IceMind · 11-Дек-11 14:51(13 лет 1 месяц назад, ред. 13-Дек-11 22:10)
Библиотека: Часть 2. MAPS Psychedelic Bibliography Состояние: 2011.11.08 Тематика: История официальных исследований психоделических веществ 1914 - 2011 Формат: PDF Качество: Отсканированные страницы Количество книг: 4336/8756 Описание: Часть вторая. Первая из двух частей библиографии содержит документы с 1914 года, по 1976 год включительно.
Вторая часть, содержит документы с 1977 года, по 2011, а так же дополнительные материалы, не ранжированные хронологически. Ссылка на первую часть: Библиография представляет собой совокупность следующих документов (не полный перечень): 1. МДМА MAPS литературные обзоры с PDF-копиями большинства документов, обновляемые ежемесячно. 2. Обширная библиография фонда имени Альберта Хофманна по ЛСД и псилоцибину, 1943-1983 (более 4200 документов), первоначально собранных доктором Альбертом Хофманном (Dr. Albert Hofmann) для личного использования. Фонд Альберта Хофманна (The Albert Hofmann Foundation) предоставил разрешение на проведение сканирования этих документов в формат PDF и размещение их в сети Интернет. 3. Библиография по психоделической и психолитической терапии, Торстена Пасси (Torsten Passie), полный список всех исследований по терапевтическому использованию психоделиков с 1931 года по 1995 год, с предисловием доктора Ленера (Dr. Leuner) и введением от доктора Пасси (Dr. Passie) . 4. Библиография Александра Шульгина (Alexander Shulgin) аннотированная и категоризированная, по МДМА (до 1992). 5. Психоделики для умирающих, библиографии Дэвида Гольдштейна (David Goldstein). 6. Библиография по исследованиям медицинских свойств марихуаны, Дэвида Пэйта (David Pate). 7. Различные документы Александра Т. Шульгина, доктора философии (Alexander T. Shulgin, Ph.D.), Дэвида Э. Николса, доктора философии (David E. Nichols, Ph.D.) и доктора Ричарда Страссмана (Dr. Richard Strassman). Более полная информация доступна по адресам:
Список документов
Abramson, Harold A. - Reassociation of Dreams. III. An LSD Study of Sexual Conflicts in Eczema and Asthma - 1977
Abramson, Harold A. - Reassociation of Dreams. IV. A Second LSD Analysis of the Beetle Bug Dream: Its Relation to a Shark Dream and Fear of Lesbianism. - 1977
Aghajanian GK - Psychotogenic drug action on chemically defined neurons - 1977
Andre JC, Baudot P, Niclause M - Application of Synchronous Excitation Spectrofluorimetry to Drug Analysis - 1977
Anton PG, Duncan ME, McGrath JC - An Analysis of the Anatomical Basis for the Mechanical Response to Motor Nerve Stimulation of the Rat Vas Deferens. - 1977
Barker, E. T.; Buck, M. F. - LSD in a Coercive Milieu Therapy Program. - 1977
Bedard P, Pycock CJ - 'Wet-Dog' Behaviour in the Rat: A Possible Quantitative Model of Central 5-Hydroxytryptamine Activity. - 1977
Brandrup, E.; Vanggaard, T. - LSD Treatment in a Severe Case of Compulsive Neurosis - 1977
Braun U, Shulgin AT, Braun G, Sargent T - Synthesis and Body Distribution of Several Iodine-131 Labeled Centrally Acting Drugs - 1977
Bury RW, Mashford ML - A Pharmacological Investigation of Synthetic Substance P on the Isolated Guinea-Pig Ileum - 1977
Cavanagh RL, Tilson HA, Gylys JA - Neurochemical Properties of Dimoxamine (D), A New Psycho-Therapeutic Agent - 1977
Chekman IS, Potemkina NN, Tumanov VA - Nicotinamide Coenzymes as the Object of Action of Medicines and Poisons - 1977
Choong TC, Shough HRT - The Synthesis of Lysergic Acid Derivatives from Elymoclavine - 1977
Clark, Walter Houston - Art and Psychotherapy in Mexico - 1977
Domelsmith LN, Munchhausen LL, Elouk KN - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Photoelectron Ionization Potentials as Indices of Behavioral Activity - 1977
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Rousselle JC, Beaudion D, Goiny M - Liaisons de haute affinite de la 5 hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) sur diverges preparations membranaires de cerveau de Bovin. Relations avec le diethylamide de l'acide lysergique [Binding affinity of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in Prepared Bovine Microsomal Membranes. Relationship to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)] - 1977
Guven KC, Guneri T - Identification of LSD and Ergot Alkaloids by Thin-Layer Chromatography. - 1977
Gessner PR, Dankova JR - The Role Of Serotonin Antagonism In The Tremorgenic Action Of Bufotenine In Mice - 1977
Girault JM, Macob J - Differenciation Pharmacologique des Hyperthermies Induites par la Serotonine, le LSD, le Cerm 1841 [2-(3-Trifluoromethyl)-phenyl-tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine], la Quipazine et la N,N-Dimethyltrypamine Chez le Lapin - 1977
Greengard P - Cyclic Nucleotides and Phosphorylated Proteins as Targets for Drug Action. - 1977
Grof, Stanislav - Perinatal Roots of Wars, Totalitarism, and Revolutions: Observations from LSD Research. - 1977
Grof, Stanislav - The Implications of Psychedelic Research for Anthropology: Observations from LSD Psychotherapy. - 1977
Harvey JA, Gormezano I, Gimpl MP - Effect of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and 2-Bromo-LSD (BOL) on Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning of The Rabbit Nictitating Membrane-Response. - 1977
Hirschhorn ID - Pentazocine, Cyclazacine, and Nalorphine as Discriminative Stimuli. - 1977
Huber-Weidmann H, Dittrich A, Scharfetter C - Schlafentzug. Psychopathologische Wirkungen beim Menschen [Sleep Deprivation. Psychopathological Effects on Humans] - 6 May 1977
Itil M, Akpinar S - Quantitative Pharmaco-EEG With Antimigraine Compounds. - 1977
Jacob P, Anderson G, Meshul CK, Shulgin AT, Castagnoli N - Monomethylthio Analogues of 1-(2,4,5-Trimethoxyphenyl) 2-aminopropane - 1977
Kapturkiewicz Z, Sowinska H - The Effect of Piribedil on Body Temperature in Mice and Rats - 1977
Kehr W - Effect of Lisuride and Other Ergot Derivatives on Monoaminergic Neurotransmission in Rat Brain - 1977
Klinge E, Sjostrand N O - Comparative Study of Some Isolated Mammalian Smooth Muscle Effectors of Penile Erection - 1977
Kocur J, Jurkowski A, Kedziora J - The Influence of Haloperidol and Propranolol on Behavior and Biochemical Changes in the Brain of Mice treated with LSD - 1977
Kraus L, Stahl E, Thies W, Arnold W - Dunnschichtchromatographie von Illegalen LSD-Praparaten und die Moglichkeit einer Direktauswertung im Nanogrammbereich - 1977
Levin RM, Weiss B - Specificity of Binding of Antipsychotics to the Activator of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodieterase - 1977
Lurie I - Application of Reverse Phase Ion-Pair Partition Chromatography to Drugs of Forensic Interest - 1977
Maj J, Baran L, Rawlow A, Sowinska HS - Central Effects of Miaserin and Danitracen - New Antidepressants of Unknown Mechanism of Action - 1977
Maj J, Gancarczyk L, Goraszczyk E, Rawlow A - Doxepin as a Blocker of Central Serotonin Receptors - 1977
Mansour TE, Mansour JM - Phosphodiesterase in the Liver Fluke. Fasciola hevatica - 1977
Martindale, Colin; Fischer, Roland - The Effects of Psilocybin on Primary Process Content in Language - 1977
McCabe, Oliver Lee; Hanlon, T. E. - The Use of LSD-Type Drugs in Psychotherapy: Progress and Promise - 1977
Messier PE - The Effect of LSD on the Surface of Neuroepithelial Cells - 1977
Messiha FS - Dopamine, the Psyche, and Extrapyramidal Disorders - 1977
Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T, Ishii H - Studies on-Lysergic Acid Diethylamides and Related Compounds. VI. Syntheses of Dihydrolysergic Acid Diethylamides and Related Compounds - 1977
Nichols DE, Shulgin AT, Dyer DC - Directional Lipophilic Character in a Series of Psychotomimetic Phenethylamine Derivatives - 1977
Nozaki M, Bell JA, Vaupel DB, Martin WR - Responses of the Flexor Reflex to LSD, Tryptamine, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, Methoxamine, and d-Amphetamine in Acute and Chronic Spinal Rats - 1977
Palider W, Rawlow A - Effect of Serotonin Uptake Blocking Agents on the Flexor Reflex of Hind Limb of the Spinal Rat - 1977
Palmer GC, Jones DJ, Medina MA, Stavinoha WB - Influence of Injected Psychoactive Drugs on Cyclic AMP Levels in Mouse Brain and following Microwave Irradiation - 1977
Pieri M, Schaffner R, Haefely W - Central Dopamine-Receptor Stimulation bv LSD and Lisuride - 1977
Ratcliffe WA, Fletcher SM, Moffat AC, Ratcliffe JG, Harland WA, Levitt TE - Radioimmunoassay of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Serum and Urine by Using Antisera of Different Specificities - 1977
Rhead, John C.; Soskin, Robert A.; Turek, Ibrahim; Richards, William A.; Yensen, Richard; Kurland, Albert A.; Ota, Kay - Psychedelic Drug (DPT)-Assisted Psychotherapy with Alcoholics: A Controlled Study - 1977
Richards, William A.; Berendes, Margret - LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy and Dynamics of Creativity: A Case Report. - 1977/78
Richards, William A.; Rhead, John C.; Di Leo, Francesco B.; Yensen, Richard; Kurland, Albert A. - The Peak Experience Variable in DPT-Assisted Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients - 1977
Schwarcz R, Bennett JP, Coyle JT - Loss of Striatal Serotonin Synaptic Receptor Binding Induced by Kainic Acid Lesions: Correlations with Huntington's Disease - 1977
Shih JC, Rho J - The Specific Interaction Between LSD and Serotonin-Binding Protein - 1977
Sietnieks A, Meyerson BJ - The Influence Of Progesterone On The Inhibitory Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide On Copulatory Behaviour In The Female Rat - 1977
Strahlendorf JR, Goldstein FJ, Rossi GV, Malseed RT - Differential Effects Of Subcortical Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Serotonin On Visual Cortical Evoked Potentials - 1977
Trulson ME, Ross C A, Jacobs BL - Lack of Tolerance to the Depression of Raphe Unit Activity by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1977
U'Prichard DC, Greenberg DA, Snyder SH - Binding Characteristics of a Radiolabeled Agonist and Antagonist at Central Nervous System Alpha Noradrenergic Receptors - 1977
Vaupel DB, Martin WR - A Comparison of the Effects of 4-Bromo-2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (DOB), 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), Para-Methoxyamphetamine (PMA), D-Amphetamine (A) and LSD in Nontolerant and LSD tolerant Chronic Spinal Dogs - 1977
Weinstein H, Johnson CL, Green JP - Molecular Determinants for the Action of Tryptamines on an LSD Receptor - 1977
Whitaker PM, Seeman P - Hallucinogen Binding to Dopamine/Neuroleptic Receptors - 1977
White TJ, Goodman D, Shulgin AT, Castagnoli N Jr., Lee R, Petrakis NL - Mutagenic Activity of Some Centrally Active Aromatic Amines in 'Salmonella typhimurium' - 1977
White FJ, Kuhn DM, Appel JB - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Quipazine - 1977
Aghajanian GK - Psychotogenic drug action on chemically defined neurons - 1977
Andre JC, Baudot P, Niclause M - Application of Synchronous Excitation Spectrofluorimetry to Drug Analysis - 1977
Anton PG, Duncan ME, McGrath JC - An Analysis of the Anatomical Basis for the Mechanical Response to Motor Nerve Stimulation of the Rat Vas Deferens. - 1977
Arushanyan EB - The Mesolimbic System of the Brain and its Participation in the Action of Psychotropic Substances.(Literature Review). - 1977
Back DJ, Singh JKG - LSD: the Distribution of [3H]LSD in the Reproductive System of the Male Rat and Placental Transfer in the Female Rat - 1977
Barker ET, Buck MF - LSD In A Coercive Milieu Therapy Program - 1977
Baudry M, Martres MP, Schwartz JC - In Vivo Binding of 3H-Pimozide in Mouse Striatum: Effects of Dopamine Agonists and Antagonists - 1977
Bedard P, Pycock CJ - 'Wet-Dog' Behaviour in the Rat: A Possible Quantitative Model of Central 5-Hydroxytryptamine Activity. - 1977
Bedard P, Pycock C - The 'Wet Dog Shake? Behaviour in the Rat and 5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1977
Borisenko SA - The Effect of Psychotropic Agents on Self-Stimulation - 1977
Bourgoin S, Artaud F, Enjalbert A, Hery F, Glowinski J, Hamon M - Acute Changes In Central Serotonin Metabolism Induced By The Blockade Or Stimulation Of Serotoninergic Receptors During Ontogenesis In The Rat - 1977
Bouver JJ, Dedet L, Verdeaux J, Rougeul A - Selective Modification of Spontaneous ECoG Rhythms of the Cat Somesthetic Cortex by Psychoactive Drugs: Behavioral Correlates - 1977
Bowers MB - Psychoses Precipitated by Psychotomimetic Drugs: A Follow-up Study - 1977
Brandrup E, Vanggaard T - LSD Treatment in a Severe Case of Compulsive Neurosis - 1977
Briggs I - Excitatory Responses of Neurones in Rat Bulbar Reticular Formation to Bulbar Raphe Stimulation and to Iontophoretically Applied, 5-Hydroxytryptarnine and Their Blockade by LSD 25 - 1977
Bron B, Frцscher W, Gehlen W - Analyse chronischer psychotischer Zustandsbilder bei jugendlichen Drogenkonsumenten - 1977
Bury RW, Mashford ML - A Pharmacological Investigation of Synthetic Substance P on the Isolated Guinea-Pig Ileum - 1977
Carino MA, Horita A - Rapid Development Of Tolerance Upon Central Injection Of LSD - 1977
Carlini EA - Further Studies of the Aggressive Behavior Induced by delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in REM Sleep-Deprived Rats - 1977
Cavanagh RL, Tilson HA, Gylys JA - Neurochemical Properties of Dimoxamine (D), A New Psycho-Therapeutic Agent - 1977
Chadwick D, Hallett M, Jenner P, Marsden CD - 5-Hydroxytophan-Induced Behaviour in Guinea-Pigs: Its Relevance to Human Myoclonus - 1977
Chekman IS, Potemkina NN, Tumanov VA - Nicotinamide Coenzymes as the Object of Action of Medicines and Poisons - 1977
Choong TC, Shough HRT - The Synthesis of Lysergic Acid Derivatives from Elymoclavine - 1977
Christoph GR, Kuhn DM, Jacobs BL - Electrophysiological Evidence for a Dopaminergic Action of LSD: Depression of Unit Activity in the Substantia Nigra of the Rat - 1977
Cohen MM, Shiloh Y - Genetic Toxicology Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1977
de Montigny C, Aghajanian GK - Preferential Action of 5-Methoxytryptamine and 5-Methoxydimethyltryptamine on Presynaptic Serotonin Receptors: A Comparative Iontophretic Study with LSD and Serotonin - 1977
Domelsmith LN, Munchhausen LL, Elouk KN - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Photoelectron Ionization Potentials as Indices of Behavioral Activity - 1977
Domelsmith LN, Munchhausen LL, Houk KN - Photoelectron Spectra of Psychotropic Drugs. 1. Phenethylamines, Tryptamines, and LSD - 1977
Editorial - Is this how LSD makes cats hallucinate? - 1977
Eliasson M, Meyerson BJ - The Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Copulatory Behaviour in the Female Rat - 1977
Fanciullacci M, del Bene E, Franchi G, Sicuteri F - Phantom Limb Pain: Sub-Hallucinogenic Treatment With Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) - 1977
Faust V, Leutner V - Drogen-ABC. Rauschgift - Alkohol - Nikotin - Medikamente - 1977
Fertziger AP, Fischer R - Interaction Between Narcotic Antagonist (Naloxone) and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Rat - 1977
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Rousselle JC, Beaudion D, Goiny M - Liaisons de haute affinite de la 5 hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) sur diverges preparations membranaires de cerveau de Bovin. Relations avec le diethylamide de l'acide lysergique [Binding affinity of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in Prepared Bovine Microsomal Membranes. Relationship to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)] - 1977
Guven KC, Guneri T - Identification of LSD and Ergot Alkaloids by Thin-Layer Chromatography. - 1977
Gallager DW, Aghajanian GK - Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs: Attenuation of Excitatory Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) on Acoustic Startle Response - 1977
Gatzke HD - Autoradiographische Untersuchungen zur Frage der Beeinflussbarkeit den 3H-Leucin-Einbauraten in differente Areale des Rattenhirns durch LSD - 1977
Gessner PR, Dankova JR - The Role Of Serotonin Antagonism In The Tremorgenic Action Of Bufotenine In Mice - 1977
Girault JM, Macob J - Differenciation Pharmacologique des Hyperthermies Induites par la Serotonine, le LSD, le Cerm 1841 [2-(3-Trifluoromethyl)-phenyl-tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine], la Quipazine et la N,N-Dimethyltrypamine Chez le Lapin - 1977
Gould LC, Berberian RM, Kasl SV - Sequential Patterns of Multiple-Drug Use Among High School Students - 1977
Govoni S, Loddo P, Spano PF, Trabucchi M - Dopamine receptor sensitivity in brain and retina of rats during aging - 1977
Green JP, Johnson CL, Weinstein H, Maayani S - Antagonism of Histamine-Activated Adenylate Cyclase in Brain by D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1977
Greengard P - Cyclic Nucleotides and Phosphorylated Proteins as Targets for Drug Action. - 1977
Halaris AE, Freedman DX - Vesicular And Juxtavesicular Serotonin: Effects Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Reserpine - 1977
Harvey JA, Gormezano I, Gimpl MP - Effect of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and 2-Bromo-LSD (BOL) on Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning of The Rabbit Nictitating Membrane-Response. - 1977
Hashimoto H, Hayashi M, Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T, Ishii H - Actions Of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) And Its Derivatives On 5-hydroxytryptamine Receptors In The Isolated Uterine Smooth Muscle Of The Rat - 1977
Hasimoto H, Hayashi M, Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T, Ishii H - Hyperthermic Effects of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) and its Derivatives in Rabbits and Rats - 1977
Hirschhorn ID - Pentazocine, Cyclazacine, and Nalorphine as Discriminative Stimuli. - 1977
Holbrook L, Brown IR - Disaggregation Of Brain Polysomes After D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide Administration In Vivo: Mechanism And Effect Of Age And Environment - 1977
Holbrook L, Brown I - Antipsychotic Drugs Block LSD-Induced Disaggregation of Brain Polysomes. - 1977
Hsu LL, Paul SM, Halaris AE, Freedman D X - Rat Brain Aryl Acylamidase: Multiple Forms and Inhibition Effects of LSD. Serotonin and Related Compounds. - 1977
Huber-Weidmann H, Dittrich A, Scharfetter C - Schlafentzug. Psychopathologische Wirkungen beim Menschen [Sleep Deprivation. Psychopathological Effects on Humans] - 6 May 1977
Itil M, Akpinar S - Quantitative Pharmaco-EEG With Antimigraine Compounds. - 1977
Jacobs BL, Trulson ME, Stern WC - Behavioral Effects Of LSD In The Cat: Proposal Of An Animal Behavior Model For Studying The Actions Of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1977
Jacoby JH, Poulakos JJ - The actions of neuroleptic drugs and putative serotonin receptor antagonists on LSD and quipazine-induced reductions of brain 5-HIAA concentrations. - 1977
Jaton AL, Loew DM, Vigouret JM - Turning Behaviour Elicited by Apomorphine, (+)-Amphetamine and Three Ergot Derivatives in Rats Treated with a Unilateral Injection of Ethanolamine-O-sulphate in the Substantia Nigra - 1977
Kapturkiewicz Z, Sowinska H - The Effect of Piribedil on Body Temperature in Mice and Rats - 1977
Kehr W - Effect of Lisuride and Other Ergot Derivatives on Monoaminergic Neurotransmission in Rat Brain - 1977
Keller HH, Burkard WP, da Prada M - Lisuride and D-LSD: Effects on the monoaminergic system in the rat brain - 1977
Klinge E, Sjostrand N O - Comparative Study of Some Isolated Mammalian Smooth Muscle Effectors of Penile Erection - 1977
Kocur J, Jurkowski A, Kedziora J - The Influence of Haloperidol and Propranolol on Behavior and Biochemical Changes in the Brain of Mice treated with LSD - 1977
Kraus L, Stahl E, Thies W, Arnold W - Dunnschichtchromatographie von illegalen LSD-Praparaten und die Moglichkeit einer Direktauswertung im Nanogrammbereich - 1977
Kraus L, Stahl E, Thies W, Arnold W - Dunnschichtchromatographie von Illegalen LSD-Praparaten und die Moglichkeit einer Direktauswertung im Nanogrammbereich - 1977
Levin RM, Weiss B - Specificity of Binding of Antipsychotics to the Activator of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodieterase - 1977
Leysen JE, Laduron PM - A serotonergic component of neuroleptic receptors - 1977
Lurie I - Application of Reverse Phase Ion-Pair Partition Chromatography to Drugs of Forensic Interest - 1977
Maj J, Gancarczyk L, Goraszczyk E, Rawlow A - Doxepin as a Blocker of Central Serotonin Receptors - 1977
Mansour TE, Mansour JM - Phosphodiesterase in the Liver Fluke. Fasciola hevatica - 1977
Mehl E, Rьther E, Redemann J - Endogenous Ligands of a Putative LSD-Serotonin Receptor in the Cerebrospinal Fluid: Higher Level of LSD-Displacing Factors (LDF) in Unmedicated Psychotic Patients - 1977
Meltzer HY, Fessler RG, Simonovic M, Doherty J, Fang VS - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Evidence for Stimulation of Pituitary Dopamine Receptors - 1977
Messier PE - The Effect of LSD on the Surface of Neuroepithelial Cells - 1977
Messiha FS - Dopamine, the Psyche, and Extrapyramidal Disorders - 1977
Mitra G, Poddar MK, Ghosh JJ - Interaction of delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol with Reserpine, Phenobarbital, and LSD-25 on Plasma and Adrenal Corticosterone - 1977
de Montigny C, Aghajanian GK - Preferential Action of 5-Methoxytryptamine and 5-Methoxydimethyltryptamine on Presynaptic Serotonin Receptors: A Comparative Iontophretic Study with LSD and Serotonin - 1977
Morimoto K, Sato M - Is Serotonin a Chemical Transmitter in the Frog Taste Organ? - 1977
Morvay J, Toth D - Radioimmune-analytical assay of drugs - 1977
Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T, Ishii H - Studies on-Lysergic Acid Diethylamides and Related Compounds. VI. Syntheses of Dihydrolysergic Acid Diethylamides and Related Compounds - 1977
Nakahara Y, Niwaguchi T, Ishii H - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. VI Steric Requirements of von Braun Reaction - 1977
Nozaki M, Bell JA, Vaupel DB, Martin WR - Responses of the Flexor Reflex to LSD, Tryptamine, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, Methoxamine, and d-Amphetamine in Acute and Chronic Spinal Rats - 1977
Nozaki M, Vaupel DB, Martin WR - A Pharmacologic Comparison of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and LSD in the Chronic Spinal Dog - 1977
Palider W, Rawlow A - Effect of Serotonin Uptake Blocking Agents on the Flexor Reflex of Hind Limb of the Spinal Rat - 1977
Palmer GC, Jones DJ, Medina MA, Stavinoha WB - Influence of Injected Psychoactive Drugs on Cyclic AMP Levels in Mouse Brain and following Microwave Irradiation - 1977
Persson SA - The Effect of LSD and 2-Bromo LSD on the Striatal Dopa Accumulation after Decarboxylase Inhibition in Rats - 1977
Persson SA - Effects Of LSD And 2-Bromo LSD On Striatal Dopac Levels - 1977
Peters DAV, Tang S - The Effects of Repeated D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Injection on Catecholamine Levels and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activity in Rat Brain Regions - 1977
Peters DAV, Tang S - Persistent effects of repeated injections of D-lysergic acid diethylamide on rat brain 5-hydroxytryptamine and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels - 1977
Pickworth WB, Sharpe LG, Martin WR - Transcallosally Evoked Potentials And the EEG In The Decerebrate Dog: Actions Of Tryptaminergic, Dopaminergic And Adrenergic Agonists - 1977
Pieri M, Schaffner R, Haefely W - Central Dopamine-Receptor Stimulation bv LSD and Lisuride - 1977
Poffenbarger M, Fuller GM - Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Neurotubule Assembly - 1977
Rose D, Horn G - Effects of LSD on the Responses of Single Units in Cat Visual Cortex - 1977
Roubicek J - Expression under the influence of dysleptic drugs - 1977
Sallam LAR, Naim N, El Refai AH - Thin Chromatography of Some Ergot Alkaloids - 1977
Schmidt MJ, Hill LE - Effects of Ergots on Adenylate Cyclase Activity in the Corpus Striatum and Pituitary - 1977
Schwarcz R, Bennett JP, Coyle JT - Loss of Striatal Serotonin Synaptic Receptor Binding Induced by Kainic Acid Lesions: Correlations with Huntington's Disease - 1977
Sheard MH, Astrachan DI, Davis M - The Effect of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) upon Shock Elicited Fighting in Rats - 1977
Shih JC, Rho J - The Specific Interaction Between LSD and Serotonin-Binding Protein - 1977
Sicuteri F - Headache As Metonymy Of Non Organic Central Pain - 1977
Sietnieks A, Meyerson BJ - The Influence Of Progesterone On The Inhibitory Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide On Copulatory Behaviour In The Female Rat - 1977
Spano PF, Govoni S, Hofmann M, Kumakura K, Trabucchi M - Physiological and Pharmacological Influences on Dopaminergic Receptors in the Retina - 1977
Strahlendorf JR, Goldstein FJ, Rossi GV, Malseed RT - Differential Effects Of Subcortical Lysergic Acid Diethylamide And Serotonin On Visual Cortical Evoked Potentials - 1977
Trulson ME, Ross C A, Jacobs BL - Lack of Tolerance to the Depression of Raphe Unit Activity by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1977
Trulson ME, Stark AD, Jacobs BL - Comparative Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs in Rats with Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine Lesions - 1977
Vaupel DB, Martin WR - A Comparison of the Effects of 4-Bromo-2,5-Dimethoxyamphetamine (DOB), 3,4,5-Trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), Para-Methoxyamphetamine (PMA), D-Amphetamine (A) and LSD in Nontolerant and LSD tolerant Chronic Spinal Dogs - 1977
Vogel WH, Evans BD - Structure-Activity-Relationship Of Certain Hallucinogenic Substances Based on Brain Levels - 1977
Waldmeier PC, Maоtre L - Neurochemical Investigations of the Interaction of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine with the Dopaminergic System in Rat Brain - 1977
Weinstein H, Johnson CL, Green JP - Molecular Determinants for the Action of Tryptamines on an LSD Receptor - 1977
Whitaker PM, Seeman P - Hallucinogen Binding to Dopamine/Neuroleptic Receptors - 1977
White FJ, Kuhn DM, Appel JB - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Quipazine - 1977
Adams WB, Drummond AH, Levitan IB - Dopamine Currents in Cell R15 of Aplysia - 1978
Anderson GM, Braun G, Braun U, Nichols DE, Shulgin AT - Absolute Configuration and Psychotomimetic Activity - 1978
Anderson III GM, Braun G, Braun U, Nichols DE, Shulgin AT - Absolute Configuration and Psychotomimetic Activity - 1978
Anlezark G. Meldrum B - Blockade of Photically Induced Epilepsy by 'Dopamine' Agonist' Ergot Alkaloids - 1978
Appel JB, White FJ - Behavioral and Neuropharmacological Aspects of the Discrimtnative Stimulus Properties of Quipazine - 1978
Appel JB, White FJ, Kuhn DM - The Use of Drugs as Discriminative Stimuli in Behavioral Pharmacodynamics - 1978
Berde B - Pharmacology of Ergot Alkaloids in Clinical Use - 1978
Boullin DJ, Glenton PAM - Characterization of Receptors Mediating 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Catecholamine-Induced Platelet Aggregation, Assessed by the Actions of a- and p-Blockers, Butyrophenones, 5-HT Antagonists and Chlorpromazine - 1978
Bourgoin S, Artaud F, Bockaert J, Hery F, Glowinski J, Hamon JM - Paradoxical Decrease of Brain 5-HT Turnover by Metergoline, a Central 5-HT Receptor Blocker - 1978
Braun G, Shulgin AT, Sargent T III - Synthesis of 123-I-Labelled 4-Iodo-2,5-Dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine - 1978
Braun U, Braun G, Jacob P III, Nichols DE, Shulgin AT - Mescaline Analogs: Substitutions at the 4-position - 1978
Burki HR, Asper H, Ruch W, Zueger PE - Bromocriptine, Dihydroergotoxine, Methysergide, d-LSD, CF-25-397, and 29-712: Effects on the Metabolism of the Biogenic Amines in the Brain of the Rat - 1978
Da Prada M, Pieri L, Keller HH, Pieri M, Bonetti EP - Effects of 5,6-Dihydroxytryptamine and 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine on the Rat Central Nervous System After Intraventricular or Intracerebral Application and on Blood Platelets In Vitro - 1978
Degtyarev V P - Influence of Serotoninergic Substances on the Brain Potentials Evoked by Stimulation of the Dental Pulp - 1978
Dolphin A, Enjalbert A, Tassin JP, Lucas M, Bockaert J - Direct Interaction of LSD with Central "Beta"-Adrenergic Receptors - 1978
Dray A, Connors B, Fox PC, Hilmy H, Moore C, Somjen GG - Effects Of LSD On Unit Activity And Extracellular Potassium Responses In Cat Cortex During Visual Stimulation - 1978
Drummond AH, Bucher F, Levitan IB - 3H-LSD Labels a Novel Dopamine Receptor in Molluscan Ganglia - 1978
Edvinsson L, Hardebo JE, Owman C - Pharmacological Analysis of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptors in Isolated Intracranial and Extracranial Vessels of Cat and Man - 1978
Fanchamps, A. - Some Compounds with Hallucinogenic Activity - 1978
Fanchamps A - Some Compounds With Hallucinogenic Activity - 1978
Fuxe K, Fredhaolm BB, Agnat LF, Ogren SO, Everit BJ, Jonsson GU, Gustafsson JA - Interaction of Ergot Drugs with Central Monamine System. Evidence for a High Potential in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders - 1978
Fuxe K, Ogren SO, Agnati LF, Jonssen G, Gustafsson JA - 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine as a Tool to Study the Functional Role of Central 5-Hydroxytryptamine Neurons - 1978
Gallager DW - Benzodiazopines: Potentiation of a GABA Inhibitory Response in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus - 1978
Glennon RA, Kier LB - LSD Analogs as Serotonin Antagonists: a Molecular Connectivity SAR analysis - 1978
Graf M, Pletscher A - Pharmacological Characterization of the 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5HT) Receptor of Blood Platelets. - 1978
Grof, Stanislav - LSD and the Human Unconscious: Observations from Psychedelic Research. - 1978
Grossman, T.M. - Post-Anesthesia Catalepsy In an L.S.D. User - 1978
Hartley JPR, Nogrady SG, Seaton A, Graham JDP - Bronchodilator Effect of delta-9-THC - 1978
Hofmann A - Historical View On Ergot Alkaloids. - 1978
Horowski R - Differences in the Dopaminergic Effects of the Ergot Derivatives Bromocriptine, Lisuride and d-LSD as compared with Apomorphine - 1978
Isbell, William H - Cosmological Order Expressed in Prehistoric Ceremonial Centers - 1978
Kataoka Y, Shibata K, Fujiwara M, Ueki S - Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Labor Division Between Rats - 1978
Kay DC, Martin WR - LSD and Tryptamine Effects on Sleep/Wakefulness and Electrocorticogram Patterns in Intact Cats - 1978
Kehr W, Speckenbach W - Effect of Lisuride and LSD on Monoamine Synthesis after Axotomy or Reserpine Treatment in Rat Brain - 1978
Ksir CJ - Rate-Dependent and Stimulus Control Effect of Drugs - 1978
Kuhn DM - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of LSD: Behavioral Assay of the Mechanism of Action of LSD - 1978
Kuhn DM, White FJ, Appel JB - The Discriminative Stimulus Properties of LSD: Mechanisms of Action - 1978
Kumbar M - Conformational Study of Lysergic Acid Derivatives in Relation to Their Hallucinogenic and Antiserotonin Activities - 1978
Laurent JP, Pieri L - Lisuride and LSD Decrease Spontaneous Firing of Neurons in the Raphe - 1978
Lullmann H, Lullmann-Rauch R, Wassermann O - Lipidosis Induced By Amiphiphilic Drugs - 1978
Maayani S, Green JP, Weinstein H - LSD, Tricyclic Antidepressants And Neuroleptics Inhibit Histamine Stimulated Adenylate Cyclase In Brain - 1978
MacDonald JF, Berry MS - Further Identification of Multiple Responses Mediated by Dopamine in the CNS of Planorbis corneas - 1978
Maj J, Baran L, Michaluk J, Palider W, Rawlow A - The Central Antiserotonin Activity of Neuroleptics - 1978
Marquardt GM, DiStefano V, Ling LL - Pharmacological and Toxicological Effects of B-3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Isomers - 1978
McGrath JC - Adrenergic and 'Non-Adrenergic' Components in the Contractile Response of the Vas Deferens to a Single Indirect Stimulus - 1978
Moffat A C - Analytical Chemistry and Drug Metabolism. - 1978
Nalin DR, Levine MM, Rhead J, Bergquist E, Rennels M, Hughes T, O'Donnel S, Hornick RB - Cannabis, Hypochlrohydria and Cholera - 1978
Natale, Michael; Kowitt, Michael; Dahlberg, Charles C.; Jaffe, Joseph - Effect of Psychotomimetics (LSD and Dextroamphetamine) on the Use of Figurative Language During Psychoanalysis. - 1978
Partyka RA, Standridge RT, Howell HG, Shulgin AT - 2-Amino-1-(2,5-Dimethoxyphenyl)butanes - Aug. 8, 1978
Pieri, Margherita; Sehaffner, R, Pieri L, Da Prada M, Haefely W - Turning in MFB-Lesioned Rats and Antagonism of Neuroleptic-Induced Catalepsy after Lisuride and LSD - 1978
Przegalinski E, Baran L, Palider W, Bigajska K - On the Central Antiserotonin Activity of Benzoctamine and Opipramal - 1978
Rappolt RT, Gay G, Inaba DS, Rappolt N - Use of Inderal (Propranolol-Ayerst) in 1-a (Early Stimulative) and 1-b (Advanced Stimulative) Classification of Cocaine and Other Sympathomimetic Reactions - 1978
Rech RH - Brain Lesions and Psychostimulant Drugs - 1978
Rosecrans JA, Chance WT, Spencer RM - The Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Cyclazocine: Generalization Studies Involving Nalorphine, Morphine and LSD - 1978
Rosecrans JA, Krynock GM, Newlon P, Chance WT, Kallman M - Central Mechanisms of Drugs as Discriminative Stimuli; Involvement of Serotonin Pathways - 1978
Rosenberg CM, Gerrein JR, Schnell C - Cannabis in the Treatment of Alcoholism - 1978
Sapper H, Lohmann W - Association of Some Psychotomimetic Compounds with 6-Methylpurine in Aqueous Solutions - 1978
Sargent T, Budinger TF, Braun G, Shulgin AT, Braun U - An Iodated Catecholamine Congener for Brain Imaging and Metabolic Studies - 1978
Sargent T III, Braun G, Braun U, Budinger TF, Shulgin AT - Brain and Retina Uptake of a Radio-Iodine Labeled Psychotomimetic in Dog and Monkey - 1978
Schlemmer RF, Tyler CB, Narasimhachari N, Davis JM - The Comparitive Effects Of LSD, Mescaline, And DMT On Primate Social And Solitary Behavior - 1978
Shulgin AT - Psychotomimetic Drugs: Structure-Activity Relationships - 1978
Silverman PB, Ho BT - Stimulus Properties of DOM: Commonality with Other Hallucinogens - 1978
Stolzki B, Kaiser HO, Mehl EL - Heterogeneity of LSD Displacing Factors and Multiple Types of High Affinity LSD-Binding Sites - 1978
Sullivan AT, Twitchett PJk Fletcher SM, Moffat AC - The Fate of LSD in the Body: Forensic Considerations - 1978
Trabucchi M, Hofmann M, Montefusco O, Spano PF - Ergot Alkaloids and Cyclic Nucleotides in the CNS - 1978
Trulson ME, Jacobs BL - Effects Of LSD On Behavior And Raphe Unit Activity In Freely-moving Cats - 1978
Trulson NE, Jacobs BL - Behavioral Evidence for Denervation Supersensitivity After Destruction of Serotoninergic Nerve Terminals - 1978
Twitchett PJ, Fletcher SM, Sullivan AT, Moffat AC - Analysis of LSD in human body fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography, fluoresence spectroscopy and radioimmunoassay - 1978
Vaupel DB, Martin WR - LSD-like Hallucinogens In The Dog: Validation Studies With Mescaline (MES), Psilocin (PSI) And Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) - 1978
Winter JC - Stimulus Properties of Phenethylamine Hallucinogens and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: The Role of 5-Hydroxtryptamine - 1978
Winter JC - LSD-Induced Stimulus Control: A Comparison of SCH12,679, Fenfluramine, P-Methoxyamphetamine, and BL-3912 - 1978
Winter JC - Yohimbine-induced Stimulus Control in the Rat - 1978
Yim GKW, Nichols DE, Pfister WR - Stereoselective Actions of Hallucinogen Analogues - 1978
Adams WB, Drummond AH, Levitan IB - Dopamine Currents in Cell R15 of Aplysia - 1978
Ahn HS, Makman MH - Stimulation of Adenylate Cyclase Activity in Monkey Anterior Limbic Cortex by Serotonin - 1978
Anderson GM, Braun G, Braun U, Nichols DE, Shulgin AT - Absolute Configuration and Psychotomimetic Activity - 1978
Anlezark GM, Horton RW, Meldrum BS - Dopamine agonists and audiogenic seizures: the relationship between protection against seizures and changes in monoamine metabolism - 1978
Anlezark G. Meldrum B - Blockade of Photically Induced Epilepsy by 'Dopamine' Agonist' Ergot Alkaloids - 1978
Appel JB, White FJ, Kuhn DM - The Use of Drugs as Discriminative Stimuli in Behavioral Pharmacodynamics - 1978
Appel JB, White FJ - Behavioral and Neuropharmacological Aspects of the Discrimtnative Stimulus Properties of Quipazine - 1978
Bastecky J, Podrouzek V, Vinar O - Alosteric Changes in Plasma Proteins in Healthy Volunteers After Administration of Lysergamide - 1978
Bennett JP, Snyder SH - Serotonin synaptic receptors in the mammalian central nervous system - 1978
Berde B - Pharmacology of Ergot Alkaloids in Clinical Use - 1978
Boullin DJ, Glenton PAM - Characterization of Receptors Mediating 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Catecholamine-Induced Platelet Aggregation, Assessed by the Actions of a- and p-Blockers, Butyrophenones, 5-HT Antagonists and Chlorpromazine - 1978
Bourgoin S, Artaud F, Bockaert J, Hery F, Glowinski J, Hamon JM - Paradoxical Decrease of Brain 5-HT Turnover by Metergoline, a Central 5-HT Receptor Blocker - 1978
Brandon JM - Failure of Indomethacin and d-2-Bromolysergic Acid Diethylamide to Modify the Acute Oedematous Reaction to Oestradiol in the Uterus of the Immature Rat - 1978
Burki HR, Asper H, Ruch W, Zueger PE - Bromocriptine, Dihydroergotoxine, Methysergide, d-LSD, CF-25-397, and 29-712: Effects on the Metabolism of the Biogenic Amines in the Brain of the Rat - 1978
CaLil HM - Screening Hallucinogenic Drugs. II. Systemic Study of Two Behavioral Tests - 1978
Caponeri MA, Charles Nicholas AJ, Maio D - Urgenze e Tossicomanie - 1978
Carr DM - Cytological and Cytogenetical Effect of Hallucinogenic Drugs on Virally Induced Murine Erythroleukemia - 1978
Carter RB. Appel JB - LSD and 5-HTP: Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Relationships - 1978
Chan CC, Fishman M, Egbert PR - Multiple Ocular Anomalies Associated With Maternal LSD Injestion - 1978
Chan YL, Lien EJ, Shih JC - QSAR of Agents Involved in Serotonin and LSD Binding Sites - 1978
Christoph GR, Kuhn DM, Jacobs BL - Dopamine Agonist Pretreatment Alters LSD's Electrophysiological Action from Dopamine Agonist to Antagonist - 1978
Claridge G - Animal models of schizophrenia: the case for LSD-25 - 1978
Cohen D - LSD in Leiden - 1978
Colpaert FC - Discriminative stimulus properties of narcotic analgesic drugs - 1978
Cowan A, Watson T - Lysergic acid diethylamide antagonizes shaking induced in rats by five chemically different compounds - 1978
Cunha JM, Masur J - Evaluation of psychotropic drugs with a modified open field test - 1978
Da Prada M, Pieri L, Keller HH, Pieri M, Bonetti EP - Effects of 5,6-Dihydroxytryptamine and 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine on the Rat Central Nervous System After Intraventricular or Intracerebral Application and on Blood Platelets In Vitro - 1978
Decker WJ, Brandes WB - LSD Misadventure in Middle Age - 1978
Degrell I - Specificity and interaction of the neurotransmitter on the basis of clinical observations - 1978
Degtyarev V P - Influence of Serotoninergic Substances on the Brain Potentials Evoked by Stimulation of the Dental Pulp - 1978
Dolphin A, Enjalbert A, Tassin JP, Lucas M, Bockaert J - Direct Interaction of LSD with Central "Beta"-Adrenergic Receptors - 1978
Dray A, Connors B, Fox PC, Hilmy H, Moore C, Somjen GG - Effects Of LSD On Unit Activity And Extracellular Potassium Responses In Cat Cortex During Visual Stimulation - 1978
Drew GM - Pharmacological Characterization of the Presynaptic a-Adrenoreceptors Regulating Cholinergic Activity in the Guinea-Pig Ileum - 1978
Drummond AH, Bucher F, Levitan IB - LSD Labels a Novel Dopamine Receptor in Molluscan Nervous System - 1978
Drummond AH, Bucher F, Levitan IB - 3H-LSD Labels a Novel Dopamine Receptor in Molluscan Ganglia - 1978
Dube KC, Kumar A, Kumar N, Gupta SP - Prevalence and pattern of drug use amongst college students - 1978
Edvinsson L, Hardebo JE, Owman C - Pharmacological Analysis of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptors in Isolated Intracranial and Extracranial Vessels of Cat and Man - 1978
Enjalbert A, Bourgoin S, Hamon M, Adrien J, Bockaert J - Postsynaptic Serotonin-Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase in the Central Nervous System. II. Comparison with Dopamine- and Isoproterenol-Sensitive Adenylate Cyclases in Rat Brain - 1978
Fillion G, Goiny M, Fillion M P, Jacob J - Influence d'ions et de divers reactifs des proteins sur les liaisons de haute affinite de la 5-hydroxytryptamine et du diethylamide de l'acide lysergique par des membranes synaptosomales de cerveau. - 1978
Fillion G, Fillion MP, Goiny M, Jacob J - Au sujet des interactions du Propranolol et des recepteurs de la 5-hydroxytryptamine - 1978
Fillion GMB - High-Affinity Binding of 3H 5-Hydroxytryptamine to Brain Synaptosomal Membranes; Comparison with 3H Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Binding - 1978
Fink H, Oelssner W - Die Wirkung van Psychotomimetika und Haloperidol auf das Kopfzucken nach Alkoholentzug bet Mausen - 1978
Fleisher LN - Hallucinogen-Induced Rotational Behavior in Rats - 1978
Friedman H, Carey RJ - Long-Term Effects of LSD-25 on Easy and Hard Visual Discrimination in Rat - 1978
Frischknecht HR, Waser PG - Actions of Hallucinogens on Ants (Formica Pratensis)-I. Brain Levels of LSD and THC Following Oral Administration - 1978
Frischknecht HR, Waser PG - Actions of Hallucinogens on Ants (Formica Pratensis)-II. Effects of Amphetamine), LSD and Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol - 1978
Fuxe K, Ogren SO, Agnati LF, Jonssen G, Gustafsson JA - 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine as a Tool to Study the Functional Role of Central 5-Hydroxytryptamine Neurons - 1978
Fuxe K, Fredhaolm BB, Agnat LF, Ogren SO, Everit BJ, Jonsson GU, Gustafsson JA - Interaction of Ergot Drugs with Central Monamine System. Evidence for a High Potential in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders - 1978
Gallager DW - Benzodiazopines: Potentiation of a GABA Inhibitory Response in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus - 1978
George JE - Law and the Emergency Nurse - 1978
Gever MA, Dawsey WJ, Mandell AJ - Fading: A New Cytofluorimetric Measure Quantifying Serotonin in the Presence of Cacholamines at the Cellular Level in Brain - 1978
Geyer MA, Petersen LR, Rose GJ, Horwitt DD, Light RK, Adams LM, Zook JA, Hawkins RL, Mandell AJ - The Effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline-derived Hallucinogens on Sensory-integrative Function: Tactile Startle - 1978
Gillespie JS, McKnight AT - The Actions Of Some Vasoactive Polypeptides And Their Antagonists On The Anococcygeus Muscle - 1978
Glennon RA, Kier LB - LSD Analogs as Serotonin Antagonists: a Molecular Connectivity SAR analysis - 1978
Goh K, Bauman AW - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Acute Leukemia - 1978
Graf M, Pletscher A - Pharmacological Characterization of the 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5HT) Receptor of Blood Platelets. - 1978
Green JP, Weinstein H, Maayani S - Defining the Histamine H2- Receptor in Brain: The Interaction With LSD - 1978
Green JP, Johnson CL, Weinstein H, Kang S, Chou D - Molecular Determinants For Interaction With The LSD Receptor: Biological Studies And Quantum Chemical Analysis - 1978
Grillo N, Cirillo B - Sindrome da asinenza da tossicomania materna. Considerazioni clinico-patologiche su due casi. [Abstinence Syndrome Due to Maternal Toxicomania. Clinico-pathogenetic Remarks on Two Cases] - 1978
Grillo N, Cirillo B - Sindrome da asinenza da tossicomania materna. Considerazioni clinico-patologiche su due casi. [Deprivation Syndrome in Newborn from Drug Addicted Mothers. Clinical and Pathogenetical Considerations About Two Cases] - 1978
Grossman TM - Post-Anesthesia Catalepsy In an LSD User - 1978
Harris RA, Snell D, Loh HH - Effects of d-Amphetamine, Monomethoxy-amphetamines and Hallucinogens on Schedule-controlled Behaviour - 1978
Heikkila J, Holbrook L, Brown I - Stress-Accentuation of the LSD-Induced Disaggregation of Brain Polysomes - 1978
Hofmann A - Historical View On Ergot Alkaloids. - 1978
Horowski R - Differences in the Dopaminergic Effects of the Ergot Derivatives Bromocriptine, Lisuride and d-LSD as compared with Apomorphine - 1978
Jacobs BL, Trulson ME, Stern WC - An Animal Behavior Model for Studying the Actions of LSD and Related Hallucinogens. - 1978
Jonsson G, Pollare T, Hallman H, Sachs C - Developmental Plasticity Of Central Serotonin Neurons After 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine Treatment - 1978
Kataoka Y, Shibata K, Fujiwara M, Ueki S - Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Labor Division Between Rats - 1978
Kay DC, Martin WR - LSD and Tryptamine Effects on Sleep/Wakefulness and Electrocorticogram Patterns in Intact Cats - 1978
Kehr W, Speckenbach W - Effect of Lisuride and LSD on Monoamine Synthesis after Axotomy or Reserpine Treatment in Rat Brain - 1978
Keller HH, Burkard WP, Pieri L, Bonetti EP, Da Prada M - Lisuride- and D-LSD-Induced Changes of Monoamine Turnover in the Rat Brain - 1978
Kovacic B, Wang-Lu LJ, Ruffing D, Domino EF - Interactions of Partial LSD Analogs Behavioral Disrupting Effects of LSD and DMT in the Rat - 1978
Krдuchi K, Lichtsteiner M, Feer H, Wirz-Justice A - Demonstration of an in vivo d-LSD-binding method - 1978
Krдuchi K, Feer H, Lichtsteiner M, Wirz-Justice A - Specific in vivo Binding of d-LSD in Rat Brain - 1978
Ksir CJ - Rate-Dependent and Stimulus Control Effect of Drugs - 1978
Kuhn DM, White FJ, Appel JB - The Discriminative Stimulus Properties of LSD: Mechanisms of Action - 1978
Kuhn DM - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of LSD: Behavioral Assay of the Mechanism of Action of LSD - 1978
Kumbar M - Conformational Study of Lysergic Acid Derivatives in Relation to Their Hallucinogenic and Antiserotonin Activities - 1978
Lofstrom A, Agnati LF, Fuxe K, Hokfelt T - Evidence for an Inhibitory Dopaminergic and Stimulatory Noradrenergic Hypothalamic Influence on PMS-Induced Ovulation in the Immature Rat. II. A Pharmacological Analysis - 1978
Laurent JP, Pieri L - Lisuride and LSD Decrease Spontaneous Firing of Neurons in the Raphe - 1978
Levi S, Reisfeld R - Ultramcrodetermination of Cholesterol, Testosterone and LSD by Fluorescence Measurements of TLC Spots - 1978
Leysen JE, Niemegeers CE, Tollenaere JP, Laduron PM - Serotonergic component of neuroleptic receptors - 1978
Lojenga JCK - Farmacologische aspecten van drugs - 1978
Longo VG, Loizzo A - Evaluation of the Central Effects of Ergot Alkaloids by Means of Electroencephalography - 1978
Lullmann H, Lullmann-Rauch R, Wassermann O - Lipidosis Induced By Amiphiphilic Drugs - 1978
Maayani S, Green JP, Weinstein H - LSD, Tricyclic Antidepressants And Neuroleptics Inhibit Histamine Stimulated Adenylate Cyclase In Brain - 1978
MacDonald JF, Berry MS - Further Identification of Multiple Responses Mediated by Dopamine in the CNS of Planorbis corneas - 1978
Maj J, Baran L, Michaluk J, Palider W, Rawlow A - The Central Antiserotonin Activity of Neuroleptics - 1978
Maj J, Sowinska H, Baran L Gancarczyk L, Rawlow A - The Central Antiserotonergic Action of Mianserin - 1978
Maj J, Palider W, Rawlow A - The Effect of Haloperidol, Spiperone and Pimozide on the Flexor Reflex of the Hind Limb of the Spinal Rat - 1978
Man PL, Chen CH - Plasma levels of neuroleptics vs clinical response - 1978
Marquardt GM, DiStefano V, Ling LL - Pharmacological and Toxicological Effects of B-3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Isomers - 1978
Marshall DJ, Petersen BA, Vouros P - Some Considerations on Quantitative Methodology and Detection Limits in Organic Mass-Spectrometry - 1978
Martin WR - The Nature of Opioid and LSD Receptors: Structural Activity Relationship Implications - 1978
Martin WR, Vaupel DB, Nozaki M, Bright LD - The Identification Of LSD-like Hallucinogens Using The Chronic Spinal Dog - 1978
McGrath JC - Adrenergic and 'Non-Adrenergic' Components in the Contractile Response of the Vas Deferens to a Single Indirect Stimulus - 1978
Mcgrath JC, Olverman HJ - Release Of [3h]-Noradrenaline From The Motor Adrenergic Nerves Of The Anococcygeus Muscle By Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Tyramine Or Nerve Stimulation - 1978
