[Цигун/Нэйгун] Коста Данаос (Kosta Danaos) - The Magus of Java / Маг с Явы - Собрание книг [2000-2005, EPUB/PDF/FB2, ENG/RUS]

Страницы:  1


Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 543

qb1 · 01-Ноя-21 15:26 (3 года 2 месяца назад, ред. 23-Мар-24 17:05)

The Magus of Java
Название книги на русском языке: Маг с Явы - Собрание книг
Год выпуска: 2000-2005
Автор: Коста Данаос (Kosta Danaos)
Жанр: Нэйгун
Специальность/раздел медицины: Цигун/Нэйгун
Издательство: various
ISBN: various
Язык мед-книги : Английский, Русский
Количество страниц: various
Формат: EPUB/PDF/FB2
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Описание: "Коста Данаос, ученый-естествоиспытатель, специалист по восточным единоборствам – один из пяти людей Запада, которые были отобраны для обучения у ныне живущего мастера древнего даосской традиции Mo-Пай.
Книга «Маг с Явы/The Magus of Java» – история обучения Косты Данаоса у Джона Чана, наследника школы Mo-Пай, хранившей свои секреты более двух тысяч лет. В книгу вошли объяснения сверхъестественных способностей Джона Чана с точки зрения современной физики – способностей, которые показались бы западному читателю скорее невероятно ловкими трюками, чем реальными биоэнергетическими явлениями, не существуй огромного числа свидетельств, указывающих на то, что Джон Чан – настоящий виртуоз в управлении жизненной энергией Ци."
Предпосылкой появления книги и поисков автора является вышедший в 1988 году документальный сериал "Огненное Колесо" / "The Ring of Fire: An Indonesian Odyssey" как результат 10-летнего путешествия двух братьев по Индонезии. В одной серии этого фильма рассказывалось о необычном человеке целителе Джоне Чан(г)е, который обладал совершенно невообразимым набором способностей и, главное, их удалось заснять на кинопленку. Это генерация внутри своего тела особых энергетических "пучков", с помощью которых он мог оказывать целебное воздействие на своих пациентов как отдельно, так и вместе с акупунктурным лечением. Но главное, что как раз и сподвигло на действия автора книги - это Пирокинетические и Телекинетические способности Чан(г)а. В то время имя Джон Чан(г) было скрыто за псевдонимом “Dynamo Jack”
Доп. информация: старая раздача Terra Mystica - Коста Данаос - Маг с Явы [2005, DOC, RUS]
см.также [Цигун/Нэйгун] Damo Mitchell / Дамо Митчелл - Собрание Книг [2010-2018, EPUB/PDF, ENG]
Список книг
Kosta Danaos - 2000 The Magus of Java.pdf 226 стр.
Kosta Danaos - 2002 Nei Kung (The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages).epub
Kosta Danaos - 2002 Nei Kung (The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages).pdf 225 стр
Коста Данаос - 2000 Маг с Явы (2005, Гаятри).fb2
Коста Данаос - 2000 Маг с Явы (2005, Гаятри).pdf 138 стр
Обложки книг
Примеры страниц
Видео с Джоном Чан(г)ом на Youtube
1) Фрагмент 3й серии "East of Krakatoa" ("The Ring of Fire") - "The Blairs descend into the active volcano Anak Krakatoa and meet the legendary 116-year-old artist Lempad. They also meet the neigong master known as “Dynamo Jack” and witness the funeral rites of the king of the Toraja people of the Celebes."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DMFkB0QYpM или https://disk.yandex.ru/i/yLbu9vQ4IeEMwQ
2) Сборка нескольких видео с Чаном, включая фрагмент из "The Ring of Fire"

John Chang - Mo Pai Nei Kung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdYM0vNufwc или https://disk.yandex.ru/i/nG4fNgFyAeLgUA
"I compiled all the footage on the internet that I know of regarding, John Chang (The Magus of Java), into one video.
Part 1 Ring of Fire: An Indonesian Odyssey - Episode 3 (East of Krakatoa) By Lorne & Lawrence Blair
Part 2 Sky One Series 'Myths, Magic, & Monsters' - Episode 1 (Super Human) by Lawrence Blair
Myths, Magic & Monsters - Season 1 - 2006 "Anthropologist Dr Lawrence Blair goes in search of the origin of some of humanity's most pervasive myths. Exploring South East Asia, he looks at the rare and mysterious creatures and remnants of bygone human tribes to find the origin of our modern stories of dragons, unicorns, mermaids and other not-so-fanciful tales."
ep.1: Superhuman (July 20, 2006) 46min "Via the singing gibbon, the orangutans and the tiniest of primates - the great-eyed tarsiers - all in search for ourselves and our human potential in the land of the supernatural where humans possess mysterious powers."

