(Guitar Pro) Коллекция табулатур, сортировка по алфавиту, буквы B-C, формат gp3, gp4, gp5

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Стаж: 16 лет

Сообщений: 19

FoolyCoolly · 31-Янв-09 20:25 (16 лет назад)

Полный список табулатур от A до Z, а так же ссылки на другие буквы, смотрите на https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1496462
Из-за ограничения на размер торрент-файла и запрет на загрузку архива, коллекцию пришлось разделить на 7 частей.
Помимо разного рода музыкальных коллективов в коллекции присутствует музыка из игр и классические произведения. Фамилии классиков написаны по-английски.
Табулатуры всегда содержат партию гитары (или нескольких, если они есть), обычно содержат партии других инструментов (бас, ударные, фортепиано), и иногда - полные аранжировки, включая партию вокалиста (имеются ввиду ноты).
Ноты разного качества, местами возможны ошибки, но в общем материал добротный.
Внимание: для просмотра требуется программа Guitar Pro (в зависимости от конкретной партитуры версия программы варьируется от 3 до 5.2).
Программа позволяет не только просматривать ноты, но и показывает к ним табулатуры, а так же графически отображает необходимые клавиши на виртуальном грифе и фортепианной клавиатуре. Кроме того, все ноты можно прослушать, что даёт возможность использовать данную коллекцию в качестве минусовок. Качество, конечно, не концертное, но для занятий подходит прекрасно (для лучшего звука необходимо нажать RSE на панели программы).
Список табулатур, буква B
bach, johann sebastian:
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Ach wie fluchtig
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Air on G String (Electric Guitar Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Air on a G String (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Air on a G String (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Air on a G String (3)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Air on a G String (Metal Arrangement)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Air
Bach, Johann Sebastian - All' solch' dein' Gut' wir preisen
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Allegro (3rd Movement)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Allegro (Acoustic Guitar Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Allegro
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Allemande from Partita No.2 in D Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Allemande in A Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Andante
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Andante
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Aria (Goldberg Variations)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Aria from Cantata 41
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Auf meinen lieben Gott
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Ave Maria (Acoustic)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Ave Maria
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Ayre Suite no.3
Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 1006
Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 1007 - Prelude
Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 515
Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 625
Bach, Johann Sebastian - BWV 996 No.1 Suite Prelude Presto
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Badinerie (Joke in H-Moll from Sonata #4) (Rearranged for Art Rock Band)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Badinerie (Joke in H-Moll)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Badinerie
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Badinerie
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Bouree (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Bouree (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Bouree (Cello Suite III)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Bouree (from Lute Suite no.1 in E Minor)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Bouree
Bach, Johann Sebastian - C Minor Prelude
Bach, Johann Sebastian - C Prelude from the Well-Tempered Clavier
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata BWV 147
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantate Ich Ruf
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cello Suite 1 (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cello Suite 1 (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cello Suite 1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Chaccone (from Violin Partita no.2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Chromatic Fugue
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Concerto in A Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Courante
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Double
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Es ist das Heil uns kommen her
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Es ist genug; so nimm. Herr, meinen Geist
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fuga 1 Para 4 Voces
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fuga A 3
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fuga in Do Minore
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fughetta
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue (G-Moll) BWV 1000
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue from Toccata
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue in D Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue in D Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue in D-
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue in Dm
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Fugue in Gm (Little Fugue)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gavotte 1 & 2
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gavotte en Rondeau (from BWV 995)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gavotte en Rondeau (from Lute Suite 4)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gavotte in A Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gavotte
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gieb, dass ich thu' mit Fleiss
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gigue (Acoustic Guitar Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gigue (from Lute Suite no.2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Gigue
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Goldberg Variation 29
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Goldberg Variations 1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Inventio 3
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention 01
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention 04 (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention 04 (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention 08
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention 08
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention 13
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention No.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention No.13 (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention No.13 (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention en D Mineur
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention in Am
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invention no.4 (Part 1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Invenzione a Due Voci - For 1st Through 7th Position.
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Italian Concerto
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu meine Zuversicht
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (BWV 147)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesu, nimm dich deiner Glieder
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesus Alegria del Hombre
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Jesus que ma joie demeure
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Joke B-moll
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Joke
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Largo Trio Es-dur
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Largo e Dolce
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Mache dich, mein Geist, Bereit
Bach, Johann Sebastian - March
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet (3)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet 1Sre Suite Violoncelle in Re Mineur
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet in A Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet in G Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet in G Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Menuet in G Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuet in G (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuet in G (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuet in G (Duet)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuet in G