Mehl E, Guiard L - Physiological Ligands of Putative LSD-Serotonin Receptors: Heterogeneity of LSD-Displacing Factors in Human Body Fluids and Nervous Tissue - 1978
Miller DD - Steric aspects of dopaminergic drugs - 1978
Moore RH, Domino EF - Modification of the Effects of LSD-25, d-Amphetamine and Tryptamine on Electrically Evoked Responses in the Visual System by Methiothepin and Octoclothepin - 1978
Muneer RS - The effects of LSD on human chromosomes - 1978
Natale M, Dahlberg CC, Jaffe J - Effect of Psychotomimetics (LSD and Dextroamphetamine) on the Use of Primary- and Secondary-Process Language - 1978
Natale M, Kowitt M, Dahlberg CC, Jaffe J - Effect of Psychotomimetics (LSD and Dextroamphetamine) on the Use of Figurative Language During Psychoanalysis - 1978
Nichols DE - Phenethylamine Hallucinogens: New Structural Analogy and Implications for Receptor Geometry - 1978
Northup JK, Mansour TE - Adenylate Cyclase from Fasciola Hepatica. 2. Role of Guanine Nucleotides in Coupling Adenylate Cyclase and Serotonin Receptors - 1978
Northup JK, Mansour TE - Adenylate Cyclase from Fasciola hepatica. 1. Ligand Specificity of Adenylate Cyclase-Coupled Serotonin Receptors - 1978
Nozaki M, Vaupel DB, Bright LD, Martin WR - A Pharmacological Comparison Of 3-methoxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine And LSD In The Dog - 1978
Olgart L, Gazelius B - Inhibition of compound 48/80-induced intradental sensory nerve activity by disodium cromoglycate and serotonin antagonists - 1978
Otis LS, Pryor GT, Marquis WJ, Jensen R, Petersen K - Preclinical Identification Of Hallucinogenic Compounds - 1978
Owman C, Edvinsson L, Hardebo - Pharmacological in vitro Analysis of Amine-Mediated Vasomotor Functions in the Intracranial and Extracranial Vascular Beds - 1978
Persson SA - LSD And Related Drugs As DA Antagonists: Receptor-mediated Effects On the Synthesis And Turnover Of DA - 1978
Persson SA - Effects of LSD and BOL on the Catecholamine Synthesis and Turnover in Various Brain Regions - 1978
Persson SЕ, Johansson H - The Effect Of Lysergic Acid Diethylam1de (LSD) and 2-bromo-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (BOL) On The Striatal Dopa Accumulation: Influence Of Central 5-hydroxy-tryptaminergic Pathways - 1978
Pieri, Margherita; Sehaffner, R, Pieri L, Da Prada M, Haefely W - Turning in MFB-Lesioned Rats and Antagonism of Neuroleptic-Induced Catalepsy after Lisuride and LSD - 1978
Pieri L, Keller HH, Burkard W, Da Prada M - Effects of lisuride and LSD on cerebral monamine systems and hallucinosis - 1978
Pietrowicz D, Kocur J, Porczynski P - The Effects Of LSD And Propranolol On The Motor Activity In Rabbits - 1978
Poling AD, Appel JB - Drug Effects Under Automaintenance and Negative Automaintenance Procedures - 1978
Przegalinski E, Baran L, Palider W, Bigajska K - On the Central Antiserotonin Activity of Benzoctamine and Opipramal - 1978
Ranbom W - Synthetic approaches to lysergic acid - 1978
Rappolt RT, Gay G, Inaba DS, Rappolt N - Use of Inderal (Propranolol-Ayerst) in 1-a (Early Stimulative) and 1-b (Advanced Stimulative) Classification of Cocaine and Other Sympathomimetic Reactions - 1978
Rech RH - Brain Lesions and Psychostimulant Drugs - 1978
Rosecrans JA, Chance WT, Spencer RM - The Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Cyclazocine: Generalization Studies Involving Nalorphine, Morphine and LSD - 1978
Rosecrans JA, Krynock GM, Newlon P, Chance WT, Kallman M - Central Mechanisms of Drugs as Discriminative Stimuli; Involvement of Serotonin Pathways - 1978
Sapper H, Lohmann W - Association of Some Psychotomimetic Compounds with 6-Methylpurine in Aqueous Solutions - 1978
Schlemmer RF, Tyler CB, Narasimhachari N, Davis JM - The Comparitive Effects Of LSD, Mescaline, And DMT On Primate Social And Solitary Behavior - 1978
Seeman P, Tedesco J,L, Chau-Wong M, Muller P, Bowles J, Whitaker PM, McManus C, Tittler M, Weinreich P, Friend WC, Brown GM - Dopamine Receptors in the Central Nervous System - 1978
Shulgin AT, Nichols DE - Characterization of Three New Psychotomimetics - 1978
Silverman PB, Ho BT - Stimulus Properties of DOM: Commonality with Other Hallucinogens - 1978
Singh MP, Kalia CS - LSD induced chlorophyll mutations in barley - 1978
Sizaret P, Degiovanni A, Barthelemy L - Schizophrenie et Toxicomanie - 1978
Smythies JR - On The Molecular Mechanism Of Action Of Hallucinogens - 1978
Spano PF, Govoni S, Trabucchi M - Studies on the Pharmacological Properties of Dopamine Receptors in Various Areas of the Central Nervous System - 1978
Stolzki B, Kaiser HO, Mehl EL - Heterogeneity of LSD Displacing Factors and Multiple Types of High Affinity LSD-Binding Sites - 1978
Szepesy L, Feher I, Szepesi G, Gazdag M - High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Ergot Alkaloids - 1978
Trabucchi M, Hofmann M, Montefusco O, Spano PF - Ergot Alkaloids and Cyclic Nucleotides in the CNS - 1978
Trulson ME, Jacobs BL - Effects Of LSD On Behavior And Raphe Unit Activity In Freely-moving Cats - 1978
Trulson NE, Jacobs BL - Behavioral Evidence for Denervation Supersensitivity After Destruction of Serotoninergic Nerve Terminals - 1978
Uebelhack R, Franke L, Seidel K - Wirkung von LSD und 5-Methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamin auf die aktive Aufnahme von [3H]-Serotonin in Synaptosomenfraktionen aus Rattenhirn - 1978
Uebelhack R, Franke L, Seidel K - Zur Wirkung von LSD auf die synaptosomale Mg++ (Na+, K+) -ATPase - 1978
Uyeno ET - Effects of Psychodysleptics on Aggressive Behavior of Animals - 1978
Valette G, Leclair MF - du lysergide sur les rйponses mйcaniques des organes isolйs de Rat aux catйcholamines et rфle des йchanges de calcium dans ces phйnomиnes - 1978
Van Went GF - Mutagenicity testing of 3 hallucinogens: LSD, psilocybin and d 9-THC, using the micronucleus test - 1978
Vaupel DB, Nozaki M, Martin WR, Bright D - Single Dose and Cross Tolerance Studies of beta-Phenethylamine, d-Amphetamine and LSD in the Chronic Spinal Dog - 1978
Vaupel DB, Martin WR - LSD-like Hallucinogens In The Dog: Validation Studies With Mescaline (MES), Psilocin (PSI) And Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) - 1978
Vetulani J, Bednarczyk B, Reichenberg K - Inhibition of "Wet Shakes" During Morphine Abstinence by an Antagonist of Opiate analgesia - 1978
Whitaker PM, Seeman P - Selective labeling of serotonin receptors by d-[3H]lysergic acid diethylamide in calf caudate - 1978
Whitaker PM, Seeman P - High-Affinity 3H-Serotonin Binding to Caudate: Inhibition by Hallucinogens and Serotoninergic Drugs - 1978
Winter JC - Stimulus Properties of Phenethylamine Hallucinogens and Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: The Role of 5-Hydroxtryptamine - 1978
Winter JC - LSD-Induced Stimulus Control: A Comparison of SCH12,679, Fenfluramine, P-Methoxyamphetamine, and BL-3912 - 1978
Winter JC - Yohimbine-induced Stimulus Control in the Rat - 1978
Yim GKW, Nichols DE, Pfister WR - Stereoselective Actions of Hallucinogen Analogues - 1978
Ogren SO, Fuxe K, Agnati LF, Gustafsson JA, Jonsson G, Holmt AC - Reevaluation of the Indoleamine Hypothesis of Depression. Evidence for a Reduction of Functional Activity of Central 5-HT Systems by Antidepressant Drugs - 1979
Corrent G, McAdoo DJ, Eskin A - A Transmitter Role For Serotonin In The Aplysia Eye? - 1979
Dolphin A, Adrien J, Hamon M, Bockaert J - Identity of (3H)-Dibydroalprenolol Binding Sites and p-Adrenergic Receptors Coupled with Adenylate Cyclase in the Central Nervous System: Pharmacological Properties, Distribution and Adaptive Responsiveness - 1979
Freedman DX - LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors - 1979
Glennon RA, Kier LB, Shulgin AT - Molecular Connectivity Analysis of Hallucinogenic Mescaline Analogs - 1979
Greengard P - Cyclic Nucleotides, Phosphorylated Proteins and the Nervous System - 1979
Grinspoon, Lester; Bakalar, James B. - Therapeutic Uses - 1979
Grinspoon, Lester; Bakalar, James B. - Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered - 1979
Horowski R, Graef KJ - Neuroendocrine Effects of Neuropsychotropic Drugs and Their Possible Influence On Toxic Reactions in Animals and Man - The Role of the Dopamine-Prolactin System - 1979
Hyvarinen J, Laakso M, Roine R, Leinonen L - Effects of Phencyclidine, LSD and Amphetamine on Neuronal Activity in the Posterior Parietal Association Cortex of the Monkey - 1979
Ishii H, Hayashi M, Niwaguchi T, Nakahara Y - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. IX. Microbial Transformation of Amides Related to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide by Streptomyces Roseochromogenes - 1979
Krauchi K, M. Lichtsteiner M, Gentsch C, Feer H - In Vivo 3H-d-LSD-Binding in Punched Out Brain Regions - 1979
Krsiak M - Effects of Drugs on Behaviour of Aggressive Mice - 1979
Maayani S, Weinstein H, Green JP - Brain 5-HT and LSD Binding Sites - 1979
Mansour TE - Biochemical Effects of Psychopharmacological Agents - 1979
Marin J, Salaices M, Marco EJ, Gomez B, Lluch S - Analysis of the Contractile Effect of 5-Hydroxytryptamine on the Isolated Posterior Communicating Artery of the Cat - 1979
Miskiewicz M, Rokosz-Pelc A, Vetulani J - The Effect of Quipazine and LSD on Monoamines in the Rat Striatum - 1979
Poling AD, White FJ, Appel JB - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Phencyclidine - 1979
Raphael, Girard - Esotericism of the Popol Vuh. Trans. Blair A. Moffett. - 1979
Richards, William A. - Psychedelic Drug-Assisted Psychotherapy with Persons Suffering from Terminal Cancer - 1979/80
Richards, William A.; Rhead, John C.; Grof, Stanislav; Goodman, Louisa E.; Di Leo, Francesco; Rush, Lockwood - DPT as an Adjunct in Brief Psychotherapy with Cancer Patients - 1979
Samanin R, Mennini T, Ferraris A, Bendotti C, Borsini F, Garattini S - m-Chlorophenylpiperazine: A Central Serotonin Agonist Causing Powerful Anorexia in Rats - 1979
Schlemmer RF, Heinze WJ, Davis JM - Evidence For Serotonin Mediation Of LSD-Induced Abnormal Behavior In Monkeys - 1979
Shulgin AT - Chemistry of Phenethylamines Related to Mescaline - 1979
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 6. alpha-O-DMS - 1979
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 7. Mescaline - 1979
Sloviter RS - Serotonin Neuropharmacology: Behavior and Hippocampal Electrophysiology - 1979
Sovilla JY, Magistretti P, Schorderet M - Potentiation of Apomorphine-Induced Climbing Behaviour in Mice by d-LSD - 1979
Sovilla JY, Schorderet M - Potentiation of Apomorphine-Induced Climbing in Mice by d-LSD - 1979
Sypniewska M - The Effect of Baclofen on the Hind Limb Flexor Reflex of the Spinal Rat - 1979
Weinstein H, Osman R, Green JP - The Molecular Basis of Structure-Activity Relationships: Quantum Chemical Recognition Mechanisms in Drug Receptor Interactions - 1979
Whitaker, Patricia Mack - Brain Receptors for LSD and Serotonin - 1979
Williams JM - Distortions of Vision and Pain: Two Functional Facets of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1979
Williams JM, Yarbrough GG - Enhancement of in Vitro Binding and Some of the Pharmacological Properties of Diazepam by a Novel Anthelmintic Agent, Avermectic B1a - 1979
Abramson HA, Gettner HH, Carone PA, Rolo A, Krinsky L - The intracranial injection of drugs in goldfish. I: Hallucinogens and their antagonism to smooth muscle activity - 1979
Abramson HA, Gettner HH - Double Bonds, Aliphatic Chains, and Hallucinogens, Update - 1979
Aghajanian GK - Psychotogenic Drug Action on Chemically Defined Neurons - 1979
Ahn HS, Makman MH - Interaction of LSD and other hallucinogens with dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase in primate brain: regional differences - 1979
Altman JL, Appel JB, McGowan WT - Drugs and the discrimination of duration - 1979
Andreas K, Dude C, Dude G - Interaction of morphine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the raphe-hippocampus system - 1979
Anlezark GM, Horton RW, Meldrum BS - Dopamine Agonists and Reflex Epilepsy - 1979
Appel JB - Neurohumoral Determinants of Sensitivity to LSD - 1979
Ardrey RE, Moffat AC - A compilation of analytical data for the identification of lysergide and its analogues in illict preparations - 1979
Arnt J, Scheel-Krьger J - GABAergic and Glycinergic Mechanisms Within the Substantia Nigra: Pharmacological Specificity of Dopamine-Independent Contralateral Turning Behavior and Interactions With Other Neurotransmitters - 1979
Baker PB, Gough TA - The rapid determination of cocaine and other local anesthetics using field tests and chromatography - 1979
Bennet JP, Salvatore JE, Bylund DB, Gillin JC, Wyatt RJ, Snyder SH - Neurotransmitter Receptors in Frontal Cortex of Schizophrenics - 1979
Blakely AGH, Cunnane TC, Muir TC - The Electrical Responses of the Rabbit Rectococcygeus Following Extrinsic Parasympathetic Nerve Stimulation - 1979
Castellano C - Effects of LSD-25 on Avoidance Behavior and Locomotor Activity in Mice - 1979
Cheng SH, Shih JC - Photoaffinity Labeling of Serotonin-Binding Proteins - 1979
Choulis NH, Krall JM, Clarke NG - Computers in drug analysis. Part I: Identification of drugs of abuse via IR spectroscopy - 1979
Colpaert FC, Niemegeers CJE, Janssen PAJ - In Vivo Evidence of Partial Agonist Activity Exerted by Purported 5-Hydroxytryptamine Antagonists - 1979
Costa M, Furness JB - On the Possibility that an Indoleamine is a Neurotransmitter in the Gastrointestinal Tract - 1979
Dolphin A, Adrien J, Hamon M, Bockaert J - Identity of (3H)-Dibydroalprenolol Binding Sites and p-Adrenergic Receptors Coupled with Adenylate Cyclase in the Central Nervous System: Pharmacological Properties, Distribution and Adaptive Responsiveness - 1979
Duchemin AM, Quach TT, Rose C, Schwartz JC - Pharmacological Characterization of 3H-LSD Binding Sites in Mouse Brain In Viva - 1979
Fillion G, Rousselle JC, Beaudoin D, Pradelles P, Goiny M, Dray F, Jacob J - Serotonin Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase In Horse Brain Synaptosomal Membranes - 1979
Fleisher LN, Glick SD - Hallucinogen-Induced Rotational Behavior in Rats - 1979
Fox PC, Dray A - Iontophoresis of LSD: Effects on Responses of Single Cortical Neurones to Visual Stimulation - 1979
Fredrickson PA, Richelson E - Hallucinogens Antagonize Histamine H1 Receptors Of Cultured Mouse Neuroblastoma Cells - 1979
Freedman DX - LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors - 1979
Gebhart E - Zur Frage der erbgutschдdigenden Nebenwirkungen von psychotropen Substanzen. Teil 2: Rausch- und Suchtdrogen - 1979
Geyer MA, Light RK, Rose GJ, Petersen LR, Horwitt DD, Adams LM, Hawkins RL - A Characteristic Effect of Hallucinogens on Investigatory Responding in Rats - 1979
Geyer MA, Light RK - LSD-Induced Alterations of Investigatory Responding in Rats - 1979
Gimpl MP, Gormezano I, Harvey JA - Effects on Learning as Measured by Classical Conditioning of the Rabbit Nictitating Membrane Response - 1979
Glennon RA, Rosecrans JA, Young R, Gaines J - Hallucinogens As A Discriminative Stimuli: Generalizations Of Dom To A 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine Stimulus - 1979
Graf M, Pletscher A - Shape Change Of Blood Platelets - a Model For Cerebral 5-hydroxytryptamine Receptors? - 1979
Greengard P - Cyclic Nucleotides, Phosphorylated Proteins and the Nervous System - 1979
Hйry F, Simonnet G, Bourgoin S, Soubriй P, Artaud F, Hamon M, Glowinski J - Effect Of Nerve Activity On The In Vivo Release Of [3H]serotonin Continuously Formed From L-[3H]tryptophan In The Caudate Nucleus Of The Cat - 1979
Haigler HJ, Spring DD - Drugs that Antagonize Limb Flick Behavior Induced by D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in Cats - 1979
Heikkila JJ, Holbrook L, Brown IR - Disaggregation of Polysomes in Fetal Organs and Maternal Brain After Administration of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Vivo - 1979
Heikkila JJ, Brown IR - Disaggregation of brain polysomes after LSD in vivo. Involvement of LSD-induced hyperthermia - 1979
Hernandez LL, Appel JB - An Analysis of Some Perceptual Effects of Morphine, Chlorpromazine, and LSD - 1979
Hoffman, Albert - How LSD Originated - 1979
Holbrook LA - Transient Decrease in Brain Protein Synthesis after in vivo Administration of a Psychotropic Drug: Mechanism and Developmental Effects - 1979
Horowski R, Graef KJ - Neuroendocrine Effects of Neuropsychotropic Drugs and Their Possible Influence On Toxic Reactions in Animals and Man - The Role of the Dopamine-Prolactin System - 1979
Horowski R, Wachtel H - Pharmacological Effects Of Lisuride In Rodents Mediated By Dopaminergic Receptors: Mechanism Of Action And Influence Of Chronic Treatment With Lisuride - 1979
Hyvarinen J, Laakso M, Roine R, Leinonen L - Effects of Phencyclidine, LSD and Amphetamine on Neuronal Activity in the Posterior Parietal Association Cortex of the Monkey - 1979
Ishii H, Hayashi M, Niwaguchi T, Nalcahara Y - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. VII. Microbial Transformation of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds - 1979
Ishii H, Hayashi M, Niwaguchi T, Nakahara Y - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. IX. Microbial Transformation of Amides Related to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide by Streptomyces Roseochromogenes - 1979
Kemali M, Kemali D - Observations on Central Nervous System Structures Following the Administration of A Psychotomimetic Substance - 1979
Kiechel JR - Pharmacocinйtique et mйtabolisme des dйrivйs de l'ergot - 1979
Kiechel JR - Pharmacocinйtique et Mйtabolisme des Dйrives de l'Ergot - 1979
Kielholz P, Rьmmele W, Ladewig D, Hobi V - Auswirkungen von Drogen auf das Verhalten von Motorfahrzeugfьhrern. Ein Gutachten fьr das Schweizerische Bundesgericht vom 7. April 1978 - 1979
Krauchi K, M. Lichtsteiner M, Gentsch C, Feer H - In Vivo 3H-d-LSD-Binding in Punched Out Brain Regions - 1979
Krsiak M - Effects of Drugs on Behaviour of Aggressive Mice - 1979
Lamberts SWJ, Macleod RM - Metergoline and Other Peripheral Serotonin Antagonists Inhibit Prolactin Secretion Through Mechanisms Unrelated to Serotonin - 1979
Laubscher A, Pletscher A - Shape Change and Uptake Of 5-hydroxytryptamine In Human Blood Platelets: Action of Neuropsychotropic Drugs - 1979
Levin RM, Weiss B - Selective Binding of Antipsychotics and Other Psychoactive Agents to the Calcium-Dependent Activator of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase - 1979
Leyland CM, Gwyther RJ, Rylands JM - An Improved Method for Detecting Drug Effects in the Open Field - 1979
Lukaszewski T - 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Overdose - 1979
Maayani S, Weinstein H, Green JP - Brain 5-HT and LSD Binding Sites - 1979
MacDermot J, Higashida H, Wilson SP, Matsuzawa H, Minna J, Nirenberg M - Adenylate cyclase and acetylcholine release regulated by separate serotonin receptors of somatic cell hybrids - 1979
Macdermot J, Higashida H - Independent Regulation of Receptor-Mediated Cell Depolarization and Adenylate Cyclase by 5-Hydroxytryptamine (Serotonin) in Neuroblastoma Hybrid Cells - 1979
Mace S - LSD - 1979
Mahony JB, Brown IR - Fate of mRNA followng disaggregation of brain polysomes after administration of (+)-lysergic acid diethylamide in vivo - 1979
Maj J, Lewandowska A, Rawlow A - Central Antiserotonin Action of Amitriptyline - 1979
Maj J, Palider W, Rawlow A - Trazadone, a Central Serotonin Antagonist and Agonist - 1979
Mandel JL - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD-25) as a Facilitating Agent in Psychotherapy: a Phenomenological Study - 1979
Mansour TE - Biochemical Effects of Psychopharmacological Agents - 1979
Marin J, Salaices M, Marco EJ, Gomez B, Lluch S - Analysis of the Contractile Effect of 5-Hydroxytryptamine on the Isolated Posterior Communicating Artery of the Cat - 1979
Marrazzi AS, Huang CC - Qualitative Identity of Cerebral Neuronal Membrane Actions of 5HT LSD, and CPZ - 1979
Marsh A - Visual Hallucinations During Hallucinogenic Experience and Schizophrenia - 1979
Miskiewicz M, Rokosz-Pelc A, Vetulani J - The Effect of Quipazine and LSD on Monoamines in the Rat Striatum - 1979
Natale M, Dahlberg CC, Jaffe J - The Effect of Psychotomimetics On Therapist-patient Matching Of Speech "Rhythms" - 1979
Natale M, Dahlberg CC, Jaffe J - The Effects Of LSD-25 And Dextroamphetamine On The Use Of Defensive Language - 1979
Nelson DL, Herbet A, Pichat L, Glowinski J. Hamon M - In vitro and in vivo Disposition of 3H-Methiothepin in Brain Tissues. Relationship to the Effects of Acute Treatment with Methiothepin on Central Serotoninergic Receptors - 1979
Niehoff DL, Palacios JM, Kuhar MJ - In Vivo Receptor Binding: Attempts To Improve Specific/ Non-specific Ratios - 1979
Poklis A, Mackell MA, Drake WK - Fatal intoxication from 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine - 1979
Polc P, Schneeberger J, Haefely W - Effects of Several Centrally Active Drugs on the Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle of Cats - 1979
Poling AD, White FJ, Appel JB - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Phencyclidine - 1979
Prozialeck WC, Vogel WH - MAO Inhibition and the Effects of Centrally Administered LSD Serotonin, and 5-Methoxytryptamine on the Conditioned Avoidance Response in Rats - 1979
Przegalinski E, Baran L, Palider W, Siwanowicz J - The Central Action of Pizotifen - 1979
Rogawski MA, Aghajanian GK - Response of Central Monoaminergic Neurons to Lisuride: Comparison with LSD - 1979
Ruffing D, Kovacic B, Demetriou S, Domino EF - Naloxone Enhancement of DMT and LSD-25 Induced Suppression of Food-rewarded Bar Pressing Behavior in the Rat - 1979
Samanin R, Mennini T, Ferraris A, Bendotti C, Borsini F, Garattini S - m-Chlorophenylpiperazine: A Central Serotonin Agonist Causing Powerful Anorexia in Rats - 1979
Sbordone RJ, Wingard JA, Gorelick DA, Elliott ML - Severe Aggression in Rats Induced by Mescaline But Not Other Hallucinogens - 1979
Schild HO - L'ergot de seigle: des conceptions de dale aux rйcepteurs - 1979
Schlemmer RF, Heinze WJ, Davis JM - Evidence For Serotonin Mediation Of LSD-Induced Abnormal Behavior In Monkeys - 1979
Siddik ZH, Barnes RD, Dring LG, Smith RL, Williams RT - The Fate of Lysergic Acid Di[14C]ethylamide ([14C]LSD) in the Rat, Guinea Pig and Rhesus Monkey and of [14C]iso-LSD in Rat - 1979
Siddik ZH, Barnes RD, Dring LG, Smith RL, Williams RT - The Metabolism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in the Isolated Perfused Rat Liver - 1979
Silbergeld EK, Hruska RE - Lisuride and LSD: Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Interactions in the "Serotonin Syndrome" - 1979
Sissors DL - Comparison of Mescaline and Lysergic Acid Diethyamide Effects on Lymphocyte Function In Vitro - 1979
Skett P, Mode A, Eneroth P, Gustafsson JA - The Effect Of Various Centrally-acting Drugs On Hepatic Steroid Metabolism In Male And Female Rats - 1979
Sloviter RS - Serotonin Neuropharmacology: Behavior and Hippocampal Electrophysiology - 1979
Sovilla JY, Magistretti P, Schorderet M - Potentiation of Apomorphine-Induced Climbing Behaviour in Mice by d-LSD - 1979
Sovilla JY, Schorderet M - Potentiation of Apomorphine-Induced Climbing in Mice by d-LSD - 1979
Stoney DA, Thornton JI - Solvent-Dependent Photolysis for Identification of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Other Indolamines - 1979
Sypniewska M - The Effect of Baclofen on the Hind Limb Flexor Reflex of the Spinal Rat - 1979
Torre E, Pavesi M, Torre C - Azione Dell'LSD-25 Sulle Colinesterasi Del Cervello Di Ratto - 1979
Trulson ME, Jacobs BL - Alterations of Serotonin and LSD Receptor Binding Following Repeated Administration of LSD - 1979
Trulson ME, Jacobs BL - Dissociations Between the Effects of LSD on Behavior and Raphe Unit Activity in Freely Moving Cats - 1979
Uebelhack R, Belkner J, Seidel K - Einfluss von LSD un 5-Methoxy-N, N-Dimethyltryptamin auf die RNS-Synthese in Zelkernen aus Rattenhirn - 1979
Vaupel DB, Nozaki M, Martin WR, Bright LD, Morton EC - The Inhibition of Food Intake in the Dog by LSD, Mescaline, Psilocin, d-Amphetamine and Phenyl-isopropylamine Derivatives - 1979
Vetulani J, Byrska B, Reichenberg K - Head twitches produced by serotonergic drugs and opiates after lesion of the mesotriatal serotonergic system of the rat - 1979
Walters JR, Baring MD, Lakoski JM - Effects of ergolines on dopaminergic and serotonergic single unit activity - 1979
Wang RY, de Montigny C, Gold BI, Roth RH, Aghajanian GK - Denervation Supersensitivity to Serotonin in the Rat Forebrain: Single Cell Studies - 1979
Whitaker PM, Seeman P - Selective Labeling of Apomorphine Receptors by 3H-LSD - 1979
White FJ, Appel JB, Kuhn DM - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Quipazine: Direct Serotonergic Mediation - 1979
Williams JM, Yarbrough GG - Enhancement of in Vitro Binding and Some of the Pharmacological Properties of Diazepam by a Novel Anthelmintic Agent, Avermectic B1a - 1979
Winter JC - Quipazine-Induced Stimulus Control in the Rat - 1979
Wong YW, Chiu S, Mishra RK - Effect of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Striatal Choline Acetyltransferase Activity in the Rat - 1979
Ogren SO - The Effects of Chronic Treatment with Nomifensine and Zimelidine on 3H-d-LSD Binding in the Rat Cerebral Cortex - 1980
Uarens H, Zenk MH - Radioimmuntests fur die Bestimmung von Lysergsaure und einfachen Lysergsaurederivaten - 1980
Ogren SO - The Effects of Chronic Treatment with Nomifensine and Zimelidine on 3H-d-LSD Binding in the Rat Cerebral Cortex - 1980
Abraham HD - Psychiatric Illness in Drug Abusers - 1980
Blevins RD, Damie MR - The Effect of delta-9-THC on Herpes Simplex Virus Replication - 1980
Braun U, Shulgin AT, Braun G - Centrally Active N-Substituted Analogs of 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine (3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine) - 1980
Braun U, Shulgin AT, Braun G - Prufung auf Aktivitat und Analgesia von N-substituierten Analogen des Amphetamin Derivates 3,4-Methylendioxyphenylisopropylamin - 1980
Braun U, Shulgin AT, Braun G - Centrally Active N- Substituted Analogs of 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine (3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine) - 1980
Braun U, Shulgin AT, Braun G - Prufung auf zentral Aktivitat und Analgesie von N-substituierten Analogen des Amphetamin-Derivates 3,4-Methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamin - 1980
Ceccarelli P, Ortolani E, Zapponi GA, Loizzo A - Applications of Multivariate Analysis in the Classification of Psychotropic Drugs: Effects of LSD-25 on the EEG of the Rabbit - 1980
Colpaert FC - In Vivo Evidence Of Mixed Agonist/antagonist Activity Exerted By The Purported 5-hydroxytryptamine Antagonists Mianserin, Methysergide, And Cyproheptadine: A Drug Discrimination Analysis - 1980
Commissaris RL, Lyness WH, Moore KE, Rech RH - Antagonism of the Behavioral Effects of Hallucinogens by the 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) Antagonist Methergoline (MTG) - 1980
Crow TJ, Bourne R, Cross AJ, Ferrier IN, Owen F, Johnstone EC, Owens DGC, Whitaker PM - Neurotransmitter Enzymes and Receptors In Postmortem Brain in Schizophrenia - 1980
Dray A, Fox PC, Hilmy M, Somjen GG - The Effects of LSD and Some Analogues on the Responses of Single Cortical Neurons of the Cat to Optical Stimulation - 1980
Fink H, Morgenstern R - Scopolamine-Induced Hypermotility in Rats is Mediated via a Dopaminergic System - 1980
Geyer M A - Both lndoleamine and Phenylethylamine Hallucinogens Increase Serotonin in Both Dorsal and Median Raphe Neurons - 1980
Gold, R; Morgenstern, R.; Fink, H. - Einflub Verschiedener Serotoninantagonisten auf die LSD-Potenzierte Apomorphin-Lokomotion der Ratte - 1980
Gold R, Morgenstern R, Fink H - Effects of Atypical Antidepressants on LSD Potentiated Apomorphine Hypermotility in Rats - 1980
Green JP, Maayani S, Weinstein H, Hough LB - Histamine and Psychotropic Drugs - 1980
Grof, Stanislov - Emotional Distress and Physical Pain of Dying Individuals - 1980
Hartung J, Skorka D - The HIT Clinical Profile of Psychedelic Drug Users - 1980
Hetey L, Quiring K, Misselwitz HJ, Oelssner W - Bestimmung Unterschiedlicher Parameter des Cerebralen Dopamin- und Serotonin-Umsatzes nach Psychoharmaka - 1980
Jasinski DR - Interdisciplinary Studies on Phencyclidine at the Addiction Research Center, Lexington, Kentucky. - 1980
Kafkalides, Athanassios - The Knowledge of the Womb. Autopsychognosia with Psychedelic Drugs. - 1980
Kantor RE, Dudlettes SD, Shulgin AT - 5-Methoxy-alpha-Methyltryptamine (alpha-O-Dimethylserotonine) a Hallucinogenic Homolog of Serotonin - 1980
Kenyon CN, Melera A - Use of the Direct Liquid Inlet LC/MS System for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures of Biological Origin - 1980
Ksir CJ - Rate-Dependent and Stimulus Control Effects of Drugs - 1980
Kubos KL - Drugs and Seizure Identification by Audio Spectrometry - 1980
Kuhn DM, O'Callaghan JP, Juskevich J, Lovenberg W - Activation of Brain Tryptophan Hydroxylase by ATP-Mg2+: Dependence on Calmodulin - 1980
Laubscher A, Pletscher A - Increase of Cyclic GMP in Blood Platelets by Biogenic Amines - a Receptor-Mediated Effect - 1980
Laubscher A, Pletscher A, Honegger CG - Blood Platelets as Models for Neurons: Receptor- and Nonreceptor-Mediated Membrane Effects - 1980
Minnema DJ, Rosecrans JA - Discriminative Stimulus Interactions of LSD and d-Amphetamine - 1980
Morgenstern R, Strutz G, Gold R, Fink H - Zur Beziehung zwischen Neuroleptika-induzierter Hemmung von Spontan-Lokomotion (pD2) and LSD-potenzierter Apomorphin-Lokomotion (pA2) an der Ratte. Einfluss verschiedener Serotoninantagonisten auf die LSD-potenzierte Apomorphin-Lokomotion der Ratte. - 1980
Peroutka SJ, Moskowitz MA, Reinhard JF, Snyder SH - Neurotransmitter Receptor Binding in Bovine Cerebral Microvessels - 1980
Peroutka SJ, Snyder SH - Long-Term Antidepressant Treatment Decreases Spiroperidol-Labeled Serotonin Receptor Binding - 1980
Ramabadran K, Jacon J - Systemes serotoninergiques et nociception - 1980
Rech RH, Lyness WH, Moore KE, Commissaris RL - Behavioral Tolerance To The Effects Of LSD In Rats - 1980
Sachanska T, Haralanov H, Boaidgieva M, Koicheva V, Genova, Pektova K, Todorov V, Shmarov A - Complex Clinical, Biochemical and Electrophysiological Investigations After The Application Of LSD-25 - 1980
Schorderet M, Sovilla JY, Magistretti PJ - New Findings Related To A Possible Interaction Of Ergolines And Ergopeptines With Pre-synaptic Dopmine Receptors - 1980
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 8. Psilocybin - 1980
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 9. LSD - 1980
Shulgin AT, Carter MF - N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (DIPT) and 5-methoxy-N,N-Diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT). Two Orally Active Tryptamine Analogs with CNS Activity - 1980
Sloviter RS, Drust EG, Damiono BP, Connor JB - Serotonergic Mediation Of Behavioral Effects In Rats Of Indoles And Phenethylamine Hallucinogens - 1980
Standridge RT, Howell HG, Tilson HA, Chamberlain JH, Holava HM, Gylys JA, Partyka RA, Shulgin AT - Phenylalkylamines With Potential Psychotherapeutic Utility. 2. Nuclear Substituted 2-Amino-1-phenylbutanes - 1980
Abraham HD - Psychiatric Illness in Drug Abusers - 1980
Angus JA, Black JW - Pharmacological assay of cardiac H2-receptor blockade by amitriptyline and lysergic acid diethylamide - 1980
Baraban JM, Aghanjanian GK - Suppression of Firing Activity of 5-HT Neurons in the Dorsal raphe by alpha-Adrenoceptor Antagonists - 1980
Baumann PA - Presynaptic serotonin autoreceptors in rat cortex slices - 1980
Bonetti EP, Bondiolotti G - Backward locomotion in rats, a specific stereotyped behavior - 1980
Braun U, Shulgin AT, Braun G - Centrally Active N-Substituted Analogs of 3,4- Methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine (3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine) - 1980
Ceccarelli P, Ortolani E, Zapponi GA, Loizzo A - Applications of Multivariate Analysis in the Classification of Psychotropic Drugs: Effects of LSD-25 on the EEG of the Rabbit - 1980
Chiu S, Mishra RK - Effects of Dopaminergic and Cholinergic Drugs. Naloxone and l-Prolyl-leucyl-glycinamide on LSD-Induced Catalepsy - 1980
Commissaris RL, Lyness WH, Moore KE, Rech RH - Antagonism of the Behavioral Effects of Hallucinogens by the 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) Antagonist Methergoline (MTG) - 1980
Connell DJ, Middlemiss DN, Stone MA - Further Evidence for an Interaction of Propranolol with the Central 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) Receptor - 1980
Dray A, Fox PC, Hilmy M, Somjen GG - The Effects of LSD and Some Analogues on the Responses of Single Cortical Neurons of the Cat to Optical Stimulation - 1980
Drummon AH, Benson JA, Levitan IB - Serotonin-induced hyperpolarization of an identified aplysia neuron is mediated by cyclic AMP - 1980
Drummond AH, Bucher F, Levitan IB - d-[3H]Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Binding to Serotonin Receptors in the Molluscan Nervous System - 1980
Editorial - Arguments Heard for Psychedelics Probe - 1980
Editorial - How is the differential diagnosis made between (a) acute alcohol poisoining, (b) acute lysergide poisoning and (c) acute schizophrenia when there is no history of any previous illness and a patient presents with symptoms of hallucinosis and amnesia? - 1980
Editorial - Wie evoziert das LSD: Halluzinationen und Traume? - 1980
Editorial - Tod-geweihte: LSD hilft sterben - 1980
Fairchild MD, Jenden DJ, Mickey MR, Yale C - EEG Effects of Hallucinogens and Cannabinoids Using Sleep-Waking Behavior as Baseline - 1980
Frischknecht HR, Waser PG - Actions of Hallucinogens on Ants (Formica Pratensis)-III. Social Behaviour Under the Influence of LSD and Tetrahydrocannabinol - 1980
Gallager DW, Mallorga P, Tallman JF - Interaction Of Diphenylhydantoin And Benzodiazepines In The CNS - 1980
Geyer M A - Both lndoleamine and Phenylethylamine Hallucinogens Increase Serotonin in Both Dorsal and Median Raphe Neurons - 1980
Gillespie JS - The physiology and pharmacology of the anococcygeus muscle - 1980
Gormezano I, Harvey JA - Sensory and Associative Effects of LSD on Classical Appetitive Conditioning of the Rabbit Jaw Movement Response - 1980
Gormezano I, Harvey JA - Sensory and Associative Effects of LSD in Classical Conditioning of Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) Nictitating Membrane Response - 1980
Green JP, Maayani S, Weinstein H, Hough LB - Histamine and Psychotropic Drugs - 1980
Hartung J, Skorka D - The HIT Clinical Profile of Psychedelic Drug Users - 1980
Hetey L, Quiring K, Misselwitz HJ, Oelssner W - Bestimmung Unterschiedlicher Parameter des Cerebralen Dopamin- und Serotonin-Umsatzes nach Psychoharmaka - 1980
Hetey L, Quiring K - Synaptosomal uptake and release of dopamine and 5-hydroxy-tryptamine in the nucleus accumbens in vitro following in vivo administration of lysergic acid diethylamide in rats - 1980
Inoue T, Niwaguchi T - Enzymic formation of dehydrogenated and hydroxylated metabolites from lysergic acid diethylamide by rat liver microsomes - 1980
Ishidate M, Yoshikawa K - Chromosome Aberration Tests with Chinese Hamster Cells in vitro with and without Metabolic Activation - A Comparative study on Mutagens and Carcinogens - 1980
Ishii H, Niwaguchi T, Nakahara Y, Hayashi M - Studies on Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Related Compounds. Part 8. Structural Identification of New Metabolites of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Obtained by Microbial Transformation Using Streptomyces Roseochromogenes - 1980
Jarbe TUC - LSD-25 as a Discriminative Stimulus for Response Selection by Pigeons - 1980
Jasinski DR - Interdisciplinary Studies on Phencyclidine at the Addiction Research Center, Lexington, Kentucky. - 1980
Kemali M, Kemali D - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Morphological Study of its Effect on Synapses - 1980
Kenyon CN, Melera A - Use of the Direct Liquid Inlet LC/MS System for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures of Biological Origin - 1980
Krдuchi K, Feer H - In vivo 3H-d-LSD binding in small punched out rat brain regions - 1980
Kraus L, Stahl E, Thies W - Quantitative in situ fluorimetry of LSD by HPTLC - 1980
Ksir CJ - Rate-Dependent and Stimulus Control Effects of Drugs - 1980
Kuhn DM, O'Callaghan JP, Juskevich J, Lovenberg W - Activation of Brain Tryptophan Hydroxylase by ATP-Mg2+: Dependence on Calmodulin - 1980
Laubscher A, Pletscher A, Honegger CG - Blood Platelets as Models for Neurons: Receptor- and Nonreceptor-Mediated Membrane Effects - 1980
Laubscher A, Pletscher A - Increase of Cyclic GMP in Blood Platelets by Biogenic Amines - a Receptor-Mediated Effect - 1980
Lee EHY, Geyer MA - Persistent Effects Of Chronic Administration Of LSD On Intracellular Serotonin Content In Rat Midbrain - 1980
Maayani S, Weinstein H - "Specific Binding" of 3H-Phencyclidine: Artifacts of the Rapid Filtration Method - 1980
Makman MH, Dvorkin B, Horowitz SG, Thal LJ - Properties Of Dopamine Agonist And Antagonist Binding Sites In Mammalian Retina - 1980
Markу M, Flьeckiger E - Role of Serotonin in the Regulation of Ovulation. Evidence from Pharmacological Studies - 1980
Mccall RB, Aghajanian GK - Hallucinogens Potentiate Responses To Serotonin And Norepinephrine In The Facial Motor Nucleus - 1980
McLellan, AT, Woody GE, O'Brien CP - Psychiatric Illness in Drug Abusers - 1980
Meibach RC, Maayni S, Green JP - Characterization And Radioautography Of [3H] LSD Binding By Rat Brain Slices In Vitro: The Effect Of 6-hydroxytryptamine - 1980
Mellett P - Hypnosis. Current views on the psychophysiology of hypnosis - 1980
Minnema DJ, Rosecrans JA - Discriminative Stimulus Interactions of LSD and d-Amphetamine - 1980
Morgenstern R, Strutz G, Gold R, Fink H - Zur Beziehung zwischen Neuroleptika-induzierter Hemmung von Spontan-Lokomotion (pD2) and LSD-potenzierter Apomorphin-Lokomotion (pA2) an der Ratte. Einfluss verschiedener Serotoninantagonisten auf die LSD-potenzierte Apomorphin-Lokomotion der Ratte. - 1980
Murakami N, Sakata Y - A Possible Role of the Serotonergic System in Thermoregulation in the Rabbit - 1980
Nielsen EB, Nielsen M, Ellison G, Braestrup C - Decreased Spiroperidol And LSD Binding In Rat Brain After Continuous Amphetamine - 1980
Nielsen EB, Lee TH, Ellison G - Following Several Days of Continuous Administration d-Amphetamine Acquires Hallucinogenlike Properties - 1980
North RA, Henderson G, Katayama Y, Johnson SM - Electrophysiological Evidence For Presynaptic Inhibition Of Acetycholine Release By 5-hydroxytryptamine In The Enteric Nervous System - 1980
Oelszner W - Displacement of specific serotonin and lysergic acid diethylamide binding by Ergalgin, a new antiserotonin drug - 1980
PARKER RJ, HIROM PC, MILLBURN P - Enterohepatic recycling of phenolphthalein, morphine, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and diphenylacetic acid in the rat: Hydrolysis of glucuronic acid conjugates in the gut lumen - 1980
Peroutka SJ, Snyder SH - Long-Term Antidepressant Treatment Decreases Spiroperidol-Labeled Serotonin Receptor Binding - 1980
Peroutka SJ, Moskowitz MA, Reinhard JF, Snyder SH - Neurotransmitter Receptor Binding in Bovine Cerebral Microvessels - 1980
Pesce VS - L'uso della droga ed i suoi riflessi sull'apparato genitale femminile - 1980
Ramabadran K, Jacon J - Systemes serotoninergiques et nociception - 1980
Rech RH, Lyness WH, Moore KE, Commissaris RL - Behavioral Tolerance To The Effects Of LSD In Rats - 1980
Ruffing DM, Domino EF - First Dose Behavioral Tolerance to Phencyclidine on Food-Rewarded Bar Pressing Behavior in the Rat - 1980
Sachanska T, Haralanov H, Boaidgieva M, Koicheva V, Genova, Pektova K, Todorov V, Shmarov A - Complex Clinical, Biochemical and Electrophysiological Investigations After The Application Of LSD-25 - 1980
Seeman P, Westman K, Coscena D, Warsh J - Serotonin Receptors in Hippocampus and Frontal Cortex - 1980
Shannon HE - MDA and DOM: Substituted Amphetamines that do not Produce Amphetamine-Like Discriminative Stimuli in the Rat - 1980
Sietnieks A, Meyerson BJ - Enhancement By Progesterone Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Inhibition Of The Copulatory Response In The Female Rat - 1980
Sloviter RS, Drust EG, Damiono BP, Connor JB - Serotonergic Mediation Of Behavioral Effects In Rats Of Indoles And Phenethylamine Hallucinogens - 1980
Sloviter RS, Drust EG, Damiano BP, Connor JD - A Common Mechanism for Lysergic Acid, Indolealkylamine and Phenethylamine Hallucinogens: Serotonergic Mediation of Behavioral Effects in Rats - 1980
Smith JA, Walters G, Johnston D - LSD "flashback" as a cause of diagnostic error - 1980
Strahlendorf JCR - Mechanism of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Influence Upon Optically Evoked Potentials - 1980
Svensson TH - Effect of Chronic Treatment with Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs on Identified Brain Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Neurons - 1980
Swann AC, Heninger GR, Marini JL, Sheard MH, Maas JW - Lithium Effects on High-Affinity Tryptophan Uptake: Evidence Against a Stabilization Mechanism - 1980
Tang SW, Seeman P - Effect of Antidepressant Drugs on Serotonergic and Adrenergic Receptors - 1980
Teal JJ, Holtzman SG - Discriminative Stimulus Effects of Cyclazocine in the Rat - 1980
Trevor-Roper P - The psychopathic eye - 1980
Vanderwolf CH, Robinson TE, Pappas BA - Monamine replacement after reserpine: catecholaminergic agonists restore motor activity but phenylethylamine restores atropine-resistant neocortical low voltage fast activity - 1980
Vetulani J, Bednarczyk B, Reichenberg K, Rokosz A - Head twitches induced by LSD and quipazine: similarities and differences - 1980
Wallis DL, Nash HL - The Action Of Methylated Derivatives Of 5-hydroxytryptamine At Ganglionic Receptors - 1980
Wang RY, Aghajanian GK - Enhanced sensitivity of amygdaloid neurons to serotonin and norepinephrine after chronic antidepressant treatment - 1980
Whitaker PM - Brain receptors for LSD and serotonin - 1980
White FJ, Simmons MA, West KB, Holohean AM, Appel JB - The Effect of Serotonin Depletion on the Discriminability of LSD - 1980
Winter JC - Effects of the Phenethylamine Derivatives, BL-3912, Fenfluramine, and Sch-12679, in Rats Trained with LSD as a Discriminative Stimulus - 1980
Young WS, Kuhar MJ - Serotonin Receptor Localization in Rat Brain by Light Microscopic Autoradiography - 1980
Ardrey RE, Moffat AC - Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Retention Indices of 1318 Substances of Toxicological Interest on SE-30 or OV-1 Stationary Phase. - 1981
Commissaris RL, Lyness WH, Rech RH - Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM), Pentobarbital (PB), and Methaqualone (MQ) on Conflict Behavior in Control and 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT)-Treated Rats - 1981
Domelsmith LN, Eaton TA, Houk KN, Anderson GM, Glennon RA, Shulgin AT, Castagnoli N, Kollman PA - Photoelectron Spectra of Psychotropic Drugs. 6. Relationships between physical properties and pharmacological actions of amphetamine analogues - 1981
Feltner EJ, Meibach RC, Maayani S, Green JP - Radioautographic Localization of H-5-HT and [2]H-D-LSD Binding Sites on Dopaminergic Nigral-Striatal Neurons - 1981
Fink H, Oelssner W - LSD, Mescaline and Serotonin Injected Into Medial Raphe Nucleus Potentiate Apomorphine Hypermotility - 1981
Freedman MS, Clark BD, Cruz TF, Gurd JW, Brown IR - Selective Effects of LSD and Hyperthermia on the Synthesis of Synaptic Proteins and Glycoproteins - 1981
Grillo SA - Effect of dl-Amphetamine and d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Slow Potentials Evoked in the Reticular Formation - 1981
Heinze WJ, Schlemner RF, Javaid JI, Davis JM - The Comparative Effects of d-LSD & d-Amphetamine on Stereotyped Behavior in Rats - 1981
Ingrasci, Rick - Review of Grof's LSD Psychotherapy - 1981 July
Jacob P, Shulgin AT - Sulfur Analogues of Psychotomimetic Agents. Monothio Analogues of Mescaline and Isomescaline - 1981
Maayani S, Meibach RC, Green JP - Heterogeneity of [3H]-5-HT and [3H]-LSD Binding in Rat Brain and Calf Hippocampus Slices - 1981
McKenna DJ, Towers GHN - Ultra-Violet Mediated Cytotoxic Activity of B-Carboline Alkaloids - 1981
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - H-LSD Binding to a Serotonin Receptor Coupled to Adenylate Cyclase Activity in the Liver Fluke Fasciola hepatica - 1981
Oelsner W, Fink H, Hetey L, Drescher K - Action of Antipsychotics on LSD-Induced Neurochemical and Behavioral Effects in Rats - 1981
Schlemmer RF, Davis JM - LSD-induced Behavioral Changes In Selected Members Of A Primate Social Colony - 1981
Shulgin AT - Hallucinogens - 1981
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 10. DOB - 1981
Shulgin AT - Chemistry of Psychotomimetics - 1981
Shulgin AT - Profiles of Psychedelic Drugs. 11. Bufotenine - 1981
Smith, Dewey H., Jr. - Method of Using N-substituted dihydro-2-Oxazolamines as Analgesics - Mar 17,1981
Trulson ME, Brandstetter JW, Jacobs BL - Similarity of the Behavioral Effects of Quipazine and LSD in Cats - 1981
Weiss S, Drummond GI - Dopamine- And Serotonin-Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase In The Gill Of Aplysia - 1981
Commissaris RL, Lyness WH, Rech RH - Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine (DOM), Pentobarbital (PB), and Methaqualone (MQ) on Conflict Behavior in Control and 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT)-Treated Rats - 1981
Grillo SA - Effect of dl-Amphetamine and d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on the Slow Potentials Evoked in the Reticular Formation - 1981
Grinspoon L - LSD Reconsidered: Should clinical research be resumed? - 1981
Gupta SP, Singh P, Bindal MC - Correlation of Inhibitory Activity of Tryptamine Derivatives on Serotonin Uptake in Thrombocyte with van der Waals Volume - 1981
Heikkila JJ, Brown IR - Comparison of the Effect of Intravenous Administration of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Free and Membrane-Bound Polysomes in the Rabbit Brain - 1981
Heinze WJ, Schlemner RF, Javaid JI, Davis JM - The Comparative Effects of d-LSD & d-Amphetamine on Stereotyped Behavior in Rats - 1981
Hirsch JD - Selective inhibition of [3H]lysergic acid diethylamide binding to mouse brain membranes by ethanol - 1981
Keseberg A - Drogenabhangigkeit Heranwachsender - 1981
Konzett H - Halluzinogene: LSD, Psilocybin und Mescalin - 1981
Lake CR, Stirba AL, Kinneman RE, Carlson B, Holloway HR - Mania Associated with LSD Ingestion - 1981
Larson AA, Chinn C, Proudfit HK, Anderson EG - Dual Actions of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate (LSD), 2-Bromo-D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Bitartrate (BOL) and Methysergide on Dorsal Root Potentials Evoked by Stimulation of Raphe Nuclei - 1981
Stoff DM, Gillin JC, Wyatt RJ - Animal Models Of Drug-induced Hallucinations - 1978
Leysen JE - Serotoninergic receptors in brain tissue: properties and identification of various 3H-ligand binding sites in vitro - 1981
Loew DM - Die Wirkung von Mutterkorn-Dervaten auf das Zentralnerensystem: Synaptischetibertragungsmechansmen - 1981
Marini JL, Jacobs BL, Sheard MH, Trulson ME - Activity of a Non-Hallucinogenic Ergoline Derivative, Lisuride, in an Animal Behavior Model for Hallucinogens - 1981
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - H-LSD Binding to a Serotonin Receptor Coupled to Adenylate Cyclase Activity in the Liver Fluke Fasciola hepatica - 1981
Menon MK, Vivonia CA - Modification Of Apomorphine Hypothermia By Drugs Affecting Brain 5-hydroxytryptamine Function - 1981
Muggler-Bickel J, Maag F - Drogen und Fџhrertauglichkeit - 1981
Nahas GG - A pharmacological classification of drugs of abuse - 1981
Neuninger H - Die Biotransformation der Suchtgifte - 1981
Oelsner W, Fink H, Hetey L, Drescher K - Action of Antipsychotics on LSD-Induced Neurochemical and Behavioral Effects in Rats - 1981
Patel AJ, Barochovsky O, Lewis PD - Psychotropic Drugs And Brain Development: Effects On Cell Replication In Vivo And In Vitro - 1981
Peroutka SJ, Snyder SH - [3H]Mianserin: Differential Labeling of Serotonin2 and Histamine1 Receptors in Rat Brain - 1981
Poller D, Carroll JA, Middlemiss DN - The [3h]5-ht And [3h]spiroperidol Binding Sites In The Rat Frontal Cortex Are Thermally Inactivated At Different Rates - 1981