Part 3 Short clip of Chang pushing a chopstick through a table. I am unsure exactly when this was filmed.
Part 4 This was a video filmed around 2000 of Chang testing his student, Jim McMillan, for level 2b."
на русском Джон Чан маг с Явы. Кольцо огня
Сериал "Огненное Колесо" / "The Ring of Fire: An Indonesian Odyssey"
плейлист https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIU4nitIoSSzIW0Kv8CJsvh8Eyl7TQj1b
!5 частей DVD издания выложены в видео ВКонтакте. Ищите по названию!
Если проблемы с поиском, пишите мне в личку.
трейлер ремастерингового издания фильма https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq3dcECLwLU
Интервью с создателем Лоренсом Блейром / Lawrence Blair
SRO Conversations #035: Lawrence Blair and the Adventures of Indonesia
Автобиографическая книга о создании сериала Lawrence and Lorne Blair - 1988 Ring of Fire.An Indonesian Odyssey (2010, 3 ed.) https://disk.yandex.ru/d/0d_PA0hDyAvm0g
Рассказ о Джоне Чане из книги "Lawrence and Lorne Blair - 1988 Ring of Fire.An Indonesian Odyssey"

Chapter Ten: The Shadow Play of Life
(...) Perhaps the most remarkable was the enigmatic man we named ‘Dr Dynamo Jack’, an ethnic Chinese of many generations in Java, whom I first met at his spacious home on the outskirts of a burgeoning East Javanese city. He claimed only to be a healer, using acupuncture needles in the traditional points, but he sent a powerful ‘electrical’ current through them, from within his own body. He claimed to have derived these powers from a Taoist master, a forest hermit, since dead, with whom he had studied for seven years.
‘I use acupuncture needles some of the time,’ he told me, ‘but usually just my hands, from a slight distance. Look, I’ll show you.’
He stood up, undid his belt, lowered the top of his trousers and underpants, placed the flat of my hand on his bare stomach a few inches below, his navel, and ordered me to try to keep it there.
I found myself having to lean against him with all my strength, and still my hand was being pushed away from his stomach by what felt like a dry but irresistibly strong jet of water. Then he exhaled, and my hand shot back to his stomach again, nearly sending him off his feet.
‘That’s one of the two chakras I use to generate the energy,’ he said, tightening up his belt again and stretching out his arm. ‘This is another!’
I touched his outstretched hand. He inhaled and released such a powerful jolt through my arm that I howled and snatched it away.
He then asked an assistant, a tall, serious-looking man called Mohan, to bring us a wooden stool and a new packet of bamboo chopsticks, and invited me to push one through the inch-thick wooden stool. I tried several times, nearly broke the chopstick, and failed to make the slightest dent in the stool.
‘No, it’s like this.’ And taking my chopstick between the tip of his thumb and two fingers, he pushed it with one swift movement vertically down through the plank and halfway out the other side.
I touched the points of entry, both above and below, for some clue as to what he had done. I could push the chopstick no deeper, but was able to withdraw it easily; the hole, rectangular, like the chopstick, was perfectly smooth-walled and compressed back into itself.
‘It’s very simple,’ Dynamo Jack said. ‘Just a matter of practice. Like an electric eel, we all have this Yin-Yang polarity,’ and he pointed downwards from his navel with one finger, and upward from between his legs with the other. ‘I use these two chakras. My positive and my negative. One comes up from the earth, the other comes down from the sky. It’s just a matter of learning to harness and project them outside the body. I’ve been practising this for 17 years now, meditating every day. One has to be very careful of one’s emotions, though – like anger, for instance, which can be very dangerous. It can kill as well as heal. My student, Mohan here has been practising for four years. By the time he can do these things he won’t be too interested in them any more. It’s what’s awakened inside you that gets interesting, much more interesting than impressing the world, or even yourself.’
Over the ensuing months we saw him on many occasions, followig him around the country, questioning him, watching him heal his patients, and occasionally demonstrating his astounding powers.
I even managed to take my mother, a rigorous judge, to meet him in a suite on the ninth floor of a plush hotel in Jakarta.
‘Very difficult to work with these energies when so far from the ground,’ he told us. ‘Hard to earth.’ He then crushed our newspaper into a ball, held it in his left hand, pointed at it with his right, and ignited it into a blossom of flame. There was a sudden strong smell of ozone in the room, and I remember the scramble to get all the burning, floating pieces into the metal wastebasket before they singed the carpet.
But he would never consent to our filming him.
‘I’m not interested in tricks,’ he said. ‘I am a healer. If Western people see this on film, they will assume I am a market conjuror.’
I knew he was right, but I was frustrated not to return with some evidence on film of what we had seen and felt him do, and under such varied conditions. On a final trip back to Indonesia, in the midst of writing this book, I decided to try once more. It was a hurried journey through the islands, to gather some last footage for our series. We had the luxury of a film crew for a change, and found ourselves in Jakarta, with a full seven hours before our plane took off for Northern Celebes, and I used it to track down Dynamo Jack again, 400 miles away.
