qb1 · 26-Авг-19 19:30(5 лет 6 месяцев назад, ред. 24-Авг-24 16:50)
Werner Herzog / Вернер Херцог - Собрание Книг (53 книги) Год издания: 1977-2023 Автор: Werner Herzog, Klaus Kinski / Вернер Херцог, Клаус Кински Жанр или тематика: киноведение Издательство: various Язык: Английский, Русский Формат: FB2/EPUB/PDF/DjVu Качество: Отсканированные страницы, e-books Интерактивное оглавление: various Описание: "Легенда мирового кинематографа Вернер Херцог – талантливый режиссер, работы которого отличаются уникальной авторской манерой. Часто герои его картин – бунтари, чудаки и просто безумцы. Большое внимание он уделяет пейзажам, очень часто красивая картинка задает развитие всей истории и определяет дальнейший сюжет. Подтверждением таланта служат многочисленные престижные кинонаграды" https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Херцог,_Вернер В раздаче - сборники интервью с Херцогом, его дневниковые записи и киноведческие работы различных авторов.
Книга Пола Кронина (Paul Cronin) "A Guide for the Perplexed" (2014) это расширенная версия книги "Herzog on Herzog" (2003) В раздачу также добавлен первый роман Херцога, переведенный на английский в 2022 году (на русский в 2023) "The Twilight World / Сумерки Мира"и основанный на истории Hiroo Onoda https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Онода,_Хироо
автобиографическую книгу Оноды см. на архив орг, цифровая версия доступна на Либгене/Z-Library
Список книг
Писательские Работы - Дневники, Романы и пр.
Werner Herzog - Conquest of the Useless. Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo (2010).epub
Werner Herzog - Conquest of the Useless. Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo (2010) (скан книги)
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (1980).djvu (89 стр)
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (1980) (скан книги)
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (2014).epub
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (2015).pdf (136 стр)
Werner Herzog, Lena Herzog - 2002 Pilgrims.Becoming the Path Itself.pdf
Werner Herzog - The Twilight World (2022, transl.by Michael Hofmann).epub
Werner Herzog - 2023 Every Man for Himself and God Against All.epub
Werner Herzog - 2023 Every Man for Himself and God Against All.pdf
Сценарии (Screenplays)
Alan Greenberg - Every Night the Trees Disappear. Werner Herzog and the Making of Heart of Glass (2012).pdf (234 стр)
Paul Monette - 1979 Nosferatu.The Vampyre (Based on Werner Herzog's Screenplay).pdf
Werner Herzog - 1980 Screenplays.epub
Werner Herzog - 1980 Screenplays.pdf
Werner Herzog - 1982 Fitzcarraldo.The Original Story (Translated by Martje Herzog and Alan Greenberg).pdf
Werner Herzog - 1984 Burden of Dreams.Screenplay, Journals, Reviews, Photographs.pdf
Werner Herzog - 2017 Scenarios - Aguirre, Kaspar Hauser, Land of Silence and Darkness, Fitzcarraldo (244 стр)
Werner Herzog - 2018 Scenarios II - Signs of Life, Even Dwarfs Started Small, Fata Morgana, Heart of Glass (196 стр).pdf
Werner Herzog - 2019 Scenarios III - Stroszek, Nosferatu, Where the Green Ants Dream, Cobra Verde (230 стр)
Книги интервью с Херцогом (Interviews)
[Conversations with Filmmakers Series] Werner Herzog Interviews (2014).pdf (242 стр)
Paul Cronin - Herzog on Herzog (2003).pdf (355 стр)
Paul Cronin - Herzog on Herzog (2003) (full scan).pdf
Paul Cronin - Herzog on Herzog (2003) (var).pdf
Paul Cronin - Werner Herzog. A Guide for the Perplexed (2014).epub
Paul Cronin - Werner Herzog. A Guide for the Perplexed (2014).pdf Jonathan Cott - Forever Young. Interveiws (1977).pdf
Daniel Talbot, Werner Herzog (Foreword) - In Love with Movies.From New Yorker Films to Lincoln Plaza Cinemas (2022).pdf
Mark Kermode - It's Only a Movie. A Cinematic Autobiography 'Inspired by Real Events' (2010).pdf
На русском
Вернер Херцог - 1978 О хождении во льдах Мюнхен — Париж. 23.11–14.12 1974 год (Индивидуум Принт, 2023).fb2
Вернер Херцог - 2022 Сумерки Мира (Индивидуум Принт, 2023).fb2
Вернер Херцог - 2023 Каждый за себя, а Бог против всех. Мемуары.epub Андрей Плахов - Режиссеры настоящего.Том 1. Визионеры и мегаломаны (2008).fb2
Вернер Херцог - Материалы к ретроспективе фильмов 1-31 марта 1993 года (Музей Кино, Москва).pdf (52 стр.)
