Maya Angelou - Great Food, All Day Long: Cook Splendidly, Eat Smart / Хорошая пища весь день: Готовим великолепно, едим разумно [2010, EPUB, ENG]

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Great Food, All Day Long: Cook Splendidly, Eat Smart
Год: 2010
Автор: Maya Angelou
Издательство: Random House
ISBN: 978-0-679-60437-2
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Now in her 80s, writer Angelou, a food lover who has struggled with weight and health concerns, learned the value of portion control. In this cookbook, she recommends eating great food (no calorie counting) in small portions all day long. Her recipes come from childhood and from her travels and include reworked concoctions influenced and inspired by other cookbooks she loves. Angelou breaks the rules of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with recipes for meals to eat any time of the day. The emphasis is on food so flavorful that whenever it is eaten, it is savored and so satisfying that small portions are enough. Among the recipes for creamy pork hash, chicken tetrazzini, Swedish hash, and oxtail stew are recollections from her life and commentary on acquired tastes and eating beyond physical fullness. In addition to the meat dishes are sections for vegetarians and recipes for soups and desserts. Gorgeous illustrations and extended commentary add to the appeal of this book.
Книга "правильных" рецептов. следуя которым, можно, по мнению автора, не разбивать питание на стандартные 3-4 приема пищи.
Примеры страниц
A Brand-New Look at Old Leftovers
Crown Roast of Pork
Creamy Pork Hash
Pork Tacos
Pork Fried Rice
Prime Rib—The Dinner That Never Stops Giving
Open-Faced Sliced Beef Sandwiches
Roast Beef Hash
Beef and Vegetable Soup
Roasted Chicken
Chicken Tetrazzini
Chicken Curry
Palate Appeteasers
Chili Guy
Santa Fe Chili with Meat
Red Chile Sauce
Spicy Barbecued Spareribs
Is Variety Fine Cuisine?
Mixed London Grill
Shepherd’s Pie
Original Joe’s Sausage, Eggs, and Greens
Pytt I Panna (Swedish Hash)
Meat Loaf
Sweet-and-Sour Meatballs
Waking Up Taste Buds
Eggplant Parmesan
Braised Lamb with White Beans
Club Steaks with Parsley Butter
Oxtail Stew
Scallops of Turkey Breast
Cabbage Rolls with Sauerkraut and Pork
Filling and Fulfilling
Pork Pie
Mixed-Up Tamale Pie
Veal Chops Supreme
Pollo in Salsa
Puchero and Corn Bread
Pinto Beans
Cooking Vegetarian with Courage I
Omelet with Spinach
Baked Eggs
Thousand Island Eggs
Pink Beans
Southern-Style Green Beans
California Green Chile and Cheese Pie
Corn Pudding
Cooking Vegetarian with Courage II
Crudités with Vinaigrette
Pressed Leek, Asparagus, and Zucchini Terrine with Mustard-Lemon Dressing
Broccoli Piquant
Roasted Vegetables
Brussels Sprouts and Mushrooms
Orange-Stuffed Squash
Sweet Potatoes McMillan
A Pint of Soup
Black Bean Soup
Chicken Soup
Pumpkin Soup I
Pumpkin Soup II
Consommé Double
Our Daily Bread
Buttermilk Biscuits
Orange Nut Bread
Corn Sticks
Orange Syrup for Waffles, Pancakes, or Toast
All Day and All Night Corn Bread
Lettuce Praise Salads
Warm Garden Salad
Cold Potato Salad
Chicken-and-Pineapple Salad
Fruit Mélange
Corn Salad
Chicken-and-Peaches Salad
Sweet Endings
Crème Caramel
Pears in Port Wine
Party Hearty
About the Author
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