Olu6ka · 06-Май-11 12:27(13 лет 10 месяцев назад, ред. 08-Май-11 06:00)
Страна: USA Год выпуска: 2011 Жанр: фитнес Язык: Английский Перевод: Отсутствует Продолжительность: Указана отдельноОписание: URX-MT - Urban Rebounding Extreme Metabolic Training Весело, неожиданно, оригинально! 13 тренировок от ХИТ инструкторов Европы и США на мини батуте! Каждая подстегнет ваш метаболизм до невероятных значений! И реально приблизит исполнение вашего желания - построение тела, о котором мечтали!Прыжки помогают избавиться от 600-900 ккал в час. Но не каждый может прыгать на гладкой поверхности пола, ведь это чревато травмами суставов. Мини-батут дает вам безопасность и амортизацию. А еще работа на нем дополнительно нагружает пресс. Тренировка на мини-батуте рекомендуется тем, кто не просто хочет похудеть, но и уменьшить объем талии. Ведь этот снаряд – один из немногих кардиотренажеров, который способен нагрузить поперечную мышцу живота. Если она в тонусе – талия становится более узкой. Дополнительно прыжки на мини-батуте стабилизируют позвоночник, улучшают осанку, укрепляют все мышцы ног. Данные программы помогут вам избавиться от лишнего жира и ускорить обмен веществ в покое, ведь вы будете не только выполнять аэробные упражнения, но и поработаете с мышцами всего тела в режиме функциональной силовой тренировки.Если у вас есть проблемы с опрно-двигательным аппаратом, советую быть осмотрительными при выборе упражнений и движений в своих тренировках! В данных видео присутствуют прыжки с гантелями на полу, что не является лучшим выбором при вышеназванных проблемах! И вообще, - тренировки (хоть и получили статус средний/продвинутый) нацелены на серьезно подготовленную аудиторию!Качество: DVDRip Формат: AVI 1.0 (VFW 1.1) Видео кодек: DivX Codec 6.2.5 Аудио кодек: AC3 Dolby Digital Видео: DivX 5, 672 x 372, 16/9, 1 200 Kbps, 29.970 fps, 0.160 b/px Аудио: AC3, 192 Kbps, CBR, 48.0 KHz, 2 ch. За подарок - бесконечное спасибо волшебнице Liefje!
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URX MT D1 - Gay Gasper - Total Body Metabolic Strength Conditioning = 51:43
Total Body Metabolic Strength Conditioning with Gay Gasper - An Interval Urban Rebounding workout combining cardio bursts with total body strength exercises using malleable sand weights. The constant movement in combination with compound strengthing exercises tap into the metabolic system, resulting in quicker fitness results.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Warm-up: 5.5 minutes (cardio & rhythmic stretch), Workout: 43.5 minutes (cardio & toning), Cardio: 33.5 minutes, Toning: 10 minutes, Cool-down: 2 minutes (stretch)
Cardio Metabolic Circuit with Greg Sims - A powerhouse Extreme Urban Rebounding Workout that uses interesting cardio patterns with yoga circuits and strength intervals. The combination of cardio rebounding, strength with the malleable sandweights, and your own body weight, and balance and flexibility work taps into the body’s metabolic system resulting in a long lean body.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Workout: 45 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), Cool-down: 4 minutes (stretch)
Metabolic Interval & Circuits with Greg Cook - This Exteme Urban Rebounding workout moves through five insane sets of one minute mixed intervals on and off the Urban Rebounder. The workout features sprints, squats, plyo push-ups, and rebounding exercises, each performed ten times. This workout builds power and taps into the body’s metabolic system, representing the new way to train effectively and burn maximum calories.Fitness Level: Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder
Warm-up: 5 minutes (toning); Workout: 41.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals) - 36 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), 5.5 minutes (abs), Cool-down: 2 minutes (stretch)
URX MT D4 Keli Roberts Maximum Metabolic Interval = 49:31
Maximum Metabolic Interval with Keli Roberts - This workout has high intensity anaerobic intervals with amazing choreography, making it challenging and a whole lot of fun. The fast paced intervals, creative rebounding moves, and strength moves with the malleable sand weights fire up the body’s metabolic system and muscle awareness to achieve an overall well toned body.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Warm-up: 5 minutes (cardio); Workout: 38.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), 35.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), 3 minutes (abs); Cool-down: 5 minutes (stretch)
Cardio Metabolic Interval with Gay Gasper - This Extreme Urban Rebounding workout has four intense cardio interval patterns. The workout tests your maximum cardio output by alternating between cardio and strength exercises using malleable sand weights. This workout taps into the body’s metabolic system because of the constant movement on and off the Urban Rebounder and the demands of the strength conditioning exercises.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Warm-up: 3.5 minutes (cardio & rhythmic stretch); Workout: 52.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals) - 43 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), Abs: 9.5 minutes, Cool-down: 1 minute (stretch)
Metabolic Cardio & Yoga Intervals with Greg Cook - An Extreme Urban Rebounding Workout that uses interesting cardio patterns with yoga circuits and strength intervals. This workout combines all the elements of cardio rebounding, strengthening with the malleable sandweights, and your own body weight, and balance and flexibility work. This workout taps into the body’s metabolic system resulting in a lean strong body.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Workout: 47 minutes (cardio-toning & dynmaic yoga intervals), Cool-down: 3.5 minutes (rhythmic stretch)
URX MT D7 - Keli Roberts - Poly Performance Metabolic Plyometric Circuits = 52:05
