Keith Schwartz - Judo Series [Judo, DVDRip, ENG] (Видеоурок)

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evil_rashid · 05-Фев-12 11:49 (13 лет 1 месяц назад)

Keith Schwartz - Judo Series
Тематика: Judo
Тип раздаваемого материала: Видеоурок
Продолжительность: 01:10:04
Язык: Английский
Перевод: Отсутствует
Описание: Black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz instructs Judo techniques up to black belt, along with self defense techniques in this 17 DVD Set.
Vol 1: Judo fundamentals & intro
Vol 2: Judo yellow belt requirement
Vol 3: Orange belt requirement
Vol 4: Green belt requirement
Vol 5: Brown belt 3rd kyu requirement
Vol 6: Brown belt 2st kyu requirement
Vol 7: Brown belt 1st kyu requirement
Vol 8: Black belt requirement
Vol 9: Judo self defense throw & sweeps part 1
Vol 10: Judo self defense throw & sweeps part 2
Vol 11: Judo self defense throw & sweeps part 3
Vol 12: Judo self defense throw & sweeps part 4
Vol 13: Judo street fighting self defense part 1
Vol 14: Judo street fighting self defense part 2
Vol 15: Judo Choking techniques
Vol 16: Judo ground fighting
Vol 17: Judo self defense throws & armlocks
Judo Fundamentals and Introduction, Lesson 1
In this valuable tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz introduces you to the japanese martial art of judo. Lesson # 1 includes judo history, warm-up and conditioning exercises, basic break falls, fundamental stances, footwork, bodypostures, sweeps, throws, chokes, hold downs, blocks, punches, kicks andmore. Get started in the great self-defense art of judo by viewing this important tape today! Length: 70 minutes #Judo-1
Judo Yellow Belt Requirements, Lesson 2
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your Yellow Belt (Rokyu level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 2 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanaese: Fundamentals - Shizentai (natural stance), Bon Shizentai (basic natural stance), Migi Shizentai (right natural posture), Hidari Shizentai (left natural posture). Hon Shintai (basic body movements): Tsugi Ashi (following foot, or "slide" steps), Tai Sabaki (body pivots). Kumi Kata (forms of gripping opponent, in this tape the basic sleeve and lapel grip is introduced). The three stages of techniques: Kuzushi (off balancing of opponent), Tsukuri ("fit" or entry into technique), Kake (execution of technique). Ukemi (methods of falling safely) - Koho Ukemi (back fall), Yoko Ukemi (side fall), Zempo Kaiten Ukemi (forward roll fall). Fighting techniques throwing theory - inclues Sensei Schwartz's definitions of "The Four Modes of Throwing" (drivers, sweepers, lifters, rollers). These are the most efffective ways to learn the correct mechnical fundamentals involved in Judo throws in a logical manner. Nage Waza (throwing techniques), 1st Kyo (first stage) - De Ashi Harai (advance foot sweep), Hiza Guruma (knee wheel), Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi (lift-pull foot prop), Uki Goshi (floating hip thrwo), O Soto Gari (major outer reap), O Goshi (major hip throw), O Uchi Gari (major inner reap), Seoi Nage (back - carry throw). Throw Defenses - "Blocking and Cutting". Includes "Bridge and Roll", and "Uphill Turn" escapes. Shime Waza (chokes) Tsukkomi Jime (thrust choke), Hadaka Jime (naked strangle), also includes "Chin Tuck" defense. Atemi Waza (strikes) - Bon Kobushi Ate (basic first strikes using the first two knuckles), Mae Geri (front kick), Yoko Geri (side kick), also inclues "Up" block defenses against strikes. Length: 107 minutes #Judo-2
Judo Orange Belt Requirements, Lesson 3
