Learn to Cook Series - Donald S. / Дональд С. - Japanese Homestyle Cooking: Quick and Delicious Favorites / Японская кулинария по-домашнему: Очень вкусные избранные блюда быстрого приготовления [2015, PDF, ENG]

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Стаж: 9 лет 8 месяцев

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рекъ имя · 30-Авг-15 16:53 (9 лет 5 месяцев назад)

Japanese Homestyle Cooking: Quick and Delicious Favorites / Японская кулинария по-домашнему: Очень вкусные избранные блюда быстрого приготовления
Год: 2015
Автор: Donald S. / Дональд С.
Издательство: Periplus Editions (HK) ltd.; Spi edition (February 17, 2015)
ISBN: 978-4805313305
Серия: Learn to Cook Series
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 96
Описание: "Японская кулинария по-домашнему: Очень вкусные избранные блюда быстрого приготовления" Сьюзи Дональд (издание на английском языке).
Enjoy fresh and delicious Japanese meals with the ease of cooking in your own kitchen!
Few home cooks prepare the dishes typically served in restaurants, and nowhere is that more true than in Japan. Fortunately, Japanese Homestyle Cooking introduces Western taste buds to the flavorful, delicious, and easy-to-prepare foods that Japanese home cooks make every day for family and friends.
Readers will delight in this easy-to-follow Japanese cookbook's step-by-step recipes—including how to use a rice cooker—and their families will love trying tasty new dishes such as sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, and teppanyaki. Many home style Japanese dishes are meat-free and instead feature seafood or tofu along with a wide variety of vegetables, making them perfect for vegetarians. Accessible and simple to master, the over 80 recipes in Japanese Homestyle Cooking are as authentic as they are delicious.
This selection of delicious Japanese recipes that are easy to prepare at home, and light and healthy too! Cooking Japanese cuisine will be even easier with this book, full of clear, step-by-step instructions for family favorites including Green Tea Ice-cream, sukiyaki , shabu-shabu and teppanyaki. With a selection of recipes using tofu, and a wide variety of vegetables, this Japanese cooking book is also a great addition to a vegetarian's repertoire. From seafood dishes to using a rice cooker, Japanese Homestyle Cooking will bring a wonderful depth of flavor and many tasty new foods to your table.
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Стаж: 13 лет 1 месяц

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Дягиlionceau · 30-Авг-15 16:59 (спустя 6 мин.)

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