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuet in Mi Menor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minueto em La Menor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minueto em Sol Maior
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minueto en G+ Anna Magdelene Bach Notebook
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuetto (Part 1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Minuetto (Part 2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Musette in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Musette in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Orchestral Suite no.3 in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Partita Number One
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Polonaise
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Praludium #4
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude (Electric Guitar Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude (Excerpt)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude - BWV 999
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude No.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude en Re Mineur
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude from Suite #1 in D Major
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude in C Mineur
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude in C Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude in Cm
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude in D Minor
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude in D
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude in E from 4th Lute Suite
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude no.1 en Do Majeur du Clavier bien Tempere
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Prelude no.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Preludia from Suit no.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Preludio in Fa Maggiore
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Preludio in Mi Minore
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Preludium no.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Sarabande (from Cello Suite 1 (BWV 1007))
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Sarabande - BWV 1002
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Sarabande - BWV 997
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Sarabande from Partita in Bm for Violin
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Sarabande
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Second Violin Sonata in A Minor, BWV 1003 - Allegro
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Sinfonia #12
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Suite #1 in G Major (Bass Solo)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Suite No.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Suite de Bach (Metal Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Suite de Bach
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Suiten fur Violoncello no.1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata & Fugue in Dm (Metal Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata & Fugue in Dm BWV 565 (Metal Version)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata and Fugue (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata and Fugue (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata and Fugue (3)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata and Fugue (BWV 565)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata et Fugue en Re Mineur (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Toccata et Fugue en Re Mineur (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Violin Concerto (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Violin Concerto (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Violin Sonata No.1 in Gm Fugue BWV 1001
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Vivace
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern
badalamenti, angelo:
Badalamenti, Angelo - Twin Peaks Theme (1)
Badalamenti, Angelo - Twin Peaks Theme (2)
Bal-Sagoth - A Tale from the Deep Woods
Bal-Sagoth - Of Carnage and a Gathering of the Wolves
Bal-Sagoth - The Voyagers Beneath the Mare Imbrium
Barathrum - Darkness Has Landed
Barathrum - I Am Very Possessed
Barathrum - Last Day in Heaven (1)
Barathrum - Last Day in Heaven (2)
Barathrum - Legions of Perkele
Barathrum - Virgin Blood Spiller
Barathrum - Warmetal (1)
Barathrum - Warmetal (2)
Bass Exercises - 16 Beat Bass Picking Exercise
Bass Exercises - Alain Caron's Excercises
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercise No.1
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercise No.2
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercise No.3
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercises, Part I
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercises, Part II
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercises, Part III
Bass Exercises - Bass Exercises
Bass Exercises - Bass Riffs - 50's
Bass Exercises - Bass Riffs - 60's
Bass Exercises - Bass Riffs - 70's
Bass Exercises - Bass Riffs - 80's & 90's
Bass Exercises - Blues Exercise
Bass Exercises - Cliff Burton Style Bass Solo
Bass Exercises - Flea Style Bass Solo
Bass Exercises - Hardcore Slape Bass
Bass Exercises - Jazz Blues in C for Bass
Bass Exercises - Left Hand Practising Excercises
Bass Exercises - Modos Gregos (Greek Modes) in C Major (from the 3rd String)
Bass Exercises - No.2
Bass Exercises - No.3
Bass Exercises - Passin Go (in E)
Bass Exercises - Pop Exercises for Bass #1
Bass Exercises - Pop Exercises for Bass #2
Bass Exercises - Slap Bass Excercises (1)
Bass Exercises - Slap Bass Excercises (2)
Bass Exercises - Slap Bass Exercise
Bass Exercises - Slap Bass Solo
Bass Exercises - Slap Bass with Acoustic Guitar
Bass Exercises - Slap Exercise
Bass Exercises - Slap Exercises for Bass
Bass Exercises - Slap in Am
Bass Exercises - Spider - 5 string Bass Exercise
Bass Exercises - The Mood
Bathory - 13 Candles
Bathory - A Fine Day to Die
Bathory - Blood and Iron
Bathory - Blood, Fire, Death
Bathory - Born for Burning
Bathory - Burnin' Leather
Bathory - Call from the Grave
Bathory - Destroyer of Worlds
Bathory - Equimanthorn
Bathory - Flash of the Silverhammer
Bathory - Foreverdark Woods
Bathory - Great Hall Awaits a Fallen Brother
Bathory - Home of Once Brave
Bathory - Lake of Fire
Bathory - Massacre
Bathory - Necromansy
Bathory - Nordland (1)
Bathory - Nordland (2)
Bathory - One Eyed Old Man
Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay
Bathory - Pax Vobiscum
Bathory - Raise the Dead
Bathory - Sacrifice
Bathory - Shores in Flames
Bathory - The Messenger
Bathory - The Woodwoman
Bdee - Books of Death
Bdee - Breaking the Wall
Bdee - Death
Bdee - Deaths to the Wild
Bdee - Disconnected
Bdee - Domination
Bdee - Don Quiero
Bdee - Foes
Bdee - Metal Mistress
Bdee - My Breakdown
Bdee - Punishment
Bdee - Reality
Bdee - Surgery
Bdee - Throatlock
Bdee - Time Vault
Beethoven - 4th Symphony in B Major
Beethoven - 5th Symphony (1)
Beethoven - 5th Symphony (2)
Beethoven - 5th Symphony (3)
Beethoven - 7th Symphony (Allegretto)
Beethoven - 9th Symphony (Rock Ballad)
Beethoven - Andante (Acoustic)
Beethoven - Fur Elise (2)
Beethoven - Fur Elise (Bagatelle in A Minor)
Beethoven - Fur Elise (Full Version)
Beethoven - Fur Elise (Metal Version) (1)
Beethoven - Fur Elise (Metal Version) (2)
Beethoven - Fur Elise
Beethoven - Hymn
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (1)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (2)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (3)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (3rd Movement)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (4)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (5)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (Metal Version)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (Movement 1)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (Op.27, No.2)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
Beethoven - Moyen Age
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (1)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (1)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (2)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (2)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (3)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (4)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (9th)
Beethoven - Ode to Joy (with Tremolos)
Beethoven - Pathetique Sonata (2nd Movement)
Beethoven - Pбtб symfonie-Osudovб