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your Orange Belt (Gokyu level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 3 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanese: Fundamentals Jigotai (defensive stance) - Hon Jigotai (basic defensive stance), Migi Jigotai (right defensive stance), Hidari Jigotai (left defensive stance). Shintai continued - normal walking vs. Ayumi Ashi ("judo" walking), also diagonal Tsugi Ashi. Generating Kuzushi - this tape covers the two most basic ways Kuzushi is generated (by a change of posture or stance by you, or your opponent). Ukemi - Zempo Ukemi (a.k.a. Mae Ukemi - forward fall), Koho Kaiten Ukemi (back roll fall). Fighting techniques Nage Waza, 2ndy Kyo - Ko Soto Gari (minor outer reap), Ko Uchi Gari (minor inner reap), Koshi Guruma (hip wheel), Tsuri Komi Goshi (lift-pull hip throw), Okuri Ashi Harai (assist foot sweep), Tai Otoshi (body rop), Harai Goshi (sweeping loin throw), Uchi Mata (inner thigh throw). Throw Defensees - "jump-around" defenses. Osaekomi Waza - Kami Shiho Gatame (upper four corners hold), also includes "leg entangling", "bridge and roll", and "uphill turn" escapes. Shime Waza - Okuri Eri Jime (sliding lapel choke), Kataha Jime (single wing choke), also includes "arm climb" defense against rear chokes. Kansetsu Waza (joint locking technique) - Waki Gatme (armpit lock), Ko Te Gaeshi (minor hand reversal). Atemi Waza - Usu Maki (base of hand strike), Tsukiage (uppercut), also includes "down" block defenses against strikes. Length: 85 minutes #Judo-3
Judo Green Belt Requirements, Lesson 4
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your Green Belt (Yonkyu level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 4 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanese: Fundamentals Kurnikata - Double sleeve grips, wraparound grip breaks. Kuzushi studies - use of "Action/Reaction" initiated by both Tori and Uke. Ukemi - leaping roll falls, round offs. Fighting Techniques Ne Waza (mat techniques) - the "five basic groundfighting positions". 1. Head to head 2. Hands and Knees - top 3. Hands and Knees - bottom 4. Legs around - top 5. Legs around - bottom. Turnovers, which include - "double bar", "near leg - far arm", "quarter nelson", and "half nelson" turnovers. Nage Waza, 3rd Kyo - Ko Soto Gake (minor outer hook), Tsuri Goshi (lifting hip throw), Yoko Otoshi (side drop), Ashi Guruma (leg wheel), Hane Goshi (hip spring), Harai Tsuri Komi Ashi (lift-pull foot sweep), Tomoenage (circle throw), Kata Guruma (shoulder wheel). Throw defenses - "turnouts". Osaekorni Waza - Tate Shiho Gatame (straight four corner hold), Kata Gatame (shoulder hold), also includes "rocker" escapes. Shime Waza - Ryote Jime (two hand "curl" choke), Nami Juji Jime (normal cross choke), also includes "elbow clamp" choke defense. Kansetsu Waza - Ude Garami (entangled armlock), Ude Gatame (straight armlock). Atemi Waza - Tegatana Ate (edge of hand) used in Naname Uchi ("judo chop"), and Kiricroshi (slash), also Yoko Uchi (side blow), and Tsuri Geri (lift kick). Length: 83 minutes #Judo-4
Judo Brown Belt 3rd Kyu Requirements, Lesson 5
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your 3rd Kyu Brown Belt (Sankyu level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 5 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanese: Fighting Techniques Nage Waza, 4th Kyo - Surni Gaeshi (corner throw), Tani Otoshi (valley drop), Hane Makikomi (springing wraparound), Sukui Nage (scooping throw), Utsuri Goshi (hip shift), O Guruma (major wheel), Soto Makikomi (outer wrap-around), Uki Otoshi (floating drop). Kaeshi Waza (counter techniques). Osaekomi Waza - Kuzure Kesa Gatame ("modified" scarf hold), also "Keylocks". Shime Waza - Gyaku Juji Jime (reverse cross choke), Kata Juji Jime (half cross choke), also includes "arm clasp block", and "fist in armpit" block (choke defenses). Kansetsu Waza - Juji Gatame (crossing armlock), and basic variations. Atemi Waza - the Kyu Sho (vital strike points), also open hand strikes - Tsukidashi ("wedge" ), Ryogan Tsuki ("rake"), etc....also Mae Geri, Ushiro Geri (stamp kicks),and deflections of strikes are covered. Length: 58 minutes #Judo-5
Judo Brown Belt 2nd Kyu Requirements, Lesson 6