Pope HG Jr, Ionescu-Pioggia M, Cole JO - Drug Use and Life-style Among College Undergraduates: Nine years later - 1981
Rosenfeld MR, Makman MH - The Interaction of Lisuride, an Ergot Derivative, with Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Receptors in Rabbit Brain - 1981
Ruffig DM, Domino EF - Effects of Selected Opioid Agonists and Antagonists on DMT- and LSD-25-Induced Disruption of Food-Rewarded Bar Pressing Behavior in the Rat - 1981
Stern L - In Vivo Assessment of the Teratogenic Potential of Drugs in Humans - 1981
Trulson ME, Brandstetter JW, Jacobs BL - Similarity of the Behavioral Effects of Quipazine and LSD in Cats - 1981
Wallis D, Nash H - Relative activities of substances related to 5-hydroxytryptamine as depolarizing agents of superior cervical ganglion cells - 1981
Weinreich P, Seeman P - Binding Of Adrenergic Ligands ([3h]clonidine And [3H]WB-4101) To Multiple Sites In Human Brain - 1981
Weiss S, Drummond GI - Dopamine- And Serotonin-Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase In The Gill Of Aplysia - 1981
Whitaker PM, Crow TJ, Ferrier IN - Tritiated LSD Binding in Frontal Cortex in Schizophrenia - 1981
White FJ, Holohean AM, Appel JB - Lack of Specificity of an Animal Behavior Model for Hallucinogenic Drug Action - 1981
White FJ, Appel JB - A Neuropharmacological Analysis of the Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Fenfluramine - 1981
Winter JC - Drug-induced stimulus control and the concept of breaking point: LSD and quipazine - 1981
Domino EF, Ruffing DM - Evidence for Opioids as Partial Antagonists for Indole Hallucinogens - 1982
Glennon R A, Young R, Rosecrans J A, Anderson G M - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of MDA Analogs - 1982
Kemali M, Milici N, Kemali D - The Pigment Screening (PS) of The Frog Retina After Administration of Psychoactive Drugs - 1982
Kleven MS, Dwoskin LP, Sparber SB - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) attenuates 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) induced increases in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in ventricular perfusate collected during operant behavior - 1982
Knight, Edward H. - The Deformed Leg in Pre-Columbian Mexican Mythology - 1982
Langer SZ, Moret C - Citalopram Antagonizes the Effects of LSD on the Presynaptic Serotonin Autoreceptors In Slices of the Rat Hypothalamus - 1982
Minnema D, Rosecrans JA - Alterations Of The Discriminative Stimulus Produced By D-amphetamine Or LSD In Rats Neonatally Depleted Of Serotonin Or Dopamine - 1982
Mokler DJ, Commissaris RL, Rech RH - Drugs that Influence Dopamine Function Do Not Alter the Disruption of Operant Behavior by Lisuride (LIS), Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) or d-Amphetamine (d-A) - 1982
Nichols DE, Lloyd DH, Hoffman AJ, Nichols MB, Yim GKW - Effects of Certain Hallucinogenic Amphetamine Analogues on the Release of [3H] Serotonin from Rat Brain Synaptosomes. - 1982
O'Brien BA, Bonicamp JM, Jones DW - Differentiation of Amphetamine and Its Major Hallucinogenic Derivatives Using Thin-Lager Chromatography - 1982
Sargent T, Shulgin AT, Mathis CA - New Iodinated Amphetamines by Rapid Synthesis for Use as Brain Blood Flow Indicators - 1982
Shulgin AT, Jacob P - Potential Misrepresentation of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). A Toxicological Warning - 1982
Shulgin AT, Jacob P - 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-3-aminobutane: A Potential Toxicological Problem - 1982
Shulgin AT, Jacob P III - Potential Misrepresentation of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). A Toxicological Warning - 1982
Shulgin AT, Jacob P III - 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-3-aminobutane: A Potential Toxicological Problem - 1982
Wilkison DM, Hosko MJ - Interactions of Cyproheptadine and Methysergide with LSD on Sensory Evoked Activity. - 1982
Williams M, Martin GE - Selectivity of Cyproheptadine as Assessed by Radioligand Binding - 1982
Gough TA, Baker PB - Identification of Major Drugs of Abuse Using Chromatography - 1982
Halaris AE, Rosenthal M, DeMet EM, Freedman DX - The Raphe Neuronal System And Serotonergic Effects Of LSD - 1982
Harvey JA, Gormezano I, Cool VA - Effects of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, d-2-Bromolysergic Acid Diethylamide, dl-2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Methylamphetamine and d-Amphetamine on Classical Conditioning of the Rabbit Nictitating Membrane Response - 1982
Heym J, Steinfels GF, Jacobs BL - Medullary serotonergic neurons are insensitive to 5-MeoDMT and LSD - 1982
Hjorthl S, Carlssoni A, Lindberg P, Sanchez D, Wikstrцm H, Arvidsson LE, Hacksell U, Nilsson JLG - 8-Hydroxy-2-(Di-n-Propylamino)Tetralin, 8-OH-DPAT, a Potent and Selective Simplified Ergot Congener with Central 5-HT-Receptor Stimulating Activity - 1982
Holohean AM, White FJ, Appel JB - Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Mediation of the Discriminable Effects of Ergot Alkaloids - 1982
Jacobs BI, Heym J, Rasmussen K - Action of Hallucinogenic Drugs at Postsynaptic Serotonergic Receptors - 1982
Jarbe TUC - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of d-Amphetamine in Pigeons - 1982
Kemali M, Kemali D - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)-Induced Reversible Structural Modifications, Endogenous Psychosis-Like Experience and CEEG Finding. A study in frog and man - 1982
Kemali M, Milici N, Kemali D - The Pigment Screening (PS) of The Frog Retina After Administration of Psychoactive Drugs - 1982
Kleven MS, Dwoskin LP, Sparber SB - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) attenuates 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) induced increases in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in ventricular perfusate collected during operant behavior - 1982
Koernerl J, Appel JB - Psilocybin as a Discriminative Stimulus: Lack of Specificity in an Animal Behavior Model for 'Hallucinogens' - 1982
Ksir C, Slifer B - Drug Effects on Discrimination Performance at Two Levels of Stimulus Control - 1982
Langer SZ, Moret C - Citalopram Antagonizes the Effects of LSD on the Presynaptic Serotonin Autoreceptors In Slices of the Rat Hypothalamus - 1982
Langer SZ, Moret C - Citalopram Antagonizes the Stimulation by Lysergic Acid Diethylamide of Presynaptic Inhibitory Serotonin Autoreceptors in the Rat Hypothalamus - 1982
Lucki I, Frazer A - Prevention of the Serotonin Syndrome in Rats by Repeated Administration of Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors but not Tricyclic Antidepressants - 1982
Luscombe G, Jenner P, Marsden CD - Myoclonus in Guinea Pigs is Induced by Indole-containing but Not Piperazine-Containing 5HT Agonists - 1982
Maj J, Vetulani J, Michaluk J, Rogoz Z, Skuza G - Central Action of Amitriptyline N-oxide - 1982
McCall RB, Humphrey SJ - Involvement of Serotonin in the Central Regulation of Blood Pressure: Evidence for a Facilitating Effect on Sympathetic Nerve Activity - 1982
McCall MA, Tieman DG, Hirsch HVB - Chronic Intraventricular Administration of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) Affects the Sensitivity of Cortical Cells to Monocular Deprivation - 1982
Minnema D, Rosecrans JA - Alterations Of The Discriminative Stimulus Produced By D-amphetamine Or LSD In Rats Neonatally Depleted Of Serotonin Or Dopamine - 1982
Mishra SK, Raviprakash V - Alpha-Thioglycerol sensitive excitatory oxytocin receptors in fowl rectum - 1982
Nichols DE, Lloyd DH, Hoffman AJ, Nichols MB, Yim GKW - Effects of Certain Hallucinogenic Amphetamine Analogues on the Release of [3H]Serotonin from Rat Brain Synaptosomes - 1982
Nielsen EB, White FJ, Holohean AM, Callahan PM, Appel JB - Behavioral and Biochemical Evidence for Serotonergic Actions of Tetrahydro-beta-carbolines - 1982
Peden NR, Pringle SD - Hallucinogenic Fungi - 1982
Sakharov DA, Salanki J - Effects of dopamine antagonists on snail locomotion - 1982
Shearman GT, Herz A - Non-opioid Psychotomimetic-like Discriminative Stimulus Properties Of N-allylnormetazocine (skf 10,047) In The Rat - 1982
Simon, AM - A Study of Drug Abuse in a Group of South African University Students - 1982
Snyder SH, Peroutka SJ - A Possible Role of Serotonin Receptors in Antidepressant Drug Action - 1982
Stadler PA - Neuere Ergebnisse der Mutterkornalkaloid-Forschung [New Results of Ergot Alkaloid Research] - 1982
Stadler PA, Stuetz P - Quelques Aspects Nouveaux De La Chime Des Derives De L'acide Lysergique - 1982
Stoff DM, Jeste DV, Moja EA, Stauderman KA, Wyatt RJ - Interaction of Monoamine Blocking Agents with Behavioral Effects of N, N Dimethyltryptamine - 1982
Trulson ME, Howell GA - Dissociations Between The Behavioral Effects Of LSD And Tolerance Development During Ontogeny In Cats: A Novel Approach To The Study Of Tolerance Mechanisms - 1982
Trulson ME, Crisp T - Lack of Synergism and Cross Tolerance Between Tactile Stimulus- and LSD-Induced Limb Flicking in the Cat - 1982
Vaupel DB, Morton EC - Anorexia and Hyperphagia Produced by Five Pharmacologic Classes of Hallucinogens - 1982
West KB, Hernandez LL, Appel JB - Drugs and Visual Perception: Effects of LSD, Morphine and Chlorpromazine on Accuracy, Bias and Speed - 1982
White FJ, Appel JB - Lysergic Acid Diethylarnide (LSD) and Lisuride: Differentiation of Their Neuropharmacological Actions - 1982
White FJ, Appel JB - Training Dose as a Factor in LSD-Saline Discrimination - 1982
Wilkison DM, Hosko MJ - Interactions of Cyproheptadine and Methysergide with LSD on Sensory Evoked Activity. - 1982
Williams M, Martin GE - Selectivity of Cyproheptadine as Assessed by Radioligand Binding - 1982
Young, Richard E.; Milroy, R, Hutchison S, Kesson CM - The Rising Price Of Mushrooms - Jan 23,1982
Bastiaans, Jan - Mental Liberation Facilitated by the Use of Hallucinogenic Drugs - 1983
Buckman, John - LSD - Psychiatric Therapy and Research - 1983
Engel G, v. Amsterdan F, Palacios JM - 125I-LSD, A New Useful Ligand For The Characterization And Localization Of 5HT2-Receptors - 1983
Glennon RA, Young R, Jacyno JM, Slusher M, Rosecrans JA - DOM-Stimulus Generalization to LSD and Other Hallucinogenic Indolealkylamines - 1983
Grinspoon, Lester; Bakalar, James B. - Psychedelic Drugs in Psychiatry - 1983
Grof, Stanislav - New Perspectives in Psychotherapy: Observations from LSD Research - 1983
Jacob P, Shulgin AT - Sulfur Analogues of Psychotomimetic Agents. 2. Analogues of (2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methylphenyl)- and (2,5-Dimethoxy-4-ethylphenyl)-isopropylamine - 1983
Jenner P, Luscombe G, Marsden CD - Interaction Of 5-HT Agonists with Guinea-Pig Brain Stem 5-HT - 1983
Kemali M, Milici N, Kemali D - Modification of the Pigment Screening of the Frog Retina Following Administration of Neuroactive Drugs - 1983
Leuner, Hanscarl - Psycholytic Therapy. Hallucinogenics as an Aid in Psychodynamically Oriented Psychotherapy - 1983
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - A Novel Serotonin Receptor In The Liver Fluke Fasciola Hepatica - 1983
Shulgin AT - Twenty Years On an Ever-Changing Quest - 1983
Shulgin AT - Twenty Years on an Ever-Changing Quest - 1983
Hofmann A, Goodwin DW - LSD: My Problem Child-- Reflections on Sacred Drugs, Mysticism, and Science - 1983
Hartig PR, Kadan MJ, Evans MJ, Krohn AM - 125-i-LSD: A High Sensitivity Ligand For Serotonin Receptors - 1983
Hetey L, Schwitzkowsky R, Oelssner W - Influence Of Psychotomimetics And Lisuride On Synaptosomal Dopamine Release In The Nucleus Accumbens Of Rats - 1983
Horowski R - Pharmacological Effects of Lisuride and Their Potential Role in Further Research - 1983
Kalkman HO, Harms YM, Van Gelderen EM, Batink HD, Timmermans WM, Van Zwieten PA - Hypotensive Activity of Serotonin Antagoinists; Correlation with - 1983
Keller HH, Bonetti EP, Pieri L, Da Prada M - Lisuride-Induced Mounting Behavior and Effects on the Monoaminergic System in Rat Brain - 1983
Kleven MS, Dwoskin LP, Sparber SB - Pharmacological Evidence for the Existence of Multiple Functional Pools of Brain Serotonin: Analysis Of Brain Perfusate From Conscious Rats - 1983
Larsson B - Demonstration of alpha-Adrenoceptors in the Rabbit Bladder Base and Urethra with 3H-Dihydroergocryptine Ligand Binding - 1983
Muller-Schweinitzer E , Engel G - Evidence for mediation by 5-HT2 receptors of 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced contraction of canine basilar artery - 1983
Mccall RB, Schuette MR, Humphrey SJ, Lahti RA, Barsuhn C - Evidence for a Central Sympathoexcitatory Action of Alpha-2 Adrenergic Antagonists - 1983
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - A Novel Serotonin Receptor In The Liver Fluke Fasciola Hepatica - 1983
Monroe PJ, Smith DJ - Characterization of Multiple [3H]5-Hydroxytryptamine Binding Sites in Rat Spinal Cord Tissue - 1983
Morgenstern R, Fink H, Oelssner W - LSD-Potentiated Apomorphine Hypermotility: A Model for Differentiating Antipsychotic Drugs - 1983
Nielsen EB, Appel JB - The Effects of Drugs on the Discrimination of Color Following a Variable Delay Period: A Signal Detection Analysis - 1983
Palacios JM - Quantitative Receptor Autoradiography: Application to the Study of Multiple Serotonin Receptors in Rat Cortex - 1983
Palacios JM, Probst A, Cortes R - The distribution of serotonin receptors in the human brain: high density of [3H]LSD binding sites in the raphe nuclei of the brainstem - 1983
Pieri L, Keller HH, Laurent JP, Burkard WP, Pieri M, Bonetti EP, Da Prada M - Behavioral, Neurochemical, and Electrophysiological Effects of Lisuride and LSD in Animals - 1983
Potthoff AD, Ellison G, Nelson L - Ethanol Intake Increases during Continuous Administration of Amphetamine and Nicotine, but not Several Other Drugs - 1983
Ruffing DM, Domino EF - Interaction of Synthetic Opioid Metenkephalin Peptide Analogs, Lilly 127623 and FK 33-824 with Indole Hallucinogens: Antagonism of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine- and LSD-Induced Disruption of Food Rewarded Bar Pressing Behavior in the Rat - 1983
Schmidt MJ, Root MA, Hall JL - Dopamine Agonist Induced Hyperglycemia In Rats: Structure-activity;sRelationships And Mechanisms Of Action . - 1983
Schneider V, Klug E - Unklares Krankheitsbild durch LSD (Beibringung?) - 1983
Schotte A, Maloteaux JM, Laduron PM - Characterization and Regional Distribution of Serotonin S2-Receptors in Human Brain - 1983
T.A.-Gounh. and P.B. Baker - Identification of Major Drugs of Abuse Using Chromatography:-An Update - 1983
Tran MA, Montastruc JL, Montastruc P - Bases pharmacologiques de l'utilisation therapeutique des alcaloides de l'ergot de seigle - 1983
Trulson ME, Crisp T - Tolerance Develops To LSD While The Drug Is Exerting Its Maximal Behavioral Effects: Implications For The Neural Bases Of Tolerance - 1983
Vandermaelen CP, Aghajanian GK - Electrophysiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Serotonergic Dorsal Raphe Neurons Recorded Extracellularly and Intracellularly in Rat Brain Slices - 1983
Waehtel H, Dorow R - Dual Action On Central Dopamine Function Of Transdihydrolisuride, A 9, 10-dihydrogenated Analogue Of The Ergot Dopamine Agonist Lisuride - 1983
Walker EB, McNall SJ, Mansour TE - Photoreactivity Of Lysergic Acids Diethylamide And Its Possible Utility As A Photoaffinity Labeling Reagent - 1983
Whipple MR, Reinecke MG, Gage FH - Short Communication: Inhibition of Synaptosomal Neurotransmitter Uptake by Hallucinogens - 1983
White FJ, Wang RY - Comparison Of The Effects-of LSD And Lisuride On A10 Dopamine Neurons In The Rat - 1983
White FJ, Holohean AM, Appel JB - Antagonism of a Behavioral Effect of LSD and Lisuride in the Cat - 1983
White FJ, Wang RY - Comparison Of The Effects Of LSD And Lisuride On A10 Dopamine Neurons In The Rat - 1983
Young R, Rosecrans JA, Glennon RA - Behavioral Effects of 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and Dose-Dependent Antagonism by BC-105 - 1983
Burstein, Sumner; Hunter, Sheila A.; Renzulli, Lori - Stimulation of Sphingomyelin Hydrolysis by Cannabidiol in Fibroblasts from a Niemann-Pick Patient - 1984
Davis WM, Borne RF - Pharmacologic Investigation of Compounds Related to 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) - 1984
Engel G, Hoyer D, Kalkman HO, Wick MB - Identification of 5HT-2 Receptors on Longitudinal Muscle of the Guinea Pig Ileum - 1984
Engel G, Mьller-Schweinitzer E, Palacios JM - 2-[125Iodo]LSD, a new ligand for the characterisation and localisation of 5-HT2 receptors - 1984
Engel G, Muller-Schweinitzer, Gothert M - 5-HT Receptor Subtypes in Periphery and in CNS - 1984
Geaney DP, Schachter M, Elliot JM, Grahame-Smith DG - Characterisation of [3H]Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Binding to a 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor on Human Platelet Membranes - 1984
Glennon RA, Young R - Further Investigation of the Discriminative Stimulus Properties of MDA. - 1984
Glennon RA, Titeler M, McKenney JD - Evidence for 5HT-2 Involvement in the Mechanism of Action in Hallucinogenic Agents - 1984
Glennon RA, Young R - MDA: An Agent That Produces Stimulus Effects Similar to Those of 3,4-DMA, LSD and Cocaine - 1984
Jacob P, Shulgin AT - Sulfur Analogues of Psychotomimetic Agents. 3. The Ethyl Homologues of Mescaline and Their Monothio Analogues - 1984
Leysen JE, Gommeren W - Characterization and Quantification of Serotonin-S2 Receptor Sites on Human Blood Platelet Membranes - 1984
McKenna DJ, Towers GHN - Biochemistry and pharmacology of tryptamine and B-carboline derivatives: - 1984
McKenna DJ, Towers GHN, Abbott FS - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors in South American Hallucinogenic Plants: Tryptamine and B-Carboline Constituents of Ayahuasca - 1984
McKenna DJ, Towers GHN, Abbott FS - Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors in South American Hallucinogenic Plants Pt. II: Constituents of Orally Active Myristicaceous Hallucinogens - 1984
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - Novel Serotonin Receptors In Fasciola: Characterization By Studies On Adenylate Cyclase Activation And [3H]LSD Binding - 1984
Nichols DE, Glennon RA - Medicinal Chemistry and Structure-Activity Relationships of Hallucinogens - 1984
Sargent T, Shulgin AT, Mathis CA - Radiohalogen-Labeled Imaging Agents. 3. Compounds for Measurement of Brain Blood Flow by Emission Tomography - 1984
Snider SR, Consroe P - Treatment of Meige Syndrome with Cannabidiol - 1984
Strassman RJ - Adverse reactions to psychedelic drugs. A review of the literature - 1984
Davis WM, Borne RF - Pharmacologic Investigation of Compounds Related to 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) - 1984
de Montigny C, Blier P, Chaput Y - Electrophysiologically-identified Serotonin Receptors In The Rat CNS - 1984
Hadorn DC, Anistranski JA, Connor JD - Influence Of Naloxone On The Effects Of LSD In Monkeys - 1984
Hoffman JA - LSD Flashbacks - 1984
Jarbe TUC - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Cocaine - 1984
Kadan MJ, Krohn AM, Evans MJ, Waltz RL, Hartig PR - Characterization of 125I-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Binding to Serotonin Receptors in Rat Frontal Cortex - 1984
Larson AA - Acute And Chronic Effects Of Lsd And 5-MeODMT On Raphe-Evoked Dorsal Root Potentials In The Cat - 1984
Leysen JE, Gommeren W - Characterization and Quantification of Serotonin-S2 Receptor Sites on Human Blood Platelet Membranes - 1984
Leysen JE, De Chaffoy De Courcelles D, De Clerck F, Niemegeers CJE, Van Nueten JM - Serotonin-s2 Receptor Binding Sites And Functional Correlates - 1984
Luscombe G, Jenner P, Marsden CD - Correlation Of [3H]5-Hydroxytryptamine (5ht) Binding to Brain Stem Preparations and the Production and Prevention of Myoclonus in Guinea Pig by 5HT Agonists and Antagonists - 1984
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - Novel Serotonin Receptors In Fasciola: Characterization By Studies On Adenylate Cyclase Activation And [3H]LSD Binding - 1984
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - Desensitization Of Serotonin-stimulated Adenylate Cyclase In The Liver Fluke Fasciola Hepatica - 1984
Meibach RC, Beck SG, Maayani S, Green JP - Regional [Differences in Binding of [3H]LSD and [3H]5-HT in Calf Hippocampal Slices Revealed by Radioautography and Rapid Filtration Studies - 1984
Minnema DJ, Rosecrans JA - Amphetamine and LSD as Discriminative Stimuli: Alterations Following Neonatal Monoamine Reductions - 1984
Mokler DJ, Commissaris RL, Henck JW, Rech RH - Naloxone Alters the Effects of LSD, DOM and Quipazine on Operant Behavior of Rats - 1984
Mokler DJ, Rech RH - Behavioral Effects of Intracerebroventricular Administration of LSD, DOM, Mescaline or Lisurde - 1984
Morgenstern R, Mende T, Gold R, Lemme P, Oelssner W - Drug-Induced Modulation of Locomotor Hyperactivity; Induced by Picrotoxin in Nucleus Accumbens - 1984
Nielsen EB, Rolandi W, Appel JB - Drug effects on the repeated generalization of a visual discrimination acquired under one trial per day conditions - 1984
Peroutka SJ, Kuhar MJ - Autoradiographic localization of 5-HT1 receptors to human and canine basilar arteries - 1984
Pietzcker A - Rauschdrogenmissbrauch und -abhangigkeit - 1984
Poser W - Tranquilizer Missbrauch und -Abhangigkeit - 1984
Raiteri M, Bonanno G, Marchi M, Maura G - Is There a Functional Linkage Between Neurotransmitter Uptake Mechanisms and Presynaptic Receptors? - 1984
Richardson BP, Engel G, Donatsch P - In Vitro Pharmacology of Neuronal 5-HT Receptor antagonists - 1984
Sethy VH, Mccall JM - High-Affinity (3H)-Dexoxadrol Binding to Rat Brain Membranes - 1984
Smith LAC, Meyerson BJ - Influence of Long-term Zimeldine Treatment on LSD-induced Behavioural Effects - 1984
Tegeler J - Der akute Drogen-Patient - 1984
Weaver KEC - Letters to the Editor: LSD and Schizophrenia - 1984
Winter JC - The stimulus properties of para-methoxyamphetamine: A nonessential serotonergic component. - 1984
Yarbrouch GG, Singh DK, Pettibone DJ - A Comparative Electrophysiological And Biochemical Assessment Of Serotonin (5-ht) And A Novel 5-ht Agonist (mk-212) On Central Serotonergic Receptors - 1984
Abramson D M - Ecstasy: The New Drug Underground. - 1985 October
Adamson, Sophia (ed.) - Through the Gateway of the Heart: Accounts of Experiences with MDMA and other Empathogenic Substances - 1985
Adamson, Sophia (ed.) - Through the Gateway of the Heart. Accounts of Experiences with MDMA and Other Empathogenic Substances - 1985
Adler, Jerry - Getting High on 'Ecstasy' - Apr 15,1985
Cohen S, Krippner S - (LSD Issue) Editors Introduction - 1985 Oct.-Dec.
Cohen S - They Call It Ecstasy. - 1985 September
Dowling CG - The Trouble with Ecstasy - August 1985
Fink H, Morgenstern R - Locomotor Effects of Lisuride: A Consequence of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Actions - 1985
Fleming SW, Brown IR - Characterization of a Translational Inhibitor Isolated from Rabbit Brain Following Intravenous Administration of d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 1985
Gehlert DR, Schmidt CJ, Wu L, Lovenberg W - Evidence for Specific Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) Binding Sites in the Rat - 1985
Geyer MA, Gordon J, Adams LM - Behavioral Effects of Xylamine-Induced Depletions of Brain Norepinephrine - 1985
Gillet G, Ammor S, Fillion G - Serotonin Inhibits Acetylcholine Release from Rat Striatum Slices: Evidence for a Presynaptic Receptor-Mediated Effect - 1985
Gold MS - Ecstasy, Etc. - Sep/Oct 1985
Greer G - Using MDMA in Psychotherapy - 1985 Spring
Greer G - Using MDMA in Psychotherapy - 1985
Greer, George - Using MDMA in Psychotherapy. - 1985
Kalkman HO - Characterization of Serotonin (5-HT) Receptors in the Isolated Guinea-pig Ileum - 1985
Kurland A A - LSD in the Supportive Care of the Terminally Ill Patient - 1985
Kurland, Albert A. - LSD in the Supportive Care of the Terminally Ill Cancer Patient - 1985
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Lemaire D, Jacob P, Shulgin AT - Ring Substituted beta-Methoxyphenethylamines: A New Class of Psychotomimetic Agents Active in Man - 1985
Mathis CA, Sargent T, Shulgin AT - Iodine-122-Labeled Amphetamine Derivatives with Potential for PET Brain Blood-Flow Studies - 1985
McKenna DJ, Towers GHN - On the Comparative Ethnopharmacology of the Malpighiaceous and Myristicaceous Hallucinogens - 1985
Pazos A, Cortes R, Palacios M - Quantitative Autoradiographic Mapping of Serotonin Receptors in the Rat Brain. II. Serotonin-2-Receptors - 1985
Pazos A, Palacios JM - Quantitative Autoradiographic Mapping of Serotonin Receptors in the Rat Brain. I. Serotonin-l Receptors - 1985
Repke DB, Grotjahn DB, Shulgin AT - Psychotomimetic N-methyl-N-isopropyltryptamines. Effects of Variation of Aromatic Oxygen Substituents - 1985
Ricaurte GA, Bryan G, Strauss L, Seiden L, Schuster C - Hallucinogenic Amphetamine Selectively Destroys Brain Serotonin Nerve Terminals - 1985
Riedlinger J E - The Scheduling of MDMA: A Pharmacist's Perspective - 1985
Snider SR, Consroe P - Beneficial and Adverse Effects of Cannabidiol in a Parkinson Patient with Sinemet-Induced Dystonic Dyskinesia - 1985
Trulson ME, Crisp T, Henderson LJ - Ascorbic Acid Antagonizes the Behavioural Effects of LSD in Cats - 1985
Weithers S, Larson AA - Desensitization To Intratbecal Substance P-induced Biting And Scratching: Effect Of LSD And Chronic Pain - 1985
Gehlert DR, Schmidt CJ, Wu L, Lovenberg W - Evidence for specific methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) binding sites in the rat brain - 1985
Hartig PR, Scheffel U, Frost JJ, Wagner HN Jr - In Vivo Binding Of 125-i-LSD To Serotonin 5-ht2 Receptors In Mouse Brain - 1985
Hoffman BJ, Karpa MD, Lever JR, Hartig PR - N1-Methyl-2-|125|LSD(|128|)MIL), A Preferrred Ligand for Serotonin 5-HT2 Receptors - 1985
Kalkman HO - Characterization of Serotonin (5-HT) Receptors in the Isolated Guinea-pig Ileum - 1985
Mack RB - A bit on the Wilde side: MDMA abuse - 1985
McNall SJ, Mansour TE - Forskolin Activation Of Serotonin-Stimulated Adenylate-Cyclase In The Liver Fluke Fasciola Hepatica - 1985
Monroe PJ, Smith DJ - Demonstration of an Autoreceptor Modulating the Release of [3h]5-hydroxytrptamine from a Synaptosomal-Rich Spinal Cord Tissue Preparation - 1985
Morrow AL, Norman AB, Battaglia G, Loy R, Creese I - Up-Regulatlon of Serotonergic Binding Sites Labeled By [3H]WB4101 Following Fimbrial Transection And 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine-Induced Lesions - 1985
Nathanson JA - Phenyliminoimidazolidines: Characterization of a Class of Potent Agonists of Octopamine-Sensitive Adenylate Cyclase and Their Use in Understanding the Pharmacology of Octopamine Receptors - 1985
Nielsen EB - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in the Monkey - 1985
Norman AB, Battaglia G, Creese I - [3H]WB4101 Labels the 5-HT1A Serotonin Receptor Subtype in Rat Brain: Guanine Nucleotide and Divalent Cation Sensitivity - 1985
Pawlowski L, Nowak G, Gуrka Z, Mazela H - Ro 11-2465 (cyan-imipramine), citalopram and their N-desmethyl metabolites: Effects on the uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine and noradrenaline in vivo and related pharmacological activities - 1985
Pazos A, Hoyer D, Palacios JM - The Binding Of Serotonergic Ligands To The Porcine Choroid Plexus: Characterization Of A New Type Of Serotonin Recognition Site - 1985
Pazos A, Palacios JM - Quantitative Autoradiographic Mapping of Serotonin Receptors in the Rat Brain. I. Serotonin-l Receptors - 1985
Pazos A, Cortes R, Palacios M - Quantitative Autoradiographic Mapping of Serotonin Receptors in the Rat Brain. II. Serotonin-2-Receptors - 1985
Ricaurte G, Bryan G, Strauss L, Seiden L, Schuster C - Hallucinogenic amphetamine selectively destroys brain serotonin nerve terminals - 1985
Riedlinger JE - The Scheduling of MDMA: A Pharmacist's Perspective - 1985
Robaut C, Fillion MP, Dufois S, Fayole-Bauguen C, Rousselle J-C, Gillet G, Benkirane S, Fillion G - Multiple High Affinity Binding Sites for 5-Hydroxytryptamine: a New Class of Sites Distinct from 5-HT1 and S2 - 1985
Schachter M, Geaney DP, Grahame-Smith DG, Cowen PJ, Elliott JM - Increased platelet membrane [3H]-LSD binding in patients on chronic neuroleptic treatment - 1985
Schachter M, Godfrey PP, Minchin MCW, McClue SJ, Young MM - Serotonergic Agonists Stimulate Inositol Lipid Metabolism In Rabbit Platelets - 1985
Schindler CW, Harvey JA - Effects of Morphine and LSD on the Classically Conditioned-Nictitating Membrane- Response - 1985
Soblosky JS, Jeng I - Influence on 5-3H]Hydroxytryptamine Binding Site Development in Chick Embryo by Serotonergic Compounds - 1985
Stolerman IP, Shine PJ - Trends in drug discrimination research analysed with a cross-indexed bibliography, 1982-1983 - 1985
Trulson ME - Separation of Tolerance to the Behavioral Effects of LSD from Changes in Seroronin Receptor Binding in Cats - 1985
Weithers S, Larson AA - Desensitization To Intratbecal Substance P-induced Biting And Scratching: Effect Of LSD And Chronic Pain - 1985
Beardsley PM, Balster RL, Harris LS - Self-Administration of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by Rhesus Monkeys - 1986
Bird M, Kornetsky C - Naloxone Antagonism of the Effects of MDMA "Ecstasy" on Rewarding Brain Stimulation - 1986
Brady JF, Di Stephano EW, Cho AK - Spectral and Inhibitory Interactions of (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) with Rat Hepatic Microsomes - 1986
Brown CR, McKinney H, Osterloh JD, Shulgin AT, Jacob III P, Olson KR - Severe Adverse Reaction to 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1986
Champney TH, Golden PT, Matthews RT - Reduction of Hypothalamic Serotonin Levels after Acute MDMA Administration - 1986
Colasanti, Brenda K. - Review: Ocular Hypotensive Effect of Marihuana Cannabinoids: Correlate of Central Action or Separate Phenomenon - 1986
Consroe P, Sandyk R, Snyder SR - Open Label Evaluation of Cannabidiol in Dystonic Movement Disorders - 1986
Nichols DE, Hoffman AJ, Oberlender RA, Jacobs P, Shulgin AT - Derivatives of 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine: Representatives of a Novel Therapeutic Class - 1986
Evans SM, Johanson CE - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and (+/-)-Methylenedioxyamphetamine in Pigeons - 1986
Frye G, Matthews R - Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Contractive Responses in the G. Pig Ileum - 1986
Gibb JW, Hanson GR, Johnson M - Effects of (+)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine [(+)MDMA] and (-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine [(-)MDMA] on Brain Dopamine, Serotonin, and their Biosynthetic Enzymes. - 1986
Glennon RA, Titeler M, Lyon RA, Youssif M - MDMA ("Ecstasy"): Drug Discrimination and Brain Binding Properties - 1986
Glennon RA - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Phenylisopropylamine Derivatives - 1986
Greer G, Tolbert R - Subjective Reports of the Effects of MDMA in a Clinical Setting - 1986
Greer G, Tolbert R - Subjective Reports of the Effects of MDMA in a Clinical Setting. - 1986
Greer, George; Tolbert, Requa - Subjective Reports of the Effects of MDMA in a Clinical Setting. - 1986
Harris LS - The Stimulants and Hallucinogens Under Consideration: A Brief Overview of Their Chemistry and Pharmacology - 1986
Hollister L E - Clinical Aspects of Use of Phenylalkylamine and Indolealkylamine Hallucinogens. - 1986
Holsten DW, Schieser DW - Controls Over the Manufacture of MDMA - 1986
Johnson MP, Hoffman AJ, Nichols DE - Effects of the Enantiomers of MDA, MDMA, and Related Analogues on [3H]Serotonin and [3H]Dopamine Release from Superfused Rat Brain Slices. - 1986
Kalix P - A Comparison of the Effects of Some Phenethylamines on the Release of Radioactivity from Isolated Rat Caudate Nucleus Prelabelled with 3H-Dopamine. - 1986
Kamien JB, Johanson CE, Schuster CR, Woolverton WL - The Effects of (+/-)-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Monkeys Trained to Discriminate (+)-Amphetamine from Saline - 1986
Kemali M, Milici N, Kemali D. - Melatonin and LSD Induce Similar Retinal Changes in the Frog - 1986
Letter AA, Merchant K, Gibb JW, Hanson GR - Roles of D2 and 5-HT2 Receptors in Mediating the Effects of Methamphetamine, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine on Striato-Nigral Neurotensin Systems - 1986
Levin JA, Schmidt CJ, Lovenberg W - Release of [3H]-Monoamines from Superfused Rat Striatal Slices by Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1986
Lyon R A, Glennon R A, Titeler M - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): Stereoselective Interactions at Brain 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 Receptors. - 1986
Mathis CA, Sargent T, Shulgin AT - Synthesis of 122-I and 125-I-Labeled-meta-dimethoxy-N,N-dimethyliodophenylisopropylamines - 1986
Mathis CA, Shulgin AT, Yano Y, Sargent T - (18)F-labelled N,N-dimethylamphetamine analogues for brain imaging studies - 1986
McKenna DJ, Luna LE, Towers GHN - Biodynamic Constituents in Ayahuasca Admixture Plants: an Uninvestigated Folk Pharmacopoeia - 1986
Merchant K, Letter AA, Stone DM, Gibb JW, Hanson GR - Responses of Brain Neurotensin-like Immunoreactivity to 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA). - 1986
Newmeyer J A - Some Considerations on the Prevalence of MDMA Use. - 1986
Nichols D E, Hoffman A J, Oberlender R A, Jacob III P, Shulgin A T - Derivatives of 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl-2-butanamine: Representatives of a Novel Therapeutic Class. - 1986
Schlemmer RF Jr., Montell SE, Davis JM - MDMA Induced Behavioral Changes in Members of Primate Social Colonies - 1986
Seymour RB, Wesson DR, Smith DE - Editor's Introduction - 1986
Shulgin, Alexander T.; Shulgin, L. Ann; Jacob, Peyton III - A Protocol for the Evaluation of New Psychoactive Drugs - 1986
Slikker W Jr., Ali SF, Scallet AC, Frith CH - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Produces Long Lasting Alterations in the Serotonergic System of Rat Brain - 1986
Smilkstein MJ, Smolinske SC, Kulig KW, Rumack BH - MAO Inhibitor/MDMA Interaction: Agony after Ecstasy - 1986
Smith DE, Seymour RB - Abuse Folio: MDMA - May 1986
Steele TP, Nichols DE, Yim GKW - Stereoselective Effects of MDMA on Inhibition of Monoamine Uptake - 1986
Stone DM, Stahl DC, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Tyrosine Hydroxylase and Tryptophane Hydroxylase Activity in the Rat Brain. - 1986
Stone DM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Does Dopamine Play a Role in the Serotonergic "Neurotoxicity" Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)? - 1986
Stone DM, Stahl DC, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - The Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) on Monoaminergic Systems in the Rat Brain. - 1986
Takeda H, Gazzara RA, Howard SG, Cho AK - Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Dopamine (DA) and Serotonin (5-HT) Efflux in the Rat Neostriatum - 1986
Turkington, Carol - Brain Damage Found with Designer Drugs - Mar 1986
Beardsley PM, Balster RL, Harris LS - Self-Administration of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by Rhesus Monkeys - 1986
Beck J, Morgan PA - Designer drug confusion: a focus on MDMA - 1986
Brady JF, Di Stefano EW, Cho AK - Spectral and Inhibitory Interactions of (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) with Rat Hepatic Microsomes - 1986
Buffum J, Moser C - MDMA and human sexual function - 1986
Callaway E - The Biology of Human Information Processing - 1986
Climko RP, Roehrich H, Sweeney DR, Al-Razi J - Ecstacy: a review of MDMA and MDA - 1986
Commins DL, Vosmer G, Virus RM, Woolverton WL, Schuster CR, Seiden LS - Biochemical and histological evidence that methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) is toxic to neurons in the rat brain - 1986
Davis WM, Catravas JD, Waters IW - Effects of an i.v. lethal dose of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) in the dog and antagonism by chlorpromazine - 1986
Downing J - The Psychological and Physiological Effects of MDMA on Normal Volunteers - 1986
Evans SM, Johanson CE - Discriminative stimulus properties of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine in pigeons - 1986
Greer G, Tolbert R - Subjective Reports of the Effects of MDMA in a Clinical Setting - 1986
Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB - Can Drugs be Used to Enhance the Psychotherapeutic Process? - 1986
Grome JJ, Harper AM - Local Cerebral Glucose Utilisation Following Indoleamine- and Piperazine-Containing 5-Hydroxytryptamine Agents - 1986
Hayner GN, McKinney H - MDMA. The dark side of ecstasy - 1986
Holsten DW, Schieser DW - Controls Over the Manufacture of MDMA - 1986
Johnson MP, Hoffman AJ, Nichols DE - Effects of the Enantiomers of MDA, MDMA and Related Analogues on [3H]Serotonin and [3H]Dopamine Release from Superfused Rat Brain Slices - 1986
Kamien JB, Johanson CE, Schuster CR, Woolverton WL - The effects of (+/-)-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and (+/-)-methylenedioxyamphetamine in monkeys trained to discriminate (+)-amphetamine from saline - 1986
Leverant R - MDMA reconsidered - 1986
Lyon RA, Glennon RA, Titeler M - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): stereoselective interactions at brain 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptors - 1986
McKenney JD, Glennon RA - TFMPP May Produce its Stimulus Effects Via a 5-HT1B Mechanism - 1986
Morgan DG, Finch CE - [3H]Fluphenazine Binding to Brain Membranes: Simultaneous Measurement of D- 1 and D-2 Receptor Sites - 1986
Nichols, David E. - Differences Between the Mechanism of Action of MDMA, MBDB, and the Classic Hallucinogens. Identification of a New Therapeutic Class: Entactogens - 1986
Noggle FT Jr, DeRuiter J, Long MJ - Spectrophotometric and liquid chromatographic identification of 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine and its N-methyl and N-ethyl homologs - 1986
Ransom RW, Asarch KB, Shih JC - [3H] 1-[2-(4-Aminophenyl)Ethyl]-4-(3-Trifluoromethylphenyl)Piperazine: A Selective Radioligand for 5-HT1A Receptors in Rat Brain - 1986
Renfroe CL - MDMA on the street: Analysis Anonymous - 1986
Schechter MD - Discriminative profile of MDMA - 1986
Schlemmer RF Jr, Nawara C, Heinze WJ, Davis JM, Advokat C - Influence of Environmental Context on Tolerance to LSD-Induced Behavior in Primates - 1986
Schmidt CJ, Wu L, Lovenberg W - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine: a potentially neurotoxic amphetamine analogue - 1986
Seymour RB, Wesson DR, Smith DE - Editor's Introduction - 1986
Shulgin AT - The Background and Chemistry of MDMA - 1986
Siegel RK - MDMA-Nonmedical use and intoxication - 1986
Stone DM, Stahl DC, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - The Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) on Monoaminergic Systems in the Rat Brain - 1986
Wolfson PE - Meetings at the edge with Adam: A man for all seasons? - 1986
Ziporyn T - A growing industry and menace: makeshift laboratory's designer drugs - 1986
Ali SF, Scallet AC, Holson RR, Newport GD, Slikker W Jr. - Acute Administration of MDMA (Ecstasy): Neurochemical Changes Persist up to 120 Days in Rat Brain. - 1987
Battaglia G, Yeh SY, O'Hearn E, Molliver ME, Kuhar MJ, De Souza EB - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Destroy Serotonin Terminals in Rat Brain: Quantification of Neurodegeneration by Measurements of [3H] Paroxetine-Labelled Serotonin Uptake Sites - 1987
Bird MP, Svendsen CN, Knapp C, Hrbek CC, Bird ED, Kornetsky C - Evidence for Dopaminergic and Not Serotonergic Mediation of the Threshold Lowering Effects of MDMA on Rewarding Brain Stimulation - 1987
Brown C, Osterloh J - Multiple Severe Complications from Recreational Ingestion of MDMA (Ecstasy) - 1987
Callahan PM, Appel JB - Differences in the Stimulus Properties of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxmethamphetamine (MDMA) in Animals Trained to Discriminate Hallucinogens from Saline. - 1987
Evans, A. Tudor; Formukong, Evelyn A.; Evans, Fred J. - Actions of Cannabis Constituents on Enzymes or Arachidonate Metabolism: Anti-Inflammatory Potential - 1987
Frith C H, Chang L W, Lattin D L, Walls R C, Hamm J, Doblin R - Toxicity of Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) in the Dog and the Rat. - 1987
Frith CH, Chang LW, Lattin DL, Walls RC, Hamm J, Doblin R - Toxicity of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Dog and the Rat - 1987
Glennon R A, Little P J, Rosecrans J A, Yousif M - The Effects of MDMA ("Ecstasy") and its Optical Isomers on Schedule-Controlled Responding in Mice. Pharmacol. - 1987
Gold LH, Hubner CB, Koob GF - The Role of Mesolimbic Dopamine in the Stimulant Action of MDMA - 1987
Johnson M, Bush LG, Stone DM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of Adrenalectomy on the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced Decrease of Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity in the Frontal Cortex and Hippocampus - 1987
Lamb RJ, Griffiths RR - Self-Injection of dl-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Baboon - 1987
McKenna DJ, Mathis CA, Shulgin AT, Sargent T, Saavedra JM - Autoradiographic Localization of Binding Sites for 125-I-DOI, a New Psychotomimetic Radioligand, in the Rat Brain - 1987
McKenna DJ, Saavedra JM - Autoradiography of LSD and 2,5-Dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine Psychotomimetics Demonstrates Regional, Specific Cross-Displacement in the Rat Brain - 1987
McKenna DJ, Mathis CA, Shulgin AT, Saavedra JM - Hallucinogens Bind to Common Receptors in the Rat Forebrain: a Comparative Study Using 125I-LSD and 125I-DOI, a New Psychotomimetic Radioligand - 1987
McKenna DJ, Mathis CA, Shulgin AT, Sargent T III, Saavedra JM - Autoradiographic Localization of Binding Sites for 125I-(-)DOI, a New Psychotomimetic Radioligand, in the Rat Brain - 1987
Mokler DJ, Robinson SE, Rosecrans JA - Differential Depletion of Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) by (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). - 1987
Mokler DJ, Robinson SE, Rosecrans JA - (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Produces Long-term Reductions in Brain 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Rats. - 1987
Mokler DJ, Robinson SE, Rosecrans JA - A Comparison of the Effects of Repeated Doses of MDMA ("Ecstasy") on Biogenic Amine Levels in Adult and Neonate Rats. - 1987
Nakai, Mamoru; Enomiya, Takugi - Process for Producing Phenylacetones - Jan 20,1987
Neill, John R. - "More Than Medical Significance": LSD and American Psychiatry 1953 to 1966. - 1987
Peroutka SJ, Pascoe N, Faull KF - Monoamine Metabolites in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Recreational Users of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy") - 1987
Ricaurte GA, Finnegan KF, Nichols DE, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Langston JW - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDE), a Novel Analogue of MDMA, Produces Long-lasting Depletion of Serotonin in the Rat - 1987
Ricaurte GA, Forno LS, Wilson MA, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Molliver ME, Langston JW - (+/-) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Exerts Toxic Effects on Central Serotonergic Neurons in Primates - 1987
Rosecrans J A, Glennon R A - The Effect of MDA and MDMA ("Ecstasy") Isomers in Combination with Pirenpirone on Operant Responding in Mice. - 1987
Sargent TW, Shulgin AT, Mathis CA - Rapid Brain Scanning Pharmaceutical - 1987
Scallet AC, Ali SF, Holson RR, Lipe GW, Slikker Jr. W - Neurohistological Effects 120 Days after Oral Ecstasy (MDMA): Multiple Antigen Immunohistochemistry and Silver Degeneration Staining. - 1987
Shulgin AT - The 'Social-Chemistry' of Pharmacological Discovery - 1987
Stone DM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - GABA-Transaminase Inhibitor Protects Against Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced Neurotoxicity. - 1987
Stone DM, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - A Comparison of the Neurotoxic Potential of Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and its N-Methylated and N-Ethylated Derivatives. - 1987
Stone DM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Differences in the Central Serotonergic Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Mice and Rats. - 1987
Stone DM, Merchant KM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Immediate and Long Term Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Serotonin Pathways in Brain of Rat. - 1987
Trulson TJ, Trulson ME - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Suppresses Serotonergic Dorsal Raphe Neuronal Activity in Freely Moving Cats and in Midbrain Slices in vitro - 1987
Ungerleider JT, Andyrsiac T, Fairbanks L, Ellison GW, Myers LW - Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Treatment of Spasticity Associated with Multiple Sclerosis - 1987
Wang S S, Ricaurte G A, Peroutka S J - [3H]3,4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Interactions with Brain Membranes and Glass Fiber Filter Paper - 1987
Wilson MA, Ricaurte GA, Molliver ME - The Psychotropic Drug 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Destroys Serotonergic Axons in Primate Forebrain: Regional and Laminar Differences in Vulnerability. - 1987
Yeh SY, Hsu F-L - Neurotoxicity of Metabolites of MDA and MDMA (Ecstasy) in the Rat - 1987
Battaglia G, Yeh SY, O'Hearn E, Molliver ME, Kuhar MJ, De Souza EB - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Destroy Serotonin Terminals in Rat Brain: Quantification of Neurodegeneration by Measurement of [3H]Paroxetine-Labeled Serotonin Uptake Sites - 1987
Boja JW, Schechter MD - Behavioral effects of N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDE; 'EVE') - 1987
Brown C, Osterloh J - Multiple severe complications from recreational ingestion of MDMA ('Ecstasy') [letter] - 1987
Davis WM, Hatoum HT, Waters IW - Toxicity of MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) considered for relevance to hazards of MDMA (Ecstasy) abuse - 1987
Dowling GP, McDonough ET 3rd, Bost RO - 'Eve' and 'Ecstasy'. A report of five deaths associated with the use of MDEA and MDMA - 1987
Frith CH, Chang LW, Lattin DL, Walls RC, Hamm J, Doblin R - Toxicity of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Dog and the Rat - 1987
Gibb JW, Stone DM, Stahl DC, Hanson GR - The Effects of Amphetamine-Like Designer Drugs on Monoaminergic Systems in Rat Brain - 1987
Glennon RA, Little PJ, Rosecrans JA, Yousif M - The effect of MDMA ('Ecstasy') and its optical isomers on schedule-controlled responding in mice - 1987
Kulmala HK, Boja JW, Schechter MD - Behavioral suppression following 3,4-methylenenedioxymethamphetamine - 1987
Lamb RJ, Griffiths RR - Self-Injection of d,1-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Baboon - 1987
Mokler DJ, Robinson SE, Rosecrans JA - (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produces long-term reductions in brain 5-hydroxytryptamine in rats - 1987
Peroutka SJ - Incidence of Recreational Use of 3,4-Methylenedimethoxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') on an Undergraduate Campus - 1987
Peroutka SJ, Pascoe N, Faull KF - Monoamine Metabolites in the Cerebralspinal Fluid of Recreational Users of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; 'Ecstasy') - 1987
Ricaurte GA, Finnegan KF, Nichols DE, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Langston JW - 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE), a Novel Analogue of MDMA, Produces Long-Lasting Depletion of Serotonin in the Rat Brain - 1987
Rosecrans JA, Glennon RA - The effect of MDA and MDMA ('Ecstasy') isomers in combination with pirenpirone on operant responding in mice - 1987
Schechter MD - MDMA as a discriminative stimulus: isomeric comparisons - 1987
Schmidt CJ - Neurotoxicity of the psychedelic amphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1987
Smilkstein MJ, Smolinske SC, Rumack BH - A case of MAO inhibitor/MDMA interaction: agony after ecstasy - 1987
Steele TD, Nichols DE, Yim GK - Stereochemical effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and related amphetamine derivatives on inhibition of uptake of [3H]monoamines into synaptosomes from different regions of rat brain - 1987
