - 1976
Trulson ME - Biological Bases for the Integration of Appetitive and Consummatory Grooming Behaviors in the Cat: A Review - 1976
Ungar F, Hitri A, Alivisators SGA - Drug Antagonism And Reversibility Of The Binding Of Indoleamines In Brain - 1976
Ungerleider JT, Frank IM - Management of acute panic reactions and flashbacks resulting from LSD ingestion - 1976
Vaupel DB, Nozaki M, Martin WR - Evaluation of Cross Tolerance to beta-Phenethylamine (PEA) and d-amphetamine (AMPH) in LSD Tolerant Dogs - 1976
Vigouret JM, Jaton AL, Loew DM - Possible Involvement Of Serotoninergic Mechanisms In The Induction Of Turning By LSD-25 In The Rat - 1976
Waser PG, Martin A, Heer-Carcano L - The Effect of delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and LSD on the Acquisition of an Active Avoidance Response in the Rat - 1976
Watt RM, Sissors DL, Voss EW - Molecular Weights Of Intracellular And Secreted Lysergyl Containing Peptides From Rabbit Lymphocytes And Murine Mopc-315 Myeloma Cells - 1976
Wesson DR, Smith DE - An Analysis of Psychedelic Drug Flashbacks - 1976
Wheals BB - Forensic Applications of Liquid Chromatography - 1976
Wyatt RJ, Cannon EH, Stoff DM, Gillin JC - Interactions of Hallucinogens at the Clinical Level - 1976
Yensen R, Di Leo FB, Rhead JC, Richards WA, Soskin RA, Turek B, Kurland AA - MDA-Assisted Psychotherapy with Neurotic Outpatients: A Pilot Study - 1976
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Balestrieri A, Fontanari D - Prime esperienze con LSD 25 nell'epilessia "psicomotoria" - 1949
Busch AK, Johnson WC - L.S.D. 25 as an Aid in Psychotherapy - 1950
Rinkel M - Discupsion at Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in Detroit. - 1950
Rostafinski M - O omamach doswiadczalnych u chorych na padaczke - 1950
Benedetti G - Beispiel einer strukturanalytischen und pharmakodynamischen Untersuchung an einem Fall von Alklholalluzinose, Charakterneurose und psychoreaktiver Halluzinose. - 1951
Buscaino GA - Studio Quantitativo dello Spettro di Fluorescenza della Diaetilamide Dell'acido Lisergico. [Quantitative Study of the Flourescent Spectrum of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide] - 1951
De Giacomo U - Les catatonies toxiques expérimentales - 1951
Forrer GR, Goldner RD - Experimental physiological studies with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1951
Weyl B - Versuch einer psychopathologischen Analyse der LSD-Wirkung - 1951
Alemà G - Allucinazioni da acido lisergico in cieco senza bulbi oculari - 1952
Blickenstorfer E - Zum ätiologischen Problem der Psychosen vom akuten exogenen Reaktionstypus. Lysergsäurediäthylamid, ein psychisch wirksamer toxischer Spurenstoff. - 1952
Cornforth JW, Long DA - Influence of organic phosphates on tuberculin sensitivity in B.C.G. infected guinea pigs: relation to cortisone desensitization - 1952
Hoch PH, Cattell JP, Pennes HH - Effects of Mescaline and Lysergic Acid (d-LSD-25) - 1952
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, Walker J - Lysergsäure-Diäthylamid und Kohlenhydratstoffweschel. Vorläufige Mitteilung. - 1952
Rinkel M, DeShon HJ, Hyde RW, Solomon HC - Experimental Schizophrenia-Like Symptoms. - 1952
Stoll WA - Rorschach-Versuche unter Lysergsäure-Diäthylamid-Wirkung - 1952
Arnold OH, Hoff H - Körperschemastörungen bei LSD 25 - 1953
Arnold OH, Hoff H - Untersuchungen über die Wirkungsweise von Lysergsäurediäthylamide (1. Mitteilung.) - 1953
Frederking W - Uber die Verwendung von Rauschdrogen (meskalin und Lysergsaurediathylamid) in der Psychotherapie [About the Use of Inebriating Drugs (Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) in Psychotherapy.] - 1953
Gaddum JH, Hebb CO, Silver A, Swan AAB - 5-Hydroxytryptamine. Pharmacological Action and Destruction in Perfused Lungs. - 1953
Gastaut H, Ferrer S, Castells C, Lesevre N, Luschnat K - Action de la diéthylamide de l'acide d-lysergique (LSD 25) sur les fonctions psychiques et l'électroencéphalogramme. - 1953
Ginzel KH, Kottegoda SR - A Study of the Vascular Actions of 5-Hydroxy-tryptamine, Tryptamine, Adrenaline and Noradrenaline - 1953
Hydem RW, Von Mering O, Morimoto K - Hostility in the lysergic psychosis. - 1953
Katzenelbogen S, Fang AD - Narcosynthesis effects of Sodium Amytal, Methedrine and L.S.D-25 - 1953
Kepner CH - Personal experiences with LSD and Niacin - 1953
Liddell DW, Weil-Malherbe H - The effects of methedrine and of lysergic acid diethylamide on mental processes and on the blood adrenaline level. - 1953
Lovell RRH, Osborne JA, Goodman HC, Hudson B - Ascorbic acid, glucose-l-phosphate, and lysergic-acid diethylamide in rheumatoid arthritis. - 1953
Mayer-Gross W, McAdam W, Walker JW - Further observations on the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1953
Walther-Büel H - Ueber Pharmakopsychiatrie - 1953
Abramson HA, Evans LT - Lysergic Acid diethylamide (LSD 25): II. Psychobiological effects on the Siamese Fighting Fish. - 1954
Anderson EW, Rawnsley K - Clinical studies of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1954
Delay J, Pichot P, Laine B, Perse J - Les modifications de la personnalite produites par la diethylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD 25). Etude par le test de Rorschach. - 1954
Elkes J, Elkes C, Bradley PB - The effect of some drugs on the electrical activity of the brain, and on behavior. - 1954
Erspamer V - Il sistema cellulare enterocromaffine e l'enteramina (5-idrossitriptamina) - 1954
Fischer R - Factors involved in drug-produced model psychoses. - 1954
Fischer R - Factors involved in. drug-produced model psychoses. - 1954
Gamna G, Bonfante B, Villata E - Autoexperienze con LSD - 1954
Geronimus LH, Abramson HA, Ingraham LJ, Sklarofsky B - Effects of LSD-25 - 1954
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI - The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25). Part 1. General pharmacology. - 1954
Graham JDP, Khalidi AI - The actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide (L.S.D. 25). - 1954
Hoff H, Arnold OH - Die Therapie der Schizophrenie - 1954
Horita A, Dille JM - Pyretogenic effect of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1954
Landis C, Clausen J - Certain effects of mescaline and lysergic acid on psychological functions. - 1954
Lewis JL, McIlwain H - The action of some ergot derivatives, mescaline and dibenamine on the metabolism of separated mammalian cerebral tissues. - 1954
Pennes HH - Clinical reactions of schizophrenics to sodium amytal, pervitin hydrochloride, mescaline sulfate, and d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25). - 1954
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomon HC - Experimental psychiatry. III. A chemical concept of psychosis. - 1954
Rothlin E, Carpi A, Cerletti A - Studi sull'attività vascolare dell'enteramina. - 1954
Sloane B, Doust JWL - Psychophysiological investgigations in experimental psychoses: results of the exhibition of d-lysergic acid diethylamide to psychiatric patients - 1954
Welsh JH - Marine invertebrate preparations useful in the bioassay of acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine - 1954
Welsh JH - Hydroxytryptamine: a neurohormone in the invertebrates. - 1954
Woolley DW, Shaw E - A biochemical and pharmacological suggestion about certain mental disorders. - 1954
None listed - Nouvelles: L'histoire du LSD-25 - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, Kaufman MR, Kornetsky C, Levine A, Wagner M - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): I. Physiological and Perceptual Responses - 1955
