Advanced Cement Based Materials
Год: 1995-1998
Жанр: Материаловедение
Издательство: Elsevier
ISSN: 1065-7355
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Описание: Журнал посвящен полимерным добавкам, таким как пластификаторы, красители и антипирены, с помощью которых полимерам придаются нужные свойства.
Polymer additives are materials designed to enhance or upgrade the performance or capabilities of base polymers to achieve the optimal properties for a specific application. These materials include plasticizers, pigments, fire retardants, heat and light stabilisers, fillers and fibre reinforcements. Additives for Polymers offers, in one concise monthly source, a comprehensive summary of information concerning polymer additives. The newsletter covers developments around the world - focusing on North America, Europe and Japan. Each month, separate sections identify and detail relevant materials and products, new applications, new research and technical developments, company news, newly-issued US and British patents, new publications, and related conferences (including those recently approved to ISO 9000). Full references or contact details are included to permit any item to be followed up easily and quickly.
Список номеров
Volumes 2-8
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За журнал спасибо Frol333 и камрадам с кемпорта
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