Peter Mayle, Gerard Auzet - Confessions of a French Baker / Откровения французского пекаря [2005, EPUB, ENG]

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Confessions of a French Baker
Год: 2005
Автор: Peter Mayle
Издательство: KNOPF
ISBN: 978-0-307-49456-6
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 77
This petit but useful compendium contains centuries-old Provençal lessons in bread making as relayed to Francophile foodie and memoirist Mayle (A Year in Provence, etc.) by Auzet, an award-winning baker from Cavaillon, Provence. The collaboration between author and baker yields a mix of regional history, first-person essay and a portrait of a family boulangerie through the generations. The modest Auzet boils down his expertise to a few secrets: among them are that the exact combined temperature of the water, flour and kitchen air should be 56°C, and that a good kitchen scale is imperative. Traditional recipes for baguettes, batards and boules are simple, though, as with any bread made by hand, quite time consuming. To keep second-guessing to a minimum, Auzet offers helpful tips for testing both the dough's gluten and the bread's doneness. He also explains how these basic formulas can be amped up with a number of French flavors: olives, thyme, saffron, apricots, nuts and garlic. Additional chapters concern making breads with wine, olive oil and sweet yeast. For true authenticity, a suggested list of wine pairing is included at the end. Throughout, Auzet's suggestions are spot-on, making his "confessions" an invaluable contribution to aspiring boulangers and bread-lovers.
Хлебопечение в провансальском стиле. Секреты, советы и рецепты.
Примеры страниц
The Birth of a Loaf
Flour in the Blood
The Breads, the Recipes, the Tricks of the Trade
Bread According to Gerard Auzet
Essential Items for the Advanced Baker
Traditional Bread Dough (Baguettes, Boules, etBatards)
Breads Made with Wine
Breads Made with Olive Oil
Sweet Yeast Breads
Bread and Wine
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