Пол Кронин - Знакомьтесь, Вернер Херцог (2010).fb2
Пол Кронин - "Знакомьтесь, Вернер Херцог" (2010).djvu
Киноведение - Книги о Херцоге
Laurie Ruth Johnson - Forgotten Dreams. Revisiting Romanticism in the Cinema of Werner Herzog (2016) (book scan).pdf (314 стр)
(Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Film Directors) A Companion to Werner Herzog (2012).pdf (636 стр)
(Directors'cuts) The Cinema of Werner Herzog.Aesthetic Ecstasy and Truth (2007).epub
(Directors'cuts) The Cinema of Werner Herzog.Aesthetic Ecstasy and Truth (2007).pdf
The Films of Werner Herzog. Between Mirage and History (Routlege Library Editions, vol.8 Cinema, 1986).epub
The Films of Werner Herzog. Between Mirage and History (1986).pdf
Roger Ebert - Herzog by Ebert (2017).pdf (202 стр)
(Visible Evidence 12) Eric Ames - Ferocious Reality. Documentary according to Werner Herzog (2012) (349 стр)
Richard Eldridge - Werner Herzog. Filmmaker and Philosopher (2019) (uncomplete) (193 pages of 240).pdf
Joshua Lund - Werner Herzog (2020).epub
The Philosophy of Werner Herzog (2020).epub
Киноведение - Книги со статьями о Херцоге (Books with Articles)
См Index в конце книг A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film (ed.Alexandra Juhasz, Alisa Lebow)(2015) 693 pages
Herzog, Werner, 6, 151, 338, 345 The Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of the Documentary Film (ed.Ian Aitken)(2013).pdf 1103 pages
Herzog, Werner 14, 118–19, 362–64, 544 The Documentary Film Reader - History, Theory, Criticism (ed.Jonathan Kahana)(2016).pdf 1057 pages
Herzog, Werner, 5, 915
Cave of Forgotten Dreams,989–995
Encounters at the End of the World,989, 993
Great Ecstacy of the Sculptor Steiner, The, 808
Grizzly Man, 5, 852, 853, 856,864–869
Land of Silence and Darkness, 808
La Soufriere, 827 (Routledge Music and Screen Media) Music and Sound in Documentary Film (ed.Holly Rogers)(2014).pdf 225 pages
Herzog, Werner ix, x, 4–7, 11 (Screen Guides) 100 Documentary Films (Barry Keith Grant, Jim Hillier) (2009).pdf 275 pages
Herzog, Werner 75–6,112–13
Grizzly Man, Werner Herzog, 2005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Lessons in Darkness/Lektionen in Finsternis, Werner Herzog,1992 . . .112 A New History of Documentary Film (2 edition, ed.Betsy A. McLane)(2012) 445 pages
Herzog, Werner 334–7
Cave of Forgotten Dreams 337
disparities 335
Grizzly Man 336
Little Dieter Needs to Fly 336
subjectivity 335–6
The White Diamond 336–7 Speaking Truths with Film. Evidence, Ethics, Politics in Documentary (Bill Nichols)(2016).pdf 295 pages
Herzog, Werner, 34, 36, 43–44, 86–87,
90–91, 107–8, 228, 240n7 (Pocket Essential series) Vampire Films (ed.Colin Odell, Michelle Le Blanc)(2008) 160 pages
Herzog,Werner, 54–55
Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht, 54 Documenting the Documentary. Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video (2014).pdf 604 pages
Herzog, Werner, xxv, 507–21 Images Of Idiocy.The Idiot Figure In Modern Fiction And Film (Martin Halliwell)(2016).pdf 281 pages
Herzog, Werner, 18, 119, 128–34, 161, 163, 193, 227 Unsettling scores. German film, music, and ideology (Roger Hillman)(2005).epub
Herzog, Werner, 4, 37, 43, 74, 136–50 (Cambridge Studies in Film) Paul Coates - The Gorgon’s Gaze.German Cinema, Expressionism, and the Image of Horror (1991) 303 pages
Herzog, Werner, 14-17, 25, 225 Nora M. Alter - Projecting History. German Nonfiction Cinema, 1967-2000 (2002) 233 pages
Herzog, Werner, 3, 84n. 21, 104, 115, 117, 122–23 (National Cinemas) Sabine Hake - German National Cinema (2008) 287 pages
Herzog, Werner 153, 165, 166–9, 171, 197 Robert C. Reimer,Carol J. Reimer - The A to Z of German Cinema (2008) Caryl Flinn - The New German Cinema.Music, History, and the Matter of Style (2003) 332 стр
Herzog,Werner, 22, 63, 71, 207. See also "individual films" (The Wiley-Blackwell companions to national cinemas) A companion to German Сinema (2012) Mark Kermode - It's Only a Movie. A Cinematic Autobiography 'Inspired by Real Events' (2010).pdf
8 I shot Werner Herzog pg296
Примеры страниц
Обложки книг
Писательские Работы - Дневники, Романы и пр. (Writings)
Сценарии (Screenplays)
Книги интервью с Херцогом (Interviews)
На русском
Киноведение - Книги о Херцоге (Complete Books on Herzog)
Обложки раздела Киноведение - Статьи о Херцоге (Books with Articles)
[MasterClass.com] Вернер Херцог учит режиссуре / Werner Herzog Teaches Filmmaking [2016, режиссура, драматургия, WEBRip, ENG] (Видеоурок) https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5599826 Руссифицированное видео (внимание! Здесь полностью убран голос Херцога):
[MasterClass.com] Werner Herzog - Teaches Filmmaking [2016, психология, саморазвитие, RUS] (Видеоурок) https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5388698
Известные цитаты Вернера Херцога
https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Film#E_-_H If you want to do a film, steal a camera, steal raw stock, sneak into a lab and do it!
Werner Herzog Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980). Film is not the art of scholars, but illiterates.
Werner Herzog Herzog on Herzog. As you see [filmmaking] makes me into a clown. And that happens to everyone – just look at Orson Welles or look at even people like Truffaut. They have become clowns.
Werner Herzog Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980). https://www.azquotes.com/author/6633-Werner_Herzog https://www.azquotes.com/author/6633-Werner_Herzog/tag/new_quotes_from_interviews " I believe the common denominator of the Universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility and murder." "Money doesn't make films. You just do it and take the initiative." "Read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read...if you don't read, you will never be a filmmaker." "Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness." "Look into the eyes of a chicken and you will see real stupidity. It is a kind of bottomless stupidity, a fiendish stupidity. They are the most horrifying, cannibalistic and nightmarish creatures in the world." "Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung fu film." "Facts do not convey truth. That's a mistake. Facts create norms, but truth creates illumination." "The world reveals itself to those who travel on foot." "Without dreams we would be cows in a field, and I don't want to live like that. I live my life or I end my life with this project." "What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark? It would be like sleep without dreams." "I try to be after something that is deeply reverberating inside of our souls, some deep echo from - even from prehistory. What makes us humans? How do we communicate? Where are we going at this moment? Something for an audience where they can step outside of themselves, where they can be almost like in ecstasy of truth, some sort of deep illumination. And that's what I'm trying in documentaries and in feature films." "We have to articulate ourselves. Otherwise we would be cows in the field." "I would travel down to Hell and wrestle a film away from the devil if it was necessary." "You are confronted with abysses of time that are, in a way, unfathomable. You see a painting in charcoal of raindeer and it was left unfinished and somebody else finished it. But through radio carbon dating we know that the next one completed the painting 5,000 years later. You're just blown away by the notion of passage of time. We have no relationship to that kind of depth of time." "Never wallow in your troubles; despair must be kept private and brief."
+ см. по ссылке выше https://quotes.thefamouspeople.com/werner-herzog-3170.php
фильм "Врата Рая/Gates of Heaven" (1978) и поедание ботинка
Врата небес / Gates of Heaven (Эррол Моррис / Errol Morris) [1978, США, Документальный, Драма, Комедия, DVD9 (Custom)] Sub Eng, Rus + Original Eng / Criterion Collection#751 https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5750492
бонус на диске - док."Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe" Вернер Херцог ест свою туфлю / Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (Лес Бланк / Les Blank) [1980, документальный, короткий метр, экстремальная кулинария, DVDRip-AVC] original + sub https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2295891
Интервью для Вима Вендерса 1983 года из фильма "Токио-Га" (1985)
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Токио-га https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo-Ga
Интервью Вима Вендерса с Вернером Херцогом из документального фильма "Токио-Га" (1985) посвященного творчеству легендарного японского кинорежиссера Ясудзиро Одзу https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Одзу,_Ясудзиро Взято с субтитров. https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5045142
Перевод с немецкого: (00:53:30) "На Токийской телебашне я встретил своего друга Вернера Херцога, который заехал в Японию на несколько дней по пути в Австралию. Мы разговорились. - Дело в том, что снимать стало практически нечего. То есть я смотрю вниз и вижу, что здесь всё застроено, здесь нет ничего интересного для съёмки. Остаётся, как археологу, лопатой разгребать хлам в надежде найти что-то достойное камеры. А такая деятельность зачастую связана с риском. Поэтому желающих ею заниматься мало. Сегодня только считанные единицы способны на решительные поступки. Потому что у нас нет зрительных образов. Нам просто необходимы зрительные образы, изображения, которые стали бы символами нашей цивилизации, соответствовали бы нашему внутреннему мироощущению.
