LaReine Chabut - Core Strength For Dummies / Ларейн Шабут - Сильные корсетные мышцы для "чайников" [2008, PDF, ENG]

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Olu6ka · 08-Сен-14 23:25 (10 лет 5 месяцев назад)

LaReine Chabut - Core Strength For Dummies
[font="Georgia@]Год издания: 2008
Автор: LaReine Chabut / Ларейн Шабут
Жанр: фитнес
Издательство: For Dummies; 1 edition
ISBN-10: 0470417773
ISBN-13: 978-0470417775
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Количество страниц: 364
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)

Описание: Core Strength For Dummies - набор упражнений и рекомендаций, которые помогут вам проработать корсетные мышцы, стабилизирующие позвоночник и удерживающие внутренние органы в правильном положении. Методики самые различные - от привычных для всех кранчей до упражнений по системе пилатес и йога. Каким бы не был на сегодняшний день ваш фитнес-уровень, вы найдете для себя подходящие вариации и скомплектуете свою индивидуальную тренировку. Даны рекомендации и варианты работы с мячом, гантелями, стулом. Упражнения - для всей семьи - мамы, папы, деток и даже для молодых мамочек с малышами (вместе - веселей!).
Образцы страниц
Описание на английском языке
Core Strength For Dummies explores a number of workouts designed to work the different core muscles that stabilize the spine and pelvis and run the entire length of the torso. It also provides information on all of the tools and guidance needed to reach a desired fitness goal.
Shape and condition your core muscles — and get a lean, flexible body
Concerned about your core? This authoritative guide presents simple guidelines for strengthening your core muscles, providing a variety of safe, effective workouts that anyone can perform. Fitness expert LaReine Chabut gets you going with an easy-to-follow core training program, as well as tips for making healthier lifestyle choices to help you reach your fitness goals.
Learn the core basics — discover the benefits of a strong core, evaluate your fitness level, and see how to reshape your muscles
You can work it out — practice beginner core moves, choose the right amount of weight, and select the perfect number of sets and reps
Sculpt your trouble areas — define your abs, tighten your glutes, and strengthen your back
Make the most of accessories — incorporate an exercise ball, free weights, and machines into your routine
Shake up your routine — try Pilates and yoga moves as well as fun, practical stretches to keep you strong and flexible
Make it a family affair — get core moves for pregnant women, Mommy and Me moves, fun exercises for younger and older children, and recommendations for seniors
Open the book and find:
The best ways to train your core
Tips for working out safely
Guidelines for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels
How to warm up and cool down
LaReine Chabut's "Core Secrets" workout
Dietary and lifestyle changes that improve core strength
Motivation and support for sticking with your program
A total body workout focusing on your core
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