John O'Neill - The Jazz Method For Saxophone Alto
Автор: John O'Neill
Инструментальная принадлежность: Саксофон-альт
Жанр/Тематика/Направление: Аудио-школа / Джаз
Год выпуска: 2002 (© 1992)
Издательство: Schott Music
ISBN: 1902455002
Язык: английский
Страна: USA
Фoрмат: PDF
Качество: отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 99
Аудиокодек: mp3
Битрейт аудио: 128-219 kbps
Описание: Превосходный джазовый курс для музыкантов всех возрастов. Книга сопровождается плюсами, записанными на компакт-диске. Изначально, вы насладитесь подлинными джазовыми звуками, играющими в компании профессионалов. С инструкцией и тщательно градуируемой прогрессией особенно письменных частей, фундаментальные элементы хорошей техники начаты с ритмичной тонкостью джаза.
Естественно подойдет и трубе и кларнету, начнём с обучаюшего - играем на плюс.
These methods provide complete courses for players of all ages, guiding students from their first note to 'classics', together with compositions by contemporary writers. Each book is accompanied by high quality rhythm section tracks recorded on compact disc. Right from the start, students can enjoy authentic jazz sounds, playing in the company of professionals. With step-by-step instruction and a progression of specially written pieces, the fundamental elements of good technique are introduced alongside the rhythmic subtleties of jazz. Improvisation is encouraged from an early stage and is given direction through the systematic study of scales and arpeggios and advice on ear-training and chord patterns. With supplementary suggestions for listening and reading, and an Appendix containing all the chord progressions for 'live' accompaniment of the tunes, The Jazz Methods are ideally suited to both students working alone and those learning with a teacher.
About the Saxophone
Assembling The Instrument
First Attempts
Breathing Exercises
Tone Quality
The Embouchure
Chapter 1. The Staff; Clefs; Bars and Bar-Lines; Time Signatures; Note Durations; Pulse and Rhythm; Taking a Breath; Metronome Markings; Rests.
Chapter 2. Riffs; Crotchets; The 'Pick-Up'; Repeats; Slurs.
Chapter 3. Low F and E; Dynamic Markings; Crotchet Rests; Ties; Syncopation.
Chapter 4. C# and F#; Sharps, Semitones and Accidentals; Dotted Notes; The Natural Sign; Accents; The pause.
Chapter 5. The Break; Middle D and E.
Chapter 6. Low D and C; Ledger Lines; First and Second Time Bars.
Chapter 7. Scales; Chords; Arpeggios.
Chapter 8. Flats; Side Bb vs. Bisl Bb; Key Signatures; Enharmonic Notes; D.S. al Coda; F above the break.
Chapter 9. G above the break; Improvisation; Relative Keys.
Chapter 10. Ab/G# and Eb/D#; The Chromatic Scale; Alternative F# and C; 3/4 Time; Transposition; Use of Space.
Chapter 11. Ear Training; Intervals; Inversions; Playing by Ear.
Chapter 12. Registers of the Saxophone; Intonation; High Ab, A, Bb, B, C and C#.
Chapter 13. Even Quavers; Beams; Jazz-Rock; D.C. al Fine.
Chapter 14. Triplet Quavers.
Chapter 15. Swing Quavers; To Swing Or Not To Swing?; Anticipation; The Blues Scale/Passing Notes; Repetition.
Chapter 16. Off-Beat Phrases.
Chapter 17. The Dotted Crotchet Followed By A Quaver.
Chapter 18. On-Beat Quaver Followed By Two Off-Beats; Modes; Ascending Melodic Minor Scale.
Chapter 19. The High Register; High D, D#/Eb, E, F and F#; 2/2 or Cut Time.
Chapter 20. Low Db/C#, B and Bb
Chapter 21. Construction and Interrelationship of Major and Minor Scales; Enharmonic Scales; Practising The Scales; Scale Variations; Alternative High E, F and F#
Chapter 22. Consecutive Off-Beats; Staccato.
Chapter 23. Triplet Crotchets.
Chapter 24. Harmony; Diatonic Chords; Chord Symbols; II-V-I Progression; Chord Roots; Voice-Leading.
Chapter 25. Semiquavers; Grace Notes.
Chapter 26. 6/8 Time; 5/4 Time; Irregular Phrasing.
Coda Two Tunes by Charlie Parker.
1 Bibliography
2 Discography
3 Mouthpieces and Reeds
4 Useful Accessories
5 Care of the Instrument
6 Transposition
7 Some Thoughts About Practice
8 Fingering Chart
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