Poly Performance Metabolic Plyometric Circuits with Keli Roberts - The workout features intervals, plyometrics, and strength and balance exercises that will train the body to move more effectively and improve overall coordination and balance. This workout will build inner strength and endurance through dynamic movement drills that build speed and explosive plyometric power, tapping into the metabolic system and developing a lean and fit body.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder
Warm-up: 4 minutes (cardio); Workout: 48.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals) - 43 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), 5.5 minutes (abs); Cool-down: 3 minutes (stretch)
Metabolic Strength Cardio Interval with Patrick Goudeau - This Extreme Urban Rebounding workout uses the rebounder as a separate weight bench, core board, and of course a Rebounder. This crazy, intense interval workout will challenge all the muscles of the body and work on the body’s metabolic system to give you a lean and toned body.Fitness Level: Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder
Warm-up: 1 minute (cardio); Workout: 42 minutes - Cardio: 26 minutes, Toning: 16 minutes; Cool-down: 2 minutes (stretch)
Extreme Metabolic Cardio Blast with JB Berns - This workout has high intensity anaerobic intervals with amazing choreography, making it challenging and a whole lot of fun. The fast paced intervals, creative rebounding moves, and strength moves with the malleable sand weights fire up the body’s metabolic system and muscle awareness to achieve an overall well toned body.Fitness Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Warm-up: 4.5 minutes (cardio); Workout: 43.5 minutes (cardio & abs) - 39 minutes (cardio), 4.5 minutes (abs), Cool-down: 3.5 minutes (stretching)
Kick Box Metabolic Interval with Amy Bento - This Extreme Urban Rebounding workout kicks it up a few notches by combining true Kick box moves on and off the rebounder. The workout also uses the malleable sand weights to increase the intensity of the already intense nature of kick boxing and rebounding. The workout intervals of kick boxing, strength and kick boxing with the weights taps into the metabolic system to get optimum fitness results.Fitness Level: Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Warm-up: 4.5 minutes (cardio), Workout: 36 minutes (cardio-toning intervals) - 31 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), Abs: 5 minutes, Cool-down: 12 minutes (stretch)
Core Metabolic Cardio with Patrick Goudeau - This Extreme Urban Rebounding Workout gives you the perfect cardio and core workout all in one. This workout has intervals of Urban Rebounding cardio moves alternating with unique core exercises on therebounder. This combination of cardio and core training together will reach into the body’s metabolic system to achieve fitness results.Fitness Level: Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder
Warm-up: 3.5 minutes (cardio & stretch) ,Workout: 44 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), Cool-down: 2.5 minutes
URX MT D12 - Gregg Cook - High Intensity Metabolic Circuit with Resistance Bands = 50:34
High Intensity Metabolic Circuit with Resistance Bands with Greg Cook - This super challenging program utilizes specially designed Urban Rebounding resistance bands to enhance the effect of this full body muscle endurance cardio workout. Combining the resistance bands (that connect to the rebounder) with cardio rebounding, squats, push-ups, and multi joint exercises activates the body’s metabolic system, resulting in greater calories burned and a fitter body.Fitness Level: Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Resistance Bands
Warm-up: 5.5 minutes (cardio); Workout: 42.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals) - 37.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), 5 minutes (abs); Cool-down: 1 minute (stretch)
Boot Camp Metabolic Interval with Amy Bento - This Super Extreme Urban Rebounding workout trains the body like no other workout to date. Get ready to be pushed, like you were at an actual boot camp session. The intervals of rebounding, speed, compound exercises, and strengthening movements combined with malleable sand weights push your body to extreme limits and taps into the metabolic system to get optimum fitness results.Fitness Level: Advanced
Equipment Needed: Rebounder, Very Light Hand Weights
Warm-up: 5 minutes (cardio & stretch); Workout: 44.5 minutes (cardio-toning intervals) - 41 minutes (cardio-toning intervals), Abs: 3.5 minutes; Cool-down: 1.5 minutes (stretch)
Мини-трамплин прекрасно стимулирует лимфоток, помогая лимфе очищаться и выполнять свою миссию в организме.
Почти все виды фитнеса (бег, командные виды спорта, плавание, подъем весов,...) выполняются в горизонтали.
А когда вы прыгаете, тело двигается вертикально, в то время как сила гравитации давит на нас - постоянные движения вверх-вниз вызывают колебание каждой клетки тела. - Движения вверх-вниз эффективно способствуют не только движению и циркуляции лимфы, но и кровотоку.
Таким образом, стимулируя движение крови, прыжки на батуте оказываются полезными и для сердца.
Болезни сердечно-сосудистой системы, такие как варикоз, могут быть предотвращены или приостановлены благодаря прыжкам на мини-батуте. - Улучшение лимфотока и движения клеток могут также улучшить состояние при артритах и помочь выведению токсинов из организма. - Также сопротивление гравитации по время прыжков способствует укреплению костной ткани, а значит помогает предотвратить или замедлить развитие остеопороза. - Прыжки на мини-трамплине усиливают мышцы сфинктера и таким образом, улучшают работу кишечника.
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Olu6ka, огромное Вам человеческое спасибо.........еще 7 минуток.......а с раздачи никогда не ухожу.......безлимит у меня..........да и времени дома много провожу........ спасибо всем откликнувшимся.........))))