Лично я бы никогда не стал жаловаться, что мне трудно и что порой приходится взбираться на гору высотой в восемь тысяч метров ради нескольких чистых и прозрачных снимков. Здесь таких не сделаешь. Их нужно искать и искать. Ради этого я бы даже на Марс полетел. Хоть сейчас. На следующей ракете, если меня возьмут. Есть ведь, например, программа "НАСА", где космический "Шатл" будет доставлять на орбитальную станцию учёных, биологов, например, или техников, чтобы они испытывали там новые технологии и материалы. Я бы очень хотел это снять. Здесь, на Земле, стало действительно сложно найти сюжеты в которых можно добиться идеальной чистоты и прозрачности изображения. Я пошёл бы ради этого на край света... Как бы я не относился к словам Вернера о поисках чистых и прозрачных изображений, меня интересовали изображения, которые можно было найти только здесь, в хаосе Токио. Этот город притягивал меня несмотря ни на что." (00:53:39) "The simple fact is there are few images left. From up here you can see everything's extremely built up. There are few images to be found. One has to dig for them like an archeologist. One has to search through this ravaged landscape to find anything at all. It's often tied up with risk, of course, which I would never shun, but I see so few people today who dare to address our lack of adequate images. We absolutely need images in tune with our civilization, images that resonate with what is deepest within us. We need to go into war zones if need be, or anywhere else it takes us. I'd never complain about the difficulty, even if it meant climbing 25,000 feet into the mountains, to find images that are pure and clear and transparent. There's almost nothing left here. You really have to search. I'd go to Mars or Saturn on the next rocket if I could. NASA's Skylab program, for example, and the space shuttle. They take along biologists and others to test new technologies in space. I wish I could go along with a camera. Because it's no longer easy here on this earth to find that something that gives images their transparency the way you could before. I'd go anywhere for that."
Книга интервью и рецензий "Эберт о Херцоге / Herzog by Ebert" (2017)
Добавлены: - электронная версия дневников Херцога 1974 года Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (2014).mobi
- киноведческая книга из серии Directors' Cuts https://cup.columbia.edu/series/directors-cuts (Directors'cuts) The Cinema of Werner Herzog.Aesthetic Ecstasy and Truth (2007).epub
Все ранее выложенные книги разложены по разделам Дневниковые записи
Книги интервью с Херцогом (Interviews)
На русском
Киноведение - Книги о Херцоге - Добавлен раздел Клаус Кински (Klaus Kinski)
В котором представлены автобиография и биография - Добавлен раздел Сценарии (Screenplays) Werner Herzog - 1980 Screenplays
Paul Monette - 1979 Nosferatu.The Vampyre (Based on Werner Herzog's Screenplay) - новелизация сценария "Носферату" И три части свежих изданий сценариев, к сожалению неполные версии. - В раздел Киноведение - книг о Херцоге добавлены книги
Laurie Ruth Johnson - Forgotten Dreams. Revisiting Romanticism in the Cinema of Werner Herzog (2016).pdf И неполные версии книг Roger Ebert - Herzog by Ebert (2017) (uncomplete) (179 pages of 224).pdf
Richard Eldridge - Werner Herzog. Filmmaker and Philosopher (2019) (uncomplete) (193 pages of 240).pdf - Добавлен раздел Киноведение - Книги со статьями о Херцоге (Books with Articles)
В нем представлены различные киноведческие книги, в которых есть статьи и упоминания о Херцоге. См. Index в конце книг - В раздел "На русском" добавлена книга Андрей Плахов - Режиссеры настоящего.Том 1. Визионеры и мегаломаны (2008) в fb2 версии. Здесь есть статья о Херцоге
pdf версию см https://rutr.life/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1440968
1) Заменена неполная гуглбук-версия книги на полную с распознанным текстом Roger Ebert - Herzog by Ebert (2017) 2) В папку книг о Клаусе Кински добавлены: - Сборник Эссе и Интервью Klaus Kinski, Beast of Cinema - Critical Essays and Fellow Filmmaker Interviews (2016).epub - Книга сценариста Дэвида Коулмана посвященная исследованию Биполярного расстройства в фильмах и у актеров/режиссеров David Coleman - The Bipolar Express. Movies and their makers under the influence of mania and depression (2013).epub
См. в Главе 8 Статью "Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Klaus Kinski: A Study in Bipolar Contrast" https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0170998/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm
Заменена неполная версия второго сборника сценариев "Werner Herzog - 2018 Scenarios II" на полную Содержание: Signs of Life
Even Dwarfs Started Small
Fata Morgana
Heart of Glass
Заменена неполная версия третьего сборника сценариев "Werner Herzog - 2019 Scenarios III" на полную Содержание: Stroszek
Where the Green Ants Dream
Cobra Verde
1) Заменена неполная версия первого тома сценариев Werner Herzog - 2017 Scenarios - Aguirre, Kaspar Hauser, Land of Silence and Darkness, Fitzcarraldo.pdf Содержание:
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
Every Man for Himself and God Against All
Land of Silence and Darkness
Fitzcarraldo Теперь есть вся трилогия. 2) Добавлена киноведческая книга о Херцоге из серии "Visible Evidence" https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/ferocious-reality (Visible Evidence 12) Eric Ames - Ferocious Reality. Documentary according to Werner Herzog (2012).pdf 3) Добавлена pdf версия дневников Херцога о пешем путешествии из Германии в Париж в 1974 году.
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (2015).pdf
Глава 9 Popol Vuh and Herzog в книге Future Days: Krautrock and the Building of Modern Germany
by David Stubbs
скрытый текст
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/aug/21/future-days-krautrock-modern-germany-review https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20751437-future-days После истории жизни Флориана Фрике и группы "Пополь Ву" идет небольшой рассказ о знакомстве и сотрудничестве с Вернером Херцогом: "(...) Fricke first met Herzog in 1967, during his time as a film critic. He was impressed by his drive, his ability to achieve the improbable, as reflected in the themes and contents of films like Fitzcarraldo, and that he himself had been unaffected by his fame, testimony to his singlemindedness and strength of character. They seemed destined to meet – Herzog had further pricked Fricke’s interest by using the text of the Popol Vuh as the basis for one of the chapters of his 1971 movie Fata Morgana, that strange journey across a landscape of documentary African footage which made for a ‘Krautrock’ experience on celluloid. A natural match, surely.