Abramson HA - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): III. As an adjunct to psychotherapy with elimination of fear and homosexuality. - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, Hirsch MW, Ewald AT - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): V. Effect on spatial relations abilities. - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, Hirsch MW - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VII Effect upon two measures of motor performance. - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, Hirsch MW - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): X. Effect on reaction time to auditory and visual stimuli. - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, Levine A, Kaufman MR, Hirsch MW - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XV. The Effects Produced by Substitution of a Tap Water Placebo - 1955
Abramson HA, Waxenberg SE, Levine A, Kaufman MR, Kornetsky C - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XIII. Effect on Bender-Gestalt Test Performance - 1955
Arnold OH - Untersuchungen zur Frage des Zusammenhangs zwischen Erlebnisvollzug und Kohlehydratstoffwechsel. - 1955
Arnold OH, Hofmann G - Untersuchungen über Bernsteinsäureefekte bei LSD.-25- Vergiftungen und Schizophrenien. - 1955
Ball ER - The nursing and care of mentally-ill patients under d-lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1955
Bassoli G - Influsso di alcuni gruppi di sostanze sulla reattività cutanea alla tubercolina nella cavia sensibilizzata. - 1955
Bassoli G - Sostanze capaci di sedare la reattività cutanea alla tubercolina e loro effetti nei confronti di pleuriti reattive - 1955
Belsanti R - Nuove Ricerche in Psichiatria Sperimentale con la Dietilamide dell'Acido Lisergico. - 1955
Bhattacharya BK - A pharmacological study on the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its antagonists on the bronchial musculature. - 1955
Boyd ES, Rothlin E, Bonner JF, Slater IH, Hodge HC - Preliminary studies of the metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide using radioactive carbon-marked molecules. - 1955
Callieri B, Ravetta M - Effetti della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico sulla sintomatologia psichica di schizofrenici. Studio psicopatologico. - 1955
Cerletti A, Berde B - Die Wirkung von D-Lysergsaure-diathylamid (LSD(25) und 5-Oxytryptamin auf die Chromatophoren von Poecilia reticulatus. - 1955
Cholden LS, Kurland A, Savage C - Clinical Reactions and Tolerance to LSD in Chronic Schizophrenia - 1955
Dessi P, Gianni AM - Farmacologia e usi clinici degli alcaloidi idrogenati della segale cornuta - 1955
Evarts EV, Landau W, Freygang W, Marshall WH - Some effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Bufotenine on Electrical Activity in the Cat's Visual System. - 1955
Evarts EV, Marshall WH - The Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Excitability Cycle of the Lateral Geniculate - 1955
Fabing HD - New blocking agent against the development of LSD-25 psychosis. - 1955
Fabing HD - Frenquel, a blocking agent against experimental LSD-25 and mescaline psychosis. Preliminary note on its clinical application. - 1955
Fabing HD - Experimental compound MER-17 (Frenquel): A new blocking agent against the development of LSD-25 psychosis. - 1955
Frederking W - Intoxicant Drugs (Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) in Psychotherapy - 1955
Gaddum JH, Hameed KA, Hathway DE, Stephens FF - Quantitative Studies of Antagonists for 5-Hydroxytryptamine. - 1955
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Prime esperienze di antagonismo psicofarmacologico. Psicosi sperimentale da LSD e trattamento con cloropromazina e reserpina. - 1955
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Considerazioni sulle possibili spplicazioni farmacopsichiatriche della L.S.D.25 - 1955
Grassi G, Mor C, Pacilli N - Effetto di sostanze desensibilizzanti sulla crescita del carcinosarcoma di Walker trapianto in sedi diverse - 1955
Hoagland H, Rinkel M, Hyde RW - Adrenocortical function and urinary phosphate excretion. Comparison in schizophrenia and in lysergic acid diethylamide-induced psychotic episodes in normal persons. - 1955
Hoch PH - Experimental Psychiatry - 1955
Hoff H, Arnold OH - Au sujet de la thérapiè de la schizophrénie - 1955
Holzbauer M, Vogt M - Modification by drugs of the response of the rat's uterus to adrenaline. - 1955
Isbell H, Fraser HF, Wikler A, Belleville RE - Tolerance to Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid (LSD-25). - 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, Hirsch MW - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): IV. Effect on attention and concentration. - 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, Hirsch MW - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VI. Effect upon recall and recognition of various stimuli. - 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, Hirsch MW, Ewald AT - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): VIII. Effect on arithmetic test performance. - 1955
Jarvik ME, Abramson HA, Hirsch MW - Comparative subjective effects of seven drugs including lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). - 1955
Lanz U, Cerletti A, Rothlin E - Ueber die Verteilung des Lysergsäurediäthylamids im Organismus. - 1955
Levine A, Abramson HA, Kaufman MR, Markham S, Kornetsky C - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XIV. Effect on Personality as Observed in Psychological Tests - 1955
Levine A, Abramson HA, Kaufman MR, Markham S - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XVI. The Effect on Intellectual Functioning as Measured by the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale - 1955
Marrazzi AS, Hart ER - Relationship of hallucinogens to adrenergic cerebral neurohumors. - 1955
Marrazzi S, Hart ER - Evoked cortical responses under the influence of hallucinogens and related drugs - 1955
Marrazzi AS, Hart ER - The possible role of inhibition at adrenergic synapses in the mechanism of hallucinogenic and related drug actions. - 1955
Montanari C, Tonini G - Azioni della 5-idrossitriptamina sul sistema nervoso centrale: suo impiego in psichiatria sperimentale. - 1955
Nunes EP - Investigaçoes com a dietilamida do ácido lisérgico. - 1955
Poloni A - Serotonina e schizofrenia. Azione della Serotonina (S.) sola e associata ai Barbiturici (Ba.), alla Dietilamide dell'acido Lisergico (LSD 25), alla Mescalina (M.) e alla Bulbocapnina (B.) sul tracciato EEG. di schizofrenici, epilettici e altri ammalati di mente. - 1955
Purpura DP - Electrophysiological analysis of psychotogenic drug action on the evoked potentials of the cat's brain. - 1955
Rinaldi F, Himwich HE - Frenquel corrects certain cerebral electrographic changes. - 1955
Rinaldi F, Himwich HE - The cerebral electrographic changes induced by LSD and mescaline are corrected by Frenquel. - 1955
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomon HC, Hoagland H - Experimental psychiatry II. Clinical and physio-chemical observations in experimental psychosis. - 1955
Rinkel M, Hyde RW, Solomon HC - Experimental psychiatry IV. Hallucinogens: Tools in experimental psychiatry. - 1955
Rothlin E, Fanchamps A - Quelques développements récents de la pharmacologie de l'ergot de seigle. - 1955
