Journal of a recent visit to the principal vineyards of Spain and France / Записки о посещении ведущих виноградников Испании и Франции
Год выпуска: 1834
Автор: Busby J. / Басби Дж.
Жанр: о вине
Издательство: Smith, Elder and Co
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 177
Описание: Автор, обладая высоким интеллектом и пытливым умом, и преследуя к тому же практическую цель, описывает свой путь по самым признанным винным странам в Европе – Франции и Испании. Книга написана в краткой, понятной, и интересной манере, составлена в форме дневника.
The Author, possessing an intelligent and inquiring mind, and carrying along with him a distinct and practical purpose, pursues his way over a tract of the finest wine country in Europe, and notes down his observations and the result of his inquiries in a plain, brief, intelligible, and interesting manner. If wine countries were often visited in this way, and only facts judiciously detailed, we should not find, as we do at present, books on wines to be for the most part mere perpetuations of error; but each writer, adding his careful gleaning of facts to those of his predecessors, all the information on this topic which is of public interest or utility would speedily be accumulated.