Stone DM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Differences in the central serotonergic effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in mice and rats - 1987
Stone DM, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - A Comparison of the Neurotoxic Potential of Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and its N-Methylated and N-Ethylated Derivatives - 1987
Stone DM, Merchant KM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Immediate and long-term effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on serotonin pathways in brain of rat - 1987
Thompson DM, Winsauer PJ, Mastropaolo J - Effects of phencyclidine, ketamine and MDMA on complex operant behavior in monkeys - 1987
Wang SS, Ricaurte GA, Peroutka SJ - [3H]3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) interactions with brain membranes and glass fiber filter paper - 1987
Adamson, Sophia; Metzner, Ralph - The Nature of the MDMA Experience and its Role in Healing, Psychotherapy, and Spiritual Practice. - 1988
Barnes DM - New Data Intensifies the Agony over Ecstasy. - 1988
Battaglia G, Brooks BP, Kulsakdinum C, De Souza EB - Pharmacologic Profile of MDMA 3,4-Methylenedioxymeth-amphetamine at Various Brain Recognition Sites - 1988
Battaglia G, Yeh SY, De Souza EB - MDMA-Induced Neurotoxicity: Parameters of Degeneration and Recovery of Brain Serotonin Neurons - 1988
Bost RO - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and Other Amphetamine Derivatives - 1988
Callahan PM, Appel JB - Differences in the Stimulus Properties of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxmethamphetamine in Animals Trained to Discriminate Hallucinogens from Saline. - 1988
Finnigan KT, Ricaurte GA, Ritchie LD, Irwin I, Peroutka SJ, Langston JW - Orally Administered MDMA Causes a Long-term Depletion of Serotonin in Rat Brain. - 1988
Fitzgerald RL, Blanke R, Narasimhachari N, Glennon R, Rosecrans J - Identification of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) as a Major Urinary Metabolite of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1988
Glennon RA, Yousif M, Patrick G - Stimulus Properties of 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxy)-2-Aminopropane (MDA) Analogs - 1988
Gold LH, Koob GF - Methysergide Potentialtes the Hyperactivity Produced by MDMA in Rats - 1988
Grof, Stanislav - Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Transpersonal Psychotherapy - 1988
Hansen, Gustav; Jensen, Sven Boel; Chandresh, Lars; Hilden, Thomas - The Psychotropic Effects of Ketamine - 1988
Himeno A, McKenna DJ, Nazarali AJ, Saavedra JM - (±)DOI, a Hallucinogenic Phenylalkylamine, Downregulates 5HT2 Receptors in Rat Brain - 1988
Hubner CB, Bird M, Rassnick S, Lornetsky C - The Threshold Lowering Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Brain-Stimulating Reward. - 1988
Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Receptor Blockade on Neurochemical Changes Induced by Acute Administration of Methamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Johnson M, Letter AA, Merchant K, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Isomers on Central Serotonergic, Dopaminergic and Nigral Neurotensin Systems of the Rat - 1988
Lim HK, Foltz RL - In Vivo and In Vitro Metabolism of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Rat: Identification of Metabolites using an Ion Trap Detecor - 1988
Logan B J, Laverty R, Sanderson W D, Yee Y B - Differences Between Rats and Mice in MDMA (Methylenedioxmethamphetamine) Neurotoxicity. - 1988
O'Hearn E, Battaglia G, De Souza EB, Kuhar MJ, Molliver ME - Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Cause Selective Ablation of the Serotoninergic Axon Terminals in Forebrain: Immunocytochemical Evidence for Neurotoxicity - 1988
O'Hearn E, Battaglia G, De Souza EB, Kuhar MJ, Molliver ME - Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Cause Selective Ablation of Serotonergic Axon Terminals in Forebrain: Immunocytochemical Evidence for Neurotoxicity - 1988
Oberlender R, Nichols D E - Drug Discrimination Studies with MDMA and Amphetamine. - 1988
Peroutka SJ, Newman H, Harris H - Subjective Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Recreational Users - 1988
Pierce PA, Peroutka SJ - Ring-Substituted Amphetamine Interactions with Neurotransmitter Receptor Binding Sites in Human Cortex - 1988
Ramos JM, Johnson S, Poklis A - MDMA and MDA Cross Reactivity Observed with Abbott TDx Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Reagents - 1988
Ricaurte GA, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Langston JW - Toxic Effects of MDMA on Central Serotonergic Neurons in the Primate: Importance of Route and Frequency of Drug Application. - 1988
Ricaurte GA, DeLanney LE, Wiener SG, Irwin I, Langston JW - 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid in Cerebrospinal Fluid Reflects Serotonergic Damage Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in CNS of Non-human Primates. - 1988
Ricaurte GA, Forno LS, Wilson MA, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Moliver ME, Langston JW - (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Selectively Damages Central Serotonergic Neurons in Nonhuman Primates. - 1988
Ruchman MC - Role of Cannabidiol in the Medical Treatment of Meige's Syndrome - 1988
Scallet AC, Lipe GW, Ali SF, Holson RR, Frith CH, Slikker W Jr. - Neuropathological Evaluation by Combined Immunohistochemistry and Degeneration-Specific Methods: Application to Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Schechter MD - Advantages and Disadvantages of a Rapid Method to Train Drug Discrimination. - 1988
Shulgin AT - DIPT: The Distortion of Music - Winter 1988
Slikker W, Ali SF, Scallet AC, Firth CH, Newport GD, Bailey JR - Neurochemical and Neurohistological Alterations in the Rat and Monkey Produced by Orally Administered Methylenedioxmethamphetamine (MDMA). - 1988
Stone DM, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Role of Endogenous Dopamine in the Central Serotonergic Deficits Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Verebey K, Alrazi J, Jaffe J H - The Complications of "Ecstasy" (MDMA). - 1988
Yensen, Richard - Helping at the Edge of Life. Perspectives of a Psychedelic Therapist - 1988
Yensen, Richard - From Mysteries to Paradigms: Humanity's Journey From Sacred Plants to Psychedelic Drugs. - 1988
Barnes DM - Ecstasy returns to Schedule I - 1988
Battaglia G, Brooks BP, Kulsakdinun C, De Souza EB - Pharmacologic profile of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) at various brain recognition sites - 1988
Battaglia G, Yeh SY, de Souza EB - MDMA-Induced Neurotoxicity: Parameters of Degeneration and Recovery of Brain Serotonin Neurons - 1988
Bost RO - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and Other Amphetamine Derivatives - 1988
Buchanan JF, Brown CR - 'Designer drugs'. A problem in clinical toxicology - 1988
Callahan PM, Appel JB - Differences in the Stimulus Properties of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Animals Trained to Discriminate Hallucinogens from Saline - 1988
Finnegan KT, Ricaurte GA, Ritchie LD, Irwin I, Peroutka SJ, Langston JW - Orally Administered MDMA Causes a Long-Term Depletion of Serotonin in Rat Brain - 1988
Glennon RA, Yousif M, Patrick G - Stimulus Properties of 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (MDA) Analogs - 1988
Gold LH, Koob GF - Methysergide potentiates the hyperactivity produced by MDMA in rats - 1988
Hubner CB, Bird M, Rassnick S, Kornetsky C - The Threshold Lowering Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Brain-Stimulation Reward - 1988
Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Receptor Blockade on Neurochemical Changes Induced by Acute Administration of Methamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Johnson M, Letter AA, Merchant K, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Isomers on Central Serotonergic, Dopaminergic and Nigral Neurotensin Systems of the Rat - 1988
Lim HK, Foltz RL - In Vivo and In Vitro Metabolism of 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)methamphetamine in the Rat: Identification of Metabolites Using an Ion Trap Detector - 1988
Logan BJ, Laverty R, Sanderson WD, Yee YB - Differences Between Rats and Mice in MDMA (Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine) Neurotoxicity - 1988
Mamounas LA, Molliver ME - Evidence for dual serotonergic projections to neocortex: axons from the dorsal and median raphe nuclei are differentially vulnerable to the neurotoxin p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) - 1988
Nash JF Jr, Meltzer HY, Gudelsky GA - Elevation of serum prolactin and corticosterone concentrations in the rat after the administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Nencini P, Woolverton WL, Seiden LS - Enhancement of morphine-induced analgesia after repeated injections of methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Oberlender R, Nichols DE - Drug Discrimination Studies with MDMA and Amphetamine - 1988
Peroutka SJ, Newman H, Harris H - Subjective Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Recreational Users - 1988
Pierce PA, Peroutka SJ - Ring-Substituted Amphetamine Interactions with Neurotransmitter Receptor Binding Sites in Human Cortex - 1988
Ricaurte GA, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Langston JW - Toxic Effects of MDMA on Central Serotonergic Neurons in the Primate: Importance of Route and Frequency of Drug Administration - 1988
Ricaurte GA, DeLanney LE, Wiener SG, Irwin I, Langston JW - 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid in Cerebrospinal Fluid Reflects Serotonergic Damage Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in CNS of Non-Human Primates - 1988
Ricaurte GA, Forno LS, Wilson MA, DeLanney LE, Irwin I, Molliver ME, Langston JW - (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Selectively Damages Central Serotonergic Neurons in Nonhuman Primates - 1988
Ruangyuttikarn W, Moody DE - Comparison of three commercial amphetamine immunoassays for detection of methamphetamine, methylenedioxyamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, and methylenedioxyethylamphetamine - 1988
Scallet AC, Lipe GW, Ali SF, Holson RR, Frith CH, Slikker W Jr - Neuropathological Evaluation by Combined Immunohistochemistry and Degeneration-Specific Methods: Application to Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Schechter MD - Use of TFMPP Stimulus Properties as a Model of 5-HT1B Receptor Activation - 1988
Schechter MD - Advantages and Disadvantages of a Rapid Method to Train Drug Discrimination - 1988
Schmidt CJ, Taylor VL - Direct central effects of acute methylenedioxymethamphetamine on serotonergic neurons - 1988
Slikker W, Ali SF, Scallet AC, Frith CH, Newport GD, Bailey JR - Neurochemical and Neurohistological Alterations in the Rat and Monkey Produced by Orally Administered Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1988
Stone DM, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Role of Endogenous Dopamine in the Central Serotonergic Deficits Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1988
Suarez RV, Riemersma R - 'Ecstasy' and sudden cardiac death - 1988
Verebey K, Alrazi J, Jaffe JH - The Complications of 'Ecstasy' (MDMA) - 1988
Yamamoto BK, Spanos LJ - The acute effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine on dopamine release in the awake-behaving rat - 1988
Beebe, Diane K.; Walley, Elizabeth - Update on Street Drugs in Mississippi - 1989
Burstein SH, Audette CA, Doyle SA, Hull K, Hunter SA, Latham V - Antagonism to the Actions of Platelet Activating Factor by a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid - 1989
Crisp T, Stafinsky JL, Boja JW, Schechter MD - The Antinociceptive Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Rat - 1989
Edwards G - Blasted with Ennui - 1989
Fitzgerald R L, Blamke R V, Glennon R A, Yousif M Y, Rosecrans J A, Poklis A - Determination of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Enantiomers in Whole Blood. - 1989
Glennon R A, Misenheimer B R - Stimulus Effects of N-Monoethyl-1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (MDE) and N-Hydroxy-1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (N-OH MDA) in Rats Trained to Discriminate MDMA from Saline. - 1989
Gold LH, Hubner CB, Koob GF - A Role for the Mesolimbic Dopamine System in the Psychostimulant Actions of MDMA - 1989
Gold LH, Koob GF - MDMA Produces Stimulant-like Conditioned Locomotor Activity - 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob GF - Psychostimulant Properties of MDMA - 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob GF - Neurochemical Mechanisms Involved in Behavioural Effects of Amphetamines and Related Designer Drugs - 1989
Goldstein, Richard - The Facts about 'Ecstasy' A Talk with Andrew Weil - Feb 7, 1989
Gollamudi R, Ali SF, Lipe G, Newport G, Webb P, Lopez M, Leakey JEA, Kolta M, Slikker W Jr. - Influence of Inducers and Inhibitors on the Metabolism in Vitro and Neurochemical Effects in Vivo of MDMA - 1989
Hanson GR, Sonsalla P, Letter A, Merchant KM, Johnson M, Bush L, Gibb JW - Effects of Amphetamine Analogs on Central Nervous System Neuropeptide Systems - 1989
Hekmatpanah C R, McKenna D J, Peroutka S J - Reserpine Does Not Prevent 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine-Induced Neurotoxicity in the Rat. - 1989
Insel TR, Battaglia G, Johannessen JN, Marra S, De Souza EB - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy") Selectively Destroys Brain Serotonin Terminals in Rhesus Monkeys - 1989
Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effect of MK-801 on the Decrease in Tryptophan Hydroxylase Induced by Methamphetamine and its Methylenedioxy Analog. - 1989
Johnson M P, Nichols D E - Neurotoxin Effects of the alpha-ethyl Homologue of MDMA Following Subacute Administration. - 1989
Johnson M, Stone D M, Bush L G, Hanson G R, Gibb J W - Glucocorticoid and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Induced Neurotoxicity - 1989
Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effect of MK-801 on the Decrease in Tryptophan Hydroxylase Induced by Methamphetamine and Its Methylenedioxy Analog - 1989
Klein RFX, Sperling AR, Cooper DA, Kram TC - The Stereoisomers of 4-Methylaminorex - 1989
Kleven MS, Woolverton WL, Seiden LS - Evidence that Both Intragastric and Subcutaneous Administration of Methylenedioxmethamphetamine (MDMA) Produce Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rhesus Monkeys - 1989
Lowy MT, Nash JF Jr., Meltzer HY - Selective Reduction of Striatal Type-II Glucocorticoid Receptors in Rats by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1989
Mansbach RS, Braff DL, Geyer MA - Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Response is Disrupted by N-Ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyam-phetamine (MDEA) in the Rat - 1989
Molliver ME, Mamounas LA, Wilson MA - Effects of Neurotoxic Amphetamines on Serotonergic Neurons: Immunocytochemical Studies - 1989
Nader MA, Hoffmann SM, Barrett JE - Behavioural Effects of (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Pigeon: Interactions with Noradrenergic and Serotoninergic Systems. - 1989
Price LH, Ricaurte GA, Krystal JH, Heninger GR - Neuroendocrine and Mood Responses to Intravenous L-Tryptophan in 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Users - 1989
Ricaurte GA - Studies of MDMA-Induced Neurotoxicity in Nonhuman Primates: A Basis for Evaluating Long-Term Effects in Humans - 1989
Slikker W Jr, Holson RR, Ali SF, Kolta MG, Paule MG, Scallet AC, McMillan DE, Bailey JR, Hong JS, Scalzo FM - Behavioural and Neurochemical Effects of Orally Administered MDMA in the Rodent and Nonhuman Primate - 1989
Steele TD, Nichols DE, Yim GK - MDMA Transiently Alters Biogenic Amines and Metabolites in Mouse Brain and Heart. - 1989
Stone D M, Johnson M, Hanson G R, Gibb J W - Acute Inactivation of Tryptophan Hydroxylase by Amphetamine Analogs Involves the Oxidation of Sulfhydryl Sites. - 1989
Whitaker-Azmitia PM, Aronson TA - "Ecstasy" (MDMA)-Induced Panic - 1989
Whitaker-Azmitia PM - Depression to Ecstasy. - 1989
Whitaker-Azmitia PM - Depression to Ecstasy. The Neuropharmacology of Serotonin sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, USA, July 10-13, 1989 - 1989
Wilson MA, Ricaurte GA, Molliver ME - Distinct Morphologic Classes of Serotoninergic Axons in Primates Exhibit Differential Vulnerability to the Psychotropic Drug 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1989
anonymous - Mind-bending Drug Could Leave Brains Permanently Warped - Jan 1989
anonymous - Deal mit Cadillac - Sep 4,1989
anonymous - Cadillac und Ecstasy - Feb 27,1989
Beebe, Diane K.; Walley, Elizabeth - Update on Street Drugs in Mississippi - 1989
Crisp T, Stafinsky JL, Boja JW, Schechter MD - The Antinociceptive Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Rat - 1989
Dimpfel W, Spuler M, Nichols DE - Hallucinogenic and stimulatory amphetamine derivatives: fingerprinting DOM, DOI, DOB, MDMA, and MBDB by spectral analysis of brain field potentials in the freely moving rat (Tele-Stereo-EEG) - 1989
Farrell M - Ecstasy and the oxygen of publicity - 1989
Fitzgerald RL, Blanke RV, Glennon RA, Yousif MY, Rosecrans JA, Poklis A - Determination of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Enantiomers in Whole Blood - 1989
Fitzgerald RL, Blanke RV, Rosecrans JA, Glennon RA - Stereochemistry of the Metabolism of MDMA to MDA - 1989
Gazzara RA, Takeda H, Cho AK, Howard SG - Inhibition of dopamine release by methylenedioxymethamphetamine is mediated by serotonin - 1989
Gibb JW, Stone DM, Johnson M, Hanson GR - Role of Dopamine in the Neurotoxicity Induced by Amphetamines and Related Designer Drugs - 1989
Glennon RA, Misenheimer BR - Stimulus effects of N-monoethyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (MDE) and N-hydroxy-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (N-OH MDA) in rats trained to discriminate MDMA from saline - 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob GF - Psychostimulant Properties of MDMA - 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob GF - Neurochemical Mechanisms Involved in Behavioral Effects of Amphetamines and Related Designer Drugs - 1989
Gold LH, Hubner CB, Koob GF - A role for the mesolimbic dopamine system in the psychostimulant actions of MDMA - 1989
Gold LH, Koob GF - MDMA produces stimulant-like conditioned locomotor activity - 1989
Gollamudi R, Ali SF, Lipe G, Newport G, Webb P, Lopez M, Leakey JEA, Kolta M, Slicker W Jr - Influence of Inducers and Inhibitors on the Metabolism in Vitro and Neurochemical Effects in Vivo of MDMA - 1989
Hanson GR, Sonsalla P, Letter A, Merchant KM, Johnson M, Bush L, Gibb JW - Effects of Amphetamine Analogs on Central Nervous System Neuropeptide Systems - 1989
Hekmatpanah CR, McKenna DJ, Peroutka SJ - Reserpine Does Not Prevent 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Neurotoxicity in the Rat - 1989
Hiramatsu M, Nabeshima T, Kameyama T, Maeda Y, Cho AK - The effect of optical isomers of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on stereotyped behavior in rats - 1989
Insel TR, Battaglia G, Johannessen JN, Marra S, De Souza EB - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') Selectively Destroys Brain Serotonin Terminals in Rhesus Monkeys - 1989
Johnson M, Stone DM, Bush LG, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Glucocorticoids and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Induced Neurotoxicity - 1989
Johnson MP, Nichols DE - Neurotoxic Effects of the alpha-ethyl Homologue of MDMA Following Subacute Administration - 1989
Kelland MD, Freeman AS, Chiodo LA - (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced changes in the basal activity and pharmacological responsiveness of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons - 1989
Kleven MS, Seiden LS - Toxicity of Amphetamine-Related Drugs and Resulting Behavioural Changes - 1989
Kleven MS, Woolverton WL, Seiden LS - Evidence that Both Intragastric and Subcutaneous Administration of Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) Produce Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rhesus Monkeys - 1989
Laverty R, Logan BJ - Ecstasy abuse - 1989
Li AA, Marek GJ, Vosmer G, Seiden LS - Long-Term Central 5-HT Depletions Resulting from Repeated Administration of MDMA Enhances the Effects of Single Administration of MDMA on Schedule-Controlled Behavior of Rats - 1989
Lim HK, Foltz RL - Identification of metabolites of 3,4-(methylenedioxy)methamphetamine in human urine - 1989
Lorens SA, Hata N, Cabrera T, Hamilton ME - Comparison of the Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of 5,7-DHT, MDMA and D,L-Fenfluramine - 1989
Lowy MT, Nash JF Jr, Meltzer HY - Selective Reduction of Striatal Type II Glucocorticoid Receptors in Rats by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1989
Mansbach RS, Braff DL, Geyer MA - Prepulse Inhibition of the Acoustic Startle Response is Disrupted by N-ethyl-3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDEA) in the Rat - 1989
Matthews RT, Champney TH, Frye GD - Effects of (+-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on brain dopaminergic activity in rats - 1989
Miczek KA, Tidey JW - Amphetamines: Aggressive and Social Behavior - 1989
Molliver ME, Mamounas LA, Wilson MA - Effects of Neurotoxic Amphetamines on Serotonergic Neurons: Immunocytochemical Studies - 1989
Nader MA, Hoffmann SM, Barrett JE - Behavioral Effects of (+-) 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and (+-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Pigeon: Interactions with Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Systems - 1989
Nichols DE, Oberlender R - Structure-Activity Relationships of MDMA-Like Substances - 1989
Nichols DE, Oberlender R, Burris K, Hoffman AJ, Johnson MP - Studies of Dioxole Ring Substituted 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Analogues - 1989
Peroutka SJ - 'Ecstasy': a human neurotoxin? - 1989
Price LH, Ricaurte GA, Krystal JH, Heninger GR - Responses to I.V. L-Tryptophan in MDMA Users - 1989
Price LH, Ricaurte GA, Krystal JH, Heninger GR - Neuroendocrine and Mood Responses to Intravenous L-Tryptophan in 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Users. Preliminary Observations - 1989
Ricaurte GA - Studies of MDMA-Induced Neurotoxicity in Nonhuman Primates: A Basis for Evaluating Long-Term Effects in Humans - 1989
Sadzot B, Baraban JM, Glennon RA, Lyon RA, Leonhardt S, Jan CR, Titeler M - Hallucinogenic Drug Interactions at Human Brain 5-HT2 Receptors: Implications for Treating LSD-induced Hallucinogenesis - 1989
Schechter MD - Serotonergic-dopaminergic mediation of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ''ecstasy'') - 1989
Schmidt CJ - Acute and Long-Term Neurochemical Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Rat - 1989
Seiden LS, Kleven MS - Methamphetamine and Related Drugs: Toxicity and Resulting Behavioral Changes in Response to Pharmacological Probes - 1989
Slikker W Jr, Holson RR, Ali SF, Kolta MG, Paule MG, Scallet AC, McMillan DE, Bailey JR, Hong JS, Scalzo FM - Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Orally Administered MDMA in the Rodent and Nonhuman Primate - 1989
Spanos LJ, Yamamoto BK - Acute and subchronic effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine [(+/-)MDMA] on locomotion and serotonin syndrome behavior in the rat [published erratum appears in Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1989 Nov;34(3):679] - 1989
Sprouse JS, Bradberry CW, Roth RH, Aghajanian GK - MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) inhibits the firing of dorsal raphe neurons in brain slices via release of serotonin - 1989
Steele TD, Nichols DE, Yim GK - MDMA Transiently Alters Biogenic Amines and Metabolites in Mouse Brain and Heart - 1989
Stone DM, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - In vitro reactivation of rat cortical tryptophan hydroxylase following in vivo inactivation by methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1989
Stone DM, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Acute Inactivation of Tryptophan Hydroxylase by Amphetamine Analogs Involves the Oxidation of Sulfhydryl Sites - 1989
Whitaker-Azmitia PM, Aronson TA - 'Ecstasy' (MDMA)-induced panic - 1989
Wilkerson G, London ED - Effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine on local cerebral glucose utilization in the rat - 1989
Wilson MA, Ricaurte GA, Molliver ME - Distinct Morphologic Classes of Serotonergic xons in priPmates Exhibit Differential Vulnerability to the Psychotropic Drug 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1989
Zaczek R, Hurt S, Culp S, De Souza EB - Characterization of Brain Interactions With Methylenedioxyamphetamine and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1989
Azmitia EC, Murphy RB, Whitaker-Azmitia PM - MDMA (Ecstasy) Effects on Cultured Serotonergic Neurons: Evidence for Ca 2+ -Dependent Toxicity Linked to Release - 1990
Bakalar JB, Grinspoon L - Testing Psychotherapies and Drug Therapies: The Case of Psychedelic Drugs - 1990
Bakalar, James B.; Grinspoon, Lester - Testing Psychotherapies and Drug Therapies: The Case of Psychedelic Drugs - 1990
Bilsky EJ, Hui Y, Hubbell CL, Reid LD - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine's Capacity to Establish Place Preferences and Modify Intake of an Alcohol Beverage - 1990
Brewster WK, Nichols DE, Riggs RM, Lovenberg TW, Mottola DM, Lee RC, Lewis MH, Mailman RB - Trans-10,11-Dihydroxy-5,6,6a,7,8,12b-Hexahydrobenzo[a]phenanthridine: A Highly Potent Selective Dopamine D1 Full Agonist - 1990
Bunker CF, Johnson M, Gibb JW, Bush LG, Hanson GR - Neurochemical Effects of an Acute Treatment with 4-Methylaminorex, a New Stimulant of Abuse - 1990
Bunker CF, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - The Acute Effects of a Single Dose of 4-Methylaminorex on Rat Brain Neurochemistry - 1990
Callaway C W, Wing L L, Geyer M A - Serotonin Release Contributes to the Locomotor Stimulant Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine in Rats. - 1990
Cho AK, Hiramatsu M, Distefano EW, Chang AS, Jenden DJ - Stereochemical Differences in the Metabolism of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine In Vivo and In Vitro: A Pharmacokinetic Analysis - 1990
Cody JT - Cross-Reactivity of Amphetamine Analogues with Roche Abuscreen Radioimmunoassay Reagents - 1990
Cody JT - Detection of D,L-Amphetamine, D,L-Methamphetamine, and Illicit Amphetamine Analogs Using Diagnostic Products Corporation's Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Radioimmunoassay - 1990
Dowling GP - Human Deaths and Toxic Reactions Attributed to MDMA and MDEA - 1990
Finnegan KT, Skratt JJ, Irwin I, Langston JW - The N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Antagonist, Dextrorphan, Prevents the Neurotoxic Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Rats. - 1990
Fitzgerald RL, Blanke RV, Poklis A - Stereoselective Pharmacokinetics of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Rat - 1990
Gerard F - Pain, Death and LSD: A Retrospective on the work of Dr. Eric Kast - 1990
Gerard, Francis - Pain, Death and LSD: A Retrospective of the Work of Dr. Eric Kast. - 1990
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Hanson GR - Neurochemical Basis of Neurotoxicity. - 1990
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Stone D, Hanson GR - MDMA: Historical Perspectives. - 1990
Gibb JW, Stone D, Johnson M, Hanson GR - Neurochemical Effects of MDMA - 1990
Glennon RA, Misenheimer B - Stimulus Properties of a New Designer Drug: 4-Methylaminorex (U4Euh) - 1990
Goodman, Robert M. - Method of Decongesting the Nose Without Adverse Stimulant Effects - Dec 25,1990
Greer G, Tolbert R - The Therapeutic Use of MDMA. - 1990
Greer, George R.; Tolbert, Requa - The Therapeutic Use of MDMA - 1990
Hanson GR, Merchant KM, Johnson M, Letter AA, Bush L, Gibb JW - Effect of MDMA-like Drugs on CNS Neuropeptide Systems - 1990
Hiramatsu M, Kumagai Y, Unger SE, Cho AK - Metabolism of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine: Formation of Dihydroxymethamphetamine and a Quinone Identified as its Glutathione Adduct - 1990
Hiramatsu M, Cho AK - Enantiomeric Differences in the Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Extracellular Monoamines and Metabolites in the Striatum of Freely-Moving Rats: An In Vivo Microdialysis Study - 1990
Johnson MP, Huang X, Oberlender R, Nash JF, Nichols DE - Behavioral, Biochemical, and Neurotoxicological Actions of the alpha-ethyl Homologue of p-Chloroamphetamine - 1990
Johnson MP, Huang X, Oberlender R, Nash JF, Nichols DE - Behavioural, Biochemical and Neurotoxicological Actions of the alpha-ethyl Homologue of p-Chloroamphetamine - 1990
Mansbach RS, Sannerud CA, Griffiths RR, Balster RL, Harris LS - Intravenous Self-Administration of 4-Methylaminorex in Primates - 1990
Mayer JP, Cassady JM, Nichols DE - An Improved Synthesis of 6-Hydroxy-4-[2-(di-n-propylamino)ethyl]indole - 1990
McKenna DJ, Peroutka SJ - The Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicity of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy") - 1990
McKenna DJ, Repke DB, Lo L, Peroutka SJ - Differential interactions of indolealkylamines with 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtypes. - 1990 Mar
Molliver ME, Berger UV, Mamounas LA, Molliver DC, O'Hearn E, Wilson MA - Neurotoxocity of MDMA and Related Compounds: Anatomical Studies. - 1990
Nash JF, Meltzer HY, Gudelsky GA - Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine Accumulation in the Striatum and Nucleus Accumbers - 1990
Nash JF - Ketanserin Pretreatment Attenuates MDMA-induced Dopamine Release in the Striatum as Measured by in vivo Microdialysis - 1990
Nichols DE, Johnson MP, Oberlender R - 5-Iodo-2-aminoindan, a Non-Neurotoxic Analogue of para-Iodoamphetamine - 1990
Nichols DE, Brewster WK, Johnson MP, Oberlender R, Riggs RM - Nonneurotoxic Tetralin and Indan Analogues of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) - 1990
Nichols DE, Oberlender R - Structure-Activity Relationships of MDMA and Related Compounds: A New Class of Psychoactive Drugs - 1990
Nichols DE, Oberlender R - Structure-Activity Relationships of MDMA and Related Compounds: A New Class of Psychoactive Agents? - 1990
Oberlender R, Nichols DE - (+)-N-Methyl-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine as a Discriminative Stimulus in Studies of 3,4-Methyenedioxymethamphetamine-like Behavioral Activity - 1990
Oberlender R, Nichols DE - (+)-N-methyl-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine as a Discriminative Stimulus in Studies of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Like Behavioural Activity - 1990
Paulus, Martin P.; Geyer, Mark A.; Gold, Lisa H.; Mandell, Arnold J. - Application of Entropy Measurements Derived from the Ergodic Theory of Dynamical Systems to Rat Locomotor Behaviour - 1990
Peroutka SJ - Recreational Use of MDMA - 1990
Piercey MF, Lum JT, Palmer JR - Effects of MDMA ("ecstasy") on Firing Rates of Seroronergic, Dopaminergic, and Noradrenergic Neurons in the Rat. - 1990
Price LH, Krystal JH, Heninger GR, Ricaurte GA - In Reply - 1990
Scheffel U, Ricaurte GA - Paroxetine as an in vivo Indicator of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Neurotoxicity: A Presynaptic Serotonergic Positron Emission Tomography Ligand? - 1990
Shulgin AT - How Similar is Substantially Similar? - 1990
Shulgin AT - History of MDMA - 1990
Wagner J, Peroutka SJ - Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicity of Substituted Amphetamines - 1990
Whitaker-Azmitia PM, Azmitia EC - A Tissue Culture Model of MDMA Toxicity - 1990
White HS, Bunker CF, Gibb JW, Hanson GR - Characterization of Seizures Induced by I.C.V. Administration of Cocaine, Methamphetamine and 4-Methylaminorex (4-MAX) - 1990
Yousif MY, Fitzgerald RL, Narasimhachari N, Rosecrans JA, Blanke RV, Glennon RA - Identification of Metabolites of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rats - 1990
anonymous - Ecstasy und Cadillac - Nov 12,1990
anonymous - Anedridi Asit Asitik - Sep 3,1990
Azmitia EC, Murphy RB, Whitaker-Azmitia PM - MDMA (Ecstasy) Effects on Cultured Serotonergic Neurons: Evidence for Ca2(+)-Dependent Toxicity Linked to Release - 1990
Beck J, Rosenbaum M - The Scheduling of MDMA ('Ecstasy') - 1990
Bilsky EJ, Hui YZ, Hubbell CL, Reid LD - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine's Capacity to Establish Place Preferences and Modify Intake of an Alcoholic Beverage - 1990
Callaway CW, Wing LL, Geyer MA - Serotonin release contributes to the locomotor stimulant effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in rats - 1990
Cho AK, Hiramatsu M, Distenfamo EW, Chang AS, Jenden DJ - Stereochemical Differences in the Metabolism of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine In Vivo and In Vitro: A Pharmacokinetic Analysis - 1990
Cody JT - Detection of D,L-Amphetamine, D,L-Methamphetamine, and Illicit Amphetamine Analogs Using Diagnostic Products Corporation's Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Radioimmunoassay - 1990
Cody JT - Cross-Reactivity of Amphetamine Analogues with Roche Abuscreen Radioimmunoassay Reagents - 1990
Davies JB, Ditton J - The 1990s: decade of the stimulants? - 1990
De Souza EB, Battaglia G, Insel TR - Neurotoxic effect of MDMA on brain serotonin neurons: evidence from neurochemical and radioligand binding studies - 1990
Evans SM, Zacny JP, Johanson CE - Three-Choice Discrimination Among (+)-Amphetamine, Fenfluramine and Saline in Pigeons - 1990
Finnegan KT, Skratt JJ, Irwin I, Langston JW - The N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Antagonist, Dextrorphan, Prevents the Neurotoxic Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Rats - 1990
Fitzgerald JL, Reid JJ - Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on the Release of Monoamines from Rat Brain Slices - 1990
Fitzgerald RL, Blanke RV, Poklis A - Stereoselective Pharmacokinetics of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Rat - 1990
Gaylor DW, Slikker W Jr - Risk assessment for neurotoxic effects - 1990
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Hanson GR - Neurochemical Basis of Neurotoxicity - 1990
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Stone D, Hanson GR - MDMA: Historical Perspectives - 1990
Greer GR,Tolbert R - The Therapeutic Use of MDMA - 1990
Grob C, Bravo G, Walsh R - Second thoughts on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) neurotoxicity - 1990
Hashimoto K, Goromaru T - Reduction of in vivo binding of [3H]paroxetine in mouse brain by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1990
Hashimoto K, Goromaru T - Reduction of [3H]6-nitroquipazine-labelled 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake sites in rat brain by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1990
Hekmatpanah CR, Peroutka SJ - 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake blockers attenuate the 5-hydroxytryptamine-releasing effect of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and related agents - 1990
Hiramatsu M, Cho AK - Enantiomeric Differences in the Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Extracellular Monoamines and Metabolites in the Striatum of Freely-Moving Rats: An In Vivo Microdialysis Study - 1990
Hiramatsu M, Kumagai Y, Unger SE, Cho AK - Metabolism of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine: Formation of Dihydroxymethamphetamine and a Quinone Identified as Its Glutathione Adduct - 1990
Johnson MP, Huang XM, Oberlender R, Nash JF, Nichols DE - Behavioral, Biochemical and Neurotoxicological Actions of the alpha-ethyl Homologue of p-Chloroamphetamine - 1990
Kosten TR - Neurobiology of abused drugs. Opioids and stimulants - 1990
Kunsman GW, Manno JE, Cockerham KR, Manno BR - Application of the Syva EMIT and Abbott TDx amphetamine immunoassays to the detection of 3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-methylene-dioxyethamphetamine (MDEA) in urine - 1990
McKenna DJ, Peroutka SJ - Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicity of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') - 1990
Meilman PW, Gaylor MS, Turco JH, Stone JE - Drug use among college undergraduates: current use and 10-year trends - 1990
Molliver ME, Berger UV, Mamounas LA, Molliver DC, O'Hearn E, Wilson MA - Neurotoxicity of MDMA and Related Compounds: Anatomic Studies - 1990
Nash JF - Ketanserin pretreatment attenuates MDMA-induced dopamine release in the striatum as measured by in vivo microdialysis - 1990
Nash JF, Meltzer HY, Gudelsky GA - Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine Accumulation in the Striatum and Nucleus Accumbens - 1990
Nichols DE, Brewster WK, Johnson MP, Oberlender R, Riggs RM - Nonneurotoxic Tetralin and Indan Analogues of 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)amphetamine (MDA) - 1990
Nichols DE, Oberlender R - Structure-Activity Relationships of MDMA and Related Compounds: A New Class of Psychoactive Drugs? - 1990
Oberlender R, Nichols DE - (+)-N-methyl-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine as a Discriminative Stimulus in Studies of 3,4-Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine-like Behavioral Activity - 1990
Paulus MP, Geyer MA, Gold LH, Mandell AJ - Application of Entropy Measures Derived from the Ergodic Theory of Dynamical Systems to Rat Locomotor Behavior - 1990
Piercey MF, Lum JT, Palmer JR - Effects of MDMA ('Ecstasy') on Firing Rates of Serotonergic, Dopaminergic, and Noradrenergic Neurons in the Rat - 1990
Poland RE - Diminished corticotropin and enhanced prolactin responses to 8-hydroxy-2(di-n-propylamino)tetralin in methylenedioxymethamphetamine pretreated rats - 1990
Ricaurte GA, Finnegan KT, Irwin I, Langston JW - Aminergic Metabolites in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Humans Previously Exposed to MDMA: Preliminary Observations - 1990
Scheffel U, Ricaurte GA - Paroxetine as an In Vivo Indicator of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Neurotoxicity: A Presynaptic Serotonergic Positron Emission Tomography Ligand? - 1990
Schmidt CJ, Abbate GM, Black CK, Taylor VL - Selective 5-hydroxytryptamine2 receptor antagonists protect against the neurotoxicity of methylenedioxymethamphetamine in rats - 1990
Schmidt CJ, Black CK, Abbate GM, Taylor VL - Chloral hydrate anesthesia antagonizes the neurotoxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1990
Schmidt CJ, Black CK, Taylor VL - Antagonism of the neurotoxicity due to a single administration of methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1990
Schmidt CJ, Kehne JH - Neurotoxicity of MDMA: neurochemical effects - 1990
Schmidt CJ, Taylor VL - Reversal of the acute effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine by 5-HT uptake inhibitors - 1990
Seiden LS - MDMA and Related Compounds: Session Summary - 1990
Sprouse JS, Bradberry CW, Roth RH, Aghajanian GK - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced release of serotonin and inhibition of dorsal raphe cell firing: potentiation by L-tryptophan - 1990
Teitler M, Leonhardt S, Appel NM, De Souza EB, Glennon RA - Receptor Pharmacology of MDMA and Related Hallucinogens - 1990
Verweij AM - Clandestine manufacture of 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) by low pressure reductive amination. A mass spectrometric study of some reaction mixtures - 1990
Winslow JT, Insel TR - Serotonergic modulation of rat pup ultrasonic vocal development: studies with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1990
Yousif MY, Fitzgerald RL, Narasimhachari N, Rosecrans JA, Blanke RV, Glennon RA - Identification of Metabolites of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rats - 1990
Zacny JP, Virus RM, Woolverton WL - Tolerance and cross-tolerance to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), methamphetamine and methylenedioxyamphetamine - 1990
Beebe, Diane K.; Walley, Elizabeth - Substance Abuse: The Designer Drugs - May 1991
Bilsky EJ, Reid LD - MDL-72222, A Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonist, Blocks MDMA's Ability to Establish a Conditioned Place Preference - 1991
Callaway CW, Johnson MP, Gold LH, Nichols DE, Geyer MA - Amphetamine Derivatives Induce Locomotor Hyperactivity by Acting as Indirect Serotonin Agonists - 1991
Callaway CW, Nichols DE, Paulus MP, Geyer MA - Serotonin Release is Responsible for the Locomotor Hyperactivity in Rats Induced by Derivatives of Amphetamine Related to MDMA - 1991
Consroe P, Laguna J, Allender J, Snider S, Stern L, Sandyk R, Kennedy K, Schram K - Controlled Clinical Trial of Cannabidiol in Huntington's Disease - 1991
Darney KJ, Lewis MH, Brewster WK, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - Behavioral Effects in the Rat of Dihydrexidine, A High Potency Full Efficacy D1 Dopamine Receptor Agonist - 1991
Dornan WA, Katz JL, Ricaurte GA - The Effects of Repeated Administration of MDMA on the Expression of Sexual Behaviour in the Male Rat - 1991
Elsworth JD, Lawrence MS, Roth RH, Taylor JR, Mailman RB, Nichols DE, Lewis MH, Redmond DE Jr. - D1 and D2 Dopamine Receptors Independently Regulate Spontaneous Blink Rate in the Vervet Monkey - 1991
Gan, Ber K.; Baugh, Diane; Liu, Ray H.; Walia, Amrik S. - Simultaneous Analysis of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Urine Samples by Solid-phase Extraction, Derivatization, and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry - 1991
Glennon RA - Phenylalkylamine Stimulants, Hallucinogens, and Designer Drugs - 1991
Gordon CJ, Watkinson WP, O'Callaghan JP, Miller BD - Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Autonomic Thermoregulatory Responses of the Rat - 1991
Gough B, Ali SF, Slikker W, Holson RR - Acute Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Monoamines in Rat Caudate - 1991
Hoffman BJ, Mezey E, Brownstein MJ - Cloning of a Serotonin Transporter Affected by Antidepressants - 1991
Huang X, Johnson, MP Nichols DE - Reduction in Brain Serotonin Markers by alpha-Ethyltryptamine (Monase) - 1991
Johnson MP Huang X, Nichols DE - Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rats After Combined Treatment With a Dopaminergic Agent Followed by a Non-Neurotoxic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Analogue - 1991
Johnson MP, Conarty PF, Nichols DE - [3H]-Monoamine Releasing and Uptake Inhibition Properties of 3,4-Methylene-dioxymethamphetamine and p-Chloroamphetamine Analogues - 1991
Johnson MP, Nichols DE - Combined Administration of a Non-Neurotoxic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Analogue with Amphetamine Produces Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rats - 1991
Johnson MP, Conarty PF, Nichols DE - [3H]Monoamine Releasing and Uptake Inhibition Properties of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and p-Chloroamphetamine Analogues. - 1991
Johnson MP, Huang X, Nichols DE - Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rats After Combined Treatment with a Dopaminergic Agent Followed by a Nonneurotoxic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Analogue. - 1991
Johnson M, Bush LG, Gibb JW, Hanson GR - Blockade of the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Changes in Neurotensin and Dynorphin A Systems. - 1991
Johnson MP, Frescas SP, Oberlender R, Nichols DE - Synthesis and Pharmacological Examination of 1-(3-Methoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane and 5-Methoxy-6-methyl-2-aminoindane: Similarities to 3,4-Methylenedioxymeth-amphetamine (MDMA). - 1991
Kumagai Y, Wickham KA, Schmitz DA, Cho AK - Metabolism of Methylenedioxyphenyl Compounds by Rabbit Liver Preparations. Participation of Different Cytochrome P450 Isozymes in the Demethylenation Reaction - 1991
Lovenberg TW, Roth RH, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - D1 Dopamine Receptors of NS20Y Neuroblastoma Cells Are Functionally Similar to Rat Striatal D1 Receptors - 1991
Lovenberg TW, Nichols DE, Nestler EJ, Roth RH, Mailman RB - Guanine Nucleotide Binding Proteins and the Regulation of Cyclic AMP Synthesis in NS20Y Neuroblastoma Cells: Role of Dl Dopamine and Muscarinic Receptors - 1991
MP Johnson, DE Nichols - Combined Administration of a Non-Neurotoxic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Analogue with Amphetamine Produces Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rats - 1991
MP Johnson, SP Frescas, R Oberlender, DE Nichols - Synthesis and Pharmacological Examination of 1-(3-Methoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane and 5-Methoxy-6-methyl-2-aminoindan: Similarities to 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1991
Markovich RJ, Qiu XX, Invergo B, Nichols DE, Alvarez FM, Pidgeon C - Silica Subsurface Amine Effect on the Chemical Stability and - 1991
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Lasting Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of (+/-) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy") in Recreational Users - 1991
McKenna D J, Guan X -M, Shulgin A T - 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Analogues Exhibit Differential Effects on Synaptosomeal Release of 3H-Dopamine and 3H-5-Hydroxytryptamine. - 1991
McKenna D J, Peroutka S J - Serotonin Neurotoxins: Focus on MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, "Ecstasy"). - 1991
Nash JF, Nichols DE - Microdialysis Studies on 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and Structurally Related Analogues - 1991
Nash JF, Brodkin J - Microdialysis Studies on 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release: Effect of Dopamine Uptake Inhibitors - 1991
Nash JF, Nichols DE - Microdialysis Studies on 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and Structurally Related Analogues - 1991
Nichols DE, Snyder SE, Oberlender R, Johnson M, Huang X - 2,3-Dihydrobenzofuran Analogues of Hallucinogenic Phenethylamines - 1991
Noggle, F. Taylor, Jr.; Clark, C. Randall; Andurkar, Shridhar; DeRuiter, Jack - Methods for the Analysis of 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-Butanamine and N-Methyl-1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-Propanamine (MDMA) - 1991
Oberlender R, Nichols DE - Structural Variation and (+)-Amphetamine-like Discriminative Stimulus Properties - 1991
Persons PE, Mayer JP, Nichols DE, Cassady JM, Smalstig EB, Clemens JA - Preliminary Evaluation of 4-(2-N,N-dialkylaminoethyl)indoles as Potential Dopamine Agonists - 1991
Rosenbaum M, Doblin R - Why MDMA Should Not Have Been Made Illegal - 1991
Schifano, Fabrizio - Chronic Atypical Psychosis Associated with MDMA ("Ecstasy") Abuse - 1991
Schmidt CJ, Black CK, Taylor VL - L-DOPA Potentiation of the Serotoninergic Deficits Due to a Single Administration of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, p-Chloroamphetamine or Methamphetamine to Rats. - 1991
Schmidt CJ, Vicki L, Taylor GM, Nieduzak TR - 5-HT-2 Antagonist Stereoselectivly Prevents the Neurotoxicity of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine by Blocking the Acute Stimulation of Dopamine Synthesis: Reversal by L-DOPA. - 1991
Sharkey J, McBean D E, Kelly P A T - Alterations in Hippocampal Function Following Repeated Exposure to the Amphetamine Derivative Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy"). - 1991
Steele TD, Brewster WK, Johnson MP, Nichols DE, Yim GKW - Assessment of the Role of alpha-Methylepinine in the Neurotoxicity of MDMA - 1991
Steele TD, Brewster WK, Johnson MP, Nichols DE, Yim GKW - Assessment of the Role of alpha-Methylepinine in the Neurotoxicity of MDMA. - 1991
Taylor JR, Lawrence MS, Redmond DE Jr., Elsworth JD, Roth RH, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - Dihydrexidine, a Full Dopamine Agonist, Reduces MPTP-Induced Parkinsonism in Monkeys - 1991
Vogel C, Ashby CR Jr., Pan H, Fishkin L, Minabe Y, Wang RY - Effect of 4-Methylaminorex on Midbrain Dopamine Cells - 1991
Witkin JM, Nichols DE, Terry P, Katz JL - Behavioral Effects of Selective Dopaminergic Compounds in Rats Discriminating Cocaine Injections - 1991
Yeh S Y, Hsu F-L - The Neurochemical and Stimulatory Effects of Putative Metabolites of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rats. - 1991
Ali SF, Chang LW, Slikker W Jr - Biogenic amines as biomarkers for neurotoxicity - 1991