Beethoven - Rage over a Lost Penny
Beethoven - Rondo in C
Beethoven - Shepherd's Song (Symphonie Pastorale)
Beethoven - Sonata Op.27
Beethoven - Sonata Pathetique 2nd Movement
Beethoven - Sonata Pathetique
Beethoven - Sonata no.6 en Fa Maggiore (Presto)
Beethoven - Symphony No.5 in Cm, 1st Movement
Beethoven - Violin Concerto_ 1st Movement
Beethoven - Wut uber den verlorenen Groschen
Behemoth - 23 (The Youth Manifesto)
Behemoth - 23 (The Youth Manifesto)
Behemoth - Antichristian Phenomenon
Behemoth - As Above So Below (1)
Behemoth - As Above So Below (2)
Behemoth - Carnage
Behemoth - Ceremony of Shiva
Behemoth - Chant for Eschaton '2000
Behemoth - Conquer All (1)
Behemoth - Conquer All (2)
Behemoth - Conquer All (3)
Behemoth - Decade of Therion
Behemoth - Decade of Therion
Behemoth - Escaping from Hell
Behemoth - From the Pagan Vastlands
Behemoth - Grom
Behemoth - Hell Dwells in Ice
Behemoth - Here and Beyond
Behemoth - Heru Ra Ha
Behemoth - Heru Ra Ha
Behemoth - Hidden in a Fog
Behemoth - Modern Iconoclast
Behemoth - No Sympathy for Fools
Behemoth - Ostatni Tabor
Behemoth - Ostatni Tabor
Behemoth - Pure Evil and Hate
Behemoth - The Act of Rebellion (1)
Behemoth - The Act of Rebellion (2)
Behemoth - The Act of Rebellion
Behemoth - The Reign of Shemsu Hor
Bewitched - At the Gates of Hell
Bewitched - Black Mass
Bewitched - Demondawn
Bewitched - Hallways to Hell
Bewitched - Heaven Is Falling
Bewitched - Let the Blood Run Red
Bewitched - Night Stalker
Bewitched - Night of the Sinner
Bewitched - Pentagram Prayer
Bewitched - Sabbath of Sin
Bewitched - Sacrifice to Satan
Bizet - Carmen (Metal Version)
Bizet - Carmen
black aliances of death:
Black Aliances of Death - Art of Death
Black Aliances of Death - Black Sky
Black Aliances of Death - Glowing Inside the Mirror
Black Aliances of Death - Hell Waits
Black Aliances of Death - Lord Killer
Black Aliances of Death - Sogens Store Morke Fjell
Black Aliances of Death - The Dark Dawn
Black Aliances of Death - The Dust of the Dead
black death warrior:
Black Death Warrior - Acoustic Medley N'dir Enech
Black Death Warrior - Black Death Warrior
Black Death Warrior - Dark Hour
Black Death Warrior - Guide Me to Another Breath
Black Death Warrior - Restful
Black Death Warrior - Weakness
black horror:
Black Horror - Black Horror
Black Horror - Death Empire
Black Horror - Dreadful Mind
Black Horror - Scream from the Evil Gates
Black Horror - Spirits of a Decay World
Black Horror - Unending Torture
black sabbath:
Black Sabbath - A Hard Road
Black Sabbath - A National Acrobat
Black Sabbath - A National Acrobat
Black Sabbath - After All (The Dead)
Black Sabbath - After Forever (1)
Black Sabbath - After Forever (2)
Black Sabbath - After Forever (3)
Black Sabbath - Angry Heart
Black Sabbath - Anno Mundi
Black Sabbath - Bassically
Black Sabbath - Bassically
Black Sabbath - Behind the Wall of Sleep
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (1)
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (2)
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Changes (1)
Black Sabbath - Changes (2)
Black Sabbath - Changes
Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave (1)
Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave (2)
Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave (3)
Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave (Intro)
Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave
Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave
Black Sabbath - Children of the Sea (Intro + Main Riff)
Black Sabbath - Children of the Sea
Black Sabbath - Cornucopia
Black Sabbath - Country Girl (1)
Black Sabbath - Country Girl (2)
Black Sabbath - Demonoid Phenomenon
Black Sabbath - Die Young
Black Sabbath - Die Young
Black Sabbath - Dirty Women
Black Sabbath - Dying for Love
Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral (1)
Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral (2)
Black Sabbath - Embryo (1)
Black Sabbath - Embryo (2)
Black Sabbath - Embryo (3)
Black Sabbath - Embryo
Black Sabbath - Evil Woman
Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots (1)
Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots (2)
Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots - Jack the Stipper (Medley).
Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
Black Sabbath - Fine
Black Sabbath - Fluff
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom (1)
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom (2)
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom
Black Sabbath - Headless Cross
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell (1)
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell (2)
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Black Sabbath - Hole in the Sky
Black Sabbath - I Won't Cry for You
Black Sabbath - I
Black Sabbath - In Memory
Black Sabbath - Into the Void (1)
Black Sabbath - Into the Void (2)
Black Sabbath - Into the Void
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (1)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (1)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (2)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (2)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (3)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (4)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (5)
Black Sabbath - Iron Man (6)
Black Sabbath - Killing Yourself to Live (1)
Black Sabbath - Killing Yourself to Live (2)
Black Sabbath - Killing Yourself to Live
Black Sabbath - Laguna Sunrise
Black Sabbath - Lonely Is the Word
Black Sabbath - Lord of this World
Black Sabbath - Megalomania (Live)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (1)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (2)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (3)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (4)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (5)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (Bass Solo)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (Intro) (Bass Solo)
Black Sabbath - N.I.B.
Black Sabbath - Neon Knights
Black Sabbath - Neon Knights
Black Sabbath - Orchid (1)
Black Sabbath - Orchid (2)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (1)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (1)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (2)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (2)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (3)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (4)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (5)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (6)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (7)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (8)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (9)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Live Evil)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Solo) (1)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Solo) (2)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Solo)
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
Black Sabbath - Psycho Man
Black Sabbath - Rat Salad (1)
Black Sabbath - Rat Salad (2)
Black Sabbath - Rat Salad
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1)
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (2)
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Bassline)
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Sabbra Cadabra
Black Sabbath - Selling My Soul
Black Sabbath - She's Gone
Black Sabbath - Sleeping Village (Intro)
Black Sabbath - Sleeping Village - A Bit of Finger
Black Sabbath - Snowblind (1)
Black Sabbath - Snowblind (1)
Black Sabbath - Snowblind (2)
Black Sabbath - Snowblind (2)
Black Sabbath - Solitude (Intro)
Black Sabbath - Solitude
Black Sabbath - Spiral Architect
Black Sabbath - St. Vitus Dance
Black Sabbath - Supernaut (1)
Black Sabbath - Supernaut (2)
Black Sabbath - Supernaut
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (1)
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (1)
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (2)
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (2)
Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf (3)
Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe
Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe
Black Sabbath - The Eternal Idol
Black Sabbath - The Illusion of Power
Black Sabbath - The Sign of the Southern Cross
Black Sabbath - The Spell
Black Sabbath - The Wizard
Black Sabbath - Time Is Mine
Black Sabbath - Time Machine
Black Sabbath - Tomorrow's Dream
Black Sabbath - Too Late (1)
Black Sabbath - Too Late (2)
Black Sabbath - Too Late
Black Sabbath - Turn to Stone
Black Sabbath - Virtual Death
Black Sabbath - Voodoo
Black Sabbath - War Pigs (1)