Roubícek J, Srnec J - Experimentální psychosa vyvolaná LSD. - 1955
Sacchi U, Bonamini F, Dolce G, Garello L - Dietilamide dell'acido lisergico e catalessia da 5-idrossi-triptamina nel cane. - 1955
Sandison RA - L.S.D. Treatment of Psychoneurosis. Lysergic acid diethylamide for release of repression - 1955
Sanguineti I, Negri VU, Laricchia R - Ritmi ellettrici cerebrali dopo somministrazione di mescalina e di acido lisergico (LSD 25) in malati di mente. - 1955
Savage C - Variations in Ego Feeling Induced by d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1955
Schwarz BE, Bickford RG, Rome HP - Reversibility of induced psychosis with clorpromazine. - 1955
Shore PA, Silver SL, Brodie BB - Interaction of serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the central nervous system. - 1955
Shore PA, Silver SL, Brodie BB - Interaction of reserpine, serotonin, and lysergic acid diethylamide in brain. - 1955
Slater IH, Davis KH, Leary DE, Boyd ES - The Action of Serotonin and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Spinal Reflexes - 1955
Snow PJD, Lennard-Jones JE, Curzon G, Stacey RS - Humoral Effects of Metastasising Carcinoid Tumours - 1955
Stoll A, Rothlin E, Rutschmann J, Schalch WR - Distribution and fate of 14C-labeled lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) in the animal body. - 1955
Supek Z, Milkovic S - Pyretogenic effect of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1955
Tonini G - Particolari aspetti delle azioni centrali delle ammidi del'acido lisergico e della 5-idrossitriptamine. - 1955
Tonini G, Montanari C - Effetti psichici della monoetilamide dell'acido lisergico (LAE 32). - 1955
Woolley DW - Production of abnormal (psychotic?) behavior in mice with lysergic acid diethylamide, and its partial prevention with cholinergic drugs and serotonin - 1955
Abramson HA, Jarvik ME, Gorin MH, Hirsch MW - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XVIII. Tolerance development and its relationship to a theory of psychosis. - 1956
Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XIX. As an adjunction to brief psychotherapy with special reference to ego enhancement. - 1956
Abramson HA - Tolerance to LSD-25 and a theory of psychoses. (Neuropharmacology. Ed. by H.A. Abramson.) - 1956
Abramson HA - Some Observations on Normal Volunteers and Patients. - 1956
Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXII. Effect on transference - 1956
Angelucci L - Experiments with perfused frog's spinal cord - 1956
Apter JT, Pfeiffer CC - Effect of hallucinogenic drugs on the electroretinogram - 1956
Belleville RE - MMPI score changes induced by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1956
Beluffi M - Caratteristica azione della LSD Sandoz su di un particoloare ceppo di ratti albini con risultante attivazione di peculiari anomale latenze motorie. - 1956
Bercel NA, Travis LE, Olinger LB, Dreikurs E - Model Psychoses Induced by LSD-25 in Normals. I. Psychophysiological investigations, with special reference to the mechanism of the paranoid reaction. - 1956
Bercel NA, Travis LE, Olinger LB, Dreikurs E - Model Psychoses Induced by LSD-25 in Normals. II. Rorschach test findings. - 1956
Berde B, Cerletti A - Ueber den Melanophoreneffekt von D-Lysergsäurediäthylamid und verwandten Verbindungen - 1956
Berthiaume M - La diéthylamide de l'acide lysergique en psychiatrie - 1956
Bleuler M - The role of serotonin in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia: a critique - 1956
Bleuler M - Psychiatrische Irrtmer in der Serotonin-Forschung. - 1956
Bliss EL, Migeon CJ, Branch CJJ, Samuels LT - Reaction of the adrenal cortex to emotional stress. - 1956
Boyd E - Preliminary Studies on the Metabolism of LSD. - 1956
Bradley PB, Hance AJ - The Effects of Intraventricular Injections of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD 25) and 5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin) on the Electrical Activity of the Brain of the Conscious Cat - 1956
Brown BB, Braun D, Feldman RG - The Pharmacologic Activity of (4-Piperidyl)-Benzhydrol Hydrochloride (Azacyclonol Hydrochloride); an Atacaractive Agent - 1956
Cahn J, Georges G, Pierre R - Essais d'anesthesie prolongee par la 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonine) et controlee par des drogues a action neurovegetative. II. Etude chez le rat. - 1956
Casentini S, Galli G - Serotonina, antiserotoninici e motilità gastrica. - 1956
Cerletti A, Konzett H - Spezifische Hemmung von 5-Oxytryptamin-Effekten durch Lsergsäurediäthylamid und ähnliche Körper. - 1956
Cerletti A - Neuere Aspekte der Pharmakologie des vegetativen Nervensystems. - 1956
Cerletti A - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and related compounds. (Psychopharmacology. A symposium organized by the Section on Medical Sciences of the A.A.A.S. and the American Psychiatric Association and presented at teh Berkeley Meeting Dec. 20, 1954. Ed. by N.S. Kline) - 1956
Cerletti A, Doepfner W - Ueber die 5-oxytryptamin-hemmende Wirkung von LSD-Derivaten und andern Lysergsäureamiden am isolierten Rattenuterus - 1956
Clark LD - Further studies of the psychological effects of Frenquel and a critical review of previous reports - 1956
Cline HS, Freeman H - Resistance to lysergic acid in schizophrenic patients. - 1956
De Caro D - Modificazioni elettroencefalografiche provocate dalla LSD nell'uomo - 1956
de Caro D - Modificazioni elettroencefalografiche provocate dalla dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (L.S.D.) nell'uomo durante il sonno anestetico. (Effetti della L.S.D. associata al Somnifen e al Largactil). - 1956
del Greco F, Masson GMC, Corcoran AC - Renal and arterial effects of serotonin in the anesthetized rat - 1956
Delay J, Thuillier J - Psychiatrie experimentale et psychoparmacologie - 1956
Delgado JMR, Mihailovic L - Use of intracerebral electrodes to evaluate drugs that act on the central nervous system - 1956
Evarts EV - Some Effects of Bufotenine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Monkey. - 1956
Evarts E - Brain Effects of LSD in Animals - 1956
Felsinger JMv, Lasagna L, Beecher HK - The Response of Normal Men to Lysergic Acid Derivatives (di- and mono-ethyl Amides). Correlation of Personality and Drug Reactions. - 1956
Fink MA - Anaphylaxis in the Mouse: Possible Relation of the Schultz-Dale Reaction to Serotonin Release - 1956
Flügel F, Bente D - Das akinetisch-abulische Syndrom und seine Bedeutung für die pharmakologisch-psychiatrische Forschung - 1956
Gaddum JH, Vogt M - Some Central Actions of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Various Antagonists - 1956
Gaddum JH - Recent work on 5-hydroxytryptamine and lysergic acid derivatives - 1956
Geronimus LH, Abramson HA, Ingraham LJ - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XXIII. Comparative effects of LSD-25 and related ergot drugs on brain tissue respiration and on human behavior - 1956
Giberti F, Gregoretti L, Boeri G - L'impiego della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico nelle psi-conevrosi. Considerazioni e principii preliminari di valutazione diagnostico-terapeutica. - 1956
Goldenberg H, Goldenberg V - Inhibition of serum cholinesterase by lysergic acid derivatives. Submicro detection of LSD - 1956
Haase HJ - Modellpsychosen und deren Bedeutung für die Vertiefung unserer Kenntnisse über endogene und exogene Psychosen - 1956
Haley TJ, Dasgupta SR - Intracerebral injection of lysergic acid diethylamide in conscious dogs and cats. - 1956
