Erin McKenna - BabyCakes / Рецепты кондитерской Бейбикейкс [2009, MOBI, ENG]

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Сокол_04 · 19-Ноя-12 18:03 (12 лет 3 месяца назад)

Год: 2009
Автор: Erin McKenna
Издательство: Clarkson Potter
ISBN: 978-0-307-88571-5
Язык: Английский
Формат: MOBI
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 161
Simply, BabyCakes is your key to an enlightened, indulgent, sweets-filled future. This is important news not only for parents whose children have allergies, for vegans, and for others who struggle with food sensitivities, but also for all you sugar-loving traditionalists. The recipes in these pages prove that there is a healthy alternative to recklessly made desserts, one that doesn't sacrifice taste or texture.
Having experimented endlessly with alternative, health-conscious sweeteners, flours, and thickeners, Erin McKenna, the proprietress of beloved bakery BabyCakes NYC, developed these recipes–most are gluten-free, all are without refined sugar–in hopes of combating her own wheat, dairy, and sugar sensitivities. In BabyCakes, she shares detailed information about the ingredients she uses (coconut flour, xanthan gum, and agave nectar, for example) and how to substitute them properly for common ones–all the while guiding you safely through techniques she’s spent years perfecting.
When BabyCakes NYC opened on Manhattan’s Lower East Side in 2005, it helped propel the gluten-free and vegan baking movement into a new stratosphere. Suddenly there was a destination for those with wheat allergies and other dietary restrictions–and, soon enough, celebrities and dessert lovers of every kind–to indulge freely in delectable muffins and teacakes, brownies and cookies, pies and cobblers.
Enclosed within these pages are all the “secrets” you’ll need to bring the greatness of BabyCakes NYC into your own home as well as raves and recommendations from devotees such as Natalie Portman, Jason Schwartzman, Mary-Louise Parker, Zooey Deschanel, and Pamela Anderson.
For confectionists of all kinds, delicious alternatives lie within: Red Velvet Cupcakes, Chocolate Shortbread Scones with Caramelized Bananas, Strawberry Shortcake, and BabyCakes NYC’s celebrated frosting (so delicious it has fans tipping back frosting shots!), to name just a few. Finally, Erin’s blissful desserts are yours for the baking!
Специальные рецепты пирожных и кексов от известной нью-йоркской кондитерской: веганские изделия, в основной массе еще и без глютена и сахара.
Примеры страниц
Title Page
Foreword by Tom Colicchio
Notes on Using BabyCakes’ Recipes: Tools, Ingredients, & Tips
Tools of the Trade
Advice on Ingredient Substitutions
Spelt Versus Gluten-Free
CHAPTER NO. 1 Muffins
CHAPTER NO. 2 Biscuits & Scones
CHAPTER NO. 3 Teacakes
CHAPTER NO. 4 Cookies & Brownies
CHAPTER NO. 5 Cupcakes & Frostings
CHAPTER NO. 6 Cakes & Crumbles
CHAPTER NO. 7 Pies & Cobblers
CHAPTER NO. 8 Drinks
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