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your 2nd Kyu Brown Belt (Nikyu level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 6 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanese - Fighting Techniques Nage Waza, 5th Kyo - O Soto Guruma (major outer whell), Uki Waza (floating throw), Yoko Wakare (side separation), Yoko Guruma (side wheel), Ushiro Goshi (reverse hip throw), Ura Nage (back throw), Sumi Otoshi (corner drop), Yoko Gake (side hook). Renraku Waza (combination techniques). Osaekomi Waza - Kuzure Yoko SHiho Gatame ("modified" side four corners hold), also methods of "trapping arms" hold downs. Shime Waza - Sode Guruma Jime (sleeve wheel choke), and vartiations of Kata Juji Jime (half cross choke). Kansetsu Waza - Hara Gatame (stomach armlock), Hiza Gatame (knee armlock), Ashi Gatame (leg armlock). Atemi Waza - Hiji Ate (elbow strikes), Hiza Gashira Ate (strikes with the leg just above the knee). Length: 60 minutes #Judo-6
Judo Brown Belt 1st Kyu Requirements, Lesson 7
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your 1st Kyu Brown Belt (Iikyu level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 7 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanese - Fighting Techniques Nage Waza, 1st Half of the Shimmeisho No Waza (newly certified techniques) - Morote Gari (two hand reap), Kuchiki Taoshi (dead tree drop), Kibisu Gaeshi (heel trip), Uchi Mata Sukashi (inner thigh throw slip), Dakiage (high lift), Tsubame Gaeshi (swallow counter), O Soto Gaeshi (major outer reap counters - 2), O Uchi Gaeshi (major inner reap counters - 2), Kouchi Gaeshi (minor inner reap counters - 2), Hane Goshi Gaeshi (hip spring counters - 2). Osaekomi Waza - Kuzure Kami Shiho ("modified" upper four corners hold), also includes breakdowns into hold on stomach. Shime Waza - Katate Jime (one hand choke), also includes three basic variations of Sankaku Jime (triangle choke). Kansetsu Waza - Te Gatame (hand armlock), Sankaku Gatame (triangle lock), and variations. Atemi Waza - traps, counter-strikes, and deflections/jams. Length: 58 minutes #Judo-7
Judo Black Belt Requirements, Lesson 8
In this dynamic tape black belt Judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the major requirements needed to achieve your 1st Degree Black Belt (Shodan level) in the Japanese martial art of Judo. Lesson # 8 includes the following techniques which are listed in English and Japanese - Fighting Techniques Nage Waza, 2nd half of Shimmeisho No Waza, plus several essential non-certified throws: Harai Goshi Gaeshi (sweeping loin counter), Uchi Mata Gaeshi (inner thigh throw counter), Kani Basami (scissors throw), Kawazu Gake (one leg entanglement throw), Osoto Makikomi (major outer wraparound), Uchimata Makikomi (inner thigh throw wraparound), Harai Makikomi (sweeping loin wraparound), Te Guruma (hand wheels - 2), Osoto Gake (major outer hook), Ouchi Gake (major inner hook), Ko Uchi Gake (minor inner hook), Ko Uchi Makikomi (minor inner wraparound). Osaekomi Waza - entries into hold downs from each of the five basic groundfighting positions. Shime Waza - Ushiro Hadaka Jime (reverse naked choke), Kuzure Hadaka Jime ("modified" naked choke). Kansetsu Waza - basic elbow, and wrist lock turnovers to control opponent on his stomach. Situational self defenses - against front choke, head lock, bear hugs. Atemi Waza - gouges, pinches, Yoko Gake Geri (side hood kick), strike combinations. Length: 90 minutes #Judo-8
Judo Self-Defense Throws and Sweeps, Volume 1
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: Warmups: (general calisthenic and stretches). Ukemi: all basic falls (sifting, squatting and standing). Fighting techniques: 1. Yoko Otoshi (side drop) 2. Yoko Tomoe Nage (off cross grip side circle throw) 3. Uki Waza (floating throw) 4. Uki Otoshi (floating drop) 5. Tani Otoshi (valley drop) 6. Variation of Tani Otoshi (valley drop) 7. Yoko Wakare (side separation) 8. Yoko Guruna (side wheel) 9. Yoko Guruma asa counter throw (side wheel) 10. Ura Nage (back throw) 11. Yoko Gake (side hook) 12. Combination: Fake Osoto (major outside) attack, and throw with Soto Makikomi (outer wraparound) 13. Obi Tori Gaeshi (belt grip reversal) 14. Variation of Hane Makikomi (springing wraparound) off of the "Obi Tori" grip 15. Hikikomi Gaeshi (takedown reversal) 16. Sumi Gaeshi (corner reversal) 17. Cross grip variation of Sumi Gaeshi (corner reversal (into "1/2 Juji Gatame cross mark lock") 18. Tomonage (circle throw) 19. Yoko Tomoenage (side circle throw) 20. Blocked Tomoenage (circle throw), to variation of Kibisu Gaeshi (heel trip) 21. Another version of Hikikorni Gaeshi ("pull down" or "takedown" reversal) 22. "Cross grip" variation of Yoko Tomoenage (side circle throw). Length: 56 minutes #Judo-9