Haley TJ, McCormick WG - Intra-cerebral injection of LSD-25 in the unanesthetized dog - 1956
Haley TJ - Pharmacological effects from drugs injected intracerebrally in unanesthetized animals - 1956
Haley TJ - Intracerebral administration of drugs in mice - 1956
Hammnd JB - The effect of serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide on the secretory response to reserpine - 1956
Hance AJ, Bradley PB - The effects of intraventricular injections of drugs on the electrical activity of the brain of the conscious cat - 1956
Herxheimer H - Bronchoconstrictor agents and their antagonists in the intact guinea-pig. - 1956
Himwich HE - The Effect of Frenquel on EEG Changes Produced by LSD-25 and Mescaline. - 1956
Hirsch MW, Jarvik ME, Abramson HA - Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XVIII. Effects of LSD-25 and six related drugs upon handwriting. - 1956
Hoagland H - Some biochemical factors common to schizophrenia and to LSD produced psychoses in normal persons - 1956
Hoch PH - Studies in Routes of Administration and Counteracting Drugs. - 1956
Hoch PH - The Production and Alleviation of Mental Abnormalities by Drugs - 1956
Hoffer A - Studies with Niacin and LSD. - 1956
Hurst LA, Reuning H, van Wyk AJ, Crouse HS, Booysen PJ, Nelson G - Experiences with d-lysergic-acid-diethylamide: a symposium. - 1956
Ingvar DH, Söderberg U - The effect of LSD-25 upon the cerebral blood flow and EEG in cats - 1956
Isbell H - Effect of Chlorpromazine, Resperpine and "Frenquel" on LSD Reaction - 1956
Isbell H, Belleville RE, Fraser HF, Wikler A, Logan CR - Studies on Lysergic Acid diethylamide (LSD-25). I. Effects in Former Morhpine Addicts and Development of Tolerance During Chronic Intoxication - 1956
Jarvik ME - Mechanism of action of lysergic acid diethylamide, serotonin, and related drugs. (Psychopharmacology. A symposium organized by the Section on Medical Sciences of the A.A.A.S. and the American Psychiatric Association and presented at the Berkeley Meeting Dec. 20, 1954. Ed. by N.S. Kline) - 1956
Kar AB, Boscott RJ - Preliminary Investigations on the Influence of Reserpine and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on the Uptake of 131I by the Thyroid of the Rat. - 1956
Keller DL, Umbreit WW - "Permanent" alteration of behavior in mice by chemical and psychological means - 1956
Keller DL, Umbreit WW - Chemically altered "permanent" behavior in fish and their cure by reserpine - 1956
Killam KF, Killam EK - The Action of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Central Afferent and Limbic Pathways in the Cat - 1956
Konzett H - The effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamine and its antagonists on tidal air - 1956
Konzett H - Zur Wirkung von LSD (und LSD-Derivaten) auf den Blutzucker - 1956
Lévy J, Michel-Ber E - Contribution à l'action pharmacologique exercée par la sérotonine sur quelques organes isolés (intestin et oreillette). - 1956
Lévy J, Michel-Ber E - Analyse des effets exercés par la sérotonine sur le duodénum isolé de rat. - 1956
Langner FW, Kemp MD - LSD 25 - 1956
Lennard-Jones JE, Snow PJD - Metastasising Carcinoid Tumours - 1956
Lennard H, Jarvik ME, Abramson HA - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25): XII. A Preliminary Statement of Its Effects Upon Interpersonal Communication - 1956
Lingjaerde P, Skaug OE - A Study of the Uptake of Radioactive Phosphorus in the Brain, Endocrine and Other Organs of LSD-Treated Rats. Some Remarks on Disturbances in Carbohydrate Metabolism in Schizophrenia - 1956
MacDonald JM, Galvin JAV - Experimental Psychotic States - 1956
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Baars CW, Wakim KG, Bollman JL, Petersen MC, Berkson J - Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine in certain psychiatric conditions - 1956
Mansour TE - Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Serotonin and Related Compounds on a Parasitic Trematode, Fasciola hepatica - 1956
Mariategui J - Psicopatología de la intoxicación experimental con la LSD. Estudios en normales y en esquizofrénicos. - 1956
Masserman J, Pechtel C - An experimental investigation of factors influencing drug action - 1956
Mendes JF - Nota prévia sobre o emprego do LSD 25 na producão de psicoses experimentais - 1956
Monroe R, Jacobson G, Ervin F - Activation of psychosis by a combination of scopolamine and alpha-chloralose - 1956
Murphree OD, Peters JE - The effect of electroconvulsions, insulin comas and certain chemical agents on fixations in the rat. - 1956
Osmond H - Research on schizophrenia. (Neuropharmacology. Ed. by H.A. Abramson.) - 1956
Passouant P, Passouant-Fontaine T, Cadilhac J - The action of LSD 25 on the behaviour and on the cortical and rhinencephalic rhythms of the chronic cat. - 1956
Passouant P, Passouant-Fontaine T, Cadilhac J - Action du L.S.D.25 sur le comportement et les rythmes corticaux et rhinencephaliques du chat chronique. - 1956
Pennes H - Summary and Discussion. - 1956
Perlin S - Psychophysiologic variables in the study of the effect of LSD-25 on cerebral blood flow and metabolism. - 1956
Pflanz M - Gibt es Psychoseantagonisten? - 1956
Pierre R, Cahn J - Anesthésie prolongée par la sérotonine (5-HT). Etude expérimentale. - 1956
Purpura DP - Electrophysiological analysis of psyhotogenic drug action. - 1956
Purpura DP - Electrophysiological analysis of psychotogenic drug action. - 1956
Rinaldi F - The experimental electroencephalographic approach to psychopharmacology - 1956
Rinkel M - Experimentally induced psychoses in man. (Pharmacology. Ed. by H.A. Abramson.) - 1956
Rinkel M - Biochemical Reflections on the Psychosis Problem. - 1956
Rodnight R, McIlwain H - Serotonin, lysergic acid dithylamide, and mental status. - 1956
Rothlin E, Cerletti A, Konzett H, Schalch WR, Taeschler M - Zentrale vegetative LSD-Effekte. - 1956
Rothlin E, Cerletti A - Pharmacology of LSD-25. (Lysergic acid diethylamide and mescaline in experimental psychiatry). - 1956
Rothlin E - Metabolism of lysergic acid diethylamide - 1956
Sacchi U, Gianniotti G - Antagonismo tra LSD e 5-HT sulla iniziativa motrice del pesce (carassius auratus) - 1956
Salerno EV, Tallaferro A - Mescalina,acido Lisergico y Funcion Menstrual - 1956
Salvatore S, Hyde RW - Progression of effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) - 1956
Sandison RA - The Clinical Uses of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. - 1956
Sanguineti I, Zapparoli GC, Laricchia R - Studio clinico-biologico delle reazioni indotte dal solfato di mescalina e dall'acido lisergico (LSD 25) in malati di mente - 1956
Savage C - The LSD Psychosis as a Transaction Between the Psychiatrist and Patient. - 1956
Savage C, Cholden L - Schizophrenia and the Model Psychoses. - 1956
Savini EC - The antagonism between 5-hydroxytryptamine and certain derivatives of lysergic acid - 1956
Schwarz BE, Wakim KG, Bickford RG, Lichtenheld FR - Behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of hallucinogenic drugs. - 1956
Schwarz BE, Bickford RG, Mulder DW, Rome HP - Mescaline and LSD-25 in activation of temporal lobe epilepsy - 1956
Schwarz BE, Sem-Jacobsen CW, Petersen MC - Effects of mescaline, LSD-25, and adrenochrome on depth electrograms in man. - 1956
Sem-Jacobsen CW - Depth electrographic studies of the activity in the human brain and the effect of some drugs (including Mescalin, L.S.D.25 and chlorpromazine). - 1956