That they were, but it was a natural match of opposites. Popol Vuh’s music is all about ascension to a higher, unsullied place, up into the light. Herzog’s films, by contrast, are Conradian in their preoccupation with descent, into the darkness, into the terrible, wilful folly and squalor of the human soul. This was embodied in Klaus Kinski, the man Herzog described as his ‘best fiend’, an anti-christ of sorts who with his unkempt shock of blond hair sometimes resembled Johnny Rotten and certainly more than matched his balefulness. Allegations that have come to light since his death only boost the grave suspicion that, regardless of his force as a screen icon, here was a debased and terrible man. Indeed, it’s an uncomfortable possibility that a debased nature was one of the reasons for his onscreen force. The descent is quite literal in two of the films soundtracked by Fricke and Popol Vuh – Aguirre, the Wrath of God, made in 1972, and Fitzcarraldo, in 1982. Aguirre is set in the sixteenth century, following the annihilation of the Incan empire. It follows the journey of a band of conquistadors, including Kinski as Don Lope de Aguirre, as they set out in search of the mythical El Dorado, the City of Gold, a myth invented by the native South Americans they subjugated. The journey is a hazardous and treacherous one, driven by delusion, greed and conceit, a doomed journey in search of a non-existent place. Fitzcarraldo is set in the middle of the jungle around the turn of the last century and tells the story of Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald’s preposterous dream of staging an opera bringing together Sarah Bernhardt and Enrico Caruso. To raise the money for this venture, he must reach and exploit a vast area of rubber trees beyond the Ucayali Falls, hauling his steamboat over a mountain with the assistance of the Indian tribes, who are so mesmerised by the gramophone recordings of the great singers that they willingly put themselves at the white man’s service.
Everything about these tales runs in precisely the opposite direction to the music of Popol Vuh. (‘Too much the darkness,’ Fricke once muttered of the travails and disasters that were part and parcel of the making of any Herzog movie.) Fricke’s music aspires cleanly heavenward, whereas Fitzcarraldo and Aguirre are on a downward journey, down the slopes of the Andes, through churning mud and the difficult headwaters. Popol Vuh’s music actively celebrates and pays homage to other cultures and their equal, relative value to Western Christianity. Aguirre is an imperialist conqueror of native peoples, Fitzcarraldo a man with no qualms about achieving wealth on the backs of the ‘savages’ he exploits, impressing on them the dominance of his own, ‘higher’ culture (opera) as he does so. Popol Vuh’s music strives for spiritual fulfilment, beyond the bounds of earth; Aguirre and his conquistadors descend deep into its most hellish thickets in search of fool’s gold.
Perhaps it’s precisely because of its antithetical nature that Popol Vuh’s music made for such an appropriate soundtrack to these films. It serves as a counterpoint, an ironic one. Herzog admiringly described as a ‘choir-organ’ the Mellotron-like device which dominated the soundtrack to Aguirre, containing dozens of individual vocal loops which could create an unearthly choral effect, as if the angels themselves were looking down on the proceedings of these dramas with great sadness. Or perhaps it is simply that the music solemnises, bestows a sort of church blessing to Herzog’s own artful and arduous efforts to make these movies, his struggles matching those endured by the characters. Certainly, movie critics such as Roger Ebert were moved to remark on the mesmeric qualities of these soundtracks, which might well have been their single acquaintance with Popol Vuh or any German music of that era.
Still more effective was Popol Vuh’s soundtrack for Nosferatu the Vampyre, released in 1979, in which Kinski this time invites a measure of pathos as a Dracula who keenly feels his loneliness, his lack of love and his exile from the human condition. It’s here that the light and shade of Popol Vuh’s music really come into their own. Fricke provides pretty, string-soaked background for the pastoral scenes, in the breakfast room for example. However, his high Gothic strains also enhance the more beguilingly terrifying passages of the film – the opening scene, filmed in the Mummies of Guanajuato museum, Mexico, in which the rotten, mummified remains of victims of an 1833 cholera epidemic are frozen forever in expressions of horror at their own mortality, teeth bared, eye sockets voided. Or the electric-blue sequences in which Nosferatu assumes the form of a bat as he makes his attacks, or that of a boat that carries a cargo of coffins downriver for transport to Wismar. As the camera wheels down on that boat, we see Nosferatu has killed the entire crew, the last of them dead and slumped over the ship’s wheel to which he has lashed himself.
Each of these scenes is accompanied by a simple but devastating two-note choral leitmotif from Fricke which, once heard, is never forgotten, and which helps engrave the key images from Herzog’s movie on the memory. (I recall a lonely walk home through the dark after I first saw the film, which soon broke into a brisk trot.) All of his powers seem to be summoned into this single, magnificently appalling phrase, pointing like a bony finger towards the horror. Although the Herzog soundtracks work admirably as standalone albums in their own right, it’s as an enhancement to the difficult, morally mazy but deeply rewarding works of the great auteur of New German Cinema that Popol Vuh achieve their greatest purpose and impact on a wider audience. For those who find the late Fricke’s musings on spirituality somewhat conceptually vapid, the marriage of his music and Herzog’s content is one made in heaven."
