Vikram Vij, Meeru Dhalwala - Vij's: Elegant and Inspired Indian Cuisine / Элегантная и вдохновенная индийская кухня [2006, PDF, ENG]

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Vij's: Elegant and Inspired Indian Cuisine
Год: 2006
Автор: Vikram Vij, Meeru Dhalwala
Издательство: Douglas & McIntyre
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 192
At Vij's, one of North America’s most innovative Indian restaurants, owner Vikram Vij and his wife Meeru use the freshest local ingredients and original ideas to create exciting new takes on the cuisines of India. Though far from traditional, the dishes remain true to one glorious hallmark of Indian cooking: fabulous spicing. Among the luscious offerings included here are yogurt and tamarind marinated grilled chicken, seared venison medallions with fig and roasted pomegranate khoa, and marinated lamb popsicles in fenugreek curry. Vegetarian selections abound, with dishes like portobello mushrooms in porcini cream curry, coconut curried vegetables, and jackfruit with cayenne and black cardamom. Recipes for naan, chapattis, raiti, and other sides, staples, vegetables, and desserts allow readers to prepare an Indian feast from beginning to end. As beautiful and sumptuous as the recipes it contains, Vij's is a delicious manifesto for a new style of Indian cooking.
Рецепты индийской кухни от шефа известного канадского ресторана Vij's.
Примеры страниц
Preface 1
introduction to the recipes 5
s eCt i o n 1 : i n t h e i n d i a n K i tChen
indian Cuisine and Cooking 10
Basics 25
s eCt i o n 2 : o n t h e ta B L e
appetizers and salads 41
Meat 69
Poultry 91
fish and seafood 107
Vegetables 125
sides 155
desserts and drinks 183
Metric Conversion Chart 197
acknowledgements 198
index 201
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