Black Sabbath - War Pigs (2)
Black Sabbath - War Pigs (3)
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Black Sabbath - Wicked World
Black Sabbath - Zero the Hero
black sahara:
Black Sahara - Arabian Knight
Black Sahara - Arabic Revolution
Black Sahara - Damned People
Black Sahara - Darkness
Black Sahara - Desert Sahara
Black Sahara - Diabolic Sacrifice
Black Sahara - Dreaming Shadow
Black Sahara - Eternal Sorrow
Black Sahara - For Paradise
Black Sahara - Killing Death
Black Sahara - Leaving Me
blackmore's night:
Blackmore's Night - Again Someday
Blackmore's Night - All Things Are Quite Silent
Blackmore's Night - Ancient Sojourn
Blackmore's Night - Avalon
Blackmore's Night - Be Mine Tonight (1)
Blackmore's Night - Be Mine Tonight (2)
Blackmore's Night - Be Mine Tonight
Blackmore's Night - Beyond the Sunset
Blackmore's Night - Breton Dance
Blackmore's Night - Castles and Dreams
Blackmore's Night - Catherine Howard's Fate
Blackmore's Night - Catherine Howards Fate
Blackmore's Night - Clock Ticks On (1)
Blackmore's Night - Clock Ticks On (2)
Blackmore's Night - Durch den Wald zum Bachhaus
Blackmore's Night - Ejercice 1
Blackmore's Night - Fayre Thee Well
Blackmore's Night - Fayre Thee Well
Blackmore's Night - Fool's Gold
Blackmore's Night - Gone with the Wind
Blackmore's Night - Greensleeves (1)
Blackmore's Night - Greensleeves (2)
Blackmore's Night - Greensleeves (Instrumental)
Blackmore's Night - Home Again
Blackmore's Night - I Still Remember
Blackmore's Night - Lovely Joan
Blackmore's Night - Magical World
Blackmore's Night - Memmingen (1)
Blackmore's Night - Memmingen (2)
Blackmore's Night - Memmingen
Blackmore's Night - Minstrel Hall (1)
Blackmore's Night - Minstrel Hall (2)
Blackmore's Night - Minstrel Hall (3)
Blackmore's Night - Mond Tanz (1)
Blackmore's Night - Mond Tanz (2)
Blackmore's Night - Mond Tanz (3)
Blackmore's Night - No Second Chance (1)
Blackmore's Night - No Second Chance (2)
Blackmore's Night - Now and Then
Blackmore's Night - Nur eine Minute
Blackmore's Night - Ocean Gipsy
Blackmore's Night - Past Time with Good Company
Blackmore's Night - Play Minstrel Play (1)
Blackmore's Night - Play Minstrel Play (2)
Blackmore's Night - Possum Goes to Prague (1)
Blackmore's Night - Possum Goes to Prague (2)
Blackmore's Night - Possum Goes to Prague
Blackmore's Night - Possum Goes to Prague
Blackmore's Night - Praetorius
Blackmore's Night - Renaissance Fair
Blackmore's Night - Shadow of the Moon (1)
Blackmore's Night - Shadow of the Moon (2)
Blackmore's Night - Spanish Nights
Blackmore's Night - Spirit of the Sea
Blackmore's Night - Storm
Blackmore's Night - Under a Violet Moon (1)
Blackmore's Night - Under a Violet Moon (2)
Blackmore's Night - Under a Violet Moon
Blackmore's Night - Unquest Grave
Blackmore's Night - Village on the Sand
Blackmore's Night - Waiting Just for You
Blackmore's Night - When I Was on Horseback
Blackmore's Night - Wish You Were Here
Blackmore's Night - Writing on the Wall
Blaze - Alive
Blaze - Born as a Stranger
Blaze - End Dream
Blaze - Evolution
Blaze - Ghost in the Machine
Blaze - Hollow Head
Blaze - Identity
Blaze - Kill & Destroy (1)
Blaze - Kill & Destroy (2)
Blaze - Leap of Faith
Blaze - Life and Death
Blaze - Meant to Be
Blaze - Motherfuckers R Us
Blaze - Nothing Will Stop Me
Blaze - Reach for the Horizon
Blaze - Regret
Blaze - Silicon Messiah
Blaze - Soundtrack of My Life
Blaze - Stare at the Sun
Blaze - Steel
Blaze - Stranger to the Light
Blaze - Tearing Yourself to Pieces
Blaze - Ten Seconds
Blaze - Tenth Dimension
Blaze - The Brave
Blaze - The Hunger
Blaze - The Launch
Blaze - The Launch
Blaze - The Path and the Way
Blaze - The Truth Revealed
blind guardian:
Blind Guardian - A Dark Passage (1)
Blind Guardian - A Dark Passage (2)
Blind Guardian - A Past and Future Secret (1)
Blind Guardian - A Past and Future Secret (2)
Blind Guardian - A Past and Future Secret
Blind Guardian - Altair 4
Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence
Blind Guardian - And the Story Ends
Blind Guardian - Another Holy War
Blind Guardian - Ashes to Ashes
Blind Guardian - Banish from Sanctuary (1)
Blind Guardian - Banish from Sanctuary (2)
Blind Guardian - Banish from Sanctuary (3)
Blind Guardian - Battle of Sudden Flame
Blind Guardian - Battlefield (1)
Blind Guardian - Battlefield (2)
Blind Guardian - Best
Blind Guardian - Beyond the Ice
Blind Guardian - Black Chamber
Blind Guardian - Black Chamber
Blind Guardian - Blood Tears
Blind Guardian - Born in a Mourning Hall
Blind Guardian - Born in a Mourning Hall
Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes (1)
Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes (2)
Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes
Blind Guardian - By the Gates of Moria
Blind Guardian - Don't Break the Circle (1)
Blind Guardian - Don't Break the Circle (2)
Blind Guardian - Gandalf's Rebirth (Solo)
Blind Guardian - Gandalf's Rebirth
Blind Guardian - Goodbye My Friend
Blind Guardian - Guardian of the Blind
Blind Guardian - Harvest of Sorrow
Blind Guardian - I'm Alive (1)
Blind Guardian - I'm Alive (2)
Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the Other Side (1)
Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the Other Side (2)
Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the Other Side (Guitar & Piano)
Blind Guardian - Into the Storm
Blind Guardian - Into the Storm
Blind Guardian - Journey Through the Dark
Blind Guardian - Journey through the Dark
Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (1)
Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (2)
Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (3)
Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (4)
Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (Orchestral Version)
Blind Guardian - Lord of the Rings (Original Version)
Blind Guardian - Lost in the Twilight Hall
Blind Guardian - Majesty (1)
Blind Guardian - Majesty (2)
Blind Guardian - Majesty (Intro)
Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror (1)
Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror (2)
Blind Guardian - Mirror Mirror (for One Guitar)
Blind Guardian - Mordred's Song
Blind Guardian - Mordred's Song
Blind Guardian - Mr. Sandman
Blind Guardian - Nightfall (1)
Blind Guardian - Nightfall (2)
Blind Guardian - Nightfall (Acoustic Arrangement)
Blind Guardian - Nightfall (Solo)
Blind Guardian - Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)
Blind Guardian - Out on the Water
Blind Guardian - Punishment Divine
Blind Guardian - Requiem for a Dream
Blind Guardian - Run for the Night
Blind Guardian - Sadly Sings Destiny
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond (1)
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond (2)
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond (for One Guitar)
Blind Guardian - Soulforged
Blind Guardian - Spread Your Wings
Blind Guardian - The Age of False Innocence
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (1)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (2)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (3)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (4)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (5)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (6)
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song_ In the Forest
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song_ In the Forrest
Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song_ The Hobbit
Blind Guardian - The Curse of Feanor
Blind Guardian - The Curse of Feanor
Blind Guardian - The Eldar (1)
Blind Guardian - The Eldar (2)
Blind Guardian - The Last Candle
Blind Guardian - The Minstrel (1)
Blind Guardian - The Minstrel (2)
Blind Guardian - The Minstrel (3)
Blind Guardian - The Quest for Tanelorn
Blind Guardian - The Script for My Requiem (1)
Blind Guardian - The Script for My Requiem (2)
Blind Guardian - The Script for My Requiem
Blind Guardian - The Wizard
Blind Guardian - Theatre of Pain (1)
Blind Guardian - Theatre of Pain (2)
Blind Guardian - Theatre of Pain (for One Guitar)
Blind Guardian - Thorn
Blind Guardian - Time Stands Still (at the Iron Hill)
Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time (1)
Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time (2)
Blind Guardian - Time What Is Time (3)
Blind Guardian - To France
Blind Guardian - Tommyknockers
Blind Guardian - Traveller in Time
Blind Guardian - Trial by Fire
Blind Guardian - Trial by the Archon & Wizard's Crown
Blind Guardian - Trial by the Archon
Blind Guardian - Valhalla
Blind Guardian - Valhalla
Blind Guardian - Weird Dreams
Blind Guardian - Welcome to Dying (1)
Blind Guardian - Welcome to Dying (2)
Blind Guardian - When Sorrow Sang
blood red throne:
Blood Red Throne - Eye-Licker
Blood Red Throne - Mandatory Homicide & Death Inc.