См. интервью с Вернером Херцогом в книге Джонатанна Котта "Вечно молодой" (сборник интервью)
Jonathan Cott - Forever Young. Interveiws (1977).pdf
скрытый текст
https://archive.org/details/foreveryoung00cott Most of the conversations in this book were first published, in slightly
different form, in Rolling Stone magazine between 1974 and 1977: Harry Partch: April 11, 1974 (#158)
Glenn Gould: August 15, 1974 (#167)
August 29, 1974 (#168)
Henry Miller: February 27, 1975 (#181)
Oriana Fallaci: June 17, 1976 (#215) Werner Herzog: November 18, 1976 (#226)
Maurice Sendak: December 30, 1976 (#229)
Stephane Grappelli: May 19, 1977 (#239) см. WERNER HERZOG: Signs of Life 95
Обновление Раздачи! 1) Вместо папки "Дневники" создана папка "Писательские Работы - Дневники, Романы и пр. (Writings)"
в нее добавлены - дебютный роман Херцога
Werner Herzog - The Twilight World (2022, transl.by Michael Hofmann).epub
- фотоальбом с текстом Херцога:
Werner Herzog, Lena Herzog - 2002 Pilgrims.Becoming the Path Itself.pdf 2) В папку Киноведение - Книги о Херцоге (Complete Books on Herzog) добавлены: - скан книги (Directors'cuts) The Cinema of Werner Herzog.Aesthetic Ecstasy and Truth (2007).pdf
- вместо 140 мб файла скан книги на 20 мб: Laurie Ruth Johnson - Forgotten Dreams. Revisiting Romanticism in the Cinema of Werner Herzog (2016) (book scan).pdf
- скан книги The Films of Werner Herzog. Between Mirage and History (1986).pdf 3) В папку Книги интервью с Херцогом (Interviews)
- скан книги Paul Cronin - Herzog on Herzog (2003) (full scan).pdf
- скан книги Paul Cronin - Werner Herzog. A Guide for the Perplexed (2014).pdf 4) В папку Сценарии
Werner Herzog - 1982 Fitzcarraldo.The Original Story (Translated by Martje Herzog and Alan Greenberg).pdf 5) В папку киноведческих работ с упоминаниями и статьями о Херцоге Mark Kermode - It's Only a Movie. A Cinematic Autobiography 'Inspired by Real Events' (2010).pdf
см Глава 8. I shot Werner Herzog pg 296
правильней будет его книги в отдельную раздачу выделить
Правильнее? Да, но относительно.... Их творческие биографии в "золотой" период настолько переплелись, что для большинства один практически не воспринимаем без другого - см. док Херцога "Мой любимый враг - Клаус Кински / Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski". И если учесть, что на этой общей раздаче за все годы было максимум 1-2 постоянных раздающих, то на Кински вообще никого не будет. Я не в состоянии 24/7 поддерживать все раздачи. Книги Кински полезно иметь в данной раздаче, потому что они дополняют личность Херцога, в них полно отсылок на него, у меня же есть тут раздел с книгами со статьями о Херцоге
Вышедшая в конце 2022 года полноценная книга мемуаров Вернера Херцога. Пока на немецком, но в 2023 обещают англоязычную версию. "Долгожданные воспоминания Вернера Херцога рассказывают о жизни столетия, которая не вписалась бы ни в один из его собственных знаменитых фильмов. Вечно голодный мальчик, сбежавший с матерью из разбомбленного Мюнхена в нищее гнездо в Альпах. Молодой человек, который в полном одиночестве отправляется в путь и вскоре после этого в лихорадочном ожидании смерти скрывается в отдаленных уголках Египта. Влюбленный, энтузиаст, целеустремленный: человек, который тихо разговаривает с обезумевшим Клаусом Кински посреди джунглей, человек, который сидит у смертного одра, оплакивая своего друга Брюса Чатвина. Пустынная и нежная, наполненная жаждой жизни и восхищением нашим миром, эта книга - литературное событие." https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62360013-jeder-f-r-sich-und-gott-gegen-alle https://www.wernerherzog.com/ Для всех интересующихся, но не знающих немецкий язык - я "прогнал" книгу через гугл-переводчик на русский https://disk.yandex.ru/d/_7mmpqd-oAXcsA Получилось коряво отформатированно и с ошибками, но в целом можно понять о чем идет речь. Если кто-нибудь сможет откорректировать и отформатировать, то будет здорово! В раздачу не добавляю. По ссылке выше есть немецкая версия
В 2023 году на русском языке выйдет сразу ТРИ книги Вернера Херцога! 1. Издательство Лимбаха уже выпустило перевод первого романа Херцога по мотивам жизни Хироо Оноды - "Сумерки мира: роман" Роман немецкого кинорежиссера Вернера Херцога рассказывает удивительную историю японского солдата Хироо Оноды, 29 лет после окончания Второй мировой войны защищавшего небольшой остров Лубанг на Филиппинах. В конце 1944 года, когда японские войска готовились к отступлению, лейтенант Онода получил приказ: удерживать остров до возвращения императорской армии. Почти тридцать лет Онода продолжал вести вымышленную войну, одновременно сюрреалистичную и трагическую, сначала совместно с другими солдатами, а потом в одиночку, став персонажем романа собственного сочинения. Херцог рассказывает о годах абсурдной, но эпической борьбы Оноды в неподражаемом гипнотическом стиле — документальном, поэтическом и отчасти сновидческом, — который будет мгновенно узнан поклонниками его фильмов. Работа над переводом велась в Резиденции Дома творчества Переделкино. 2. Издательство Индивидуум объявило предзаказ на две книги Херцога: 1) Мемуары 2022 года - "Вернер Херцог. Каждый за себя, а Бог против всех. Мемуары" Вернер Херцог — знаменитый немецкий режиссер, снимавший кино на всех шести континентах, путешественник, автор дневников, поэт и яркий независимый мыслитель. Его биографии хватило бы на семерых — в книге воспоминаний он рассказывает о первых озарениях, приключениях вокруг света, об укрощении неистового Клауса Кински, экстатической правде и трудном пути к творческой автономии. Херцог спускался в пещеры, снимал под антарктическим льдом, отправлялся в пустыни и на высокогорные ледники. «Каждый за себя, а Бог против всех» — книга, в которой автор путешествует во времени из послевоенного детства к нашим дням, заглядывая как в доисторическую эпоху, так и в весьма отдаленное будущее. Перевод, очевидно, с немецкого, так как английская версия планируется к выпуску в Сенятбре 2023 года 2) Дневниковые записи о пешем путешествии из Германии в Париж - "Вернер Херцог. О хождении во льдах": «О хождении во льдах» — поэтичный и созерцательный путевой дневник немецкого режиссера, отправившегося в ноябре 1974 года в пеший поход из Мюнхена в Париж. Херцог был твердо убежден: доберись он в срок до Парижа, тяжело заболевшая Лотте Айснер, легенда кинокритики, которой он восхищается, останется жива. «О хождении во льдах» — документация этого ритуального похода, которую можно читать несколькими способами: это и проникновенное размышление о жизни и смерти, и медитативные зарисовки уходящей европейской натуры, и поток взбудораженного ходьбой сознания, и кино в прозе, напоминающее о том, что только в дороге мы обретаем покой.
Пожалуйста! ********** Уже поступили в продажу две анонсированные книги Херцога: 1) Мемуары 2022 года - "Вернер Херцог. Каждый за себя, а Бог против всех. Мемуары"
2) Дневниковые записи о пешем путешествии из Германии в Париж - "Вернер Херцог. О хождении во льдах". Цена на бумажные издания варьируется от 420 до 870 рублей. Книги доступны во многих онлайн и обычных книжных магазинах. Самая низкая цена сейчас на Озон (видимо под временный "шумок" новинка-акция). Самая "конская" цена - на Лабиринте...
