Bordeaux: its wines, and the claret country / Бордо: его вина и страна кларетов
Год выпуска: 1846
Автор: Cocks C. / Кокс К.
Жанр: о вине
Издательство: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 215
Описание: Автор прожил несколько лет в этой восхитительной части Франции (Бордо), что позволило ему не только иметь возможность изучить множество подлинных документов, касающихся Бордо и его известных вин; но и выработать свою точку зрения, исходя из личного наблюдения и опыта.
В книге дана развернутая характеристика региона (история, традиции, культура), самого процесса виноделия, описаны основные винодельческие районы и их вина.
A residence of several years in this delightful part of France has enabled the Author of this little volume, not only to consult all the most authentic documents relating to Bordeaux and its famous wines; but, generally speaking, to assure himself of the truth of their statements by personal observation and experience.
The authors whose works have been consulted are duly noticed in the margin. They are, for the most part, men who were natives of the province, or who had made its history and the study of its produce the occupation of their lives.
To these works, therefore, and to an elaborate Histoire de Bordeaux about to be published by his learned friend M. J. Rabanis, Doyen de la Facidtd des Lettres, the Author must refer the studious reader who may desire a more detailed account of this charming country, rendered so interesting by historical reminiscences as the old English province of Guienne — so important by its celebrated produce and extensive commerce, as the department of the Gironde — and so especially endeared to the writer himself, by the double ties of friendship and affection.