Judo Self-Defense Throws and Sweeps, Volume 2
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in english and japanese include: 1. Harai Tsurikorni Ashi (lift pull foot sweep) 1. Harai Tsurikomi Ashi as a counter 3. "Cross Grip" variation of Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi (lift pull foot prop) 4. Kouchigari (minor inner reap) 5. Ouchi -Kouchi Gari combinamtion attack 6. Osotogari (major outer reap) 7. Osotoguruma (major outer wheel) 8. Nidan Kosotogari (2nd step minor outer reap) 9. Okuri Ashi Harai ("sliding", or "assist" foot sweep) 10. Ashi Guruma (leg wheel) 11. Hiza Guruma (knee wheel) 12. Kouchi Kosotogari (minor outer reap) 17. Kosotogake (minor outer hook) 18. Ouchi Gari, with Kuchiki Taoshi (dead tree drop) in simultaneous combination 19. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi vs. Kick 20. Ouchi Gari vs. Kick. Length: 32 minutes #Judo-10
Judo Self-Defense Throws and Sweeps, Volume 3
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in english and japanese include: 1. Oidan Kosotogari vs. Kick (Nidan Kosotogari = 2nd step minor outer reap) 2. Osotogari vs. Kick (Osotogari = major outer reap) 3. Kosotogari vs. Kick (Kosotogari = minor outer reap) 4. Uki Goshi (floating hip throw) 5. Uki Seoinage (flotating back carry throw) 6. O Goshi (major hip throw) 7. Koshi Guruma (Hip Wheel) 8. Tsurikorni Goshi (lift-pull hip throw) 9. Sode Tsurikomi Goshi (sleeve lift-pull hip throw) 10. Harai Goshi (sweeping loin throw) 11. Otsuri Goshi, and Kotsuri Goshi (major, and minor lifting hip throw) 12. Hane Goshi (springing hip throw) 13. Hane Makikomi (springing wraparound) 14. O Guruma (major wheel) 15. Soto makikorni (outer wraparound) 16. Utsuri Goshi (hip shift) 17. Ushiro Goshi (reverse hip throw) 18. Uchi Mata (inner thigh throw) 19. "Cross Grip" variation of Koshi Guruma (hip wheel) 20. "Cross Grip" Harai Goshi (sweepig loin throw). Length:35 minutes #Judo-11
Judo Self-Defense Throws and Sweeps, Volume 4
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: 1. "Cross Grip" Hane Goshi (springing hip throw) 2. "Cross Grip" Uchi Mata (inner thigh throw) 3. Ippon Seoinage (one-arm back carry throw) 4. Marote "Double Driver" Seoinage 8. Seoinage off lapel grip (to opposite side) 9. Tai Otoshi (body drop) 10. Tai Otoshi to the side, or back 11. Te Guruma (hand wheel), done from the front 12. Te Guruma, done from the back 13. Kata Guruma (shoulder wheel) 14. Sukui Nage (scoop throw) 15. Morote Gari (two-hand reap) 16. Kibisu Gaeshi (heel trip) 7. Kuchiki Toshi (dead tree drop ) 18. Uchimata Sukashi (slipping counter to inner thigh throw) 19. Sumi Otoshi (corner drop) 20 Uki Otoshi (floating drop) 21. Standing version of Uki Otoshi 22. Uke Otoshi (floating drop) of of a "doubled" end of sleeve grip. Length:37 minutes # Judo-12
Judo Street Fighting Self-Defense, Volume 1
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: 1. Kote Gaeshi (inner hand reversal) variation 2. Seoinage variation (back carry throw) 3. Seoinage variation (back carry throw) 4. Seoinage variation (back carry throw) 5. Strikes into Taiotoshi (body drop) 6. Grip break to Tegatana (knife-hand strike) to the elbow 7. Comination of hiji ate (elbow strike) and Kobushi Ate (fist) off of "rollover" grip break 8. Kotekube Makikomi (minor wrist wraparound) 9. Variation of seoinage (back carry throw) 10. Strikes enter to Osotogari (major outer reap) 11. O Tekubi nage (outside spinner) (major wrist throw) 12. Ude Gatame (arm lock), Ude Garami (arm entanglement) 13. Seoinage (back carry throw) 14. Soto Makikomi (major wraparound) against full nelson, Ude Gatame (arm lock) 15. Ude Garami (arm entanglement), with choke counter against bear hug 16. Kotegaeshi (inner hand reversal) against hammerlock 17. Ude Gatame (armlock) from headlock 18. Seoi Guruma (back carry wheel) from reverse headlock 19. Kosoto Gari (minor outer reap) with neck grip 20. Yoko Otoshi (side drop) and Ude Garami (arm entanglement) 21. Tai Otoshi and Wakegatame (armpit lock), Ude Gatame (arm lock) 22. Variation of Seoi Otoshi (back carry drop) 23. Ude Garami (arm entanglement) 24. Tai Otoshi (body drop) against push 25. Hikikomi Gaeshi (pull down reversal) ("back fall" reversal) and Kobushi Ate (fist strike) against tackle. Length: 36 minutes #Judo-13
