donev032 ·
26-Апр-14 22:56
(спустя 25 дней)
"... Robert’s career in music began at the tender age of 7. At that time, he was beating on every surface he could find. And it wasn’t before long that his parents realized that the only way they could get him to stop beating on the tables, was to buy him a drum set. At the age of 8, Robert finally got his first kit, a 5 piece, silver Pearl, just like his idol at the time, Peter Criss of Kiss. Robert performed at birthday parties and various functions in his band, “Black Diamond”. And it was in Black Diamond that Robert got his first taste of success, they won first place at the school talent show. Robert was voted ‘most talented’ in the school yearbook. But it was also in that year, the 8th grade, that Robert began harboring ambitions to write as well as sing. “During our rehearsal breaks, one of the guitar players would show me rhythms. The first song I learned was ‘Train kept a rollin’. Once I picked up the guitar there was no turning back for me”.
Robert found playing guitar quite satisfying. He would play guitar for eight hours a day, until the skin on his fingers would fall off. But it wasn’t before long, that Robert ran into a problem. “As a guitar player, I found it increasingly necessary for me to sing, as I couldn’t find any singers at my school. At first, I would sing just to fill in the gap, I had a terrible voice. But eventually, my voice started getting good, so I said, ok, i’ll be a singer too!” So it was by necessity that Robert became a singer..."