Bloodbath - Bathe in Blood
Bloodbath - Be Doomed
Bloodbath - Brave New Hell (1)
Bloodbath - Brave New Hell (2)
Bloodbath - Burried by the Dead
Bloodbath - Cry My Name
Bloodbath - Death Delirium
Bloodbath - Like Fire
Bloodbath - Mass Strangulation
Bloodbath - Mass Strangulation
Bloodbath - Soul Evisceration
Bloodbath - Ways to the Grave
blue goblins:
Blue Goblins - 10000 Pieces of Broken Glass
Blue Goblins - Abusive
Blue Goblins - Another Fu__in_' Generation
Blue Goblins - Anthem
Blue Goblins - Big Black Dogs
Blue Goblins - Blind Nation
Blue Goblins - Blue Night
Blue Goblins - Clayman
Blue Goblins - Clever
Blue Goblins - Cute Girl 83
Blue Goblins - Dangerous Zone
Blue Goblins - Deaf Walls
Blue Goblins - Death of the Lord
Blue Goblins - Death-Chair
Blue Goblins - Dirty Visions
Blue Goblins - Dismemberment
Blue Goblins - Down
Blue Goblins - Enjoy the Silence
Blue Goblins - Everlong
Blue Goblins - F.U.C.
Blue Goblins - Feel Up Her Body
Blue Goblins - Forbidden Literature
Blue Goblins - I Am Delighted to Suffer
Blue Goblins - I Don't Care a Scrap
Blue Goblins - Janet
Blue Goblins - Jump for Joy
Blue Goblins - Lemon
Blue Goblins - Let Me Alone
Blue Goblins - Living in the World of Stress and Depress
Blue Goblins - Lost My Head
Blue Goblins - Motherfu__er 666
Blue Goblins - Murder from the Valley of Death
Blue Goblins - Nitra
Blue Goblins - Pain
Blue Goblins - Prison
Blue Goblins - School Terror
Blue Goblins - Silent Film
Blue Goblins - Song from the Year 1984
Blue Goblins - Strangers
Blue Goblins - Suicide
Blue Goblins - The Better Part of Story
Blue Goblins - The Cross
Blue Goblins - The Fighter Dave
Blue Goblins - Therapeutics
Blue Goblins - Vomit the Frogs
Blue Goblins - Woman
Blue Goblins - Zanoga
blue oyster cult:
Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Blue Oyster Cult - Burnin' for You
Blue Oyster Cult - Burnin' for You
Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla
Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla
Blue Oyster Cult - Here Comes That Feeling
bolt thrower:
Bolt Thrower - 7th Offensive
Bolt Thrower - Cenotaph
Bolt Thrower - For Victory
Bolt Thrower - Forever Fallen
Bolt Thrower - Infiltrator (1)
Bolt Thrower - Infiltrator (2)
Bolt Thrower - Mercenary
Bolt Thrower - Remembrance (1)
Bolt Thrower - Remembrance (2)
Bolt Thrower - Sixth Chapter
Bolt Thrower - War
Bolt Thrower - Where Next to Conquer (1)
Bolt Thrower - Where Next to Conquer (2)
Bolt Thrower - Zeroed
Borknagar - Colossus (1)
Borknagar - Colossus (2)
Borknagar - Colossus
Borknagar - Matter and Motion
Borknagar - Matter and Motion
Borknagar - Om Hundrede Aar er Alting Glemt
Borknagar - The Genuine Pulse
Borknagar - The View of Everlast
Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
Burzum - Black Spell of Destruction
Burzum - Daudi Baldrs
Burzum - Det Som en Gang Var
Burzum - Die liebe Nerpus
Burzum - Dunkelheit (1)
Burzum - Dunkelheit (2)
Burzum - Dunkelheit
Burzum - Ea, Lord of the Depths
Burzum - Ea, Lord of the Depths
Burzum - Erblicket die Tochter des Firmaments
Burzum - Feeble Screams from Forests Unknown
Burzum - Han Som Reiste
Burzum - Illa Tithandi
Burzum - Jesus Tod (1)
Burzum - Jesus Tod (2)
Burzum - Jesus Tod (Jesu Dod)
Burzum - Key to the Gate
Burzum - Lost Wisdom (1)
Burzum - Lost Wisdom (1)
Burzum - Lost Wisdom (2)
Burzum - Lost Wisdom (2)
Burzum - My Journey to the Stars
Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
Burzum - Spell of Destruction
Burzum - Stemmen Fra Taarnet
Burzum - The Crying Orc
Burzum - Tomhet (2nd Half)
Burzum - Tomhets (1st Half)
Burzum - War (1)
Burzum - War (2)
Burzum - War (3)
Burzum - War (4)
Burzum - War
Список табулатур, буква C
Candlemass - Black Dwarf
Candlemass - Dark Reflections
Candlemass - Epistle No.81
Candlemass - Marche Funebre
Candlemass - Solitude
cannibal corpse:
Cannibal Corpse - A Skull Full of Maggots (1)
Cannibal Corpse - A Skull Full of Maggots (2)
Cannibal Corpse - A Skull Full of Maggots (3)
Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Addicted to Vaginal Skin (2)
Cannibal Corpse - Blowtorch Slaughter
Cannibal Corpse - Blowtorch Slaughter
Cannibal Corpse - Compelled to Lacerate (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Compelled to Lacerate (2)
Cannibal Corpse - Compelled to Lacerate
Cannibal Corpse - Confessions
Cannibal Corpse - Covered with Sores
Cannibal Corpse - Dead Human Collection
Cannibal Corpse - Dead Human Collection
Cannibal Corpse - Decency Defied
Cannibal Corpse - Disfigured
Cannibal Corpse - Disposal of the Body
Cannibal Corpse - Disposal of the Body
Cannibal Corpse - Festering in the Crypt (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Festering in the Crypt (2)
Cannibal Corpse - Frantic Disembowelment (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Frantic Disembowelment (2)
Cannibal Corpse - From Skin to Liquid (1)
Cannibal Corpse - From Skin to Liquid (2)
Cannibal Corpse - From Skin to Liquid (3)
Cannibal Corpse - Fucked with a Knife
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
Cannibal Corpse - Gutted
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (2)
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (3)
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (4)
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face (5)
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face
Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood
Cannibal Corpse - I Cum Blood
Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You
Cannibal Corpse - Meat Hook Sodomy
Cannibal Corpse - Meat Hook Sodomy
Cannibal Corpse - Meat Hook Sodomy
Cannibal Corpse - No Remorse
Cannibal Corpse - Peverse Suffering
Cannibal Corpse - Pick-Axe Murders
Cannibal Corpse - Return to the Flesh (Solo)
Cannibal Corpse - Savage Butchery
Cannibal Corpse - Sentenced to Burn (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Sentenced to Burn (2)
