Dick Logue - 500 low-sodium recipes / 500 низкосолевых рецептов [2007, EPUB, ENG]

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500 low-sodium recipes
Год: 2007
Автор: Dick Logue
Издательство: Fair Winds Press
ISBN: 978-1-61058-085-4
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Every recipe you need if you want to cut out salt!
Sixty-five million Americans have high blood pressure and 5 million suffer from congestive heart failure. When their doctors advise them to watch their weight and lower their sodium intake, they imagine a lifetime of repeatedly bland and unappetizing meals. Their anxieties about their health are compounded by the notion that eating will no longer be fun and enjoyable. This book will assure them otherwise. Packed with 500 recipes (both classic and daring), 500 No-Salt, Low-Sodium Recipes beats back the boredom and allows people with high blood pressure, heart, kidney, or liver disease to maintain a diverse and exciting low-sodium diet.
500 No-Salt, Low-Sodium Recipes features simple recipes with nutritional breakdowns and useful tips for a low-sodium lifestyle, including what food items to avoid for their hidden sodium content, plus information about convenient and tasty low-sodium substitutes and where to find them.
500 рецептов для бессолевых диет. Отказ от соли еще не значит, что пища совсем утратит вкус и аромат!
Примеры страниц
Table of Contents
Introduction Help, I’m Supposed To Be on a Low Sodium Diet
Chapter 1 All About Low Sodium Ingredients
Chapter 2 Spice Blends and Seasonings
Chapter 3 Condiments and Sauces
Chapter 4 Basic Ingredients (Can’t Find It? Make It!)
Chapter 5 Appetizers, Snacks, and Party Foods
Chapter 6 Breakfast
Chapter 7 Chicken and Turkey
Chapter 8 Beef
Chapter 9 Pork and Lamb
Chapter 10 Fish and Seafood
Chapter 11 Soups, Stews, and Chilis
Chapter 12 Salads and Salad Dressings
Chapter 13 Potatoes, Pasta, and Rice
Chapter 14 Side Dishes
Chapter 15 Italian
Chapter 16 Mexican, Latin American, and Caribbean
Chapter 17 Asian
Chapter 18 Cajun and Creole
Chapter 19 Quick Breads
Chapter 20 Yeast Breads
Chapter 21 Desserts, Sweets, and Drinks
Chapter 22 Cooking Terms, Weights and Measurements, and Gadgets
About the Author
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