Battaglia G, Sharkey J, Kuhar MJ, de Souza EB - Neuroanatomic specificity and time course of alterations in rat brain serotonergic pathways induced by MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): assessment using quantitative autoradiography - 1991
Benazzi F, Mazzoli M - Psychiatric illness associated with 'ecstasy' - 1991
Bilsky EJ, Reid LD - MDL72222, a Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonist, Blocks MDMA's Ability to Establish a Conditioned Place Preference - 1991
Bradberry CW, Sprouse JS, Sheldon PW, Aghajanian GK, Roth RH - In vitro microdialysis: a novel technique for stimulated neurotransmitter release measurements - 1991
Callaway CW, Johnson MP, Gold LH, Nichols DE, Geyer MA - Amphetamine Derivatives Induce Locomotor Hyperactivity by Acting as Indirect Serotonin Agonists - 1991
Chadwick IS, Curry PD, Linsey A, Freemont AJ, Doran B - Ecstasy, 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a fatality associated with coagulopathy and hyperthermia - 1991
Champney TH, Matthews RT - Pineal serotonin is resistant to depletion by serotonergic neurotoxins in rats - 1991
Creighton FJ, Black DL, Hyde CE - 'Ecstasy' psychosis and flashbacks - 1991
Dornan WA, Katz JL, Ricaurte GA - The Effects of Repeated Administration of MDMA on the Expression of Sexual Behavior in the Male Rat - 1991
Dragunow M, Logan B, Laverty R - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine induces Fos-like proteins in rat basal ganglia: reversal with MK 801 - 1991
Fukuto JM, Kumagai Y, Cho AK - Determination of the mechanism of demethylenation of (methylenedioxy)phenyl compounds by cytochrome P450 using deuterium isotope effects - 1991
Gan BK, Baugh D, Liu RH, Walia AS - Simultaneous analysis of amphetamine, methamphetamine, and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in urine samples by solid-phase extraction, derivatization, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry - 1991
Garrett ER, Seyda K, Marroum P - High performance liquid chromatographic assays of the illicit designer drug 'Ecstasy', a modified amphetamine, with applications to stability, partitioning and plasma protein binding - 1991
Glennon RA - Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Hallucinogens and Related Designer Drugs - 1991
Gordon CJ, Watkinson WP, O'Callaghan JP, Miller DB - Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Autonomic Thermoregulatory Responses of the Rat - 1991
Gough B, Ali SF, Slikker W Jr, Holson RR - Acute Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Monoamines in Rat Caudate - 1991
Hiramatsu M, DiStefano E, Chang AS, Cho AK - A pharmacokinetic analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine effects on monoamine concentrations in brain dialysates - 1991
Huang XM, Johnson MP, Nichols DE - Reduction in Brain Serotonin Markers by alpha-Ethyltryptamine (Monase) - 1991
Johnson M, Bush LG, Gibb JW, Hanson GR - Blockade of the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Changes in Neurotensin and Dynorphin A Systems - 1991
Johnson MP, Conarty PF, Nichols DE - [3H]Monoamine Releasing and Uptake Inhibition Properties of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and p-Chloroamphetamine Analogues - 1991
Johnson MP, Frescas SP, Oberlender R, Nichols DE - Synthesis and Pharmacological Examination of 1-(3-Methoxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-aminopropane and 5-Methoxy-6-methyl-2-aminoindan: Similarities to 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)methamphetamine (MDMA) - 1991
Johnson MP, Huang XM, Nichols DE - Serotonin Neurotoxicity in Rats after Combined Treatment with a Dopaminergic Agent Followed by a Nonneurotoxic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Analogue - 1991
Kumagai Y, Lin LY, Schmitz DA, Cho AK - Hydroxyl radical mediated demethylenation of (methylenedioxy)phenyl compounds - 1991
Lim HK, Foltz RL - In vivo formation of aromatic hydroxylated metabolites of 3,4-(methylenedioxy)methamphetamine in the rat: identification by ion trap tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS and MS/MS/MS) techniques - 1991
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Lasting Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of (+-)Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') in Recreational users - 1991
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Major metabolites of (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) do not mediate its toxic effects on brain serotonin neurons - 1991
McGuire P, Fahy T - Chronic paranoid psychosis after misuse of MDMA ('ecstasy') - 1991
McKenna DJ, Guan XM, Shulgin AT - 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Analogues Exhibit Differential Effects on Synaptosomal Release of 3H-Dopamine and 3H-5-Hydroxytryptamine - 1991
Millan MJ, Colpaert FC - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine induces spontaneous tail-flicks in the rat via 5-HT1A receptors - 1991
Nash JF, Arora RC, Schreiber MA, Meltzer HY - Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on [3H]Paroxetine Binding in the Frontal Cortex and Blood Platelets of Rats - 1991
Nash JF, Brodkin J - Microdialysis Studies on 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release: Effect of Dopamine Uptake Inhibitors - 1991
Nash JF, Nichols DE - Microdialysis Studies on 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and Structurally Related Analogues - 1991
Nichols DE, Johnson MP, Oberlender R - 5-Iodo-2-aminoindan, a Nonneurotoxic Analogue of p-Iodoamphetamine - 1991
Noggle FT Jr, Clark CR, Andukar S, DeRuiter J - Methods for the analysis of 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine and N-methyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-propanamine (MDMA) - 1991
Pan HS, Wang RY - The action of (+/-)-MDMA on medial prefrontal cortical neurons is mediated through the serotonergic system - 1991
Pan HS, Wang RY - MDMA: further evidence that its action in the medial prefrontal cortex is mediated by the serotonergic system - 1991
Park WK, Azmitia EC - 5-HT, MDMA (ecstasy), and nimodipine effects on 45Ca-uptake into rat brain synaptosomes - 1991
Paulus MP, Geyer MA - A temporal and spatial scaling hypothesis for the behavioral effects of psychostimulants - 1991
Rattray M - Ecstasy: towards an understanding of the biochemical basis of the actions of MDMA - 1991
Ruttenber AJ - Stalking the elusive designer drugs: Techniques for monitoring new problems in drug abuse - 1991
Schechter MD - Effect of MDMA neurotoxicity upon its conditioned place preference and discrimination - 1991
Schechter MD - Effect of serotonin depletion by p-chlorophenylalanine upon discriminative behaviours - 1991
Schifano F - Chronic atypical psychosis associated with MDMA ('ecstasy') abuse - 1991
Schmidt CJ, Taylor VL, Abbate GM, Nieduzak TR - 5-HT2 Antagonists Stereoselectively Prevent the Neurotoxicity of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine by Blocking the Acute Stimulation of Dopamine Synthesis: Reversal by L-dopa - 1991
Sharkey J, McBean DE, Kelly PA - Alterations in Hippocampal Function Following Repeated Exposure to the Amphetamine Derivative Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') - 1991
St Omer VEV, Ali SF, Holson RR, Duhart HM, Scalzo FM, Slikker W Jr - Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Prenatal Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Exposure in Rats - 1991
Steele TD, Brewster WK, Johnson MP, Nichols DE, Yim GK - Assessment of the Role of alpha-Methylepinine in the Neurotoxicity of MDMA - 1991
Watson L, Beck J - New age seekers: MDMA use as an adjunct to spiritual pursuit - 1991
Winslow JT, Insel TR - Serotonergic modulation of the rat pup ultrasonic isolation call: studies with 5HT1 and 5HT2 subtype-selective agonists and antagonists - 1991
Winstock AR - Chronic paranoid psychosis after misuse of MDMA - 1991
Yeh SY, Hsu FL - The Neurochemical and Stimulatory Effects of Putative Metabolites of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rats - 1991
Broadbent JJ, Appel JB, Michael EK, Ricker JHJ - Discriminative Stimulus Effects of the Optical Isomers of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) - 1992
Callaway C W, Rempel N, Peng R Y, Geyer M A - Serotonin 5-HT1-Like Receptors Mediate Hyperactivity in Rats Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. - 1992
Callaway C W, Geyer M A - Stimulant Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Nucleus Accumbens of Rat. - 1992
Callaway C W, Geyer M A - Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance to the Activating Effects of 3,4-Methylendioxymethamphetamine and a 5-Hydroxytryptamine1B Agonist. - 1992
de Silva RN, Harries DP - Misuse of Ecstasy - 1992
Elayan I, Gibb JW, Hanson GR, Foltz RL, Lim HK, Johnson M - Long-term Alteration in the Central Monoaminergic Systems of the Rat by 2,4,5-Trihydroxyamphetamine but not by 2-Hydroxy-4,5-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or 2-Hydroxy-4,5-Methylenedioxyamphetamine. - 1992
Glennon RA, Higgs R - Investigation of MDMA-Related Agents in Rats Trained to Discriminate MDMA from Saline - 1992
Glennon RA, Higgs R, Young R, Issa H - Further Studies on N-methyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane as a Discriminative Stimulus: Antagonism by 5-Hydroxytryptamine3 Antagonists. - 1992
Hanson, Glen R.; Bunker, Carolyn F.; Johnson, Michel; Bush, Lloyd; Gibb, James W. - Response of Nonoaminergic and Neuropeptide Systems to 4-Methylaminorex: A New Drug of Abuse - 1992
Harries DP, de Silva RN - 'Ecstasy' and Intracerebral Haemorrhage - 1992
Hashimoto K, Maeda H, Goromaru T - Antagonism of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced Neurotoxicity in Rat Brain by 1-Piperonylpiperazine - 1992
Helmlin, Hans-Jorg; Brenneisen, Rudolf - Determination of Psychotropic Phenylalkylamine Derivatives in Biological Matrices by High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Photodiode-array Detection - 1992
Huang X, Marona-Lewicka D, Nichols DE - Para-methylthioamphetamine is a Potent New Nonneurotoxic Serotonin-releasing Agent - 1992
Johnson M, Mitros K, Stone D M, Zobrist R, Hanson G R, Gibb J W - Effect of Flunarizine and Nimodipine on the Decrease in Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity Induced by Methamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. - 1992
Johnson M, Elayan I, Hanson G R, Foltz R L, Gibbs J W, Lim H K - Effects of 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine and 2,4,5-Trihydroxymethamphetamine, Two Metabolites of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, on Central Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Systems. - 1992
Johnson M, Bush L G, Midgley L, Gibb J W, Hanson G R - MK-801 Blocks the Changes in Neurotensin Concentrations Induced by Methamphetamine, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Cocaine, and GBR 12909. - 1992
Kehne JH, McCloskey TC, Taylor VL, Black CK, Fadayel GM, Schmidt CJ - Effects of the Serotonin Releasers 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 4-Chloroamphetamine (PCA) and Fenfluramine on Acoustic and Tactile Startle Reflexes in Rats - 1992
Krystal JH, Price LH, Opsahl C, Ricaurte GA, Heninger GR - Chronic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Use: Effects on Mood and Neuropsychological Function? - 1992
Leuner, Hanscarl; Schlichting, Michael - Uber den Derzeitigen Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Psychoaktiven Substanzen [About the Current Status of Research in Psychoactive Substances] - 1992
Lin L, Kumagai Y, Cho AK - Enzymatic and Chemical Demethylenation of (Methylenedioxy)amphetamine and (Methylenedioxy)methamphetamine by Rat Brain Microsomes - 1992
Marchant NC, Breen MA, Wallace D, Bass S, Taylor AR, Ings RM, Campbell DB, Williams J - Comparative Biodisposition and Metabolism of 14C-(+/-)-Fenfluramine in Mouse, Rat, Dog and Man - 1992
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - MDMA ("Ecstasy") and Panic Disorder: Induction by a Single Dose - 1992
Mottola DM, Brewster WK, Cook LL, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - Dihydrexidine, A Novel Full Efficacy D1 Dopamine Receptor Agonist - 1992
Paulus M P, Geyer M A - The Effects of MDMA and Other Methylenedioxy-substituted Phenylalkylamines on the Structure of Rat Locomotor Activity. - 1992
Oberlender R, Pfaff, RC Johnson MP, Huang X, Nichols DE - Stereoselective LSD-Like Activity in d-Lysergic Acid Amides of R- and S2-Aminobutane - 1992
Randall T - Ecstasy-Fuelled 'Rave" Parties Become Dances of Death for English Youths. - 1992
Randall, Teri - 'Rave' Scene, Ecstasy Use, Leap Atlantic - 1992
Ricaurte GA, McCann UD - Neurotoxic Amphetamine Analogues: Effects in Monkeys and Implications for Humans - 1992
Ricaurte GA, Marletto AL, Katz JL, Marletto MB - Lasting Effects of (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Ventral Serotonergic Neurons in Nonhuman Primates: Neurochemical Observations - 1992
Rohrig TP, Prouty RW - Tissue Distribution of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Rudnick, Gary; Wall, Stephen C. - The Molecular Mechanism of "Ecstasy" [3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA)]: Serotonin Transporters are Targets for MDMA-Induced Serotonin Release - 1992
Russell ARB, Schwartz RH, Dawling S - Accidental ingestion of 'Ecstasy' (3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine) - 1992
Scheffel U, Lever JR, Stathis M, Ricaurte GA - Repeated Administration of MDMA Causes Transient Down-Regulation of Serotonin 5-HT2 Receptors - 1992
Schmidt CJ, Fadayel GM, Sullivan CK, Taylor VL - 5-HT2-Receptors Exert a State-Dependent Regulation of Dopaminergic Function - Studies with MDL-100,907 and the Amphetamine Analogue, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Screaton GR, Cairns HS, Sarner M, Singer M, Thrasher A, Cohen SL - Hyperpyrexia and Rhabdomyolysis after MDMA ("Ecstasy") Abuse. - 1992
Stafford, Peter - [reference to MDMA] in Chapter 5: Nutmeg and MDA - 1992
Sternbach G L, Varon J - Designer Drugs. - 1992
Tomaszewski Z, Johnson MP, Huang X, Nichols DE - Benzofuran Bioisosteres of Hallucinogenic Tryptamines - 1992
Yensen, Richard - Vom Mysterium zum Paradigma: Die Reise des Menschen von heiligen Pflanzen zu psychedelischen Drogen [From Mysteries to Paradigms: Humanity's Journey From Sacred Plants to Psychedelic Drugs] - 1992
Zhao Z, Castagnoli Jr. N, Ricaurte G A, Steele T, Martello M - Synthesis and Neurotoxicological Evaluation of Putative Metabolites of the Serotoninergic Neurotoxin 2-(Methylamino)-1-[3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenyl]propane [(Methylenedioxy)methamphetamine] - 1992
Abbott A, Concar D - A trip into the unknown - 1992
Russell ARB, Schwartz RH, Dawling S - Accidental Ingestion of 'Ecstasy' (3,4-Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine) - 1992
Berger UV, Gu XF, Azmitia EC - The substituted amphetamines 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methamphetamine, p-chloroamphetamine and fenfluramine induce 5-hydroxytryptamine release via a common mechanism blocked by fluoxetine and cocaine - 1992
Callaway CW, Geyer MA - Tolerance and Cross-tolerance to the Activating Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and a 5-Hydroxytryptamine1B Agonist - 1992
Callaway CW, Geyer MA - Stimulant Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the Nucleus Accumbens of Rat - 1992
Callaway CW, Rempel N, Peng RY, Geyer MA - Serotonin 5-HT1-like Receptors Mediate Hyperactivity in Rats Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
de Silva RN, Harries DP - Misuse of Ecstasy - 1992
Elayan I, Gibb JW, Hanson GR, Foltz RL, Lim HK, Johnson M - Long-term Alteration in the Central Monoaminergic Systems of the Rat by 2,4,5-Trihydroxyamphetamine But Not by 2-Hydroxy-4,5-methylenedioxymethamphetamine or 2-Hydroxy-4,5-methylenedioxyamphetamine - 1992
Fahal IH, Sallomi DF, Yaqoob M, Bell GM - Acute renal failure after ecstasy - 1992
Farfel GM, Vosmer GL, Seiden LS - The N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist MK-801 protects against serotonin depletions induced by methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and p-chloroamphetamine - 1992
Glennon RA, Higgs R - Investigation of MDMA-related Agents in Rats Trained to Discriminate MDMA from Saline - 1992
Glennon RA, Higgs R, Young R, Issa H - Further studies on N-methyl-1(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane as a discriminative stimulus: antagonism by 5-hydroxytryptamine3 antagonists - 1992
Gouzoulis E, Steiger A, Ensslin M, Kovar A, Hermle L. - Sleep EEG Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDE; "Eve" in Healthy Volunteers - 1992
Grob CS, Bravo GL, Walsh RN, Liester MB - The MDMA-neurotoxicity controversy: implications for clinical research with novel psychoactive drugs - 1992
Harries DP, de Silva R - 'Ecstasy' and Intracerebral Haemorrhage - 1992
Hashimoto K, Maeda H, Goromaru T - Effects of benzylpiperazine derivatives on the neurotoxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in rat brain - 1992
Hashimoto K, Maeda H, Goromaru T - Antagonism of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rat Brain by 1-Piperonylpiperazine - 1992
Helmlin, Hans-Jorg; Brenneisen, Rudolf - Determination of Psychotropic Phenylalkylamine Derivatives in Biological Matrices by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Photodiode-Array Detection - 1992
Henry JA - Ecstasy and the dance of death - 1992
Henry JA, Jeffreys KJ, Dawling S - Toxicity and Deaths from 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') - 1992
Hermle L, Funfgeld M, Oepen G, Botsch H, Borchardt D, Gouzoulis E, Fehrenbach RA, Spitzer M - Mescaline-induced psychopathological, neuropsychological, and neurometabolic effects in normal subjects: experimental psychosis as a tool for psychiatric research - 1992
Herndon JL, Pierson ME, Glennon RA - Mechanistic investigation of the stimulus properties of 1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazine - 1992
Huang X, Marona-Lewicka D, Nichols DE - p-Methylthioamphetamine is a Potent New Non-Neurotoxic Serotonin-Releasing Agent - 1992
Johnson M, Elayan I, Hanson GR, Foltz RL, Gibb JW, Lim HK - Effects of 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine and 2,4,5-Trihydroxymethamphetamine, Two Metabolites of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, On Central Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Systems - 1992
Johnson M, Mitros K, Stone DM, Zobrist R, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effect of Flunarizine and Nimodipine on the Decrease in Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity Induced by Methamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Jones C, Dickinson P - Substance abuse. From ecstasy to agony - 1992
Kaskey GB - Possible interaction between an MAOI and 'ecstasy' - 1992
Kehne JH, McCloskey TC, Taylor VL, Black CK, Faydayel GM, Schmidt CJ - Effects of the Serotonin Releasers 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), 4-Chloroamphetamine (PCA) and Fenfluramine on Acoustic and Tactile Startle Reflexes in Rats - 1992
Kosten TR, Price LH - Phenomenology and sequelae of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine use [Commentary] - 1992
Krystal JH, Price LH, Opsahl C, Ricaurte GA, Heninger GR - Chronic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Use: Effects on Mood and Neuropsychological Function? - 1992
Kumagai Y, Schmitz DA, Cho AK - Aromatic hydroxylation of methylenedioxybenzene (MDB) and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by rabbit liver microsomes - 1992
Lehmann J, DeSouza EB, Culp S, Zaczek R - Regional distribution to recovery of 5-HT levels after administration of 'atrophins' MDMA and D,L-fenfluramine. Stereospecificity and comparison with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine - 1992
Liester MB, Grob CS, Bravo GL, Walsh RN - Phenomenology and sequelae of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine use - 1992
Lim HK, Zeng S, Foltz RL - Comparative investigation of disposition of 3,4-(methylenedioxy)methamphetamine (MDMA) in the rat and the mouse by a capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry assay based on perfluorotributylamine-enhanced ammonia positive ion chemical ionization - 1992
Lin LY, Kumagai Y, Cho AK - Enzymatic and Chemical Demethylenation of (Methylenedioxy)amphetamine and (Methylenedioxy)methamphetamine by Rat Brain Microsomes - 1992
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - MDMA ('Ecstasy') and Panic Disorder: Induction by a Single Dose - 1992
McGuire P, Fahy T - Flashbacks following MDMA - 1992
Nash JF, Yamamoto BK - Methamphetamine neurotoxicity and striatal glutamate release: comparison to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Pallanti S, Mazzi D - MDMA (Ecstasy) precipitation of panic disorder - 1992
Paris JM, Cunningham KA - Lack of serotonin neurotoxicity after intraraphe microinjection of (+)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1992
Paulus MP, Geyer MA - The Effects of MDMA and other Methylenedioxy-substituted Phenylalkylamines on the Structure of Rat Locomotor Activity - 1992
Preston A - Pointing out the Risk - 1992
Randall, Teri - Ecstasy-Fueled 'Rave' Parties Become Dances of Death For English Youths - 1992
Randall, Teri - 'Rave' Scene, Ecstasy Use, Leap Atlantic - 1992
Rezvani AH, Garges PL, Miller DB, Gordon CJ - Attenuation of alcohol consumption by MDMA (ecstasy) in two strains of alcohol-preferring rats - 1992
Ricaurte GA, Martello AL, Katz JL, Martello MB - Lasting Effects of (+-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Central Serotonergic Neurons in Nonhuman Primates: Neurochemical Observations - 1992
Ricaurte GA, McCann UD - Neurotoxic Amphetamine Analogues: Effects in Monkeys and Implications for Humans - 1992
Rittoo DB, Rittoo D - Complications of 'ecstasy' misuse - 1992
Rohrig TP, Prouty RW - Tissue Distribution of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Rudnick, Gary; Wall, Stephen C. - The Molecular Mechanism of 'Ecstasy' [3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)]: Serotonin Transporters are Targets for MDMA-Induced Serotonin Release - 1992
Scheffel U, Lever JR, Stathis M, Ricaurte GA - Repeated Administration of MDMA Causes Transient Down-Regulation of Serotonin 5-HT2 Receptors - 1992
Schmidt CJ, Black CK, Taylor VL, Fadayel GM, Humphreys TM, Nieduzak TR, Sorensen SM - The 5-HT2 Receptor Antagonist, MDL 28,133A, Disrupts the Serotonergic-Dopaminergic Interaction Mediating the Neurochemical Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Schmidt CJ, Fadayel GM, Sullivan CK, Taylor VL - 5-HT2 Receptors Exert a State-Dependent Regulation of Dopaminergic Function: Studies with MDL 100,907 and the Amphetamine Analogue, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1992
Screaton GR, Singer M, Cairns HS, Thrasher A, Sarner M, Cohen SL - Hyperpyrexia and rhabdomyolysis after MDMA ('ecstasy') abuse - 1992
Solowij N, Hall W, Lee N - Recreational MDMA use in Sydney: a profile of 'Ecstacy' users and their experiences with the drug - 1992
Steele TD, Katz JL, Ricaurte GA - Evaluation of the Neurotoxicity of N-methyl-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (para-Methoxymethamphetamine, PMMA) - 1992
Sternbach GL, Varon J - 'Designer Drugs'. Recognizing and Managing Their Toxic Effects - 1992
Teggin AF - Ecstasy--a dangerous drug - 1992
Thurman EM, Pedersen MJ, Stout RL, Martin T - Distinguishing Sympathomimetic Amines from Amphetamine and Methamphetamine in Urine by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry - 1992
Zhao ZY, Castagnoli N Jr, Ricaurte GA, Steele T, Martello M - Synthesis and Neurotoxicological Evaluation of Putative Metabolites of the Serotonergic Neurotoxin 2-(Methylamino)-1-[3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenyl] propane [(methylenedioxy)methamphetamine] - 1992
Allen RP, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Persistant Effects of (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "Ecstasy") on Human Sleep - 1993
Ames D, Wirshing WC - Ecstasy, the Serotonin Syndrome, and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - A Possible Link - 1993
Callaway CW, Wing LL, Nichols DE, Geyer MA - Suppression of Behavioral Activity by Norfenfluramine and Related Drugs is Not Mediated by Serotonin Release - 1993
Cody JT, Schwartzhoff R - Fluorescence Polarizatrion Immunoassay Detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, and Illicit Amphetamine Analogues - 1993
Cody JT, Schwarzhoff R - Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Detection of Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, and Illicit Amphetamine Analogues - 1993
Elayan I, Gibb J W, Hanson G R, Lim H K, Foltz R L, Johnson M - Short-Term Effects of 2,4,5-Trihydroxyamphetamine, 2,4,5-Trihydroxymethamphetamine and 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine on Central Tryptophan Hydroxylase Acticity. - 1993
Finnegan KT, Calder L, Clikeman J, Wei S, Karler R - Effects of L-type Calcium Channel Antagonists on the Serotonin-depleting Actions of MDMA in Rats - 1993
Friedman R - Ecstasy, the Serotonin Syndrome, and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - A Possible Link. Reply. - 1993
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Stone DM, Hanson GR - Mechanisms Mediating Biogenic Amine Deficits Induced by Amphetamine and Its Congeners - 1993
Glennon R A - MDMA-Like Stimulus Effects of Alpha-Ethyltryptamine and the Alpha-Ethyl Homolog of DOM. - 1993
Hashimoto K - Effects of Benzylpiperazine Derivatives on the Acute Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rat Brain - 1993
Hashimoto, Kenji; Maeda, Harumi; Hirai, Katsumi; Goromaru, Tsuyoshi - Drug Effects on Distribution of [3H]3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Mice - 1993
Huang X, Nichols DE - 5-HT2 Receptor-Mediated Potentiation of Dopamine Synthesis and Central Serotonergic Deficits - 1993
Huang X, Nichols D - 5-HT2 Receptor-Mediated Potentiation of Dopamine Synthesis and Central Serotonergic Deficits. - 1993
Hughes J C, McCabe M, Evans R J - Intracranial Haemorrhage Associated with Ingestion of 'Ecstasy.' - 1993
Jensen K F, Olin J, Haykal-Coates N, O'Callaghan J, Miller D B, de Olmos J S - Mapping Toxicant-Induced Nervous System Damage With Cupric Silver Stain: A Quantitative Analysis of Neural Degeneration Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. - 1993
Kohli JD, Horn PT, Glock D, Brewster WK, Nichols DE - Dihydrexidine: A New Potent DA1 (Vascular) Dopamine Agonist - 1993
Krebs K M, Geyer M A - Behavioral Characterization of Alpha-Ethyltryptamine, a Tryptamine Derivative with MDMA-like Properties in Rats. - 1993
Larner AJ - Dantrolene and 'Ecstasy' Overdose - 1993
Levine AJ, Drew S, Rees GM - 'Ecstasy' Induced Pneumomediastinum - 1993
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Reinforcing Subjective Effects of (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy") May Be Separable from its Neurotoxic Actions: Clinical Evidence - 1993
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Strategies for Detecting Subclinical Monoamine Depletions in Humans - 1993
Monte AP, Marona-Lewicka D, Cozzi NV, Nichols DE - Synthesis and Pharmacological Examination of Benzofuran, Indan, and Tetralin Analogues of 3,4-(Methylenedioxy)amphetamine (MDA) - 1993
Newmeyer J A - X at the Crossroads. - 1993
O'Neill D, Dart J K - Methylenedioxyamphetamine (Ecstasy) Associated Keratopathy. - 1993
O'Neill D, Dart JK - Methylenedioxyamphetamine ('Ecstasy') Associated Keratopathy - 1993
Rempel N L, Callaway C W, Geyer M A - Serotonin-1B Receptor Activation Mimics Behavioral Effects of Presynaptic Serotonin Release. - 1993
Ricaurte GA, Markowska AL, Wenk GL, Hatzidimitriou G, Wlos J, Olton DS - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Serotonin, and Memory - 1993
Robinson TE, Castaneda E, Whishaw IQ - Effects of Cortical Serotonin Depletion Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Behavior, Before and After Additional Cholinergic Blockade - 1993
Rudnick G, Wall S - Non-Neurotoxic Amphetamine Derivatives Release Serotonin through Serotonin Transporters. - 1993
Scanzello CR, Hatzidimitriou G, Martello AL, Katz JL, Ricaurte GA - Serotonergic Recovery after (+/-)3,4-(Methylenedioxy)methamphetamine Injury: Observations in Rats - 1993
Schmidt CJ, Kehne JH, Carr AA, Fadayel GM, Humphreys TM, Kettler HJ, McCloskey TC, Padich RA, Taylor VL, Sorensen SM - Contribution of Serotonin Neurotoxins to Understanding Psychiatric Disorders: The Role of 5-HT2 Receptors in Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Activity - 1993
Schuldiner S, Steiner-Mordoch S, Yelin R, Wall SC, Rudnick G - Amphetamine Derivatives Interact with Both Plasma Membrane and Secretory Vesicle Biogenic Amine Transporters - 1993
Schwartz RH - Point-Counterpoint. A Reader Writes: Speed, Ice, and Ecstasy - 1993
Watts VJ, Lawler CP, Gilmore J, Southerland SB, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - Dopamine D1 Receptors: Efficacy of Full (Dihydrexidine) vs. Partial (SKF38393) Agonists in Primates vs. Rodents - 1993
Watts VJ, Lawler CP, Knoerzer T, Mayleben MA, Neve KA, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - Hexahydrobenzo[a]phenanthridines: Novel Dopamine D3 Receptor Ligands - 1993
Webb C, Williams V - Ecstasy Intoxication: Appreciation of Complications and the Role of Dantrolene - 1993
Weil, Andrew; Rosen, Winifred - [reference to MDMA] in Chapter 8: Psychedelics, or Hallucinogens - 1993
Young R, Glennon RA - Cocaine-Stimulus Generalization to Two New Designer Drugs: Methcathinone and 4-Methylaminorex - 1993
Ali SF, Newport GD, Scallet AC, Binienda Z, Ferguson SA, Bailey JR, Paule MG, Slikker W Jr - Oral administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produces selective serotonergic depletion in the nonhuman primate - 1993
Allen RP, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Persistent Effects of (+/- )3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') on Human Sleep - 1993
Ames, Donna; Wirshing, William C. - Ecstasy, the Serotonin Syndrome, and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome--A Possible Link? - 1993
Barrett PJ - 'Ecstasy' misuse--overdose or normal dose? - 1993
Barrett PJ, Taylor GT - 'Ecstasy' ingestion: a case report of severe complications - 1993
Brodkin J, Malyala A, Nash JF - Effect of acute monoamine depletion on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity - 1993
Cadier MA, Clarke JA - Ecstasy and Whizz at a rave resulting in a major burn plus complications - 1993
Colado MI, Murray TK, Green AR - 5-HT loss in rat brain following 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), p-chloroamphetamine and fenfluramine administration and effects of chlormethiazole and dizocilpine - 1993
Cregg MT, Tracey JA - Ecstasy abuse in Ireland - 1993
Duxbury AJ - Ecstasy--Dental Implications - 1993
Elayan I, Gibb JW, Hanson GR, Lim HK, Foltz RL, Johnson M - Short-term Effects of 2,4,5-Trihydroxyamphetamine, 2,4,5-Trihydroxymethamphetamine and 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine on Central Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity - 1993
Finnegan KT, Calder L, Clikeman J, Wei S, Karler R - Effects of L-type Calcium Channel Antagonists on the Serotonin-Depleting Actions of MDMA in Rats - 1993
Fitzgerald JL, Reid JJ - Interactions of methylenedioxymethamphetamine with monoamine transmitter release mechanisms in rat brain slices - 1993
Gledhill JA, Moore DF, Bell D, Henry JA - Subarachnoid haemorrhage associated with MDMA abuse [letter] - 1993
Glennon RA - MDMA-like stimulus effects of alpha-ethyltryptamine and the alpha-ethyl homolog of DOM - 1993
Gouzoulis E, von Bardeleben U, Rupp A, Kovar KA, Hermle L - Neuroendocrine and cardiovascular effects of MDE in healthy volunteers - 1993
Gouzoulis E, Borchardt D, Hermle L - A case of toxic psychosis induced by 'eve' (3,4-methylene-dioxyethylam-phetamine) - 1993
Gu XF, Azmitia EC - Integrative transporter-mediated release from cytoplasmic and vesicular 5-hydroxytryptamine stores in cultured neurons - 1993
Harvey JA, McMaster SE, Romano AG - Methylenedioxyamphetamine: Neurotoxic Effects on Serotonergic Projections to Brainstem Nuclei in the Rat - 1993
Hashimoto K - Effects of Benzylpiperazine Derivatives on the Acute Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rat Brain - 1993
Hashimoto, Kenji; Maeda, Harumi; Hirai, Katsumi; Goromaru, Tsuyoshi - Drug Effects on Distribution of [3H]3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Mice - 1993
Hornbeck CL, Czarny RJ - Retrospective analysis of some L-methamphetamine/L-amphetamine urine data - 1993
Huang X, Nichols DE - 5-HT2 Receptor-Mediated Potentiation of Dopamine Synthesis and Central Serotonergic Deficits - 1993
Hughes JC, McCabe M, Evans RJ - Intracranial Haemorrhage Associated with Ingestion of 'Ecstasy' - 1993
Jensen KF, Olin J, Haykal-Coates N, O'Callaghan J, Miller DB, Olmos JS - Mapping Toxicant-Induced Nervous System Damage With a Cupric Silver Stain: a Quantitative Analysis of Neural Degeneration Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1993
Johnson M, Bush LG, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Effects of Ritanserin on the 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Decrease in Striatal Serotonin Concentration and on the Increase in Striatal Neurotensin and Dynorphin A Concentrations - 1993
Krebs KM, Geyer MA - Behavioral Characterization of alpha-Ethyltryptamine, a Tryptamine Derivative with MDMA-like Properties in Rats - 1993
LeSage M, Clark R, Poling A - MDMA and Memory: The Acute and Chronic Effects of MDMA in Pigeons Performing Under a Delayed-Matching-to-Sample Procedure - 1993
Lim HK, Su Z, Foltz RL - Stereoselective disposition: enantioselective quantitation of 3,4-(methylenedioxy) methamphetamine and three of its metabolites by gas chromatography/electron capture negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry - 1993
Lin HQ, Atrens DM, Christie MJ, Jackson DM, McGregor IS - Comparison of Conditioned Taste Aversions Produced by MDMA and d-Amphetamine - 1993
Logan AS, Stickle B, O'Keefe N, Hewitson H - Survival following 'Ecstasy' ingestion with a peak temperature of 42 degrees C - 1993
Manchanda S, Connolly MJ - Cerebral infarction in association with Ecstasy abuse - 1993
Maxwell DL, Polkey MI, Henry JA - Hyponatraemia and catatonic stupor after taking 'ecstasy' - 1993
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Reinforcing Subjective Effects of (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') May be Separable from Its Neurotoxic Actions: Clinical Evidence - 1993
Michel RE, Rege AB, George WJ - High-pressure liquid chromatography/electrochemical detection method for monitoring MDA and MDMA in whole blood and other biological tissues - 1993
Miller DB, O'Callaghan JP - The interactions of MK-801 with the amphetamine analogues D-methamphetamine (D-METH), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (D-MDMA) or D-fenfluramine (D-FEN): neural damage and neural protection - 1993
O'Callaghan JP, Miller DB - Quantification of Reactive Gliosis as an Approach to Neurotoxicity Assessment - 1993
Palfreyman MG, Schmidt CJ, Sorensen SM, Dudley MW, Kehne JH, Moser P, Gittos MW, Carr AA - Electrophysiological, Biochemical and Behavioral Evidence for 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 Mediated Control of Dopaminergic Function - 1993
Rempel NL, Callaway CW, Geyer MA - Serotonin1B Receptor Activation Mimics Behavioral Effects of Presynaptic Serotonin Release - 1993
Renton RJ, Cowie JS, Oon MCH - A study of the precursors, intermediates and reaction by-products in the synthesis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine and its application to forensic drug analysis - 1993
Ricaurte GA, Markowska AL, Wenk GL, Hatzidimitriou G, Wlos J, Olton DS - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Serotonin and Memory [published erratum appears in J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1994 Jan;268(1):529] - 1993
Roberts L, Wright H - Survival following intentional massive overdose of 'Ecstasy' - 1993
Robinson TE, Castaneda E, Whishaw IQ - Effects of Cortical Serotonin Depletion Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Behavior, Before and After Additional Cholinergic Blockade - 1993
Rothwell PM, Grant R - Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis induced by 'ecstasy' - 1993
Rudnick G, Wall SC - Non-neurotoxic Amphetamine Derivatives Release Serotonin through Serotonin Transporters - 1993
Scanzello CR, Hatzidimitriou G, Martello AL, Katz JL, Ricaurte GA - Serotonergic Recovery After (+/-)3,4-(Methylenedioxy) methamphetamine Injury: Observations in Rats - 1993
Schechter MD, Gordon TL - Comparison of the behavioral effects of ibogaine from three sources: mediation of discriminative activity - 1993
Schuldiner S, Steiner-Mordoch S, Yelin R, Wall SC, Rudnick G - Amphetamine Derivatives Interact with Both Plasma Membrane and Secretory Vesicle Biogenic Amine Transporters - 1993
Seiden LS, Woolverton WL, Lorens SA, Williams JEG, Corwin RL, Hata N, Olimski M - Behavioral Consequences of Partial Monoamine Depletion in the CNS After Methamphetamine-Like Drugs: The Conflict Between Pharmacology and Toxicology - 1993
Shiue CY, Shiue GG, Rysavy JA, Pleus RC, Huang H, Bai LQ, Cornish KG, Sunderland JJ, Frick MP - Fluorine-18 and Carbon-11 Labeled Amphetamine Analogs--Synthesis, Distribution, Binding Characteristics in Mice and Rats and a PET Study in Monkey - 1993
Stolaroff MJ, Wells CW - Preliminary Results with New Psychoactive Agents 2C-T-2 AND 2C-T-7 - 1993
Tirzite D, Tirzitis G, Vigante B, Duburs G - Effects of ritanserin on the 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced decrease in striatal serotonin concentrations and on the increase in stritatal neurotensin and dynorphin A concentrations - 1993
Watson JD, Ferguson C, Hinds CJ, Skinner R, Coakley JH - Exertional heat stroke induced by amphetamine analogues: Does dantrolene have a place? - 1993
Williams H, Meagher D, Galligan P - M.D.M.A. ('Ecstasy'); a Case of Possible Drug-Induced Psychosis - 1993
Batsche K, Ashby CR, Lee C, Schwartz J, Wang RY - The Behavioral Effects of the Stereoisomers of 4-Methylaminorex, a Psychostimulant, in the Rat - 1994
Huang X, Marona-Lewicka D, Pfaff RC, Nichols DE - Drug Discrimination and Receptor Binding Studies of N-Isopropyl Lysergamide Derivatives - 1994
Lader, M. - Pharmacological Standards for Evaluation of Clinical Effects of Hallucinogens. - 1994
Ladewig, Dieter - Conclusions, with Special Regard to Clinical Aspects. - 1994
Leuner, Hanscarl - Hallucinogens as an Aid in Psychotherapy: Basic Principles and Results. - 1994
Lewis MH, Gariepy JL, Gendreau P, Nichols DE, Mailman RB - Social Reactivity and D1 Dopamine Receptors: Studies in Mice Selectively Bred for High and Low Levels of Aggression - 1994
O'Brien, C. P.; Jones, R. T. - Methodological Issues in the Evaluation of a Medication for its Potential Benefits in Enhancing Psychotherapy. - 1994
O'Callaghan JP, Miller DB - Neurotoxicity Profiles of Substituted Amphetamines in the C57BL/6J Mouse - 1994
Richter, R. - Psychotherapeutic Effects. - 1994
Romano A G, Harvey J A - MDMA Enhances Associative and Nonassociative Learning in the Rabbit. - 1994
Scheffel U, Dannals RF, Suehiro M, Ricaurte GA, Carroll FI, Kuhar MJ, Wagner HN Jr - Development of PET/SPECT Ligands for the Serotonin Transporter - 1994
Schmidt C J, Sullivan C K, Fadayel G M - Blockade of Striatal 5-Hydroxytryptamine(2) Receptors Reduces the Increase in Extracellular Concentrations of Dopamine Produced by the Amphetamine Analogue 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. - 1994
Strassman RJ, Qualls CR, Uhlenhuth EH, Kellner R - Dose-response study of N,N-dimethyltryptamine in humans. II. Subjective effects and preliminary results of a new rating scale. - 1994
Taylor, Jon M. - MDMA Frequently Asked Questions List. - Jan 5,1994
Ward C, McNally AJ, Rusyniak D, Salamone SJ - 125I Radioimmunoassay for the Dual Detection of Amphetamine and Methamphetamine - 1994
Woolverton WL, Massey BW, Winger G, Patrick GA, Harris LS - Evaluation of the Abuse Liability of Aminorex - Dec 1,1994
Yensen, Richard - Perspectives on LSD and Psychotherapy: The Search for a New Paradigm. - 1994
Axt KJ, Mamounas LA, Molliver ME - Structural Features of Amphetamine Neurotoxicity in the Brain. Amphetamine and its analogs: psychopharmacology, toxicology, and abuse - 1994
Broening HW, Bacon L, Slikker W Jr - Age Modulates the Long-Term but not the Acute Effects of the Serotonergic Neurotoxicant 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1994
Bronson ME, Barrios-Zambrano L, Jiang W, Clark CR, DeRuiter J, Newland MC - Behavioral and developmental effects of two 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) derivatives - 1994
Bronson ME, Jiang W, Clark CR, DeRuiter J - Effects of Designer Drugs on the Chicken Embryo and 1-Day-Old Chicken - 1994
Cadet JL, Ladenheim B, Baum I, Carlson E, Epstein C - CuZn-superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) transgenic mice show resistance to the lethal effects of methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1994
Colado MI, Green AR - A study of the mechanism of MDMA ('ecstasy')-induced neurotoxicity of 5-HT neurones using chlormethiazole, dizocilpine and other protective compounds - 1994
Cuomo MJ, Dyment PG, Gammino VM - Increasing Use of 'Ecstasy' (MDMA) and Other Hallucinogens on a College Campus - 1994
Dafters RI - Effect of ambient temperature on hyperthermia and hyperkinesis induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or 'ecstasy') in rats - 1994
Fitzgerald JL, Reid JJ - Sympathomimetic Actions of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rat and Rabbit Isolated Cardiovascular Tissues - 1994
Forrest ARW, Galloway JH, Marsh ID, Strachan GA, Clark JC - A Fatal Overdose with 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Derivatives - 1994
Gordon CJ, Fogelson L - Metabolic and thermoregulatory responses of the rat maintained in acrylic or wire-screen cages: implications for pharmacological studies - 1994
Gudelsky GA, Yamamoto BK, Nash FJ - Potentiation of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release and Serotonin Neurotoxicity by 5-HT2 Receptor Agonists - 1994
Hastings A - Some observations on MDMA experiences induced through posthypnotic suggestion - 1994
Hewitt KE, Green AR - Chlormethiazole, dizocilpine and haloperidol prevent the degeneration of serotonergic nerve terminals induced by administration of MDMA ('Ecstasy') to rats - 1994
Hooft PJ, van de Voorde HP - Reckless behaviour related to the use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy): apropos of a fatal accident during car-surfing - 1994
Kelly PA, Ritchie IM, Sangra M, Cursham MJA, Dickson EM, Kelly B, Neilson FP, Reidy MJ, Stevens MC - Hyperaemia in Rat Neocortex Produced by Acute Exposure to Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1994
Kramer K, Azmitia EC, Whitaker-Azmitia PM - In vitro release of [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine from fetal and maternal brain by drugs of abuse - 1994
Leonardi ETK, Azmitia EC - MDMA (ecstasy) inhibition of MAO type A and type B: comparisons with fenfluramine and fluoxetine (Prozac) - 1994
Lin HQ, McGregor IS, Atrens DM, Christie MJ, Jackson DM - Contrasting effects of dopaminergic blockade on MDMA and d-amphetamine conditioned taste aversions - 1994
Marona-Lewicka D, Nichols DE - Behavioral effects of the highly selective serotonin releasing agent 5-methoxy-6-methyl-2-aminoindan - 1994
Marsh JCW, Abboudi ZH, Gibson FM, Scopes J, Daly S, O'Shaunnessy DF, Baughan ASJ, Gordon-Smith EC - Aplastic anaemia following exposure to 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') - 1994
McCann UD, Ridenour A, Shaham Y, Ricaurte GA - Serotonin neurotoxicity after (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; 'Ecstasy'): a controlled study in humans - 1994
McCoy EP, Renfrew C, Johnston JR, Lavery G - Malignant hyperpyrexia in an MDMA ('Ecstasy') abuser - 1994
McDowell DM, Kleber HD - MDMA: Its history and pharmacology - 1994
McGuire PK, Cope H, Fahy TA - Diversity of psychopathology associated with use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') - 1994
Miczek KA, Haney M - Psychomotor stimulant effects of d-amphetamine, MDMA and PCP: aggressive and schedule-controlled behavior in mice - 1994
Miller DB, O'Callaghan JP - Environment-, Drug- and Stress-Induced Alterations in Body Temperature Affect the Neurotoxicity of Substituted Amphetamines in the C57BL/6J Mouse - 1994
Millman RB, Beeder AB - The new psychedelic culture: LSD, ecstasy, 'rave' parties and the Grateful Dead - 1994
Nash JF, Roth BL, Brodkin JD, Nichols DE, Gudelsky GA - Effect of the R(-) and S(+) Isomers of MDA and MDMA on Phosphatidyl Inositol Turnover in Cultured Cells Expressing 5-HT2A or 5-HT2C Receptors - 1994
Padkin A - Treating MDMA ('Ecstasy') toxicity - 1994
Poole RG, Brabbins CJ - Psychopathology and 'ecstasy' - 1994
Romano AG, Harvey JA - MDMA Enhances Associative and Nonassociative Learning in the Rabbit - 1994
Satchell SC, Connaughton M - Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and extreme rises in serum creatinine kinase following MDMA ingestion - 1994
Schifano F, Magni G - MDMA ('ecstasy') abuse: psychopathological features and craving for chocolate: a case series - 1994
Schmidt CJ, Sullivan CK, Fadayel GM - Blockade of Striatal 5-Hydroxytryptamine2 Receptors Reduces the Increase in Extracellular Concentrations of Dopamine Produced by the Amphetamine Analogue 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1994
Series HG, Cowen PJ, Sharp T - p-Chloroamphetamine (PCA), 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) and d-fenfluramine pretreatment attenuates d-fenfluramine-evoked release of 5-HT in vivo - 1994
Snape MF, Colado MI, et al - Chlormethiazole and dizocilpine block the behavioural, but not the neurotoxic effects of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine in mice - 1994
Sprague JE, Huang X, Kanthasamy A, Nichols DE - Attenuation of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Induced Neurotoxicity with the Serotonin Precursors Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptophan - 1994
Steele TD, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy'): pharmacology and toxicology in animals and humans - 1994
Thompson WC, Dasgupta A - Microwave-induced rapid preparation of fluoro-derivatives of amphetamine, methamphetamine, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine for GC-MS confirmation assays - 1994
Tucker GT, Lennard MS, Ellis SW, Woods HF, Cho AK, Lin LY, Hiratsuka A, Schmitz DA, Chu TY - The Demethylenation of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') by Debrisoquine Hydroxylase (CYP2D6) - 1994
Walsh T, Carmichael R, Chestnut J - A hyperthermic reaction to 'ecstasy' - 1994
White SR, Duffy P, Kalivas PW - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine depresses glutamate-evoked neuronal firing and increases extracellular levels of dopamine and serotonin in the nucleus accumbens in vivo - 1994
Wotherspoon G, Savery D, Priestley JV, Rattray M - Repeated administration of MDMA down-regulates preprocholecystokinin mRNA expression but not tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA expression in neurones of the rat substantia nigra - 1994
Yau JL, Kelly PA, Sharkey J, Seckl JR - Chronic 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Administration Decreases Glucocorticoid and Mineralocorticoid Receptor, But Increases 5-Hydroxytryptamine1C Receptor Gene Expression in the Rat Hippocampus - 1994
Cerruti C, Sheng P, Ladenheim B, Epstein CJ, Cadet JL - Involvement of Oxidative and L-Arginine-NO Pathways in the Neurotoxicity of Drugs of Abuse in Vitro - 1995
Desarnaud, Franck; Cadas, Hugues; Piomelli, Daniele - Anandamide Amidohydrolase Activity in Rat Brain Microsomes. Identification and partial characterization - Mar. 17,1995
Gasser, Peter - Die psycholytische Psychotherapie in der Schweiz (1988-1993). Eine katamnestische Erhebung. [Psycholytic Psychotherapy in Switzerland (1988-1993). A Catamnestic Evaluation.] - 1995
Grob, Charles S.; Bravo, Gary L. - Human Research with Hallucinogens: Past Lessons and Current Trends - 1995