Cannibal Corpse - Sentenced to Burn (3)
Cannibal Corpse - She Was Asking for It
Cannibal Corpse - Shredded Humans
Cannibal Corpse - Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead (1)
Cannibal Corpse - Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead (2)
Cannibal Corpse - Staring through the Eyes of the Dead
Cannibal Corpse - Stripped, Raped and Strangled
Cannibal Corpse - Stripped, Raped and Strangled
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding (1)
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding (2)
Cannibal Corpse - The Exorcist
Cannibal Corpse - The Pick-Axe Murders
Cannibal Corpse - The Spine Splitter
Cannibal Corpse - Under the Rotted Flesh
Cannibal Corpse - Under the Rotted Flesh
Cannibal Corpse - Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
Cannibal Corpse - Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
Cannibal Corpse - When Death Replaces Life
Cannibal Corpse - Worm Infested
Cannibal Corpse - Zero the Hero
Carcass - Black Star
Carcass - Carneous Cacoffiny (1)
Carcass - Carneous Cacoffiny (2)
Carcass - Carneous Cacoffiny
Carcass - Childs Play
Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandray
Carcass - Corporeal Jigsore Quandary (1)
Carcass - Corporeal Jigsore Quandary (2)
Carcass - Corporeal Jigsore Quandary (3)
Carcass - Death Certificate (1)
Carcass - Death Certificate (2)
Carcass - Death Certificate
Carcass - Edge of Darkness (1)
Carcass - Edge of Darkness (2)
Carcass - Embodiment (1)
Carcass - Embodiment (2)
Carcass - Emotional Flatline
Carcass - Forensic Clinicism, the Sanguine Article
Carcass - Forensic Clinicism, the Sanguine Article
Carcass - Ganital Grinder II
Carcass - Genital Grinder & Regurgitation of Giblets
Carcass - Go to Hell
Carcass - Heartwork (1)
Carcass - Heartwork (2)
Carcass - Heartwork (3)
Carcass - Heartwork
Carcass - Incarnated Solvent Abuse
Carcass - Incarnated Solvent Abuse
Carcass - Inpropagation
Carcass - Keep on Rotting in the Free World
Carcass - Maggot Colony
Carcass - No Love Lost
Carcass - Polarized
Carcass - Polarized
Carcass - Predicator
Carcass - R__k the Vote
Carcass - Raptured in Purlence
Carcass - Room 101
Carcass - Rot'n'Roll (1)
Carcass - Rot'n'Roll (2)
Carcass - Symposium of Sickness
Carcass - This Mortal Coil
carpathian forest:
Carpathian Forest - A World of Bones
Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather
Carpathian Forest - Blood Cleansing
Carpathian Forest - Bloodlust and Perversion
Carpathian Forest - Carpathian Forest
Carpathian Forest - Dtwteasotld
Carpathian Forest - He's Turning Blue
Carpathian Forest - In Silence I Observe
Carpathian Forest - It's Darker Than You Think
Carpathian Forest - Knokkelmann
Carpathian Forest - Martyr & Sacrificulum
Carpathian Forest - Return of the Freezing Winds
Carpathian Forest - Skjend Hans Lik
Carpathian Forest - The Angel and the Sodomizer
Carpathian Forest - The Suicide Song (1)
Carpathian Forest - The Suicide Song (2)
Carpathian Forest - The Woods of Wallachia
Carpathian Forest - When Thousand Moon Have Circled
Catamenia - Forest Enthroned
Catamenia - In the Void
Catamenia - Kuolon Tanssi
Catamenia - One with Sorrow
Catamenia - Outro
Cathedral - Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)
celtic frost:
Celtic Frost - Dethroned Emperor (1)
Celtic Frost - Dethroned Emperor (2)
Celtic Frost - Jewel Throne
Celtic Frost - Mexican Radio
Celtic Frost - Return to the Eve
Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon
Celtic Frost - Visions of Mortality
Cemetary - By My Own Hand
cemetery savage:
Cemetery Savage - Employe Cannibalism
Cemetery Savage - Gorebath
Cemetery Savage - Grebneralk
Cemetery Savage - Theatre de Macabre
Cemetery Savage - Urinal Head
chaos opera:
Chaos Opera - Dawn
Charon - As We Die
Charon - Bitter Joy
Charon - Little Angel
children of bodom:
Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
Children Of Bodom - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Live in Tokyo)
Children Of Bodom - Touch Like an Angel of Death
Children of Bodom - Aces High (Solos)
Children of Bodom - Angels Don't Kill
Children of Bodom - Bed of Razors (1)
Children of Bodom - Bed of Razors (2)
Children of Bodom - Bed of Razors (3)
Children of Bodom - Black Widow
Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror
Children of Bodom - Bodom after Midnight (1)
Children of Bodom - Bodom after Midnight (2)
Children of Bodom - Bodom after Midnight (3)
Children of Bodom - Bodom after Midnight (4)
Children of Bodom - Children of Bodom (1)
Children of Bodom - Children of Bodom (2)
Children of Bodom - Children of Decadance (1)
Children of Bodom - Children of Decadance (2)
Children of Bodom - Children of Decadance (3)
Children of Bodom - Chokehold
Children of Bodom - Deadnight Warrior (1)
Children of Bodom - Deadnight Warrior (2)
Children of Bodom - Deadnight Warrior (3)
Children of Bodom - Deadnight Warrior (Live)
Children of Bodom - Downfall
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (1)
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (2)
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (3)
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (4)
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (5)
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (6)
Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die (7)
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper (1)
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper (2)
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll (1)
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll (2)
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll (3)
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll (4)
Children of Bodom - Hate Me! (1)
Children of Bodom - Hate Me! (2)
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder (Solo)
