Olu6ka · 10-Фев-11 15:09(14 лет назад, ред. 12-Мар-12 00:21)
Anthony DiLuglio - AOS: Enter the Kettlebell Workbook / Рабочая тетрадьГод выпуска: 2006 Страна: USA Жанр: Фитнес Автор: Anthony DiLuglio ASIN: B001HDVQW0 Язык: Английский Формат: PDF Качество: eBook (изначально компьютерное) Количество страниц: 53Описание: Anthony Diluglio - популяризатор гиревого спорта в США, основатель первого гиревого спортзала. Входил в топ-100 лучших тренеров Америки в 04-05 годах по версии Mens Journal. Данная рабочая тетрадь создана в помощь тем, кто занимается по серии видео The Art of Strength: Providence / Newport / Firepower
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If you own Pavel Tsatsouline's popular kettlebell manifesto Enter the Kettlebell, you will love our "ETK" workbook. It turns the ETK philosophy into a detailed 12 week follow-along training plan. If you've had trouble creating your own ETK training program, this workbook is for you! Download this 56 page eBook and start earning your "Rite of Passage" today! Pavel specializes in teaching breakthrough fitness techniques to elite athletes and people who are naturally motivated. DiLuglio specializes in providing motivating programs based on Pavels principles to get ordinary people started and keep them going. Anthonys typical client needs more structure and follow-along simplicity than provided in Enter the Kettlebell itself. This workbook is divided into 2 main sections: the Program Minimum and the Rite of Passage Each of these is broken down into weekly progressions with a specific checklist of drills for each day. The week starts with a preview and then the follow-along program itself. You should strive to complete the program in its entirety. If you do not complete a week appropriately, simply repeat that week before moving on.