Susie Middleton - Fast, Fresh & Green / Быстрые свежие и зеленые (веганские) рецепты [2010, EPUB, ENG]

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Fast, Fresh & Green
Год: 2010
Автор: Susie Middleton
Издательство: Chronicle Books
ISBN: 978-1-4521-0015-9
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 374
Not all these recipes are fast, nor do they all feature green veggies (nor are they consciously ecofocused). The subtitle explains it better: this rainbow of appealing recipes is for those who adore vegetable dishes and want more than an afterthought chapter dedicated to them. Middleton, a former editor-at-large for Fine Cooking magazine, divides recipes by cooking style, instructing readers in braising, hands-on sautéing, stir-frying, grilling, and more. She offers dishes—braised fingerlings with rosemary and mellow garlic; sautéed carrots with warm olive and mint dressing; stir-fried swiss chard with pine nuts and balsamic butter; and grill-roasted bell peppers with goat cheese and cherry tomato dressing—with layers of complexity that heighten but don't overwhelm the flavors of the intended stars, the vegetables. And she employs interesting contrasts—savory and sweet, for example—in recipes such as vanilla and cardamom glazed acorn squash rings; roasted turnips and pears with rosemary-honey drizzle; and gingery sweet potato and apple sauté with toasted almonds that are likely to tempt even the vegetable-averse. Fink's photos—mostly of green veggies, perhaps in a nod to the misnomer title—show lima beans and peas as mouth-watering, decadent treats.
Около сотни веганских рецептов и полезные советы о правильном подходе к технике приготовления.
Примеры страниц
Getting into the Zone
Part I: Prep
Chapter 1: The Pantry: Get Personal—Stock up with Your Favorite Flavors
Chapter 2: The Vegetables: From the Grocery Cart to the Fridge to the Stove—Shopping, Storing, and Cooking Your Vegetables
Part II: Cook
Chapter 3: Quick-Roasting
Chapter 4: Quick-Braising
Chapter 5: Hands-On Sautéing
Chapter 6: Walk-Away Sautéing
Chapter 7: Two-Stepping
Chapter 8: No Cooking
Chapter 9: Stir-Frying
Chapter 10: Grilling
Chapter 11: Baking Gratins (Bonus Chapter—Slower but Worth It)
Acknowledgments of Kindness, Grace, Time, and Patience
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