Keith Weber - The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout [Гиревой спорт, DVDRip]

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baybo · 22-Июн-09 17:49 (15 лет 7 месяцев назад)

Keith Weber - The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout
Страна: США
Жанр: Гиревой спорт
Продолжительность: 59 min.
Язык: английский
Описание: 7 непродолжительных, интенсивных комплексов упражнений с гирями и собственным весом от Кейта Уэбера.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll experience when you dive into Keith Weber's brutal shakedown:
The Manmaker
Bang off with a series of challenging, hi-octane drills: 10 thrusters/side, 10 clean and presses/side, then 10 OH squats/side, 10 windmills/side, and finally 10 swings or snatches/side.
The Upper Body Blast
Continue with a blistering series of upper body oriented exercises strung together in push-pull fashion in order to prevent over-emphasizing one particular movement pattern and to avoid burning out too early. One side of the body, preferably the non-dominant side, is worked first, then the other. Places deliberate and unforgiving stress on the respiratory muscles. The exercises include, in order, windmills, push presses, cleans, clean and presses, rowing, pushups, upright rowing, then finally the hot potato drill.
The Leg Burner
You ain't kidding! If you're not ready for this you could feel like you'd sucked on gasoline then thrust a burning torch down your throat. Could be called the lung burner as well because of the intensity of this series. Just be prepared… 10 overhead sq/side, 10 squat kicks/side, 10 overhead lunges/side, 10 tactical lunges/side, 10 swings/side, and finally 20 bodyweight squats.
The Swing Workout
Still standing? Then pound out a series of swing variations interspersed with the hot potato drill to allow the hip and thigh muscles to recover slightly, while keeping the heart rate high and working the core in a different way. The swing variations include one handed swings, high pulls, clean and presses, cleans, then back to standard swings. The clock says it only took 6:45, but you'll swear the clock lied as every cell in your body screams for relief…
The Slingshot
But wait, there's more savagery to be enjoyed: between the legs pass variation of the Slingshot is performed between sets of 2 handed drills including squats, overhead push presses, tactical lunges, thrusters. That'll teach you!
The Turkish Getup
A "nice" way to finish off. 5 sets per side consisting of 2 getups, 2 overhead squats, 2 windmills, then 10 swings (2 handed) before switching sides and repeating the sequence. A good focus training as it is difficult to breathe, concentrate on form, and keep pushing through the fatigue at this stage of the training session. Also a dynamite routine done on its own.
Core Workout/Cooldown
Administer the final smacks to your battered body with this highly demanding routine cunningly crafted to scorch the pre-fatigued core muscles as well as hammer the last remnants of your cardiovascular system. This workout is unorthodox in the sense that the reps are high relative to what would be recommended for pure strength purposes. Live with it!
Качество: DVDRip
Видео: Xvid 720x480 29.97fps 1660 kbps
Аудио: MPEG Audio Layer 3 48000Hz stereo 128Kbps
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

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rerov · 31-Май-10 19:24 (спустя 11 месяцев)

Отличная тема, хотелось бы увидеть ещё что нибудь подобное!
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Olu6ka · 21-Окт-10 12:15 (спустя 4 месяца 20 дней)

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Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

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Римма82 · 19-Мар-14 16:02 (спустя 3 года 4 месяца, ред. 19-Мар-14 16:02)

Отличная гиревая тренировка! Время пролетает незаметно, никаких прыжков, нужны минимум места в квартире и гиря. Использую 8 кг гирю, но если бы была возможность приобрела бы 6 кг и 12 кг.
Как новичку в гиревом фитнесе тяжело делать турецкий подъем с 8 кг гирей , поэтому училась с 2 кг гантелей. Сейчас 2*2кг гири в плотном мешке заменяют 4 кг гирю .
Пока еще не научилась правильно делать подъемы, остаются синяки на предплечьях. Поэтому иногда заменяю их на свинги. Ритм тоже выбираю свой, не стремлюсь успеть за ведущим.
Можно комбинировать тренировку под себя и под свое время, можно 15 минут в день, а можно полностью сделать всю.
Спасибо огромное раздающему и тем, кто поддерживает раздачи!
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Стаж: 15 лет 2 месяца