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Children of Bodom - Hidden Keyboard Solo
Children of Bodom - In the Shadows
Children of Bodom - Intro (Tokio Live)
Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows (1)
Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows (2)
Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom (1)
Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom (2)
Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom (Live Intro)
Children of Bodom - Lil ' Bloodred Ridin ' Hood
Children of Bodom - Mask of Sanity
Children of Bodom - Needled 24-7
Children of Bodom - Northern Comfort
Children of Bodom - Red Light in My Eyes pt. II
Children of Bodom - Silent Night, Bodom Night (1)
Children of Bodom - Silent Night, Bodom Night (2)
Children of Bodom - Silent Night, Bodom Night (3)
Children of Bodom - Silent Night, Bodom Night
Children of Bodom - Sixpounder (Solo)
Children of Bodom - Taste of My Scythe (Main Part)
Children of Bodom - The Art of Alexi Laiho
Children of Bodom - The Art of Children of Bodom
Children of Bodom - The Nail
Children of Bodom - Touch Like an Angel of Death (Tokyo Live Intro)
Children of Bodom - Touch Like an Angel of Death
Children of Bodom - Towards Dead End (1)
Children of Bodom - Towards Dead End (2)
Children of Bodom - Warheart
Children of Bodom - You 're Better Off Dead
chopin, frederic:
Chopin, Frederic - Ballade No.1 in G Minor, Op.23
Chopin, Frederic - Concerto in A Minor
Chopin, Frederic - Etude No.2, Op.25
Chopin, Frederic - Fantaisie Impromptu Op.66
Chopin, Frederic - Fantaisie Impromptu in C Sharp Minor, Op.66
Chopin, Frederic - Mazurek Op.68 No.3
Chopin, Frederic - Mazurka Op.52 No.2
Chopin, Frederic - Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor
Chopin, Frederic - Opus 28 No.3 (Prelude)
Chopin, Frederic - Prelude No.6, Op.28
Chopin, Frederic - Prelude No.15 in D-Flat Major (Raindrop Prelude)
Chopin, Frederic - Prelude No.20
Chopin, Frederic - Prelude No.4
Chopin, Frederic - Preludio n.1 in Do maggiore
Chopin, Frederic - Preludio n.2 in La minore
Chopin, Frederic - Tristesse
Chopin, Frederic - Valse No.6 Op.64 No.1
Chopin, Frederic - Valse No.7 Op.64 No.2
Chopin, Frederic - Valse Op.34 No.2
Chopin, Frederic - Valse Op.64 No.1
Chopin, Frederic - Valse Op.69 No.2
clandestine blaze:
Clandestine Blaze - Vatican in Flames
control denied:
Control Denied - Breaking the Broken
Control Denied - Consumed (1)
Control Denied - Consumed (2)
Control Denied - Consumed (2)
Control Denied - Consumed
Control Denied - Expect the Unexpected
Control Denied - What If...
corrosion of conformity:
Corrosion of Conformity - Clean My Wounds
Corrosion of Conformity - Clean My Wounds
Corrosion of Conformity - Sejor Limpio
Corrosion of Conformity - Seсor Limpio
Corrosion of Conformity - Without Wings
Covenant - Chariots of Thunder
Covenant - The Chasm
Covenant - The Dark Conquest
Covenant - Through the Eyes of the Raven
Covenant - Visions of a Lost Kingdom
cradle of filth:
Cradle of Filth - A Crescendo of Passion Bleeding
Cradle of Filth - A Dream of Wolves in the Snow (1)
Cradle of Filth - A Dream of Wolves in the Snow (2)
Cradle of Filth - A Gothic Romance (Red Roses for the Devil's Whore)
Cradle of Filth - Absinthe with Faust
Cradle of Filth - All Hope Lies in Eclipse (1)
Cradle of Filth - All Hope Lies in Eclipse (2)
Cradle of Filth - Amor e Morte
Cradle of Filth - At the Gates of Midian
Cradle of Filth - Babalon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)
Cradle of Filth - Babylon A.D. (So Glad for the Madness)
Cradle of Filth - Bathory Aria (Portrait of the Dead Countess) (1)
Cradle of Filth - Bathory Aria (Portrait of the Dead Countess) (2)
Cradle of Filth - Beauty Slept in Sodom
Cradle of Filth - Beauty Slept in Sodom
Cradle of Filth - Beneath the Howling Stars (1)
Cradle of Filth - Beneath the Howling Stars (2)
Cradle of Filth - Better to Reign in Hell
Cradle of Filth - Better to Reign in Hell
Cradle of Filth - Born in a Burial Gown
Cradle of Filth - Born in a Burial Gown
Cradle of Filth - Coffin Fodder
Cradle of Filth - Creatures That Kissed in Cold Mirrors (1)
Cradle of Filth - Creatures That Kissed in Cold Mirrors (2)
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids (1)
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids (2)
Cradle of Filth - Cthulhu Dawn (1)
Cradle of Filth - Cthulhu Dawn (1)
Cradle of Filth - Cthulhu Dawn (2)
Cradle of Filth - Cthulhu Dawn (2)
Cradle of Filth - Cthulhu Dawn (3)
Cradle of Filth - Darkness Our Bride (Jugular Wedding)
Cradle of Filth - Death Magick for Adepts
Cradle of Filth - Death Magick for Adepts
Cradle of Filth - Desire in Violent Overture
Cradle of Filth - Devil Woman (1)
Cradle of Filth - Devil Woman (2)
Cradle of Filth - Doberman Pharaoh
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace (1)
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace (2)
Cradle of Filth - Ebony Dressed for Sunset (1)
Cradle of Filth - Ebony Dressed for Sunset (2)
Cradle of Filth - Ebony Dressed for Sunset
Cradle of Filth - English Fire (1)
Cradle of Filth - English Fire (2)
Cradle of Filth - Filthy Little Secret
Cradle of Filth - For Those Who Died
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave (1)
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave (2)
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave (3)
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave (4)
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave (5)
Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave (6)
Cradle of Filth - Funeral in Carpathia (1)
Cradle of Filth - Funeral in Carpathia (2)
Cradle of Filth - Gilded Cunt (1)
Cradle of Filth - Gilded Cunt (2)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be Thy Name (1)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be Thy Name (2)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be Thy Name (3)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be Thy Name (4)