Judo Street Fighting Self-Defense, Volume 2
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: 1. Turnover from tackle into Kuzure Late Shiho Gatame (modified straight four corners hold) with neck crank 2. Outside cross-parry opponent's punch into cross grip Tani Otoshi (valley drop) 3. Inside parry/block of opponent's strike, strike to distract, into Osotogari (major outer reap) 4. Inside parry/block of opponent's strike, strike to distract, into Seoinage (back carry throw) 5. Outside cross parry opponents strike into cross grip Harai Goshi (sweeping loin) 6. Waki Gatarne (armpit lock) against hair pull 7. Otegaeshi (major hand reversal) defense against choke from rear, from a seated position 8. Ude Gatame (arm lock) defense against a choke from the rear, from a seated position 9. Oyayubi Gaeshi (thumb reversal) into Te Hishigi (hand crush) entry into Kote Gatame (minor hand lock) from lapel grab, from seated position 10. Hiza Gashira Ate (upper knee lift kick) - Ouchi Gari (major inner reap) combination against opponents double lapel pull from the seated position 11. Kote Gaeshi (minor hand reversal) turnover into a standing Hiza Gatame (knee armlock) against knife thrust to torso. 12. Yoko Geri (side kick) with parry, into Waki Gatarne (armpit lock) takedown against knife thrust to torso, into Ude Gatame (arm lock) with opponent on stomach 13. Block of knife slash to head into Seoinage (back carry) throw then disarm, and control with Juji Gatame (cross mark lock) 14. Osoto Gari (major outer reap) into Kuzure Kata Gatarne (modified shoulder hold) and Hadaka Jime (naked choke) against club 15. Cross grip version of Harai Goshi (sweeping loin throw) into Kuzure Kesa Gatame (modified scarf hold) with Ude Gatame (armlock) against club 16. Harai Goshi (sweeping loin throw) against Garrote from behind, into Kuzure Kesa Gatame (modified scarf hold) with smother 17. Seoinage (back carry throw) against Garrote from the front, and Soto Makikomi (outer wraparound) against overhead Garrote from the front, into a compound Kote Gaeshi (minor hand reversal - with "anchored" elbow 18. Ude Gatarne (arm lock) from opponents straddle hold 19. Hiji Ate (elbow strike) and Hadaka Jime (naked strangle) turnover into Ude Gatame (armlock) 20. Ote Gaeshi (major hand reversal) from opponents straddling hold 21. Uphill turn escape from opponents hold (self defense version - with neck crank), finish with Kobushi Ate (fist) to base of the head 22. Compound lock - starts with Ote Gaeshi (major hand reversal) goes to Ude Garami (arm entanglement) using the head as a lever, into Atama Ude Gatame (head armlock) 23. Gun defense, pointed at the face - Hasami Ate (scissors strike), followed by Tsurl Geri (lift kick) 24. Gun defense, pointed at stomach - Kote Gaeshi (minor hand reversal) to Te Gatana Ate (knife hand strike) 25. Gun defense, pointed in the back - Kote Gaeshi (minor hand reversal), disarm, and strike with the gun to the head. Length: 42 minutes #Judo-14
Judo Chocking Techniques
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: 1. Nami Juji Jirne (normal cross choke) 2. Gyaku Juji Jime (reverse cross choke) 3. Kata Juji Jime (half cross choke) 4. Hadaka Jime # 1 (naked choke) 5. Hadaka Jime # 2 (naked choke) 6. Okuri Eri Jime (sliding lapel choke) 7. Kataba Jime (single wing choke) 8. Katate Jime (single hand choke) 9. Katate Jime # 2 (single hand choke) 10. Ryote Jime (hand curl choke) 11. Ryote Jime # 2 (hand curl choke) 12. Ryote Jime # 3 (hand curl choke) 13. Ryote Jime (hand curl choke) 14. Sode Garuma Jime (sleeve wheel choke) 15. Sankaku Jime (triangle choke) 16. Sankaku Jime # 2 (triangle choke) 17. Sankaku Jime # 3 (triangle choke) 18. Tsukkorni Jime (thrust choke) 19. Sankaku Jime # 4 (triangle choke) 20. Koshi Jime (hip choke) 21. Eri Jime "baseball" (collar choke) 22. Eri Jime # 2 (collar choke) 23. Kata Juji Jime # 2 (half cross choke) 24. Suso Jime (apron choke) 25. Obe Jime (belt choke) 26. Katate Jime (single hand choke). Length: 42 minutes #Judo-15