Grof, Stanislav - Implications of Holotropic Consciousness Research for Psychiatry: Observations from Psychedelic Therapy and Holotropic Breathwork - 1995
Passie, Torsten - Die Psycholyse in den skandinavischen Landern. Ein historischer Uberblick [Psycholytic Therapy in the Scandinavian Countries. A Historical Review] - 1995
Sanchez-Ramos, Juan R.; Mash, Deborah - Pharmacotherapy of Drug-Dependence with Ibogaine - 1995
Strassman RJ - Hallucinogenic drugs in psychiatric research and treatment: Perspectives and prospects - 1995
Yensen, Richard - From Shamans and Mystics to Scientists and Psychotherapists: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Interaction of Psychedelic Drugs and Human Consciousness - 1995
Aguirre N, Galbete JL, Lasheras B, Del Rio J - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine induces opposite changes in central pre- and postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in rats - 1995
Barrett RL, Wiley JL, Balster RL, Martin BR - Pharmacological Specificity of delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Discrimination in Rats - 1995
Broening HW, Bowyer JF, Slikker W Jr - Age-dependent sensitivity of rats to the long-term effects of the serotonergic neurotoxicant (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) correlates with the magnitude of the MDMA-induced thermal response - 1995
Brown ER, Jarvie DR, Simpson D - Use of drugs at 'raves' - 1995
Cadet JL, Ladenheim B, Hirata H, Rothman RB, Ali S, Carlson E, Epstein C, Moran TH - Superoxide radicals mediate the biochemical effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): evidence from using CuZn-superoxide dismutase transgenic mice - 1995
Campbell DB - The use of toxicokinetics for the safety assessment of drugs acting in the brain - 1995
Che S, Johnson M, Hanson GR, Gibb JW - Body Temperature Effect on Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Acute Decrease in Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity - 1995
Cirimele V, Kintz P, Mangin P - Detection of amphetamines in fingernails: an alternative to hair analysis - 1995
Cohen RS - Subjective reports on the effects of the MDMA ('ecstasy') experience in humans - 1995
Colado MI, Green AR - The spin trap reagent alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone prevents 'ecstasy'-induced neurodegeneration of 5-hydroxytryptamine neurones - 1995
Colado MI, Williams JL, Green AR - The hyperthermic and neurotoxic effects of 'Ecstasy' (MDMA) and 3,4 methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) in the Dark Agouti (DA) rat, a model of the CYP2D6 poor metabolizer phenotype - 1995
Cook A - Ecstasy (MDMA): alerting users to the dangers - 1995
Dafters RI - Hyperthermia following MDMA administration in rats: effects of ambient temperature, water consumption, and chronic dosing - 1995
Dyzkuizen RS, Brunt PW, Atkinson P, Simpson JG, Smith CC - Ecstasy induced hepatitis mimicking viral hepatitis - 1995
Farfel GM, Seiden LS - Role of hypothermia in the mechanism of protection against serotonergic toxicity. I. Experiments using 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, dizocilpine, CGS 19755 and NBQX - 1995
Fischer C, Hatzidimitriou G, Wlos J, Katz J, Ricaurte GA - Reorganization of Ascending 5-HT Axon Projections in Animals Previously Exposed to the Recreational Drug (+/-)3,4-mMylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') - 1995
Frederick DL, Ali SF, Slikker W Jr, Gillam MP, Allen RR, Paule MG - Behavioral and neurochemical effects of chronic methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) treatment in rhesus monkeys - 1995
Frederick DL, Ali SF, Slikker W Jr, Gillam MP, Allen RR, Paule MG - Acute effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on several complex brain functions in monkeys - 1995
Galloway G, Shulgin AT, Kornfeld H, Frederick SL - Amphetamine, Not MDMA, Is Associated with Intracranial Hemorrhage - 1995
Green AR, Cross AJ, Goodwin GM - Review of the Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or 'Ecstasy') - 1995
Hanyu S, Ikeguchi K, Imai H, Imai N, Yoshida M - Cerebral infarction associated with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') abuse - 1995
Hardern R, Tehan B - Ecstasy toxicity - 1995
Hegadoren KM, Baker GB, Coutts RT - Analysis of the enantiomers of 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine (MDE, 'Eve') and its metabolite 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) in rat brain - 1995
Hegadoren KM, Martin-Iverson MT, Baker GB - Comparative Behavioural and Neurochemical Studies with a Psychomotor Stimulant, an Hallucinogen and 3,4-Methylenedioxy Analogues of Amphetamine - 1995
Heller A, Won L, Heller B, Hoffmann PC - Examination of Developmental Neurotoxicity by the Use of Tissue Culture Model Systems - 1995
Hiratsuka A, Chu TY, Distefano EW, Lin LY, Schmitz DA, Cho AK - Inactivation of constitutive hepatic cytochromes P450 by phencyclidine in the rat - 1995
House RV, Thomas PT, Bhargava HN - Selective Modulation of Immune Function Resulting from in vitro Exposure to Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) - 1995
Khakoo SI, Coles CJ, Armstrong JS, Barry RE - Hepatotoxicity and accelerated fibrosis following 3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine ('ecstasy') usage - 1995
Kintz P, Cirimele V, Tracqui A, Mangin P - Simultaneous determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in human hair by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - 1995
Kramer HK, Poblete JC, Azmitia EC - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') promotes the translocation of protein kinase C (PKC): requirement of viable serotonin nerve terminals - 1995
Lehmann ED, Thom CH, Croft DN - Delayed severe rhabdomyolysis after taking 'ecstasy' - 1995
Lewis LA, Ross MW - The gay dance party culture in Sydney: a qualitative analysis - 1995
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - On the neurotoxicity of MDMA and related amphetamine derivatives [letter] - 1995
McNamara MG, Kelly JP, Leonard BE - Some Behavioural and Neurochemical Aspects of Subacute (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Administration in Rats - 1995
Meehan SM, Gordon TL, Schechter MD - MDMA (Ecstasy) substitutes for the ethanol discriminative cue in HAD but not LAD rats - 1995
Miller RT, Serrine SL, Monks TJ - Metabolism of 5-(Glutathion-S-yl)-a-methyldopamine Following Intracerebroventricular Administration to Male Sprague-Dawley Rats - 1995
Miller DB, O'Callaghan JP - The role of temperature, stress, and other factors in the neurotoxicity of the substituted amphetamines 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and fenfluramine - 1995
Poblete JC, Azmitia EC - Activation of glycogen phosphorylase by serotonin and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in astroglial-rich primary cultures: involvement of the 5-HT2A receptor - 1995
Premkumar LS, Ahern GP - Blockade of a resting potassium channel and modulation of synaptic transmission by ecstasy in the hippocampus - 1995
Priori A, Bertolasi L, Berardelli A, Manfredi M - Acute dystonic reaction to ecstasy - 1995
Reid LD, Hubbell CL, Tsai J, Fishkin MD, Amendola CA - Naltrindole, a delta-opioid antagonist, blocks MDMA's ability to enhance pressing for rewarding brain stimulation - 1995
Sabol KE, Richards JB, Layton K, Seiden LS - Amphetamine analogs have differential effects on DRL 36-s schedule performance - 1995
Selmi F, Davies KG, Sharma RR, Neal JW - Intracerebral haemorrhage due to amphetamine abuse: report of two cases with underlying arteriovenous malformations - 1995
Slikker W Jr, Gaylor DW - Biologically based dose-response model for neurotoxicity risk assessment - 1995
Sprague JE, Nichols DE - The monoamine oxidase-B inhibitor L-deprenyl protects against 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced lipid peroxidation and long-term serotonergic deficits - 1995
Sprague JE, Nichols DE - Inhibition of MAO-B protects against MDMA-induced neurotoxicity in the striatum - 1995
Squier MV, Jalloh S, Hilton-Jones D, Series H - Death after ecstasy ingestion: neuropathological findings - 1995
Wake D - Ecstasy overdose: a case study - 1995
Wall SC, Gu H, Rudnick G - Biogenic amine flux mediated by cloned transporters stably expressed in cultured cell lines: amphetamine specificity for inhibition and efflux - 1995
White SR, Harris GC, Imel KM, Wheaton MJ - Inhibitory Effects of Dopamine and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Glutamate-Evoked fFring of Nucleus Accumbens and Caudate/Putamen Cells are Enhanced Following Cocaine self-administration - 1995
Wichems CH, Hollingsworth CK, Bennett BA - Release of serotonin induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and other substituted amphetamines in cultured fetal raphe neurons: further evidence for calcium-independent mechanisms of release - 1995
Wolff K, Hay AW, Sherlock K, Conner M - Contents of 'ecstasy' - 1995
Woodrow G, Harnden P, Turney JH - Acute renal failure due to accelerated hypertension following ingestion of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') - 1995
Yamamoto BK, Nash JF, Gudelsky GA - Modulation of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Striatal Dopamine Release by the Interaction Between Serotonin and gamma-Aminobutyric Acid in the Substantia Nigra - 1995
Bonson KR, Buckholtz JW, Murphy DL - Chronic administration of serotonergic antidepressants attenuates the subjective effects of LSD in humans. - 1996 Jun
Bonson KR, Murphy DL - Alterations in responses to LSD in humans associated with chronic administration of tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors or lithium. - 1996
Callaway JC, Raymon LP, Hearn WL, McKenna DJ, Grob CS, BritoGS, Mash DC - Quantitation of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and Harmala Alkaloids in Human Plasma after Oral Dosing with Ayahuasca - 1996
McKenna, Dennis J. - Plant Hallucinogens: Springboards for Psychotherapeutic Drug Discovery - 1996
Shen, Maoxing; Piser, Timothy M.; Seybold, Virginia S.; Thayer, Stanley A. - Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists Inhibit Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission in Rat Hippocampal Cultures - Jul 15,1996
Strassman RJ, Qualls CR, Berg LM - Differential Tolerance to Biological and Subjective Effects of Four Closely Spaced Doses of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine in Humans - 1996
Strassman RJ - Human Psychopharmacology of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine - 1996
Baker LE, Makhay MM - Effects of (+)-fenfluramine on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) discrimination in rats - 1996
Bakir AA, Dunea G - Drugs of abuse and renal disease - 1996
Bitsch A, Thiel A, Rieckmann P, Prange H - Acute inflammatory CNS disease after MDMA ('ecstasy') - 1996
Bodenham AR, Mallick A - New dimensions in toxicology: hyperthermic syndrome following amphetamine derivatives - 1996
Burns N, Olverman HJ, Kelly PA, Williams BC - Effects of Ecstasy on Aldosterone Secretion in the Rat in Vivo and in Vitro - 1996
Campbell DB - Extrapolation from animals to man: the integration of pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics - 1996
Centini F, Masti A, Barni Comparini I - Quantitative and qualitative analysis of MDMA, MDEA, MA and amphetamine in urine by headspace/solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and GC/MS - 1996
Chenard-Neu MP, Boudjema K, Bernuau J, Degott C, Belghiti J, Cherqui D, Costes V, Domergue J, Durand F, Erhard J, De Hemptinne B, Gubernatis G, Hadengue A, Kemnitz J, McCarthy M, Maschek H, Mentha G, Oldhafer K, Portmann B, Praet M, Ringers J, Rogiers X, - Auxiliary liver transplantation: regeneration of the native liver and outcome in 30 patients with fulminant hepatic failure--a multicenter European study - 1996
Chu T, Kumagai Y, DiStefano EW, Cho AK - Disposition of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Three Metabolites in the Brains of Different Rat Strains and Their Possible Roles in Acute Serotonin Depletion - 1996
Cohen RS - Adverse symptomatology and suicide associated with the use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; 'Ecstasy') - 1996
Cook TM - Cerebral oedema after MDMA ('ecstasy') and unrestricted water intake - 1996
Coore JR - A fatal trip with ecstasy: a case of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine/3,4- methylenedioxyamphetamine toxicity - 1996
Cox DE, Williams KR - ADAM' or EVE'?--a toxicological conundrum - 1996
Crifasi J, Long C - Traffic Fatality Related to the Use of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1996
Dallakian P, Budzikiewicz H, Brzezinka H - Detection and quantitation of amphetamine and methamphetamine: electron impact and chemical ionization with ammonia--comparative investigation on Shimadzu QP 5000 GC-MS system - 1996
Dar KJ, McBrien ME - MDMA induced hyperthermia: report of a fatality and review of current therapy - 1996
Day, Michael - The Bitterest Pill - 1996
Demirkiran M, Jankovic J, Dean JM - Ecstasy intoxication: an overlap between serotonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant syndrome - 1996
Dowsett RP - Deaths attributed to 'ecstasy' overdose - 1996
Drake WM, Broadhurst PA - QT-interval prolongation with Ecstasy - 1996
Dulawa SC, Geyer MA - Psychopharmacology of Prepulse Inhibition in Mice - 1996
Ellis AJ, Wendon JA, Portmann B, Williams R - Acute liver damage and ecstasy ingestion - 1996
Ensslin HK, Kovar KA, Maurer HH - Toxicological detection of the designer drug 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE, 'Eve') and its metabolites in urine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and fluorescence polarization immunoassay - 1996
Fay J, Fogerson R, Schoendorfer D, Niedbala RS, Spiehler V - Detection of Methamphetamine in Sweat by EIA and GC-MS - 1996
Fidler H, Dhillon A, Gertner D, Burroughs A - Chronic ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine) abuse: a recurrent and unpredictable cause of severe acute hepatitis - 1996
Finch E, Sell L, Arnold D - Drug workers emphasise that water is not an antidote to drug - 1996
Fineschi V, Masti A - Fatal poisoning by MDMA (ecstasy) and MDEA: a case report - 1996
Finnegan KT, Taraska T - Effects of glutamate antagonists on methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced striatal dopamine release in vivo - 1996
Forsyth AJ - Places and patterns of drug use in the Scottish dance scene - 1996
Gartside SE, McQuade R, Sharp T - Effects of repeated administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on 5-hydroxytryptamine neuronal activity and release in the rat brain in vivo - 1996
Geyer MA - Serotonergic Functions in Arousal and Motor Activity - 1996
Gifford AN, Minabe Y, Toor A, Wang RY, Ashby CR Jr - Examination of the action of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on rat A10 dopamine neurons - 1996
Grob CS, Poland RE, Chang L, Ernst T - Psychobiologic effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in humans: methodological considerations and preliminary observations - 1996
Gudelsky GA - Effect of ascorbate and cysteine on the 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced depletion of brain serotonin - 1996
Gudelsky GA, Nash JF - Carrier-mediated release of serotonin by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: implications for serotonin-dopamine interactions - 1996
Hall AP, Lyburn ID, Spears FD, Riley B - An unusual case of Ecstasy poisoning - 1996
Helmlin HJ, Bracher K, Bourquin D, Vonlanthen D, Brenneisen R - Analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its metabolites in plasma and urine by HPLC-DAD and GC-MS - 1996
Henry JA - Ecstasy and serotonin depletion - 1996
Holden R, Jackson MA - Near-Fatal Hyponatraemic Coma Due to Vasopressin Over-Secretion After 'Ecstasy' (3,4-MDMA) - 1996
Jagust WJ, Eberling JL, Biegon A, Taylor SE, VanBrocklin HF, Jordan S, Hanrahan SM, Roberts JA, Brennan KM, Mathis CA - Iodine-123-5-Iodo-6-nitroquipazine: SPECT Radiotracer to Image the Serotonin Transporter - 1996
Kehne JH, Ketteler HJ, McCloskey TC, Sullivan CK, Dudley MW, Schmidt CJ - Effects of the Selective 5-HT2A Receptor Antagonist MDL 100,907 on MDMA-induced Locomotor Stimulation in Rats - 1996
Kehne JH, Padich RA, Ketteler - 5-HT modulation of auditory and visual sensorimotor gating: I. Effects of 5-HT releasers on sound and light prepulse inhibition in Wistar rats - 1996
Kintz P, Tracqui A, Mangin P, Edel Y - Sweat testing in opioid users with a sweat patch - 1996
Kronstrand R - Identification of N-methyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine (MBDB) in urine from drug users - 1996
Kunsman GW, Levine B, Kuhlman JJ, Jones RL, Hughes RO, Fujiyama CI, Smith ML - MDA-MDMA Concentrations in Urine Specimens - 1996
Lesch KP, Heils A, Riederer P - The role of neurotransporters in excitotoxicity, neuronal cell death, and other neurodegenerative processes - 1996
Lew R, Sabol KE, Chou C, Vosmer GL, Richards J, Seiden LS - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Serotonin Deficits are Followed by Partial Recovery over a 52-Week Period. Part II: Radioligand Binding and Autoradiography Studies - 1996
Lin LY, Fujimoto M, Distefano EW, Schmitz DA, Jayasinghe A, Cho AK - Selective mechanism-based inactivation of rat CYP2D by 4-allyloxymethamphetamine - 1996
Malberg JE, Sabol KE, Seiden LS - Co-administration of MDMA with Drugs That Protect Against MDMA Neurotoxicity Produces Different Effects on Body Temperature in the Rat - 1996
Marona-Lewicka D, Rhee GS, Sprague JE, Nichols DE - Reinforcing Effects of Certain Serotonin-Releasing Amphetamine Derivatives - 1996
Matthai SM, Davidson DC, Sills JA, Alexandrou D - Cerebral oedema after ingestion of MDMA ('ecstasy') and unrestricted intake of water - 1996
Maurer HH - On the metabolism and the toxicological analysis of methylenedioxyphenylalkylamine designer drugs by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - 1996
McCann UD, Slate SO, Ricaurte GA - Adverse reactions with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; 'Ecstasy') - 1996
McCauley JC - Deaths attributed to an 'ecstasy' overdose - 1996
Miller DB, O'Callaghan JP - Neurotoxicity of d-Amphetamine in the C57BL/6J and CD-1 Mouse. Interactions with Stress and the Adrenal System - 1996
Miller RT, Lau SS, Monks TJ - Effects of Intracerebroventricular Administration of 5-(glutathion-S-yl)-alpha-Methyldopamine on Brain Dopamine, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine Concentrations in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats - 1996
Milroy CM, Clark JC, Forrest AR - Pathology of deaths associated with 'ecstasy' and 'eve' misuse - 1996
Moore KA, Mozayani A, Fierro MF, Poklis A - Distribution of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Stereoisomers in a Fatal Poisoning - 1996
Murray TK, Williams JL, Misra A, Colado MI, Green AR - The spin trap reagent PBN attenuates degeneration of 5-HT neurones in rat brain induced by p-chloroamphetamine but not fenfluramine - 1996
Obradovic T, Imel KM, White SR - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced inhibition of neuronal firing in the nucleus accumbens is mediated by both serotonin and dopamine - 1996
Onwudike M - Ecstasy Induced Retropharyngeal Emphysema - 1996
Padich RA, McCloskey TC, Kehne JH - 5-HT Modulation of Auditory and Visual Sensorimotor Gating: II. Effects of the 5-HT2A Antagonist MDL 100,907 on Disruption of Sound and Light Prepulse Inhibition Produced by 5-HT Agonists in Wistar Rats - 1996
Pu C, Broening HW, Vorhees CV - Effect of methamphetamine on glutamate-positive neurons in the adult and developing rat somatosensory cortex - 1996
Reid LD, Hubbell CL, Tsai J, Fishkin MD, Amendola CA - Naltrindole, a delta-opioid antagonist, blocks MDMA's ability to enhance pressing for rewarding brain stimulation - 1996
Rezvani K, Kurbaan AS, Brenton D - Ecstasy induced pneumomediastinum - 1996
Robson P - A guide to non-opiate illicit drugs - 1996
Sabol KE, Lew R, Richards JB, Vosmer GL, Seiden LS - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Serotonin Deficits are Followed by Partial Recovery over a 52-Week Period. Part I: Synaptosomal Uptake and Tissue Concentrations - 1996
Seiden LS, Sabol KE - Methamphetamine and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Neurotoxicity: Possible Mechanisms of Cell Destruction - 1996
Seymour HR, Gilman D, Quin JD - Severe ketoacidosis complicated by 'ecstasy' ingestion and prolonged exercise - 1996
Shen M, Piser TM, Seybold VS, Thayer SA - Cannabinoid receptor agonists inhibit glutamatergic synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal cultures - 1996
Smit AA, Wieling W, Voogel AJ, Koster RW, van Zwieten PA - Orthostatic Hypotension Due to Suppression of Vasomotor Outflow After Amphetamine Intoxication - 1996
Spitzer M, Thimm M, Hermle L, Holzmann P, Kovar KA, Heimann H, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Kischka U, Schneider F - Increased Activation of Indirect Semantic Associations Under Psilocybin - 1996
Sprague JE, Johnson MP, Schmidt CJ, Nichols DE - Studies on the Mechanism of p-Chloroamphetamine Neurotoxicity - 1996
Sultana SR, Byrne DJ - 'Raver's' haematuria - 1996
Webb E, Ashton CH, Kelly P, Kamali F - Alcohol and Drug Use in UK University Students - 1996
White SR, Obradovic T, Imel KM, Wheaton MJ - The effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') on monoaminergic neurotransmission in the central nervous system - 1996
Wickremasinghe M - Commentary. Ecstasy and crack cocaine - 1996
Wilkins B - Cerebral oedema after MDMA ('ecstasy') and unrestricted water intake (response): Hyponatraemia must be treated with low water input - 1996
Wolff K, Hay AW, Vail A, Harrison K, Raistrick D - Non-Prescribed Drug Use During Methadone Treatment by Clinic- and Community-Based Patients - 1996
Gallily, Ruth; Yamin, Aviva; Waksmann, Yaakov; Ovadia, Haim; Weidenfeld, Joseph; Bar-Joseph, Avi; Biegon, Anat; Mechoulam, Rapael; Shoham, Esther - Protection Against Septic Shock and Suppression of Tumor Necrosis Factor and Nitric Oxide Production by Dexanabinol (HU-211), a Nonpsychotropic Cannabinoid - 1997
Gibb JW, Johnson M, Elayan I, Lim HK, Matsuda L, Hanson GR - Neurotoxicity of Amphetamines and Their Metabolites - 1997
Goff ML, Miller ML, Paulson JD, Lord WD, Richards E, Omori AI - Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Decomposing Tissues on the Development of Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Diptera:Sarcophagidae) and Detection of the Drug in Postmortem Blood, Liver Tissue, Larvae, and Puparia - 1997
Hasler F, Bourquin D, Brenneisen R, Bar T, Vollenweider FX - Determination of psilocin and 4-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in plasma by HPLC-ECD and pharmacokinetic profiles of oral and intravenous psilocybin in man. - 1997 Jun
Nakahara Y, Kikura R - Hair Analysis for Drugs of Abuse. XVIII. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Disposition in Hair Roots and Use in Identification of Acute MDMA Poisoning - 1997
Tsatsakis AM, Michalodimitrakis MN, Patsalis AN - MDEA Related Death in Crete: A Case Report and Literature Review - 1997
Vollenweider FX, Leenders KL, Scharfetter C, Maguire P, Stadelmann O, Angst J - Positron emission tomography and fluorodeoxyglucose studies of metabolic hyperfrontality and psychopathology in the psilocybin model of psychosis. - 1997
Widmer, Samuel - Listening Into the Heart of Things: The Awakening of Love. On MDMA and LSD: The undesired Psychotherapy - 1997
Aguirre N, Frechilla D, Garcia-Osta A, Lasheras B, Del Rio J - Differential regulation by methylenedioxymethamphetamine of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptor density and mRNA expression in rat hippocampus, frontal cortex, and brainstem: the role of corticosteroids - 1997
Baker LE, Taylor MM - Assessment of the MDA and MDMA optical isomers in a stimulant-hallucinogen discrimination - 1997
Baker LE, Virden TB, Miller ME, Sullivan CL - Time course analysis of the discriminative stimulus effects of the optical isomers of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1997
Bogusz MJ, Kala M, Maier RD - Determination of phenylisothiocyanate derivatives of amphetamine and its analogues in biological fluids by HPLC-APCI-MS or DAD - 1997
Box SA, Prescott LF, Freestone S - Hyponatraemia at a rave - 1997
Boys A, Lenton S, Norcross K - Polydrug use at raves by a Western Australian sample - 1997
Brauer RB, Heidecke CD, Nathrath W, Beckurts KT, Vorwald P, Zilker TR, Schweigart U, Holscher AH, Siewert JR - Liver transplantation for the treatment of fulminant hepatic failure induced by the ingestion of ecstasy - 1997
Capurro A, Reyes-Paroda M, Olazabal D, Perrone R, Silveira R, Macadar O - Aggressive Behavior and Jamming Avoidance Response in Weakly Electric Fish Gymnotus carapo: Effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1997
Clark AD, Butt N - Ecstasy-induced very severe aplastic anaemia complicated by invasive pulmonary mucormycosis treated with allogeneic peripheral blood progenitor cell transplant - 1997
Cohen RS, Cocores J - Neuropsychiatric manifestations following the use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA: 'Ecstasy') - 1997
Colado MI, O'Shea E, Granados R, Murray TK, Green AR - In vivo evidence for free radical involvement in the degeneration of rat brain 5-HT following administration of MDMA ('ecstasy') and p-chloroamphetamine but not the degeneration following fenfluramine - 1997
Colado MI, O'Shea E, Granados R, Misra A, Murray TK, Green AR - A study of the neurotoxic effect of MDMA ('ecstasy') on 5-HT neurones in the brains of mothers and neonates following administration of the drug during pregnancy - 1997
Cooper AJ, Egleston CV - Accidental ingestion of Ecstasy by a toddler: unusual cause for convulsion in a febrile child - 1997
Crespi D, Mennini T, Gobbi M - Carrier-dependent and Ca(2+)-dependent 5-HT and dopamine release induced by (+)-amphetamine, 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine, p-chloroamphetamine and (+)-fenfluramine - 1997
Cunningham M - Ecstasy-induced rhabdomyolysis and its role in the development of acute renal failure - 1997
Curran HV, Travill RA - Mood and cognitive effects of +/-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy'): week-end 'high' followed by mid-week low - 1997
Dal Cason TA, Young R, Glennon RA - Cathinone: an investigation of several N-alkyl and methylenedioxy-substituted analogs - 1997
Davison D, Parrott AC - Ecstasy (MDMA) in Recreational Users: Self-Reported Psychological and Physiological Effects - 1997
de Boer D, Tan LP, Gorter P, van de Wal RM, Kettenes-van den Bosch JJ, de Bruijn EA, Maes RA - Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric assay for profiling the enantiomers of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and its chiral metabolites using positive chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometry - 1997
de Groot MJ, Bijloo GJ, van Acker FA, Fonseca Guerra C, Snijders JG, Vermeulen NP - Extension of a predictive substrate model for human cytochrome P4502D6 - 1997
De Souza I, Kelly JP, Harkin AJ, Leonard BE - An Appraisal of the Pharmacological and Toxicological Effects of a Single Oral Administration of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the Rat - 1997
Ensslin HK, Maurer HH, Gouzoulis E, Hermle L, Kovar KA - Metabolism of Racemic 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine in Humans. Isolation, Identification, Quantification, and Synthesis of Urinary Metabolites - 1997
Forsyth AJ, Barnard M, McKeganey NP - Musical preference as an indicator of adolescent drug use - 1997
Frederick DL, Paule MG - Effects of MDMA on complex brain function in laboratory animals - 1997
Gallily R, Yamin A, Waksmann Y, Ovadia H, Weidenfeld J, Bar-Joseph A, Biegon A, Mechoulam R, Shohami E - Protection Against Septic Shock and Suppression of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha and Nitric Oxide Production by Dexanabinol (HU-211), a Nonpsychotropic Cannabinoid - 1997
Gartside SE, McQuade R, Sharp T - Acute effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on 5-HT cell firing and release: comparison between dorsal and median raphe 5-HT systems - 1997
Gillman PK - Ecstasy, serotonin syndrome and the treatment of hyperpyrexia - 1997
Glennon RA, Young R, Dukat M, Cheng Y - Initial characterization of PMMA as a discriminative stimulus - 1997
Hall AP - Hyponatraemia, water intoxication and 'ecstasy' - 1997
Hall AP - Ecstasy and the Anaesthetist - 1997
Huether G, Zhou D, Ruther E - Causes and consequences of the loss of serotonergic presynapses elicited by the consumption of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') and its congeners - 1997
Kikura R, Nakahara Y, Mieczkowski T, Tagliaro F - Hair Analysis for Drug Abuse. XV. Disposition of 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its Related Compounds into Rat Hair and Application to Hair Analysis for MDMA Abuse - 1997
Kintz P, Cirimele V - Interlaboratory comparison of quantitative determination of amphetamine and related compounds in hair samples - 1997
Koch S, Galloway MP - MDMA Induced Dopamine Release In Vivo: Role of Endogenous Serotonin - 1997
Kramer HK, Poblete JC, Azmitia EC - Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) occurs through the stimulation of serotonin receptors and transporter - 1997
Lanz M, Brenneisen R, Thormann W - Enantioselective Determination of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Two of Its Metabolites in Human Urine by Cyclodextrin-Modified Capillary Zone Electrophoresis - 1997
Lenton S, Boys A, Norcross K - Raves, drugs and experience: drug use by a sample of people who attend raves in Western Australia - 1997
LeSage M, Poling A - MDMA and d-amphetamine produce comparable effects in pigeons performing under a multiple fixed-ratio interresponse-time-greater-than-t schedule of food delivery - 1997
Lin LY, Di Stefano EW, Schmitz DA, Hsu L, Ellis SW, Lennard MS, Tucker GT, Cho AK - Oxidation of Methamphetamine and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine by CYP2D6 - 1997
Lin HQ, Jackson DM, Atrens DM, Christie MJ, McGregor IS - Serotonergic Modulation of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Elicited Reduction of Response Rate but not Rewarding Threshold in Accumbal Self-Stimulation - 1997
MacConnachie AM - Ecstasy poisoning - 1997
Mallick A, Bodenham AR - MDMA induced hyperthermia: a survivor with an initial body temperature of 42.9 degrees C - 1997
Mann H, Ladenheim B, Hirata H, Moran TH, Cadet JL - Differential toxic effects of methamphetamine (METH) and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in multidrug-resistant (mdr1a) knockout mice - 1997
Marquet P, Lacassie E, Battu C, Faubert H, Lachatre G - Simultaneous determination of amphetamine and its analogs in human whole blood by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - 1997
Martinez DL, Geyer MA - Characterization of the Disruptions of Prepulse Inhibition and Habituation of Startle Induced by alpha-Ethyltryptamine - 1997
Miller RT, Lau SS, Monks TJ - 2,5-bis-(Glutathion-S-yl)-alpha-methyldopamine, a putative metabolite of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, decreases brain serotonin concentrations - 1997
Moeller MR, Hartung M - Ecstasy and Related Substances--Serum Levels in Impaired Drivers - 1997
Montgomery H, Myerson S - 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, or 'ecstasy') and associated hypoglycemia - 1997
Morgan AE, Horan B, Dewey SL, Ashby CR Jr - Repeated administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine augments cocaine's action on dopamine in the nucleus accumbens: a microdialysis study - 1997
Murthy BV, Wilkes RG, Roberts NB - Creatine kinase isoform changes following Ecstasy overdose - 1997
Murthy BV, Roberts NB, Wilkes RG - Biochemical implications of ecstasy toxicity - 1997
editorial - Helping Patients Who Misuse Drugs - 1997
Nuvials X, Masclans JR, Peracaula R, de Latorre FJ - Hyponatraemic coma after ecstasy ingestion - 1997
Parr MJ, Low HM, Botterill P - Hyponatraemia and death after 'ecstasy' ingestion - 1997
Parrott AC, Stuart M - Ecstacy (MDMA), amphetamine, and LSD: Comparative mood profiles in recreational polydrug users - 1997
Pereira SP, McCarthy M, Ellis AJ, Wendon J, Portmann B, Rela M, Heaton N, Williams R - Auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation for acute liver failure - 1997
Pittman JA, Pounsford JC - Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and Ecstasy abuse - 1997
Poland RE, Lutchmansingh P, McCracken JT, Zhao JP, Brammer GL, Grob CS, Boone KB, Pechnick RN - Abnormal ACTH and Prolactin Responses to Fenfluramine in Rats Exposed to Single and Multiple Doses of MDMA - 1997
Robson P, Bruce M - A comparison of 'visible' and 'invisible' users of amphetamine, cocaine and heroin: two distinct populations? - 1997
Rohrich J, Kauert G - Determination of amphetamine and methylenedioxy-amphetamine-derivatives in hair - 1997
Rothe M, Pragst F, Spiegel K, Harrach T, Fischer K, Kunkel J - Hair concentrations and self-reported abuse history of 20 amphetamine and ecstasy users - 1997
Rutty GN, Milroy CM - The pathology of the ring-substituted amphetamine analogue 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine - 1997
Sadeghipour F, Veuthey JL - Sensitive and selective determination of methylenedioxylated amphetamines by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection - 1997
Schechter MD - Discrete versus cumulative dosing in dose-response discrimination studies - 1997
Schechter MD - Serotonergic mediation of fenfluramine discriminative stimuli in fawn-hooded rats - 1997
Schechter MD - Drug-drug discrimination: stimulus properties of drugs of abuse upon a serotonergic-dopaminergic continuum - 1997
Schwartz RH, Miller NS - MDMA (ecstasy) and the rave: a review - 1997
Simantov R, Tauber M - The Abused Drug MDMA (Ecstasy) Induces Programmed Death of Human Serotonergic Cells - 1997
Spatt J, Glawar B, Mamoli B - A pure amnestic syndrome after MDMA ('ecstasy') ingestion - 1997
Taraska T, Finnegan KT - Nitric oxide and the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1997
Tillmann HL, van Pelt FN, Martz W, Luecke T, Welp H, Dorries F, Veuskens A, Fischer M, Manns MP - Accidental intoxication with methylene dianiline p,p'-diaminodiphenylmethane: acute liver damage after presumed ecstasy consumption - 1997
Towers S - Sorted - 1997
Uhl M - Determination of drugs in hair using GC/MS/MS - 1997
Watson ID, Serlin M, Moncur P, Tames F - Acute Hyponatraemia - 1997
White JM, Bochner F, Irvine RJ - The agony of 'ecstasy' - 1997
Williams A, Unwin R - Prolonged elevation of serum creatine kinase (CK) without renal failure after ingestion of ecstasy - 1997
Williamson S, Gossop M, Powis B, Griffiths P, Fountain J, Strang J - Adverse effects of stimulant drugs in a community sample of drug users - 1997
Wu D, Otton SV, Inaba T, Kalow W, Sellers EM - Interactions of Amphetamine Analogs with Human Liver CYP2D6 - 1997
Yau JL, Noble J, Seckl JR - Site-specific regulation of corticosteroid and serotonin receptor subtype gene expression in the rat hippocampus following 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: role of corticosterone and serotonin - 1997
Yeh SY - Effects of salicylate on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced neurotoxicity in rats - 1997
Zheng Y, Russell B, Schmierer D, Laverty R - The effects of aminorex and related compounds on brain monoamines and metabolites in CBA mice - 1997
Bisogno T, Melck D, De Petrocellis L, Bobrov MY, Gretskaya NM, Bezuglov VV, Sitachitta N, Gerwick WH, Di Marzo V - Arachidonoylserotonin and Other Novel Inhibitors of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase - Jul 1998
Callaway CJ, McKenna DJ - Neurochemistry of Psychedelic Drugs - 1998
D'Esposito M - Serotonin Neurotoxicity: Implications for Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurology - 1998
De Petrocellis L, Melck D, Palmisano A, Bisogno T, Laezza C, Bifulco M, Di Marzo V - The Endogenous Cannabinoid Anandamide Inhibits Human Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation - Jul 7,1998
Doblin R - Dr. Leary's Concord Prison Experiment: a 34-year follow-up study. - 1998
Hampson AJ, Grimaldi M, Axelrod J, Wink D - Cannabidiol and (-)delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol are Neuroprotective Antioxidants - Jul 7,1998
Klein TW, Newton C, Friedman H - Cannabinoid Receptors and the Cytokine Network - 1998
Mangini M - Treatment of alcoholism using psychedelic drugs: a review of the program of research. - 1998
Morimoto BH, Lovell S, Kahr B - Ecstasy: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 1998
O'Donohoe A, O'Flynn K, Shields K, Hawi Z, Gill M - MDMA toxicity: no evidence for a major influence of metabolic genotype at CYP2D6 - 1998
O'Shea E, Granados R, Esteban B, Colado MI, Green AR - The relationship between the degree of neurodegeneration of rat brain 5-HT nerve terminals and the dose and frequency of administration of MDMA ('ecstasy') - 1998
Ropero-Miller JD, Goldberger BA - Recreational Drugs. Current Trends in the 90s - 1998
Tagliaro F, Manetto G, Bellini S, Scarcella D, Smith FP, Marigo M - Simultaneous chiral separation of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphet- amine, 3-4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylam- phetamine, ephedrine, amphetamine and methamphetamine by capillary electrophoresis in uncoated and coated - 1998
Vollenweider FX, Vollenweider-Scherpenhuyzen MF, Babler A, Vogel H, Hell D - Psilocybin Induces Schizophrenia-Like Psychosis in Humans via a Serotonin-2 Agonist Action - 1998
Aguirre N, Ballaz S, Lasheras B, Del Rio J - MDMA ('Ecstasy') enhances 5-HT1A receptor density and 8-OH-DPAT-induced hypothermia: blockade by drugs preventing 5-hydroxytryptamine depletion - 1998
Aguirre N, Barrionuevo M, Lasheras B, Del Rio J - The role of dopaminergic systems in the perinatal sensitivity to 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity in rats - 1998
Ahmed JM, Salame MY, Oakley GD - Chest pain in a young girl - 1998
Ajaelo I, Koenig K, Snoey E - Severe hyponatremia and inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion following ecstasy use - 1998
Andreu V, Mas A, Bruguera M, Salmeron JM, Moreno V, Nogue S, Rodes J - Ecstasy: a common cause of severe acute hepatotoxicity - 1998
Bengel D, Murphy DL, Andrews AM, Wichems CH, Feltner D, Heils A, Mossner R, Westphal H, Lesch KP - Altered Brain Serotonin Homeostasis and Locomotor Insensitivity to 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') in Serotonin Transporter-deficient Mice - 1998
Bhattacharya SK, Bhattacharya A, Ghosal S - Anxiogenic activity of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy): an experimental study - 1998
Bilsky EJ, Montegut MJ, Nichols ML, Reid LD - CGS 10746B, a novel dopamine release inhibitor, blocks the establishment of cocaine and MDMA conditioned place preferences - 1998
Bingham C, Beaman M, Nicholls AJ, Anthony PP - Necrotizing renal vasculopathy resulting in chronic renal failure after ingestion of methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1998
Bolla KI, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Memory Impairment in Abstinent MDMA ('Ecstasy') Users - 1998
Brody S, Krause C, Veit R, Rau H - Cardiovascular autonomic dysregulation in users of MDMA ('Ecstasy') - 1998
Byard RW, Gilbert J, James R, Lokan RJ - Amphetamine derivative fatalities in South Australia--is 'Ecstasy' the culprit? - 1998
Cadet JL, Brannock C - Free radicals and the pathobiology of brain dopamine systems - 1998
Colado MI, Granados R, O'Shea E, Esteban B, Green AR - Role of hyperthermia in the protective action of clomethiazole against MDMA ('ecstasy')-induced neurodegeneration, comparison with the novel NMDA channel blocker AR-R15896AR - 1998
Connor TJ, McNamara MG, Finn D, Currid A, O'Malley M, Redmond AM, Kelly JP, Leonard BE - Acute 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) Administration Produces a Rapid and Sustained Suppression of Immune Function in the Rat - 1998
Dafters RI, Lynch E - Persistent Loss of Thermoregulation in the Rat Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or 'Ecstasy') But Not Fenfluramine - 1998
Davies JP, Evans RO, Newington DP - Ecstasy Related Trauma - 1998
D'Esposito M - Serotonin Neurotoxicity: Implications for Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurology - 1998
Dulawa SC, Hen R, Scearce-Levie K, Geyer MA - 5-HT1B Receptor Modulation of Prepulse Inhibition: Recent Findings in Wild-type and 5-HT1B Knockout Mice - 1998
Felgate HE, Felgate PD, James RA, Sims DN, Vozzo DC - Recent paramethoxyamphetamine deaths - 1998
Frederick DL, Ali SF, Gillam MP, Gossett J, Slikker W, Paule MG - Acute effects of dexfenfluramine (d-FEN) and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) before and after short-course, high-dose treatment - 1998
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Giucastro G, Maestri D, Monica C, Sartori R, Caccavari R, Delsignore R - Serotonergic function after (+/-)3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') in humans - 1998
Gervin M, Smith R, Bamford L, Keenan E - Chasing the dragon: experience in Ireland and association with 'Ecstasy' - 1998
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Schneider F, Friedrich J, Spitzer M, Thelen B, Sass H. - Methodological issues of human experimental research with hallucinogens - 1998
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Thelen B, Maier S, Habermeyer E, Spitzer M, Sass H - Modulation of semantic priming effects by psilocybin, MDE (ecstasy) and d-methamphetamine; principles and applicaitons of the model psychosis strategy - 1998
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Hermle L, Thelen B, Sass H. - History, rationale and potential of human experimental hallucinogenic drug research in psychiatry - 1998
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Habermeyer E, Hermle L, Steinmeyer AM, Kunert HJ, Sass H - Hallucinogenic drug induced states resemble acute endogenous psychoses: results of an empirical study - 1998
Granoff MI, Ashby CR Jr - The Effect of the Repeated Administration of the Compound 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on the Response of Rats to the 5-HT2A,C Receptor Agonist (+/-)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI) - 1998
Greer GR, Tolbert R - A Method of Conducting Therapeutic Sessions with MDMA - 1998
Henry JA, Fallon JK, Kicman AT, Hutt AJ, Cowan DA, Forsling M - Low-Dose MDMA ('Ecstasy') Induces Vasopressin Secretion - 1998
Henry JA, Hill IR - Fatal interaction between ritonavir and MDMA - 1998
Jacks AS, Hykin PG - Retinal haemorrhage caused by 'ecstasy' - 1998
Kalivas PW, Duffy P, White SR - MDMA elicits behavioral and neurochemical sensitization in rats - 1998
Kankaanpaa A, Meririnne E, Lillsunde P, Seppala T - The acute effects of amphetamine derivatives on extracellular serotonin and dopamine levels in rat nucleus accumbens - 1998
Keller T, Miki A, Regenscheit P, Dirnhofer R, Schneider A, Tsuchihashi H - Detection of designer drugs in human hair by ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) - 1998
Kramer HK, Poblete JC, Azmitia EC - Characterization of the translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA/ecstasy) in synaptosomes: evidence for a presynaptic localization involving the serotonin transporter (SERT) - 1998
Kurova T, Shoubnikova M, Malceva A, Mardh PA - Prostitution in Riga, Latvia--a socio-medical matter of concern - 1998
Lauerma H, Wuorela M, Halme M - Interaction of serotonin reuptake inhibitor and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine? - 1998
Lieberman JA, Mailman RB, Duncan G, Sikich L, Chakos M, Nichols DE, Kraus JE - Serotonergic basis of antipsychotic drug effects in schizophrenia - 1998
Lindenblatt H, Kraemer E, Holzmann-Erens P, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Kovar KA - Quantitation of Psilocin in Human Plasma by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Electrochemical Detection: Comparison of lLquid-Liquid Extraction with Automated On-Line Solid-Phase Extraction - 1998
Magee C, Staunton H, Tormey W, Walshe JJ - Hyponatraemia, seizures and stupor associated with ecstasy ingestion in a female - 1998
Malberg JE, Seiden LS - Small Changes in Ambient Temperature Cause Large Changes in 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Induced Serotonin Neurotoxicity and ore Body Temperature in the Rat - 1998
Matsushima K, Nagai T, Kamiyama S - Optical Isomer Analysis of 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine Analogues and Their Stereoselective Disposition in Rats - 1998
McCann UD, Szabo Z, Scheffel U, Dannals RF, Ricaurte GA - Positron Emission Tomographic Evidence of Toxic Effect of MDMA ('Ecstasy') on Brain Serotonin Neurons in Human Beings - 1998
McElhatton PR, Bateman DN, Evans C, Pughe KR, Worsley AJ - Does prenatal exposure to ecstasy cause congenital malformations? A prospective follow-up of 92 pregnancies - 1998
Meltzer CC, Smith G, DeKosky ST, Pollock BG, Mathis CA, Moore RY, Kupfer DJ, Reynolds CF - Serotonin in Aging, Late-Life Depression, and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Emerging Role of Functional Imaging - 1998
Metzger RR, Hanson GR, Gibb JW, Fleckenstein AE - 3-4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced acute changes in dopamine transporter function - 1998
Moeller MR, Steinmeyer S, Kraemer T - Determination of drugs of abuse in blood - 1998
Morgan MJ - Recreational use of 'ecstasy' (MDMA) is associated with elevated impulsivity - 1998
Muck-Seler D, Takahashi S, Diksic M - The effect of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) on the 5-HT synthesis rate in the rat brain: an autoradiographic study - 1998
Mueller PD, Korey WS - Death by 'ecstasy': the serotonin syndrome? - 1998
Murray MO, Wilson NH - Ecstasy related tooth wear - 1998
Nagilla R, Newland MC, Snyder J, Bronson ME - Effect of once weekly treatment with 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on schedule-controlled behavior in rats - 1998
Nakahara Y, Kikura R, Takahashi K - Hair analysis for drugs of abuse XX. Incorporation and behaviors of seven methamphetamine homologs in the rat hair root - 1998
Obradovic T, Imel KM, White SR - Repeated exposure to methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) alters nucleus accumbens neuronal responses to dopamine and serotonin - 1998
Parrott AC, Lees A, Garnham NJ, Jones M, Wesnes K - Cognitive performance in recreational users of MDMA of 'ecstasy': evidence for memory deficits - 1998
Parrott AC, Lasky J - Ecstasy (MDMA) effects upon mood and cognition: before, during and after a Saturday night dance - 1998
Plessinger MA - Prenatal exposure to amphetamines. Risks and adverse outcomes in pregnancy - 1998
Ramcharan S, Meenhorst PL, Otten JM, Koks CH, de Boer D, Maes RA, Beijnen JH - Survival After Massive Ecstasy Overdose - 1998
Ramseier A, Caslavska J, Thormann W - Screening for urinary amphetamine and analogs by capillary electrophoretic immunoassays and confirmation by capillary electrophoresis with on-column multiwavelength absorbance detection - 1998
Redfearn PJ, Agrawal N, Mair LH - An association between the regular use of 3,4 methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (ecstasy) and excessive wear of the teeth - 1998
Sabol KE, Seiden LS - Reserpine attenuates D-amphetamine and MDMA-induced transmitter release in vivo: a consideration of dose, core temperature and dopamine synthesis - 1998
Schechter MD - 'Candyflipping': synergistic discriminative effect of LSD and MDMA - 1998
Schechter MD - MDMA-like stimulus effects of hallucinogens in male Fawn-Hooded rats - 1998
Scheffel U, Szabo Z, Mathews WB, Finley PA, Dannals RF, Ravert HT, Szabo K, Yuan J, Ricaurte GA - In Vivo Detection of Short- and Long-Term MDMA Neurotoxicity--A Positron Emission Tomography Study in the Living Baboon Brain - 1998
Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, Minicuci N, Bricolo R - MDMA ('ecstasy') consumption in the context of polydrug abuse: a report on 150 patients - 1998
Schuster P, Lieb R, Lamertz C, Wittchen HU - Is the use of ecstasy and hallucinogens increasing? Results from a community study - 1998