Новый документальный фильм "Werner Herzog - Radical Dreamer" (2022) - к 80-ти летию Херцога EXCLUSIVE: Wavelength’s documentary Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer is proving a hot property. The Emmy-winning film production company headed by Jenifer Westphal today announced Shout! Studios has acquired U.S. distribution rights to the film, and MetFilm has acquired international rights. Thomas von Steinaecker wrote and directed the documentary about Herzog, the legendary German filmmaker who has brought to life dozens of films including Aguirre, The Wrath of God (1972), Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979), Fitzcarraldo (1982), and documentaries Grizzly Man (2005), Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010), and Meeting Gorbachev (2018). Von Steinaecker’s film “presents a comprehensive portrait of an iconic artist of our time and features interviews with Robert Pattinson, Nicole Kidman, Chloé Zhao, Christian Bale, and more,” according to a release. “With exclusive behind-the-scenes access into Herzog’s everyday life, rare and never-before-seen archival material and in-depth interviews with the man himself and celebrated collaborators, we are given an exciting glimpse into his process and personal life.” (...) Wavelength says the film is “the first and only documentary on the legendary auteur Werner Herzog, co-produced with Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning production company Spring Films and German production studio 3B.” It premiered at Telluride last year, as part of a celebration of Herzog’s 80th birthday" Есть только трейлер и интервью https://youtu.be/MISuaIHtyhU https://youtu.be/sCts3ZKHoZU
Брюс Чатвин, друг и герой документального фильма Херцога "Nomad. In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin" (2019) в своей последней книге эссе и мемуаров вспоминает о присутствии на съемках фильма Херцога "Cobra Verde" (1980) Bruce Chatwin - What Am I Doing Here (1989) Глава 4 - ENCOUNTERS - WERNER HERZOG IN GHANA *Кому интересна книга - пишите мне в личку Цитата из Мемуаров Херцога 2022/2023 года:
Я пригласил Брюса в Гану на съемки «Кобра Верде». В ответ он написал мне, что так болен, что больше не может путешествовать. Он подхватил невероятно редкий грибок, распространившийся по костному мозгу. Такой грибок нашли только у кита, выброшенного на берег на аравийском побережье, а еще у летучих мышей в пещере на юге Китая, в провинции Юньнань, в которой Брюс и в самом деле побывал. Позже выяснилось, что этот грибок так сильно его подкосил, потому что он заразился им на фоне ВИЧ. Я все же теребил его, чтобы он приехал. В какой-то момент ему стало легче, и он спросил меня, можно ли приехать ко мне с инвалидным креслом. Я ответил, что здешняя местность для этого не годится. И написал ему: «Я организую тебе паланкин и шестерых носильщиков и еще одного человека со здоровенным зонтом от солнца – так здесь появляются на публике местные царьки с почетным караулом гвардейцев». От такого предложения он отказаться уже не смог. Позже он все же стал ходить самостоятельно, хотя и на короткие расстояния. Об этой поездке он пишет в своей книге «Что я здесь делаю».
Предисловие Вернера Херцога к автобиографии знаменитого импрессарио Дэниела Талбота, скончавшегося в 2017 году в возрасте 91 год. Daniel Talbot - "In Love with Movies. From New Yorker Films to Lincoln Plaza Cinemas" (2022) Dan Talbot, one of the most influential figures in the world of art-house film as an operator of Manhattan theaters — including Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, which is scheduled to close on Jan. 28 — and a founder of the film distribution company New Yorker Films, died on Friday at his home in Manhattan. He was 91. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Yorker_Films https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/5235-the-daily-remembering-dan-talbot
скрытый текст
WERNER HERZOG Dan Talbot marks an epoch that has vanished. These were glorious times for cinema. Dan started with the New Yorker Theater in March 1960, and he ran the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas until the end of 2017. In fact, he saw a film there and checked on the operations
on December 22. A week later, on December 29, he died. The Lincoln Plaza lease was not renewed.
The art house theaters are gone, the films are gone, the audiences are gone, the reviewers are gone. Recently I asked a daughter of our friends, a fifteen- yearold, about her habits of going to the movies. Going to the movies? she asked, astonished. No, she and her friends would not go to the movies. Why? I asked.
Because, she explained, it was dark there, and she would not know anyone around her. She would see films streamed on her plasma screen at home, but also on her cell phone, and if a film went too slowly, she would accelerate it to double the speed.
In his recent article published in Harper’s Magazine, Martin Scorsese eloquently describes the scene in New York that had started around the late fifties.
He evokes the wanderings of a young man— quite obviously a self- portrait—through Greenwich Village, passing all the cinemas with their competing programs: a Soviet film by Mikhail Kalatozov, The Cranes Are Flying, and John Cassavetes’s Shadows; from there to Ashes and Diamonds by Andrzej Wajda, Breathless by Jean- Luc Godard, La Dolce Vita by Federico Fellini, Pickpocket by Robert Bresson, screenings of Andy Warhol movies, and avant- garde films by Kenneth Anger and Stan Brakhage. All this on a single stroll that is filled
with excitement and expectations— his, and those of the audiences queuing up at the theaters. And, what is important, right at the beginning of his article he describes the young man: “Under one arm, he’s carrying books. In his other hand, a copy of The Village Voice.” Here he describes everyone, himself, Dan Talbot, me, and the audiences: we were all reading books, and we looked out for the latest reviews of films in the Village Voice, New York Times, and New Yorker magazine.
It is not just that film culture has almost vanished; the picture is much bigger than that. Hardly anyone reads books anymore, and this is a cultural trend that started long before the arrival of the internet, where much of the written discourse in the social media has degenerated into tweets, Facebook posts, and monosyllabic exchanges embellished with emojis. At universities, for example,
even the departments of classics, where students read poetry, philosophy, and the tragedies of Greek and Roman antiquity, find it hard to make the students read at all. Through a friend who teaches classics at a renowned university, I have seen texts written by graduate students who can barely express a simple thought in a few coherent sentences. It is therefore no surprise to see statistics that tell us that today 40 percent of high school students are functionally illiterate.
Yes, they can read, but they cannot understand the text or put it into context, like recognizing something as satire or as fake news.
Over the last decades, almost all print media have abolished their film critics.
There are only a very few left who seriously write about cinema; all the rest have shifted to celebrity news. The last mammoths are gone: Roger Ebert, Amos Vogel, Lotte Eisner. And gone are the days when on prime- time TV Gore Vidal and Norman Mailer would fight their battles over the course of the Great American Novel. Scorsese correctly points out that “the art of cinema is being systematically devalued, sidelined, demeaned, and reduced to its lowest common denominator, ‘content.’” The term “content” in the jargon of the film industry means the profitability of a streamlined, conformist, and safe product, and a screenplay is called not a screenplay but a “property.”