Judo Ground Fighting and Armlock Self-Defense Techniques
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: 1. Jiju Gatame (cross mark armlock) and basic variations 2. Juji Gatame rollover # 1 (cross mark armlock) and basic variations 3. Juji Gatame rollover # 2 (cross mark armlock) and basic variations 4. Waki Gatame "over hook armlock" (armpit armlock) and variations 5. Ude Gatame armlock to Ushiro Waki Gatame (reverse armpit lock) 6. Entanglement Ude Garami from lab (legs around bottom) 7. "Down" variation of Juji Gatame (cross mark armlock) 8. Kata Juji Gatame "half juji" (one side crossing armlock) 9. Lab turnovers to Juji Gatame (cross mark lock) 10. Sankaku Jime (triangle choke) and Sankaku Gatame (triangle lock) 11. Lab Sankaku (triangle) turnovers and locks 12. LAT (legs around - top) Sankaku (triangle) turnovers 13. More Ude Gatame (armlock) and Ude Garami (arm entanglement) from Sankaku (triangle) position 14. Getting Juji Gatame (cross mark armlock) against resistance 15. Blocking and escaping Juji Gatame (cross mark armlock) 16. Armlocks from Kesa Gatame (scarf hold) 17. Armlocks from Yokoshiho Gatame (side hold) 18. Armlocks from Ushiro Kesa Gatame (reverse scarf hold) 19. Ude Garami (arm entanglement) 20. Ude Gatame (arm lock). Length: 50 minutes # Judo-16
Judo Self-Defense Throws and Armlocks
In this dynamic tape black belt judo champion Keith Schwartz teaches you the highly effective self-defense techniques of judo. The techniques presented in English and Japanese include: Takedowns and Armbars 1. Ude Garami (entangled armlock) 2. Ko Tekubi Nage "inside spinner" (inner wrist throw) 3. O Tekubi Nage "outside spinner" (outer wrist throw) 4. Ude Gaeshi (arm reversal throw) 5. Tai Otoshi (body drop) with Ude Gatame (arm lock) 6. Cross grip Seoinage (back carry throw) 7. Juji Ude Nage (crossing arms throw) 8. Variations of Tani Otoshi (valley drop) 9. Another variation of Tani Otoshi (valley drop) 10. Yoko Wakare (side separation) with Ude Gatame (armlock) 11. Ude Gatame (armlock) to Seoinage (back carry throw) 12. Ude Gatame (armlock) to Hiza Garuma (knee wheel) 13. Ashi Guruma (foot wheel) with Ude Gatame (armlock) 14. Ude Garami (arm entanglement) with Osotogari (major outer reap) 15. Ude Garami Takedown (arm entanglement) 16. Ude Gatame turnover (onto stomach) and Kote Gaeshi restraint and takedowns (3) from restraint. Length: 52 minutes #Judo-17

13.12.2021 Все части объединены в единую раздачу, торрент перезалит. Shaeonell
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Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 236

toronto1981 · 28-Мар-12 10:26 (спустя 1 месяц 22 дня)

Домкрат, планируется ли продолжение?
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VIP (Заслуженный)

Стаж: 18 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 2903

hobotov · 28-Мар-12 13:04 (спустя 2 часа 38 мин.)

На трекере все 17 томов.
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Стаж: 15 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 76

Healer · 19-Июн-12 10:02 (спустя 2 месяца 21 день)

Товарищ крайне хорош. Но. Стоило бы писать на экране, какая техника показывается. Я не знаю японской терминологии, не всегда разумею что он говорит. А техника хороша уже самой подачей. Чётко и последовательно!
С уважением. Андрей.
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Стаж: 17 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 2440

Shaeonell · 13-Дек-21 12:23 (спустя 9 лет 5 месяцев, ред. 13-Дек-21 12:23)

Все части объединены в единую раздачу, торрент перезалит.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 