‘How are you doing? What do you want?’ he asked, immediately recognizing my voice over the crackling phone line.
‘I’m with a film crew. Lorne’s got a sick eye. Can we fly down to see you for half an hour? It’s all the time we’ve got.’
‘The eye isn’t very sick, is it?’
‘No, not very sick,’ I replied. The phone line crackled for a while, then he said: ‘Bring all your eyes down. You can’t film me, though.’
When we got there, not only did he treat, and cure, Lorne’s infected eye, but he suddenly agreed to appear on camera. He explained that he was depleted from the healing he had done that day, but went on to ignite our newspapers, push chopsticks through stools, and ‘electrocute’ our bodies and those of our sceptical film crew. When Lorne first had his temples touched he began jerking around so violently that I asked him not to ham it up so much, or no one would believe anything on camera. I shut up, though, when Dynamo Jack touched my hand, and jolted me into remembering what it had been like the first time.
After eight years, "Dynamo Jack" finally allowed us to film him setting our newspaper on fire - without the use of matches. (Lorne & Lawrence Blair)
When I asked him why he had suddenly consented to being filmed, he replied that, now his students were starting to get the hang of it, it seemed time to show more of this to the world.
‘Even if most people do think it’s simply a trick,’ he said, ‘some will recognize that we all have these powers, sleeping within us.’
To believe in our ‘superhuman’ ability, is one thing, to see it is quite another, but actually to capture it on film, however fleetingly, seemed like a final benediction on all our travels.
It had been four years since we had returned to Indonesia. After our struggle to produce the series, and my shaking off the ashes of the Los Angeles fire, and then this breathtakingly fast trip through the islands, we finally managed to spend two blissful days at home in Bali.
Список книг для продолжения изучения темы
RING OF FIRE An Indonesian Odyssey
by Lawrence Blair with Lorne Blair
Freeing the Mind, Focusing Chi, and Mastering the Self by Pascal Fauliot
ORIGINAL WISDOM. Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing by Robert Wolff
OTHER WAYS OF KNOWING. Recharting Our Future with Ageless Wisdom by John Broomfield
QIGONG TEACHINGS OF A TAOIST IMMORTAL.The Eight Essential Exercises of Master Li Ching-yun by Stuart Alve Olson
THE WARRIOR IS SILENT. Martial Arts and the Spiritual Path Scott Shaw, Ph.D.
Мои раздачи подборок книг авторов по Трансперсональной Психологии и смежным областям
Трансперсональная Психология:
Alan Watts / Алан Уоттс - Собрание Книг (43 книги) [1936-2020, EPUB/PDF/DjVu, ENG]
Charles Tart / Чарльз Тарт - Собрание книг [1969-2009, FB2/DOCX/PDF/DjVu, ENG/RUS]
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John Cunningham Lilly / Джон Каннингем Лилли - Собрание книг (обновлено 07.05.2020)[1956-2003, FB2/EPUB/DOCX/PDF, ENG/RUS]
Теренс и Деннис Маккенна / Terence and Dennis McKenna - Собрание Книг (15 книг) [1975 - 2018, PDF/DjVu/EPUB/FB2, ENG]
Ken Wilber / Кен Уилбер - Собрание Книг (31 книга) [1977-2018, EPUB/PDF/DjVu, ENG]
Colin Wilson / Колин Уилсон - Собрание Нон-Фикшн Книг [1956-2016, EPUB, MOBI, PDF, DjVu/ENG]]
James Fadiman / Джеймс Фейдиман (Фадиман) - Собрание книг (6 книг) [1973-2020, PDF/DjVu/EPUB/FB2, ENG/RUS]
Парапсихология и Паранормальные Явления:
Rupert Sheldrake / Руперт Шелдрейк - Собрание Книг (12 книг) [1981-2017,PDF/EPUB/DOC/FB2, ENG, RUS]
Dean Radin / Дин Радин - Собрание книг (10 книг) [1997-2018, DOCX/EPUB/PDF, ENG/RUS]
Edwin C. May / Эдвин Мэй - Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science / Экстрасенсорное Восприятие: За, Против и Научный Подход [2015, EPUB, ENG]
Jacques Vallee / Жак Валле - Собрание книг (24 книги) [1965-2019,DOCX/FB2/EPUB/MOBI/PDF, ENG/RUS] (обновлено 26.07.2021)
John B. Alexander /Джон Би Александер - Собрание книг (4 книги) [1999-2017, EPUB, ENG]
John A. Keel / Джон А. Киль (Килль) - Собрание Книг [1957-2014, EPUB/PDF/FB2/MOBI, ENG/RUS]
Michael Harner / Майкл Харнер - Собрание Книг [1972-2013, PDF/DjVu/MOBI/EPUB, ENG]
Джереми Нарби / Jeremy Narby - Собрание Книг [1998-2021, EPUB, ENG]
Alberto Villoldo / Альберто Виллолдо - Собрание книг [1987-2015, FB2/DOCX/PDF/EPUB, ENG/RUS]
Arthur Shapiro, Dejan Todorovic - The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions / Оксфордская Энциклопедия Зрительных Иллюзий [2017, PDF, ENG]
Donald D. Hoffman / Дональд Хоффман - Видим ли мы реальность такой, какая она есть? - Собрание Книг [1989-2019, PDF/DjVu/EPUB, ENG]
Michael Pollan / Майкл Поллан - Собрание книг [1997-2021, EPUB, ENG]
Mary Roach / Мэри Роуч - Собрание книг (16 книг) [2003-2016, FB2/EPUB/DjVu/PDF, ENG/RUS]
Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird / Питер Томпкинс, Кристофер Берд - Тайная жизнь растений / The Secret Life of Plants [1973, FB2/PDF/DjVu, ENG/RUS]
William J. Long / Уильям Лонг - How Animals Talk: And Other Pleasant Studies of Birds and Beasts / Как говорят животные: и другие интересные исследования жизни птиц и зверей [1919 (2005), EPUB, ENG]
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[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Top Bonus 05* 10TB

