Herbert Knoetel (Knötel) - Napoleonic Uniforms (vol. 1-5) (Униформа армии Наполеона) (PDF/ENG)

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Bill_G · 25-Апр-08 23:04 (16 лет 9 месяцев назад, ред. 20-Апр-16 14:31)

[Униформа] Herbert Knoetel (Knötel) - Napoleonic Uniforms (vol 1-5) (PDF/ENG)
Описание: If you are a military historian with an interest in the history and evolution of the military uniform you should know about the UNIFORMENKUNDE. Richard Knötel was the most famous and prominent of all the German military artists from the late 1800's until his death His hundreds if not thousands of illustrations have documented the uniforms of nearly every country in the world during and before his lifetime. His most mounumental work is the UNIFORMENKUNDE which was available by subscription starting in 1890 until shortly after WWI. Each year he published 50 plates or more until a total of 1072 prints were produced. The plates were in no certain order and covered subjects that suited his fancy at the time. 90 different countries, principalities, dukedoms, and republics are represented from the 1600's until the early 20th Century. Many of the uniforms documented in this work are to be seen no where else. The printing techniques of the time left a lot to be desired. Each print was done as a work of line art then hand colored by journeymen artists who had a master print to work by. Oftentimes details like belts, buttons, and lace were obscured by overpainting.
Today original Knötel prints sell for more than $30 to $50 each depending on the rarity and popularity of the subject. Because the originals were done before archival papers and inks were the standard those that can be found have usually been affected by the ravages of time and elements and are usually yellowed and spotted. (In the late 1960's and again in the mid 1980's a reprint was done on a subscription basis in Germany. These prints were smaller than the originals and were done using the standard offset printing techniques of the time, the papers was darker than the original and the details were not well defined or corrected.
список книг и планшетов, вошедших в раздачу:
UNIFORMS Knoetel Napoleonic Period CLASIC REFORMADOS.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Sweden(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Spain(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 4 - Prussia(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Portugal.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Minor States(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 4 - Holland 1814-1815(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Great-Britain.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 4 - German States 1814-15(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Duchy of Warsaw(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 4 - Austria.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 4 - 4 - Russia.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - Republic of Italy(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 3 - Kingdom of Naples.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - Kingdom Of Naples(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - Kingdom of Holland.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 3 - Great Britain.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - Duchy Of Warsaw.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - Denmark & Norway(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - Confederation Of The Rhine.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - 7 - Kingdom of Holland and Batavian Republic.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - 5 - Kingdom of Spain.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 3 - 2 - Kingdom of Italy.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 2 - Royal Army 1814-15(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 2 - Navy.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 2 - National Guard, schools, Guards of Honour(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 2 - Imperial Guard.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 2 - Gendarmerie.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 2 - Foreign Troops.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 2 - Engineers.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 2 - Artillerie Line(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 2 - 4 - Service Troops.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Special Infantry Units(Pdf By Snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Line Infantry(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Light Infantry(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Lancers.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Lancers(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Hussards(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Heavy Cavalry(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Dragoons.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 1 - 5 - La Grande Armee - Command and staff(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 4 - Army of Egypt(pdf.by.snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 3 - Revolutionary Armies.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms vol 1 - 2 - Emigrant troops(pdf by snack).pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 1-2-3-4 - Revolution And Consulate.pdf
Knoetel - Napoleonic Uniforms Vol 1 - 1 - Royal Army(pdf by snack).pdf

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wolftrader · 15-Янв-09 02:07 (спустя 8 месяцев)

где сиды?
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Top User 01

Стаж: 16 лет 9 месяцев

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oleg1233210 · 15-Янв-09 22:16 (спустя 20 часов)

Поддайте газу . Один сидер , и тот не в контакте
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Стаж: 16 лет 6 месяцев

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irida84 · 07-Окт-22 18:30 (спустя 13 лет 8 месяцев)

Присоединяюсь к просьбе, сидера бы в студию, пазязя 🙂
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