Shankaran M, Gudelsky GA - Effect of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on hippocampal dopamine and serotonin - 1998
Shen M, Thayer SA - Cannabinoid receptor agonists protect cultured rat hippocampal neurons from excitotoxicity - 1998
Sprague JE, Everman SL, Nichols DE - An integrated hypothesis for the serotonergic axonal loss induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1998
Tagliaro F, Manetto G, Crivellente F, Scarcella D, Marigo M - Hair analysis for abused drugs by capillary zone electrophoresis with field-amplified sample stacking - 1998
Vollenweider FX, Gamma A, Liechti M, Huber T - Psychological and Cardiovascular Effects and Short-Term Sequelae of MDMA ('Ecstasy') in MDMA-Naive Healthy Volunteers - 1998
Webb E, Ashton CH, Kelly P, Kamah F - An Update on British Medical Students' Lifestyles - 1998
Weinmann W, Bohnert M - Lethal monointoxication by overdosage of MDEA - 1998
Williams H, Dratcu L, Taylor R, Roberts M, Oyefeso A - Saturday night fever: ecstasy related problems in a London accident and emergency department - 1998
Williams A, Segal O, Andrews B - Short gastric artery perforation after use of 'ecstasy' - 1998
Wollina U, Kammler HJ, Hesselbarth N, Mock B, Bosseckert H - Ecstasy pimples - a new facial dermatosis - 1998
Young R, Glennon RA - Discriminative stimulus properties of (-)ephedrine - 1998
Zheng Y, Laverty R - Role of brain nitric oxide in (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-induced neurotoxicity in rats - 1998
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Heekeren K, Thelen B, Lindenblatt H, Kovar KA, Sass H, Geyer MA. - Effects of the Hallucinogen Psilocybin on Habituation and Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex in Humans - 1998
Aghajanian GK, Marek GJ - Serotonin and hallucinogens. - 1999 Aug
Akram G, Galt M - A Profile of Harm-reduction Practices and Co-use of Illicit and Licit Drugs Amongst Users of Dance Drugs - 1999
Callaway JC, McKenna DJ, Grob CS, Brito GS, Raymon LP, Poland RE, Andrade EN, Andrade EO, Mash DC - Pharmacokinetics of Hoasca Alkaloids in Healthy Humans - 1999
Di Marzo, Vincenzo; Melck, Dominique; Bisogno, Tiziana; De Petrocellis, Luciano - Endocannabinoids: Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands with Neuromodulatory Action - 1999
Halpern, John H.; Pope, Harrison G., Jr. - Do Hallucinogens Cause Residual Neuropsychological Toxicity - Feb 1,1999
Hodgkin, Jonathan - Mice That Can't Get High - 1999
O'Connell D, Heffron JJ - Rapid analysis of illicit drugs by mass spectrometry: results from seizures in Ireland - 1999
O'Connor A, Cluroe A, Couch R, Galler L, Lawrence J, Synek B - Death from hyponatraemia-induced cerebral oedema associated with MDMA ('Ecstasy') use - 1999
Perkonigg, Axel; Lieb, Roselind; Hofler, Michael; Schuster, Peter; Sonntag, Holger; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich - Patterns of Cannabis Use, Abuse and Dependence Over Time: Incidence, Progression and Stability in a Sample of 1228 Adolescents - 1999
Rogers A, McCarthy M - Drugs and Drugs Education in the Inner City: The Views of 12-year-olds and Their Parents - 1999
Suy K, Gijsenbergh F, Baute L. - Emergency medical assistance during a mass gathering - 1999
Vollenweider FX, Vontobel P, Hell D, Leenders KL - 5-HT modulation of dopamine release in basal ganglia in psilocybin-induced psychosis in man--a PET study with [11C]raclopride - 1999
Adolphs R - Social cognition and the human brain - 1999
Aguirre N, Barrionuevo M, Ramirez MJ, Del Rio J, Lasheras B - Alpha-lipoic acid prevents 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)-induced neurotoxicity - 1999
Alciati A, Scaramelli B, Fusi A, Butteri E, Cattaneo ML, Mellado C - Three cases of delirium after 'ecstasy' ingestion - 1999
Appel JB, West WB, Rolandi WG, Alici T, Pechersky K - Increasing the selectivity of drug discrimination procedures - 1999
Bai F, Lau SS, Monks TJ - Glutathione and N-acetylcysteine conjugates of alpha-methyldopamine produce serotonergic neurotoxicity: possible role in methylenedioxyamphetamine-mediated neurotoxicity - 1999
Beijnen JH, Meenhorst PL - Follow-up of ecstasy intoxication - 1999
Beitia G, Cobreros A, Sainz L, Cenarruzabeitia E - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy)-Induced Hepatotoxicity: Effect on Cytosolic Calcium Signals in Isolated Hepatocytes - 1999
Bertram M, Egelhoff T, Schwarz S, Schwab S - Toxic leukencephalopathy following 'ecstasy' ingestion - 1999
Bogusz MJ, Maier RD, Kruger KD, Webb KS, Romeril J, Miller ML - Poor reproducibility of in-source collisional atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectra of toxicologically relevant drugs - 1999
Boys A, Marsden J, Griffiths P, Fountain J, Stillwell G, Strang J - Substance Use Among Young People: The Relationship Between Perceived Functions and Intentions - 1999
Chang L, Ernst T, Grob CS, Poland RE - Cerebral (1)H MRS alterations in recreational 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') users - 1999
Colado MI, O'Shea E, Esteban B, Granados R, Green AR - In vivo evidence against clomethiazole being neuroprotective against MDMA ('ecstasy')-induced degeneration of rat brain 5-HT nerve terminals by a free radical scavenging mechanism - 1999
Colado MI, Granados R, O'Shea E, Esteban B, Green AR - The acute effect in rats of 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine (MDEA, 'eve') on body temperature and long term degeneration of 5-HT neurones in brain: a comparison with MDMA ('ecstasy') - 1999
Colado MI, Esteban B, O'Shea E, Granados R, Green AR - Studies on the neuroprotective effect of pentobarbitone on MDMA-induced neurodegeneration - 1999
Colado MI, O'Shea E, Granados R, Esteban B, Martin AB, Green AR - Studies on the Role of Dopamine in the Degeneration of 5-HT Nerve Endings in the Brain of Dark Agouti Rats Following 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or 'Ecstasy') Administration - 1999
Connor TJ, McNamara MG, Kelly JP, Leonard BE - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy) Administration Produces Dose-Dependent Neurochemical, Endocrine, and Immune Changes in the Rat - 1999
Cozzi NV, Sievert MK, Shulgin AT, Jacob P 3rd, Ruoho AE - Inhibition of Plasma Membrane Monoamine Transporters by beta-Ketoamphetamines - 1999
Dafters RI, Duffy F, O'Donnell PJ, Bouquet C - Level of use of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or Ecstasy) in humans correlates with EEG power and coherence - 1999
de la Torre R, Ortuno J, Mas M, Farre M, Segura J - Fatal MDMA Intoxication - 1999
Delaforge M, Jaouen M, Bouille G - Inhibitory Metabolite Complex Formation of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine with Rat and Human Cytochrome P450. Particular Involvement of CYP 2D - 1999
Erdtmann-Vourliotis M, Mayer P, Riechert U, Hollt V - Acute injection of drugs with low addictive potential (delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, lysergic acid diamide) causes a much higher c-fos expression in limbic brain areas than highly addicting drugs (cocaine and morphine) - 1999
Fallon JK, Kicman AT, Henry JA, Milligan PJ, Cowan DA, Hutt AJ - Stereospecific Analysis and Enantiomeric Disposition of 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) in Humans - 1999
Fineschi V, Centini F, Mazzeo E, Turillazzi E - Adam (MDMA) and Eve (MDEA) misuse: an immunohistochemical study on three fatal cases - 1999
Fleckenstein AE, Haughey HM, Metzger RR, Kokoshka JM, Riddle EL, Hanson JE, Gibb JW, Hanson GR - Differential effects of psychostimulants and related agents on dopaminergic and serotonergic transporter function - 1999
Gamma A, Frei E, Lehmann D, PascuaI-Marqui RD, Hell D, Vollenweider FX - Mood State and Brain Electric Activity in Ecstasy Users - 1999
Gijsman HJ, Verkes RJ, van Gerven JM, Cohen AF - MDMA Study - 1999
Glennon RA - Arylalkylamine drugs of abuse: an overview of drug discrimination studies - 1999
Gore SM, Drug Survey Investigator's Consortium - Effective monitoring of young people's use of illegal drugs: meta-analysis of UK trends and recommendations - 1999
Gore SM - Fatal uncertainty: death-rate from use of ecstasy or heroin - 1999
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Schreckenberger M, Sabri O, Arning C, Thelen B, Spitzer M, Kovar KA, Hermle L, Bьll U, Sass H - Neurometabolic Effects of Psilocybin, 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE) and d-Methamphetamine in Healthy Volunteers - 1999
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Thelen B, Habermeyer E, Kunert HJ, Kovar KA, Lindenblatt H, Hermle L, Spitzer M, Sass H - Psychopathological, Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE), Psilocybin and d-Methamphetamine in Healthy Volunteers. Results of an xperimental Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study - 1999
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Schreckenberger M, Sabri O, Arning C, Thelen B, Spitzer M, Kovar KA, Hermle L, Bull U, Sass H. - Neurometabolic effects of psilocybin, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDE) and d-methamphetamine in healthy volunteers. A double-blind, placebo-controlled PET study with [18F]FDG - 1999
Hamilton J, Balint P, Field M, Sturrock RD - A concealed cause of recurrent renal failure in a patient with juvenile chronic arthritis - 1999
Hammersley R, Ditton J, Smith I,Short E - Patterns of ecstasy use by drug users - 1999
Hanson GR, Jensen M, Johnson M, White HS - Distinct Features of Seizures Induced by Cocaine and Amphetamine Analogs - 1999
Harrington RD, Woodward JA, Hooton TM, Horn JR - Life-threatening interactions between HIV-1 protease inhibitors and the illicit drugs MDMA and gamma-hydroxybutyrate - 1999
Hatzidimitriou G, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Altered Serotonin Innervation Patterns in the Forebrain of Monkeys Treated with (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Seven Years Previously: Factors Influencing Abnormal Recovery - 1999
Hegadoren KM, Baker GB, Bourin M - 3,4-Methylenedioxy analogues of amphetamine: defining the risks to humans - 1999
Hensley D, Cody JT - Simultaneous determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine, methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), and methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) enantiomers by GC-MS - 1999
Holland J - Positron Emission Tomography Findings in Heavy Users of MDMA - 1999
Holmes SB, Banerjee AK, Alexander WD - Hyponatraemia and seizures after ecstasy use - 1999
Jansen KL, Forrest AR - Toxic effect of MDMA on brain serotonin neurons - 1999
Jansen KL - Ecstasy (MDMA) dependence - 1999
Jayanthi S, Ladenheim B, Andrews AM, Cadet JL - Overexpression of human copper/zinc superoxide dismutase in transgenic mice attenuates oxidative stress caused by methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) - 1999
Jones AL, Simpson KJ - Review article: mechanisms and management of hepatotoxicity in ecstasy (MDMA) and amphetamine intoxications - 1999
Kintz P, Samyn N - Determination of 'Ecstasy' components in alternative biological specimens - 1999
Klugman A, Hardy S, Baldeweg T, Gruzelier J - Toxic effect of MDMA on brain serotonin neurons - 1999
Kramer E, Kovar KA - On-line coupling of automated solid-phase extraction with high-performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection. Quantitation of oxidizable drugs of abuse and their metabolites in plasma and urine - 1999
Krishnan A, Brown R - Plain abdominal radiography in the diagnosis of the 'body packer' - 1999
Kuikka JT, Ahonen AK - Toxic effect of MDMA on brain serotonin neurons - 1999
Lavelle A, Honner V, Docherty JR - Investigation of the Prejunctional alpha2-Adrenoceptor Mediated Actions of MDMA in Rat Atrium and Vas Deferens - 1999
Laviola G, Adriani W, Terranova ML, Gerra G - Psychobiological risk factors for vulnerability to psychostimulants in human adolescents and animal models - 1999
Lieberman JA, Aghajanian GK - Caveat Emptor: Researcher Beware - 1999
Lin HQ, Burden PM, Christie MJ, Johnston GA - The anxiogenic-like and anxiolytic-like effects of MDMA on mice in the elevated plus-maze: a comparison with amphetamine - 1999
Lind J, Oyefeso A, Pollard M, Baldacchino A, Ghodse H - Death rate from use of ecstasy or heroin - 1999
Lynskey M, White V, Hill D, Letcher T, Hall W - Prevalence of illicit drug use among youth: results from the Australian School Students' Alcohol and Drugs Survey - 1999
Malpass A, White JM, Irvine RJ, Somogyi AA, Bochner F - Acute toxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Sprague-Dawley and Dark Agouti rats - 1999
Marston HM, Reid ME, Lawrence JA, Olverman HJ, Butcher SP - Behavioural analysis of the acute and chronic effects of MDMA treatment in the rat - 1999
Mas M, Farre M, de la Torre R, Roset PN, Ortuno J, Segura J, Cami J - Cardiovascular and Neuroendocrine Effects and Pharmacokinetics of 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Humans - 1999
McCann UD, Szabo Z, Scheffel U, Dannals RF, Ricaurte GA - Toxic Effect of MDMA on Brain Serotonin Neurons - 1999
McCann UD, Szabao Z, Scheffel U, Dannals RF, Ricaurte GA - Positron Emission Tomography Findings in Heavy Users of MDMA - 1999
McCann UD, Mertl M, Eligulashvili V, Ricaurte GA - Cognitive Performance in (+/-) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') Users: A Controlled Study - 1999
McCann UD, Eligulashvili V, Mertl M, Murphy DL, Ricaurte GA - Altered Neuroendocrine and Behavioral Responses to m-Chlorophenylpiperazine in 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Users - 1999
McCreary AC, Bankson MG, Cunningham KA - Pharmacological studies of the acute and chronic effects of (+)-3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on locomotor activity: role of 5-hydroxytryptamine(1A) and 5-hydroxytryptamine(1B/1D) receptors - 1999
McElhatton PR, Bateman DN, Evans C, Pughe KR, Thomas SH - Congenital Anomalies After Prenatal Ecstasy Exposure - 1999
Milosevic A, Agrawal N, Redfearn P, Mair L - The occurrence of toothwear in users of Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) - 1999
Milroy CM - Ten years of 'ecstasy' - 1999
Mintzer S, Hickenbottom S, Gilman S - Parkinsonism after taking ecstasy - 1999
Monks TJ, Ghersi-Egea JF, Philbert M, Cooper AJ, Lock EA - Symposium overview: the role of glutathione in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity - 1999
Morgan JF - Toxic Effect of MDMA on Brain Serotonin Neurons - 1999
Morgan, Michael John - Memory Deficits Associated with Recreational Use of 'Ecstasy' (MDMA) - 1999
Morgan JF - Ecstasy Use and Neuropathology - 1999
Mortensen OV, Kristensen AS, Rudnick G, Wiborg O - Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of a bovine serotonin transporter - 1999
Nagayama T, Sinor AD, Simon RP, Chen J, Graham SH, Jin K, Greenberg DA - Cannabinoids and neuroprotection in global and focal cerebral ischemia and in neuronal cultures - 1999
Navarro JF, Maldonado E - Behavioral profile of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) in agonistic encounters between male mice - 1999
Nishisawa S, Mzengeza S, Diksic M - Acute effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on brain serotonin synthesis in the dog studied by positron emission tomography - 1999
Ortuno J, Pizarro N, Farre M, Mas M, Segura J, Cami J, Brenneisen R, de la Torre R - Quantification of 3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine and its metabolites in plasma and urine by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection - 1999
Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Farre M, Pichini S, Di Carlo S, Roset PN, Ortuno J, Segura J, de la Torre R - Immunomodulating Properties of MDMA Alone and in Combination with Alcohol: A Pilot Study - 1999
Pedersen W, Skrondal A - Ecstasy and New Patterns of Drug Use: A Normal Population Study - 1999
Quin GI, McCarthy GM, Harries DK - Spontaneous pneumomediastinum and ecstasy abuse - 1999
Ramseier A, Caslavska J, Thormann W - Stereoselective screening for and confirmation of urinary enantiomers of amphetamine, methamphetamine, designer drugs, methadone and selected metabolites by capillary electrophoresis - 1999
Ramsey JD, Johnston A, Holt DW - Death rate from use of ecstasy or heroin - 1999
Reed LJ, Winstock A, Cleare AJ, McGuire P - Toxic effect of MDMA on brain serotonin neurons - 1999
Regenthal R, Kruger M, Rudolph K, Trauer H, Preiss R - Survival after massive 'ecstasy' (MDMA) ingestion - 1999
Rella JG, Nelson LS - Recovery after Ecstasy intoxication - 1999
Rochester JA, Kirchner JT - Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): history, neurochemistry, and toxicology - 1999
Scearce-Levie K, Chen JP, Gardner E, Hen R - 5-HT receptor knockout mice: pharmacological tools or models of psychiatric disorders - 1999
Scearce-Levie K, Viswanathan SS, Hen R - Locomotor response to MDMA is attenuated in knockout mice lacking the 5-HT1B receptor - 1999
Schirren CA, Berghaus TM, Sackmann M - Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura after Ecstasy-induced acute liver failure - 1999
Schwab M, Seyringer E, Brauer RB, Hellinger A, Griese EU - Fatal MDMA Intoxication - 1999
Selim K, Kaplowitz N - Hepatotoxicity of psychotropic drugs - 1999
Semple DM, Ebmeier KP, Glabus MF, O'Carroll RE, Johnstone EC - Reduced In Vivo Binding to the Serotonin Transporter in the Cerebral Cortex of MDMA ('Ecstasy') Users - 1999
Sexton TJ, McEvoy C, Neumaier JF - (+) 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') transiently increases striatal 5-HT1B binding sites without altering 5-HT1B mRNA in rat brain - 1999
Shankaran M, Yamamoto BK, Gudelsky GA - Involvement of the serotonin transporter in the formation of hydroxyl radicals induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 1999
Shankaran M, Yamamoto BK, Gudelsky GA - Mazindol attenuates the 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced formation of hydroxyl radicals and long-term depletion of serotonin in the striatum - 1999
Shankaran M, Gudelsky GA - A neurotoxic regimen of MDMA suppresses behavioral, thermal and neurochemical responses to subsequent MDMA administration - 1999
Sherlock K, Wolff K, Hay AW, Conner M - Analysis of illicit ecstasy tablets: implications for clinical management in the accident and emergency department - 1999
Sondermann N, Kovar KA - Screening experiments of ecstasy street samples using near infrared spectroscopy - 1999
Spruit IP - Ecstasy use and policy responses in the Netherlands - 1999
Stein DJ, Rink J - Effects of 'Ecstasy' blocked by serotonin reuptake inhibitors - 1999
Stephenson CP, Hunt GE, Topple AN, McGregor IS - The Distribution of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 'Ecstasy'-Induced c-fos Expression in Rat Brain - 1999
Stumm G, Schlegel J, Schafer T, Wurz C, Mennel HD, Krieg JC, Vedder H - Amphetamines Induce Apoptosis and Regulation of Bcl-x Splice Variants in Neocortical Neurons - 1999
Tagliaro F, De Battisti Z, Groppi A, Nakahara Y, Scarcella D, Valentini R, Marigo M - High sensitivity simultaneous determination in hair of the major constituents of ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-methylene-dioxyethylamphetamine) by high-performance liquid chromatography with direct fluor - 1999
Talwar D, Watson ID, Stewart MJ - Routine analysis of amphetamine class drugs as their naphthaquinone derivatives in human urine by high-performance liquid chromatography - 1999
ten Berge J - Breakdown or Breakthrough? A History of European Research into Drugs and Creativity - 1999
Topp L, Hando J, Dillon P, Roche A, Solowij N - Ecstasy Use in Australia: Patterns of Use and Associated Harm - 1999
Ugland HG, Krogh M, Rasmussen KE - Automated determination of 'Ecstasy' and amphetamines in urine by SPME and capillary gas chromatography after propylchloroformate derivatisation - 1999
van de Wijngaart GF, Braam R, de Bruin D, Fris M, Maalste NJM, Verbraeck HT - Ecstasy use at large-scale dance events in the Netherlands. - 1999
van Heijst A - Ecstasy intoxication and gastric lavage - 1999
Varela-Rey M, Montiel-Duarte C, Beitia G, Cenarruzabeitia E, Iraburu MJ - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') Stimulates the Expression of alpha1(I) Procollagen mRNA in Hepatic Stellate Cells - 1999
Vollenweider FX, Gamma A, Liechti M, Huber T - Is a Single Dose of MDMA Harmless? - 1999
Vollenweider FX, Remensberger S, Hell D, Geyer MA - Opposite Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on Sensorimotor Gating in Rats versus Healthy Humans - 1999
Walker TM, Davenport-Jones JE, Fox RM, Atterwill CK - The neurotoxic effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its metabolites on rat brain spheroids in culture - 1999
Walubo A, Seger D - Fatal multi-organ failure after suicidal overdose with MDMA, 'ecstasy': case report and review of the literature - 1999
Westwood SC, Hanson GR - Effects of stimulants of abuse on extrapyramidal and limbic neuropeptide Y systems - 1999
Woodrow G, Turney JH - Ecstasy-induced renal vasculitis - 1999
Yeh SY - N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone protects against 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced depletion of serotonin in rats - 1999
Yeh SY, Dersch C, Rothman R, Cadet JL - Effects of antihistamines on 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced depletion of serotonin in rats - 1999
Young R, Dukat M, Malmusi L, Glennon RA - Stimulus properties of PMMA: effect of optical isomers and conformational restriction - 1999
Cooper GA, Allen DL, Scott KS, Oliver JS, Ditton J, Smith ID - Hair Analysis: Self-reported Use of 'Speed' and 'Ecstasy' Compared with Laboratory Dindings - 2000
Ferguson, David M.; Horwood, L. John - Does Cannabis Use Encourage Other Forms of Illicit Drug Use? - 2000
Gamma A, Frei E, Lehmann D, Pascual-Marqui RD, Hell D, Vollenweider FX - Mood State and Brain Electric Activity in Ecstasy Users - 2000
Goodwin AK, Baker LE - A Three-choice Discrimination Procedure Dissociates the Discriminative Stimulus Effects of d-Amphetamine and (+/-)-MDMA in Rats - 2000
Kalia M, O'Callaghan JP, Miller DB, Kramer M - Comparative study of fluoxetine, sibutramine, sertraline and dexfenfluramine on the morphology of serotonergic nerve terminals using serotonin immunohistochemistry - 2000
Lawston, Jodie; Borella, Alice; Robinson, John K.; Whitaker-Azmitia, Patricia M. - Changes in Hippocampal Morphology Following Chronic Treatment With the Synthetic Cannabinoid WIN 55,212-2 - 2000
O'Cain PA, Hletko SB, Ogden BA, Varner KJ - Cardiovascular and Sympathetic Responses and Reflex Changes Elicited by MDMA - 2000
Rashed AM, Anderson RA, King LA - Solid-phase Extraction for Profiling of Ecstasy Tablets - 2000
Winter JC, Filipink RA, Timineri D, Helsley SE, Rabin RA - The paradox of 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine: an indoleamine hallucinogen that induces stimulus control via 5-HT1A receptors. - 2000 Jan 1
Allen DL, Oliver JS - The use of supercritical fluid extraction for the determination of amphetamines in hair - 2000
Baggott M, Heifets B, Jones RT, Mendelson J, Sferios E, Zehnder J - Chemical Analysis of Ecstasy Pills - 2000
Barrionuevo M, Aguirre N, Del Rio JD, Lasheras B - Serotonergic Deficits and Impaired Passive-avoidance Learning in Rats by MDEA: a Comparison with MDMA - 2000
Behan WMH, Madigan M, Clark BJ, Goldberg J, McLellan DR - Muscle changes in the neuroleptic malignant syndrome - 2000
Beitia G, Cobreros A, Sainz L, Cenarruzabeitia E - Ecstasy-Induced Toxicity in Rat Liver - 2000
Bell SEJ, Burns DT, Dennis AC, Matchett LJ, Speers JS - Composition Profiling of Seized Ecstasy Tablets by Raman Spectroscopy [In Process Citation] - 2000
Bell SEJ, Burns DT, Dennis AC, Speers JS - Rapid Analysis of Ecstasy and Related Phenethylamines in Seized Tablets by Raman Spectroscopy - 2000
Bellis MA, Hale G, Bennett A, Chaudry M, Kilfoyle M. - Ibiza Uncovered: Changes in Substance use and Sexual Behaviour Amongst Young People Visiting an International Night-Life Resort - 2000
Bogusz MJ - Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry as a Routine Method in Forensic Sciences: A Proof of Maturity [In Process Citation] - 2000
Boot BP, McGregor IS, Hall W - MDMA (Ecstasy) neurotoxicity: assessing and communicating the risks - 2000
Borth S, Hansel W, Rosner P, Junge T - Regioisomeric differentiation of 2,3- and 3,4-methylenedioxy ring-substituted phenylalkylamines by gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry - 2000
Burgess C, O'Donohoe A, Gill M - Agony and ecstasy: a review of MDMA effects and toxicity - 2000
Burrows KB, Gudelsky G, Yamamoto BK - Rapid and transient inhibition of mitochondrial function following methamphetamine or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine administration - 2000
Byrne T, Baker LE, Poling A - MDMA and Learning: Effects of Acute and Neurotoxic Exposure in the Rat - 2000
Cami J; Farre M; Mas M; Roset PN; Poudevida S; Mas A; San L; de la Torre R - Human Pharmacology of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy'): Psychomotor Performance and Subjective Effects - 2000
Carter N, Rutty GN, Milroy CM, Forrest ARW - Deaths Associated with MBDB Misuse - 2000
Chang L, Grob C, Ernst T, Itti L, Mishkin F, Jose-Melchor R, Poland RE - Effect of Ecstasy [3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)] on Cerebral Blood Flow: A Co-Registered SPECT and MRI Study - 2000
Christophersen AS - Amphetamine designer drugs - an overview and epidemiology - 2000
Clauwaert KM, Van Bocxlaer JF, De Letter EA, Van Callenbergh S, Lambert WE, De Leenheer AP - Determination of the designer drugs 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine, and 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine with HPLC and fluorescence detection in whole blood, serum, vitreous humor, and urine - 2000
Connor TJ, Kelly JP, McGee M, Leonard BE - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy) Suppresses IL-1b and TNF-a Secretion Following an in Vivo Lipopolysaccharide Challenge - 2000
Connor TJ , Kelly JP, Leonard BE - An Assessment of the Acute Effects of the Serotonin Releasers Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Methylenedioxyamphetamine and Fenfluramine on Immunity in Rats - 2000
Curran HV - Is MDMA (`Ecstasy') Neurotoxic in Humans? An Overview of Evidence and of Methodological Problems in Research - 2000
Daws EC, Irvine RJ, Callaghan PD, Toop NP, White JM, Bochner F - Differential behavioural and neurochemical effects of para-methoxyamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in the rat [In Process Citation] - 2000
de la Torre R, Farre' M, Ortuno J, Mas M, Brenneisen R, Roset PN, Segura J, Cami J - Non-Linear Pharmacokinetics of MDMA (`Ecstasy') in Humans - 2000
de la Torre R, Farre M, Roset PN, Hernandez Lopez C, Mas M, Ortuno J, Menoyo E, Pizarro N, Segura J, Cami J - Pharmacology of MDMA in Humans - 2000
Dublin NN, Razack AH - Priapism: Ecstasy Related? - 2000
Dulawa SC, Geyer MA - Effects of Strain and Serotonergic Agents on Prepulse Inhibition and Habituation in Mice - 2000
Dulawa SC, Scearce-Levie KA, Hen R, Geyer MA - Serotonin Releasers Increase Prepulse Inhibition in Serotonin 1B Knockout Mice - 2000
Erdtmann-Vourliotis M, Mayer P, Riechert U, Hollt V - Prior experience of morphine application alters the c-fos response to MDMA ('ecstasy') and cocaine in the rat striatum - 2000
Ferrie R, Loveland RC - Bilateral gluteal compartment syndrome after 'ecstasy' hyperpyrexia - 2000
Fischer HS, Zernig G, Schatz DS, Humpel C, Saria A - MDMA ('ecstasy') enhances basal acetylcholine release in brain slices of the rat striatum - 2000
Gamma A, Buck A, Berthold T, Liechti ME, Vollenweider FX - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Modulates Cortical and Limbic Brain Activity as Measured by [H2 15 O]-PET in Healthy Humans - 2000
Gamma A, Buck A, Berthold T, Hell D, Vollenweider F - Erratum. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Modulates Cortical and Limbic Brain Activity as Measured by [H(2)(15)O]-PET in Healthy Humans - 2000
Geiser L, Cherkaoui S, Veuthey JL - Simultaneous analysis of some amphetamine derivatives in urine by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry - 2000
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Ferri M, Zambelli U, Timpano M, Neri E, Marzocchi GF, Delsignore R, Brambilla F - Long-lasting effects of (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) on serotonin system function in humans - 2000
Ghuran A, Nolan J - Recreational drug misuse: issues for the cardiologist - 2000
Girod C, Staub C - Analysis of drugs of abuse in hair by automated solid-phase extraction, GC/EI/MS and GC ion trap/CI/MS - 2000
Glennon RA, Young R - MDMA stimulus generalization to the 5-HT(1A) serotonin agonist 8-hydroxy-2- (di-n-propylamino)tetralin - 2000
Gomez-Balaguer M, Pena H, Morillas C, Hernandez A - Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion and 'Designer Drugs' (ecstasy) - 2000
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Daumann J, Tuchtenhagen F, Pelz S, Becker S, Kunert HJ, Fimm B, Sass H - Impaired Cognitive Performance in Drug Free Users of Recreational Ecstasy (MDMA) - 2000
Graeme KA - New drugs of abuse - 2000
Grob CS - Deconstructing Ecstasy: The Politics of MDMA Research - 2000
Harris, D, Baggott, M, Jones, RT, Mendelson, J - MDMA Pharmacokinetics and Physiological and Subjective Effects in Humans - 2000
Harvey DC, Lacan G, Tanious SP, Melega WP - Recovery from Methamphetamine Induced Long-term Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Deficits without Substantia Nigra Cell Loss - 2000
Heinz A, Jones DW - Serotonin transporters in ecstasy users - 2000
Henry JA - Metabolic Consequences of Drug Misuse - 2000
Hervнas I, Lasheras B, and Aguirre N - 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Prevents and Nicotinamide Potentiates 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Serotonin Neurotoxicity - 2000
Horan B, Gardner EL, Ashby CR Jr - Enhancement of conditioned place preference response to cocaine in rats following subchronic administration of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 2000
Iravani M, Asari D, Patel J, Wieczorek WJ, and Kruk ZL - Direct Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) on Serotonin or Dopamine Release and Uptake in the Caudate Putamen, Nucleus Accumbens, Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata, and the Dorsal Raphe' Nucleus Slices - 2000
Johnson EA, Sharp DS, Miller DB - Restraint as a Stressor in Mice: Against the Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity of D-MDMA, Low Body Weight Mitigates Restraint-Induced Hypothermia and Consequent Neuroprotection - 2000
Jurado C, Gimenez MP, et al - Rapid analysis of amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, and MDMA in urine using solid-phase microextraction, direct on-fiber derivatization, and analysis by GC-MS - 2000
Kelly P - Does Recreational Ecstasy Use Cause Long-Term Cognitive Problems? - 2000
Kelly PA - Impaired Cognitive Performance in Drug Free Users of Recreational Ecstasy (MDMA) - 2000
Kish SJ, Furukawa Y, Ang L, Vorce SP, Kalasinsky KS - Striatal serotonin is depleted in brain of a human MDMA (Ecstasy) user - 2000
Klitzman RL, Pope HG Jr, Hudson JI - MDMA ('Ecstasy') abuse and high-risk sexual behaviors among 169 gay and bisexual men - 2000
Kreth KP,Kovar KA, Schwab M, Zanger UM - Identification of the Human Cytochromes P450 Involved in the Oxidative Metabolism of 'Ecstasy'-Related Designer Drugs - 2000
Kuhn DM, Geddes TJ - Molecular footprints of Neurotoxic Amphetamine Action - 2000
Lee GS, Taylor RC, Dawson M, Kannangara GS, Wilson MA - High-resolution solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine hydrochloride and related compounds and their mixtures with lactose [In Process Citation] - 2000
Lester SJ, Baggott M, Welm S, Schiller NB, Jones RT, Foster E, Mendelson J - Cardiovascular Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial - 2000
Liechti ME, Vollenweider FX - The Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Citalopram Reduces Acute Cardiovascular and Vegetative Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') in Healthy Volunteers - 2000
Liechti ME, Baumann C, Gamma A, Vollenweider FX - Acute Psychological Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') are Attenuated by the Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Citalopram - 2000
Liechti ME, Saur MR, Gamma A, Hell D, Vollenweider FX - Psychological and Physiological Effects of MDMA ('Ecstasy') after Pretreatment with the 5-HT2 Antagonist Ketanserin in Healthy Humans - 2000
Liechti ME, Vollenweider FX - Acute Psychological and Physiological Effects of MDMA ('Ecstasy') after Haloperidol Pretreatment in Healthy Humans - 2000
Louw DF, Yang FW, Sutherland GR - The effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on forebrain ischemia in rat - 2000
Maldonado E, Navarro JF - Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) on anxiety in mice tested in the light-dark box - 2000
Maurer HH, Bickeboeller-Friedrich J, Kraemer T, Peters FT - Toxicokinetics and Analytical Toxicology of Amphetamine-Derived Designer Drugs ('Ecstasy') - 2000
McCann UD, Eligulashvili V, Ricaurte GA - (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (`Ecstasy')-Induced Serotonin Neurotoxicity: Clinical Studies - 2000
McFee RB, Mofenson HC, Caraccio TR - Dextromethorphan: Another 'Ecstasy'? - 2000
McGuire P - Long term psychiatric and cognitive effects of MDMA use - 2000
Mieczkowski T, Newel R - Statistical examination of hair color as a potential biasing factor in hair analysis - 2000
Morgan MJ - Ecstasy (MDMA): a review of its possible persistent psychological effects - 2000
Morland J - Toxicity of drug abuse--amphetamine designer drugs (ecstasy): mental effects and consequences of single dose use - 2000
Morley KC, McGregor IS - (+/-)-3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') increases social interaction in rats - 2000
Nakahara Y, Hanajiri R - Hair analysis for drugs of abuse XXI. Effect of para-substituents on benzene ring of methamphetamine on drug incorporation into rat hair - 2000
Nicotra AS, Parvez H - Nitric Oxide and Neuronal and Pancreatic Beta Cell Death - 2000
Nixon PJ, Youngson CC, Beese A - Tooth surface loss: does recreational drug use contribute? - 2000
O'Neal C, Crouch DJ, Fatah AA - Validation of twelve chemical spot tests for the , detection of drugs of abuse - 2000
Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Farre M, Pichini S, Di Carlo S, Roset PN, Hernandez Lopez C, Ortuno J, Segura J, Cami J, de la Torre R - Immunomodulating Activity of MDMA - 2000
Parrott AC, Sisk E, Turner JJD - Psychobiological problems in heavy `ecstasy' (MDMA) polydrug users - 2000
Parrott AC - Human research on MDMA (3,4-Methylene-dioxymethamphetamine) neurotoxicity: cognitive and behavioural indices of change - 2000
Ramseier A, Siethoff C, Caslavska J, Thormann W - Confirmation testing of amphetamines and designer drugs in human urine by capillary electrophoresis-ion trap mass spectrometry - 2000
Rella JG, Nelson LS, Hoffman RS - 7 Years of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Toxicity - 2000
Reneman L, Booij J, Schmand B, van den Brink W, Gunning B - Memory disturbances in 'Ecstasy' users are correlated with an altered brain serotonin neurotransmission - 2000
Reneman L, Habraken JBA, Majoie CBL, Booij J, den Heeten GJ - MDMA ('Ecstasy') and Its Association with Cerebrovascular Accidents: Preliminary Findings - 2000
Ricaurte GA, Yuan J, McCann UD - (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (`Ecstasy')-Induced Serotonin Neurotoxicity: Studies in Animals - 2000
Ricaurte GA, McCann UD, Szabo Z, Scheffel U - Toxicodynamics and long-term toxicity of the recreational drug, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') - 2000
Rieder MJ - Some light from the heat: implications of rave parties for clinicians - 2000
Rodgers J - Cognitive Performance Amongst Recreational Users of 'Ecstasy' - 2000
Rohrich J, Zorntlein S, Potsch L, Skopp G, Becker J - Effect of the Shampoo Ultra Clean on Drug Concentrations in Human Hair - 2000
Rothman RB, Partilla JS, Baumann MH, Dersch CM, Carroll FI, Rice KC - Neurochemical neutralization of methamphetamine with high-affinity nonselective inhibitors of biogenic amine transporters: a pharmacological strategy for treating stimulant abuse - 2000
Russell BR, Laverty R - Correlation between 5-HT content and uptake site density following (S)- MDMA and dexfenfluramine-induced depletion, and with neuroprotection by the glycine site-specific NMDA antagonist ACEA 1021 [In Process Citation] - 2000
Samyn N, van Haeren C - On-site testing of saliva and sweat with Drugwipe and determination of concentrations of drugs of abuse in saliva, plasma and urine of suspected users - 2000
Schatz DS, Kaufmann WA, Schuligoi R, Humpel C, Saria A - 3,4-Methylenedioxymetamphetamine (ecstasy) induces c-fos-like protein and mRNA in rat organotypic dorsal striatal slices - 2000
Schifano F - Potential Human Neurotoxicity of MDMA (`Ecstasy'): Subjective Self-Reports, Evidence from an Italian Drug Addiction Centre and Clinical Case Studies - 2000
Schreckenberger M, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Sabri O, Arning C, Zimny M, Zeggel T, Wagenknecht G, Kaiser HJ, Sass H, Buell U - "Ecstasy"-induced changes of cerebral glucose metabolism and their correlation to acute psychopathology. An 18-FDG PET study - 2000
Schroeder B, Brieden S - Bilateral sixth nerve palsy associated with MDMA ('ecstasy') abuse - 2000
Shannon M - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') [In Process Citation] - 2000
Sharma R, Nelson LS - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) induced hyponatremia - 2000
Shewan D, Dalgarno P, Reith G - Perceived risk and risk reduction among ecstasy users; the role of drug, set and setting - 2000
Shirayama Y, Hashimoto K, Iyo M, Watanabe K, Higuchi T, Minabe Y - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy)-Induced egr-1 mRNA in Rat Brain: Pharmacological Manipulation [In Process Citation] - 2000
Slotkin TA, Seidler FJ, Ali SF - Cellular determinants of reduced adaptability of the aging brain: neurotransmitter utilization and cell signaling responses after MDMA lesions - 2000
Smart RG, Ogborne AC - Drug use and drinking among students in 36 countries [In Process Citation] - 2000
Tagliaro F, Valentini R, Manetto G, Crivellente F, Carli G, Marigo M - Hair analysis by using radioimmunoassay, high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis to investigate chronic exposure to heroin, cocaine and/or ecstasy in applicants for driving licences - 2000
Tuchtenhagen F, Daumann J, Norra C, Gobbelй R, Becker S, Pelz S, Sass H, Buchner H, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E - High Intensity Dependence of Auditory Evoked Dipole Source Activity Indicates Decreased Serotonergic Activity in Abstinent Ecstasy (MDMA) Users - 2000
Turner JJD, Parrott AC - 'Is MDMA a Human Neurotoxin?': Diverse Views from the Discussants - 2000
Uhl M - Tandem mass spectrometry: a helpful tool in hair analysis for the forensic expert - 2000
van Aerts LAGJM, Malleret M, Rigter H - N-methyl-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine (MBDB): its properties and possible risks - 2000
van Dyck CH, Malison RT, Seibyl JP, Laruelle M, Klumpp H, Zoghbi SS, Baldwin RM, Innis RB - Age-related decline in central serotonin transporter availability with [ 123 I] b-CIT SPECT - 2000
Vollenweider FX, Gucker P, Schonbachler R, Kamber E, Vollenweider-Scherpenhuyzen MFI, Schubiger G, Hell D - Effects of MDMA on 5-HT Uptake Sites Using PET and [11C]-McN5652 in Humans - 2000
Waldo CR, McFarland W, Katz MH, MacKellar D, Valleroy LA - Very young gay and bisexual men are at risk for HIV infection: the San Francisco Bay Area Young Men's Survey II - 2000
Wareing M, Fisk JE, Murphy PN - Working Memory Deficits in Current and Previous Users of MDMA - 2000
Weinmann W, Renz M, Vogt S, Pollak S - Automated solid-phase extraction and two-step derivatisation for simultaneous analysis of basic illicit drugs in serum by GC/MS [In Process Citation] - 2000
Weir E - Raves: a review of the culture, the drugs and the prevention of harm - 2000
Winstock AR, Griffiths P, Stewart D - Drugs and the dance music scene: a survey of current drug use patterns among a sample of dance music enthusiasts in the UK - 2000
Wright JD, Pearl L - Experience and knowledge of young people regarding illicit drug use, 1969-99 - 2000
Zenenberg R, Goldfarb DS - Evaluation of hyponatremia associated with the use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) - 2000
Alper KR - Ibogaine: a review. - 2001
Clauwaert KM, Van Bocxlaer JF, De Leenheer AP - Stability study of the designer drugs "MDA, MDMA and MDEA" in water, serum, whole blood, and urine under various storage temperatures. - 2001
Di Marzo, Vincenzo - The Endocannabinoid System: Can It Contribute to Cannabis Therapeutics - 2001
Gettman, Jon - Cannabis and the U.S. Controlled Substances Act - 2001
Gold MS, Tabrah H, Frost-Pineda K - Psychopharmacology of MDMA (Ecstasy) - 2001
Golub A, Johnson BD, Sifaneck, S J, Chesluk B, Parker H - Is the U.S. Experiencing an Incipient Epidemic of Hallucinogen Use? - 2001
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E - Differential actions of an entactogen compared to a stimulant - 2001
Hollister, Leo E. - Marijuana (Cannabis) as Medicine - 2001
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Krupitsky EM, Burakov AM, Romanov TN, Grinenko AY, Strassman RJ - Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KPT) of Heroin Addiction: Immediate Effects and Six Months Follow-Up - 2001
Lozano, Indalecio - The Therapeutic Use of Cannabis sativa (L.) in Arabic Medicine - 2001
McPartland, John M. - Cannabis and Eicosanoids: A Review of Molecular Pharmacology - 2001
Nichols CD, Sanders-Bush E - Serotonin Receptor Signaling and Hallucinogenic Drug Action - 2001
Nichols DE - LSD and Its Lysergamide Cousins - 2001
O'Loinsigh ED, Boland G, Kelly JP, O'Boyle KM - Behavioural, Hyperthermic and Neurotoxic Effects of 3,4- - 2001
Perrine DM - Visions in the Night: Western medicine meets peyote (1887-1899) - 2001
Russo, Ethan - An Editorial Introduction - 2001
Russo, Ethan - Cognoscenti of Cannabis I: Jacques-Joseph Moreau (1804-1884) - 2001
Russo, Ethan - The Science of Marijuana, by Leslie L. Iversen [review] - 2001
Russo, Ethan - Hashish!, by Robert Connell Clarke [review] - 2001
Vollenweider FX, Geyer M, Greer G - Acute Psychological and Neurophysiological Effects - 2001
Zhao H, Brenneisen R, Scholer A, McNally AJ, ElSohly MA, Murphy TP, Salamone SJ - Profiles of Urine Samples Taken from Ecstasy Users at Rave Parties: Analysis by Immunoassays, HPLC, and GC-MS - 2001
Acquas E, Marrocu P, Pisanu A, Cadoni C, Zernig G, Saria A, Di Chiara G - Intravenous administration of ecstasy (3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine) enhances cortical and striatal acetylcholine release in vivo - 2001
Aghajanian, George K.; Liebermann, Jeffrey A. - Response [Caveat Emptor: Editors Beware] - 2001
Al-Sahli W, Ahmad H, Kheradmand F, Connolly C, Docherty JR - Effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine on noradrenaline-evoked contractions of rat right ventricle and small mesenteric artery - 2001
Baggott M, Jerome L, Stuart R - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): A Review of the English-Language Scientific and Medical Literature - 2001
Bai F, Jones DC, Lau SS, Monks TJ - Serotonergic Neurotoxicity of 3,4-(+/-)-Methylenedioxyamphetamine and 3,4-(+/-)-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) Is Potentiated by Inhibition of y-Glutamyl Transpeptidase - 2001
Bankson MB, Cunningham KA - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) as a Unique Model of Serotonin Receptor Function and Serotonin-Dopamine Interactions - 2001
Bhattachary, Sarajane; Powell, Jane H. - Recreational Use of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or 'Ecstasy': Evidence for Cognitive Impairment - 2001
Biello, SM, Dafters, RI - MDMA and fenfluramine alter the response of the circadian clock to a serotonin agonist in vitro - 2001
Boyer E, Quang L, Woolf A, Shannon M, Magnani B - Dextromethorphan and Ecstasy Pills - 2001
Boys A, Marsden J, Strang J - Understanding Reasons for Drug Use Amongst Young People: A Functional Perspective - 2001
Braff, DL, Geyer, MA and Swerdlow, NR - Human studies of prepulse inhibition of startle: normal subjects, patient groups, and pharmacological studies - 2001
Broening HW, Morford LL, Inman-Wood SL, Fukumura M, Vorhees CV - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy)-Induced Learning and Memory Impairments Depend on the Age of Exposure during - 2001
Buchert R, Obrocki J, Thomasius R, Vaterlein O, Petersen K, Jenicke L, Bohuslavizki KH, Clausen M - Long-term effects of 'ecstasy' abuse on the human brain studied by FDG PET - 2001
Bunzow JR, Sonders MS, Arttamangkul S, Harrison LM, Zhang G, Quigley DI, Darland T, Suchland KL,. Pasumamula S, Kennedy JL, Olson SB, Magenis RE, Amara SG, Grandy DK - Amphetamine, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, and Metabolites of the Catecholamine Neurotransmitters are Agonists of a Rat Trace Amine Receptor - 2001
Callahan BT, Cord BJ, Ricaurte GA - Long-Term Impairment of Anterograde Axonal Transport Along Fiber Projections Originating in the Rostral Raphe Nuclei After Treatment With Fenfluramine or Methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 2001
Cannon DM, Keenan AK, Guiry PJ, Buon C, Baird AW, McBean GJ - In vitro neuronal and vascular responses to 5-HT in rats chronically exposed to MDMA - 2001
Carvalho M, Carvalho F, Bastos ML - Is Hyperthermia the Triggering Factor for the Hepatoxicity Induced by 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) ? An in vitro Study Using Freshly Isolated Mouse Hepatocytes - 2001
Colado MI, O'Shea E, Esteban B, Green AR - Studies on the neuroprotective effect of the enantiomers of AR-A008055, a compound structurally related to clomethiazole, on MDMA ('ecstasy')-induced neurodegeneration in rat brain. - 2001
Colado MI, Camarero J, Mechan AO, Sanchez V, Esteban B, Elliott JM, Green AR - A study of the mechanisms involved in the neurotoxic action of 3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') on dopamine neurones in mouse brain - 2001
Colfax GN, Mansergh G, Guzman R, Vittinghoff E, Marks G, Rader M, Buchbinder S - Drug use and sexual risk behavior among gay and bisexual men who attend circuit parties: a venue-based comparison - 2001
Connor TJ, Dennedy MC, Harkin A, Kelly JP - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Suppression of Interleukin-1beta and Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha is not Mediated by Serotonin - 2001
Connor TJ, Connelly DB, Kelly JP - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') Suppresses Antigen-specific IgG2a and IFN-Gamma Production - 2001
Cottler LB, Womack SB, Compton WM, Ben-Abdallah A - Ecstasy Abuse and Dependence Among Adolescents and Young Adults: Applicability and Reliability of DSM-IV Criteria - 2001
Croft, RJ, Klugman, A, Baldeweg, T, and Gruzelier, JH - Electrophysiological evidence of serotonergic impairment in lonf-term MDMA ('ecstasy') users - 2001
Croft RC, Macay AJ, Mills ATD, Gruzelier JGH - The relative contributions of ecstasy and cannabis to cognitive impairment - 2001
Daumann J, Pelz S, Becker S, Tuchtenhagen F, Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E - Psychological profile of abstinent recreational Ecstasy (MDMA) users and significance of concomitant cannabis use - 2001
Dughiero G, Schifano F, Forza G - Personality dimensions and psychopathological profiles of Ecstasy users - 2001
Esteban B, O'Shea E, Camarero J, Sanchez V, Green AR, Colado MI - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine induces monoamine release, but not toxicity, when administered centrally at a concentration occurring following a peripherally injected neurotoxic dose - 2001
Fletcher PJ, Robinson SR, Slippoy DL - Pre-Exposure to (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Facilitates Acquisition of Intravenous Cocaine Self-Administration in Rats - 2001
Fornai F, Giorgi FS, Gesi M, Chen K, Alessandri MG, Shih JC - Biochemical Effects of the Monoamine Neurotoxins DSP-4 and MDMA in Specific Brain Regions of MAO-B-Deficient Mice - 2001