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SAY2010 · 19-Мар-14 21:40 (спустя 5 часов)

Римма82 писал(а):
63339591Отличная гиревая тренировка!
Тогда попробуйте еще Scott Sonnon - Official Kettlebell Foundation и Paul Katami - Kettlebell Drills. Мне особенно вторая тренировка нравится. После нее ходить пару дней тяжело
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Стаж: 14 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 168

Римма82 · 20-Мар-14 16:48 (спустя 19 часов)

Спасибо за наводку на Пола Катами, лежит скаченная, надо попробовать. А Соннона надо скачать, спасибо.
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Стаж: 13 лет 7 месяцев

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BlowUkraine · 18-Мар-15 13:18 (спустя 11 месяцев, ред. 18-Мар-15 13:18)

Подскажите, эти комплексы все в одну тренировку делать, или как у Стива Котера по дням разбивать надо?
Уже понял что в одну))
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Стаж: 16 лет 8 месяцев

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Igorekk76 · 10-Янв-19 11:39 (спустя 3 года 9 месяцев)

Keith Weber советует сочетание комплексов, которые он использует лично, для тренировки из 1-го и 2-го видео.
скрытый текст
I have had requests for some time now from athletes who have been using my DVDs as part of their fitness regimens to lay out a program that combines the 2 DVDs. Personally I enjoy combining the workout chapters from each quite frequently to add variety and challenge to my training sessions.
The biggest difference is that the second DVD has more chapters where the rep count is lower, allowing the volume to be higher, and potentially allowing the user to go a bit heavier. The first DVD is more of series of wind sprints with a range of exercises.
Having said all of that, here is my favourite way to use both DVDs together.
There are essentially 4 warm-up chapters on the 2 DVDs depending on your perspective. On the first DVD I often like to do chapter 4, the swing workout, to warm up, while on the second, the flow and the cardiovascular chapter are great dynamic warm ups. I like to do the 5 Rites as features on the first chapter daily, preferably first thing in the morning.
Pick one of these depending on your mood, maybe grab a lighter KB if you're tired, and do a warm up that will really prep you for an intense session.
OK, here are some combos that I like to use myself:
Upper Body Blast from EKC1
Ladder EKC2
Grind EKC2
Upper Body Blast (again)
Finish with Turkish Getup Routine EKC1
This takes under an hour and really gets the shoulder going.
Squat Series EKC2
Lunge Series EKC2
Leg Burner EKC1
Repeat 1-3 times, finish strong with Chapter 4- Swing Workout EKC1
Man Maker EKC1
The Test EKC2
Swing Workout EKC1
Slingshot EKC1
Ladder Workout EKC2
The Test
Squat Series
Lunge Series
Leg Burner
Man Maker
The Grind
Turkish Getup
This is a fun way to test your stamina and willingness to push through.
Here is a suggested 6 week program I have used successfully that will provide you with progression and variety in your training. I did not indicate warm-up or core as I know we are all responsible adults and will include these accordingly!
M- First three chapters of EKC1
T- Cardiovascular, squat, lunge chapters of EKC2
W- Off/Active Recovery
TH- Swing, slingshot, and getup chapters from EKC1
F- Ladder, grind, and test from EKC2
M- Chapter 4-7 EKC2
T- Chapter 2,3 EKC2 then Chapter 4,5 EKC1
TH- First three chapters EKC1
F- Test x2, getup chapter
M- Upper Body 1
W- Lower Body 1
F- Best of Both Worlds
M- Upper Body 1
W- Lower Body 1
F- Ultimate Challenge
M- Chapter 1-5 EKC1
W- Chapter 4-8 EKC2
F- Best of Both Worlds
M-First three chapters EKC1
W- Last three chapters of EKC2
Saturday- Entire EKC1
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