Sjoerdsma A, Kornetsky C, Evarts EV - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Patients with Excess Serotonin - 1956
Slocombe AG - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and related amines on the electrical activity of the rat brain - 1956
Slocombe AG, Hoagland H, Tozian LS - Effects of certain indole amines on electrical activity of the nervous system - 1956
Smith K, Moody AC - Schizophrenia and the Siamese fighting fish - 1956
Sokoloff L, Perlin S, Kornetsky C, Kety SS - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation and metabolism in man - 1956
Solms H - Chemische Struktur und Psychose bei Lysergsäure-Derivaten. - 1956
Solms H - Relationships between chemical structure and psychoses with the use of psychotoxic substances. "Comparative pharmacopsychiatric analysis": a new research method. - 1956
Sturtevant FM, Drill VA - Behavioral effects of LSD injected into the lateral ventricle of the brain of cats. - 1956
Taeschler M - Serotonin-blocking effect and some central actions of lysergic acid derivatives - 1956
Terrana V, Corrao F - Prime osservazioni sugli effetti della somministrazione prolungata della dietilamide dell'acido lisergico (LSD) in soggetti psicotica - 1956
Turner WJ - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on betta splendens: II. Frenquel. - 1956
Welsh JH - Neurohormones of invertebrates. I. Cardio-regulators of cyprina dn buccinum. - 1956
Winter CA, Flataker L - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide upon performance of trained rats. - 1956
Yamada T, Takumi A - Histamine effect upon the symptoms of LSD 25 intoxication - 1956
Zehnder K, Cerletti A - Hemmung der Menschenserum-Pseudocholinesterase durch Lysergsäurediäthylamid und 2-Brom-Lysergsäurediäthylamid - 1956
Abood LG, Romanchek L - The chemical constitution and biochemical effects of psychotherapeutic and structurally related agents. - 1957
Abramson HA - Blocking of the LSD-25 reaction in Siamese fighting fish.(Neuropharmacology. Transactions of the 3rd Conference, May 21-23, 1956,Ed. by HA Abramson.) - 1957
Abramson HA, Sklarofsky B, Baron MO, Gettner HH - Blocking effect of brain extract on lysergic acid diethylamide reaction in Siamese fighting fish - 1957
Apter JT, Pfeiffer CC - The effect of the hallucinogenic drugs LSD-25 and mescaline on the electroretinogram. - 1957
Arnold OH, Hofmann G, Leupold-Löwenthal H - Untersuchungen zum Schizophrenieproblem. - 1957
Aström A, Samelius U - The action of 5-hydroxytryptamine and some of its antagonists on the umbilical vessels of the human placenta - 1957
Axelrod J, Brady RO, Witkop B, Evarts EV - The Distribution and Metabolism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1957
Bain JA - A review of the biochemical effects in vitro of certain psychotomimetic agents - 1957
Balestrieri A, Fontanari D - Psicopatologia della crisi epilettica e LSD 25 - 1957
Berde B, Cerletti A - Ueber den Angriffspunkt von D-Lsysergsäure-diäthylamide und 5-Hydroxytryptamin im Melanophorentest - 1957
Blough DS - Some effects of drugs on visual discrimination in the pigeon. - 1957
Boardman WK, Goldstone S, Lhamon WT - Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the time sense of normals. A preliminary report - 1957
Bradley PB, Elkes J - The Effects of Some Drugs on the Electrical Activity of the Brain - 1957
Bradley PB, Hance AJ - The Effect of Chorpromazine and Methopromazine on the Electrical Activity of the Brain in the Cat. - 1957
Brodie BB, Shore PA - A concept for a role of serotonin and norepinephrine as chemical mediators in the brain. - 1957
Brodie BB - Serotonin and norepinephrine as antagonistic chemical mediators regulating the central autonomic nervous system. (Neuropharmacology. Transactions of the 3rd Conference, May 21-23, 1956, Princeton, NJ, Ed. by HA Abramson) - 1957
Broghammer H, Takagi K, Schaefer H - Die Wirkung von Lysergäure-Diäthylamid (LSD) und Urethan auf die Tätigkeit eines sympathischen Ganglions. - 1957
Brown BB - Lysergic acid diethylamide antagonism of certain drugs. - 1957
Burton RM - The analeptic action of lysergic acid diethylamide on reserpine-sedated mice. - 1957
Burton RM, Sodd MA, Goldin A - The analeptic action of lysergic acid diethylamide and d-amphetamine on reserpine-sedated mice - 1957
Burton RM, Sodd MA, Goldin A - Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on barbiturate anesthesia - 1957
Cahn J, Herold M, Dubrasquet M, Buret JP - Effets de la 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), de la diethylamine de l'acide D-lysergique (LSD 25), du phenobarbital, du nembutal et de 2 derives de la phenothiazine sur le metabolis cerebral in vivo. - 1957
Carlson VR - Individual pupillary reactions to certain centrally acting drugs in man - 1957
Carlsson A, Shore PA, Brodie BB - Release of serotonin from blood platelets by reserpine in vitro - 1957
Cattell JP - Use of drugs in psychodynamic investigations. - 1957
Cerletti A - Quelques aspects nouveaux de la pharmacologie du système nerveux végétatif. - 1957
Chauchard P, Mazoue H - Effets sur l'excitabilite des centres nerveux de la serotonine et de la diethylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD 25) - 1957
Clark LD, Bliss EL - Psychopharmacological studies of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD 25) intoxication. Effects of premedication with BOL-148 (2-bromo-d-lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline, atropine, amobarbital, and chlorpromazine. - 1957
Cook L, Weidley E - Behavioral effects of some psychopharmacological agents. - 1957
Day, Juliana - The Role and Reaction of the Psychiatrist in LSD Therapy - 1957
De Alvarez do Toledo LG, Fontana AE, Morales FP - Psicoanálisis y dietilamida del ácido lisérgico (LSD-25). Fundamentos para una técnica terapéutica combinada. - 1957
DeMaar EWJ, Miller AE, Williams HL - Psychic effects of combined administration of rauwolfia alkaloids and iproniazid. - 1957
Dimascio A, Greenblatt M, Hyde RW - A Study of the Effects of LSD: Physiologic and Psychological Changes and Their Interrelations. - 1957
Dimascio A, Suter E, Hyde RW, Greenblatt M - Physiological Effects of LSD: Report of a Detailed Investigation in One Subject - 1957
Elkes J - Effects of psychotomimetic drugs in animals and man. (Neuropharmacology. Transactions of the 3rd Conference, May 21-24, Princeton, NJ, Ed. by HA Abramson). - 1957
Elmadjian F, Hope JM, Lamson ET - Excretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine in various emotional states. - 1957
Evarts EV - A Review of the Neurophysiological Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and Other Psychotomimetic Agents. - 1957
Evarts EV, Hughes JR - Relation of Post-Tetanic Potentiation to Subnormality of Lateral Geniculate Potentials. - 1957
Fischer R - Factors involved in drug-produced model psychoses. - 1957
Freter K, Axelrod J, Witkop B - Studies on the chemical and enzymatic oxidation of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1957
Fried GH Antopol W - Effects of psychotomimetic compounds on human pseudocholinesterase - 1957
Gaddum JH, Picarelli ZP - Two Kinds of Tryptamine Receptor - 1957
Gaddum JH - Serotonin-LSD Interactions. - 1957
Giberti F, Boeri G - Studio farmacopsichiatrico di un caso di nevrosi fobicoansiosa - 1957
Giberti F, Gregoretti L - Studio farmacopsichiatrico di un caso di psiconervrosi osessiva. (Contributo alla conoscenza degli stati ossesivi median l'impiego di farmaci psicomimetici: anfetamina, LSD 25, LAE 32) - 1957