Where are those days? Where is the new Dan Talbot? Why do we not have his New Yorker Theater any longer? I am not in the mood of mourning, or in the mood of complaint. We have to celebrate him and the culture, the collective excitement, that he fearlessly steered through cliffs, and storms, and treacherous whirlpools. I personally owe him the discovery and the release of all my early films. Aguirre, the Wrath of God opened at the Cinema Studio, and it was my breakthrough in the United States. Many of my other films followed, but
I am indebted to him in particular for his appreciation of Land of Silence and Darkness, which held a very special place in his heart, as it does in mine.
The entire pantheon of films that were made in eternity and for eternity appeared on Dan’s screens, where, as Bernardo Bertolucci phrased it, “there are no more national identities, no more classes . . . they are the Cathedrals of Collective
Dreams.” He helped revive Satyajit Ray’s The Apu Trilogy, which had been dormant on shelves for a decade, and he wrote about these films in the most inspired terms. If there is anything that has greatness in cinema, it is this work, no matter what culture is yours, no matter what the intellectual trends may be, no matter to which age group you belong. There are films for which I would like to bow to Dan, and then hug him hard: Pickpocket by Bresson, The Tree of Wooden Clogs by Ermanno Olmi, Tokyo Story (and eleven other films)
by Yasujiro Ozu; the films by the French New Wave, François Truffaut, Godard, Claude Chabrol, Jean Eustache; the films of the New German Cinema, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Wim Wenders, Volker Schlöndorff, my own films; those of the Brazilian Cinema Novo, Glauber Rocha, Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Ruy Guerra; Iranian films by Abbas Kiarostami; Shoah by Claude Lanzmann. This film, nine hours long, was almost impossible to “market,” but Dan showed it. It found almost universal praise by reviewers, and a rabbi came all the way from
a small town in New Jersey and obstinately would not leave afterward, rocking in prayer against a wall, because he was blessing the theater. Only one voice was against the film, Pauline Kael, one of the really important critics. Dan immediately
confronted her, and I loved him for this.
I have very fond personal memories of Dan. Our various meetings at the Cannes Film Festival in the 1970s; in Munich, where he and Toby, his wife, who edited this book, came to visit me (my first- born son was a toddler at that time). We became personally known to each other. Whenever I was in New York, I would drop by his distribution company, New Yorker Films, and simply walk in unannounced and grab a chair while he was in discussion with his staff about the next programs. Our deals were written as memos, less than a page long, like handshakes, and I never had to regret a single one of these contracts.
What can we, the filmmakers, do in a world that has shifted to the internet? Try to give it more depth? Fill it with content that challenges the “content” of the industry? I must clarify that I am not against the internet, I am very much for it, as long as we learn how to use it in a better way than in its present, early, chaotic days. Meanwhile, everything points in the direction of monopolies, as in late capitalism. We shall inevitably be a minority, but film culture will not die out. Even Scorsese sees clearly that his films that have had their run in theaters are alive and available on the internet. My films that New Yorker Films distributed are all present and reachable through the internet, on streaming platforms, and through my own production company. A young audience is articulating itself. Many of the emails that I receive come from very young people in obscure places, and they start to contact each other and point out the excitement of films I made when their parents were not even born yet. We should not battle the internet. We have to do everything to improve it. But it needs courage, long- range perspectives, and the spirit of men like Dan Talbot. “Film distribution is not a normal, rational business. It is an ongoing craps game played by lunatics like me who are possessed by a love of cinema,” remarks Dan in this book, and I am looking around as hard as I can, and there are no more lunatics. But he remains a point of orientation. I see him, the lighthouse that shows us the harbor in the dark. I embrace him. I miss him. And I will not stop singing his praise.
В книге есть также небольшая глава о Херцоге
скрытый текст
On a flight to Berlin in 2014, I began reading Werner Herzog:
A Guide for the Perplexed: Conversations with Paul Cronin.
The book offers Herzog’s observations on the art and craft
of filmmaking as well as his descriptions of what occurred while making his
films. His text on the making of Fitzcarraldo is mesmerizing: an account of
the dangers and harrowing conditions of a visionary (played by no less than
Klaus Kinski) intent on hauling a three- deck, 320- ton ship across rivers and up
a small mountain to fulfill a dream of opening an opera house in a small city
in the jungle, with Caruso singing. Any aspiring filmmaker would do well
to read this book about obsessions and challenges.
I went to Munich to meet Herzog in the early 1970s. I wanted to take on
whatever he made for my burgeoning distribution company, New Yorker Films.
By the end of the decade, I’d made arrangements with him for at least six
films. Aguirre, the Wrath of God gave him international notoriety, and it was
one of our highest- grossing films when we opened it at the Cinema Studio. Who
can forget that scene of the mad conquistador (again Klaus Kinski!), floating
down the river on a raft, in quest of El Dorado, amid chattering monkeys?
Werner never went to film school. An autodidact, with enormous curiosity
about strange places and strange folk, he has regularly shuttled between documentary
and fiction. The Great Ecstasy of the Sculptor Steiner captures in beautiful
slow motion the death- defying leaps of the world’s greatest ski jumper. For
La Soufrière, Herzog goes down to Guadalupe to film a volcano about to
erupt— it never did. How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck is about a competition in Pennsylvania of mile- a- minute calls of livestock auctioneers. For
me, one of his greatest films is Land of Silence and Darkness. The central character
is Fini Straubinger, a remarkable fifty- six- year- old deaf- blind woman who
travels all over Germany to act as a consultant and morale booster for her fellow
inhabitants in the land of silence and darkness. It’s a poetic documentary
unlike any that has ever been made. I urge everyone to see this film. Herzog
surely has a masterpiece or two more up his sleeve.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
December 24, 1975
Dear Werner:
The reason I have not written to you sooner is that I was waiting to screen
Aguirre, the Wrath of God, which I was finally able to do. (I screened the 16mm.
print which Goethe House had here for their showing— the English- dubbed
version). Dubbing always turns me off and for the first ten minutes of the film
I was a bit worried about the dubbing but once I got into the film, I did not
mind it. In a word, the film is superb. You have every right to feel the way you
do about this film. It has an utterly hypnotic quality to it, a tremendous sense
of the primordial, of a subterranean dreamlife.
I would be very honored to distribute the film. Given the theatrical market
in the States at this time, I do think it would be difficult. As to the university
market, I have no doubts. I am sure it will work there over a period of
I am writing to you with a proposal, rather than Cine International, because
I was a bit put off by the way they handled Kaspar Hauser here. (This is in confidence.)
