An Everything series - Rhonda Lauret Parkinson - The everything college cookbook / Студенческая поваренная книга [2005, EPUB, ENG]

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The everything college cookbook: 300 Hassle-Free Recipes For Students On The Go
Год: 2005
Автор: Rhonda Lauret Parkinson
Издательство: Adams Media
ISBN: 978-1-60550-434-6
Серия: An Everything series
Язык: Английский
Формат: ePub
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Количество страниц: 622
Even college students need to eat. How else do you expect to stay energized for early-morning classes and late-night study sessions? With The Everything College Cookbook as your guide, you can jumpstart your meal plan in minutes. Whether you're cooking for one or multitudes with a hot plate, studio stove, or microwave, you'll find everything you need to create fantastic meals that won't take tons of your time. Packed with ideas for tasty snacks, easy-to-make lunches and dinners, and delicious desserts, The Everything College Cookbook will help you eat smart, from the proverbial good breakfast to midnight munchies-but that's not nearly all. You'll also learn how to prepare: Microwaveable meals, such as Easy Onion Soup au Gratin for One and Baked Potatoes Stress-free dinners, such as Simple Beef Stir-Fry and Gourmet Chili Easy-to-pack treats, such as Homemade Trail Mix and Low-Cal Blueberry Smoothies Luggable lunches, such as Greek Salad Pita Pockets and Asian Lettuce Wrap Sandwiches Vegetarian alternatives, such as Roasted Pepper Medley and Steamed Jasmine Rice Delectable desserts, such as Lemon Cranberry Sorbet and Easy Apple Crisp With tons of convenient recipes to suit your every need and mood, The Everything College Cookbook is the one book you'll want to crack open every day of the week!
300 рецептов без заморочек для студентов, у которых вечно мало времени.
Примеры страниц
You Will Be Tested: Getting Started
The ABCs of Stocking the Kitchen
Mix It Up!
Kitchen Staples
Meal Planning 101
Shopping Tips
The Freshman Weight Gain
Wake-Up Call: Breakfast
Is It Noon Already? Lunch
Crunch Time: Simple Snacks on the Go
Survival of the Fittest: Healthy Dishes
Beat the Heat: What to Make with a Hot Plate
Nuke It! Microwave Meals
Cold Call: Frozen Food Fixers
Leave It to Me: Ideas for Leftovers
Double Take: Got a Date?
Party Hearty: Easy Foods for a Group
Home Sweet Home: When the Folks Visit
Last Resort: Desserts
Appendix A: Chart of Blanching Times for Vegetables
Appendix B: Good Sources of Nutrients
Appendix C: Glossary of Basic Cooking Terms
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