Deep Purple - Rapture Of Kazan - 2006-10-18 (2 DVD5) [2006, Classic Rock, CAMRip]

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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 135

arty19893 · 15-Окт-09 21:01 (15 лет 4 месяца назад)

Deep Purple - Rapture Of Kazan - 2006-10-18 (2xDVD5)
Год выпуска: 2006
Жанр: Classic Rock
Продолжительность: 01:00:25 + 00:50:35
В ролях: The Band:
Ian Gillan - vocals
Ian Paice - drums
Roger Glover - bass
Steve Morse - guitar
Don Airey - keyboards
Описание: Set List:
DVD1 :
01. Snippets from Don Airey Soundcheck
02. Intro
03. Pictures Of Home
04. Things I Never Said
05. Into The Fire
06. Strange Kind Of Woman
07. Rapture Of The Deep
08. No One Came
09. Wrong Man
10. Steve Morse Solo
11. The Well Dressed Guitar
12. When A Blind Man Cries
13. Lazy
DVD2 :
14. Don Airey Solo
15. Perfect Strangers
16. Space Truckin'
17. Highway Star
18. Smoke On The Water
19. Hush
20. Black Night
Доп. информация
Shot from left center stage balcony. This is a high quality video. The audio is pretty good but has a slight bit of distortion at times. The picture is crisp and clear. Sometimes the taper moves the camera around too much. But he usually settles down for a very nice shot.
Ian Paice and Don Airey are on a platform that is 5 steps above the front of the stage where Steve, Roger and Ian are. All three of them climb the steps at different times during the first song. I think Steve wanted to be closer to the speakers to get some feedback. Gillan's voice is in fine shape. It is up front in the mix.
One of the odd things is that Gillan does *no* talking between the first four songs! Then he talks a lot during the next couple of songs - maybe to give Steve some time to re-tune his guitar. Nice to hear No One Came in the set list! Gillan sings it a bit strangely - he adds quite a few words to the lyrics and comes in at odd times. Steve changes guitars for Wrong Man - this is a very heavy number - I really like this one.
Steve plays his Riff Raff as part of his solo. A little GnR, Beatles, Led Zeppelin and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Then straight into TWDG. I always liked it when he played Riff Raff as the lead in to Smoke On The Water. I think Steve once tried to explain that he was honoring SOTW as the song with "The Riff" by doing it that way. But I believe that Gillan told him that he didn't like it there at all and asked him to move it.
Gillan sits down on the front of the stage to sing the first verse of WABMC. At the end of the song someone puts a beautiful bouquet of roses on the stage in front of Steve. Ian picks them up and takes them back stage. The first DVD ends with a nice version of Lazy. Gillan plays a little "Air Hammond". At the end of the song Gillan walks down off the stage to meet a woman and - do what - sign an autograph?
DVD2 opens with Don Airey performing his solo in the dark - the camera finally gets oriented and you can see him playing his keyboards. His solo leads straight into Perfect Strangers. Roger takes center stage with the intro to Space Truckin'. Later he switches sides with Steve.
The stage fills with smoke during Highway Star - but I do not think that Deep Purple provided it - I think the crowd did! The arena is hazy and smoke filled. Gillan gives a few screams and then clucks like a chicken and Morse cracks up laughing just before his big solo.
Steve plays a soft intro to SOTW. The crowd erupts when they hear the main riff. There are no real crowd shots during this video so you can't gauge their level of enthusiasm.
Ian Paice and Don Airey come down the steps to take a bow. Ian tosses his drumsticks into the crowd and then does something rare - he runs back up the steps to get another one and comes back and tosses it into the crowd on Steve's side. But not to a particular person.
The band leaves for a minute or so and comes back for the encore to play Hush. They go right into a Roger Glover bass solo and then Black Night. You can take guitar lessons from Steve on this song! Amazing playing.
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Качество: CamRip
Формат: DVD Video
Видео кодек: MPEG2
Видео: PAL 4:3 (720x576) VBR
Аудио: English (LinearPCM, 2 ch)
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Top Seed 03* 160r

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

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triolan64 · 15-Окт-09 21:08 (спустя 6 мин.)

Спасибо,звук с пульта или камеры?
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Стаж: 16 лет 6 месяцев

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evggbor · 15-Окт-09 21:17 (спустя 8 мин.)

Большое спасибо от нас пенсионеров.Ностальгия,но какая!
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 135

arty19893 · 15-Окт-09 21:22 (спустя 4 мин.)

triolan77 писал(а):
Спасибо,звук с пульта или камеры?
Звук с камеры,но довольно приличный.
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Top Seed 03* 160r

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 1599

triolan64 · 15-Окт-09 21:26 (спустя 4 мин.)

Меню,чаптеры есть? А то кронты будут
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Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 135

arty19893 · 15-Окт-09 21:27 (спустя 1 мин.)

triolan77 писал(а):
Меню,чаптеры есть? А то кронты будут
Все есть.
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Top Seed 03* 160r

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 1599

triolan64 · 15-Окт-09 21:38 (спустя 11 мин.)

Чё стоим,кого ждём?
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 371

Kud-gena · 28-Окт-09 23:58 (спустя 13 дней)

Спасибо ! Как шас помню. В Баскет-Холле.
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Стаж: 16 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 167

darkmckilla · 11-Ноя-09 12:16 (спустя 13 дней)

не знаю, друзья говорили, что в Баскет-холле с акустикой проблемно было. В Тпатнефть арене было лучше со звуком.
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Top Seed 02* 80r

Стаж: 16 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 371

Kud-gena · 01-Фев-10 01:38 (спустя 2 месяца 20 дней)

Звук ужасный был. Хуже некуда!
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Стаж: 17 лет 5 месяцев

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Julik-2506 · 15-Янв-15 00:59 (спустя 4 года 11 месяцев)

Пожалуйста, дайте докачать: совсем чуть-чуть осталось, вишу на 95,5%
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