Also, believe it or not, Rugoff has still not seen Aguirre. He has been
sitting with the 35mm. print for over six weeks. I have called him repeatedly
and asked for the print after his screening and he keeps putting me off. I spoke
with him this morning and I had to pretend that I did not see the film since I do not want to be put in the position where once he learns that I am interested
in the film, he will want to take it on automatically just because I want
it— even though he may not like it. You know that he does not like Kaspar
Hauser and he was prevailed upon by Coppola, so can you imagine what he
will think of Aguirre? I am writing this to you very openly and trust that you
will keep all this confidential.
I should like to make a contract with you on Aguirre, using the same terms
and conditions on all our other contracts, except that I would be willing to
advance $2,000 as a guarantee on Aguirre. You understand that the real cost
of distributing the film will be in prints and promotion. Would it be possible
to get the German- language version with English subtitles? I think this would
be better for our market.
In any case, do let me know what you think. Then, when I hear from you
on this I will write to you about print preparation on all the other films we
have together.
It really was both an honor and a pleasure to meet you. I do indeed admire
your work. You are certainly among the most uncompromising filmmakers
in the world today. And with such a special vision!
Warmly—Daniel Talbot
книга - в раздаче N.B. Также еще в 2010 году вышла автобиография жены Талбота Тони - Toby Talbot - "The New Yorker Theater and Other Scenes from a Life at the Movies"
ВНИМАНИЕ! Большое обновление раздачи!!! 1) Удалено упоминание имени Кински в названии раздачи и удалена папка с его книгами. 2) Добавлены книги на русском Вернер Херцог - 1978 О хождении во льдах Мюнхен — Париж. 23.11–14.12 1974 год (Индивидуум Принт, 2023).fb2
Вернер Херцог - 2022 Сумерки Мира (Индивидуум Принт, 2023).fb2
Вернер Херцог - 2023 Каждый за себя, а Бог против всех. Мемуары.epub Скан книги - Пол Кронин - "Знакомьтесь, Вернер Херцог" (2010).djvu 3) В папку писательских работ Херцога добавлены Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (2014).epub (вместо mobi)
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (1980) (скан книги)
Werner Herzog - Of Walking in Ice (Diary Records 1974) (2015).pdf (заменен на меньшего размера) Werner Herzog - Conquest of the Useless. Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo (2010) (скан книги)
Werner Herzog - 2023 Every Man for Himself and God Against All.epub
Werner Herzog - 2023 Every Man for Himself and God Against All.pdf 4) В папку книг о Херцоге добавлены Joshua Lund - Werner Herzog (2020).epub
The Philosophy of Werner Herzog (2020).epub 5) В папку сценариев Werner Herzog - 1984 Burden of Dreams.Screenplay, Journals, Reviews, Photographs.pdf
6) В папку интервью Jonathan Cott - Forever Young. Interveiws (1977).pdf Paul Cronin - Herzog on Herzog (2003) (var).pdf (вариант скана меньшего размера)" 7) Создана папка Various В нее добавлены книги: Daniel Talbot, Werner Herzog (Foreword) - In Love with Movies.From New Yorker Films to Lincoln Plaza Cinemas (2022).pdf - мемуары владельца знаменитого кинотеатра в америке, который начал показывать фильмы Херцога
Daniel Talbot ran the New Yorker Theater in the early 1960s and started the distribution company New Yorker Films in 1965 with “Before the Revolution,” among Bernardo Bertolucci’s earliest films. “I had no interest in distribution,” Talbot told Variety in 2009. “I made him a very small offer and I got the film, and that was the beginning of New Yorker Films.” Other releases included Louis Malle’s “My Dinner With Andre” and films by Jean-Luc Godard, Werner Herzog and Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Mark Kermode - It's Only a Movie. A Cinematic Autobiography 'Inspired by Real Events' (2010).pdf (см. Глава I shot Werner Herzog)
"Для всех тех, кто вырос, веря, что "Планета обезьян" объясняет все, что нужно знать о политике, что "Слейд в пламени" был жестоким разоблачением мира поп-музыки, а "Изгоняющий дьявола" раскрыл смысл жизни, то вы, вероятно, провели слишком много лет своего становления в кино. Вполне вероятно, что вскоре вы поняли, что для вас открыта только одна карьера - стать кинокритиком. В фильме "Это всего лишь кино" несравненный Марк Кермоуд переносит нас в странный мир жизни, которую вы проживаете на широком экране. Присоединяйтесь к нему, когда он отправится в захватывающее путешествие по бывшему Советскому Союзу в поисках малобюджетного фильма ужасов "Темные воды", съежитесь, когда Хелен Миррен вручит ему премию BAFTA, порадуйтесь, когда его выгонят с Каннского кинофестиваля за то, что он ругался на очень плохом французском, и не забудьте ахнуть, когда в него стреляют во время интервью с Вернером Херцогом на Голливудских холмах. Написанные с саркастическим остроумием и ироничным юмором, эти захватывающие кинематографические мемуары действительно "вдохновлены реальными событиями"."
Документальный фильм "Werner Herzog - Radical Dreamer" (2022), созданный к 80-ти летию Херцога стал доступен к просмотру в сети в 1080p - на английском языке с англ.субтитрами. См. поиском по ВК или ОК видео, или на западных трекерах. https://www.wernerherzog.com/films-on-werner-herzog.html
Документальный фильм Wavelength «Вернер Херцог: Радикальный мечтатель» оказался очень популярным. Лауреат премии "Эмми" кинопроизводственная компания, возглавляемая Дженифер Вестфаль, объявила сегодня о Shout! Studios приобрела права на распространение фильма в США, а MetFilm приобрела международные права. Томас фон Штайнекер написал и снял документальный фильм о Херцоге, легендарном немецком режиссере, который воплотил в жизнь десятки фильмов, включая «Агирре», «Гнев Божий» (1972), «Носферату-вампир» (1979), «Фицкарральдо» (1982) и документальные фильмы «Человек гризли». (2005), «Пещера забытых мечтаний» (2010) и «Встреча с Горбачевым» (2018). Согласно сообщению, фильм фон Штайнекера «представляет собой исчерпывающий портрет культового артиста нашего времени и включает интервью с Робертом Паттинсоном, Николь Кидман, Хлоей Чжао, Кристианом Бэйлом и другими». «Благодаря эксклюзивному закулисному доступу к повседневной жизни Герцога, редким и никогда ранее не публиковавшимся архивным материалам, а также подробным интервью с самим человеком и знаменитыми сотрудниками, мы получаем захватывающий взгляд на его деятельность и личную жизнь». (...) Wavelength заявляет, что этот фильм является «первым и единственным документальным фильмом о легендарном авторе Вернере Херцоге, снятым совместно с номинированной на «Оскар» и обладательницей «Эмми» продюсерской компанией Spring Films и немецкой продюсерской студией 3B». Премьера фильма состоялась в Теллурайде в прошлом году в рамках празднования 80-летия Херцога».