Gogerty JH, Dille JM - Pharmacology of d-lysergic acid morpholide (L.S.M.) - 1957
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edelberg R - Threshold doses of LSD in human subjects. - 1957
Grenell RG - Mechanisms of action of psychotherapeutic and related drugs. - 1957
Haase HJ - Das Psychotikum "Lysergsäure diäthylamid". - 1957
Haley TJ - Intracerebral injection of psychotomimetc and psychotherapeutic drugs into conscious mice - 1957
Haley TJ, Rutschmann J - Brain concentrations of LSD-25 (Delysid) after intracerebral or intravenous administration in conscious animals. - 1957
Haley TJ - 5-Hydroxytryptamine antagonism by lysergic acid diethylamide after intracerebral injection in conscious mice - 1957
Haverback BJ, Hogben AM, Moran NC, Terry LL - Effect of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and related compounds on gastric secretion and intestinal motility in the dog. - 1957
Hoagland H - A review of biochemical changes induced in vivo by lysergic acid diethylamide and similar drugs - 1957
Hoch PH - The Problem of Schizophrenia in the Light of Experimental Psychiatry - 1957
Isbell H, Logan CR - Studies on the Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid (LSD-25). II. Effects of Chlorpromazine, Azacyclonol, and Reserpine on the Intensity of the LSD-Reaction. - 1957
Jarvik ME - Effect of LSD-25 on snails. (Neuropharmacology. Transacitons of the 3rd Conference, May 21-23, 1956, Ed. by HA Abramson). - 1957
Jost F, Pemsl H - Prospektive Psychiatrie (Faktor "Zeit"). - 1957
Jost F - Zur therapeutischen Verwendung des LSD XXV in der klinischen Praxis der Psychiatrie. (Vorläufige Mitteilungen). - 1957
Kies MW, Horst D, Evarts EV, Goldstein NP - Antidiuretic Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Humans - 1957
Kornetsky C, Humphries O, Evarts EV - Comparison of Psychological Effects of Certain Centrally Acting Drugs in Man - 1957
Kornetsky C, Humphries O - Relationship between effects of a number of centrally acting drugs and personality - 1957
Kornetsky C - Relation of physiological and psychological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1957
Krivov WA - The preservation of substance P by lysergic acid diethylamide - 1957
Lessin AW, Parkes MW - The hypothermic and sedative action of reserpine in the mouse - 1957
Liacopoulos P, Halpern BN, Liacopoulos-Briot A - Modalites de l'inhibition des effets de l'histamine, des substances histamino-liberatrices et de la 5-hydroxytryptamine sur la permeabilite capillaire par leurs antagonistes - 1957
Liebert RS, Wapner S, Werner H - Studies in the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Visual perception of verticality in schizophrenia and normal adults - 1957
Manger WM, Schwarz BE, Baars CW, Wakim KG, Bollman JL, Petersen MC, Berkson J - Ephinephrine and arterenol (norepinephrine) in mental disease. - 1957
Mansour TE - The Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, 5-Hydroxytryptamine, and Related Compounds on the Liver Fluke, Fasciola hepatica - 1957
Marrazzi AS - The effects of certain drugs on cerebral synapses. - 1957
Martin J - LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Treatment of Chronic Psychoneurotic Patients Under Day-Hospital Conditions - 1957
Mendiola Terron L - El L.S.D. 25 y yo. ("El hombre y lo desconocido. La angustia. Las dos esquizofrenias. La experiencia mistica"). - 1957
Miller AI, Williams HL, Murphree HB - Niacin, niacinamide, or atropine versus LSD-25 model psychoses in human volunteers. - 1957
Monroe RR, Heath RG, Mickle WA, Llewellyn RC - Correlation of rhinencephalic electrograms with behavior. A study on humans under the influence of LSD and mescaline. - 1957
Neuhold K, Taeschler M, Cerletti A - Beitrag zur zentralen Wirkung von LSD: Versuche über di Lokalisation von LSD-Effekten - 1957
Pallotta AJ, Ward JW - Protection Against Anaphylaxis by LSD-25 - 1957
Passouant P - Etude expérimentale des effets de la bulbocapnine et du L.S.D.25. - 1957
Pennes HH - The nature of drugs with mental actions and their relation to cerebral function. - 1957
Pennes HH - Effects of various drugs on clinical psychopathology - 1957
Pierre R - Effets sur l'EEG du lapin d'une intoxication chronique ou aigue par la diethylamide de l'acide lysergique (LSD 25). - 1957
Pierre R - Influence de la serotonine, de derives de la phenothiazine, de steroides, de tranquilisants sur l'EEG du lapin intoxique par la diethylamide de l'acide lysergique. I. Action sur l'intoxication chronique par la LSD. - 1957
Primac DW, Mirsky AF, Rosvold HE - Effects of centrally acting drugs on two tests of brain damage - 1957
Purpura DP - Experimental analysis of the inhibitory action of lysergic acid diethylamide on cortical dendritic activity. - 1957
Purpura DP - Origin of cortical surface potentials (Nueropharmaocology. Transactions of the 3rd Conference, May 21-23, 1956, Princeton, NJ, Ed. by Abramson HA) - 1957
Rey JC - Psicósis lisérgica. (LSD psychosis) - 1957
Rose JC - Pulmonary vascular responses to serotonin and the effects of serotonin antagonists. - 1957
Rose JC - Pulmonary vascular responses to serotonin and the effects of certain serotonin antagonists. - 1957
Rossignol P, Boulu R - Actions pharmacodynamiques sur le réflexe oculo-palpébral. (Role de la formation réticulée descendante). - 1957
Rothlin E - Lysergic acid diethylamide and related substances. - 1957
Rothlin E - Pharmacology of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Some of its Related Compounds - 1957
Rubin LS - The Psychopharmacology of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1957
Rudolph GG, Olsen NS - Glucose oxidation in prostatic tissue from normal and hypoglycemic dogs and the effect of LSD - 1957
Sachs E - Acetylcholine and serotonin in the spinal fluid - 1957
Sailer S, Stumpf C - Reserpinwirkung auf das Kininchen-ECG - 1957
Sailer S, Stumpf C - Beeinflussbarkeit der rhinencephalen Tätigkeit des Kaninchens. - 1957
Salmoiraghi GC, McCubbin JW, Page IH - Effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide and its brom dreivative on cardiovascular responses to serotonin and on arterial pressure. - 1957
Salmoiraghi GC, Page IH - Effects of LSD 25, BOL 148, bufotenine, mescaline and ibogaine on the potentiation of hexobarbital hypnosis produced by serotonin and resperpine - 1957
Sandison RA, Whitelaw JDA - Further Studies in the Therapeutic Value of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Mental Illness - 1957
Shore PA, Brodie BB - LSD-like effects elicited by reserpine in rabbits pretreated with iproniazid. - 1957
Slater PE, Morimoto K, Hyde RW - The Effects of Group Administration Upon Symptom Formation Under LSD. - 1957
Sogliani G, Sagripanti P - La dietilamide dell'acido lisergico e la mescalina in psichiatria - 1957
Sokoloff L, Perlin S, Kornetsky C, Kety SS - The effects of d-lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation and over-all metabolism - 1957
Songar A - LSD-25 (d-lysergic acid diethylamide) 'in merkezî sinir sistemlerine tesirleri hakkinda. (Sur les effets du LSD-25 sur le système nerveux central.) - 1957
Stafford-Clark D - Drug action in relation to schizophrenia - 1957
Sutter JM, Pelicier Y - Les substances hallucinogènes - 1957
Taeschler M, Cerletti A - Some observations on the interaction of reserpine and LSD - 1957
Trout DL - Interaction of serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide in the Siamese fighting fish - 1957
