AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester -
Started at: четверг, 05. 08. 2021. - 8:43.19
4 files found
1 -===- \\Pc-2\media\WD3TBBAD\Vice Squad - John Peel Session [28th April 1982] (2010) []\01 Humane (BBC John Peel Session 28-04-82).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
2 -===- \\Pc-2\media\WD3TBBAD\Vice Squad - John Peel Session [28th April 1982] (2010) []\02 Propaganda (BBC John Peel Session 28-04-82).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
3 -===- \\Pc-2\media\WD3TBBAD\Vice Squad - John Peel Session [28th April 1982] (2010) []\03 No Right To Reply (BBC John Peel Session 28-04-82).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
4 -===- \\Pc-2\media\WD3TBBAD\Vice Squad - John Peel Session [28th April 1982] (2010) []\04 Sterile (BBC John Peel Session 28-04-82).flac
Extracted successfully
Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100%
Tempfile successfully deleted.
Finished at: четверг, 05. 08. 2021. - 8:44.02 (operation time: 0:00.43)