[X11] - FTSim+ Soundpack Collection [ENG]

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Стаж: 2 года 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

Meninaz · 18-Июн-22 06:23 (2 года 8 месяцев назад, ред. 18-Июн-22 07:02)

[X11] - Mango Studios FF A350 SoundPack
Год выпуска: 2020
Разработчик: Mango Studios
Издатель: Xlplane Store
Платформа симулятора: X-Plane 11
Тип издания: пиратка
Язык интерфейса: английский
Язык озвучки: английский
Системные требования: X-Plane 11.51 with all payware aircraft
Описание: A Completely new updated sound-pack that features:
Custom sounds for tires on touchdown effects
Custom sounds for hydraulic pump effect
Custom sounds for fuel pump effects
Custom exterior rain effects
Custom fuel truck, and GPU effects
New, custom sounds for APU start/shutdown
New, complete, and custom exterior sounds for the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines, which include:
-New custom, exterior start-up/shut-down sound effects
-New custom, exterior spool-up/spool down sound effects
-New custom, exterior backblast, surround sound, and flyby sound effects
New custom EICAS button, switch, knob, rotary, and handle sound effects
New custom FCU button, switch, and rotary sound effects
New custom OVERHEAD button, button cover, knob, rotary, and switch sound effect
New custom PEDESTAL button, button cover, handle, rotary, switch and throttle sound effect
New custom cockpit system sound effects include:
-Autopilot disengages and engages sound effects
-Complete Cockpit electrical systems, blowers, batteries, and buses.
-Ultra-realistic cockpit wiper system
-Complete EGPWS warnings, including retard callouts, callouts from 2500ft to 10ft, and all those in between.
-Complete Cockpit warnings, which include Autopilot disconnect warnings, triple-click sound effects after autopilot disconnection, seatbelt chimes, no-smoking chimes, and flight attendant chimes.
New Custom, Complete, and ultra-realistic cockpit environment effects which include:
-Cockpit landing gear effects such as gear extension, retraction, touchdown, rolling, and drag sound effects
-Other effects, such as Cockpit Rumble, Cockpit Rain, Cockpit Rotation, Cockpit Wind, Flap Drag, Spoiler Drag, sound effects
New Cabin Effects include:
-New Air conditioning effect
-New Cabin wind effect
-Reworked Fuel pump system effect
-Reworked Hydraulic pump system effect
-New Flap sounds, from start to finish taking off a real A350- 2 individual sounds which vary in pitch for each wing.
New, complete, and custom interior sounds for the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines, which include:
-New custom, interior startup/shutdown sound effects
-New custom, interior spool-up/spool-down sound effects
-New custom, interior backblast, surround sound, and flyby sound effects
Brings an Optional folder, to get rid of the sometimes annoying stock FF A350 cabin sounds!
Custom Mango Studios is, User-Friendly UI that helps you bring some more customization to your sound pack!
Brings installation instructions to make your installation more manageable, and a manual to bring you up to speed on how to customize your volume in the volume menu.
Example Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE8FROJqGTs
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 70

ksacvet777 · 11-Мар-25 11:13 (спустя 2 года 8 месяцев, ред. 11-Мар-25 11:13)

Кто юзал? Почему никто ничего не пишет ?
все звуки пустые. Это шутка такая?
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