Forsling, M, Fallon, JK, Kicman, AT, Hutt, AJ, Cowan, DA, Henry, JA - Arginine Vasopressin Release in Response to the Administration of 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy'): Is Metabolism a Contributory Factor? - 2001
Fox HC, Toplis AS, Turner JJD, Parrott AC - Auditory Verbal Learning in Drug-Free Ecstasy Polydrug Users - 2001
Fox HC, Parrott AC, Turner JJD - Ecstasy Use: Cognitive Deficits Related to Dosage Rather than Self-Reported Problematic Use of the Drug - 2001
Frei E, Gamma A, Pascual-Marqui R, Lehmann D, Hell D, Vollenweider FX - Localization of MDMA-Induced Brain Activity in Healthy Volunteers Using Low Resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) - 2001
Gamma A, Buck A, Berthold T, Vollenweider FX - No Difference in Brain Activation During Cognitive Performance Between Ecstasy (MDMA) Users and Controls: A [H2(15)O]-PET Study - 2001
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Ampollini R, Giusti F, Delsignore R, Raggi MA, Laviola G, Macchia T, Brambilla F - Experimentally induced aggressive behavior in subjects with 3,4- methylenedioxy-methamphetamine ('Ecstasy') use history: psychobiological correlat - 2001
Gervin M, Hughes R, Bamford L, Smyth BP, Keenan E - Heroin smoking by 'chasing the dragon' in young opiate users in Ireland: stability and associations with use to 'come down' off 'Ecstasy' - 2001
Hansen D, Maycock B, Lower T - 'Weddings, Parties, Anything…', A Qualitative Analysis of Ecstasy Use in Perth, Western Australia - 2001
Heffernan TM, Jarvis H, Rodgers J , Scholey AB, Ling J - Prospective memory, everyday cognitive failure and central executive function in recreational users of Ecstasy - 2001
Ho E, Karimi-Tabesh L, Koren G - Characteristics of pregnant women who use Ecstasy (3, 4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine) - 2001
Hong SS - Discriminative stimulus properties of alpha-ethyltryptamine optical isomers - 2001
Jones GRN - Causes of Alzheimer’s disease: paracetamol (acetaminophen) today? Amphetamines tomorrow? - 2001
Kalant, H - The pharmacology and toxicology of 'ecstasy' (MDMA) and related drugs - 2001
Kavanagh P, Dunne J, Feely J, Maguire R, Corrigan D, Keating JJ, Meegan MJ, Clancy JM, Burdett J - Phenylalkylamine abuse among opiate addicts attending a methadone treatment programme in the Republic of Ireland - 2001
Krupitsky EM, Burakov AM, Romanova TN, Grinenko NI, Grinenko AY, Fletcher J, Petrakis IL, Krystal JH - Attenuation of ketamine effects by nimodipine pretreatment in recovering ethanol dependent men: psychopharmacologic implications of the interaction of NMDA and L-type calcium channel antagonists - 2001
Liechti ME, Gamma A, Vollenweider FX - Gender Differences in the Subjective Effects of MDMA - 2001
Liechti ME, Geyer MA, Hell D, Vollenweider FX - Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Prepulse Inhibition and Habituation of Startle in Humans after Pretreatment with Citalopram, Haloperidol, or Ketanserin - 2001
Liechti ME, Vollenweider FX - Which Neuroreceptors Mediate the Subjective Effects of MDMA in Humans? A Summary of Mechanistic Studies - 2001
Logan BK, Couper FJ - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and driving impairment - 2001
MacInnes, N, Handley, SL and Harding, GFA - Former chronic methylenedioxymethamphetamine (mdma or ecstasy) users report mild depressive symptoms - 2001
Maldonado E, Navarro JF - Mdma (‘ecstasy’) exhibits an anxiogenic-like activity in social encounters between male mice - 2001
Mamamoorthy Y, Tyndale R, Sellers EM - Cytochrome P450 2D6.1 and cytochrome P450 2D6.10 differ in catalytic activity for multiple substrates - 2001
Mattison, AM, Ross, MW, Wolfson, T, Franklin, D - Circuit party attendance, club drug use, and unsafe sex in gay men - 2001
Mayerhofer A, Kovar KA, Schmidt WJ - Changes in serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline levels in striatum and nucleus accumbens after repeated administration of the abused drug MDMA in rats - 2001
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Caveat Emptor: Editors Beware - 2001
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA, Molliver MD - 'Ecstasy' and Serotonin Neurotoxicity: New Findings Raise More Questions - 2001
McDaid J, Docherty JR - Vascular actions of MDMA involve alpha(1) and alpha(2)-adrenoceptors in the anaesthetized rat - 2001
McElrath K, McEvoy K. - Fact, fiction, and function: mythmaking and the social construction of ecstasy use - 2001
Mechan AO, O'Shea E, Elliott JM, Colado MI, Green AR - A neurotoxic dose of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; ecstasy) to rats results in a long term defect in thermoregulation - 2001
Mendelson J - Dextromethorphan and Ecstasy Pills (reply) - 2001
Morley KC, Gallate JE, Hunt GE, Mallet PE, McGregor IS - Increased anxiety and impaired memory in rats 3 months after administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') - 2001
Mortensen OV, Kristensen AS, Wiborg O - Species-scanning mutagenesis of the serotonin transporter reveals residues essential in selective, high-affinity recognition of antidepressants - 2001
Navarro M, Pichini S, Farre M, Ortuno J, Roset PN, Segura J, de la Torre R - Usefulness of Saliva for Measurement of 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and Its Metabolites: Correlation with Plasma Drug Concentrations and Effect of Salivary pH - 2001
Nixdorf WL, Burrows KB, Gudelsky GA, Yamamoto BK - Enhancement of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine neurotoxicity by the energy inhibitor malonate - 2001
Obergriesser T, Ende G, Braus DF, Henn FA - Hippocampal [1H]-MRSI in Ecstasy Users - 2001
O'Shea E, Esteban B, Camarero J, Green AR, Colabo MI - Effect of GBR 12909 and fluoxetine on the acute and long term changes induced by MDMA ('ecstasy') on the 5-HT and dopamine concentrations in mouse brain - 2001
Pacifici R, Zuccaro P, Lopez CH, Pichini S, di Carlo S, Farre M, Roset PN, Ortuno J, Segura J, de la Torre R - Acute Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Alone and in Combination with Ethanol on the Immune System in Humans - 2001
Pacifici R, Zuccaro P,. Farre M, Pichini S, Di Carlo S, Roset PN, Ortuno J, Pujadas M, Bacosi A, Menoyo E, Segura J, de la Torre R - Effects of Repeated Doses of MDMA ('Ecstasy') on Cell-Mediated Immune Response in Humans - 2001
Parrott AC - Human psychopharmacology of ecstasy; A review of 15 years of empirical research - 2001
Parrott AC, Milani RM, Parmar R, Turner JD - Recreational ecstasy/MDMA and other drug users from the UK and Italy: psychiatric symptoms and psychobiological problems - 2001
Pedersen NP, Blessing WW - Cutaneous Vasoconstriction Contributes to Hyperthermia Induced by 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) in Conscious Rabbits - 2001
Pentney AR - An exploration of the history and controversies surrounding MDMA and MDA - 2001
Pham JV, Puzantian T - Ecstasy: Dangers and controversies - 2001
Pope, HG Jr., Ionescu-Pioggia, M, and Pope, KW - Drug use and life style among college undergraduates: a 30-year longitudinal study - 2001
Rajamani K, Leong S, Lavelle A, Docherty JR - Prejunctional actions of methylenedioxymethamphetamine in vas deferens from wild-type and a(2A/D)-adrenoceptor knockout mice - 2001
Ramamoorthy Y, Tyndale RF, Sellers EM - Cytochrome P450 2D6.1 and cytochrome P450 2D6.10 differ in catalytic activity for multiple substrates - 2001
Rangisetty JB, Bondarev ML, Chang-Fong J, Young R, Glennon RA - PMMA-stimulus generalization to the optical isomers of MBDB and 3,4-DMA - 2001
Ratzenboeck E, Saria A, Kriechbaum N, Zernig G - Reinforcing Effects of MDMA ('Ecstasy') in Drug-Naive and Cocaine-Trained Rats - 2001
Reneman L, Majoie CB, Habraken JB, den Heeten GJ - Effects of Ecstasy (MDMA) on the Brain in Abstinent Users: Initial Observations with Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging - 2001
Reneman L, Lavalaye J, Schmand B, de Wolff FA, van den Brink W, den Heeten GJ, Booij J - Cortical Serotonin Transporter Density and Verbal Memory in Individuals Who Stopped Using 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or 'Ecstasy'): Preliminary Findings - 2001
Reneman L, Majoie CBLM, Schmand B, van den Brink W, den Heeten GJ - Pre-Frontal N-Acetylaspartate is Strongly Associated with Memory Performance in (Abstinent) Ecstasy Users: Preliminary Report - 2001
Reneman L, Booij J, de Bruin K, Reitsma JB, de Wolff FA, Gunning WB, den Heeten GJ, van den Brink W - Effects of Dose, Sex and Long-Term Abstention from Use on Toxic Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Brain Serotonin Neurons - 2001
Reneman L, Booij J, Majoie CBLM, van den Brink,W, den Heeten GJ - Investigating the Potential Neurotoxicity of Ecstasy (MDMA): an Imaging Approach - 2001
Riba J, Rodriguez-Fornells A, Urbano G, Morte A, Antonijoan R, Montero M, Callaway JC, Barbanoj MJ - Subjective effects and tolerability of the South American psychoactive beverage Ayahuasca in healthy volunteers - 2001
Ricaurte GA, McCann UD - Assessing Long-Term Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) - 2001
Riley SCE, James C, Gregory D, Dingle H, Cadger M - Patterns of recreational drug use at dance events in Edinburgh, Scotland - 2001
Rodgers J, Buchanan T, Scholey AB, Heffernan, TM, Ling J, Parrott A - Differential effects of Ecstasy and cannabis on self-reports of memory ability: a web-based study - 2001
Rogers, RD & Robbins, TW - Investigating the neurocognitive deficits associated with chronic drug misuse - 2001
Rothman RB, Baumann MH, Dersch CM, Romero DV, Rice KC, Carroll FI, Partilla JS - Amphetamine-Type Central Nervous System Stimulants Release Norepinephrine More Potently Than They Release Dopamine and Serotonin - 2001
Russell BR, Laverty R - The effect of (R)-HA966 or ACEA 1021 on dexfenfluramine or (S)-MDMA-induced changes in temperature, activity, and neurotoxicity - 2001
Sanchez V, Camarero J, Esteban B, Peter MJ, Green AR, Colado MI - The mechanisms involved in the long-lasting neuroprotective effect of fluoxetine against MDMA ('ecstasy')-induced degeneration of 5-HT nerve endings in rat brain - 2001
Segura M, Ortuno J, Farre M, McLure JA, Pujadas M, Pizarro N, Llebaria A Juglar, J, Roset PN, Segura J, de la Torre R - 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine (HHMA). A Major in Vivo 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Metabolite in Humans - 2001
Shankaran M, Yamamoto BK, Gudelsky GA - Ascorbic Acid Prevents 3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Induced Hydroxyl Radical Formation and the Behavioral and Neurochemical Consequences of the Depletion of Brain 5-HT - 2001
Siliquini R, Faggiano F, Geninatti S, Versino E, Mitola B, Ippolito R - Patterns of drug use among young men in Piedmont (Italy) - 2001
Soar K, Turner JJD, Parrott AC - Psychiatric disorders in Ecstasy (MDMA) users: a literature review focusing on personal predisposition and drug history - 2001
Spitzer M, Franke B, Walter H, Buechler J, Wunderlich AP, Schwab M, Kovar KA, Hermle L, Grön G - Enantio-selective cognitive and brain activation effects of N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine in humans - 2001
Taffe MA, Weed MR, Davis S, Huitron-Resendiz S, Schroeder R, Parsons LH, Henriksen SJ, Gold LH - Functional Consequences of Repeated (+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Treatment in Rhesus Monkeys - 2001
Tancer, ME, Johanson, C-E - The Subjective Effects of MDMA and mCPP in Moderate MDMA Users - 2001
Taylor JR, Jentsch D - Repeated intermittent administration of psychomotor stimulant drugs alters the acquisition of Pavlovian approach behavior in rats: differential effects of cocaine, d-amphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') - 2001
Tossmann P, Boldt S, Tensil MD - The use of drugs within the techno party scene in European metropolitan cities. - 2001
Vaiva G, Boss V, Bailly D, Thomas P, Lestavel P, Goudemand M - An 'Accidental' Acute Psychosis with Ecstasy Use - 2001
van der Stelt M, Veldhuis WB, Bar PR, Veldink GA, Vliegenthart JF, Nicolay K - Neuroprotection by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main active compound in marijuana, against ouabain-induced in vivo excitotoxicity - 2001
Vastag B - Ecstasy experts want realistic messages - 2001
Verkes RJ, Gijsman HJ, Pieters MSM, Schoemaker RC, de Visser S, Kuijpers M, Pennings EJM, de Bruin D, Van de Wijngaart G, Van Gerven JMA, Cohen AF - Cognitive Performance and Serotonergic Function in Users of Ecstasy - 2001
Vollenweider FX, Jones RT, Baggott MJ - Caveat Emptor: Editors Beware (reply) - 2001
Wallace TL, Gudelsky GA, Vorhees CV - Alterations in diurnal and nocturnal locomotor activity in rats treated with a monoamine-depleting regimen of methamphetamine or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 2001
Zakzanis KK, Young DA - Memory Impairment in Abstinent MDMA (“Ecstasy”) Users: A Longitudinal Investigation - 2001
Zakzanis K, Young DA - Executive Function in Abstinent MDMA ('Ecstasy') Users - 2001
Zemishlany Z, Aizenberg D, Weizman A - Subjective effects of MDMA ('Ecstasy') on human sexual function - 2001
Cody JT, Valtier S - Differentiation of the 2,3-Methylenedioxy Regioisomer of 3,4-MDMA (ecstasy) by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry - 2002
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF - Methodological problems with Ecstasy and the SCL-90 - Jul 2002
Cole JC, Sumnall HR - The BDI of the Beholder - Mar 2002
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF - What is a Dose of Ecstasy? - Jun 2002
Hasler F, Bourquin D, Brenneisen R, Vollenweider FX - Renal excretion profiles of psilocin following oral administration of psilocybin: a controlled study in man. - 2002
Landry MJ - MDMA: a review of epidemiologic data. - 2002
MacInnes N, Handley SL, Harding GF - The BDI of the beholder: an eye to experimental design. - 2002 Sep
Nichols DE, Frescas S, Marona-Lewicka D, Kurrasch-Orbaugh DM - Lysergamides of isomeric 2,4-dimethylazetidines map the binding orientation of the diethylamide moiety in the potent hallucinogenic agent N,N-diethyllysergamide (LSD). - 2002
O'Shea E, Easton N, Fry JR, Green AR, Marsden CA - Protection Against 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine-Induced Neurodegeneration Produced by Glutathione Depletion in Rats is Mediated by Attenuation of Hyperthermia - 2002
Passie T, Seifert J, Schneider U, Emrich HM - The pharmacology of psilocybin. - 2002
Umbricht D, Vollenweider FX, Schmid L, Grubel C, Skrabo A, Huber T, Koller R - Effects of the 5-HT(2A) Agonist Psilocybin on Mismatch Negativity Generation and AX-Continuous Performance Task: Implications for the Neuropharmacology of Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia - 2002
Umbricht D, Koller R, Vollenweider FX, Schmid L - Mismatch negativity predicts psychotic experiences induced by NMDA receptor antagonist in healthy volunteers. - 2002
Arnold DH - Consultation with the specialist: the central serotonin syndrome: paradigm for psychotherapeutic misadventure - 2002
Arria AM, Yacoubian GS, Fost E, Wish ED - Ecstasy Use Among Club Rave Attendees - 2002
Badaoui R, El Kettani C, Fikri M, Ouendo M, Canova-Bartoli P, Ossart M - Spontaneous cervical and mediastinal air emphysema after ecstasy abuse - 2002
Badon LA, Hicks A, Lord K, Ogden BA, Meleg-Smith S, Varner KJ - Changes in Cardiovascular Responsiveness and Cardiotoxicity Elicited during Binge Administration of Ecstasy - 2002
Baggott, Matthew J. - Preventing Problems in Ecstasy Users; Reduce Use to Reduce Harm - 2002
Bankson MG, Cunningham KA - Pharmacological Studies of the Acute Effects of (+)-3,4- Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Locomotor Activity. Role of 5- HT(1B/1D) and 5-HT(2) Receptors - 2002
Bellis MA, Hughes K, Lowey H - Healthy Nightclubs and Recreational Substance Use. From a Harm Minimisation to a Healthy Settings Approach - 2002
Boatto G, Faedda MV, Pau A, Asproni B, Menconi S, Cerri R - Determination of amphetamines in human whole blood by capillary electrophoresis with photodiode array detection - 2002
Bobes J, Saiz PA, Gonzalez MP, Bascaran MT, Bousono M, Ricaurte GA, McCann UD - Use of MDMA and Other Illicit Drugs by Young Adult Males in Northern Spain. A Five-Year Study - 2002
Boire RG - What should the public be told about the risks of Ecstasy? (2) - 2002
Boot BP, Mechan AO, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - MDMA- and p-Chlorophenylalanine-Induced Reduction in 5-HT Concentrations: Effects on Serotonin Transporter Densities - 2002
Braida D, Pozzi M, Cavallini R, Sala M - 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) impairs eight-arm radial maze performance and arm entry pattern in rats - 2002
Braida D, Sala M - Role of the endocannabinoid system in MDMA intracerebral self- administration in rats - 2002
Brecht M-L, von Mayrhauser C - Differences between ecstasy-using and non-using methamphetamine users - 2002
Butcher J - MDMA research leaves ravers far from ecstatic - 2002
Caballero F, Lopez-Navidad A, Cotorruelo J, Txoperena G - Ecstasy-Induced Brain Death and Acute Hepatocellular Failure: Multiorgan Donor and Liver Transplantation - 2002
Camarero J, Sanchez V, O'Shea E, Green AR, Colado MI - Studies, using in vivo microdialysis, on the effect of the dopamine uptake inhibitor GBR 12909 on 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy')-induced dopamine release and free radical formation in the mouse striatum - 2002
Carvalho M, Carvalho F, Remiao F, de Lourdes Pereira M, Pires-Das-Neves R, de Lourdes Bastos M - Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') on Body Temperature and Liver Antioxidant Status in Mice: Influence of Ambient Temperature - 2002
Carvalho M, Hawksworth G, Milhazes N, Borges F, Monks TJ, Fernandes E, Carvalho F, Bastos ML - Role of Metabolites in MDMA (Ecstasy)-Induced Nephrotoxicity: An in vitro Study Using Rat and Human Renal Proximal Tubular Cells - 2002
Cherney DZ, Davids MR, Halperin ML - Acute hyponatraemia and 'ecstasy': insights from a quantitative and integrative analysis - 2002
Cleary L, Buber R, Docherty JR - Effects of Amphetamine Derivatives and Cathinone on Noradrenaline-Evoked Contractions of Rat Right Ventricle - 2002
Colbron S, Jones M, Biello SM - MDMA alters the response of the circadian clock to a photic and non-photic stimulus - 2002
Cole J, Sumnall H, Grob C - Sorted: Ecstasy facts and fiction - 2002
Cole J, Sumnall H, Grob C - Where are the casualties? - 2002
Cole JC, Bailey M, Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF, King LA - The Content of Ecstasy Tablets: Implications for the Study of Their Long-Term Effects - 2002
Croft RJ - 'Danger' remains best message - 2002
Crouch DJ, Hersch RK, Cook RF, Frank JF, Walsh JM - A field evaluation of five on-site drug-testing devices - 2002
Darvesh AS, Shankaran M, Gudelsky GA - 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine produces glycogenolysis and increases the extracellular concentration of glucose in the rat brain - 2002
De Letter EA, Clauwaert KM, Lambert WE, Van Bocxlaer JF, De Leenheer AP, Piette MHA - CASE REPORT: Distribution Study of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and 3,4-Methylenedioxy-amphetamine in a Fatal Overdose - 2002
De Letter EA, Belpaire FM, Clauwaert KM, Lambert WE, Van Bocxlaer JF, Piette MH - Post-mortem redistribution of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') in the rabbitPart II: post-mortem infusion in trachea or stomach - 2002
De Letter EA, Clauwaert KM, Belpaire FM, Lambert WE, Van Bocxlaer JF, Piette MH - Post-mortem redistribution of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') in the rabbitPart I: experimental approach after in vivo intravenous infusion - 2002
Ellison G - Neural degeneration following chronic stimulant abuse reveals a weak link in brain, fasciculus retroflexus, implying the loss of forebrain control circuitry - 2002
Falk EM, Cook VJ, Nichols DE, Sprague JE - An antisense oligonucleotide targeted at MAO-B attenuates rat striatal serotonergic neurotoxicity induced by MDMA - 2002
Fallon JK, Shah D, Kicman AT, Hutt AJ, Henry JA, Cowan DA, Forsling M. - Action of MDMA (Ecstasy) and Its Metabolites on Arginine Vasopressin Release - Jun 2002
Fang C, Chung YL, Liu JT, Lin CH - Rapid analysis of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: a comparison of nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis/fluorescence detection with GC/MS - 2002
Fantegrossi WE, Ullrich T, Rice KC, Woods JH, Winger G - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') and its Stereoisomers as Reinforcers in Rhesus Monkeys: Serotonergic Involvement - 2002
Fernandez F, Aguerre S, MormA?de P, Chaouloff F - Influences of the Corticotropic Axis and Sympathetic Activity on Neurochemical Consequences of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Administration in Fischer 344 Rats. - 2002
Fletcher PJ, Korth KM, Robinson SR,. Baker GB - Multiple 5-HT receptors are involved in the effects of acute MDMA treatment: studies on locomotor activity and responding for conditioned reinforcement - 2002
Fone KF, Beckett SG, Topham IA, Swettenham J, Ball M, Maddocks L - Long-term changes in social interaction and reward following repeated MDMA administration to adolescent rats without accompanying serotonergic neurotoxicity - 2002
Fornai F, Gesi M, Lenzi P, Ferrucci M, Pellegrini A, Ruggieri S, Casini A, Paparelli A - Striatal postsynaptic ultrastructural alterations following methylenedioxymethamphetamine administration - 2002
Forsling ML, Fallon JK Shah D, Tilbrook GS, Cowan DA, Kicman AT, Hutt AJ - The Effect of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, Ecstasy) and its Metabolites on Neurohypophysial Hormone Release from the iIolated Rat Hypothalamus - 2002
Fox HC, McLean A, Turner JJD, Parrott AC, Rogers R, Sahakian BJ - Neuropsychological Evidence of a Relatively Selective Profile of Temporal Dysfunction in Drug-Free MDMA ('Ecstasy') Polydrug Users - 2002
Freese T, Miotto K, Reback C - The Effects and Consequences of Selected Club Drugs - 2002
Gentili S, Torresi A, Marsili R, Chiarotti M, Macchia T - Simultaneous detection of amphetamine-like drugs with headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - 2002
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Moi G, Giusti F, Gardini S, Delsignore R, Laviola G, Macchia T, Brambilla F - Effects of (+/-) 3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) on dopamine system function in humans - 2002
Gesi M, Lenzi P, Soldani P, Ferrucci M, Giusiani A, Fornai F, Paparelli A - Morphological effects in the mouse myocardium after methylenedioxymethamphetamine administration combined with loud noise exposure - 2002
Gesi M, Soldani P, Lenzi P, Ferrucci M, Giusiani A, Fornai F, Paparelli . - Ecstasy during Loud Noise Exposure Induces Dramatic Ultrastructural Changes in the Heart - 2002
Gijsman HJ, Van Gerven JM, Verkes RJ, Schoemaker RC, Pieters MS, Pennings EJ, Hessing TJ, Cohen AF - Saccadic peak velocity and EEG as end-points for a serotonergic challenge test - 2002
Gilhooly TC, Daly AK - CYP2D6 deficiency, a factor in ecstasy related deaths? - 2002
Gill JR, Hayes JA, deSouza IS, Marker E, Stajic M - Ecstasy (MDMA) deaths in New York City: a case series and review of the literature - 2002
Glennon RA, Young R, Rangisetty JB - Further characterization of the stimulus properties of 5,6,7,8- tetrahydro-1,3-dioxolo[4,5-g]isoquinoline - 2002
Gobbi M, Moia M, Pirona L, Ceglia I, Reyes-Parada M, Scorza C, Mennini T - p-Methylthioamphetamine and 1-(m-chlorophenyl)piperazine, two non-neurotoxic 5-HT releasers in vivo, differ from neurotoxic amphetamine derivatives in their mode of action at 5-HT nerve endings in vitro - 2002
Goodwin AK, Baker LE - An Analysis of the Utility of Differential Outcome Procedures in Drug Discrimination Research - 2002
Gough B, Imam SZ, Blough B, Slikker W Jr, Ali SF - Comparative effects of substituted amphetamines (PMA, MDMA, and METH) on monoamines in rat caudate: a microdialysis study - 2002
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Becker S, Pelz S, Tuchtenhagen F, Daumann J - Neuroendocrine abnormalities in recreational ecstasy (MDMA) users: is it ecstasy or cannabis? - 2002
Gouzoulis-Mayfrank E, Thelen B, Maier S, Heekeren K, Kovar KA, Sass H, Spitzer M - Effects of the hallucinogen psilocybin on covert orienting of visual attention in humans - 2002
Green AR, McGregor IS - On the anxiogenic and anxiolytic nature of long-term cerebral 5-HT depletion following MDMA - 2002
Gross SR, Barrett SP, Shestowsky JS, Pihl RO - Ecstasy and drug consumption patterns: a Canadian rave population study - 2002
Gudelsky GA, Yamamoto BK - Neuropharmacology and neurotoxicity of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 2002
Gurtman CG, Morley KC, Li KM, Hunt GE, McGregor IS - Increased anxiety in rats after 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: association with serotonin depletion - 2002
Hansen JP, Riddle EL, Sandoval V, Brown JM, Gibb JW, Hanson GR, Fleckenstein AE - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine decreases plasmalemmal and vesicular dopamine transport: mechanisms and implications for neurotoxicity - 2002
Harris DS, Baggott M, Mendelson J, Mendelson JE, Jones RT - Subjective and Hormonal Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in Humans - 2002
Hartung TK, Schofield E, Short AI, Parr MJ, Henry JA - Hyponatraemic states following 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') ingestion - 2002
Hatzidimitriou G, Tsai EH McCann U D, Ricaurte GA - Altered Prolactin Response to m-Chlorophenylpiperazine in Monkeys Previously Treated with 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or Fenfluramine - 2002
Hayner, GN - MDMA misrepresentation: An unresolved problem for ecstasy users - 2002
Heffernan TM, Ling J, Scholey AB - Subjective ratings of prospective memory deficits in MDMA ('ecstasy') users - 2002
Hernandez-Lopez C, Farre M, Roset PN, Menoyo E, Pizarro N, Ortuno J, Torrens M, Cami J, de La Torre R - 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy) and Alcohol Interactions in Humans: Psychomotor Performance, Subjective Effects, and Pharmacokinetics - 2002
Hess D, DeBoer S - Ecstasy: This designer drug is increasing in popularity and may be coming soon to an ED near you - 2002
Holden C - Drug Find Could Give Ravers the Jitters - 2002
Indig D, Thackway S, Jorm L, Salmon A, Owen T - Illicit drug-related harm during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: implications for public health surveillance and action - 2002
Iwata YT, Garcia A, Kanamori T, Inoue H, Kishi T, Lurie IS - The Use of a Highly Sulfated Cyclodextrin for the Simultaneous Chiral Separation of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants by Capillary Electrophoresis - 2002
Jiang XR, Dryhurst G - Inhibition of the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes by a putative aberrant metabolite of serotonin, tryptamine-4,5-dione - 2002
Johnson EA, Shvedova AA, Kisin E, O'Callaghan JP, Kommineni C, Miller DB, - d-MDMA During Vitamin E Deficiency: Effects on Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity and Hepatotoxicity - 2002
Johnson EA, O'Callaghan JP, Miller DB. - Chronic Treatment with Supraphysiological Levels of Corticosterone Enhances D-MDMA-Induced Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity in the C57BL/6J Female Mouse - 2002
Kanthasamy A, Sprague J, Shotwell J, Nichols D - Unilateral infusion of a dopamine transporter antisense into the substantia nigra protects against MDMA-induced serotonergic deficits in the ipsilateral striatum - 2002
Kelly PA, Ritchie IM, Quate L, McBean DE, Olverman HJ - Functional Consequences of Perinatal Exposure to 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in Rat Brain - 2002
Kish SJ - How strong is the evidence that brain serotonin neurons are damaged in human users of ecstasy? - 2002
Klitzman RL, Greenberg JD, Pollack LM, Dolezal C - MDMA ('ecstasy') use, and its association with high risk behaviors, mental health, and other factors among gay/bisexual men in New York City - 2002
Koesters SC, Rogers PD, Rajasingham CR - MDMA ('ecstasy') and other 'club drugs'. The new epidemic - 2002
Kraemer T, Maurer HH - Toxicokinetics of amphetamines: metabolism and toxicokinetic data of designer drugs, amphetamine, methamphetamine, and their N-alkyl derivatives - 2002
Kupiec T, DeCicco L, Spiehler V, Sneed G, Kemp P - Choice of an ELISA assay for screening postmortem blood for amphetamine and/or methamphetamine - 2002
Lange-Brock N, Berg T, Muller AR, Fliege H, Neuhaus P, Wiedenmann B, Klapp BF, Monnikes H - Akutes Leberversagen nach dem Konsum von Ecstasy (MDMA) [Acute Liver ailure Following the Use of Ecstasy (MDMA)] - 2002
Leshner AI - What should the public be told about the risks of Ecstasy? - 2002
Lieb R, Schuetz, CG, Pfister H, von Sydow K, Wittchen H-U - Mental Disorders in Ecstasy Users; A Prospective-Longitudinal Investigation - 2002
Masi G, Mucci M, Floriani C - Acute catatonia after a single dose of ecstasy - 2002
Matuszewich L, Filon ME, Finn DA, Yamamoto BK - Altered forebrain neurotransmitter responses to immobilization stress following 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine - 2002
McElrath K, McEvoy K - Negative experiences on ecstasy: The role of drug, set and setting - 2002
Mechan A, Moran PM, Elliott JM, Young AMJ, Joseph MH, Green AR - A Study of the Effect of a Single Neurotoxic Dose of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') on the Subsequent Long-Term Behavior in the Plus Maze and Open Field - 2002
Mechan AO, Esteban B, O'Shea E, Elliott JM, Colado MI, Green AR - The pharmacology of the acute hyperthermic response that follows administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy') to rats - 2002
Meyer JS, Ali SF - Serotonergic Neurotoxicity of MDMA (Ecstasy) in the Developing Rat Brain - 2002
Meyer A, Mayerhofer A, Kovar K, Schmidt W - Rewarding Effects of the Optical Isomers of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine ('Ecstasy') and 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine ('Eve') Measured by Conditioned Place Preference in Rats - 2002
Meyer A, Mayerhofer A, Kovar K, Schmidt W - Enantioselective Metabolism of the Designer Drugs 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('Ecstasy') and 3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine ('Eve') Isomers in Rat Brain and Blood - 2002
Moeller MR, Kraemer T - Drugs of abuse monitoring in blood for control of driving under the influence of drugs - 2002
Ramaekers JG, Kuypers KP, Wingen M, Heinecke A, Formisano E - Involvement of Inferior Parietal Lobules in Prospective Memory Impairment during Acute MDMA (Ecstasy) Intoxication: An Event-Related fMRI Study. - 2008
Reissig CJ, Eckler JR, Rabin RA, Rice KC, Winter JC - The stimulus effects of 8-OH-DPAT: Evidence for a 5-HT(2A) receptor-mediated component. - 2008 Jan
Reissig CJ, Rabin RA, Winter JC, Dlugos CA - d-LSD-induced c-Fos expression occurs in a population of oligodendrocytes in rat prefrontal cortex. - 2008
Renoir T, Paizanis E, Yacoubi ME, Saurini F, Hanoun N, Melfort M, Lesch KP, Hamon M, Lanfumey L - Differential long-term effects of MDMA on the serotoninergic system and hippocampal cell proliferation in 5-HTT knock-out vs. wild-type mice. - 2008 Jul 9
Riegert C, Wedekind F, Hamida SB, Rutz S, Rothmaier AK, Jones BC, Cassel JC, Jackisch R - Effects of ethanol and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) alone or in combination on spontaneous and evoked overflow of dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine in striatal slices of the rat brain. - 2008
Riley SC, Blackman G - Between prohibitions: patterns and meanings of magic mushroom use in the UK. - 2008
Rusyniak DE, Ootsuka Y, Blessing WW - When administered to rats in a cold environment, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine reduces brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and increases tail blood flow: Effects of pretreatment with 5-HT(1A) and dopamine D(2) antagonists. - 2008 May 2
Schilt T, Win MM, Jager G, Koeter MW, Ramsey NF, Schmand B, van den Brink W - Specific effects of ecstasy and other illicit drugs on cognition in poly-substance users. - 2008
Schilt, T, de Win, MM, Koeter M, Jager G, Korf D, van den Brink W, Schmand B - Reply - 2008
Schilt T, Goudriaan AE, Koeter MW, van den Brink W, Schmand B - Decision making as a predictor of first ecstasy use: a prospective study. - 2009
Skelton MR, Williams MT, Vorhees CV - Developmental effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine: a review. - 2008 Mar
Soar K, Parrott A, Turner J - Attributions for psychobiological changes in ecstasy/MDMA and other polydrug users. - 2008
Starr MA, Page ME, Waterhouse BD - MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)-mediated distortion of somatosensory signal transmission and neurotransmitter efflux in the ventral posterior medial thalamus. - 2008
Verrico CD, Lynch L, Fahey MA, Fryer AK, Miller GM, Madras BK - MDMA-Induced Impairment in Primates: Antagonism by a Selective Norepinephrine or Serotonin, But Not by a Dopamine/Norepinephrine Transport Inhibitor - Feb 28, 2008
Wackermann J, Wittmann M, Hasler F, Vollenweider FX - Effects of varied doses of psilocybin on time interval reproduction in human subjects. - 2008
Young R, Glennon RA - MDMA (N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine) and its stereoisomers: Similarities and differences in behavioral effects in an automated activity apparatus in mice. - 2008
Yu B, Becnel J, Zerfaoui M, Rohatgi R, Boulares AH, Nichols CD - Serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine(2A) receptor activation suppresses tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced inflammation with extraordinary potency. - 2008
de Sola Llopis S, Miguelez-Pan M, Pena-Casanova J, Poudevida S, Farre M, Pacifici R, Bohm P, Abanades S, Garcia AV, Zuccaro P, de la Torre R - Cognitive performance in recreational ecstasy polydrug users: a two-year follow-up study. - 2008 Jan 21
de Win MM, Jager G, Booij J, Reneman L, Schilt T, Lavini C, Olabarriaga SD, den Heeten GJ, van den Brink W - Sustained effects of ecstasy on the human brain: a prospective neuroimaging study in novel users. - 2008
de Win MM, Jager G, Booij J, Reneman L, Schilt T, Lavini C, Olabarriaga SD, Ramsey NF, Heeten GJ, van den Brink W - Neurotoxic effects of ecstasy on the thalamus. - 2008 Oct
Biezonski DK, Courtemanche AB, Hong SB, Piper BJ, Meyer JS - Repeated adolescent MDMA ("Ecstasy") exposure in rats increases behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to a 5-HT2A/2C agonist. - 2009
Boland B, Mitcheson L, Wolff K - Lhermitte's sign, Electric shock sensations and high dose ecstasy consumption: preliminary findings. - 2009
Carhart-Harris RL, Nutt DJ, Munafo MR, Christmas DM, Wilson SJ - Equivalent effects of acute tryptophan depletion on REM sleep in ecstasy users and controls. - 2009
Cowan RL, Joers JM, Dietrich MS - N-acetylaspartate (NAA) correlates inversely with cannabis use in a frontal language processing region of neocortex in MDMA (Ecstasy) polydrug users: A 3 T magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. - 2009
Dumont GJ, Sweep FC, van der Steen R, Hermsen R, Donders AR, Touw DJ, van Gerven JM, Buitelaar JK, Verkes RJ - Increased oxytocin concentrations and prosocial feelings in humans after ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) administration. - 2009
McCann UD, Wilson MJ, Sgambati FP, Ricaurte GA - Sleep deprivation differentially impairs cognitive performance in abstinent methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy") users. - 2009
Piper BJ, Farelli JD, Meyer JS - Dissociation between serotonin neurotoxicity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor induction following neonatal MDMA exposure in rats. - 2009
Pirona A, Morgan M - An investigation of the subacute effects of ecstasy on neuropsychological performance, sleep and mood in regular ecstasy users. - 2010
Randall S, Johanson CE, Tancer M, Roehrs T - Effects of acute 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on sleep and daytime sleepiness in MDMA users: a preliminary study. - 2009
Rogers G, Elston J, Garside R, Roome C, Taylor R, Younger P, Zawada A, Somerville M - The harmful health effects of recreational ecstasy: a systematic review of observational evidence. - 2009 Jan
Schilt T, Goudriaan AE, Koeter MW, van den Brink W, Schmand B - Decision making as a predictor of first ecstasy use: a prospective study. - 2009
Schilt T, Koeter MW, de Win MM, Zinkstok JR, van Amelsvoort TA, Schmand B, den Brink W - The effect of Ecstasy on memory is moderated by a functional polymorphism in the cathechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene. - 2009
Selvaraj S, Hoshi R, Bhagwagar Z, Murthy NV, Hinz R, Cowen P, Curran HV, Grasby P - Brain serotonin transporter binding in former users of MDMA ('ecstasy'). - 2009 Apr
Trachsel D, Nichols DE, Kidd S, Hadorn M, Baumberger F - 4-aryl-substituted 2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamines: synthesis and serotonin 5-HT(2A) receptor affinities. - 2009
Vogels N, Brunt TM, Rigter S, van Dijk P, Vervaeke H, Niesink RJ - Content of ecstasy in the Netherlands: 1993-2008. - 2009
Adori C, Ando RD, Ferrington L, Szekeres M, Vas S, Kelly PA, Hunyady L, Bagdy G - Elevated BDNF Protein Level in Cortex But Not in Hippocampus of MDMA-Treated Dark Agouti rats: A Potential Link to the Long-Term Recovery of Serotonergic Axons. - 2010
Angelucci F, Ricci V, Martinotti G, Palladino I, Spalletta G, Caltagirone C, Bria P - Ecstasy (MDMA)-addicted subjects show increased serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, independently from a rise of drug-induced psychotic symptoms. - Jul 2010
Baggott MJ, Siegrist JD, Galloway GP, Robertson LC, Coyle JR, Mendelson JE - Investigating the Mechanisms of Hallucinogen-Induced Visions Using 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA): A Randomized Controlled Trial in Humans - 2010
Bedi G, Redman J - Metamemory in recreational ecstasy polydrug users: what do self-reports of memory failures mean? - 2010
Bedi G, Hyman D, de Wit H - Is ecstasy an "empathogen"? Effects of ±3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on prosocial feelings and identification of emotional States in others. - 2010
Benzenhofer U, Passie T. - Rediscovering MDMA (ecstasy): the role of the American chemist Alexander T. Shulgin. - 2010
Biezonski DK, Meyer JS - Effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on serotonin transporter and vesicular monoamine transporter 2 protein and gene expression in rats: implications for MDMA neurotoxicity. - 2010
Brown J, McKone E, Ward J - Deficits of long-term memory in ecstasy users are related to cognitive complexity of the task. - 2010
Carhart-Harris RL, Williams TM, Sessa B, Tyacke RJ, Rich AS, Feilding A, Nutt DJ - The administration of psilocybin to healthy, hallucinogen-experienced volunteers in a mock-functional magnetic resonance imaging environment: a preliminary investigation of tolerability. - 2010 Apr 15
George J, Kinner SA, Bruno R, Degenhardt L, Dunn M - Contextualising psychological distress among regular ecstasy users: the importance of sociodemographic factors and patterns of drug use. - 2010 May
Grob CS, Danforth AL, Chopra GS, Hagerty M, McKay CR, Halberstadt AL, Greer GR. - Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients With Advanced-Stage Cancer - Sep 6, 2010
Hanson KL, Luciana M - Neurocognitive impairments in MDMA and other drug users: MDMA alone may not be a cognitive risk factor. - 2010 Apr
Hirt D, Fonsart J, Menet MC, Debray M, Noble F, Decleves X, Scherrmann JM - Population pharmacokinetics of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and main metabolites in rats. - 2010 Mar
Hysek CM, Vollenweider FX, Liechti ME - Effects of a {beta}-blocker on the cardiovascular response to MDMA (Ecstasy). - 2010
Johnson, Matthew W.; Maclean, Katherine A.; Reissig, Chad R.; Prisinzano, Thomas E.; Griffiths, Roland R. - Human Psychopharmacology and Dose-Effects of Salvinorin A, a Kappa Opioid Agonist Hallucinogen Present in the Plant Salvia divinorum - Dec 3, 2010
Kometer M, Cahn BR, Andel D, Carter OL, Vollenweider FX. - The 5-HT2A/1A Agonist Psilocybin Disrupts Modal Object Completion Associated with Visual Hallucinations. - 2011
Lansbergen MM, Dumont GJ, van Gerven JM, Buitelaar JK, Verkes RJ - Acute effects of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) on EEG oscillations: alone and in combination with ethanol or THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). - 2010
Marrone GF, Pardo JS, Krauss RM, Hart CL - Amphetamine analogs methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) differentially affect speech. - 2010
Martin-Santos R, Torrens M, Poudevida S, Langohr K, Cuyas E, Pacifici R, Farre M, Pichini S, de la Torre R - 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, mood disorders and MDMA use in a 3-year follow-up study. - 2010
Matthews AJ, Bruno R - An investigation of factors associated with depressive symptoms among a sample of regular ecstasy consumers. - 2010
McClung J, Fantegrossi W, Howell LL - Reinstatement of extinguished amphetamine self-administration by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its enantiomers in rhesus monkeys. - 2010 May
Mendelson JE, Coyle JR, Lopez JC, Baggott MJ, Flower K, Everhart ET, Munro TA, Galloway GP, Cohen BM - Lack of Effect of Sublingual Salvinorin A, A Naturally Occurring Kappa Opioid, in Humans: A Placebo-Controlled Trial - Dec 8, 2010
Mithoefer MC, Wagner MT, Mithoefer AT, Jerome L, Doblin R - The safety and efficacy of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-assisted - 2011
Murnane KS, Fantegrossi WE, Godfrey JR, Banks ML, Howell LL - Endocrine and Neurochemical Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and its jStereoisomers in Rhesus Monkeys. - 2010
Piper BJ, Ali SF, Daniels LG, Meyer JS - Repeated intermittent methylenedioxymethamphetamine exposure protects against the behavioral and neurotoxic, but not hyperthermic, effects of an MDMA binge in adult rats. - 2010
Roberts GM, Garavan H - Evidence of increased activation underlying cognitive control in ecstasy and cannabis users. - 2010
Schifano F, Corkery J, Naidoo V, Oyefeso A, Ghodse H - Overview of Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Mortality Data - UK, 1997-2007. - 2010 Jan 29
Schilt T, Koeter MW, Smal JP, Gouwetor MN, van den Brink W, Schmand B - Long-term neuropsychological effects of ecstasy in middle-aged ecstasy/polydrug users. - 2010
Scott RM, Hides L, Allen JS, Burke R, Lubman DI - Depressive and anxiety symptomatology in ecstasy users: the relative contribution of genes, trauma, life stress and drug use. - 2010
Studerus E, Gamma A, Vollenweider FX. - Psychometric Evaluation of the Altered States of Consciousness Rating Scale (OAV). - 2010
Swartz R - Medical marijuana users in substance abuse treatment. - 2010
Verbaten MD - Deterioration of executive functioning in chronic ecstasy users; evidence for multiple drugs effects. - 2010
Bauernfeind AL, Dietrich MS, Blackford JU, Charboneau EJ, Lillevig JG, Cannistraci CJ, Woodward ND, Cao A, Watkins T, Di Iorio CR, Cascio C, Salomon RM, Cowan RL - Human Ecstasy Use is Associated with Increased Cortical Excitability: An fMRI Study. - 2011
Bosker WM, Kuypers KP, Conen S, Kauert GF, Toennes SW, Skopp G, Ramaekers JG - MDMA (ecstasy) effects on actual driving performance before and after sleep deprivation, as function of dose and concentration in blood and oral fluid. - 2011
Brunt TM, Koeter MW, Niesink RJ, van den Brink W - Linking the pharmacological content of ecstasy tablets to the subjective experiences of drug users. - 2011
Burgess AP, Venables L, Jones H, Edwards R, Parrott AC - Event related potential (ERP) evidence for selective impairment of verbal recollection in abstinent recreational methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("Ecstasy")/polydrug users. - 2011
Corlett PR, Honey GD, Krystal JH, Fletcher PC - Glutamatergic model psychoses: prediction error, learning, and inference. - 2011
Dos Santos RG, Grasa E, Valle M, Ballester MR, Bouso JC, Nomdedeu JF, Homs R, Barbanoj MJ, Riba J - Pharmacology of ayahuasca administered in two repeated doses. - 2011
Dumont G, van Hasselt J, de Kam M, van Gerven J, Touw Dj, Buitelaar J, Verkes R - Acute psychomotor, memory and subjective effects of MDMA and THC co-administration over time in healthy volunteers. - 2011
Erritzoe D, Frokjaer VG, Holst KK, Christoffersen M, Johansen SS, Svarer C, Madsen J, Rasmussen PM, Ramsoy T, Jernigan TL, Knudsen GM - In Vivo Imaging of Cerebral Serotonin Transporter and Serotonin2A Receptor Binding in 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "Ecstasy") and Hallucinogen Users. - 2011
Griffiths RR, Johnson MW, Richards WA, Richards BD, McCann U, Jesse R - Psilocybin occasioned mystical-type experiences: immediate and persisting dose-related effects. - 2011 Jun
Hadjiefthyvoulou F, Fisk JE, Montgomery C, Bridges N - Everyday and prospective memory deficits in ecstasy/polydrug users. - 2011
Huot P, Johnston TH, Lewis KD, Koprich JB, Reyes MG, Fox SH, Piggott MJ, Brotchie JM - Characterization of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Enantiomers In Vitro and in the MPTP-Lesioned Primate: R-MDMA Reduces Severity of Dyskinesia, Whereas S-MDMA Extends Duration of ON-Time. - 2011
Kirkpatrick MG, Gunderson EW, Perez AY, Haney M, Foltin RW, Hart CL - A direct comparison of the behavioral and physiological effects of methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in humans. - 2011
Kometer M, Cahn BR, Andel D, Carter OL, Vollenweider FX. - The 5-HT2A/1A Agonist Psilocybin Disrupts Modal Object Completion Associated with Visual Hallucinations. - 2011
Liao Y, Tang J, Corlett PR, Wang X, Yang M, Chen H, Liu T, Chen X, Hao W, Fletcher PC - Reduced dorsal prefrontal gray matter after chronic ketamine use. - 2011
Light, Donald W.; Warburton, Rebecca - Demythologizing the high costs of pharmaceutical research - 7 Feb 2011
Maclean KA, Johnson MW, Griffiths RR - Mystical Experiences Occasioned by the Hallucinogen Psilocybin Lead to Increases in the Personality Domain of Openness. - 2011
Mithoefer MC, Wagner MT, Mithoefer AT, Jerome L, Doblin R - The safety and efficacy of (+/-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-assisted - 2011
Morgan HL, Turner DC, Corlett PR, Absalom AR, Adapa R, Arana FS, Pigott J, Gardner J, Everitt J, Haggard P, Fletcher PC - Exploring the impact of ketamine on the experience of illusory body ownership. - 2011
Mueller M, Goodwin AK, Ator NA, McCann UD, Ricaurte GA - Metabolism and disposition of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy") in baboons after oral administration: comparison with humans reveals marked differences. - 2011
Parrott AC, Gibbs A, Scholey AB, King R, Owens K, Swann P, Ogden E, Stough C - MDMA and methamphetamine: some paradoxical negative and positive mood changes in an acute dose laboratory study. - 2011
Quednow BB, Kometer M, Geyer MA, Vollenweider FX - Psilocybin-Induced Deficits in Automatic and Controlled Inhibition are Attenuated by Ketanserin in Healthy Human Volunteers. - 2011
Schmidt A, Bachmann R, Kometer M, Csomor PA, Stephan KE, Seifritz E, Vollenweider FX - Mismatch Negativity Encoding of Prediction Errors Predicts S-ketamine-Induced Cognitive Impairments. - 2011 Oct 26
Simmler LD, Hysek CM, Liechti ME - Sex Differences in the Effects of MDMA (Ecstasy) on Plasma Copeptin in Healthy Subjects. - 2011
Slater, Lauren - That Lovin' Feeling - 2011
Stough C, King R, Papafotiou K, Swann P, Ogden E, Wesnes K, Downey LA - The acute effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and d-methamphetamine on human cognitive functioning. - 2011 Oct 22
Wolff K, Tsapakis EM, Pariante CM, Kerwin RW, Forsling ML, Aitchison KJ - Pharmacogenetic studies of change in cortisol on ecstasy (MDMA) consumption. - 2011
Yubero-Lahoz S, Pardo R, Farre M, O'Mahony B, Torrens M, Mustata C, Perez-Mana C, Carbo ML, de la Torre R - Sex Differences in 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy)-Induced Cytochrome P450 2D6 Inhibition in Humans. - 2011 May 1
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