Varela G, Palencia L, Vázquez A - Utilización del pex Lebistes reticulatus (Guppy) en el diagnóstico de la toxoplasmosis - 1957
von Mering O, Morimoto K, Hyde RW, Rinkel M - Experimentally Induced Depersonalization - 1957
Weidmann H, Cerletti A - Untersuchungen über die pressorische Wirkung des 5-Hydroxy-tryptamin (Serotonin). - 1957
Welsh JH - Serotonin as a possible neurohumoral agent: evidence obtained in lower animals. - 1957
Welsh JH, McCoy AC - Actions of d-lysergic acid diethylamide and its 2-bromo derivative on heart of venus mercenaria - 1957
Widlocher D, Nakajima H, Thuillier J - Action des monoethylamide (LAE) et diethylamide (LSD) de l'acide lysergique sur le comportement de la souris tournante provoquee par l'imino-B-B'-dipropionitrile. - 1957
Winter CA, Flataker L - Further experiments on the performance of trained rats treated with lysergic acid diethylamide. - 1957
Woolley DW, Shaw EN - Evidence for the participation of serotonin in mental processes. - 1957
Zaguirre JC - Behavioral reactions to illusionogenic substances.(Studies on artificially induced mental illness). - 1957
Zetler G - Der Harmin-Tremor und seine Antagonisten. - 1957
Abramson HA, Hewitt MP, Lennard H, Turner WJ, O'Neill FJ, Merlis S - The Stablemate Concept of Therapy as Affected by LSD in Schizophrenia - 1958
Baruk H, Launay J, Bergés J, Perles R, Conte C - Etude préliminaire de l'action du LSD 25 chez les animaux, catatonie expérimentale chez le pigeon. - 1958
Bogdanski DF, Weissbach H, Udenfriend S - Pharmacological Studies with the Serotonin Precursor, 5-Hydroxtryptophan. - 1958
De Alvarez de Toledo LG , Fontana A, Morales FP - Psicoanálisis y dietilamida del ácido lisérgico (LSD-25). Fundamentos para una técnica terapéutica combinada. [Psychoanalysis and lysergic acid diethylamide. Basis for combined therapy]. - 1958
de Salva S, Evans RA - Reversal of the Effects of Central Nervous System Depressants on EST by Hypophysectomy. - 1958
Delay J, Benda P - L'expérience lysergique. LSD-25. A propos de 75 observations cliniques. - 1958
Fox CL, Einbinder JM, Nelson CT - Comparative Inhibition of Anaphylaxis in Mice by Steroids, Tanquilizers and Other Drugs. - 1958
Freedman DX, Aghajanian GK, Ornitz EM, Rosner B - Patterns of Tolerance to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline in Rats. - 1958
Freeman H - Pupil dilatation in normal and schizophrenic subjects following lysergic acid diethylamide ingestion. - 1958
Greiner T, Burch NR, Edelberg R - Psychopathology and psychophysiology of minimal LSD-25 dosage. A preliminary dosage-response spectrum - 1958
Härkönen P, Konttinen Y - The effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on the white blood cell count of the guinea pig - 1958
Haley TJ, Dasgupta SR - Intracerebral injection of lysergic acid diethylamide in conscious dogs and cats. - 1958
Hoch PH, Pennes HH, Cattell JP - Psychoses Produced by Administration of Drugs. - 1958
Hoffer, Abram - Adrenochrome in Blood Plasma - 1958
Horácková E, Mosinger B, Vojtechovsky M - Císelny ctverec pri sledování koncentrace pozornosti v experimentální psychose vyvolané diethylamidem kyseliny lysergové (LSD-25). (Das "numerische Quadrat als Test der Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit bei der experimentaellen LSD-Psychose). - 1958
Horita A, Gogerty JH - The pyretogenic effect of 5-hydroxytryptophane and its comparison with that of LSD. - 1958
Jost F, Vicari R - Zu den Provokationsverfahren in der Medizin. (LSD als Provokationsmittel) - 1958
Koelle GB - The pharmacology of mescaline and d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). - 1958
Lewis DJ, Sloane RB - Therapy with lysergic acid diethylamide - 1958
Liebert RS, Werner H, Wapner S - Studies in the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25). Self- and object-size perception in schizophrenics and normal adults - 1958
Murphree HB, De Maar EWJ, Williams HL, Bryan LL - Effects of lysergic acid derivatives on man; antagonism between d-lysergic acid diethylamide and its 2-brom congener - 1958
Norton S, Tamburro J - Effects of hallucinogens on spontaneous behavior patterns of animals - 1958
Olds J - Self-stimulation of the brain. Its use to study local effects of hunger, sex, and drugs. - 1958
Roubicek, Jiri - Podobnosti a Rozdilnosti Schizofrenii a Experimentalinich Psychos - 1958
Short WB - The effect of drugs on the electroretinogram of the cat. - 1958
Smith CM - A new adjunct to the treatment of alcoholism: The hallucinogenic drugs. - 1958
Takagi H, Yamamoto S, Takaori S, Ogiu K - The effect of LSD and reserpine on the central nervous system of the cat. The antagonism between LSD and chlorpromazine or reserpine. - 1958
Votava Z, Podvalová I, Semonsky M - Studies on the pharmacology of d-lysergic acid cycloalkylamides. - 1958
Yui T, Takeo Y - Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. Elymoclavine as a potent analeptic on reserpine-sedation. - 1958
Yui T, Takeo Y - Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids. The effects on electrocorticogram of rabbits - 1958
Benda P, Orsini F - Etude expérimentale de l'estimation du temps sous LSD-25. - 1959
Cerletti A - Comparison of Abnormal Behavioral States Induced by Psychotropic Drugs in Animals and Man - 1959
Delay J, Pichot P, Lemperiere T, Nicolas-Charles P, Quetin AM - Les effets somatiques de la Psilocybine - 1959
Starbuck WC, Heim HD - Some in vitro effects of chlorpromazine, lysergic acid diethylamide, and 5-hydroxytryptamine on the respiration of rat brain. - 1959
Durand VJ - Diethylamide de l'acide lysergique et psychiatrie. Introduction generale. - 1960
Grof S, Vojtéchovsky M, Votava Z - Diethylamid kyseliny d-lysergové (LSD). (Historie, chemické a farmakologické vlastnosti) - 1960
Grof S, Vojtechovsky M, Votava Z - Dietylamid kyseliny d-lysergové (LSD). 2. Klinická cást. - 1960
Grof S, Vojtechovsky M, Votava Z - Dietylamid kyseliny d-lysergové (LSD). 3. Praktické a teoretické problémy spojené s aplikací LSD u lidí. - 1960
Hatotani N, Ishida C, Yura R, Maeda M - Endocrinological studies on the periodic psychoses - 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kronja T - Neka nasa iskustva u lecenju dusevnih bolesnika dietilamidom lizergicne kiseline (LSD-25). Preliminarno saopstenje. - 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kronja T - Prilog ispitivanju dejstva LSD-25 u eksperimentu na psima - 1960
Jovanovic D, Kandic B, Kronja T - O nekim aspektima primene LSD-25 u nasoj Klinickoj psihijatrijsdkoj praksi - 1960
Key BJ, Bradley PB - The effect of drugs on conditioning and habituation to arousal stimuli in animals - 1960
Roubicek, Jiri - Toxicke a Experimentalni Dusevni Poruchy [Toxic and Experimental Mental Disorders] - 1960
Roubicek J, Drvota S - Psilocybin, Nove Fantastikum - 1960
Songar A - Psikoaktif denen ilâclarin merkezi sinir sistemine. Tesirlerinin tecrübi etüdü. (Étude expérimentale des drogues dites psychoactives sur le système nerveux central.) - 1960
Vojtechovsky M, Horackova E, Grof S - Pokus o Blokovani Experimentalni Psychozy po LSD-25 Theadrylem. - 1960
Duche DJ, Laut - Effets de la Psillocybine Dans un cas d'Hysterie - 1961
Zetler G - Die Bedeuting des Halluzinogens Lysergsäurediäthylamid (LSD) für die Psychopharmakologie - 1961
Broucková V - Úcinek jednorazového podání LSD 25 na útlumový syndrom a glykémii u psychotických pacientu (Die Wirkung einer einmaligen LSD-Verabreichung auf das Inhibitionssyndrom und auf die Glykämie bei psychotischen Patienten) - 1962