Стаж: 14 лет 10 месяцев

Сообщений: 1098

Boris3000 · 02-Ноя-21 11:14 (спустя 19 часов)

qb1 писал(а):
82217876Специальность/раздел медицины
qb1 писал(а):
Шарлатан обыкновенный.
qb1 писал(а):
82217876современной физики
qb1 писал(а):
82217876необычном человеке целителе
Обычном человеке-мошеннике.
qb1 писал(а):
82217876акупунктурным лечением
Разводом лохов на бабки.
qb1 писал(а):
82217876Пирокинетические и Телекинетические способности
Навыки иллюзиониста и напёрсточника.
Вот теперь всё верно.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 19 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 389

ИВасилий · 29-Апр-22 16:49 (спустя 5 месяцев 27 дней, ред. 29-Апр-22 16:49)

Отлично, спасибо за эту раздачу. "Маг с Явы" у меня бумажная, а что есть вторая книжка не знал.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 543

qb1 · 29-Апр-22 19:34 (спустя 2 часа 45 мин.)

ИВасилий писал(а):
83061087Отлично, спасибо за эту раздачу. "Маг с Явы" у меня бумажная, а что есть вторая книжка не знал.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 543

qb1 · 25-Янв-24 19:12 (спустя 1 год 8 месяцев)

Интервью Дамо Митчелла с Лоуренсом Блэйром - режиссером, который в 1988 году в документальной серии "Огненное Колесо" / "The Ring of Fire: An Indonesian Odyssey" впервые показал необычные способности Джона Чанга, ставшего героем книги "Маг с Явы". Митчелл рассказывает, как именно эта история подстегнула в нем интерес к Нэйгун.
DMP #28 - Dr Lawrence Blair - Animism & Spirituality
Damo Mitchell chatting with famed explorer and film-maker, Dr Lawrence Blair at his home in Bali. The discussion looks at Indonesian culture, mythology, religion and even UFO's! Dynamo Jack is discussed along with the connection between subtle energy and spiritual experience.

Подробнее о сериале и Дамо Митчелле см. в описании раздачи.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 



Стаж: 19 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 389

ИВасилий · 26-Янв-24 18:04 (спустя 22 часа)

qb1Очень интересно, хотя в йоге просматривается более глубокий подход к Вселенной и Человеку
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 3 года 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 1

Odaa2021 · 13-Апр-24 14:47 (спустя 2 месяца 17 дней)

Записал аудиокнигу, думаю куда ее выложить и есть ли смысл?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 2 месяца

Сообщений: 543

qb1 · 13-Апр-24 19:14 (спустя 4 часа, ред. 13-Апр-24 19:14)

Odaa2021 писал(а):
86135126Записал аудиокнигу, думаю куда ее выложить и есть ли смысл?
Смысл конечно-же есть! Чем больше разных способов привлечения внимания, тем лучше.
Наверное, выложить можно в раздел https://rutr.life/forum/viewforum.php?f=2152 [Аудио] Нетрадиционные религиозно-философские учения
Новые (нетрадиционные) религии, духовные практики, оккультизм, неоязычество, атеизм, эзотерика, магия, астрология, уфология...
Ссылку потом прилеплю в описание
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 