International Cuisine: China
Год: 2004
Автор: Christine Yau, Norman Fu
Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 0 340 81118 8
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 208
De-mystify the key principles of Chinese cookery and create your own exciting array of authentic dishes with "International Cuisine: China". Written by two highly regarded experts with a comprehensive knowledge both of the cuisine and its many applications, this book provides in-depth coverage of the key regional influences and essential techniques of Chinese cookery. It is packed with a wide range of dishes, promising a mouth-watering blend of traditional ingredients. From soups and starters to impressive main courses, many of the recipes are accompanied by stunning full colour photographs, as well as clear illustrations of key methods and the use of unique cooking utensils. "International Cuisine: China" is an accessible and innovative step-by-step guide to Chinese cookery, and will prove the ideal kitchen companion for students, professionals and enthusiasts alike.
Китайская кухня - основные принципы организации процесса, ключевая утварь и классические рецепты.
Foreword v
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction vii
1 Equipment and Techniques Used in a Chinese Kitchen 1
General equipment 1
General techniques 8
The Wok 12
2 Basic Ingredients in a Chinese Kitchen 21
3 Vegetables 27
4 Marinating Meat, Poultry, Fish and Seafood 37
Potato starch in marinades 38
Bicarbonate of soda in marinades 39
5 Creating an Authentic Chinese Dish 41
Appearance 41
Aroma 42
Taste and texture 42
6 Stocks and Soups 45
7 Basic Preparations 53
8 Sauces and Marinades 59
9 Cold Dishes 69
10 Roasting and Baking 73
11 Steamed Dishes 77
12 Deep-fried Dishes 99
13 Stir-fried Dishes 121
14 Braised Dishes 149
15 Rice Dishes 159
16 Noodles 169
Metric Equivalents 179
Index 181