Urban Calisthenics: Get Ripped and Get Strong with Progressive Street Workouts You Can Do Anywhere / Калистеника на открытом воздухе [Ворка́ут, Уличная физическая подготовка]
Год издания: 2018
Автор: Major Tee / Мейджор Ти
Издательство: Alpha (12 Jun. 2018)
ISBN: 978-1465473516
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 166
Описание: "Калистеника на открытом воздухе [Ворка́ут, Уличная физическая подготовка]" Ти Мейджора (издание на английском языке).
Красивое тело без спортзала — это реально
Любители калистеники доказывают, что можно добиться рельефных мышц без штанги и тренажёров.
Что такое калистеника
Слово «калистеника» произошло от соединения греческих слов kallos — «красота» и sthenos — «сила».
Калистеника — это система тренировок с весом собственного тела, которая помогает обрести красивое и гармонично развитое тело, увеличить силу и аэробную выносливость.
Атлеты, занимающиеся калистеникой, не используют свободные веса и тренажёры, они занимаются на турниках, брусьях и шведских стенках — на спортивном оборудовании, которое легко можно найти на улице. Поэтому калистенику также называют уличными тренировками (street workout).
Are you seeking a better way to build a stronger body that doesn't require a gym? Are you ready for the next level of fitness and a more extreme challenge?
If you've grown bored or frustrated with traditional strength training methods and aren't getting the results you want,
Urban Calisthenics has the workouts you need. With progressive bodyweight street workouts you can do anywhere, all you'll need to get ripped and strong is your body, a few simple pieces of equipment, and the willpower to make it happen. With nearly 70 bodyweight exercises and 10 precision routines,
Urban Calisthenics will help you create the strong, balanced, muscular body you've been seeking. You'll quickly forget the gym and discover a greater level of fitness that can be achieved virtually anywhere, and at any time!
- Loaded with nearly 70 exercises, from basics like the push-up, chin-up, and lunge, to superhuman movements like the planche, human flag, and the double clap push-up
- Utilizes a progressive training approach that starts with basic bodyweight exercises and guides you through more challenging movements until you're ready for the most challenging bodyweight exercises of all
- Features 10 high-intensity, whole-body workouts that will push you to your limits and beyond
- Contains dynamic full-color photography, detailed step-by-step instruction, and positive motivation from globally recognized bodyweight training expert Tee Major
Product description
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About the Author
Tee Major is a fitness coach and elite-level athlete whose focus is building power and strength with minimal equipment and no machines. He's built his reputation training active-duty service personnel from all major branches of the US military, as well as professional athletes, Olympians, and everyday people from all walks of life. He has a Facebook audience of over 360,000 followers and can be found performing 19 different push-up variations on his YouTube channel, where he has over 15 million views. Online: TeeMajor.com; Facebook (363K followers); YouTube: TeeMajorFitness (164K subscribers); Instagram: @teemajor (13.6K followers); Twitter: @Tee_Major (5.4K followers).