[Pluralsight / Nuri Halperin] MongoDB Administration [2015, ENG]

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vjigg · 27-Май-23 11:48 (1 год 8 месяцев назад, ред. 29-Май-23 11:55)

MongoDB Administration
Год выпуска: 2015
Производитель: Pluralsight
Сайт производителя://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/mongodb-administration
Автор: Nuri Halperin
Продолжительность: 7h 20m
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Язык: Английский
    This course will teach you you the essential skills and tools required to manage MongoDB effectively. It covers MongoDB administration tools, syntax, and management principles addressing everything from installation to configuration, backups,...
    Learn how to effectively administer MongoDB in production. This course takes you through the basics and then dives deep into all aspects of managing MongoDB. It covers basics such as installation and configuration. Basic data backup and recovery, importing, and exporting data will be explored. It shows you how to create and manage replica sets - Mongo's mechanism for availability and durability. It will teach you how Mongo scales out using sharding. The course also dives into indexing and performance tuning and what tools and techniques you can use to make your production deployment run smoothly and predictably. We will cover issues of security, hardware selection, and other miscellaneous subjects you may run into during operation. If you are considering - or already are - running MongoDB in production, then this course is for you!

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01. Introduction
    1. About This Course
02. Installation
    01. Version Check
    02. Introduction
    03. Packaged Distributions
    04. Package Content
    05. Linux Service
    06. File System Type
    07. Disable Last Access Time
    08. apt-get Install
    09. apt-get Outcome
    10. Install on Windows
    11. Data Directory
    12. File Permissions
    13. Windows Service
    14. Steps Review
    15. Safe Stop (Linux)
    16. shutdownServer()
    17. Safe Kill
    18. Dangerous Kill
    19. StartStop Windows
    20. Kill Danger (Windows)
    21. Dirty Shutdown Recovery
    22. Shutdown From Shell
    23. Summary
03. Configuration
    01. Introduction
    02. Minimal Configuration
    03. Storage Engines
    04. Journal
    05. Flush Interval
    06. Directory Per DB
    07. IP and Port
    08. HTTP Interface
    09. Upgrading Notes
    10. Summary
04. Query Crash Course
    01. Introduction
    02. Save
    03. Insert
    04. Save Danger
    05. Find
    06. Update
    07. Delete
    08. BSON
    09. ObjectID
    10. Temporal, Ascending
    11. Sort
    12. Limit
    13. Cursor
    14. Summary
05. Data In, Data Out
    01. Introduction
    02. mongodump
    03. simple dump
    04. --oplog
    05. Housekeeping DBs
    06. Credentials
    07. File Access
    08. Deprecated Direct File Access
    09. mongorestore
    10. --drop
    11. Restore Specific Collection
    12. Target DB
    13. --oplogReplay
    14. Practice!
    15. mongoimport
    16. --upsert
    17. --upsertFields
    18. CSV
    19. --fieldFile
    20. mongoexport
    21. Complex Documents
    22. Selective Export
    23. Summary
06. Indexing
    01. Introduction
    02. _id Index
    03. ensureIndex
    04. Nested Documents
    05. explain()
    06. Sort
    07. Multiple Fields
    08. Sorting Direction
    09. Multy-key
    10. Yielding
    11. Covering Index
    12. Sparse Index
    13. Unique
    14. TTL Index
    15. Rebuild & Compact
    16. Good Index
    17. Limitations
    18. Summary
07. Replica Sets
    01. Introduction
    02. Capped Collection
    03. Simple Replica Set
    04. Reconfigure
    05. Runtime Status
    06. Elections
    07. Quorum Tolerance
    08. More Members
    09. Failover
    10. Recovery from No Quorum
    11. Priority
    12. Step Down
    13. Freeze
    14. Hidden
    15. Network Partition
    16. Chaining
    17. Durability
    18. Acknowledged write-concern
    19. Journaled write-concern
    20. Multi-member write-concerns
    21. Timeouts
    22. write-concern Demo
    23. Timeout Demo
    24. Summary
08. Sharding
    01. Introduction
    02. Sharding Concepts
    03. Simplistic Topology
    04. Using a Sharded Cluster
    05. Production Topology
    06. Picking a Shard Key
    07. Shard Key Cardinality
    08. Shard Key Evaluation
    09. Key Choice Conclusion
    10. Tag Aware Theory
    11. Tag Aware Demo
    12. Moving Chunks
    13. Verifying Tag Aware Works
    14. Caveats
    15. Summary
09. Monitoring
    01. Introduction
    02. Log File
    03. Setting Verbosity Configuration
    04. Query Profiler
    05. Querying Slow Queries
    06. mongostat
    07. mongotop
    08. db.stats()
    09. db.serverStatus()
    10. MMS
    11. Summary
10. Security
    01. Introduction
    02. Surface Area
    03. SSL Support
    04. Replica Set with SSL
    05. Data File Protection
    06. Authentication & Authorization
    07. Roles
    08. Creating a User
    09. Logging In
    10. User Authorization Summary
    11. Intra Cluster Authentication
    12. Key Files in a Cluster
    13. Summary
11. Miscellaneous
    01. Introduction
    02. Hardware Choices
    03. CPU
    04. Memory
    05. Disk
    06. Cloud
    07. Storage Engines
    08. wiredTiger
    09. Directory for Indexes
    10. Summary
Файлы примеров: присутствуют
Субтитры: присутствуют
Формат видео: MP4
Видео: H.264/AVC, 1280x720, 16:9, 15fps, 258 kb/s
Аудио: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 83.0 kbit/s, 2 channels
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