I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - Discography
Страна: USA
Жанр: Experimental, Screamo, Folk
Формат: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 128, 192, VBR kbps
Продолжительность: 1 hour 31 minutes 24 seconds
I Would Set Myself on Fire for You is a screamo band out of Atlanta, Georgia. They consist of Justin (bass, vocals), Lindsey (viola, vocals), Stephen (guitar, vocals) and Paul (drums). They play artistic and dramatic music, the three vocalists often chanting in a round. Paul, their drummer, plays electric noises from a pane...
As of some time in 2007 the band broke up as is reported on their myspace. Resons are unknown.
Lindsey Leigh Harbour - viola & vocals
Paul Myron Hobson - drums & synth
Justin Karl Lane - bass & vocals
Stephen Matthew Newhouse - guitar & vocals
Tyler Dale Walters - synth & vocals
2002 - Orland Fest Demo (128kbps)
1. Track 1 (0:51)
2. I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - Track 2 (8:14)
3. I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - Track 3 (7:03)
4. I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - Track 4 (0:49)
5. I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - Track 5 (9:55)
2003 - Self Titled (192kbps)
1. In and Of Descending Stairs (2:58)
2. Chinese Freeze Tag (8:20)
3. Clayton (4:20)
4. This Is Not Mine (3:14)
5. A Small World (3:42)
6. The First Word That Comes To Mind (7:01)
7. The Universe Had Expanded So Enormously (0:45)
8. We Are In Favor Of Closure (9:58)
2005 - We Are Fucking Monsters (DVDdemo) (VBR1)
1. Summer 2005 Tour (22:40)
here are the order of tracks and where they are
played at..
"song 6"
Berg's House, Cincinatti Ohio, Aug. 13th 2005
"song 9"
Electric Community Center, Kent Ohio, Aug. 12th
"song 10"
1435 Vaugn Street, Atlanta Georgia, Nov. 15th
"song 8"
Adam's House(Holwyn Ave. House), Lexington
Kentucky, Aug. 14th 2005
2006 - Believes In Patterns (VBR2)
1. Twelve (5:33)
2. Let The Jazz Band In (2:11)
3. Six (3:32)
4. Terrible Noise (2:11)
5. Seven (6:49)
6. # (3:12)
7. Three (7:38)
8. So This Is Our Home (3:15)
9. Eight (3:43)
10. Nine (7:09)
11. Country Song (5:53)