Cradle of Filth - Hallowed Be Thy Name
Cradle of Filth - Haunted Shores
Cradle of Filth - Heaven Torn Asunder (1)
Cradle of Filth - Heaven Torn Asunder (2)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (1)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (1)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (2)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (2)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (3)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (4)
Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog (Live)
Cradle of Filth - Humana Inspired to Nightmare (1)
Cradle of Filth - Humana Inspired to Nightmare (2)
Cradle of Filth - Hurt and Virtue (1)
Cradle of Filth - Hurt and Virtue (2)
Cradle of Filth - Hurt and Virtue (3)
Cradle of Filth - Imperium Tenebraum
Cradle of Filth - In Secret Love We Drown
Cradle of Filth - In Secret Love We Drown
Cradle of Filth - Iscariot
Cradle of Filth - Live Bait for the Dead (Part 1)
Cradle of Filth - Lord Abortion (1)
Cradle of Filth - Lord Abortion (2)
Cradle of Filth - Lord Abortion
Cradle of Filth - Lustmord and Wargasm (The Lick of Carnivorous Winds)
Cradle of Filth - Malice Through the Looking Glass (1)
Cradle of Filth - Malice Through the Looking Glass (2)
Cradle of Filth - Malice Through the Looking Glass
Cradle of Filth - Mannequin
Cradle of Filth - Medusa and Hemlock
Cradle of Filth - Mother of Abominations
Cradle of Filth - Nemesis (1)
Cradle of Filth - Nemesis (2)
Cradle of Filth - Nemesis (3)
Cradle of Filth - No Time to Cry (1)
Cradle of Filth - No Time to Cry (2)
Cradle of Filth - Nocturnal Supremacy (1)
Cradle of Filth - Nocturnal Supremacy (2)
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine (1)
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine (2)
Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine (3)
Cradle of Filth - Of Dark Blood and Fucking
Cradle of Filth - Of Mist and Midnight Skies
Cradle of Filth - Once Upon Atrocity
Cradle of Filth - One Final Graven Kiss (1)
Cradle of Filth - One Final Graven Kiss (2)
Cradle of Filth - Prey
Cradle of Filth - Queen of Winter, Throned (1)
Cradle of Filth - Queen of Winter, Throned (2)
Cradle of Filth - Saffron's Curse
Cradle of Filth - Scorched Earth Erotica
Cradle of Filth - Scorched Earth Erotica
Cradle of Filth - Sleepless
Cradle of Filth - Sodomy and Lust
Cradle of Filth - Soft White Throat
Cradle of Filth - Suicide and Other Comforts
Cradle of Filth - Summer Dying Fast (Re-Recorded)
Cradle of Filth - Summer Dying Fast
Cradle of Filth - Swansong for a Raven (1)
Cradle of Filth - Swansong for a Raven (2)
Cradle of Filth - Tearing the Veil from Grace
Cradle of Filth - Thank God for the Suffering (1)
Cradle of Filth - Thank God for the Suffering (2)
Cradle of Filth - The Black Goddess Rises
Cradle of Filth - The Forest Whispers My Name (1)
Cradle of Filth - The Forest Whispers My Name (2)
Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh Album (Part I)
Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh Album (Part II)
Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh
Cradle of Filth - The Promise of Fever
Cradle of Filth - The Smoke of Her Burning
Cradle of Filth - The Twisted Nails of Faith
Cradle of Filth - Thirteen Autumns and a Widow (1)
Cradle of Filth - Thirteen Autumns and a Widow (2)
Cradle of Filth - Thirteen Autumns and a Widow (3)
Cradle of Filth - To Eve the Art of Witchcraft (1)
Cradle of Filth - To Eve the Art of Witchcraft (2)
Cradle of Filth - To Eve the Art of Witchcraft (3)
Cradle of Filth - To Eve the Art of Witchcraft
Cradle of Filth - Tortured Soul Asylum (1)
Cradle of Filth - Tortured Soul Asylum (2)
Crematory - Angel of Fate
Crematory - Perils of the Wind
Crematory - Tears of Time (1)
Crematory - Tears of Time (2)
Crematory - Tears of Time
Crematory - Temple of Love
Crematory - Waiting
Cruachan - Is Fuair An Chroi
Cruachan - Is Fuair An Chroi
Cruachan - Maeves March
Cruachan - Oro, Se Do Bheatha 'bhaile!
Cruachan - Ride On
Cruachan - The Butterfly
Cruachan - The Fianna
Cryptopsy - Back to the Worms
Cryptopsy - Benedictine Convulsions
Cryptopsy - Dead and Dripping
Cryptopsy - Defenestration
Cryptopsy - Graves of the Fathers
Cryptopsy - Mutant Christ
Cryptopsy - Phobophile
Cryptopsy - Phobophile
Cryptopsy - Slit Your Guts
crystal eyes:
Crystal Eyes - Time Flight
current 93:
Current 93 - In the Hearth of the Wood and What I Found There
Curse - A Question of Heaven (Iced Earth Cover)
Curse - A.D.O
Curse - B.I.T.C.H.
Curse - Betrayed
Curse - Bitch Queen
Curse - Blacker Than Black
Curse - Bleeding Angel
Curse - Broken
Curse - C.S.G.S
Curse - Crew 666
Curse - Dark Carnival
Curse - Devil Incarnate
Curse - Don't Preach Your Lie to Me
Curse - Dont Fuck with Me!
Curse - Face the End (Nothing Lasts Forever)
Curse - Falling Away
Curse - Filth
Curse - G.A.S
Curse - Heaven in Hell
Curse - Homecoming Queen (SLUT)
Curse - I Died for You (Iced Earth Cover)
Curse - I Feel Anger
Curse - I Hate You
Curse - I Want to See the End
Curse - Jihad
Curse - L.A.L
Curse - Legion
Curse - Level of Hatred
Curse - Liar
Curse - Little Tin Soldiers
Curse - Loss of Innocence
Curse - Lovesong
Curse - No Answer
Curse - Pain Goes, Hate Remains
Curse - Paranoid
Curse - Princess of Hell
Curse - Repent
Curse - Running Away
Curse - Scar
Curse - Sourpussy
Curse - Stillborn
Curse - Taken Away
Curse - Them
Curse - Truth from a Lie
Curse - Vengance
Curse - Whiter Then White
Curse - Why We Can't Be
Curse - Why_
Curse - You Betrayed Me
Curse - You Make Me Sick
Curse - Your No Better
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Стаж: 14 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 50

Cheegee · 16-Апр-20 12:02 (спустя 11 лет 2 месяца)

Спасибо за Cannibal Corpse. Было, потерял, теперь снова есть.
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