Nightingale323F ·
25-Июл-09 12:42
(спустя 13 дней, ред. 25-Июл-09 12:42)
судя по инфе с Youtube команда очень старая, хотя и записала недавно всего лишь первый альбом
Hello motherfucker!!! Kalashnikov`s a legendary portuguese band, pioneer of wartime rock `n roll:te music made for the battlefield. Born in Lisbon in 1996 soon they start to play in war scenarios to motivate the men to slaughter. From Bosnia to Colombia, from Afeghanistan to Tchetchenia, from Liberia to Iraq wherever`s war it can be heard the Kalashnikov sound. With over 2000 concerts given they are one of the most experienced bands in the world. Hate, destruction and violence are the inspirations of this band that will take your breath away. After all this years they finally recorded their first cd: Oh Yeah Motherfucker!!! One Thing is certain: you never heard nothing like this!!!