Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower / Преступное государство: путеводитель по единственной в мире сверхдержаве
Год издания: 2002
Автор: William Blum / Уильям Блум
Жанр или тематика: Политология, история новейшего времени
Издательство: Zed Books, London; Spearhead, South Africa
ISBN: 9781842772218
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Описание: Книга впервые была издана в 2000 году, затем неоднократно переиздавалась. Уильям Блум легко пришёл к названию своей книги: он применил к Америке те же стандарты, которые американцы используют для оценки других стран. Результатом явилась великолепно документированная энциклопедия о злодеяниях, лжи и беспределе, которые лицемерно осуществлялись во имя демократии теми, чья единственная истинная любовь - власть.
William Blum came by his book title easily: He simply tested America by the same standards we use to judge other countries. The result is a bill of wrongs — an especially well-documented encyclopedia of malfeasance, mendacity and mayhem that has been hypocritically carried out in the name of democracy by those whose only true love was power.
Русский перевод книги
Author's Foreword: Concerning September 11, 2001 viii
Introduction 1
Ours and Theirs: Washington's Love/Hate Relationship with Terrorists and Human-Rights Violators
1. Why Do Terrorists Keep Picking on the United States? 29
2. America's Gift to the World — the Afghan Terrorist Alumni 33
3. Assassinations 38
4. Excerpts from US Army and CIA Training Manuals 43
5. Torture 49
6. The Unsavories 58
7. Training New Unsavories 61
8. War Criminals: Theirs and Ours 68
9. Haven for Terrorists 79
10. Supporting Pol Pot 87
United States Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
11. Bombings 92
12. Depleted Uranium 96
13. Cluster Bombs 100
14. United States Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons Abroad 103
15. United States Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons at Home 113
16. Encouragement of the Use of CBW by Other Nations 120
A Rogue State versus the World
17. A Concise History of United States Global Interventions, 1945 to the Present 125
18. Perverting Elections 168
19. Trojan Horse: The National Endowment for Democracy 179
20. The US versus the World at the United Nations 184
21. Eavesdropping on the Planet 200
22. Kidnapping and Looting 210
23. How the CIA Sent Nelson Mandela to Prison for 28 Years 215
24. The CIA and Drugs: Just Say "Why Not?" 218
25. Being the World's Only Superpower Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry 227
26. The United States Invades, Bombs and Kills for It... but Do Americans Really Believe in Free Enterprise? 236
27. A Day in the Life of a Free Country 243
Notes 274
Index 305
About the Author 310