Kandic B - Komparacija narkoanalize i seansi sa LSD-25 u klinickoj praksi (Vergleich zwischen Narkoanalyse und LSD-Sitzungen in der kinischen Praxis.) - 1962
Volmat R, Robert R - A propos d'une technique particulière pour l'étude de la création picturale sous drogue - 1962
Brattemo CE, Lassenius B - Lysergsyradietylamid. En klinisk och psykologisk studie. (Lysergsäurdiäthylamid. Eine klinische und psychologische Studie.) - 1963
Brimblecombe RW - Effects of psychotropic drugs on open-field behavior in rats - 1963
Brouckova V, Slama J - 3-methoxy-4-hydroxymandlová kyselina v moci u psychóz po LSD 25. (Die 3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxymandelsäure im Urin bei LSD-psychose) - 1963
Charalampous KD, Kinross-Wright J - Hallucinogens. Tools for research or therapeutic agents - 1963
De Caro G - Azione antagonista di alcuni derivati dell'acido lisergico sulla antidiuresi da 5-idrossitriptamina - 1963
Freedman DX - Psychotomimetic Drugs and Brain Biogenic Amines - 1963
Hausner M, Dolezal V - Prakticke zkusenosti s halucinogeny v psychoterapii. (Praktische Erfahrungen mit Halluzinogenen in der Psychiatrie) - 1963
Hausner M, Dolezal V, Saposnikova O - Nektere psychodiagnosticke vysetrovaci metody pri psychoterapii za pomoci LSD [Various Psychodiagnostic Testing Methods during Psychotherapy using LSD.] - 1963
Kaij, Lennart - LSD-Behandling av Neuroser [LSD-Treatment of Neuroses.] - 1963
Kandié B, Dordevic D - Komparacija psihofarmaka LSD-25, BOL-148 i psilocibina u klinickoj praksi - 1963
Kandic B, Djordjevic D - Komparation von psychopharmaka LSD-25, BOL-148 und psilocybin in Klinischer Praxis - 1963
Grof S - K Problematics Optickych Poruch v Antoexperimentech s h - 1964
Hollister, Leo E. - Effect of Centrally-Acting Drugs on Mobilization of Free Fatty Acids - 1964
Matsuoka M - Pharmacological Studies of Hallucinogens, Report II. Part I; Bibliographic Considerations of LSD-25 - 1964
Matsuoka M - Pharmacological Studies of Hallucinogens, Report II. Part III; Influence of LSD-25 on Actions of Tranquilizers as a Psychotropic Drug - 1964
Nicoloff NA - Corticoviszerale Wechselbeziehungen bei der experimentellen Psychose und Einfluss von Hydrocortison - 1964
Amarel M, Cheek FE - Some Effects of LSD-25 on Verbal Communications - 1965
Kilian H - Der LSD-Rausch als Hilfsmittel psychosomatischer Forschung [The LSD-Reaction as an Aid in Psychosomatic Research] - 1965
Thuillier J - Action of psychotogenic drugs in animals and man - 1965
Browne SE - Lysergic acid diethylamide - 1966
Ruckebusch Y, Roche M, Schurch D - Parallelisme des Effets des Psychodysleptiques Majeurs sur la Toxicite de Groupe et le Taux Cerebral en Serotonine - 1966
Baker, Edward F. W. - LSD Psychotherapy; LSD Psycho-Exploration: Three Reports - 1967
Buckman, John - Theoretical Aspects of LSD Therapy - 1967
Cohen, Sidney - Psychotherapy with LSD: Pro and Con - 1967
Dahlberg, Charles Clay - LSD Facilitation of Psychoanalytic Treatment: A Case Study in Depth - 1967
Ditman, Keith S.; Bailey, Joseph J. - Evaluating LSD as a Psychotherapeutic Agent - 1967
Eisner, Betty Grover - The Importance of the Non-Verbal - 1967
Fox, Ruth - Is LSD of Value in Treating Alcoholics? - 1967
Pahnke, Walter N. - The Contribution of the Psychology of Religion to the Therapeutic Use of the Psychedelic Substances - 1967
Wicks, Mary S. - The Use of LSD in Probation Casework - 1967
Takagi K - Studies of drug action on the behavior of small animals - 1967
Bertels-Meeuws MM, Polak RL - Influence of antimuscarinic substances on in vitro synthesis of acetylcholine by rat cerebral cortex - 1968
Bocks SM - The Metabolism of Psilocin and Psilocybin by Fungal Enzymes - 1968
Goldberg L - Drug abuse in Sweden (Part I and II) - 1968
Nielsen J, Friedrich U, Jacobsen E, Tsuboi I - LSD og kromosomabnormiteter - 1968
Nielsen J, Friedrich U, Jacobsen E, Tsuboi T - LSD-Bivkninger og-Komplikationer - 1968
Torda C - Short-term group therapy with young adults regularly consuming LSD - 1968
Mogar RE, Aldrich RW - The Use of Psychedelic Agents with Autistic Schizophrenic Children - 1969
Pahnke, Walter N.; Kurland, Albert A.; Unger, Sanford; Savage, Charles C.; Grof, Stanislav - The Experimental Use of Psychedelic (LSD) Psychotherapy - 1970
Castellano C - Lysergic acid diethylamide, amphetamine and chlorpromazine on water maze discrimination in mice - 1971
Heimann H - Psychopharmakologie und Verhalten - 1971
Kurland A, Savage C, Pahnke WN, Grof S, Olsson JE - LSD in the Treatment of Alcoholics - 1971
Meek JL, Fuxe K - Serotonin accumulation after monoamine oxidase inhibition. Effects of decreased impulse flow and of some antidepressants and hallucinogens. - 1971
Richards, William; Grof, Stanislav; Goodman, Louis; Kurland, Albert A. - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy and the Human Encounter with Death - 1972
Sheehan, David V. - A Review of the Use of LSD for the Patient Near Death - 1972
Barr HL, Langs RJ, Holt RR, Goldberger L, Klein GS - LSD : Personality And Experience - 1972
Sarwer-Foner GJ - Some Clinical and Social Aspects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Part I & II - 1972
de Souza F - Perfil químico-farmacológico dos alcalóides do esporáo do centeio - 1973
Haigler HJ, Aghajanian GK - A comparison of effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and serotonin on pre- and postsynaptic cells in the serotonin system. - 1973
Halaris AE, Lovell RA - On the Nature of the Serotonin Binding after LSD. - 1973
Krendal F P. Kudrin N - Comparative Investigation of the Antipsychotic Action of some Neuroleptics on the Model of LSD-Psychosis - 1973
Sicuteri F, Anselmi B, del Bianco PL - 5-hydroxytryptamine supersensitivity as a new theory of headache and central pain: A clinical pharmacological approach with p-chlorophenylalanine - 1973
Luria J - An Investigation Of Interactions Among LSD Dextroamphetamine, And VerbalsBehavior In Monologues And Dialogues - 1974
Niwaguchi T, Inoue T, Sakai T - Studies on the in vitro metabolism of compounds related to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) - 1974
Greenberg I, Kuhn DM, Appel JB - Behaviorally Induced Sensitivity to the Discriminable Properties of LSD - 1975
Matveev VF, Vorobey VS - Some Peculiarities of the Ultrastructures of Neurons of Motor Regions of Brain Cortex under the Influence of Lysergamide (LSD) and Haloperidol - 1975
Siva Sankar DV - LSD-a Total Study - 1975
Fuller DG - Severe Solar Maculopathy Associated with the use of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - 1976
Horowski R, Wachtel H - Direct Dopaminergic Action Of Lisuride Hydrogen Maleate, An Ergot Derivative, In Mice - 1976
Jacobs BL, Trulson ME, Stern WC - An Animal Behavior Model for Studying the Actions of LSD and Related Hallucinogens - 1976
Niwauchi T, Inoue T - Direcative analysis of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (STP) on thin-layer chromatograms - 1976
Stewart RM, Growdon JH, Cancian D, Baldessarini RJ - 5-Hydroxytryptophan-Induced Myoclonus: Increased Sensitivity to Serotonin after Intracranial 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine in the Adult Rat - 1976
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Perf0rat · 30-Äåê-12 00:18 (ñïóñòÿ 1 ãîä)

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arvydas58 · 20-Àâã-13 13:48 (ñïóñòÿ 7 ìåñÿöåâ)

kak ty wse eto sdelal? moj polnyj respeckt
[Ïðîôèëü]  [ËÑ] 