Good Housekeeping - Rosemary Ellis (ed.) - The Great Christmas Cookie Swap Cookbook / Большая обменная поваренная книга рождественских печений [2009, PDF, ENG]

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The Great Christmas Cookie Swap Cookbook
Год: 2009
Автор: Rosemary Ellis (ed.)
Издательство: Hearst
ISBN: 1588167577
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 160
Butterscotch Fingers, Chocolate Crinkles, Gingerbread Cut-Outs, Peppermint Meringues: all these Christmas cookies sound delectable, but nobody can bake dozens of recipes at the same time. The solution? A swap! All across America, families, neighbors, community, and church groups gather at Christmas cookie swaps, where each participant brings a large batch of his or her favorite recipe to share. Everyone fills a plate or tin with samplings of the tasty treats; the more people, the merrier—and the more kinds of cookies to try. It’s a fun way to enjoy a variety of Christmas tastes without doing all the work yourself—and to celebrate with those you love.
Good Housekeeping helps home bakers enter into the joy, camaraderie, and pure deliciousness of this tradition with a new collection of 60 favorite Christmas cookie recipes from around the world—each configured to make batches of at least eight dozen cookies. Choose from holiday classics and contemporary twists; they’re easy to make with everyday ingredients. And each recipe has been triple-tested for success in the famed Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen, so you can bake with confidence. For extra help, there are also great tips on techniques and shortcuts, as well as fun ideas for throwing the best cookie swap ever. Finally, as a special bonus, the book features removable blank recipe cards in the back—so you can pass along the recipe.
60 оригинальных рецептов, которыми предлагается обмениваться с друзьями и знакомыми. Новый взгляд на традиционное рождественское угощение.
Примеры страниц
share the joy 5
hosting a great christmas cookie swap 6
perfect cookies you’ll be proud to share 12
bar cookies 28
drop cookies 46
rolled & cut-out cookies 60
shaped & refrigerator cookies 88
index 126
photography credits 128
recipe cards for you to share
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