Apago PDF Shrink v4.5.5856
Год выпуска: 2009
Версия: v4.5.5856
Платформа: ОС Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, a также Windows Server 2003 и 2008.
Совместимость с Vista: полная
Таблетка: Присутствует
Язык интерфейса: английский
Описание: Специализирующаяся на разработке решений для трансформации цифровых документов Apago представила ПО PDF Shrink 4.5 для Windows (ранее утилита была доступна лишь пользователям Mac). Решение PDF Shrink рассчитано на тех, кому необходима подготовка PDF-документов, по качеству и размеру соответствующих требованиям смартфонов, сети Интернет, электронной почты. После обработки итоговый размер файла от Microsoft Office или Adobe Creative Suite сокращается на 90%.
Доп. информация:
Why are PDF files so big?!? You can not easily email them to co-workers. They can take forever to download and view. PDF Shrink makes it easy to optimize PDF files for posting on web-sites, as email attachments, for reading on e-book readers and mobile devices. Reduce the size of most PDF files by as much as 90% of their original size.
Don't understand the difference between JPEG and JPEG2000 or whether you need 72 or 150 DPI for images? PDF Shrink has an intuitive wizard that removes the techie jargon and unfamiliar terms and helps you pick the appropriate settings for specific requirements.
Easy to use
Ready to use with common settings
Wizard for easy customizing without tech jargon
Drag-n-drop files or folders to shrink them
Reduce file size
PDFs open and scroll faster
Storage needs reduced by 10x-100x
Faster downloads; less bandwidth used
Reduce file size without compromising quality
Utilizes new JPEG2000 compression for superior results
Select the image quality that matches your requirements
Submit entire folders for high-volume shrinking
Takes advantage of new multi-core CPUs to process multiple files at once
Prepare PDFs for use on popular mobile devices such as iPhone, Android and Kindle
Prevent unauthorized access to your documents with a password
Control whether or not your readers can make changes or print your document
Supports all versions of PDF
Generates "standard" PDF files - fully compatible with Acrobat Reader and other PDF viewers
Solid and reliable technology - our team has over 14 years experience working with PDF